CX: Charter of Charles I confirming charters and rights of the Burgh (1636)

Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Glasgow, 1894.

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'CX: Charter of Charles I confirming charters and rights of the Burgh (1636)', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2, ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'CX: Charter of Charles I confirming charters and rights of the Burgh (1636)', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Edited by J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"CX: Charter of Charles I confirming charters and rights of the Burgh (1636)". Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.

In this section

CX. Charter by King Charles I., whereby he confirmed all the charters, writings, rights, and privileges, previously granted to and enjoyed by the Provost, Bailies, Dean of Guild, Treasurer, Councillors, and Community of the Burgh of Glasgow. Newmarket, 16 October 1636.

[Latin text]

Carolus Dei gratia Magne Britannie, Francie et Hibernie Rex, fideique defensor, omnibus probis hominibus totius terre sue, clericis et laicis, salutem. Sciatis nos nunc, diu post nostram legitimam et perfectam etatem, omnesque nostras revocationes tam speciales quam generales, certiores facti de antiqua erectione burgi nostri de Glasgow per nobilissimos nostros progenitores, dignissime memorie, in vnum integrum burgum regalem, et de summa antiquitate dicti nostri burgi; et quod, virtute et industria eiusdem in extranea negotiatione, ac navigatione mercatorum, burgensium et incolarum eiusdem, reditus et census nostri incrementum acceperint, et illa pars regni nostri divitiis aucta et ad civilitatem redacta sit; et quod dictus burgus, in omnibus communibus sumptibus eiusdem (quales sunt taxationes, impositiones, et exactiones), non exiguam partem oneris-burgis impositi sustineat; et pro presenti sit, ac hisce multis seculis retroactis fuerit precipuus et dignissimus burgus in occidentalibus partibus regni nostri predicti collocatus, ac maxime idoneus, qui statui eiusdem ornamento sit: ac intelligentes etiam prepositum, ballivos, consules, et communitatem dicti burgi nostri et civitatis de Glasgow non pauca egregia opera suscepisse, magnosque sumptus et impensas hisce multis annis elapsis impendisse, reddendo fluvium Glotte, lie river of Clyde, super quo dicta civitas fundata et situata est, pro navibus, cimbis, et naviculis, aliisque vasis, ad importandum et exportandum internas et externas commoditates navigabilem, summo nostrorum liegiorum solatio ibi habitantium, et ad dictas bondas et vicecomitatus eidem proxime adjacentes venientium; proque propagatione et incremento politie reipublice predicti regni nostri Scotie; ac pro emendatione, reparatione, et sustentatione pontis trans dictum fluvium—quod maxime conducit commercio promovendo : ac perpendentes eorum curam et expensas providendo ministrum ad illam ecclesiam infra dictum burgum de Glasgow vocatam lie Blackfreirkirk, eorumque solicitudinem pro reparatione et augmentatione eiusdem, ac provisione ministri ibidem cure inservientis, cum constanti locali stipendio : et similiter in memoriam revocantes quantos sumptus expensas et curam non ita pridem impenderint in edificatione pretorii pro administratione justicie et aliorum negotiorum, ad propagationem reipublice et predicti regni nostri ornamentum; et in edificatione et reparatione illius alterius ecclesie vocate Nove Ecclesie de Glasgow, situate in Trongait eiusdem, cum turre eidem correspondenti; et in reparatione publicarum viarum, et in edificatione et reparatione diversorum pontium trans fluvios et aquas in diversis partibus vt peregrini commodius iter faciant a et ad regnum nostrum Hibernie, aliasque partes infra dictum regnum nostrum Scotie, non solum ad solatium et emolumentum nostrorum liegiorum omnis generis dictorum nostrorum regnorum, verum etiam ad solatium omnium peregrinorum et exterorum istas partes frequentantium; et similiter in edificatione amplarum aularum et fororum pro recipiendo et emendo victuali aliisque commeatibus ad fora devenientibus, et in erectione ampli collasterii, lie Correctioun Hous, pro suppressione scurrarum vagorum, et vt pupilli ac indigi ad opus se accingant: ac etiam considerantes magnos sumptus hactenus impensos, in sustentatione et emendatione magne Metropolitane Ecclesie illius civitatis; et nos memores piorum et laude dignorum operum ad bonum publicum dicti regni nostri tendentium, et vt ijs animus addatur tales bonos conatus prosequendi; necnon pro bono fideli et gratuito servitio nobis nostrisque preclarissimis progenitoribus per prepositum ballivos consules et commumitatem dicti burgi nostri et civitatis de Glasgow, eorumque predicessores, temporibus retroactis prestito et impenso: Igitur nos, cum speciali auisamento et consensu predilecti nostri consanguinei et consiliarii Joannis comitis de Traquair domini Lyntoun et Caberstoun, summi nostri thesaurarii, computorum nostrorum rotulatoris, et collectoris generalis, ac thesaurarii Novarum nostrarum Augmentationum infra regnum nostrum Scotie, necnon reliquorum dominorum nostri scaccarij eiusdem regni nostri nostrorum commissionariorum, ratificasse, approbasse, et hac presenti carta nostra confirmasse, tenoreque eiusdem ratificare, approbare, ac pro nobis et nostris successoribus pro perpetuo confirmare omnes et singulas cartas, infeofamenta, precepta, sasinarum instrumenta, confirmationes, acta, sententias, decreta, donationes, concessiones, mortificationes, jura patronatuum aliaque jura, titulos evidentias et securitates, libertates, commoditates, ac privilegia inibi contenta, de quacunque natura genere et qualitate eedem sunt, factas et concessas prefato nostro burgo et civitati de Glasgow, prepositis, ballivis, decano gilde, thesaurariis, consulibus, et communitati eiusdem, eorumque successoribus, per nos aut quoscunqne alios nostros preclarissimos progenitores, reges, reginas, principes, et senescallos predicti regni nostri Scotie, eorum regentes et gubernatores pro tempore existentes, vel per dominos Supremi Senatus et Collegii Justicie; vna etiam cum omnibus burgorum actis, aliisque juribus, libertatibus et possessionibus per dictum burgum nostrum de Glasgow ullo tempore preterito gavisis, ac ecclesijs, college's, ministris, et hospitalibus infra eundem, de quacunque forma, tenore, et contentis, data seu datis eedem sint. Ac presertim, absque prejudicio generalitatis predicte, Vnam cartam, donationem, et concessionnem, factam et concessam per nobilissimum nostrum progenitorem Alexandrum Scotie Regem de libertatibus et privilegijs dicti burgi nostri, burgensium et incolarum eiusdem, apud Maiden Castell decimo octavo die mensis Junii, et regni sui anno vigesimo sexto; Item aliam cartam per nobilissimum nostrum predicessorem Robertum Regem concessam confirmantem prefatam cartam sub suo magno sigillo, de data decimo quinto die mensis Novembris, et regni sui anno vigesimo tertio; Item quandam aliam cartam datam et concessam per Robertum Regem preposito ballivis consulibus et communitati dicti burgi nostri de Glasgow prefatam cartam confirmantem, et eidem quasdem novas libertates dantem et concedentem, de data apud Scone vigesimo octavo die mensis Julij et regni sui anno decimo octavo; Item aliam cartam per charissimam nostram proaviam, Mariam