Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Glasgow, 1894.
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'CIX: Charter of Charles I confirming nos. CVII and CVIII', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2, ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'CIX: Charter of Charles I confirming nos. CVII and CVIII', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Edited by J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"CIX: Charter of Charles I confirming nos. CVII and CVIII". Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
In this section
CIX. Charter by King Charles I., ratifying the Contract No. CVIII., and disponing to the Burgh and City of Glasgow, and the Provost, Bailies, Councillors, and Community of the same, the church called the Blackfriers Kirk. Oatlands, 1 July 1636.
[Latin text]
Carolus, Dei gratia Magne Britannie, Francie et Hibernie Rex, fideique defensor, Omnibus probis hominibus totius terre sue, clericis et laicis salutem: Sciatis quia nos sufficienter certiores facti sumus de ardenti zelo, summo amore et affectione que prepositus, balliui, consules et communitas burgi nostri et civitatis de Glasgow habent et gerunt erga Dei gloriam et propagationem evangelii Jesu Christi infra bondas eiusdem: Et quod per contractum et appunctuamentum apud dictum burgum nostrum de Glasgow factum, sexto die mensis Junii anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo trigesimo quinto, inter reuerendissimium in Christo patrem fidelissimumque nostrum consiliarium, Patricium Glasguensem Archiepiscopum, cum auisamento et consensu decani et capituli dicti episcopatus eiusdem, subscribentium ex parte prima; Patricium Bell, nunc prepositum, Jacobum Hamiltoun et Ninianum Andersoun dicti burgi ballivos, necnon per quamplurimos consules dicti burgi et civitatis nostre, pro seipsis et eorum successoribus, prepositis, balliuis, consulibus et communi tate dicti burgi nostri, ex parte secunda; Doctorem Joannem Strang, primarium collegii Glasguensis, magistros Georgium Young, Joannem Rae, Willielmum Wilkie et Jacobum Forsyith, regentes et magistros eiusdem, cum auisamento et consensu magistri Joannis Bell, vnius ministrorum dicti burgi nostri de Glasgow, rectoris vniversitatis dicti collegii, ac doctoris Jacobi Elliott, alterius ministrorum dicti burgi nostri et civitatis, decani facultatis eiusdem pro tempore, pro seipsis eorumque successoribus, in eorum officiis omni tempore affuturo, ex parte tercia. Virtute cujusquidem partes contrahentes prescripte, considerantes vnam fuisse ecclesiam infra dictum burgum nostrum (lie Blakfrier Kirk vocatam) jacentem contigue predicto collegio Glasguensi nunc penitus ruinosam et dirutam, et quod dicto collegio Glasguensi, primario et regentibus eiusdem, impossible fuit, ipsam reparare et emendare, absque magnis sumptibus et expensis per ipsos desuper impendendis; et quod ipsi renunciaverunt et disposuerunt eandem ecclesiam, preposito, ballivis, consulibus et communitati dicti nostri burgi de Glasgow, ac eorum successoribus imperpetuum, secundum dispositionem ipsis desuper factam, cum consensu rectoris et decani facultatis predicti, cum libero introitu et exitu ad eandem; Et quod incole dicti burgi nostri, pia cura et labore dicti Archiepiscopi Glasguensis, contribuerunt magnas quasdem pecun iarum summas impendendas super hereditariis securitatibus per prepositum, balliuos et consules dicti burgi nostri, pro supplemento et sustentatione vnius ministri et rectoris cure servientis ad dictam ecclesiam: Et dictus burgus noster et civitas Glasguensis nunc intendit non solum reedificare et reparare, verum etiam amplificare et extendere dictam ecclesiam, super eorum propriis sumptibus et expensis, et eandem prouidere cum vno ministro, ac ipsum eiusque successores securos facere in vno annuo constante stipendio vnius mille mercarum, preter et vltra sustentationem vnius lectoris in dicta ecclesia servituri: Omnesque igitur predicte partes cum dicto burgo nostro et civitate Glasguensi contrahentes, pia eorum acta et religiosam intentionem in materia prescripta