Extracts from the Records: 1557

Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1528-1557. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1871.

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'Extracts from the Records: 1557', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1528-1557, ed. J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1871), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1528-57/pp260-263 [accessed 12 February 2025].

'Extracts from the Records: 1557', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1528-1557. Edited by J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1871), British History Online, accessed February 12, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1528-57/pp260-263.

"Extracts from the Records: 1557". Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1528-1557. Ed. J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1871), British History Online. Web. 12 February 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1528-57/pp260-263.


9 January 1556-7.

Precept, King.

The prouest baillies and counsall ordanis the thesaurar, Alexander Park, to deliuer to James King alsmekill satine as wilbe him ane dowblat, and that for the greit laubouris tane be him in the awating with the commissinaris of this burgh depute to tak the inuentar of the habilite of all personis and the quantite of thair substance and wryting the samyn, quhilk wes xxviij throch of paper, quhairof the prices salbe allowit to him.

20 January 1556-7.

Discharge, drytapstaris.

The prouest baillies and counsale dischargis all drytapstaris of aill within this burgh fra Monunday nixt tocum furth that nane of thame vs the samyn, vnder the pane of viij s. to be tane of ilk ane of tham sa oft as thai failye and cumis in the contrar heirof.

22 January 1556-7.

Precept, Grahame.

The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis the theaaurar, Alexander Park, to pay to Maister Archibald Graham the sowme of viij merkis at Witsounday nixt tocum for the chalmer mail set be him to the Muskaveit, becaus the Quenis grace desyrit the towne to furnis him ane chalmer on the hie gait.

Anent our Lady alter.

The prouest baillies and counsale as of befoir thinkis expedient that the dene of gild reperrell our Lady alter and mak ane ile thairof, and gif it pleis ony maner of personis to gif pillaris or ony vther ornamentis thairto that he promitt and thoill thair armes to be put thairon.

5 February 1556-7.


The prouest baillies and counsale, vnderstandand that the act maid be our Souerane Ladyis moder and regent of this realm and the lordis of secreit counsale in fauouris of the landwert flescheouris the xj day of Januar the yeir of God jm vc lv yeris is alwys run furth, thairfor the saidis prouest baillies and counsale dischargis the saidis lande flescheouris of ony vsing of priuilege or fredome within this burgh in tyme cummyng vther nor thai vsit befoir the making of the said act.

Anent the puir folkis breid.

The prouest baillies and counsale dischargis the puir folkis of breid quhill the Feist of Pa che nixt tocum, that thai may provide remeid to the puir folkis in the meyntyme.


The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis that ane wache of tuelf personis, thre of euery quarter, be maid quhill thai discharge the samin, nychtlie; and als that na maner of persone be fund on the hie gait fra this day furth efter x houris at evin without ane lycht, viz.: lantern, bowet, torche or candill with tham, vnder the pane of pvnissing of thar personis at the will of the jugis.

12 February 1556-7.

Richardsoun, Villa.

In Presens of the baillies and counsale Jonet Richardsoun, the relict of vmquhile Johne M'Ane renuncit hir fredome of this burgh in tyme cummyng.

13 February 1556-7.

Cokks beidman.

The prouest baillies counsale and dekynnis of craftis gaif and grantit, and be the tenour heirof giffis and granttis to James Cokke, goldsmyth, the rowme and place of beidmanschip of Sanct Pawlis werk now vacand in thair handis throw the deceis of vmquhile Thomas Inglis last possessour thairof, for all the dayis of his liftyme, with all and syndry feis proffittis and dewiteis thairof.

26 February 1556-7.

Anent the extentis.

The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis in tyme cummyng, in cais ony extentis be laid to the townis charge, that the samyn extent be nocht ekit without the counsale and dekinis be all callit and hard to voit and ressone thairanent.

17 March 1556-7.

Protestatio, Carmichael.

In presens of the baillies Maister Johne Prestoun and Allane Dikkesoun and ane pairt of the counsale sittand in jugement, James Carmichael dene of gild protestit insafer as he wes chargit be the Quenis letteres to exhibit and produce the gild buke afoir the Lordis, and mycht nocht refuse the samyn, that na thing wer imput to his charge thairfor.

20 March 1556-7.

Campbell dischargit.

The baillies Alexander Barroun and Allane Dikkesoun sittand in jugement ordanis Besse Campbell to desist and ceis fra ony forther making of aquevite within this burgh in tyme cummyng, or selling of ony thairin, except on the merket day, conform to the priuilege grantit to the barbouris vnder the seill of caus, without scho be admittit be tham thairto.

24 March 1556-7.

Anent Sanct Paulis werk.

The baillies and counsall and dekynnis of craftis ordanis Sir William Makdowall, of his consent as maister of the hospitall of Sanct Paulis Werk, to collect and ingadder the haill rentis and annuellis of the said hospitall, and to distribute and diuide the samyn amangis the beidmen thairof equalie at four tymes in the yeir, conform to the fundatioun of the said fundatioun.

Kane, beidman.

The baillies counsale and dekynnis of craftis gevis and grantis to Dauid Kane the beidmanschip of Sanct Paulis werk now vacand in thair handis throw the deceis of James Cokke, last possessour thairof, with all rentis and proffittis thairof, for all the dayis of his liftyme.

Baxteris, Gibsoun.

In presens of the baillies and counsale comperit Dauid Kinloch dekin of the baxteris of this burgh and desyrit gif that George Gibsoun personalie present wald pay his pairt of the extent grantit and gevin be the said craft to the Quenis grace, and the said George allegit that he aucht nocht to pay the samyn; and thairefter the said Dauid producit ane wryting subscriuit be the Quenis grace of the tenour following and desyrit the samyn to be registrat, quhairof the tenour followis:—Prouest baillies and counsale of our burgh of Edinburgh we grete yow hartlie weill; forsamekle as albeit thair wes ane act of parliament maid the yeir of God jm vc l yeris contrar trar the priuilegis grantit be our predicessouris to the dekynnis and craftismen of your burgh, yit we for diuers considerationis and commone weill of the cuntre and liegis thairof hes gevin and grantit ane dispensatioun to the saidis dekynnis and craftismen to vs and excers all maner of priuilegis grantit to tham be our said predicessouris, as at mair lenth is contenit in our said dispensatioun gevin to thame, quhairfor our will is and we charge yow that ye ressaue and admitt agane the saidis dekynnis and craftismen of all craftis within our burgh to all thair saidis auld priuilegis and liberteis vsit be thame afoir the making of the said act of parliament, in and be all thingis as thai wer of befoir, but ony interruptioun, conform to our said gift and restorance, and that [ye] imput to executioun the ackis statutis and ordinances maid be your auld predicessouris and yow in thair fauouris swa that the samyn may tak effect, and concur and assist with thame and caus your officiaris pvnde and distrenye all thair brether of craft for non payment of ony extentis grantit to ws be the saidis craftismen in tymes bipast and to cum, ilkane respectiue conform to thair auld laudabill vs, and this on na wys ye leif vndone as ye will ansuer to ws thairupoun. Subscriuit with our hand at Stirling the xiiij day of Merche 1556. And the saidis baillies and counsale assignit Friday nixt tocum to gif ansuer thairto.