Scotie Reginam, factam preposito, ballivis, consulibus et communitati dicti burgi nostri de Glasgow, de quibusdam terris, tenementis, ecclesiis, capellis, capellanijs, prebendarijs, altaragijs, aliisque inibi mentionatis, de data decimo septimo die mensis Martii, anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo sexagesimo sexto; Item aliam cartam per quondam nostrum Charissimum patrem perennis memorie sub suo magno sigillo concessam, ratificantem priores donationes, concessiones, privilegia, aliaque in favorem dictorum prepositorum, ballivorum, consulum et communitatis factas et concessas, de data apud Roystoun octavo die mensis Aprilis, anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo vndecimo; Item vnum decretum Parliamenti in favorem dicti burgi nostri de Glasgow pronunciatum, de data vigesimo nono die mensis Novembris, anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo nono, penes eorum libertates in dicto fluvio de Clyde; Item quandam ratificationem dicti decreti, de data primo die mensis Decembris anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo septuagesimo nono; Item quoddam actum secreti consilii in favorem dicti nostri burgi, eorum libertates concernens confectum, de data decimo die mensis Septembris, anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo; Item quoddam actum interloquutorum dominorum Consilii et Sessionis in eorum favorem contra burgum nostrum de Dumbartane datum, de data vigesimo quinto die mensis Julij anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo septimo; Item quoddam decretum dictorum dominorum nostri Consilii et Sessionis concessum in favorem dicti burgi nostri de Glasgow quarto die mensis Junij anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo septuagesimo quinto, penes lie laidill full omnis generis victualium in eorum foris venditorum; Item quandam cartam per quondam nostrum charissimum patrem factam et concessam prefato burgo nostro de Glasgow, preposito, ballivis, consulibus et communitati eiusdem, eorumque successoribus, de totis et integris tenementis, tam constructis quam vastis, hortis, horreis et horreorum hortis, jacentibus extra portam dicti burgi nostri lie Rattounraw Port nuncupatam, octo acris terrarum aut eo circa jacentibus in Deansyde, et de quibusdam acris terrarum jacentibus in Crubbis, Provansyde, et a tergo dictorum horreorum, de data vigesimo primo die mensis Decembris, anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo decimo tertio; Item quandam aliam cartam et donationem per nos nostro sub magno sigillo factam et concessam prefato nostro burgo et civitati nostre de Glasgow, prepositis, ballivis, consulibus et communitati eiusdem, de illa ecclesia, lie Blackfreirkirk nuncupata, situata prope Collegium de Glasgow, et de jure patronatus eiusdem, de data apud Oattis primo die mensis Julij, anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo trigesimo sexto: necnon libertatem, vsum, et possessionem, in quibus dictus burgus noster de Glasgow, et magistratus eiusdem, vllo tempore preterito fuerunt in lie suckining, thirling, et astringendo burgenses et incolas dicti burgi nostri eorum molendinis, ad ipsos pertinentibus sive in proprietate sive tenandria, seu assedatione, et in solutione multurarum, knaifschip et aliarum devoriarum ibidem vllo tempore retroacto: ac etiam libertatem, vsum, et possessionem, quam predictus burgus noster de Glasgow, et magistratus eiusdem habuerunt, eligendi vnum ballivum qui aque presit, lie ane water baillie, infra dictum fluvium de Clyde, vbi mare fluit et refluit, et infra integras bondas eiusdem subtus Pontem de Glasgow, ad lie Clochstane, et corrigendi omnes iniurias et enormitates super dicto fluvio commissas infra bondas eiusdem: In Omnibus et singulis capitibus, articulis, conditionibus et circumstantiis earundem quibuscunque. Et volumus et concedimus quod presens hec nostra confirmatio nunc est, et omni tempore affuturo in se erit, tanti valoris, roboris, efficacie, et effectus omnibus respectibus prefato burgo nostro et civitati de Glasgow, preposito, ballivis, consulibus, burgensibus et communitati eiusdem, eorumque successoribus, ac si omnes et singule prefate carte, infeofamenta, confirmationes, acta, sententie, decreta, concessiones, donationes, mortificationes, jura patronatus, aliaque particulariter et generaliter supramentionata, de verbo in verbum ad longum in hac presenti carta nostra insererentur, penes quod nos pro nobis et successoribus nostris dispensavimus, tenoreque presentis carte nostre dispensamus imperpetuum. Insuper nos in vlteriorem corroborationem eorundem cum avisamento et consensu predicto, pro bono, fideli et gratuito seruitio nobis, nostrisque preclarissimis progenitoribus, per prepositum, ballivos, consules, et communitatem dicti nostri burgi et civitatis de Glasgow, eorumque predicessores, prestito et impenso, et vt ipsis detur melior occasio in dicto servitio perseverandi, De Novo dedimus, concessimus, et disposuimus, et hac presenti carta confirmavimus, tenoreque eiusdem de novo damus, concedimus, et disponimus, ac pro nobis et nostris successoribus pro perpetuo confirmamus preposito, ballivis, consullibus et communitati dicti burgi nostri et civitatis de Glasgow, eorumque successoribus imperpetuum, totum et integrum dictum burgum nostrum et civitatem de Glasgow, cum omnibus et singulis terris, domibus, edificijs, tenementis, hortis, pomariis, ecclesijs, juribus patronatuum, cimiterijs, capellis, capellaniis, decimis, muris, portis, vijs, passagiis, plateis, acris, particatis, lacubus, torrentibus, toftis, croftis, lie infield, outfield, territorio, et communitate eiusdem, molendinis, terris molendinarijs, multuris, sequelis lie sucking et thirlage, dames, inlairis, laidis, et watirgangis, ripis, saxis, salmonum piscarijs, aliisque piscationibus in dicta aqua et fluvio de Clyd, hospitalibus, collasterijs, lie Correction houssis, moris, marresijs, viridarijs, communitatibus, lie lones, pontibus, carbonibus, carnbonarijs, lapicidijs, lapide, calce, annuis redditibus, feudifirmis, devorijs, mansionibus, fructibus, proficuis, emolumentis, fundationibus, donationibus, presentationibus, mortificationibus, lie almes, dailsilver, obites, vnacum omnibus alijs privilegijs et immunitatibus quibuscunque, tam ecclesiasticis quam secularibus, eisderm spec tantibus; jacentibus infra predictum burgum, libertatem, territorium, et jurisdictionem eiusdem: ac cum libertate dicti fluvii de Clyd ex vtroque latere a Ponte de Glasgow ad lie Clochestane; necnon cum libertate et immunitate navium stationum, lie of the Raidis of Inschegreine, New-wark, Pott of the Rig, vel alicujus alterius navium stationis infra dictum fluvium de Clyde inter Pontem de Glasgow et lie Clochstane predictum pro onerando et exonerando mercimonia et bona ad dictum burgum, burgenses et inhabitantes eiusdem spectantia, tam per eos importata et exportata in navibus alijsque vasis huius regni nostri Scotie, quam importata et exportata in navibus ad exteros et peregrinos spectantibus et pertinentibus. Necnon de novo (absque prejudicio eorum priorum jurium) ereximus et incorporavimus, tenoreque presentis carte nostre erigimus et incorporamus prefatum burgum nostrum in vnum liberum Burgum Regalem, cum omnibus et singulis libertatibus, privileges, immunitatibus, et jurisdictionibus, que de juribus et regni nostri consuetudine