Extracts from the Records: 1556

Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1528-1557. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1871.

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'Extracts from the Records: 1556', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1528-1557, ed. J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1871), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1528-57/pp229-260 [accessed 12 February 2025].

'Extracts from the Records: 1556', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1528-1557. Edited by J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1871), British History Online, accessed February 12, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1528-57/pp229-260.

"Extracts from the Records: 1556". Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1528-1557. Ed. J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1871), British History Online. Web. 12 February 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1528-57/pp229-260.


8 January 1555-6.

Villa, Cramaris.

The baillie Richart Carmichaell, James Barroun dene of gild, Maister Johnne Prestoun, Adam Foulartoun and Eduard Hoip of the counsale, hes licentiat the personis vnderwrittin to stand in the placis vnder specifiit for selling of sic cramery wair as thai may sell be the ordinance of the toun and na vtheris, and sall pay yeirlie ilkane of thame thairfor xx s. at twa termes, viz., Williame Heleis and Thomas Greif and Peter Fairbarn to haif the place betuix the butrege on the bak of Sanct Mertenis ile, Paull Donaldsoun and John Dewar to haif the place betuix the butrege on the baksyde of the goldsmythis alter, Johne Makmillane and Richart Archibald to haif the place betuix the butrege on the bak of Sanct Nicoles alter, James Dauidsoun and Thomas Alexander to haif the place betuix the butrege on the bak of Sanct Johnis ile.

10 January 1555-6.

Precept, Quhyntin.

The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis the thesaurar in the yeir bygane Maister Johne Prestoun, to content and pay to Robert Quhyntin the sowme of xj li. ij s. d. restand awand to him at the futing of his compitis, and siclike the sowme of v li. x s. debursit and payit be him to ane sterisman that past with him to Norroway, and siclik the sowme of x li. for the said Robertis expensis the xv vlkis quhilkis he wes in his viage in Norroway, and xviij li. for the said Robertis wagis xvij vlkis quhilkis he avatit and ouersaw the werk of the Newhavin.

11 January 1555-6.

[Act of Privy Council as to price of bread, &c.]

Apud Edinburgh, vndecimo Januarii anno Domini, etc. Ivto.

Forsamekle as the breid, all, flesche, fische, wilde meit and vtheris victuallis within the realme ar risyn to sic ane exorbitand darth that the lieges can nocht be sarvit thairwith vpone ressonabill prices, the Quenis [grace] and Lordis of Secreit Counsall takand deliberatione quhat maner the samin mycht be represt, the prouest and ballies of Edinburgh being callit thairto and thair opinione hard, hes deuisit and ordanit that the boll of quheit being commonly sauld in the marcat for four merkis the baxteris fremen of burrowis sall sell xiiij vnce of bakin breid gud and sufficient stuff for four penneis, and vtheris baxteris duelland in landwart and vnfremen sall eik ane vnce weycht for ilk penny to the quantite foirsaid, thai bryngand thair breid to be sauld in the marcat of Edinburgh, and sua as the prices of the prices of the quheit risis or diminisis the breid to be sauld thairefter, and gif ony man deliveris quheit to ane baxtar tobe bakin to him that he ressaue sevin scoir pund weycht of bakin breid gud and sufficient stuff for ilk boll. Item, that the prouest and baillies of ilk burgh sall at the end of ilk moneth mak proclamationes at thair marcatt croces vpone quhat prices the malt salbe sauld in the moneth ensewing, conforme to the prices of the beir commonly sauld in the marcat, and consequently how the aill salbe sauld in the same moneth, and quhatsumevir prices be statute within burgh that the samin be vniuersally observit alsweill to burgh as land regalite as rialte throughout the haill schire; and becaus it is difficult to put ane ordour to the flesoris vtherwys it is ordanit that for ane yeir it salbe leifull to all maner of persones, quhithir thai be fremen of burrowis or nocht, at thair plesure, to inbryng vpone all the dayis of the oulk beif muttone veill and pork within burgh, brak and sell the samin in all the marcattis thairof, the said licence onely for the spaice of ane yeir nixtocum to endure. Item, the saidis prouest and ballies sall advert that in thair marcattis na poultry be sauld darrer than the pricis following, that is to say ane capone xx d., ane hen xiiij d., ane gryce [illegible], ane tame guse ij s., ane tame duke xiiij d., the best kypill of chykkynnis fra Pasche furth xij d., and the smallar of smallar prices, ane kypill of dowis vj d., ane kypill of cvnnyngis of creche betuix Alhallowmes and Fastroneveyn iij s., and vther war xxx d.: Provyding always that the conyngis and lapronys be sparit betuix [illegible] and Alhallowmes and nane to be coft nor sauld; and becaus the prices of the befoirsaid hes bene raisit to ane exorbitand darth heirtofor vpone the occasione sione of ane number of regratouris duelland within the toun of Edinburgh, it is ordanit that four of the principallis of thame haifand heirefter barnes at the discretione of the prouest and baillies of the said burgh salbe banist and commandit mandit nocht to remane nor resort within the haill schyre of Edinburgh for the space of ane yeir nixtocum, vnder the pane of [illegible], and the remanent regratouris dischargeit of forthir exersying thairof vnder the pane of banesying foirsaid; and to the effect that [several words destroyed or illegible] vsit, this ordinance to be publist be opin proclamatioun, and that nocht onely the prouest and baillies of burrowis within burgh bot alsweill the schireffis of ilk schyre and lordis of regaliteis within thair jurisdictiones tak heid that it be vniuersely observit and pvnis the transgressouris alsweill byaris as sellaris as thai will ansuer to the Quenis grace vpone thair vtermost charge. It is also ordanit that the act of parliament maid of befoir for presentyng of all fisches to the mercat, and thair remanyng ane certane houris or merchandis haif liberte to by the samyn to pak and peill, salbe proclamit on Mononday nixtocum in tyme of marcatt at the croce of Edinburgh, and sicklyk at all the portis and se tounys quhair [fisch] vsis commonly to be takin and sauld, that the subiectis may the bettir haif knawlege thairof. Atour, it is ordanit that na wylde foull be tane coft sauld nor eityn within this realme be na maner of persones of quhatsumeuir degre or qualite thai be of fra Fastronisevyn nixtocum vnto the Feist of Pasche in the yeir of God jm vc lvij yeris, vnder the pane of ten libris to be vpliftit and takin vnforgevin fra the transgressour heirof for ilk tyme sa oft as he sall offend thairin, and to be applyit the tua panis thairof to oure Souerane Ladyis vse, and the thrid to him quha sall denunce the falt to the Quenis grace or hir officeris for punisment of the samin. And to the effect that the samin be na wys neclekkit ordanis the provest and ballies of burrowis within burgh, the serefis of ilk schyre, lordis of regaliteis within thair jurisdictiounis and baronys within thair baronyis, to informe vpone the transgressione heirof as thai will ansuer to the Quenis grace vpone the executioun of thair offices. Extractum de libro actorum secreti consilii.
W. Maitland.

15 January 1555-6.

Anent the puris bred.

The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis Johne Dowgall merchand and Thomas Reidpeth to ressaif the pure folkis bred and siluer thairof and ordour the samyn quhill Michaelmas nixt tocum.

Finder, Burges.

The prouest baillies and counsale grantis to Johne Finder wrycht his burgeschip gratis, in consideratioun that he beand wirkand at the townis werk in the tolbuith in the propping thairof hurt himself in lifting of tymmer that he lay xv vlkis seik thairby.

Thomsoun, Burges.

The prouest baillies and counsale grantis to Alexander Thomsoun his burgesschip and gylry gratis, at the requeist and desyre of Andro Murray of Blakbarony.

17 January 1555-6.

Anent the Borrow loch.

The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis, for caussis and considerationis moving thame and for the commoun weill of thair calsay, the Borrow-loch to be lattin furth and the dyke thairof sloppit sua that it may ryn quhair it ran of befoir, quhill the feist of Pasche nixt tocum, and than ordanis new consider atioun to be tane quhether it be better the samyn be lattin furth or haldin in as it is now.

Hall, Precept.

The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis the thesaurar Master Archibald Grahame to pay to Thomas Hall the sowme of xl s. by the vj li. quhilk he suld haif of the towne for furnissing of the colis to the lordis, in consideratioun sideratioun that he this yeir furnissis colis to the towne and lordis befoir none and efter.

Anent the mylnis.

