Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1528-1557. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1871.
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'Extracts from the Records: 1555', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1528-1557, ed. J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1871), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1528-57/pp207-229 [accessed 12 February 2025].
'Extracts from the Records: 1555', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1528-1557. Edited by J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1871), British History Online, accessed February 12, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1528-57/pp207-229.
"Extracts from the Records: 1555". Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1528-1557. Ed. J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1871), British History Online. Web. 12 February 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1528-57/pp207-229.
15 January 1554-5.
The prouest baillies and counsale vnderstandand that thair is dependand afoir the lordis of counsale diuers grete actionis concernyng the commone weill of this burgh and liberte thairof betuix thame and the towne of Leyth and Cannogait, and becaus at all tymes quhen neid is that money man be debursit in the saidis pleis bayth of the deducing of the proces and sic vther sowmes as salbe thocht expedient be the assyssouris to be gevin for the weill of the said actioun the counsale can nocht be convenit togedder to consent thairto; thairfor thai haif nemmit Johnne Sym baillie Johne Symsoun and Maister Johne Prestoun thesaurar to auis quhat sowmes of money thai and the assessouris thinkis expedient to be gevin for the caussis foirsaid, and thai sowmes deuisit and ordanit be thame to be gevin being payit be the said thesaurar be ane precept to be subscriuit be the saidis Johne Sym, Johne Symsoun, and ony ane of the thre assissouris salbe allowit to him in his comptis alsweill as gif the samin had bene ordanit be the said prouest baillies and counsale.
18 January 1554-5.
Anent vnfremen.
The prouest baillies and counsale hes statut and ordanit that na maner of burgessis within this burgh in ony tyme cuming tak vpoun hand to be pairtynar with ony induellar of Leyth Cannogait or ony vthir vnfreman nor that nane of the saidis burgessis mak ony of the saidis personis of Leyth Cannogait and vther vnfremen thair factouris other inwith the realm or outwith the samin ony maner of way, or yit be frauchteris of schippis with thame, vnder the pane of xl li., xx li. thairof tobe applyit to the commoun werkkis and the vther xx li. tobe gevin to the officeris of the burgh apprehendaris of the persoun that brekkis this statut.
Anent the entering of schippis.
The prouest baillies and counsale hes statut and ordanit that na schippis arriving at this port of Leyth in tyme cuming be enterit in the townis buikis vnto the tyme the said schip or schippis be cumin in the havin and lying thairin.
Anent the Brunteland.
It is statut be the prouest baillies and counsale that nane of the nychtbouris of this burgh in tyme cuming send ouir ony of thair gudis to the Brunteland to be ladyn thair in schippis vnder the pane of eschete of the samyn gudis or the avale thairof, because it is vnderstand cleirle be the saidis prouest baillies and counsale that sik ladynyng in the Brunteland is expres contrar thair commone weill in hurt of thair fredome and grete skayth to thair customes.
Thesaurar, Villa.
The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis the thesaurar to caus mak twa saittis in the vtir nether tolbuyth for serving of the sereff courte and vther courttis of commissioun.
Villa, Glen.
The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis Maister Robert Glen to be put burges and gild in the lokkit buik of the dait that he wes sworn the tyme Francis Tennend wes prouest, gratis, at the requeist of my lord of Orknay.
Precept, thesaurar.
The prouest baillies and counsale allowis to Maister Johne Prestoun, thesaurar, the sowm of vj li. debursit be him for xviij cushingis of trype weluot deliuerit to the counsalhous to the lordis of sessioun.
1 February 1554-5.
Villa, Lindesay.
The prouest baillies and counsale grantis at the requeist of the Quenis grace be hir writting direct thairupoun the dewyte of the gildry to Robert Lindesay, gratis, and the dene of gild protestit that the samyn preiuge nocht him nor that nawys he wer oblist to pay in the toun or kirk werkis effayris without it wer fund that he wer addettit to the town.
13 February 1554-5.
Precept, Sym.
The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis the thesaurer Mr Johne Prestoun to pay to Nicoll Sym for the graving and gilting of the armes of the twa cowpis quhilkis wer proponit to the Quenis grace and Monsieur Dosel, xl s.
15 February 1554-5.
Thesaurer, Cant.
In presens of the prouest and baillies sittand in jugement, Walter Cant ansuerand to the clame gevin in vpoun him be Maister Johne Prestoun thesaurer be his prolocutouris Maister Johne Abercrummy and Maister Alexander Sym quha protestit that thai incurrit na danger nor indignatioun in thair procuratioun in the said mater becaus thai wer chairgit thairto be the saidis prouest and baillies, protestit for all thair lauchfull defens in the mater and allegit that the saidis prouest and baillies culd be na jugis competent in the said mater in respect as he allegit thai wer juge and pairty insafer as the said actioun wes persewit at thair thesaureris instance and giff ony proffitt redoundit thairby the sam wald cum to thame; to the quhilk Maister Richart Strang, prolocutour for the said thesaurer ansuerand allegit that the said allegiance aucht to be repellit in respect of the said clame berand the half of the eschete gudis to be warit vpoun the commone workis and wald nocht nawis be applyit to the saidis prouest baillies nor na singular persoun within the burgh. And siclik the saidis Maister Johne and Maister Alexander prolocutouris foirsaidis allegit that the saidis prouest and baillies suld be na jugis competent in the said caussis in respect that the sam wes foundit vpoun the ackis of parliament and letteres of the lordis rasit thairupoun and the said lordis aucht to be jugis thairto; and the said Maister Richart ansuerand thairto allegit that the samin aucht to be repellit in respect of the saidis letteres and als of ane justesceour grantit to the towne makand thame jugis to the executioun of all ackis of parliament and lawis of the realm concernyng the priuelege of borrowis; and thairefter the jugis riplie auisit thairwith findis thameself jugis in the said caus nochtwithstanding the allegeance maid be the said Walter and his prolocutouris quha protestit for remeid, and thairefter thai assignit this day viij dayis to the said Walter to gif in all his defens in writt aganis the said clame and the partiis ar warnit apud acta.