fatentes et approbantes; idcirco Primarius, magistri et regentes dicti collegii Glasguensis, tanquam jus habentes ad dictam ecclesiam (lie blakfrier kirk nuncupatam), cum consensu rectoris et decani facultatis predictorum, necnon cum consensu dicti reuerendissimi in Christo patris, Patricii Glasguensis Episcopi, ac decani et capituli dicti Archiepiscopatus, et simul cum auisamento et consensu prepositi, ballivorum, decani gilde, thesaurarii et consulum dicti burgi nostri et civitatis Glasguensis, ac illi omnes vnanimi consensu et assensu per dictum contractum et ap punctuamentum concesserunt amplam potestatem et commissionem quibusdam personis inibi expressis, eorum factoribus et commissionariis, renunciandi, sursum reddendi et simpliciter extradonandi, et deliberandi, pure et simpliciter, per fustim et baculum, vt moris est, totam et integram predictam ecclesiam (lie Blakfrier Kirk nuncupatam), vnacum omnibus jure, titulo, interesse, que seu quas prefate persone, eorumve aliqui, in et ad eandem pretendere poterit seu poterint in futurum, in manibus nostris vel successorum nostrorum seu commissionariorum nostrorum quorumcunque, ad recipiendum resignationes pro tempore potestatem habentium, ad hunc effectum vt nos et successores nostri erigeremus predictam ecclesiam lie Blakfrier Kirk in vnam ecclesiam parochialem, et jus patronatus eiusdem ecclesie conferremus et disponeremus in favorem dicti nostri burgi et civitatis Glasguensis omni tempore futuro; et quod dicti prepositus, balliui et consules eiusdem nunc existentes, et qui pro tempore fuerint, presentabunt dicto archiepiscopo Glasguensi et suis successoribus, quoties toties dicta ecclesia vacare contigerit, vnum sufficientem et idoneum virum in sua literatura et conversatione examinandum et probandum; et post examinationem, si aptus et idoneus invenietur, tunc per dictum Archiepiscopum et suos successores admittetur ministerio et stipendio dicte ecclesie et ab ipsis archiepiscopis collationem et institutionem desuper recepturus est, prout in dicto contractu et appunctuamento latius continetur. Secundum quemquidem contractum, resignatio ecclesie omnisque juris et interesse eiusdem, in manibus nostris, saltern in manibus dominorum nostrorum commissionariorum dicti regni nostri Scotie facta est, in favorem et ad effectum suprascriptum in dicto contractu mentionatum, prout authentica documenta et instrumenta desuper suscepta in manibus Joannis Nicoll senioris scribe signeto nostro notarii publici latius proportant. Et nos maximopere volentes dictam ecclesiam in ecclesiam parochialem erigere, ac jus patronatus eiusdem conferre et disponere prefato burgo nostro et civitati Glasguensi, preposito, balliuis, consulibus et communitati eiusdem in futurum. Sciatis igitur nos cum auisamento et consensu predilecti nostri consanguinei et consiliarii Joannis comitis de Traquair domini Lintoun et Caberstoun, nostri summi thesaurarii computorum nostrorum rotulatoris et collectoris generalis dicti regni nostri Scotie, et thesaurarii novarum nostrarum augmentationum infra dictum regnum nostrum Scotie, necnon cum auisamento et consensu reliquorum dominorum nostri scaccarii eiusdem regni nostri nostrorum commissionariorum, ratificasse, approbasse et hac presenti carta nostra confirmasse, tenoreque eiusdem ratificare, approbare ac pro nobis et successoribus nostris pro perpetuo confirmare, predictum contractum et appunctuamentum factum et inter prefatas tres partes contrahentes expeditum, de data et contentis suprascriptis, vnacum potestate et litera procuratoriali et resignationis inibi mentionatis et instrumenta resignationis desuper sequentia, in omnibus et singulis capitibus, articulis, clausulis, conditionibus et circumstanciis quibuscunque, ad hunc effectum, vt dictus noster burgus et civitas Glasguensis, prepositus, balliui, et consules ac communitas eiusdem, nunc presenti et qui protempore fuerint, dictam ecclesiam et ius patronatus eiusdem gandere et possidere, et sufficientes et idoneos viros eidem presentare poterint omni tempore futuro, post eorum probationem et examinationem modo prescripto. Nos