The prouest baillies and counsale, haiffand consideratioun of the complaynt gevin in be Maister James Lindesay firmorar of the commoun mylnis, and als haiffand respect of the grete hurt of the saidis mylnis now instant and apperandlie tocum thairto, and to the awld actis and ordinancis maid thairanent in tymes bygane, hes statute and ordanit that na maner of persoun induellar within the fredome of this burgh, makar of malt or vtheris, thyrlit to thair commoun mylnis, in tyme cummyng pas fra the said commoun mylnis to ony vther mylnis with thair malt to grynd the samyn thairat, vndir the pane of eschete of the stufe quhair it may be apprehendit be the said Maister James or the firmorar for the tyme, and failyeing of the apprehending thairof to pay dowbill mvlter for the samyn as it may be provin be the firmorar for the tyme; and alsua it is statute and ordanit that gif ony persoun that duellis outwith the fredome of this burgh and makis malt within the samyn that malt cummand within this fredome to be thirlit to the saidis tounis mylnis; and the possessour of the killis and barnis quhair the said malt salhappin to be maid to be astrikit to the firmorar of the said mylnis for the said malt gif it beis abstrakit or away tane fra the saidis mylnis.

20 January 1555-6.

[Commissioners to attend Convention.]

The quhilk day, the prouest baillies and counsale, at the command of the Quenis grace wryting vnderwrittin, nemmit and chesit Archibald Douglas of Kilspindy prouest, Andro Murray of Blakbarony, and Maister Johne Prestoun, for the merchandis, and Thomas Reidpeth, skynnar, for the craftismen, to convene vene with the rest of the commissinaris of borrowis, conform to the said wryting, of the quhilk the tenour followis:—Provest, baillies, and counsale of Edinburgh we grete yow weill: Forsamekil as we are informit of diuers debaittis and pleyis amangis merchandis and craftsmen within syndry borrowis of this realm quhilkis we ar werray desyrous to haif recounselit, for furthsetting ing of the commoun weill and avanceing of sic seruice as consernis oure derrest dochter twiching hir cunye myndis and fischingis, quhairfoir we charge yow that vpoun the xv day of Januar nixtocum ye caus twa commissinaris, ane of the maist honest merchandis and ane vther craftismen, to be in Edinburgh to ressoun in the materis foirsaidis with sic commissinaris as we sall appoynt to that effect, as ye will ansuer to ws thairvpoun. At Falkland the xxvij day of Nouember 1555. Sequitur subscriptio, Marie R.

Protestatio. Grahame nomine Ville.

The quhilk day, in presens of the baillies and counsale, Maister Archibald Graham, thesaurar, protestit that the chesing of Thomas Reidpeth, skynnar, beand ane craftisman, as commissionar, conform to the act aboue writtin, be vertew of the Quenis grace wryting, preiuge nocht the towne in tyme cuming, insafer as craftismen wer neuir chosin commissinaris of befoir.

Protestatio. Gilbert nomine artificum.

The quhilk day, in presens of the baillies and counsale, Michael Gilbert, goldsmyth, in name of the haill visitouris of craftis, desyrit the saidis visitouris to be hard and to haif voting in the chesing of the commissinaris quhilkis the Quenis grace be hir wryting desyrit to be chosin, and becaus the baillies and counsale refusit, protestit for remeid, and als desyrit thame to cheis twa craftismen alsueil as thai had chosin tua merchandis.

23 January 1555-6.

Protestatio. Commissioners of Edinburgh.

The quhilk day, in presens of the commissinaris of borrowis convenit in Edinburgh in the Tolbuith thairof, Maister Johne Prestoun askit instrumentis that he, Andro Murray of Blakbarony, and Thomas Reidpeth, thre of the commissinaris to Edinburgh, ansuerit to the secund article gevin in to thame be James Henrisoun in the Quenis grace name, negatiue, as thai that had commissioun thairto and to na vther effect.

24 January 1555-6.


The quhilk day, Archibald Dowglas of Kilspindy, prouest, John Sym, Robert Fleming, Richard Carmichael, and Alexander Home, baillies, James Broun dene of gild, Andro Murray of Blackbarony, Maister Johne Prestoun, Maister James Lindesay, Eduard Hoip, Johne Spottiswod, James Carmichael, Adam Foulartoun, Alexander Achesoun, Johne Symsoun, of the counsale, Maister Archibald Graham thesaurar, Cuthbert Dik visitour of the walkeris, Thomas Boyis visitour of the baxteris, Johne Gilbert visitour of the goldsmythis, Nicoll Rynd visitour of the tailyeouris, Johne Banx visitour of the hammermen, Thomas Clerksoun visitour of the skynnaris, Gilbert Gray visitour of the masonis, Virgil Calder visitour of the wrychtis, Alexander Bruce visitour of the barbouris, William Smyth visitour of the cordinaris, and William Mochry visitour of the wobstaris, vnderstandand that the haill borrowis of this realm ar hevely hurt be the compelling of thaim to bring hame bulyeon furth of vther cuntreis, it beand inhibit thair, and als that thai ar inhibit nocht to send fischeis furth of the realm without licence quhair thai war frie of befoir, and als be ane act maid anent the prices of wyne be the Secreit Counsale quhair the borrowis had the making of the prices thairof ofbefoir be act of parliament, and becaus thair is now at this tyme ane pairt of the commissinaris of borrowis in this burgh desyrand the saidis hurtis to be remedit: thairfor the saidis prouest baillies dene of gild counsale and visitouris of craftis consentit, and be the tenour heirof consentis, that thair be thre chosin as commissinaris of this burgh to convene with the rest of the commissinaris of borrowis and consent that ane generall contributioun and propine of money be vpliftit of the haill borrowis and gevin to the Quenis grace to obtene the discharge of the saidis hurtis done to the borrowis anent the bulyeoun fische and wyne, and als that na sic ackis nor ordinancis to the hurt of the borrowis be maid in tyme cuming bot in parliament, providand always that the said discharge be first optenet and grantit; and to the effect foirsaid nemmis the prouest, William Craik, and Maister Johne Prestoun, commissinaris, and ordanis thaim to grant to na sowme in speciall quhill thai aduertis the counsale agane.

In presens of the prouest baillies counsale and visitouris, Thomas Reidpeth in name of the craftis protestit that na vther articulis be gevin in to the Quenis grace nor ar aboue expremit without thai be schawin in presens foirsaid.

25 January 1555-6.

Protestatio artificorum.

In presens of the prouest baillies and counsale, Thomas Boyis in the name of the haill visitouris of craftis desyrit, conform to the Quenis grace wryting, becaus [what] the saidis prouest baillies and counsale desyrit wes to dispens with bulyeoun fischeis and wynis or thai wald grant to len or gif to the Quenis grace ony money, siclik to desyre for thair pairt to dispens with the act of parliament quhilk wes maid in hurt of thair priuilege that the craftismen may brouke thair auld priuilege as the Quenis grace dearest husband King James the Fift left tham with, quhome God assolye, vtherwys thai wald tak the addres that thai mycht get for tham selffis.

27 January 1555-6.

Anent the Commissinaris.

The quhilk day, the prouest, Johne Sym, Richard Carmichael, Alexander Home, baillies, dene of gild, thesaurar and counsale, ratifyit Maister Johne Prestoun and William Craik commissinaris for this burgh to the effect specifyt in thair commissioun the xxiiij of Januar instant, and ordanit tham to grant that four thousand merkis wer contribute be the borrowis for the caussis specifiit in thair said commissioun and to na hiear sowme.

Protestatio. Achesoun, Adamsoun.

The quhilk day, in presens of Alexander Home, baillie, James Adamsoun and Alexander Achesoun askit instrumentis that thai disassentit to the act aboue writtin.

31 January 1555-6.

Pensio, Scott.

The prouest baillies and ane pairt of the counsale grantis and gevis to Alexander Scott ane pensioun of ten pundis furth of thair commoun gude for the yeir to cum alanerlie, and ordanis the thesaurar to pay him thairof, and that for his avating and singing in thair queir during the said tyme all the haly and festiuall dayis and playing on the organis quhen he salbe requirit be the towne thairto.

7 February 1555-6.

Precept, Graham.

The prouest and counsale allowis to Maister Archibald Graham thesaurar the sowme of xxvij li. viij s. debursit be him for the expensis of the prouest twa of the baillies and certane of the counsale that past to Striueling to the Quenis grace for the getting of the delay of the summondis raisit aganis the towne for the bulyeoun and vtheris the townis effaris.


The prouest and counsale allowis to Maister Archibald Graham the sowme of xvj li. debursit to him for the price of four tvnis wyne, quhairof thre wes deliuerit to the Quenis grace and ane to Monsieur Dosell mair nor wes allowit to be debursit thairfor.