pertinuerunt, pertinent, aut iuste pertinere poterint ad aliquem liberum burgum regalem : ac cum speciali potestate et libertate preposito, ballivis, consulibus, et communitati, burgensibus et libertis lie friemen dicti burgi nostri, eorumque successoribus imperpetuum, et non aliis quibuscunque (libertis et burgensibus dicti burgi minime existentibus,) habendi, frequentandi, vtendi, et exercendi mercat orialem negotiationem, lie trade and traffique of merchandice, blok, by, cop, sell omne genus mercimoniorum, tam internorum quam externorum, et hoc infra integras bondas dicti nostri Burgi de Glasgow, et baronie de Glasgow, omniumque libertatum et privilegiorum corundem; et fruendi, gaudendi et possidendi infra dictum nostrum burgum et bondas predictas imperpetuum vnum lie Merchant Gildrie, cum curijs decani Gilde, lie gilde courtis, consilij merchris et jurisdictione eiusdem spectantibus, libertatibus et privilegijs earundem, simili modo et adeo libere in omnibus respectibus, sicuti per nos aut predicessores nostros dicto burgo nostro et civitati, aut alicui alii libero burgo regali infra regnum nostrum conceditur, et adeo libere sicuti prepositus, ballivi eiusdem, decanus gilde, et consules, aut eorum aliquis, corumve predicessores, habuerunt, vsi sunt, et exercuerunt dictum officium, burgum, libertates et jurisdictiones eiusdem, mercimonia, et lie gildrie predictum vllo tempore retroacto; ac cum omnibus libertatibus, immunitatibus, privilegijs et exemptionibus que de jusribus huius regni nostri pertinuerunt aut pertinent: ac etiam tenendi, habendi, fruendi, gaudendi, et exercendi hebdomadatim infra dictum burgum nostrum, singulis diebus Lune, Mercurij, et Veneris, vel aliquibus alijs tribus diebus hebdomadatim, sicuti dictis preposito, ballivis et consulibus, cum consensu communi publicaque intimatione eorum publicos et apertos forales dies statuere visum fuerit; vnacum quatuor liberie nundinis quater annuatim, viz., vna earundem decimo tertio die mensis Januarii nuncupato lie twentie day of Yule; secunda earundem annuatim futura in die lie Skyre Thursday nuncupato; tertia annuatim futura super lie Witsoun-Moneday; et quarta earundem annuatim incipienda septimo die mensis Julij, et tenenda et continuanda per spatium octo dierum proxime sequentium, more solito et consueto, vnacum ballivi chirothecis, tollonijs, custumis, omnibusque alijs feodis, privilegijs, immunitatibus et devorijs que ad dicta fora et nundinas, vel aliqua alia fora et nundinas huius regni nostri de jure et consuetudine eiusdem pertinere dignoscuntur, simili modo et adeo libere sicut ipsi, aut eorum predicessores gavisi sunt et possederunt vllo tempore preterito. Preterea nos cum consensu predicto creavimus, fecimus, et constituimus, tenoreque presentis carte nostre creamus, facimus, et constituimus prepositum presentem, et ballivos dicti burgi nostri, eorumque successores, justiciarios pacis infra dictum burgum nostrum de Glasgow, et integrum territorium et libertates eiusdem, et infra dictos portus de Inschegreine, New Wark, et Pott of the Rig; et dedimus, concessimus, et disposuimus, et hac presenti carta nostra confirmavimus, tenoreque eiusdem damus, concedimus et disponimus, ac pro nobis et nostris successoribus pro perpetuo confirmamus predicto burgo nostro de Glasgow, preposito, ballivis, consulibus et communitati eiusdem, imperpetuum collasteria lie Correctioun houssis, noviter per ipsos inibi erecta, vnacum libertatibus, priuilegijs, et immunitatibus eisdem spectantibus; cum potestate ipsis habendi, vtendi et eadem exercendi, similiter et eodem modo sicut dictus burgus noster de Edinburgh, aut aliquis alius burgus infra dictum regnum nostrum vsi sunt, aut talia exercere poterint in futurum: Vna cum etiam illa domo vocata lie Lipper hous et Sanct Ninianis Hospitall nuncupata, cum hortis et pertinentis earundem super australi latere dicti fluvij de Clyde prope Pontem de Glasgow fundata, cum omnibus reditibus, decimis et devorijs eidem spectantibus; cum potestate ipsis, eorumque successoribus, intromittendi et levandi census, decimas, et devorias dicti hospitalis pro sustentatione egrotorum et pauperum in eodem : Vna etiam cum omnibus et singulis minutis custumis quorumcunque bonorum venientium et abeuntium e portis dicti nostri burgi, et venientium et abeuntium per Magnum Pontem eiusdem et a foris eiusdem venientium; cum devorijs et custumis de lie tron dicti burgi nostri, et fororum, lie meil market, beirmarket, saltmercat, flesch mercat, hors mercat, claith mercat, nuncupatorum, et omnium aliorum mercatorialium locorum infra dictum burgum nostrum; ac cum custumis et devorijs dicti Magni Pontis et Viridarij, et omnibus alijs devorijs et exactionibus in quibus ipsi, aut eorum predicessores, nunc sunt, aut in possessione fuerunt, et que in futurum cum consensu consilij et communitatis dicti burgi nostri imponenda contigerint. Nos, itaque, cum consensu supraspecificato, dedimus, tenoreque presentis carte nostre damus plenam potestatem dictis preposito, ballivis et consulibus, enorumque successoribus, de novo, astringendi et cogendi omnes inhabitantes dicti nostri burgi ad eorum molendina and ipsos pertinentia in hereditate vel assedatione, sicuti dicti inhabitantes tempore preterito soliti fuerunt: cum potestate etiam ipsis levandi multuras lie suckin et sequelas dictorum molendinorum; et similiter tales custumas apud omnes portas dicti nostri burgi tempore dictorum fororum et nundinarum exigendi, sicut ipsi exigere consueverunt apud portam Magni Pontis dicti nostri burgi: ac etiam cum potestate dictis magistratibus burgi nostri de Glasgow, eorumque successoribus, eligendi annuatim ballivum qui aque presit, lie ane water baillie, ad corrigendum injurias et enormitates super dicto fluvio committendas infra bondas supraspecificatas. Reservando omnimodo dilecto nostro consanguineo, Jacobo Lennocie duci, et successoribus suis, eorumque ballivis et deputatis, libertates et privilegia durante toto tempore vltime nundinarum nuncupate lie Fair of Glasgow, similiter et eodem modo sicut ipsi temporibus retroactis vsi sunt et consueverunt. Mandando et precipiendo ne aliqua persona seu persone cujusvie generis sive ex regalitate sive regalis fuerit, qui non sunt burgenses dicti burgi, suscipiant, vsurpent, et exerceant, infra libertatem dicti nostri burgi, baroniam et regalitatem de Glasgow, negotiationem mercatorialem lie trad and traffik of merchandice, sive internam sive externam, ad liberum burgum regalem spectantem, sub pena incarcerandi eorum personas, et eorum bona ac merces in escaetam redigendi vbicunque invenientur. Insuper nos cum auisamento et consensu predicto dedimus et concessimus, et hac presenti carta nostra pro perpetuo confirmauimus plenam potestatem commissionem et authoritatem predicto preposito, ballivis et consulibus dicti burgi nostri, eorumque successoribus, acta, statuta et ordinationes pro bono et emolumento dicti nostri burgi, pro defendendis et tuendis libertatibus et privilegijs eiusdem, faciendi et constituendi omnimodo convenientia et non contradicentia legibus et actis nostri Parliamenti, observanda per omnes et singulos burgenses et inhabitantes dicti nostri burgi, et omnes alias personas ibidem venientes et frequentantes, sub talibus penis vt ijs videbitur expediens. Cum potestate ipsis executioni demandandi infra territorium dicti burgi nostri, et