itaque cum auisamento et consensu predicto volumus et concedimus ac pro nobis et successoribus nostris decernimus et ordinamus quod hec presens nostra confirmacio generalis eiusdem erit valoris, roboris, efficacie et effectus prefato burgo nostro et civitati Glasguensi, preposito, balliuis, consulibus et communitati eiusdem, eorumque successoribus, omni tempore futuro, pro gauisione et fruitione dicte ecclesie et patronatus eiusdem, priuilegiorum et libertatum suprascriptorum, ac si dictus contractus et appunctuamentum, potestas et litera procuratorialis resignationis inibi contenta, et instrumentum resignationis desuper sequens, ad longum de verbo in verbum in hac presenti carta nostra insererentur. Penes quas et omnes inconvenientias que inde sequi poterint, ac cum omnibus aliis objectionibus seu imperfectionibus (si que sint) que contra validitatem dicti contractus et appunctuamenti, potestatis et procuratorii resignationis inibi contenti, ac instrumenti resignationis desuper sequentis, aut huius nostre confirmationis earundem aut generalitatis eiusdem, opponi aut allegari poterint, nos pro nobis et successoribus nostris dispensavimus, tenoreque presentis carte nostre dispensamus imperpetuum. Preterea nos cum auisamento et consensu predicto pro bono et fideli seruitio, nobis et preclarissimis nostris progenitoribus per dictum burgum nostrum de Glasgow et incolas eiusdem eorumque predicessores prestito et impenso, ac pro diuersis aliis magnis respectibus et bonis considerationibus nos moventibus, dedimus, concessimus, disposuimus et hac presenti carta nostra confirmavimus, tenoreque eiusdem damus, concedimus, disponimus ac pro nobis et successoribus nostris pro perpetuo confirmamus, prefato burgo nostro et civitati Glasguensi, preposito, balliuis, consulibus et communitati eiusdem, eorumque successoribus imperpetuum, totam et integram prefatam ecclesiam infra dictum burgum nostrum lie Blakfrier kirk nuncupatam, contigue adjacentem dicto collegio Glasguensi, vnacum omni iure, titulo, interesse, jurisclameo, proprietate, possessione, actione et instancia, que seu quas nos, nostri predicessores, aut successores in et ad eandem habuimus, habemus seu quouismodo habere vel clamare poterimus aut poterint, in tantibus, prefatis preposito, balliuis, consulibus et communitati dicti nostri burgi et civitatis Glasguensis ac eorum successoribus, de nobis et successoribus nostris, in feodo, hereditate et pura eleemosina imperpetuum; Per omnes rectas metas suas antiquas et diuisas, prout jacent in longitudine et latitudine, cum libero introitu et exitu, ac cum omnibus aliis et singulis libertatibus, commoditatibus, proficuis, asiamentis ac iustis suis pertinentiis quibuscunque, tam non nominatis quam nominatis, tam subtus terra quam supra terram, procul et prope, ad dictam ecclesiam spectantibus seu iuste spectare valentibus quomodolibet infuturum; libere, quiete, plenarie, integre, honorifice, bene et in pace, sine reuocatione, contradictione, impedimento aut obstaculo aliquali. Reddendo inde annuatim prepositus, balliui, consules et communitas dicti burgi nostri de Glasgow eorumque successores, nobis et successoribus nostris vnum denarium vsualis monete regni Scotie, apud dictam ecclesiam et super solo eiusdem in die festo Pentecostes nomine albefirme, si petatur tantum; necnon eorum quotidianas ardentesque preces Deo Omnipotenti pro perpetua nostra et successorum nostrorum prosperitate. Et similiter dicti prepositus, balliui, consules et communitas dicti nostri burgi de Glasgow eorumque successores, reparando, edificando, extendendo et reedificando dictam Ecclesiam de Blakfrieris et faciendo eandem sufficientem pro bono et publico divino seruitio, et sustentando eandem post reparationem futurum; necnon fecimus et constituimus, tenoreque presentis carte nostre facimus et constituimus prepositum, ballivos, consules et communitatem burgi nostri et civitatis Glasguensis, eorumque successores pro perpetuo omni tempore futuro, indubitatos et irreuocabiles hereditarios patronos dicte ecclesie; cum plena potestate ipsis eorumque successoribus idoneos