The baillies and counsale ordanis Maister Johne Prestoun thesaurar in the yeir bygane to content and pay to Robert Quhyntin the sowme of v li. in augmentatioun of his expensis the tyme he wes in Northway.

Anent the charterhous.

The prouest, Richard Carmichael, bailie, and the counsale ordanis the thre keyis of the charterhous durris to be kepit in tyme cummyng in maner following, viz., the key of the inner bindin dure to be keipit be the dene of gild for the tyme, and the dene of gildis predecessour, viz., the dene of gild in the yeir precedand, to haif ane of the keyis of the irne dure, and anent the vthir ke of the irne dure ordanis the samyn at this tyme to be deliuerit in keiping to Johne Symsoun to be kepit be him induring the prouest, baillies and counsalis will.

24 February 1555-6.


We do yow to wit: Forsamekill as our Souerane Ladyis letteres be ane act of the lordis of secreit counsale ar direct to the prouest and baillies of this burgh twicheing the making of wappynschawing conform to the act of parliament thrys this nixt yeir and twis ilk yeir followand, as at mair lenth is contenit in the saidis letteres proclamit thairupoun, and conform thairto the saidis prouest and baillies assignis wappynschawing of the nychtbouris and inhabitaris of this burgh to be the nixt morn efter Law Sonday efter pasche nixt tocum on the west part of the commoun Borrowmvre, at ten houris before none, conform to the tenour of the saidis letteres.

Breid, malt, aill.

We do you to wit: Forsamekle as be ane act and ordinance sett furth be our Souerane Ladyis derrest moder Mary, quene drowriar and regent of this realm, and the lordis of secrete counsale thairof, it is commandit that the prouest and baillies of ilk burgh, sereffis of schyre and vther officeris, etc., suld ilk moneth tak cognitioun of the pais and prices of quheit and of the prices of malt and aill, and the prouest and baillies of this burgh vnderstandand that the boll quheit is now commonlie sauld for xliij s. iiij d. or thairby, ordanis all the baxteris of this burgh baik thair breid gud and sufficient stufe and that the iiij d. laif wey xvij vnces, vnder the panis contenit in the statutis of the town; and siclik vnderstandand that the boll beir is commonlie sauld for xxxvj s. or thairby, ordanis the nyne furlettis grundin malt of the auld mesour to be sauld for iiij li. and the pynt aill iiij d., vndir the panis respectiue contenit in the statutis of this town.

20 March 1555-6.

Protestatio, Barroun.

In presens of the prouest baillies and counsale, Alexander Barroun sone and air to vmquhile Patrik Barroun last watter baillie desyrit the said office to be haldin still in the townis hand conform to his bill, and desyrit the seruice thairof quhill Michaelmes nixt tocum, he findand souerte for gude seruice thairin.

Litill, villa.

In presens of the prouest baillies and counsale, Maister Henry Foulis in name and behalf of Johne Litill presentit twa wrytingis direct be the Quenis grace to the towne in favouris of the said Johne twicheing the office of watter bailyery, and desyrit thair ansuer thairupoun.

24 March 1555-6.

Villa, anent the watter bailyery.

Alexander Home, Johne Sym, Robert Flemyng, Richard Carmichael baillies, Maisteris Thomas M'Calyeane, Johne Spens, Robert Hereot assissouris, James Barroun dene of gild, Andro Murray of Blakbarony, Johne Symsoun, James Carmichael, Maister Johne Prestoun, Maister James Lindesay, Adam Foulartoun, Eduard Hoip, James Adamsoun, Johne Spottiswod, and Michael Gilbert of the counsale, Thomas Clerksoun visitour of the skynnaris, Johne Banx visitour of the hammermen, Gilbert Gray visitour of the masounis, Virgill Calder visitour of the wrichtis, William Smyth visitour of the cordi naris, Cuthbert Dik visitour of the walkeris, William Mochry visitour of the wobstaris, Archibald Dewar for the visitour of the tailyeouris, Johne Mosman for the visitour of the goldsmythis, William Craik, Francis Tennand, William Muirhead, Allane Dikkesoun, William Lausoun, Alexander Barroun, Dauid Symmer, and George Todrrik, burgessis convenit in the Tolbuyth thairof, vndirstandand that the said burgh thair havin of Leyth liberte and fredome thairof hes bene hevely hurt in all tymes bygane throw the geving of the office of watter bailyery in liferent to vmquhile Patrik Barroun quha broukit the samyn during all the dayis of his liftyme and is now laitlie deceissit, and that the said office wes of befoir the gevin thairof to the said vmquhile Patrik vsit yeirlie to be elekit and chosin at Michaelmes as the prouest and baillies wer; thairfor the saidis baillies assissouris counsale visitouris and men of gude and burgessis foirsaidis thinkis expedient and als statutis and ordanis that the said office in all tyme cummyng be changit yeirlie at Michaelmes as the laif of the officeris of burgh, sic as prouest baillies thesaurar and dene of gild ar, and that the samyn be neuir gevin in lifrent to ony persoun of quhatsumeuir degre he be of; and quha purchessis requeistis or chargis of the princis or vther superiouris in the contrar, decernis that persone to be vnhabill to brouke liberte fredome or office in this burgh, and heirto the saidis prouest baillies assissouris counsale and honest men burgessis and communite oblissis tham and thair successouris; and ordanis the thesaurar to intromet with the doksiluer quhil thai be forther avisit, to be furthcummand to the tounis vs.

1 April 1556.

Anent the Borrowloch.

The baillies and counsale ordanis the thesaurar, personalie present, to big vp the west end of the Borrowloch and hald in the watter thairof.

Anent the baxteris.

The baillies and counsale ratifiis and apprevis the act maid for the tyme anent the baxteris and thair vsing of the grynding of thair girstes at the commoun mylnis, of the dait the xj day of October the yeir of God jmvj yeris, and the vther act maid the xij day of Julij the yeir of God jm jc yeris, and ordanis the samyn to be fulfillit in all poyntis.

Anent the choppis.

The baillies and counsale ratifiis and apprevis the act maid anent the dountaking of the choppis on the hie gait, and ordanis the dene of gild and his seriandis to put the samyn to executioun on the Witsounday nixt tocum, and gif thai failye to tak tham downe on the awnaris expensis.

10 April 1556.

Blacader, villa.

The quhilk day, Alexander Home, Richard Carmichael, baillies, and the maist pairt of the counsale, findis that Hector Blacader hes falit in the refusing and dissobeying to pas with the pece to the procuratioun to Sanct Gelis werk on Palm Sonday last bypast, he beand chairgit thairto as he confessit be the gild seriandis, nochtwithstanding his excuse maid in the contrar, and thairfor ordanis him to pay alsmekil as Johne Wicht quha procurit that day gat viz., xxiij s, and to be poyndit thairfor.

Kincaid, dene of gild.

The bailies and counsale findis that Hector Blacader wes suorn and admittit burges and gild and suorn in Johne Symsoun's tyme, and thairfor ordanis him to be put in the buke, and the dene of gild present to ressaif his dewite, viz. xxxiij s. iiij d., quhilk wes for that tyme.

Anent the procuring with Sanct Gelis pece.

The baillies, Richard Carmichael and Alexander Home, and the maist pairt of the counsale ordanis and statutis that quhatsumeuir persone induellar within this burgh in tyme cummyng, beand warnit to procure with Sanct Gelis pece, and dissobeyis or refusis, to pay xl s. and to pas the nixt Sonday thairefter, and ordanis the dene of gild and his seriandis to poynd thairfor.

Dene of gild, villa.

The baillies, Richard Carmichael and Alexander Home, and the maist pairt of the counsale ordanis in all tymes cummyng that quhatsumeuir persone beis maid burges or gild that the dene of gild put him in the bukis and ansuer for his dewite in his comptis.

20 April 1556.

Anent the breid, aill, malt.

The baillies causit proclame at the merket croce of Edinburgh the prices of quheit and breid malt and aill, conform to the act maid be the Quenis grace and Lordis of Secreit Counsale, and als conform to ane act maid in thir bukis the xxiiij day of Februar last bypast, viz., that the boll quheit wes sauld commonlie for xlvj s. viijd.; and thairby ordanit the iiij d. laif to wey xvj vncis, and siclik the boll of beir commonlie sauld for xxxvj s., and that thairby the laid malt wer sauld for iiij li. and the pynt aill for iiij d., vnder the panis specifiit in the statutis of the towne.

24 April 1556.

Thesaurar, villa.