infra bondas eorum libertatum et jurisdictionum predicta acta et ordinationes, cum omnibus Parliamenti actis, generalis vel secreti consilij, constitutiones Burgorum, et omnia alia acta, decreta, et sententias data et danda, facta et statuenda in favorem dic tarum libertatum; idque in quantum eadem per leges et acta nostri Parliamenti competunt: et pro meliori executione earundem sedendi, judicandi, et in eisdem decernendi: faciendo, creando, et ordinando ipsos, eorumque successores, judices competentes in hac parte infra omnes bondas predictas: cum potestate ipsis vocandi, prosequendi, arrestandi et incarcerandi personas in contrarium dictorum privilegiorum, actorum et constitutionum venientes, ac eorum bona intromittendi, et in escaetam reducendi, vnam dimidietatem ad vsus nostros, alteram vero dimidietatem ad pios vsus dicti burgi, applicandi, secundum acta et constitutiones acti nostri Parliamenti desuper facti. Sicuti nos, cum avisamento et consensu predicto, dedimus et concessimus, tenoreque presentis carte nostre damus et concedimus liberam potestatem, libertatem et privilegium prefato nostro burgo de Glasgow, burgensibus et inhabitantibus eiusdem negociandi, to lie tred, et traffique, vendendi, et mercimonia faciendi infra omnes partes dicti fluvii et aque de Clyde cum extraneis omnibusque alijsque personis ibidem venientibus et reparantibus; et edificandi portue et navium stationes, propugnacula et lie gittieheidis, ad reddendum dictum fluvium magis navigabilem, infra integras bondas dicti fluvii a dicto Ponte de Glasgow ad lie Clochstane, et ad recipiendum eorum naves, cymbas, et naviculas infra bondas dicti fluvii in quantum estus maximus lie spring-tyde fluit, et ad capien dum lapides et arenam infra aliquam partem dicti fluvij in quantum dictus estus maximus fluit, ad construendum propugnacula, portus, navium stationes, et lie gittieheidis, et ad reparandum et emendandum eadem, et cum eisdem naves suas, cymbas, naviculas, aliaque vasa saburrandum; vna etiam cum potestate et privilegio ipsis exigendi, petendi et levandi anchoragia et lie schoir silver aliasque devorias omnium mercimoniorum, cymbarum, navicularum aliorumque vasorum appellentium apud lie Brwmie Law de Glasgow, vel ad aliquam aliam partem infra dictum fluvium de Clyd secundum vsum et consuetudinem. Et quia satis innotescit consilij nostri et scaccarij dominis, quod prepositi, ballivi, et consules dicti nostri burgi non solum edificarunt et amplificarunt prefatam ecclesiam nuncupatam Novam Ecclesiam de Glasgow, verum etiam eandem cum ministro providerunt, cui pro servitio competens et sufficiens stipendium annuatim reddunt: et nos eorum zeli et pietatis in hac parte memores, Igitur nos cum auisamento et consensu predicto fecimus et constituimus, tenoreque presentis carte nostre facimus et constituimus prepositum, ballivos, consules et communitatem dicti burgi nostri, eorumque successores imperpetuum indubitatos et irrevocabiles hereditarios patronos dicte ecclesie nuncupate Nove Ecclesie, in lie Tronegait dicti burgi, situate; cum libera potestate ipsis eorumque successoribus idoneas et qualificatas per sonas archiepiscopo Glasguensi nunc existenti et qui pro tempore fuerit presentandi pro servitio cure apud dictam ecclesiam, toties quoties eadem per dimissionem, deprivationem, inhabilitatem, aut aliter vacare contigerit, omniaque alia et singula faciendi, vtendi, et exercendi, que ad advocationem, donationem et jus patronatus congrunt. Preterea nos ex nostra certa scientia proprioque motu, cum consensu predicto, vnivimus, annexavimus, et incorporamus, tenoreque presentis carte nostre vnimus, annexamus, et incorporamus predictum nostrum burgum et civitatem de Glasgow, vna cum omnibus terris, tenementis, territorijs, communitatibus lie infeild, outfeild, portibus, navium stationibus, nundinis, foris, molendinis, multuris, sequelis et lie thirlage, ecclesijs, juribus patronatuum, custumis, hospitalibus, collasteriis lie Correctioun Honssis, aliisque particulariter et generaliter supra specificatis, in vnam liberum Burgum Regalem: ac volumus et concedimus quod vnica sasina per prepositum seu vnum aliquem ballivorum dicti burgi nostri apud crucem foralem, seu pretorium eiusdem capienda stabit, et erit perpetua sasina ipsis, eorumque successoribus, consulibus et communitati dicti nostri burgi, absque renovatione dicte sasine, non obstante quod particularia predicta aut eorum quecunque discontigue jacent. Tenendum et Habendum totum et integrum predictum burgum nostrum et civitatem de Glasgow, comprehendentem integras terras, tenementa, territoria, ecclesias, capellas, patronatus, communitates, portus, navium stationes, nundinas, fora, molendina, multuras, lie suckin, custumas, hospitalia, collasteria, aliaque particulariter et generaliter supramentionata, prefatis preposito, ballivis, decano gilde, thesaurario, consulibus, burgensibus et communitati dicti burgi nostri de Glasgow antedicti, eorumque successoribus, de nobis et successoribus nostris, in libero burgagio imperpetuum, per omnes rectas metas suas antiquas et divisas, prout jacent in longitudine et latitudine, in domibus, edificijs, boscis, planis, moris, marresijs, vijs, semitis, aquis, stagnis, rivolis, pratis, pascuis et pasturis, molendinis, multuris, et eorum sequelis, aucupationibus, venationibus, piscationibus, petarijs, turbarijs, carbonibus, carbonarijs, cuniculis, cunicularijs, columbis, columbarijs, fabrilibus, brasinis, bruerijs et genistis, silvis, nemoribus et virgultis, lignis, tignis, lapicidijs, lapide et calce; cum curijs et earum exitibus, hereyeldis, bludevitis, et mulierum merchetis; cum communi pastura, liberoque introitu et exitu; cum furca, fossa, sok, sak, thole, thame, wraik, wair, weth, vert, vennysoun, infangtheiff, outfangtheiff, pit et gallons; ac cum omnibus et singulis suis aliis libertatibus, commoditatibus, proficuis, asiamentis, et iustis suis pertinentiis quibuscunque, tam non nominatis quam nominatis, tam subtus terra quam supra terram, procul et prope, ad dictum burgum spectantibus, seu iuste spectare valentibus quo modolibet in futurum, libere, quiete, plenarie, integre, honorifice, bene et in pace, absque aliquo impedimento, revocatione, contradictione, aut obstaculo aliquali. Reddendo inde annuatim prefati prepositus, ballivi, consules, decanus gilde, burgenses, communitas, et inhabitantes dicti burgi nostri et civitatis de Glasgow, eorumque successores, nobis et successoribus nostris summam viginti mercarum usualis monete regni nostri Scotie ad festa Pentecostes et Sancti Martini in hieme per equales portiones, nomine census burgalis, cum servitiis burgi vsitatis et consuetis: necnon reddendo annuatim reverendisimo in Christo patri, Patricio archiepiscopo Glasguensi, et successoribus suis, summam sexdecim mercarum monete antedicte, ad quamquidem solutionem prefatus burgus noster de Glasgow per priorem eius cartam tenetur. Denique per presentis carte nostre tenorem declaratur et expresse providetur quod presens hec nostra carta et infeofamentum, nec quicquid desuper sequuturum nullatenus prejudicabit aut damnum inferet dicto nostro charissimo consanguineo, Jacobo, Lennocie duci, heredibus suis, aut successoribus, eorumve ballivis et deputatis, penes eorum libertates et privilegia ipsis infra dictum burgum et regalitatem de Glasgow debita, quorum ipsi eorumve predicessores predicti in vsu aut possessione fuerunt vllo tempore preterito. In cuius rei testimonium huic presenti carte nostre confirmationis magnum sigillum nostrum apponi precepimus. Testibus, reverendissimo in Christo patre et predilecto nostro consiliario Joanne Sancti Andree archiepiscopo, primate et metropolitano regni nostri Scotie, nostro cancellario; predilectis nostris consanguineis et consiliariis, Jacobo marchione de Hamiltoun comite Arranie et Cantabrigie, domino Aven et Innerdaill, etc.; Thoma comite de Hadingtoun, domino Bynning et Byris, nostri secreti sigilli custode; Willielmo comite de Stirling, vicecomite de Canada, domino Alexander de Tullibodye, nostro secretario; dilectis nostris familiaribus consiliariis, dominis Joanne Hay de Barro, nostrorum rotulorum, registri et consilii clerico, et Joanne Scott de Scottistarvett nostre cancellarie directore, militibus: Apud Newmercat, decimo sexto die mensis Octobris, anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo trigesimo sexto, et anno regni nostri duodecimo.