et qualificatos viros, prefato reuerendissimo nostro in Christo patri Patricio Archiepiscopo Glasguensi et successoribus suis presentandi, toties quoties dicta ecclesia vacare contigerit, per decessum, dimissionem, deprivationem, inhabilitatem vel aliquo alio modo quocunque; ac omnia alia et singula faciendi que ad advocationem, donationem et ius patronatus dicte ecclesie pertinent, vt congruit. Insuper volumus et concedimus, ac pro nobis et nostris successoribus decernimus et ordinamus, quod vnica sasina nunc per prepositum aut vnum aliquem ballivorum dicti burgi et civitatis Glasguensis, apud principale ostium seu introitum dicte ecclesie capienda, stabit et sufficiens erit sasina, preposito, balliuis, consulibus et communitati dicti nostri burgi eorumque successoribus imperpetuum, absque vlla alia sasina per ipsos eorumve aliquem vllo tempore futuro suscipienda. Tenendam et habendam totam et integram prefatam ecclesiam lie Blakfrier kirk nuncupatam, jacentem contigue predicto collegio de Glasgow, cum aduocatione, donatione et iure patronatus eiusdem, libertatibus, priuilegiis et aliis suprascriptis eisdem spec et edificationem eiusdem, vt predicitur; necnon presentando qualificatos ministros pro seruicio cure dicte ecclesie, ac solvendo iisque eorumque successoribus summam vnius mille mercarum monete Scotie pro eorum sustentatione et stipendio; ac etiam prouidendo dictam ecclesiam cum sufficiente et qualificato lectore, cui per ipsos persolvetur competens stipendium et sustentatio pro suo seruitio tantum. Prouiso tamen, sicuti tenore presentis carte nostre pro expresso prouidetur et declaratur, quod presens hec nostra confirmatio, carta et infeofamentum desuper sequentia, nullum erit damnum seu preiudicium prefato Archiepiscopo Glasguensi nec successoribus suis in quibuscunque eorum fructibus, redditibus, censibus, annuis redditibus, terris, decimis, tenementis, domibus, edificiis, hortis, pomariis, emolumentis, proficuis, deuoriis, capellaniis, prebendariis in Cathedrali ecclesia dicti Archiepiscopatus fundatis per quemcunque patronum, vbicunque eadem jacent et vbicunque prius levata fuerint, seu debita extiterunt, de quacunque domo infra dictam nostram civitatem, dotatis quibuscunque capellaniis, alteragiis et ecclesiis dicto Archiepiscopatui spectantibus, vel vllis aliis quibuscunque eidem Archiepiscopatui spectantibus, seu spectare cognitis. Specialiter cum expressa prouisione et conditione quod dicta dispositio et erectio dicte ecclesie de Blakfrieris in vnam ecclesiam parochialem, et concessio dicti patronatus eiusdem, vt predicitur, nullatenus preiudicabit dicto Archiepiscopo nec successoribus suis in eorum decimis, rectoriis et vicariis, de Glasgow nec in aliqua parte eorum patrimonii; nec vllum inferet damnum aut prejudicium dicto collegio Glasguensi in aliqua parte sui reditus, annuorum reddituum, censuum, alteragiorum, capellaniarum, prebendariorum et aliorum debitorum quorumcunque dicto collegio spectantium, quocunque modo aut via, aut in aliqua alia reuersione et conditione in dicta dispositione mentionata, secundum tenorem dicti contractus in omnibus punctis. In cuius rei testimonium huic presenti carte nostre magnum sigillum nostrum apponi precepimus. Testibus reuerendissimo in Christo patre ac reuerendissimo in Christo patre Joanne miseratione divina Sancti Andree Archiepiscopo, nostro cancellario; predilectis nostris consanguineis et consiliariis Jacobo Marchione de Hammiltoun, comite Arranie et Cantabrigie, domino Aven et Innerdaill; Thoma comite de Hadingtoun, domino Bynning et Byres, nostri secreti sigilli custode; Willelmo comite de Stirling, vicecomite de Cannada, domino Alexander de Tullibodie, nostro secretario; dilectis nostris familiaribus consiliariis, dominis Joanne Hay de Barro, nostrorum rotulorum registri et consilii clerico; Jacobo Carmichaell de eodem, nostre justiciarie clerico; et Joanne Scott de Scottistarvett, nostre cancellarie directore, militibus. Apud Oatlandis, primo die mensis Julii anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo trigesimo sexto, et anno regni nostri duodecimo.