The prouest baillies and the maist pairt of the counsale ordanis Maister Archibald Graham thesaurar, of his consent, to furnis of the reddiest of the commoun rentis and avance ane thousand merkis to the bigging of the Newhavin this yeir instant.

Precept, Maister of scule.

The prouest baillies and counsale allowis to Maister Archibald Grahame thesaurar the sowme of ten merkis payit and deliuerit be him to the maister of the Franche scule deliuerit be him to the said maister at thair command.

27 April 1556.

Thesaurar, villa.

The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis Maister Archibald Graham thesaurar to tak vp the restis of the baillies comptis of the yeir bygane contenit in the register, and als to mak ane grene clayth to the burd and cushounis thairto to the counsalhous.


The prouest baillies and counsale allowis to Maister Archibald Grahame thesaurar the sowme of xiiij li. x s. debursit be him the tyme the prouest baillies and assissouris past in lentrone last bypast to Striueling, and siclike the sowme of v li. x s. debursit the tyme Maister Johne Spens and Robert Flemyng past to the Quenis grace to Striueling.

Wattir baillie.

In presens of the prouest baillies and counsale, Johne Litill presentit ane writing subscriuit be the Quenis grace of the tenour following, viz.:—Provest baillies and counsale of Edinburgh: Forsamekill as we haif oft and diuers tymes requeistit yow be oure vthir speciall writtingis to haif prouidit oure dalie seruitour Johne Litill to the office of wattir bailyeschip, wakand in your handis be deceis of vmquhile Patrik Barroun, quhilkis oure vthir requeistis and speciall writtingis ye haif as yit contempnandlie dissobeyit and postponis and deferris to fulfill the effect of the samin, quhairthrow we ar movit to charge yow to do the samin: Heirfor it is oure will and we charge yow this writting being sene that ye convene and mak the said Johne be dewlie prouidit to the said office siclik as vtheris hes bene of befoir, quhilk gif ye failye to do we can nocht stand content thairwith and salbe als ingrait and vnthankfull to yow gif ye charge ws with ony besynes concernyng yow in tymes cuming; and we assuir yow this oure vtir ansuer to yow in this behalf. Subscriuit with our hand at Halyrudhous the (blank) day of April 1556.

Protestatio, Barroun.

In presens of the prouest baillies and counsale, Alexander Barroun askit instrumentis vpoun the productioun of the writting aboue writtin and desirit the samin to be registrat.

Protestatio, Dewar.

In presens of the prouest baillies and counsale, Archibald Dewar declarit that it wes the haill craftis mynd that the Quenis Grace writting presentit be Johnne Litill tuiching the wattir bailyery suld be obeyit, and thairupoun askit instrumentis.

28 April 1556.

Protestatio, Barroun,

In presens of the prouest, the four baillies, the thre assissours, the haill counsale, and nyne of the vesitouris of craftis, Alexander Barroun askit instrumentis and protestit in cais the office of wattir-bailyery quhilk his fader [had] ofbefoir wer gevin to ony perticular persoun that it preiudgit nocht him nor his rycht thairof, bot that he mycht persew thairfor tyme and place convenient.

Nota. Protestatio, Lausoun.

In presens of the prouest baillies counsale and vesitouris forsaid, James Lausoun, bonetmaker, desirit in place of dekin to haif ane vot with the craftis in respect of the act of parliament maid that in place of dekynnis suld be chos vesitouris, (fn. 1) and that as he allegit the said craft had ane dekyn and wot of befoir, and thairupoun askit instrumentis.

Protestatio, Young et Dewar.

In presens of the prouest baillies assissouris counsale and vesitouris forsaidis, James James Young and Archibald Dewar desirit that samony of the vesitouris of the craftis as wer absent that vtheris of thai craftis wer chosyn in thair placis to wot anent the wattir-bailyery, and declarit that thai had commissioun for the haill xiij vesitouris and the twa craftismen of the counsale to wot conform to the Quenis Grace desir anent the said office to Johne Litill.

Wattir baillie.

In presens of the baillies assissouris and counsale, Archibald Douglas of Kilspyndy, prouest, declarit to thame that he had speciall command of the Quenis grace, and that hir grace had chargit him to caus thame wot anent the office of wattir-bailyery conform to hir gracis writting, euery man particularly be thamself, and chargit thame thairwith and that he mycht schew the samin to hir grace, quhilkis baillies assissouris and counsale refusit to wot and gif thair particular wottis in writt, in respect that thai wer ane counsale sworn to gif the best counsale thai culd and consele the counsale schewin to thame.

2 May 1556.

Anent the office of watter bailyery.

The quhilk day, Sir Hew Kennedy presentit ane wryting to the prouest direct be the Quenis grace to him, of the quhilk the tenour followis:—Prouest of Edinburgh, we command yow this wryting sene ye caus convene the hale counsale and communite of the said burgh in the Tolbuyth thairof, and caus our daylie seruitour Johne Litill be lauchfullie providit to the office of wattir bailyeschip conform to diuers our vtheris wrytingis direct to yow of befoir, and gif ony of the counsale happynis to be absent that ye neuirtheles proceid to the geving of the said office to the said Johne as ye will ansuer to ws thairupoun. Subscriuit with our hand, at Halyrudhous the (blank) day of (blank) 1556. Efter the quhilk writing presenting the said prouest and the baillies counsale and communitie vnderwrittin comperand votit in this maner:—

The prouest gevis the office of wattirbailyery to Johne Litil with all proffittis and commoditeis thairof for all the dayis of his liftyme, conform to the Quenis grace command and wryting.

Mr Archibald Graham thesaurer gaif the samin to the said Johne siclik.

Johne Sym, Robert Flemyng, and Richard Carmichael baillies, declarit thai culd nocht voit becaus the counsale wes nocht all present nor yet warnit.

Alexander Home bailie votit that the said office remane in the townis handis.

Johne Symsoun, Adam Foulartoun, and James Carmichael of the counsall votit as the thre baillies did.

Johne Loch and Michaell Gilbert of the counsale grantit the office foirsaid to John Litill for ane yeir at the Quenis grace desyre.

William Mochry, visitour of the wobstaris, John Gilbert, visitour of the goldsmythis, Alexander Bruce, visitour of the barbouris, Johne Banx, visitour of the hammermen, William Smyth, visitour of the cordinaris, Thomas Clerksoun, visitour of the skynnaris, Gilbert Gray, visitour of the masonis, Henry Robertoun, visitour of the flescheouris, and Cuthbert Dik, visitour of the walkaris, grantit the office of wattirbailyery to Johne Litill for all the dayis of his liftyme.

7 May 1556.

Anent the office of watter bailyery.

In presens of the prouest, John Sym, Richard Carmichael, Robert Flemyng baillies, the haill counsale except Michael Gilbert and Andro Murray, and the thre assissouris present, Johne Litill presentit and producit to tham ane wryting and charge of the Quenis grace, of the quhilk the tenour followis:— Prouest baillies and counsale of Edinburgh: Forsamekill as we haif oft and diuers tymes requeistit and als chargit yow to haif providit and disponit the office of wattirbaillieschip now vacand in your handis to our daylie seruitour Johne Litill, likeas diuers our vther wrytingis direct to you of befoir at mair lenth proportis, quhilkis as yit ye haif nocht fulfillit bot contempnandlie hes dissobeyit the samyn, quhairfor we charge yow yit as of befoir that incontinent this our wryting sene ye gif and dispone the said office of wattirbailieschip to the said Johne for all the dayis of his life, to be broukit and vsit be him during his liftyme siclike as vmquhile Patrick Barroun last watter baillie vsit the samyn, and your ansuer heirintill quhat ye will do in this behalf but delay, for it is our vtir mynd that the samyn be done but ony forther excusatioun, as ye will answer to ws thairupoun. Subscriuit with our hand, at Halyrudehous the (blank) day of Maii 1556.

8 May 1556.

In presens of Johne Sym, Richard Carmichaell and Robert Flemying baillies, and the haill counsale except Michael Gilbert, Maister Johne Hay, persone of Monymusk, presentit ane wryting of the Quenis grace, subscriuit with hir gracis hand, off the quhilk the tenour followis:— Prouest of Edinburgh: Forsamekill as we perfytlie vnderstand that James Barroun, Johne Sym, Edmund Hoip, Adam Foulartoun, Maister James Lindesay and Johne Spottiswod, now being vpoun the counsall of the said burgh hes bene and ar werray dissobeydient to our chargis and commandis, and ar nocht gevin for the commoun weill of the said burgh, quhairfor we charge yow this wryting sene that ye incontinent depryve the forisaidis personis of the counsale of the said burgh, and elect and cheis vtheris qualyfyt burgessis in thair placis, as ye will ansuer to us thairupoun. Subscriuit with our hand, at Halyrudehous the viij day of Mail 1556.