Anent the Newhavin.
The prouest baillies dene of gild thesaurer the maist pairt of the counsale and dekynnis of craftis representing the communite vnderstandand that thai ar gretelie hurt in the wanting of thair havin callit the Newhevin, findis and thinkis expedient and als ordanis that the samyn be biggit as it wes of befoir, that thai tyne nocht thair fredome thairof nor priuelegis grantit to tham thairby.
16 February 1554-5.
Anent the extent of Newhavin.
The prouest baillies dene of gild thesaurar and maist pairt of the counsale and dekynnis of craftis, conform to the act maid yesterday anent the bigging of the Newhavin, findis that the towne at this tyme hes nocht commoun gude sufficient to the bigging thairof and thairfor consentis that thair be vpliftit and tane of the haill towne ane extent of fyve hundredth pundis to by tymmer with for the said havin, and that the samyn be collectit with the extent quhilk the town man now pay for thair part of the grete tax of xxm li. greit to the bigging of fortis in the bordouris.
27 February 1554-5.
Thesaurar, Villa. Cant.
In presens of the baillies sittand in jugement, Maisteris Johne Abircrummy and Alexander Sym prolocutouris for Walter Cant anent the clame gevin in be Maister Johne Prestoun thesaurar aganis thame allegit that it wes desirit and requeistit be the Justice Clerk and the Clerk of Register at the command of the Quenis grace that the said actioun suld ceis quhill the desicioun of the caussis betuix Leith Edinburgh and the Canogait, quhilkis allegance the saidis baillies declarit that thai knew nocht; and thairefter the saidis prolocutouris acceptit the said clame gevin in vpoun thame be the said thesaurar and protestit that thai mycht be hard to dispute the said actioun afoir the interloquitour gevin…
1 March 1554-5.
Hakheid, Villa.
In presens of the baillies and ane pairt of the counsale comperit Mr George Hakheid and presentit to tham ane gift maid to him vndir the priue seill of the office of conseruatry and requirit tham quhat thai wald chairge him lefulle with and he suld obey the samyn at his power.
Thesaurar, Villa.
The baillies and ane pairt of the counsale ordanis the thesaurar Maister Johne Prestoun to caus big the yettis of the park dyk.
12 March 1554-5.
Thesaurar. Anent the grammer skule.
The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis the thesaurar Maister Johne Prestoun sa sone and as gudlie as he may caus big the grammer skule lyand on the eist syd of the Kirk of Feild wynd.
Craig, seriandus gilde.
The prouest baillies and counsale hes gevin and grantit and be the tenour heirof gevis and grantis to Robert Craig goldsmyth the office of gild seriandschip and the procuring with the bred to the bedrellis of Sanct Mary Wynd now being in their handis throw the deceis of vmquhile Johne Nicolsoun alias Doctour Smyth last havear thairof, with all dweteis feis and proffitis thairof induring the townis will allanerlie quhilk Robert maid faith to exerce the said office trewlie; and James Carmichaell dene of gild protestit that the geving of the saidis officis preiuge nocht him quha as he allegit had rycht to the geving of the saidis officis.
Villa, anent Doctour Smythis barnis.
The prouest baillies and counsale vnderstandand that vmquhile Johne Nicolsoun alias Doctour Smyth decessit laitlie and wes ane of the gild seriandis and procurit to the bedderrellis of Sanct Mary Wynd and hes left his wiff and sex small bairnis in extreme povirte, thairfor grantis ane day licence ilk moneth to ony persoun that will procur almus throw the toun to the said wiff and barnis ay and quhill thai be brocht to perfectioun.
14 March 1554-5.
Seill of caus; Protestatio, thesaurar.
In presens of the provest baillies and counsale, Maister Johne Prestoun thesaurer protestit that na writtingis gevin vnder the sele of caus in tymes bigane or yit tocum mak fayth without thai be subscriuit be the clerk of court and for reductioun of thame that past without subscriptioun sen the act of parliament (fn. 1) and thairupoun askit instrumentis.
Grahame, de consilio.
In presens of the prouest baillies and counsale, Robert Grahame remittit his office and place of the counsale in thair handis, and thaireftir thai nemmit and chesit in his place Maister Archibald Grahame his sone.
Thesaurar, Villa.
The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis the thesaurar Maister Johnne Prestoun with auis of the Maister of werk Maister James Lindesay and Alexander Bruce to caus big ane hous at the eist end of the north loch and als to cut Maister John Thorntoun calsay quhen tyme requiris.
22 March 1554-5.
Anent the tymmer to the Newhavin.
The baillies and counsale findis expedient that thair be twa hundreth pundis of the vc li. gaderit to the bigging of the Newhavin deliuerit to Alex ander Josse and Robert Quhyntin to by tymmer thairwith in the partis of Norway and vthir partis quhair thai ar now to pas to, to the bigging of the said havin, viz.: jc xl li. to the said Alexander and lx li. to the said Robert, quhilkis acceptit vpoun tham to by the samyn tymmer as thai suld get informatioun thairupoun; and the saidis baillies and counsale oblist to reward tham thairfor accordinglie.