Charles, by the grace of God, King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, and Defender of the Faith, to all good men of his whole land, clerics and laics, greeting. Know ye that we, now long after our lawful and perfect age, and all our revocations, special as well as general, having been informed of the ancient erection of our burgh of Glasgow into a Royal burgh, by our most noble progenitors, of most worthy memory, and of the great antiquity of our said burgh; and that by the integrity and industry of the same in foreign trade and the naval enterprise of the merchants, burgesses, and inhabitants thereof, our rents and revenue have received augmentation, and that part of our kingdom is increased in wealth and brought to civilization; and that the said burgh, in all the common expenses of the same, such as taxations, imposts, and exactions, bears no small share of the burden imposed on the burghs, and is at present, and for these many ages bypast has been, the chief and most distinguished burgh situated in the western part of our foresaid kingdom, and the best suited for being an ornament of the commonweal thereof : And also understanding that the provost, bailies, councillors, and community of our said burgh and city of Glasgow have taken in hand not a few great undertakings, and have expended great sums of money and outlays these many years bygone, in making the river of Clyde, on which the said city is built and situated, navigable for ships, barks, and boats, and other vessels, for importation and exportation of home and foreign commodities, to the great comfort of our lieges dwelling there, and those coming to the said bounds and to the shires next adjacent thereto: and for the spread and growth of civil polity in the commonweal of our foresaid realm of Scotland; and for mending, repairing, and upholding of the bridge over the said river, which greatly conduces to the furtherance of traffic: And taking into consideration their care and charges in providing a minister to that church within the said burgh of Glasgow, called the Black Friar Kirk, and their needful concern for the repair and enlargement thereof, and provision of a constant local stipend to the minister serving the cure thereat: And in like manner calling to mind how great charges, expenses, and attention they have lately spent in the building of a tolbooth for the administration of justice, and other business, to the advancement of the commonweal and adornment of our foresaid kingdom; and in building and repairing that other church called the New Church of Glasgow, situated in the Trongait thereof, with a tower corresponding thereto; and in repairing highways, and in building and repairing of sundry bridges across rivers and waters in divers places, so that strangers may more easily travel from and to our realm of Ireland, and other places within our said kingdom of Scotland, not only to the comfort and advantage of our lieges of every rank in our said kingdoms, but also to the comfort of all strangers and foreigners frequenting these parts; and in like manner in building of large halls and markets for receiving and buying of victual and other wares coming to market, and in erecting of a large correction house for the suppression of wandering vagabonds, and that young and needy persons may be set to work. And also taking into our consideration the great charges heretofore incurred in upholding and repairing of the High Metropolitan Church of that city; and being mindful of their pious and praiseworthy works, tending to the public weal of our said kingdom, and to give encouragement to them to follow out such good enterprises; and for the good, faithful, and thankful service done and paid to us and our most noble progenitors in times bypast, by the provost, bailies, councillors, and community of our said burgh and city of Glasgow, and their predecessors: Therefore We, with the special advice and consent of our well-beloved cousin and counsellor, John, Earl of Traquair, Lord Lyntoun and Caberstoun, our high treasurer, our controller, and collector general, and treasurer of our New Augmentations within our kingdom of Scotland, and of the remanent lords commissioners of our Exchequer of our said kingdom, have ratified, approved, and by this our present charter confirmed, and by the tenor thereof ratify, approve, and for us and our successors for ever confirm, all and sundry charters, infeftments, precepts, instruments of seisin, confirmations, acts, sentences, decreets, gifts, grants, mortifications, rights of patronages and other rights, titles, evidents and securities, freedoms, commodities, and privileges therein contained, of whatever nature, kind, and quality the same be, made and granted to our foresaid burgh and city of Glasgow, to the provosts, bailies, dean of gild, treasurers, councillors, and community thereof, and their successors, by us or any others our most noble progenitors, kings, queens, princes, and stewards of our foresaid kingdom of Scotland, their regents and governors for the time, or by the Lords of our high Court and College of justice; together also with all acts of the burghs, and other rights, freedoms, and possessions enjoyed at any time bygone by our said burgh of Glasgow, and churches, colleges, ministries, and hospitals within the same, of whatever form, tenor, and contents, date or dates, the same be. And particularly, without prejudice to the foresaid generality. A Charter, gift, and grant made and granted by our most noble progenitor Alexander, King of Scotland, of the freedoms and privileges of our said burgh, the burgesses and indwellers thereof, At Maiden Castell, the eighteenth day of the month of June, and twenty-sixth year of his reign: Also another Charter granted by our most noble predecessor King Robert, confirming the foresaid Charter, under his great seal, of date the fifteenth day of the month of November, and twenty-third year of his reign: Also a certain other Charter given and granted by King Robert, to the provost, bailies, councillors, and community of our said burgh of Glasgow, confirming the foresaid Charter, and giving and granting to the same certain new freedoms, of date, at Scone, the twenty-eighth day of the month of July, and eighteenth year of his reign: Also another Charter made by