Charles, by the grace of God, King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, and defender of the faith, to all good men of his whole land, clerics and laics, greeting. Know ye, whereas we have been sufficiently informed of the ardent zeal, great love and affection, which the provost, bailies, councillors, and community of our burgh and city of Glasgow have and bear towards the glory of God and spread of the gospel of Jesus Christ, within the bounds thereof: And that by a contract and appointment made at our said burgh of Glasgow, the sixth day of the month of June, the year of God one thousand six hundred and thirty five, between a most reverend father in Christ our most faithful councillor Patrick, archbishop of Glasgow, with advice and consent of the dean and chapter of the said bishopric thereof, subscribing on the first part; Patrick Bell now provost, James Hamilton and Ninian Andersoun, bailies of the said burgh, and the most part of the councillors of our said burgh and city, for himself and their successors, provosts, bailies, councillors and community of our said burgh, on the second part; Doctor John Strang, principal of the college of Glasgow, Masters George Young, John Rae, William Wilkie, and James Forsyth, regents and masters thereof, with advice and consent of Master John Bell, one of the ministers of our said burgh of Glasgow, rector of the university of our said college, and Doctor James Elliott, another of the ministers of our said burgh and city, dean of faculty thereof for the time, for themselves and their successors in their offices in all time to come, on the third part: In virtue whereof the aforesaid contracting parties, taking into consideration that there was a church within our said burgh called the Blakfrier Kirk, lying contiguous to the foresaid college of Glasgow, now altogether waste and ruinous, and that it was impossible for the said college of Glasgow, the principal and regents thereof, to repair and mend it without great charges and expenses being laid out by them thereupon, and that they have renounced and disponed the said church to the provost, bailies, councillors, and community of our said burgh of Glasgow, and their successors for ever, according to the disposition thereupon made to them, with consent of the rector and dean of faculty foresaid, with free ish and entry thereto; and that the inhabitants of our said burgh, by the godly care and labour of the said archbishop of Glasgow, have contributed certain great sums of money to be laid out on heritable securities by the provost, bailies, and councillors of our said burgh, for the supply and maintenance of a minister and rector serving the cure of the said church: And our said burgh and city of Glasgow now means not only to rëedify and repair, but also to enlarge and extend the said church, upon their proper charges and expenses, and to provide the same with a minister, and make him and his successors secure in a constant annual stipend of one thousand merks, over and beyond the sustaining of a reader to serve in the said church: And therefore all the foresaid parties contracting with our said burgh and city of Glasgow, acknowledging and approving of their godly acts and religious intention in the matter aforesaid: Wherefore the principal, masters and regents of the said college of Glasgow, as having right to the said church, called the Blackfrier Kirk, with consent of the rector and dean of faculty foresaid, and with consent of the said reverend father in Christ, Patrick, bishop of Glasgow, and the dean and chapter of the said archbishopric, and also with the advice and consent of the provost, bailies, dean of gild, treasurer, and councillors of our said burgh and city of Glasgow, and they all unanimously, with one consent and assent by the said contract and appointment, have granted ample power and commission to certain persons therein expressed, their factors and commissioners, to renounce, upgive, and simpliciter overgive and deliver, purely and simply, by staff and baton, as use is, all and whole the foresaid church, called Blakfrier Kirk, together with all right, title, interest, which the foresaid persons, or any of them, can pretend in and to the same in time to come, in the hands of us or our successors, or our commissioners whomsoever, having power to receive resignations for the time, to this effect that we and our successors should erect the foresaid church, the Blakfrier Kirk, into a parish church, and confer and dispone the right of patronage of the said church in favour of our said burgh and city of Glasgow, in all time to come; and that the said provost, bailies, and councillors thereof, now being, and that shall be for the time, shall present to the said archbishop of Glasgow, and his successors, so often as the said church shall happen to become vacant, a sufficient and fit man to be examined and tried in his learning and conversation; and, after examination, if he be found fit and meet, then he shall be