Carmichael, consilii.
In presens of the baillies and counsale James Bannatyne, allegeand that he mycht nocht avait vpoun the effaris of the towne as he aucht to do as ane of the counsale, remittit his place of the counsale in the jugis and counsalis handis, quha incontinent nemmit eleckit and chesit Richart Carmichaell thairto.
28 March 1555.
Donatio vnius loci hospitalis S. Mary Wynd. Harvy.
The baillies counsale and dekinnis sittand in jugement hes gevin and grantis to Jonet Harvy the relict of vmquhile Johne Blyth the bedderellscheip of Sanct Mary Wynd now waikand in thair handis throw the deceis of vmquhile Agnes Furd with all proffitis emolumentis and pertinentis thairof during all the dayis of hir liftyme.
29 March 1555.
The gift of the gild seriandschip to Robert Drowmond.
In presens of the prouest baillies and counsale, Robert Crag remittit in the handis of the saidis prouest baillies and counsale his office of gild seriandschip quhilk thai had gevin to him ofbefoir frele tobe disponit on be thame; and thaireftir the saidis provest baillies counsale and dekynnis gaif and grantit the samin to Robert Drowmond with all proffittis and dewyteis pertenyng thairto induring the townis will allanerlie, quhilk Robert maid faith to exerce and vs the said office.
Anent the setting of the Croce.
The quhilk day, Archibald Dowglas of Kilspyndy prouest, Johnne Sym, Eduard Hoip baillies, Robert Lyndesay, Alexander Bruce of the counsale, James Young, Patrick Duraham, James Forret, Andro Elphinstoun dekinnis, vnderstandand forsamekill as the Mercat Croce and rowme thairof beand rowpit threw the towne to se quha wald big the samyn in buith or buithis on thair expens and tak the samyn in rentale of the towne for ane yeirlie proffit, comperit diuers personis amangis the quhilkis comperit William Huchesoun and he offerit yeirlie thairfor tuelf merkis, and becaus nane bad mair the personis aboue writtin consentit that the said William suld big the said rowme of the Croce of the breid as it is now and nocht to mak the samyn brader, nor yit to holk it hower nor the calsay, and to mak the wallis thairof substantious and the werk elikwys and set the lang stane as it is now, and to mak the interes to the heid thairof for proclamationis as it is now without impediment, and the interes to the buith or buithis tobe just of the calsay and without ony stoppis; and the said William tobe rentalit yeirlie thairin on Mertymes evin and his airis efter him for the said yierlie dewtie alanerlie; and thaireftir the said William band and oblist him and his airis to big the said Croce in buith or buithis as said is on his awne expens, and to begyne the first termes payment of the said xij merkis yeirlie at Mertymes nixt tocom, and als sall infeft the towne in his landis lyand in Grayis Clois for sure payment of the said xij merkis yeirlie and the towne to poynd the buith or buithis tobe biggit as said is nochttheles; and James Adamsoun baillie, James Carmichaell dene of gild, Maister Johne Prestoun thesaurar, Richard Carmichael, James Broun, William Lausoun, Johne Litill of the counsale, Thomas Ewin and Johne Hammiltoun dekynnis, disassentit to the premissis and thairupoun askit instrumentis.
20 April 1555.
Anent the puris.
The prouest baillies and counsale for support of the pure and expelling of the sturdy stuburn beggaris furth of this burgh hes dewisit that the persouns following, viz., Maister Thomas M'Calyeane, James Bannatyne, Alexander Guithry, Johne Symsoun, Maister Johne Prestoun, devis sic ordour for supporting of the puris and expelling of the sturdy beggaris as thai can think best; and als that the saidis personis nem vtheris burgessis of the burgh to tak the painis vpon the perfytting and ordoring of sic ordinances and statutis as thai sall mak for the effect; and gif oney maner of sic sturdy beggaris salhappin to resist or disobay the ordinance and command to be gevin to thame that the saidis personis or oney of thame or the personis to be nemmit and chosin be thame as said is correct and punis the saidis sturdy beggaris and expell thame furth of this burgh.
24 April 1555.
Anent the clayth mercat.
The prouest baillies counsale and dekynnis thinkis expedient and als ordanis that the clayth merket of lynnyng and wollin now being aboue the tolbuth be haldin in tyme cummyng induring thair will betuix the ovir Nether Bow and the Freir Wynd heid on ather syde of the trans of the Hie gait.
27 April 1555.
Bawty, Smyth, villa, Regina.
In presens of Maister James Lyndesay and Eduard Hoip baillies, Johne Bawtie burges of this burgh is becumin souertie for William Smyth allegit burges of Lanark that the viijxx frankis worth of guidis hambrocht be the said William furth of France in the schip of Dauid Thomsoun salbe furthcumand to the Quenis grace and the town in cais he preve nocht himself freman of Lanark as vtheris burgessis thairof ar, and the said William oblist to relief the said Johne heirof.
4 May 1555.
Donatio loco hospitalitis Sancti Pauli. Spottiswod.
The prouest baillies counsale and dekynnis gaif and grantit to Robert Spottiswod the beidmanschip now vacand in thair handis be the deceis of Bartilmo Farnlie of Sanct Paulis werk with all proffittis and oblationis thairof for all the dayis of his liftyme.
10 May 1555.
Anent the borrowis.
The prouest baillies and maist pairt of the counsale nemmit Johne Symsoun, Maister Johne Prestoun, William Ker and James Barroun to convene the morn with the commissinaris of borrowis to consult vpoun the weill of the hail borrowis.
Protestatio, Lausoun.