our dearest grandmother, Mary, Queen of Scotland, to the provost, bailies, councillors, and community of our said burgh of Glasgow, of certain lands, tenements, churches, chapels, chaplainries, prebends, altarages, and others therein mentioned, of date the seventeenth day of the month of March, the year of God one thousand five hundred and sixty-six: Also another Charter granted by our late dearest father, of perpetual memory, under his great seal, ratifying former gifts, grants, privileges, and others made and granted in favour of the said provost, bailies, councillors, and community, of date, at Roystoun, the eighth day of the month of April, the year of God one thousand six hundred and eleven: Also, a decreet of Parliament pronounced in favour of our said burgh of Glasgow, of date the twenty-ninth day of the month of November, the year of God one thousand four hundred and sixty-nine, respecting their freedoms in the said river of Clyde : Also a certain ratification of the said decreet, of date the first day of the month of December, the year of God one thousand four hundred and seventy-nine: Also a certain act of privy council made in favour of our said burgh, concerning their freedoms, of date the tenth day of the month of September, the year of God one thousand six hundred: Also a certain act of interlocutur of the Lords of Council and Session, given in their favour against our burgh of Dumbartane, of date the twenty-fifth day of the month of July, the year of God one thousand six hundred and seven: Also a certain decreet of the said Lords of our Council and Session, granted in favour of our said burgh of Glasgow, on the fourth day of the month of June, the year of God one thousand five hundred and seventy-five, concerning the ladefull of all kind of victual sold in their markets : Also a certain charter made and granted by our late dearest father to our foresaid burgh of Glasgow, the provost, bailies, councillors, and community thereof, and their successors, of all and whole the tenements, as well built as waste, yards, barns, and barnyards, lying outside the port of our said burgh called the Rattounraw Port, eight acres of land or thereby, lying in Deansyde, and of certain acres of land lying in Crubbis, Provansyde, and at the back of the said barns, of date the twenty-first day of the month of December, the year of God one thousand six hundred and thirteen : Also a certain other charter and gift made and granted by us under our great seal, to our foresaid burgh and city of Glasgow, to the provosts, bailies, councillors and community thereof, of that church called Black Frier Kirk, situated beside the college of Glasgow, and of the right of patronage of the same, of date at Oattis the first day of the month of July, the year of God one thousand six hundred and thirty-six: Also the freedom, use, and possession in which our burgh of Glasgow and the magistrates thereof were, at any time bygone, in the suckining, thirling and astricting the burgesses and indwellers of our said burgh to their mills, belonging to them whether in property or tenandry, or tack, and in payment of the multures, knaifschip and other duties there at any time by past: and also the freedom, use, and possession, which our foresaid burgh of Glasgow and the magistrates thereof had, of electing a water bailie, to have charge of the water, within the said river of Clyde, where the sea ebbs and flows, and within the whole bounds thereof below the Bridge of Glasgow to the Clochstane, and of correcting all wrongs and outrages committed on the said river within the bounds thereof: In all and sundry their heads, articles, conditions, and circumstances thereof whatsoever. And we will and grant that this our present confirmation is now, and in all time to come shall be, of as great strength, force, efficacy and effect in all respects to our foresaid burgh and city of Glasgow, to the provost, bailies, councillors, burgesses, and community thereof, and their successors, as if all and sundry the foresaid charters, infeftments, confirmations, acts, sentences, decreets, grants, gifts, mortifications, rights of patronage, and others particularly and generally above mentioned, were inserted word by word at length in this our present charter, wherewith we, for us and our successors, have dispensed, and by the tenor of our present charter dispense for evermore. Moreover we in further corroboration of the same, with advice and consent foresaid, for the good, faithful, and thankful service done and rendered to us and our most famous progenitors by the provost, bailies, councillors, and community of our said burgh and city of Glasgow, and their predecessors, and that the better occasion may be given them of continuing in the said service, Of New have given, granted and disponed, and by this present charter confirmed, and by the tenor hereof of new give, grant, and dispone, and for us and our successors for ever confirm, to the provost, bailies, councillors and community of our said burgh and city of Glasgow, and their successors for ever, all and whole our said burgh and city of Glasgow, with all and sundry lands, houses, buildings, tenements, gardens, orchards, churches, rights of patronages, burial grounds, chapels, chaplainries, teinds, walls, gates, ways, passages, streets, acres, roods, lakes, burns, tofts, crofts, infield, outfield, territory and community thereof, mills, mill lands, multures, sequels, suckin and thirlage, dams, inlairs, laids, and watergangs, banks, stones, salmon-fishings and other fishings in the said water and river of Clyde, hospitals, correction-houses, moors, marshes, greens, commonties, lones, bridges, coals, coalheughs, quarries, stone, lime, annual rents, feufarms, duties, mansions, fruits, profits, emoluments, foundations, gifts, presentations, mortifications, alms, dailsilver, obits; together with all other privileges and immunities whatsoever, as well spiritual as temporal, belonging to the same: lying within the foresaid burgh, freedom, territory, and jurisdiction thereof: and with freedom of the said river of Clyde on either bank from the Bridge of Glasgow to the Clochstane; and with freedom and immunity for roadsteads, of the roads of Inschegreine, New-wark, Pott of the Rig, or any other of the roadsteads within the said river of Clyde, between the Bridge of Glasgow and the Clochstane foresaid, for lading and unlading of merchandise and goods belonging to the said burgh, burgesses and inhabitants thereof, as well imported and exported by them in ships and other vessels of this our realm of Scotland, as imported and exported in ships belonging and pertaining to strangers and foreigners. Also of new, without prejudice to their former rights, we have erected and incorporated, and by the tenor of our present charter erect and incorporate our foresaid burgh into a free Royal Burgh, with all and sundry freedoms, privileges, immunities, and jurisdictions, which by the laws and custom of our kingdom belonged, belong, or may rightly belong to any free royal burgh; and with special power and freedom to the provost, bailies, councillors, and community, burgesses, and freemen of our said burgh and their successors for ever, and to none others whomsoever (not being freemen and burgesses of the said burgh), to have, practise, use, and exercise, trade and traffic of