admitted to the ministry and stipend of the said church, by the said archbishop and his successors, and receive collation and institution thereon from the said archbishops, as is more fully contained in the said contract and appointment. According to which contract, the resignation of the church and all right and interest thereof was made in our hands, at the least in the hands of our lords commissioners of our said kingdom of Scotland, in favour and for the effect above written, mentioned in the said contract, as authentic documents and instruments taken thereupon in the hands of John Nicoll, elder, writer to our signet, notary public, at more length proport: and we greatly desiring the said church to be erected into a parish church, and to confer and dispone the right of patronage of the same on our foresaid burgh and city of Glasgow, the provost, councillors, and community thereof in time to come: Know ye therefore that we, with advice and consent of our wellbeloved cousin and councillor John, earl of Traquair, lord Lintoun and Caberstoun, our high treasurer, comptroller, and collector general of our said kingdom of Scotland, and treasurer of our new augmentations within our said kingdom of Scotland, and with advice and consent of the remanent lords of our exchequer of the said kingdom, our commissioners, have ratified, approved, and by this our present charter confirmed, and by the tenor hereof ratify, approve, and for us and our successors for ever confirm, the foresaid contract and appointment, made and expede between the foresaid three contracting parties, of date and contents above written, together with power and a letter of procuratory and resignation, therein mentioned, and instruments of resignation thereupon following, in all and sundry heads, articles, clauses, conditions, and circumstances whatsoever, to this effect, that our said burgh and city of Glasgow, provost, bailies, and councillors and community thereof, that are now and shall be for the time, shall have power to enjoy and possess the said church and right of patronage thereof, and to present sufficient and fit men to the same in all time to come, after their trial and examination in manner aforesaid. We therefore, with advice and consent foresaid, will and grant, and for us and our successors decern and ordain, that this our present general confirmation thereof shall be of force, strength, efficacy, and effect, to our foresaid burgh and city of Glasgow, the provost, bailies, councillors, and community thereof, and their successors in all time to come, for enjoyment and possession of the said church and patronage thereof, privileges and freedoms abovewritten, as if the said contract and appointment, power and letter of procuratory of resignation therein contained, and instrument of resignation thereupon following, were inserted at length word by word in this our present charter: whereanent, and all inconveniences which thereupon may follow, and with all other objections or imperfections, if any be, which may be opposed or alleged against the validity of the said contract and appointment, power and procuratory of resignation therein contained, and instrument of resignation thereupon following, or this our confirmation of the same or generality thereof, we for us and our successors have dispensed, and by the tenor of our present charter dispense for ever. Further we, with advice and consent foresaid, for the good and faithful service done and rendered to us and our most famous progenitors by our said burgh of Glasgow and inhabitants thereof, and their predecessors, and for divers other great respects and good considerations moving us, have given, granted, disponed, and by this our present charter confirmed, and by the tenor hereof give, grant, dispone and for us and our successors for ever confirm, to our foresaid burgh and city of Glasgow, the provost, bailies, councellors and community thereof, and their successors for evermore, all and whole the foresaid church within our said burgh, called Blakfrier Kirk, lying contiguous to the said college of Glasgow, together with all right, title, interest, claim of right, property, possession, action and instance, which we, our predecessors or successors had, have, or anyway may have or claim in and to the same in time to come: And we have made and constituted, and by the tenor of our present charter make and constitute the provost, bailies, councillors and com munity of our burgh and city of Glasgow, and their successors for ever in all time to come, indubitable and irrevocable heritable patrons of the said church; with full power to them and their successors to present fit and qualified men to our foresaid most reverend father in Christ, Patrick archbishop of Glasgow and his successors, as often as the said church shall happen to become vacant, by decease, dismissal, deprivation, inability, or in any other way whatsoever; and to do all other and sundry things which belong to the advocation, gift and right of