In presens of the prouest baillies and counsale, Johne Cowttis in name of Johne Lausoun of Hieriggs protestit for remeid of law insafer as he had complenit to tham anent the Brorrow Loch quhilk drownit ane grete pairt of his land and culd get na remeid as he allegit thairof.
Anent the jm li. lent to Monsieur Dosell.
The prouest and the maist pairt of the counsale ordanis James Carmichael dene of gild to deliuer to Eduard Hoip baillie Monsieur Dosellis obligatioun maid of the jm li. lent be the nychtbouris of the towne to him; and als ordanis the haill baillies of thair consentis to get the collectour of the grete extent of xxm li., viz., the laird of Lethingtonis acquittance of the townis pairt of the said extent extending to jmijcl. merkis in pairt of payment of the said jmli. and the Quenis grace or Monsieur Dosellis securite for payment of the rest thairof extending to ijcl. merkis. And als ordanis the saidis baillies to ingadder thair extentis of thair quarteris of the extentis quhilk is now to be collectit agane this day viij dayis and mak compt thairof, and pay the lennaris of the said jmli. of the first and reddiest thairof; and als ordanis that the said ijc l. merkis to be payit be the Quenis grace or Monsieur Dosell as said is to compleit the said jmli. be applyit to the bigging of the Newhavin becaus samekill of the vcli. extent grantit to the bigging thairof is tane to compleit the jm li. lent as said is, and als the saidis baillies oblist tham to pay the saidis jmli. to the lennaris thairof betuix this and this day viij dayis; and incontinent thairefter the said James Carmichael dene of gild deliuerit the said obligatioun to the said Eduard Hoip, bailie.
16 May 1555.
[Obligation by the Queen for balance of M. Dosell's loan.]
Regina: We, Marie, Quene dowriare and regent of Scotland be thir presentis
grantis ws to be awand to the provest ballies counsale and communite
of Edinburgh the soume of ane hundreth thre scoir vj li. xiij s. iiij d. money of
Scotland of the rest of ane thowsand pundis lent be thame to Monsieur Dosell,
etc., and sensyne acceptit be ws to pay, quhilk rest in compleit payment of
the said hale soume we faithfullie promitt to content and pay to thame and
thair successouris betuix and the (blank)day of (blank) nixt to cum be thir
presentis. Subscriuit with our hand, at Halyruidhous, the xvj day of Maii the
yeir of God jmvc fifty five yeiris.
Marie R.
17 May 1555.
Anent the Borrow Loch.
The prouest baillies and counsale ordanit that nane of this burgh burgessis thairof lat furth the Borrow Loch, vndir the pane of tinsale of thair fredome and pvnissing of thair personis at the will of the jugis, and that the sloppis quhilkis ar maid in the dike thairof be biggit vp be the thesaurar.
Anent the taxt.
In presens of the baillies and counsale, Eduard Hoip deliuerit to James Carmichael dene of gild to be put in the charterhous the acquittance of the townis extent of the grete extent of xxmli. grantit to the bigging of the fortis extending to viiijcxxxiij li. vj s. viij d. and the Quenis grace obligatioun of the twa hundreth l. merkis restand vnpayit of the jmli. lent be the nychtbouris of the towne to Monsieur Dosell.
Anent the making of burgessis.
The prouest baillies and counsale sittand in jugement, vnderstandand that in all tymes bygane this burgh and burgessis thairof hes bene gretumlie defraudit and abusit be the ressauyng burgessis outlandis men nocht beand maryit nor haiffand famele nor sufficient substance and vsand thame self sua vnhonestlic that the haill towne hes bene eschamyit thairby; thairfor in tyme cummyng ordanis that na maner of persone be ressauit nor admittit burges within this burgh except honest habil qualyfyit men and that thai be maryit duelland within the burgh haiffand sufficient substance with stob and staik, and that na burgessis be maid except on the counsale dayis in presens of the prouest baillies and counsale.
24 May 1555.
Anent salaris.
The baillies and counsale ordanis in tyme cummyng thair be na tcket deliuerit nor subscriuit to ony persone to saill to France, Flanderis nor vther pairtis bot in this maner, viz.: that the haill merchandis that purpos to saill in ane schip convene and compeir in the Tolbuith in presens of the baillies and counsale, and ane act to be maid of samony as thai pleis admitt, and that act tobe send to the skyppar of the schip and he to ressaif thai personis and na vtheris.
27 May 1555.
Protestatio, Craftis.
In presens of the prouest baillies and ane pairt of the counsale comperit James Stirk for the haill dekynnis of craftis of this burgh and protestit that quhat wer done be commissaris of borrowis now being convenit at this parliament preiuge nor hurt nocht thame anent thair priuilegis, and gif ony thing wer done that hurt thame protestit for remeid of law.
28 May 1555.
Anent the commissinaris.
The prouest baillies and counsale and dekynnis sittand in jugement nemmit and constitut William Craik, Johnne Sym, Johnne Symsoun, James Barroun, James Carmichaell and Maister James Lindesay coniunctlie and seuerale com missinaris to convene this instant day or ony vther day or dayis heirefter with the haill commissinaris of borrowis to treit and commone vpoun the commone weill of borrowis and conclude vpoun effairis as thai and the rest of commissinaris of borrowis can aggre on, and generale all and sindry vther thingis to do vs and excers that to the office of commissinaris in sic caissis ar knawin to pertene.
Protestatio, Dekynnis.
