Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Glasgow, 1894.
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'CXI: Bond concerning charter no. CX', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2, ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'CXI: Bond concerning charter no. CX', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Edited by J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"CXI: Bond concerning charter no. CX". Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
CXI. Bond granted by the Provost, Bailies, and Councillors of the Burgh and City of Glasgow, to the Archbishop, Chapter, and College of Glasgow, that the signature for the preceding Charter, No. cx., should not be prejudicial to the Archiepiscopal See, nor to the College. Glasgow, 6 December 1636.
Be it kend to all men be thir present letters, we, Coline Campbell, provest, Johne Barnes, James Bell, and William Wilsoune, bailyies, James Hammiltoune, deane of guild, William Robertsoune, treasurer of the burgh and city of Glasgow, and remanent persounes of the counsail of the said burgh undersubscryven, for ourselves and takand the burthen vpon us for the whole inhabitants and community of the samine burgh to the effect after specifiet: Forsameikil as exceptioune hathe beene taken at ane signatour past his Majesties hand in favours of the said burgh and city of Glasgow anent ther priviledges and liberties, whilk is now past his Majesty his great seal, and lying in the hands of my Lord Chancellare in Scotland, as iff the said signatour and infeftment wer prejudiciall and hurtfull to the see and archbishoprik of Glasgow, chaptour thereof, and to the colledge within the said city, albeit it never was nor is in any of our mynds to prejudge the said see, chaptour, or colledge, in ony of their rights and priuiledges whatsomever; neverthelesse to remove any offence which the rycht reverend father in God, Patrik, be the mercy of God Archbishop of Glasgow, sall hath or may conceive against us or any of us, and to declare how willing we are to continue in all reverend and dewtiful obedience to the said rycht reverend father as over lord under his Majestie: We, by these presents, doe bind ourselves and our successours, the provest, bailyeis, deane of guild, tresaurer, counsail and community of the said burg and city, that the said infeftment sall not in ony sort prejudge the said reverend father, his successours, nor the said chaptour nor the Colledge within the said burgh and city in ony libertyes, rychts, profits, or priviledges belonging to the see of Glasgow, chaptor or Colledge within the samine; renouncing, lyk as by these presents we renounce all benefit that may accresce to us by the said infeftment, insofarre as may be hurtfull or prejudiciall to the said see, chaptour, and Colledge, faithfully promising, lyk as we do by thir presents faithfully promise never to use the said infeftment against the said rycht reverend father or his successours to his or thair prejudice, which we ar content shall be restrict to the infeftment granted to the said burgh and city by the most excellent king, King James of blessed memory, past in the year of God 1611 years, in so farre as concerns the said see, chaptour, and College of Glasgow, and to the infeftment granted, lykways be King James of blessed memory, in the year of God 1613; and we consent that for the more security this our band be registrat in the bookes of counsall, bookes of excheicker, commissaries bookes of Glasgow, or any other register whatsomever, ad futurum rei memoriam; and for that effect constitutes Mr William Hog owr procuratour de rato, etc. In Witness of the quhilk thing, written be Andro Faulls, writter of Glasgow, we have subscryved with our hands thir presentis, and sealed with our seal at Glasgow, 6 day of December, the yeer of God 1636, before thir witnesses, John Dinnine, Gawan Nesmeth, merchands burgesses of the said burgh, William Year, servitour to Mr Johne Hutchesoun, clerk thereof, and the said Andro Faulls, writter hereof. Coline Campbell, provest; Johne Barnes, baillie; James Bell, baillie; William Wilsoune, baillie; James Hammiltoune, deane of guild; William Robertsoune, treasurer: Ninian Guilhagy, deacon convener; William Stewart, Walter Douglas, William Huie, Gawan Neisbit, Niniane Andersone, John Sheils, George Porter field, Matthow Hammiltoune, Patrike Golquhoune, Archibald Fauls, James Colquhoune, William Hyndshaw, Coline Campbell, Johne Andersoune, Thomas Scott, Robert Horner. John Dinnine, witnes; Gawane Nesmeth, witnes; William Year, witness; Andro Fauls, witness.