merchandice, blok, buy, cope, sell, all sort of merchandice, as well home as foreign, and this within the whole bounds of our said burgh of Glasgow, and barony of Glasgow, and all the freedoms and privileges thereof; and to use, enjoy, and possess within our said burgh and bounds foresaid for ever, a Merchant Gildrie, with dean of gild courts, members of council, and jurisdiction thereof, belonging thereto, freedoms and privileges thereof, in like manner and as freely in all respects, as is granted by us or our predecessors to our said burgh and city, to any other free royal burgh within our kingdom, and as freely as the provost, bailies thereof, dean of gild, and councillors, or any of them, or their predecessors, had, used, and exercised the said office, burgh, freedoms, and jurisdictions thereof, merchandise, and gildrie foresaid at any time bygone; and with all freedoms, immunities, privileges, and exemptions, which by the laws of this our kingdom have belonged or do belong thereto: and also of holding, having, using, enjoying, and exercising weekly within our said burgh on every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, or any other three days weekly, as shall seem expedient to the said provost, bailies, and councillors, with common consent and public intimation thereof to appoint, public and open market days; together with four free fairs, four times yearly, to wit, one of them on the thirteenth day of the month of January called Twentie day of Yule; the second of them yearly to be on the day called Skyre Thursday; the third yearly to be on Witsoun Moneday; and the fourth of them yearly, beginning on the seventh day of the month of July, and to be holden and continued for the space of eight days next and immediately following, in manner used and wont, together with bailies' gloves, tolls, customs, and all other fees, privileges, immunities, and duties, which are known to belong to the said markets and fairs, or to any other markets and fairs of this our kingdom, by the law and custom thereof, in like manner and as freely as they or their predecessors have enjoyed and possessed the same in any time bypast. Moreover we with consent foresaid have created, made, and constituted, and by the tenor of our present charter create, make, and constitute the present provost and bailies of our said burgh, and their successors, justices of peace, within our said burgh of Glasgow, and whole territory and freedoms thereof, and within the said ports of Inschegreine, New Wark, and Pott of the Rig; and have given, granted, and disponed, and by this our present charter confirmed, and by the tenor hereof give, grant, and dispone, and for us and our successors for ever confirm to our foresaid burgh of Glasgow, the provost, bailies, councillors, and community thereof, for ever, the Correctioun Houses, newly erected by them therein, together with the freedoms, privileges, and immunities thereto belonging; with power to them to have, use, and exercise the same, in like manner, and in the same way as our said burgh of Edinburgh, or any other burgh within our said kingdom, have used, or may exercise the like in time to come: Together also with the house called The Lipper House, and called Sanct Ninianis Hospitall, with gardens and pertinents thereof, founded on the south side of the said river of Clyde, near the Bridge of Glasgow, with all rents, teinds, and dues belonging thereto; with power to them, and their successors, to intromit with and uplift the maills, teinds, and duties of the said hospital for maintaining of the sick and poor in the same. Together also with all and sunday petty customs of whatsoever goods coming and going from the gates of our said burgh, and coming and going by the great Bridge thereof, and coming from the markets thereof; with the dues and customs of the tron of our said burgh, and of the markets called the meal market, beir market, salt market, flesh market, horse market, cloth market, and all other market places within our said burgh; and with the customs and dues of the said Great Bridge and Green, and all other dues and exactions in which they, or their predecessors, are now, or have been in possession, and which shall happen to be imposed with consent of the Council and Community of our said burgh in time to come. We, therefore, with consent above specified, have given, and by the tenor of our present charter give full power to the said provost, bailies and councillors, and their successors, of new, to astrict and compel all the indwellers in our said burgh to their mills belonging to them in heritage or tack, as the said indwellers were wont in time bygone: with power to them also to uplift the multures, suckin and sequels of the said mills; and in like manner to exact such customs at all the gates of our said burgh in time of the said markets and fairs, like as they were wont to exact at the gate of the Great Bridge of our said burgh; and also with power to the said magistrates of our burgh of Glasgow, and their successors, of choosing yearly a water bailie to have charge of the water, for correction of wrongs and enormities committed upon the said river, within the bounds above specified. Reserving always to our well beloved cousin, James, Duke of Lennox, and his successors, and their bailies and deputes, the freedoms and privileges during the whole time of the last of the fairs called the Fair of Glasgow, in like manner and in the same way as in times bypast they used and wont. Charging and commanding that no person or persons of any sort, whether of the royalty or the regality, who are not burgesses of the said burgh, undertake, usurp, and exercise, within the freedom of our said burgh, barony, and regality of Glasgow, the trade and traffic of merchandise, whether home or foreign, belonging to a free royal burgh, under the pain of incarceration of their persons, and escheating of their goods and merchandise, wheresoever they shall be found. Moreover, we with advice and consent foresaid, have given and granted, and by this our present charter for ever confirmed, full power, commission, and authority to the foresaid provost, bailies, and councillors of our said burgh, and their successors, to make and ordain acts, statutes, and ordinances, for the good and advantage of our said burgh, for defending and upholding the freedoms and privileges thereof, always conformably and not contrary to the laws and acts of our parliament, to be observed by all and sundry the burgesses and indwellers of our said burgh, and all other persons coming and trafficking there, under such penalties as shall seem expedient to them. With power to them to put to execution within the territory of our said burgh, and within the bounds of their freedoms and jurisdictions the foresaid acts and ordinances, with all acts of parliament, of general and privy council, constitutions of the Burghs and all other acts, decreets and sentences given and to be given, made and to be made in favour of the said freedoms, and that in so far as the same are competent to do by the laws and acts of our Parliament: and for the better execution thereof to sit, judge, and decern in the same: making, creating, and ordaining them and their successors judges competent in this behalf within all the bounds foresaid: With power to them to summon, pursue, arrest, and imprison