In presens of the prouest baillies and counsale, Thomas Ewene dekin of the goldsmythis for himself and the remanent dekynnis of craftis protestit in cais the commissionaris specifiit in the act aboue writtin did ony thing quhilk mycht preiuge thair priuilege that thair grant to the said commissioun preiugit nocht tham thairanent, and thairupoun askit instrumentis.
31 May 1555.
Commoun Seill.
The prouest baillies and counsale ordanit the commoun seill to be hungin to the appoyntment maid betuix the Quenis grace and hir moder and my Lord Duke in the late parliament becaus the haill thre estatis had consentit thairto in this parliament and selit and ordanit the samyn to be selit.
1 June 1555.
Craik. Prestoun.
In presens of the baillies and counsale, William Craik beand chosin ane of the twa personis for Edinburgh to mak alteratioun of the extent of borrowis disassentit thairto allegeant that the extent of the haill borrowis wes set be the lordis and Edinburgh wes set to the ferd pairt of the haill and Innerkething and Kingorn giffin to thair releif, and als allegit that he aucht nocht tobe chosin to that office in respect that he had bene prouest quhilk wes the supreme office of burgh, and als that he is now instantlie nother in office nor on the counsale, and thairfor allegit that gif he wes commandit thairto that it wes be compulsioun; and thairefter the saidis baillies and counsale ordanit the said William nochtwithstanding the allegeantis foirsaidis to accept vpoun him tobe ane of the saidis twa personis, and ordanit Maister Johne Prestoun eleckit for the vther to accept the samyn vpoun him.
3 June 1555.
Merchandis. Dawson.
The baillies and ane pairt of the counsale ordanis James Dawsoun maister of the schip callit the James to ressaif in his said schip to pas to Danskin as merchandis the personis wnder writtin, viz.: George Reidpeth, Robert Lwn, Johne Bawte, Peter Turnit and Thomas Bischoip merchandis, burgessis of Edinburgh, Johne Ramsay youngar sone and seruitour to Maister Johne Prestoun and Johne Scot sone and seruitour to Maister Robert Glen, and that he sall incure na danger thairin, prowidand alwys that the ressaif na vtheris personis in to the said as merchandis.
7 June 1555.
Merchandis; Fouler.
The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis James Foular maister of the schip callit the Lyon to ressaif in his said schip to pas thairin as merchandis to factour and seruitour to Jhone Layng burges of Edinburgh, Jhone Grenelies burges of Glasgow, Jhon Dauidsoun burges of Dumfries, and James Bryntoun burges of Edinburgh, and that he sall incur na danger thairin, providand alwys that he ressaif na vther personis in his said schip except his kyppage alanerlie.
13 June 1555.
Beton, villa, grammer scole.
The prouest baillies and counsale hes tane fra Johne Betoun of Capildra the haill luging lyand at the fute of the Blakfreir wynd within the clois thairof quhilk Agens Kincaid had of him of befoir to be thair grammer scole quhill Witsounday nixt to cum for xvj li. of male to be payit be thair thesaurar at Mertimes and Witsonday nixt tocum be equal portiouns, and als thai to vphauld the said luging watter teicht during the said space, and to vpbig and mend the windokis quhilkis the barnis hes brokin of the said luging on thair expens.
14 June 1555.
Anent the bulwerk.
The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis the thesaurar Mr Johne Prestoun to compleit and vpbig the schoir and bulwerk as the samyn is foundit.
Pensio Stevinsoun.
The prouest baillies and counsale hes conducit and hyrit Alexander Stevinsoun to signe in thair queir euery sestrae day for ane yeir heirefter and at the messis of our Lady and the Haly Blud as thai salhappin to be, and hes ordanit thair thesaurar to pay to him thairfor xx merkis, quarterlie v merkis, and incais be mak nocht seruice as said is he nocht to vplift his said pensioun.
21 June 1555.
The prouest baillies counsale and dekynnis of craftis hes gevin and grantit and be the tenour heirof gevis and grantis to Archibald Gledstanis the beidmanschip in Sanct Paulis werk now vacand in thair handis be the deceis of Johne Crumy last possessour thairof for all the dayis of his lyftyme, with all proffitis, etc., and ordanis him to haif institution thairof.
22 June 1555.
Precept, Thesaurar.
The baillies and counsale ordanis the thesaurar Mr Johne Prestoun, to content and pay to James Fausyde xiiij s. for his playing on the swas the tyme of parliament and vther tymes at thair command; and siclik to pay to Jacques pay to Patrick Mow for his playing on the swas the tyme foirsaid vj s.
28 June 1555.
Anent the tymmer to the Newhavin
The baillies and counsale sittand in judgement ordanis the thesaurar to ressaif the grete tymmer inbrocht be Robert Quhyntin to the Newhavin and to keip it on the townis expens; and als ordanis the said Robert Quhyntin with avis of Sir William Makdowall, maister of werk, to sell the small tymmer inbrocht be the said Robert and to mak compt thairof.
4 July 1555.
Anent the Newhavin.
The prouest baillies and counsale nemmit Maister Johne Prestoun thesaurar, Maister James Lyndesay baillie, Alexander Home and Alexander Bruce, to be maisteris of werk to the bigging of the Newhavin, and ordanis tham to cheis sic vther inferiour ouersearis as thai think expedient, and to begyn the said werk on Mounday nixt tocum.
Sandis Gibsoun.
In presens of the prouest baillies and counsale, Andro Sandis and William Gibsoun askit instrumentis that the saidis prouest baillies and counsale remitit. and forgaif tham all offens that thai had done to the gude towne of befoir in respect of thair gude seruice done in taking of the pirat laitlie on the sey and of thair offir of thair seruice in tyme cummying to the towne.