Anent the office of walter bailliery to Johne Lytill.

The quhilk day, John Sym, Richard Carmichael and Robert Flemyng baillies, James Barroun dene of gild, Andro Murray of Blakbarony, Maister James Lindesay, Maister Johne Prestoun, James Adamsoun, James Carmichaell, Adam Foulartoun, Alexander Achesoun, Eduard Hoip, Johne Symsoun, Johne Spottiswod and Johne Loch of the counsall, and Maister Robert Hereot ane of the assissouris, gevis and grantis the office of watter bailyery of the port of Leyth, now vacand in thair handis throw the deceis of vmquhile Patrik Barroun of Spittalfeild last watter baillie thairof, with all and syndry the proffitis commoditeis and dewiteis thairof, to Johne Litill burges of the said burgh, at the Quenis command, be hir Gracis wrytingis of requeistis and chargis direct to thame thairanent, and that indurand the Quenis Gracis plesour, to be broukit and vsit be him at hir Gracis plesour and will, providand that the commoun clerk of the said burgh and his deputtis be his clerkis to his wattir cowrttis and he to cheis na vtheris.

11 May 1556.

Protestatic, Symsoun, Carmichael.

In presence of the baillies and ane pairt of the counsale, James Barroun input the box with the commoun seill in the charter hous, and James Carmichael and Johne Symsoun keparis of the keyis of the said hous protestit that quhat wes done with the said seill in tymes bygane that thai wer nocht oblist to ansuer thairfor.

15 May 1556.

Hall, baillies.

The counsale ordanit Thomas Hal, javillour, to releif the baillies anent the boy quhilk was input in the tolbuith for the steling of the Quenis grace siluer plait or to enter the boy agane.

Anent the puris bred.

John Sym Richard Carmichael baillies and the counsale ordanis James Stewinsoun and Alexander Park to ressaif the pure folkis bred, and vs the distributioun thairof for the space of thre monethis nixt tocum.

Anent the wattirbailyery.

In presens of Johne Sym and Richard Carmichael baillies, and the counsale, John Litill made his aith to exerce the office of wattirbailyery conform to the gift maid to him thairof be ane act the viij day of Maij instant lelely and trewlie but feid or fauour.

Graham, thesaurer, villa.

The baillies Johne Sym and Richard Carmichael baillies, and the counsale and assissouris ordanis Maister Archibald Grahame, thesaurar, to big vp the dure of the irnehous incontinent, and to mak the wechtis to the trone, vnder the pane of depryvatioun of him of his office and releving of the jugis and the counsale sa fer as thai salhappin to incur danger thairthrow.

30 May 1556.

Anent the watterbailyery.

In presens of the prouest baillies and the maist pairt of the counsale, comperit Johne Litill and presentit ane wryting subscriuit be the Quenis [grace] of the quhilk the tenour followis: We vndirstanding that Johne Sym, Richard Carmichael and Robert Flemyng baillies, James Barroun dene of gild, Andro Murray of Blakbarony, Maister James Lindesay, Maister Johne Prestoun, James Adamsoun, James Carmichael, Adam Foularton, Alexander Achesoun, Eduard Hoip, Johne Symsoun, Johne Spottiswod and Johne Loch of the counsale, and Maister Robert Hereot, ane of the assissouris of the burgh of Edinburgh, gaif and grantit the office of watter bailyery of the port of Leyth, vacand in thair handis throw deceis of vmquhile Patrik Barroun of Spittalfield last watter bailye thairof, with all and syndry proffittis commodities and dewiteis of the samyn, to our louit Johne Litill burges of the said burgh, and that induring our plesour to be broukit and joysit induring our will, as ane act maid thairupon vndir the signe and subscriptione of Alexander King commoun clerk of the said burgh beris, quhilk will we declair be thir presentis in maner following, that is to say, the said Johne sall brouke joys vs and exerce the said office be him self and his deputtis during all the dayis of his life, and vptak and intromett with all and syndry proffitis commoditeis and dewiteis pertenyng thairto during the said space, siclike as the said vmquhile Patrik Barroun brukit vsit and vptuke the samyn during his liftyme, and this our will to all and syndry quhome it efferis we mak knawn be thir presentis. Subscriuit with our hand, at Halierudhous the xxix day of Maij the yeir of God jm vc fyftysex yeris.

Henrisoun, Barroun, villa.

The prouest baillies and the maist pairt of the counsale, ordanis the thesaurer, Maister Archibald Grahame to pay to James Barroun and Robert Flemyng the sowme of xx s. for x half pund wecht candill furnist be tham to the pane on the hie altar, and that to be allowit of the first of Sir Edward Henrisoun's scule fee.

5 June 1556.

Anent the extent of jm merkis.

In presence of the baillies, sittand in jugement, Patrik Dauidsoun presentit ane writting of the Quenis grace of the tenour following viz.:—Prouest and baillies of Edinburgh, this owre writting sene ye sall incontient efter the sicht heirof convene with your counsall to stent and taxt the haill burrowis of this realme to the sowme of sex hundreth thre scoir sex pundis xiij s. iiij d. grantit to ws the ix day of May last bypast, as ye will ansuer to us thairupoun. Subscriuit with our hand, at Edinburgh the fift of Junij the yeir of God jm vc lvj yeiris. Conform to the quhilk writting the baillies and counsall maid this extent following conform to the auld rollis, viz.:—

Edinburgh jc lxviij li. xiij s. iiij d.
Stiureling xvj li.xvj s. x d.
Linlythgw x li. ij s. vij d.
Rothesay iiij li. x s.
Dumbartane v li. xij s. j½ d.
Renfrew vj li. xv s.
Ruglin iiij li. x s.
Air xv li. xv s.
Irwyne ix li.
Glasgw xiij li. x s.
Kirkcudbrycht vj li. xv s.
Wigholm vj li. xv s.
Abirdene lxiij li.
Dunde lxxxiiij li. vij s. v d.
Perth xlix li. x s.
Banff iiij li. x s.
Dunfermling vj li. xv s.
Craill iiij li.
Forfar iij li. vij s. vj d.
Brechin xj li. v s.
Montros xviij li.
Elgein vj li. xv s.
Innernes xj li. v s.
Abirbrothok ix li.
Quthihorn vj li. xv s.
Lanerk v li. xij s. ½ d.
Jedburgh vj li. xv s.
Selkirk iiij li. x s.
Peblis iiij li. x s.
Hadingtoun xx li. v s.
Northbervik xlv s.
Dunbar iiij li. x s.
Lawder iiij li. x s.
Drumfreis xj li. x s.
Summa iijc xxxix li. xvj s. xj d.
Sanctandrois xx li.
Cowper xviij li.
Culane xlv s.
Fores v li. xij s.
Nairn xlv s. j½ d.
Thane iiij li. vij s. j d.
Dysart vij li. xvij s. vj d.
Kirkcaldy iiij li. x s.
Summa iijc xxxvj li. ij s. ½d.
Summa Totalis vic lxxv li. xviii s. xi½d.

19 June 1556.

Anent the stanis to the mylnis.

The prouest, Richard Carmichael baillies, and ane pairt of the counsale ordanis in all tyme cummyng that the quariouris of the Borrowmure serue the commoun mylnis of this burgh in stanis thairto of the auld price callit the townis price, and gif the stanis beis bettir nor the townis price, and sua jugit and apprisit be the firmoraris of the mylnis for the tyme, that sa fer as he jugis the samin bettir be recompansit to the awner of the stane be rest of the quarrouris and himself equale.

29 July 1556.

Anent wellis.

The prouest baillies and counsale foirsaid deputtis Dauid Symmer to be oursear of the well callit Sanct Michaellis well, and Johne Loch to the Mvs well, to caus tham be maid depar and preparit for watter gaddering.

14 August 1556.

Statut penes hurris.

The prouest baillies and counsale assissouris and ane greit parte of the commonite of merchandis and craftismen of this burgh [hes statut] that in all tymes cuming na maner of personis, wemen within this burgh that ar wedois or maryit, that ar knawin commonlie to vs adultre or furnicatioun, vs thame self in thair clething as honest menis wyffis, viz., with ane litill hat in the foirheid, vnder the pane of cutting of the samyn litill hat and banessing of thame of the town, and eschete of all the clething that salbe on thame for the tyme to the lokman for serching and apprehending of all sic personis.