persons infringing the said privileges, acts, and constitutions, and to intromit with their goods, and put them to escheat, applying one half to our uses, and the other half to pious uses of the said burgh, according to the acts and ordinances of our act of Parliament made thereupon. In like manner we, with advice and consent foresaid, have given and granted, and by the tenor of our present charter give and grant free power, freedom and privilege to our foresaid burgh of Glasgow, the burgesses and inhabitants thereof, of trade and traffic, selling and making merchandise within all parts of the said river and water of Clyde, with foreigners and all other persons coming and repairing thither; and of building ports and roadsteads, bulwarks and jetty heads, to render the said river more navigable, within all the bounds of the said river from the said Bridge of Glasgow to the Clochstane, and for receiving their ships, boats, and vessels, within the bounds of the said river as far as the spring tide flows, and to take stones and sand within any part of the said river as far as the said spring tide flows for constructing bulwarks, ports, roadsteads, and jetty heads, and to repair and mend the same, and to ballast therewith their ships, barks, boats, and other vessels; together also with the power and privilege to them of exacting, demanding, and uplifting anchorages and shore silver, and other dues of all merchandise, crears, boats, and other vessels landing at the Brwmie Law of Glasgow, or at any other place within the said river of Clyde, according to use and wont. And whereas it is well known to our lords of Council and exchequer, that the provosts, bailies, and councillors of our said burgh have not only built and enlarged the foresaid church, called the New Church of Glasgow, but have also provided the same with a minister, to whom they pay yearly a competent and sufficient stipend for his service; and we being mindful of their zeal and piety in that behalf, Therefore, we, with advice and consent foresaid, have made and appointed, and by the tenor of our present charter make and appoint the provost, bailies, councillors, and community of our said burgh, and their successors for ever, undoubted and irrevocable hereditary patrons of the said Church called the New Church, situated in the Tronegait of the said burgh; with free power to them and their successors to present fit and qualified persons to the archbishop of Glasgow that now is, and who shall be for the time, for serving of the cure at the said Church, as often as the same by demission, deprival, inability, or otherwise shall happen to fall vacant, and to do, use, and exercise all and sundry other things, which rightly belong to advowson, gift, and right of patronage. Farther we of our certain knowledge and proper motion, with consent foresaid, have united, annexed, and incorporated, and by the tenor of our present Charter unite, annex, and incorporate, our foresaid burgh and city of Glasgow, together with all lands, tenements, territories, commonties, infield, outfield, ports, roadsteads, fairs, markets, mills, multures, sequels, and thirlage, churches, rights of patronage, customs, hospitals, correction houses, and others particularly and generally above specified, into one free Royal Burgh: and we will and grant that a single seisin to be taken by the provost, or any of the bailies of our said burgh, at the market, cross or tolbooth thereof, shall stand, and be a perpetual seisin to them, and their successors, councillors and community of our said burgh, without renewal of the said seisin, notwithstanding that the subjects foresaid, or any of them, lie discontiguous. To have and to hold all and whole our foresaid burgh and city of Glasgow, comprehending the whole lands, tenements, territories, churches, chapels, patronages, commonties, ports, roadsteads, fairs, markets, mills, multures, suckin, customs, hospitals, correction houses, and others particularly and generally above mentioned, to the foresaid provost, bailies, dean of gild, treasurer, councillors, burgesses, and community of our said burgh of Glasgow foresaid, and their successors, of us and our successors, in free burgage for ever, by all their right meiths and old marches, as they lie in length and breadth, in houses, buildings, woods, plains, moors, marshes, ways, paths, waters, ponds, streams, meadows, grazings and pastures, mills, multures and their sequels, fowlings, huntings, fishings, peat mosses, turf bogs, coals, coal heughs, coneys, coneywarrens, doves, dovecots, smithies, brewhouses, heath and broom, woods, groves and thickets, timber, wood, quarries, stone and lime; with courts and their issues, hereyelds, bludewites, and merchets of women; with common pasture, free ish and entry; with pit and gallows, sok, sak, thole, thame, wraik, wair, weth, veit, vennysoun, infangtheiff, outfangtheiff, pit and gallows; and with all and sundry their other freedoms, commodities, profits, easements, and their right pertinents whatsoever, as well not named as named, as well under the ground as above the ground, far and near, belonging to the said burgh, or that may justly belong in any way in time to come, freely, quietly, fully, wholly, honourably, well and in peace, without any hindrance, revocation, gainsaying, or obstacle whatsoever. Paying therefor yearly the foresaid provost, bailies, councillors, dean of gild, burgesses, community and inhabitants of our said burgh and city of Glasgow, and their successors, to us and our successors, the sum of twenty merks usual money of our kingdom of Scotland, at the feasts of Whitsunday and Martinmas in winter by equal portions, in name of burgh mail, with services of burgh, used and wont: and paying yearly to the most reverend father in Christ, Patrick, archbishop of Glasgow, and his successors, the sum of sixteen merks money foresaid, to which payment our foresaid burgh of Glasgow is bound by its former charter. Finally, by the tenor of our present charter it is declared and expressly provided, that this our present charter and infeftment, nor anything to follow thereupon shall in no wise prejudice or cause skaith to our dearest cousin, James, duke of Lennox, his heirs or successors, or their bailies and deputes anent their freedoms and privileges due to them within the said burgh and regality of Glasgow, wherein they or their predecessors foresaid have been in use and possession at any time bygone. In witness whereof we have commanded our great seal to be set to this our present charter of confirmation. Witnesses, a most reverend father in Christ, and our well-beloved counsellor, John, archbishop of St Andrews, primate and metropolitan of our kingdom of Scotland, our chancellor; our well-beloved cousins and counsellors, James, Marquis of Hamilton, earl of Arran and Cambridge, lord Aven and Innerdaill, etc.; Thomas earl of Hadingtoun, lord Bynning and Byris, keeper of our privy seal; William earl of Stirling, viscount of Canada, lord Alexander of Tullibodye, our secretary; our beloved familiar counsellors, Sir John Hay of Barro, clerk of our rolls, register, and council, and John Scott of Scottistarvett, director of our chancery, knights: At Newmercat, the sixteenth day of the month of October, the year of God one thousand six hundred and thirty sixth, and of our reign the twelfth year.