19 July 1555.
Thesaurar, villa.
The baillies and counsale ordanis the thesaurar Maister Johne Prestoun to aggre with the lard of Carnbe for stanis to the bulwerk or with sum vther gif he can nocht aggre with him.
25 July 1555.
Precept, Sproit.
The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis the thesaurar Maister Johne Prestoun to content and pay to Johne Sproit, seriand in the Cannogait, the sowme of iiij li., and that for his expensis and revard in the passing to Aberdene and apprehending and bringing to this burgh of (blank) quha drownit hir awin barne in the well at the Cardonallis luging the tyme Frances Tennand wes prouest.
12 August 1555.
Protestatio decani glide.
In presence of the prouest baillies and counsale, James Carmichael dene of gild declarit that he had iurs and syndry tymes aduertist tham that the eist gavill windok ef Sanct Gelis kirk wes abill to fall downe and destroy Sanct Diones alter and that litill expens in tyme wald remeid the samyn and that he had desyrit tham to avis gif he suld reperrell and mend the samyn and in quhat maner, that thairof quhat skayth or danger cum to the said kirk and alter throw the occasioun forrsaid that the samyn be nocht input to him, and thairupoun askit instrumentis.
6 September 1555.
Precept, Dromond.
The baillies and counsale ordanis the thesaurar Maister Johne Prestoun to content and pay to James Dromond and his marrowis quha playit befoir Sanct Geill on Sanct Geillis day on the schammes the sowme of xl s.
September 1555.
Precept, Thesaurar.
The baillies and counsale sittand in judgement allowis to Maister Johne Prestoun thesaurar the sowme of xxv li. xvij s. dj d. debursit be him for the bancat maid be the town to the king of Denmarkis ambassadour.
Anent the Cowgat port.
The baillies and counsale hes feyit Luke Moresoun to keip thair Cowgait port quhill Michaelmes cum ane yeir nixt tocum or xxx s. of fee; and he oblist. to steik and oppin the samyn at the houris following. viz., fra Michaelmes to Candilmes fra vij houris in the mornyng quhill v houris at evin, and fra Candilmes to Michaelmes at vj houris in the mornyng quhill viij houris at evin.
25 September 1555.
Thesaurar, villa.
In preseus of the prouest baillies and counsale comperit Maister John Prestoun thesaurar and desyrit the saidis prouest baillies and counsale to decern and declair gif the office of thesaurary aucht of dewite to haif ane burgesschip yeirlie or nocht, and thai ryplie avisit thairwith findis that the said office aucht to haif na burgesschip of dewite, and thairupon the said Maister Johne askit instrumentis.
4 October 1555.
Anent the money to be lent to the Quenis grace.
The prouest, [dean of guild, bailies and council] for certane caussis and consideratiouns moving tham findis expedient that the sowme of (blank) pundis be borrowit fra certane honest nychtbouris of the burgh and to be lent to the Quenis grace vpoun plegis, and als ordanis in cais ony of the personis that ar ellis put in tekit and thair sowmes with tham refus to len ar thai set to be the counsale that the baillies put tham in ward quhill thai do the samyn; and als ordanis the said Maister Archibald thesaurar to ressaif the said money and deliuer the samyn and ressaif the said plegis thairupoun.
8 October 1555.
Tennand, Baillies.
In presens of the baillies and counsale comperit Francis Tennand and declairit that on Sonday at evin last bypast he said to James Forret and Luke Wilsoun beand in the tolbuith, quhen thai sperit his counsale, that it wes bot ressoun that thai that wes honest substantious men suld furnis siluer and obey the Quenis grace desyre at this tyme sua thai suld haif securite for payment, and the saidis personis said: We marwell quhat alis the baillies to be sua extreme to ws. And the said Francis said the office of bailliery wes bot ane cummar and bot of small proffitt, bot it is now rehersit and said to me that the baillies in the yeir bygane hes in thair box xijc or xviijc li. of money be thair offices and how it is disponit I knaw nocht, and offerit him to preif it and that thai had ressauit or gottin the said xijc or xviijc li.
Protestatio, Tennand.
In presens of the baillies and counsale Francis Tennand protestit in cais he be astrickit to preif his allegeance aboue writtin that he may preif it afoir vnsuspect jugis as the Quenis grace pleis devis, and that he mycht haif his witnes, in respect that sum baillies remanis in office and the rest ar on the counsale, and allegit he maid the said declaratioun for the commoun weill.
13 October 1555.
Anent the lent money, Grahame. Broun, villa.
Archibald Douglas of Kilspindy prouest [the bailies and certain councillors,] anent the money quhilk thai fand wes necessar of befoir to be lent to the Quenis grace vpoun pleggis, becaus the nychtbouris ar obstinat to len the samin ordanis James Barroun dene of gild and Maister Archibald Grahame thesaurer to gif thair obligationis oblissand thame coniunctlie and seueralie for payment thairof to the personis that salhappin to len the said money betuix the date heirof and Witsounday nixttocum, and thairof the said prouest baillies and counsale oblissis thame and thair successouris and all thair commone gudis and commone landis to the said James and Maister Archibald to releif and keip tham skaythles anent the payment thairof at the saidis personis handis at the day foirsaid; providing alwys that the said James and Maister Archibald deliuer nocht the said money without the ressait of pleggis thairfor conform to the first act maid thairupoun; and hes subscriuit the samyn.—[Here follow the subscriptions of the provost and other fourteen members of the Town Council.]
18 October 1555.
Carmichael, Broun.