28 August 1556.

Lyndesay, villa.

In presens of the baillies counsale and assissouris, viz.: Johne Sym, Robert Flemyng and Alexander Home baillies, Maisteris Thomas M'Calzeane, Robert Hereot assissouris, James Carmichael, Johne Symsoun, Eduard Hoip, Andro Murray of Blakbarony, Adam Foulartoun and Johne Loch of the counsale, comperit Maister James Lindesay ane of the counsale and firmorar of the commoun mylnis offerit to big ane myln vpoun the watter of Leyth within the boundis pertenyng to the burgh of Edinburgh betuix this and Mertymes nixt tocum, and that scho salbe gangand gryndand corn or than, on his awne expens inwith the sowme of four scoir pundis, and gif he maid the samyn myln with the hous thairof nocht sufficient and without hurt or skayth to the rest of the townis mylnis in thair watter and passage the exces maid thairon to tyne to the said Maister James in his awne hand; quhilk offer the saidis baillies assissouris and counsale acceptit and promittit to the said Maister James in cais the said myln being biggit and perfyttit sufficientlie gangand agane the said terme to pay to him the said sowme of lxxx li. at the maist, or samekill les as he salhappin to wair vpoun the bigging of the said myln and hous, the said myln and hous propirte thairof with the multur of the samin to pertene to the said burgh of Edinburgh perpetualie in tyme cummyng.

2 September 1556.

Anent the extent.

The baillies and counsale vnderstanding that ane venerabill man Gavin Commendatour of Kylwynning and James Maxwell burges of Rowane hes debursit grete sowmes of money respectiue for the down getting of the xvj deneris of ilk frank waring of gudis coft be Scottis merchandis in Rowane and Deip by the four deneris payit be thame, as the said Commendatour and James comptis respectiue hard sene and subscryuit be certane commissinaris of borrowis deput and the sam thairto producit afoir the said baillies and counsale proportit, be the quhilk thai fand that the said Commendatour and James had debursit in the effaris foirsaidis the sowme of foure thousand ane hundreth fourty four frankis xviij s. ix d. vsuall money of France, and becaus in ane ordinance maid be the haill borrowis of befoir it wes ordanit be thame that the saidis comptis beand hard and considerit that ane generall extent suld be set on the haill borrowis for payment of the saidis sowmes debursit be the saidis personis as said is for payment thairof. Quhairfor the saidis baillies and counsall extentit the said sowme particulary as followis vpoun the haill borrowis of this realme, conform to the auld rollis of extent, viz.:—

Edinburgh vc xlj li. xiij s. iiij d.
Striueling liiij li. xiiij s. viij½d.
Lynlythgow xxxij li. xviij s. j½d.
Rothesay xiiij li. xij s. vj d.
Dumbartane xviij li. iiij s. v d.
Renfrew xxj li. xviij s. ix d.
Ruglin xiij li. xij s. vj d.
Air lj li. iij s. ix d.
Irwyne xxix li. v s.
Glasgow xliij li. xvij s. vj d.
Kirkcudbrycht xxj li. xviij s. ix d.
Wigtoun xxj li. xviij s. ix d.
Quhithorne xxj li. xviij s. ix d.
Lanark xviij li. iiij s. v d.
Jedburgh xxj li. xviij s. ix d.
Selkirk xiiij li. xij s. vj d.
Peblis xiiij li. xij s. vj d.
Hadingtoun lxv li. xvj s. iij d.
Northbervik vij li. vj s. iiij d.
Dunbar xiiij li. xij s. vj d.
Lauder xiiij li. xij s. vj d.
Dumfreis xxxvj li. vij s. vj d.
Summa jmlxxxxviij li.
Abirdene ijc iiij li. xv s.
Dundie ijc lxxiiij li. iiij s. j d.
Perth jc lx li. xvij s. vj d.
Bamff xiij li. xij s. vj d.
Dunfermling xxj li. xviij s. ix d.
Craill xiij li.
Forfar x li. xix s. iiij½d.
Brechane xxxvj li. xj s. iij d.
Montrose lviij li. x s.
Elgyn xxj li. xviij s. ix d.
Innernes xxxvj li. xj s. iij d.
Abirbrothok xxix li. v s.
Sanctandrois lxv li.
Cowpar lviij li. x s.
Culane vij li. vj s. iij d.
Forres xviij li. iiij s.
Narne vij li. vi s. iij d.
Thane x li. xix s. iiij½d.
Dysart xxv li. xj s. x½d.
Kirkcaldy xiiij li. xij s. vj d.
Summa jmlxxxx li. xiiij s. viij½d.
Summa Totalis iim ic lxxxviii li. xiiii s. viii½d.

4 September 1556.

Anent the extent of jm merkis.

The prouest baillies and dekynnis of craftis following, viz.: Archibald Douglas of Kylspyndy prouest, Alexander Home, Robert Flemyng, Richard Carmichael, and Johne Sym baillies, Andro Murray of Blakbarony, James Carmichael, Johne Symsoun, James Adamsoun, Maister James Lindesay, Eduard Hoip, Adam Foulartoun, Michael Gilbert and Johne Loch of the counsale, Maister Archibald Graham thesaurar, James Forret dekin of the skynnaris, James Norwell dekin of the tailyeouris, Thomas Ewin dekin of the goldsmythis, Robert Henrisoun dekin of the flescheouris, James Stirk of the walkaris, James Young dekin of the hammermen, Alexander Bruce dekin of the barbouris, Archibald Leche dekin of the furrouris, Thomas Jaksoun dekin of the masonis, Robert Finder dekin of the wrychtis, consentit all in ane voce that ane extent wer set and rasit vpoun the haill towne of ane thousand merkis for payment of thair pairt of the money debursit be the Abbot of Kilwynning and James Maxwell for doungetting of the xvj deneris in France and als for payment of thair pairt of the jm merkis quhilk wes payit be the haill borrowis for furnissing of men of weir laitlie to the bordouris.

16 September 1556.


The baillies and counsale ordainis the thesaurer to mak ane powpet to Maister Alexander Sym to reid in in the Magdalene Chapel, and quhat expensis he makis thairon salbe allowit to him in his comptis.

22 September 1556.

Cognitioun for dountaikin of ymagis.

In presens of the prouest baillies and ane [pairt] of the counsale, comperit Maister Thomas Makcalzeane and presentit ane wryting of my Lord Archbischop of Sanctandrois, and eftir the reding thairof the said prouest baillies and counsale thocht expedient and als ordanit for tryell of the caus specifiit thairin, viz., for the getting knawlege of the personis that tuke downe the images of the Trinite, Our Lady and Sanct Francis, laitlie, that euery baillie with twa honest men of his quarter and ane seruand of my Lord of Sanctandrois gif thai plesit tocum, and ane chaplane of the kirk, viz., the curat, his substitute, Sir Henry Loch and Sir Andro Bartraham, ane to ilk baillie, pas throw thair haill quarteris and take cognitioun anent the said dountaking of the images as salbe put to tham in ane article to be gevin in be the said Maister Thomas Makcalzeane thairupoun.

23 September 1556.

Dountaking of ymagis.

In presens of the prouest baillies and counsale, Maister Alexander Forrest prouest of the Kirk of Feild, in name of my Archibischop of Sanctandrois, presentit ane wryting of the Quenis Grace subscriuit with hir Gracis hand and vnder hir Gracis signet, and desyrit the samyn to be registrat and the effect thairof to be obeyit, of the quhilk the tenour followis: Prouest baillies and counsale of Edinburgh, we greit you weill: Forsamekle as we ar informit that thair is certane odious ballettis and rymes laitlie sett furth be sum ewil inclinit personis of youre town, quha hes alssua tane doun diueris imagis and contempnandlie brokin the samyn, quhilk is ane thing werray sclanderous to the peple and contrarious to the ordinancis and statutis of haly kirk, and it is gewin ws to vnderstand that the makaris of the said misordor ar all indwellaris and inhabitaris of your said town: quhairfoir we chairge you that incontinent efter the seicht hereof ye deligentlie inquire serche and seik for thair names and delyuer thame in writ to our cousing the Archibischop of Sanctandrois, to be vsit conforme to the statutis of the kirk, assuring you gif ye do nocht your extreme devoir thairin to bring the samyn to lycht that ye salbe na vtherwayis estemit be ws nor as fauoraris and manteinaris of sic personis, and sall vnderly the samyn ponisment that thai aucht to sustene in cais we get knawlege hereof by you. Subscriuit with our hand and vnder our signet, at Aberdene the xxi day of September 1556.