patronage of the said church, as accords. Further, we will and grant, and for us and our successors decern and ordain, that a single seisin, now to be taken by the provost or any of the bailies of the said burgh and city of Glasgow at the principal door or entry of the said church, shall stand and be a sufficient sasine to the provost, bailies, councillors and community of our said burgh and their successors for evermore, without any other sasine to be taken by them or any one of them in any time to come. To Have And To Hold all and whole the foresaid church, called the Blakfrier Kirk, lying contiguous to the foresaid college of Glasgow, with advocation, donation, and right of patronage thereof, freedoms, privileges and others abovewritten belonging to the same, to the foresaid provost, bailies, councillors and com munity of the said burgh and city of Glasgow, and their successors, of us and our successors in fee, heritage, and pure almsgift for ever; by all their right meiths and old marches, as they lie in length and in breadth, with free ish and entry, and with all other and sundry freedoms, commodities, profits, easements, and their right pertinents whatsoever, as well not named as named, as well under the ground as above the ground, far and near, belonging or that may rightly belong in any way in time to come to the said church; freely, quietly, fully, wholly, honourably, well and in peace, without revocation, gainsaying, hindrance or obstacle whatsoever. Paying therefor yearly the provost, bailies, councillors and community of our said burgh of Glasgow and their successors, to us and our successors, one penny usual money of the kingdom of Scotland, at the said church and upon the ground thereof, on the day of the feast of Whitsunday, in name of blenchferm, if asked only, and their daily and earnest supplications to Almighty God for the continual prosperity of us and our successors. And in like manner the said provost, bailies, councillors and community of our said burgh of Glasgow and their successors, repairing, building, enlarging and rëedifying the said church of Blakfrieris and making it sufficient for good and public divine service, and upholding of the same after repairing and edifying thereof, as aforesaid; and presenting qualified ministers for serving the cure of the said church, and paying to them and their successors the sum of one thousand merks money of Scotland for their sustenance and stipend; and also providing the said church with a sufficient and qualified reader, to whom there shall be paid by them a competent stipend and maintenance for his service only. Provided nevertheless, likeas by the tenor of our present charter it is expressly provided and declared, that this our present confirmation, charter and infeftment thereupon following, shall be no hurt or prejudice to the foresaid archbishop of Glasgow nor his successors, in whatsoever their fruits, rents, maills, annualrents, lands, teinds, tenements, houses, buildings, gardens, orchards, emoluments, profits, duties, chaplainries, prebendaries founded in the cathedral church of the said archbishopric by any patron, wherever the same lie and wherever they were formerly uplifted, or remain due, from whatever house within our said city gifted to whatever chaplainries, altarages and churches belonging to the said archbishopric or any others whatsoever belonging to the said archbishopric, or known to belong. Specially with the express provision and condition, that the said disposition and erection of the said church of Blakfrieris into a parish church and grant of the said patronage thereof, as aforesaid, shall in no wise prejudice the said archbishop nor his successors in their teinds, rectory and vicarage, of Glasgow, nor in any part of their patrimony; nor cause any loss or prejudice to the said college of Glasgow in any part of their rent, annualrents, maills, altarages, chaplainries, prebends, and other dues whatsoever belonging to the said college, in any manner or way, or in any other reversion and condition mentioned in the said disposition, according to the tenor of the said contract in all points. In witness whereof to this our present charter we have commanded our great seal to be appended. Witnesses, the most reverend father in Christ, John, by the mercy of God archbishop of St Andrews, our chancellor; our wellbeloved cousins and counsellors James, marquis of Hammiltoun, earl of Arran and Cambridge, lord Aven and Innerdaill; Thomas, earl of Hadington, lord Bynning and Byres keeper of our privy seal; William, earl of Stirling, viscount of Cannada, lord Alexander of Tullibodie, our secretary; our beloved familiar counsellors Sir John Hay of Barro, clerk of our rolls, register and council; James Carmichaell of that ilk, our justice clerk; and John Scott of Scottistarvett, director of our chancery, knights. At Oatlands, the first day of the month of July the year of God one thousand six hundred and thirty-sixth, and of our reign the twelfth year.