In presens of the prouest baillies and counsale, James Carmichael, dene of gild in the yeir bygane, deliuerit to James Broun now dene of gild the keyis of the chairterhous and vtheris, and als deliuerit to him the Quenis grace obligatioun of twa hundreth l merkis, the lard of Lethingtonis acquittance of the last extent of ijm li. quhilk he wes collectour to, and thairupoun askit instrumentis.
24 October 1555.
[Pledges for money lent to the Queen dispensed with.]
Archibald Douglas of Kilspyndy prouest [the bailies and certain councillors,] ordanis that nochtwithstanding the act of the money quhilk thai condecendit to be lent to the Quenis grace be ane act of the date the ferd day of October instant and the act maid the xiij day of the samin moneth ordanand the said money to be deliuerit on pleggis, becaus the Quenis grace hes schawin and declarit to the provest baillies and counsale that scho on na wys can gudlie gett pleggis to be deliuerit at this tyme thairfor, bot hes offerit to gif hir Gracis obligatioun thairupoun, that James Barroun and Maister Archibald Grahame quha ar oblist to the persouns that lent the said money, deliuer the samin to the Quenis grace and ressaue hir Gracis obligatioun thairupoun for payment and refounding thairof agane at Witsounday nixttocum, and dispensis with the saidis ackis thairanent, viz., anent the ressait of pleggis, the said obligatioun beand ressauit.—[Here follow the subscriptions of the provost and twelve other members of Council.]
25 October 1555.
Anent the counsall.
It is statute and ordanit be the prouest baillies dene of gild thesaurar and counsale, that in all tymes cummyng the prouest baillies dene of gild and counsale convene vlklie in the tolbuith at x houris befoir none ilk Wednisday and Friday without ony warnyng, vnder the pane of thre s. to be tane of ilk persone that failyeis and beis absent without he be furth of the towne in necessar besynes; and als gif it happynnis ony of the saidis personis beis warnit to cum to the counsale at ony vther tyme and beis personalie apprehendit and comperis nocht within half ane hour efter the tyme he salhappin tobe warnit that he sall pay xviij d.; and that ane of the counsale ilk day keip the dure thair tyme about and thoill nane to enter without he be commandit, vnder the pane of vj d. for ilk persone.
26 October 1555.
Prepositus, villa.
The baillies and counsale, sittand in jugement, grantis to the prouest ane fredome of ane gylry to be distribute and gevin be him as he sall think expedient and to quhat persone he plessis.
6 November 1555.
The prouest baillies and counsale ratifiis and apprevis the act maid the xv of Januar last bypast twicheing thair actionis dependand in pley and nemmis in place of Johne Sym, Johne Symsoun and Maister Johne Prestoun thesaurar for the tyme, Maister Archibald Grahame now thesaurar, Maister James Lyndesay, James Broun and Johne Symsoun or ony twa of thame thre.
8 November 1555.
Villa, Henrisoun.
The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis Sir Eduard Henrisoun ane of the prebendaris of the queir callit minister core, and maister of the sang skule to keip his fundatioun and to furneis walx to the hie altar and lamp as he aucht to do and nocht to procur with the Lady bred in the kirk be him self at na tyme vnto the tyme that he ressone and caus the counsale considder quhairfor he aucht nocht to do the samin.
Precept, Henrisoun.
The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis the thesaurar maister Johne Prestoun to content and pay to Sir Eduard Henrisoun maister of the sang skule the sowm of xl s. for the Witsounday termes male last bipast of the hous occupiit be the said Eduard pertenyng to Andro Cor.
Anent ane writting producit be Johne Litill.
In presens of the prouest baillies counsale and vesitouris of craftis, comperit Johne Litill and producit ane writting direct be the Quenis grace of the tennour following quhilk thai ordanit to be regestrat, and the said Johne desirit thair ansuer thairupoun, quha declarit thai wald gif thair ansuer to the Quenis grace: Provest baillies and counsale of Edinburgh, we grete yow hertlie weill. Forsamekill as we ar informit that Patrik Barroun you watter bailye hes ellis or intendis to resigne renunce and gif ouer in your handis his office of watter bailyeschip in fauouris of sum vther nychtbour of the said burgh, quhilk resignatioun renunciatioun nor ouer giving suld nocht be without oure speciale avis and consent thairto for diuers caussis as we sall schaw yow quhen the samin vaikis be deceis or inhabilite of the said Patrik; heirfoir we requir and als chargis yow in our maist effectius maner nocht to ressaue ony resignatioun be the said Patrik of his office of watterbailyeschip foirsaid in fauouris of ony vther persoun nor admit nane thairto except we consent or nominat thame to the samin or send our mynd to yow in writt thairupoun, traistand ye will do the samin and ye evar for this our requeist as ye will do ws plesour. Subscriuit with our hand at Halyrudhous the xxix day of October jm vc and fifty five yeris.
[Acts anent breid, &c.]
[Of this date acts were passed relative to "breid," "malt, aill," "meill," "candill,""aittis, hay," and "fische," in terms similar to those of October 1551, 1552, 1553, and 1554.]
Ratificatioun of certane ackis.
The prouest baillies and counsale ratifiis and approvis the ackis vnderwrittin of the datis vnder specifiit in the samin form and effect as thai ar, and ordanis the samin tobe proclamit of new vnder the panis specifiit thairin, viz.: anent flescheouris, walkaris, swyne, myddyngis, wagabondis, regratouris, all maid the vij day of October[jmvc]liij yeris, anent ane act maid of standis on the hie gait the xix day of October 1554, and of ane act maid anent mesouris and ane vther of lanternis the xvj day of Nouember the said yeir.