1 October 1556.

Sym, villa

The prouest baillies and counsale findis that Johne Sym maid expensis in the ryding of the townis besynes to Sanctandrois and laitlie to the bordouris to the commissinaris at the townis command, and thairfor ordanis the sowme of tuelf pundis tobe payit to him for his expensis.

16 October 1556.

Acts anent breid, &c.]

[Of this date acts were passed relative to "breid, malt, aill," "candill," "talloun," "flescheouris," "aittis," "hay," stabillaris," "meill," and "messouris," in terms similar to those of October in previous years. The act as to bread, malt, and ale bears reference to the act of Secret Council, dated 11 January 1555.— Antea p. 230.]

Flescheouris, vsaris of ischeis.

Item, it is statute and ordanit that all the flescheouris of this burgh slairis of nolt scheip swyne or siclike bestall, and als the vsaris of ischeis thairof, caus cary the feilth of the samyn to the North Loch or outwith the porttis to secrete partis, and erd the samyn vnder the eird, and nocht to teme the samyn to na parte inwith the burgh, vnder the pane of xl s. to be tane of the sellar of ischeis als oft as this statute beis brockin be him or the byar thairof; and that na slaing of nolt [scheip nor swyn be on the hie gait in foirbuithis] nor yit na ischeis wessin at commoun wellis, vnder the pane foirsaid. (fn. 2)

22 October 1556.

Litill, Graham, villa.

The baillies Alexander Barroun, William Ker and Allane Dikkesoun and ane pairt of the counsale thocht expedient that Johne Litill and Maister Archibald Graham suld pas to the Quenis grace with ane wryting of thairis to mak hir grace knawlege of the new wynis that ar cumin in, and to get hir gracis mynd anent the prices thairof, on the townis expens.

26 October 1556.

Anent the counsall.

The prouest baillies and counsale ratifys the act maid anentt the convenying of the counsale the xxv day of October 1555 yeris in all poyntis except the panis, and alteris the samyn in this maner, the pane of non comperance ilk Wedinsday and Friday to be xviij d., and the vther dayis ij s.

30 October 1556.


The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis the dene of gild to ressaif fra Sir Henry Loch the key of the litill dowket aboue Sanct Thomas ile, and deliuer the samyn to Dauid Rowane indurand the townis will.

2 November 1556.

Sym, villa.

In presens of the prouest baillies and counsale, Johne Sym offerit to tham to put vp and mak the twa pannallis quhilkis ar now grathand to the Newhavin and bemefill the samyn, and mak tham als sufficient in werk tymmer irn graith and bemefilling as ony of the rest of the pannallis of the west bulwerk ar, betuix this and Yule nixt tocum, thai deliuerand to him the hail tymmer that is thair at the Newhavin now, except the lang tymmer that is of the lenth of standartis, and payand to him the sowme of xl li. of money; and offerit to find souerteis for doing thairof vpoun his awne expens, sauffand to him the said tymmer and sowme of xl li., viz.: Maister Thomas Makcalzeane, James Barroun, Richard Carmichael and Maister James Lindesay, quhilk offer the saidis prouest baillies and counsale acceptit, and the saidis personis become souerteis for fulfilling of the premissis, and the said Johne oblist him to releif tham thairof; and ordanis Maister Archibald Grahame thesaurar to pay to the said Johne xx li. of the said sowme at Mertymes nixt to cum, and Alexander Park to pay the vther xx li. at Yule thairefter, and the said Mr Archibald desyrit that the tymmer werk and werklvmnis of the Newhavin wer ressauit fra him, and als protestit that in cais ony skayth or danger come to the pannellis that ar put vp in defalt of barkcattis considdering the said Johne will intromet thairwith, that the falt thairof be nocht input to him.

3 November 1556.

Anent ane tvn wyne to the Quenis grace.

The prouest baillies and counsale, haiffand consideratioun that the Quenis grace hes bene this lang tyme bygane furth of this towne in the northlandis, and now arryvit and come to the palyce of Halyrudehous, ordanis the thesaurar Maister Archibald Grahame to caus ane tvn of new wyne to be bocht and cartit and had to hir Gracis palice and deliuerit to hir Gracis fammeleiris, quhilk beand done the price thairof salbe allowit to him.

6 November 1556.

Foulartoun, Villa.

The prouest baillies and counsale findis that Adam Foulartoun had done wrang and dissobeyit insafer as he raid nocht with the prouest and the rest of the haill towne on Alhallow evin last bypast about the townis Commoun as vs is, he knawand the vs thairof, and al personis beand warnit thairto be the officeris vnder the pane of xl s., and thairfor decernit him to haif incurrit the said pane and ordanit him to be poyndit thairfor.

7 November 1556.

Murray, Bederal.

The prouest baillies and counsale and communite giffis and grantis the beddelschip of Sanct Mary Wynd now vacand in thair handis throw the deceis of (blank) to Margaret Murray for all the dayis of hir liftyme, and ordanis hir to be institute thairin.

10 November 1556.

Dischargeing of Mr Thomas M'Calzeane of assissoury.

The prouest baillies and counsale, vnderstandand that Maister Thomas Makcalzeane ane of the assissouris of this burgh yisterday, the ix day of Nouember instant, past to the palice of Halyrudehous to the Quenis grace, our Souerane Ladyis moder and regent of this realm, and thair by the avys or command of the towne spak and said evill heych and vnplesand langage to hir grace concernyng the effaris of the towne, quhairthrow hir grace wes offendit justlie, as hir gracis self schew to the prouest baillies and ane pairt of the counsale, likeas the samyn wes schawin to tham this day be the Justice Clerk comperand at hir gracis command; quharfor the saidis prouest baillies and counsale dischargis and removis the said Maister Thomas M'Calzeane off his office and place of assissoury and counsall induring the Quenis grace will and plessour.

Protestatio, M'Calzeane.

In presens of Alexander Barroun and Allane Dikkesoun baillies, Maister Thomas Makcalzeane dissassentit to the decreit gevin be the towne aganis him, and protestit that it preiugit nocht him insafer as he wes nocht callit nor accusit thairupon nor yit submittit him to thair jurisdictioun, and for remeid and reduction.

18 November 1556.

Creichtoun, assissour.

The prouest baillies and counsale sittand in jugement, maid nemmit and constitute Maister Robert Creichtoun assissour to the towne in place of Maister Thomas Makcalzeane induring the townis will, and ordanit him to haif yeirlie thairfor x li. of fe, quha acceptit the samyn on him and maid fayth thairintill as efferis.

27 November 1556.

[Mail of grammar school.]

The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis the thesaurar in the yeir bygane, Maister Archibald Graham, to content and pay to Johne Letem the sowme of viij li. for the Witsonday termes mail last bypast of the grammer scule, and siclik ordanis Alexander Park now thesaurar to pay to the said Johne vther viij li. for the last Mertymes termes maill thairof.

Commoun seill to Culros.

In presens of the prouest baillies and counsale sittand in jugement, Johne Litill in name and behalf of William commendatour of Culros presentit ane instrument or transsumpt vnder the signe and subscriptioun of vmquhile Thomas Brovne notar publict, and the commoun seill of this burgh hungin thairto, and becaus the samyn seill wes auld and abill to dekay haistely, sua that the samyn culd nocht be knawin, desyrit tham to hing thair commoun seill of new thairto agane, quhairto thai consentit in respect that thai knew the said auld seill to be thair commoun seill, and the notar to be clerk of this burgh for the tyme.

Carpentar, Villa.

The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis Alexander Carpenter to be maid burges and gyld brethir gratis, in respect of the Quenis grace wryting direct thairupoun, providand alwys that he duell within the burgh and vs the fredome thairof within the samyn, and vnderly all chargis of the burgh as vtheris dois.

28 November 1556.

Extent of viijcxxxvij li vj.s.viij d.

The quhilk day, Peter Thomsoun, Ila Herald, presentit the writting following subscryuit be the Quenis grace to the [counsale] viz.:— Prouest baillies and counsale of Edinburgh, ye sall incontinent efter the sycht heirof convene this Satterday efter none [and extent] all the borrowis within this realme to the sowme of aucht [hundreth] xxxiij li. vj s. viij d. for thair pairtis of the taxt of [words destroyed] pundis grantit to ws the xiiij day of Nouember [instant], and this ye faill nocht to do. Subscriuit with our hand [at Halyrudehous] the xxviij day of Nouember 1556. Quhilk beand [red the prouest] baillies and counsale ordanit and maid the [extent following] conforme to the auld rollis, viz.:

Edinburgh ijcviij li. vj s.
Streueling xxj li. xiij½d.
Lynlithgow xij li. xiij s. j.d.
Rossa(Rothesay) v li. iij s. vj d.
Dunbartane vij li. j½d.
Ramfrow viij li. viij d.
Ruglene v li. xij s. vj d.
Air xix li. xiij s.
Wigtoun viij li. viij s. ix d.
Quhithorn viij li. viij s. ix d.
Lanark vij li. j½d.
Jedburgh viij li. viii s. ix d.
Selkirk v li. xij s. vj d.
Peblis v li. xij s. vj d.
Heidingtoun xxv li. vj s. iij d.
Northberwik. lvij s. vj d.
Irwin xij li. v s.
Glasgow xvj li. xvij s. vj d.
Kirkcudbricht iij li. viij s. ix d.
Dunbar v li. xij s. vj d.
Lawder v li. xij s. vj d.
Dumfries xiiij li. vj s. vj d.
Summa iiijcxxij li. vj s. iiij d.
Aberdene iijxxxviij li. xv s.
Dunde jcv li. ix s. iij.d.
Perth iijxxj li. xvij.s. vj d.
Banff v li. xij s. vj d.
Dunfermeling viij li. viij s. ix d.
Craill v li.
Forfar iiij li. iiij s. iiij d.
Breichin xiij li. v d.
Montros xxij li. xs.
Elgin viij li. viij s. ix d.
Innerness iiij li. v d.
Abebrothok xj li. v s.
Sanctandrois xxv li.
Cowper xxij li. x s.
Culane lvij s. vj d.
Forres vij li. j½d.
Narne lvij s. vj d.
Thane iiij li. iiij.s. iiij½d.
Dysart ix li. xvj s. x½d.
Kirkcaldy v li. xij s. vj d.
Summa iiijcxix li. xij s. vij d.

2 December 1556.

Protestatio, Balfour.

In presens of the prouest baillies and counsale, Gilbert Balfour producit ane act of this court of the dait the xx day of Nouember anno, etc., Imo, and desyrit in respect thairof, and that thair wes diuers personis maid burges and gyldbrethir gratis be the towne without payment sensyne, that thai wald refound to him the xv li. quhilk he payit for his dewite of his burgeschip and gyldry, and protestit becaus thai refusit that it preiugit nocht to him to seik forther remeid thairof.

4 December 1556.

Propine of the Quenis grace and Monsieur Dosell.

The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis the thesaurar Alexander Park to deliuer to the Quenis grace seruitouris thre tunnis wyne and tuenty pundis worth of spycery as to ane propine to hir grace for hir remanyng heir at the tyme of Yule nixt to cum; and siclik to deliuer to Monsieur Dosellis seruitouris in his name xx li. worth of spycery, quhilk beand payit and deliuerit sall be allowit to him.

Propine, prouest.

The bailies and counsale ordanis the thesaurar Alexander Park to content pay and deliuer to Archibald Dowglas of Kilspindy prouest, in consideratioun of his remanyng within this burgh haldand hous and awatand on the townis effaris, the sowme of ane hundreth pundis worth of clething and spycery and half ane twn wyne by that, quhilk beand payit and deliuerit sal be allowit.

Anent the passage at the West Port.

The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis the passage lyand throw the landis of Hie Riggis outwith the Gray-freir port, quhair the hous is now biggand, to be maid fre, in respect that the samin is ane commone passage bayth to horsmen and futemen, and hes bene swa vsit past memor of man.

9 December 1556.

Compttis in the cheker.

We do you to wit: Forsamekill as the prouest baillies and counsale of this burgh ar chargit to gif in thair comptis in the chekker of the twa yeiris bigane, viz.: liiij yeris and lv yeris, the xv day of December instant, thairfor I warn all maner of personis inhabitaris within this burgh or ony vtheris that will impunge the saidis comptis or ony parte thairof that thai compeir the said day the chekker hous and appone aganis the samin, with certificatioun and thai compeir nocht thai sall nocht be hard. Eodem die, proclamat per William Cowttis seriando, apud crucem foralem, testibus Georgio Todrik, Patricio Barroun et Thoma Hall. [The same day proclaimed by William Cowttis, seriand, at the Market Cross, witnesses George Todrik, etc.]

11 December 1556.

[Inquiry as to ability of inhabitants and quantity of their substance and goods.]

The quhilk day, Alexander Barroun, Maister Johne Pirstoun, Allane Dikkesoun and William Ker eldar, baillies, William Craik, James Carmichael, Alexander Park, William Ker, youngar, convenit in the Tolbuith of Edinburgh as commissinaris deput with the saidis baillies in our Souerane Ladyis letteres direct to the prouest and baillies of this burgh for takking of cognitioun of the habilite of all mennis personis within this burgh, the quantite of thair substance and gudis heritage movabill and vnmovabill, as at mair lenth is contenit in the saidis letteres, for obeying of the quhilkis, becaus it is ordanit in the saidis letteres that the saidis prouest baillies and commissaris suld summond four fyve vj vij viij ix ten ma or fewar as tha suld think expedient to mak inquisitioun in the premissis, the saidis baillies and commissaris nemmit the personis following viz.: Johne Symsoun, James Nicoll, Robert Crag, Alexander Masone, James Curle, Peter Mertyne, David Symmer, James Young, Johne Charteris, eldar, Richard Gray, William Lausoun, Johne Aldinstoun, Andro Vigholm, Johne Westoun, Alexander Lyel, and Michaell Gilbert, to convene with tham to tak the inquisitioun foirsaid, and ordanis to begyn at the ovir end of the north west quarter of this burgh on the morn the xij day of December instant to mak the said inquisitioun, in Sanct Anthonis ile in Sanct Gelis Kirk, at vij houris in the mornyng; and ordanis the officeris to warn the saidis personis chosin to the effect foirsaid to compeir the said day hour and place to the effect foirsaid, vndir the panis contenit in the said letteres and all hieast pane and charge that efter may fallow.

16 December 1556.

Anent the tavernaris.

The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis that in all tymes cummyng na maner of personis within this burgh vs tavern or went ony wynis in greit or small in ony pairt thairof except thai be fre burgessis, gyld brethir, and be admittit in the confrary of Sanct Anthone, except the pece or pype of wyne that thai haif instantlie rynnand quhilk thai ordane to be compleit run betuix this and Twisday nixt tocum, vnder the pane of v li. to be tane of ilk persone that failyeis heirin, the twa pairt thairof to be warit vpoun the calsayis, and the thrid vpoun Sanct Anthonis alter, and to the reparatioun of the ile thairof, and ordanis the dene of gild the baillies and maist of the said confrary to concur togidder heiranent.

Anent the wellis.

The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis the thesaurar Alexander Park to reperell the wellis callit Sanct Michaellis well, the Mws well, and the Stok well, and to begyn thairto at Sanct Mongois day nixt tocum, and ordanis Maister Johne Pirstoun to be oursear to Sanct Michaelis well, Johne Loch to the Mws well, and Alexander Barroun to the said Stok well, and quhat expens he makis thairon salbe allowit to him.

Anent the extent, baillies

The prouest and counsale ordanis and findis that nother of the baillies present nor tham that wer of the yeir bygane aucht to pay extent of the last extent of jmmerkis in respect of thair laubouris done for ingaddering thairof.

Precept, Jacques.

The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis the thesaurar., Maister Archibald Graham, of the yeir bygane, to pay to Jacques and his sonis for thair playing on Alhallow evin and all the tyme of the fair twis in the day throw the towne the sowme of iij li.

23 December 1556.

Precept, ischaris of the Quenis chalmer.

The prouest baillies and the pairt of the counsale ordanis the thesaurar, Alexander Park, to ansuer the baillies of yj crownis of the sone to be gevin to the officeris ischaris of the Quenis chalmer duir for obtening of thair benevolence quhen the toun salhappin to haif ado, quhilk beand payit salbe allowit, etc.

30 December 1556.

Anent the torcheis.

The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis that all merchandis craftismen and vtheris induellaris within this burgh in tyme cnmmyng send thair seruandis with torcheis to the convoying of the prouest all the festuall dayis of Yule New-yeir-mes and Vphellymes fra the evinsang to his awne lugeing, vnder the pane of xl s. to be tane of ilk persone that failyeis heirin.


  • 1. 1555, c. 26; Acts of the Parliament of Scotland, vol. ii. p. 497.
  • 2. An Act in terms similar to the above was passed on 7th October 1553.