23 November 1555.
Precept, Cranstoun.
The prouest baillies and counsale, sittand in jugement, ordanis the thesaurar Maister Johne Prestoun in the yeir bygane to content and pay to James Cranstoun the sowme of ellevin pundis, and that for compleit payment of the xxxij pecis weschell quhilkis Didiane Levingston and William Muirheid baillies this tyme twa yeris borrowit and ressauit fra him to the Quenis grace and for the dewiteis of the twa bankettis, quhilkis platis wer nocht gottin agane.
Precept, Homyll.
The prouest baillies and counsale, sittand in jugement, ordanis the thesaurar Maister Archibald Grahame to deliuer to Thomas Homyll alsmony claythis as will extend to thre li, and that for almous in consideration of his pouerte.
Anent the irn hous.
The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis Maister Archibald Grahame thesaurar to mend the loft of the irnhous and fluir the samyn.
6 December 1555.
Firinoraris, Loch.
The baillies and counsale sittand in jugement, anent the clame gevin in be Maister James Lindesay firmorar of the commone mylnis this instant yeir aganis James Loch, makand mentioun that quhair the haill maltmen baxteris and vtheris induellaris of this burgh ar thirlit to grynd their cornis at the commone mylnis of this burgh and pay thair mvlturis thairto vsit and wount, and in cais ony of thame be found or apprehendit to abstrak thair cornis thairfra without licence of the firmoraris for the tyme, the samin haill abstrakit cornis being apprehendit as said is, of the vniuersall consuetude of this burgh, aucht and suld pertene to the saidis firmoraris as thair eschetis; nochttheles the said James, being ane maltman induellar within this fredome and swa addettit to grynd his cornis at the saidis myllis and to pay his mvlter thairto, viij dayis syne or thairby, brocht to the saidis mylnis ane kill full of malt contenand xx bollis to haif bene groundin thairat, and efter that the samin had standin in the said millis be the space of vj dayis, swa that the said James in his negligence had tynt his rowme of grinding thairof, because the said Maister James servandis in the saidis mylnis wald nocht place him in ane vther mannis rowme, he vpoun the first day of December instant at ten houris at evin and vnder silence of nycht, with vtheris his complicis and parttakaris to the novmber of xij personis, boddin in feir of weir with bandit staffis and vtheris wappynnis, inuasiue enterit in the said millis, tuke furth the said kill malt wranguislie and maisterfulle, and hes cariit the samin to his millis of Crawmond pertenyng to him in assedatioun to be grundin thairat, swa that the said Maister James firmorar foirsaid suld get na mvlter of the samin: Anent the quhilk clame and falt the said James become in the will of the provest baillies and counsale, and thairupoun the said firmorar askit ackis. And thairefter Johne Loch is becumin souerte for the said James, that he sall fulfill the townis will anent the premissis quhen the sall happin to declair the samin, and to enter him to that effect quhen he sal be requirit thairto.
11 December 1555.
Anent the crameris.
The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis Johne Sym baillie, James Barroun dene of gild, Johnne Symsoun and Adam Foulartoun to tak ordour anent the crameris that sittis about the kirk, and siclik anent the frute sellaris and cramaris on the hie gait, bayth anent samony as thai think expendient to be admittit thairto, and quhat gudis thai salbe permittit to sell, and quhat dewyte thai that sall stand about the kirk sall pay.
13 December 1555.
Ker, villa
The prouest baillies and the haill counsale and dene of gild ordanis William Ker youngar, firmorar of the wyld auenturis in the yeir bygane, to content and pay to Maister Johne Prestoun thesaurer of that yeir the haill sowme contenit in his assedatioun of the wyld auenturis nochtwithstanding his clame gevin and all the ressonis and caussis specifiit thairin.
Precept, ker.
The prouest baillies and the haill counsale and dene of gild, haiffand consideratioun that William Ker customer of the wyld auenturis in the yeir bygane wes causit to set the petty customes of Leyth to Johne Dalmahoy for xl. li. and that he offerit jcmerkis thairfor, and that the saidis petty customes wes worth samekill, and als that the said William hes in the yeir bygane inbrocht grete sowmes of money to the towne be serching of gudis inbrocht in schippis of vnfremenis quhilkis wer vnenterit and thairfor become eschete to the towne and deliuerit to the thesaurer; and als that the said William be himself and his seruitouris tuke grete attendence and avait in Leyth the said Yeir, and stoppit the men of Leyth and vtheris vnfremen to vs the fredome of this burgh, and spendit gret sowmes of money thairby; and for the caussis foirsaidis and vtheris caussis and consideratiounis moving tham ordanis the thesaurer Maister Archibald Grahame to content pay to the said William the sowme of seven scoir merkis.
16 December 1555.
Propine to the Quenis grace.
The prouest baillies and counsale thinkis expedient and als ordanis Maister Archibald Grahame thesaurar to propine the Quenis grace with four scoir pundis worth of wyne walx and spycery as thai sall devis heirefter, and xx li. worth to Monsieur Dosell.
16 December 1555.
Propine to the prouest
The baillies and counsale thinkis expedient and als ordanis the thesaurar, Maister Archibald Grahame, to propine and gif to the prouest in consideratioun of his grete expens maid be him remanand heir in this burgh the sowme of and hundreth pundis worth of clething and spycery, and ane half tvn of wyne by the samyn, of the reddiest of the commoun gudis as it wes gevin to him the last yeir.
20 December 1555.
[Act of privy Council as to ships coming from places where pests is.]
Apud Edinburgh, xx° Decembris anno etc. Vc quinquagesimo quinto.
The quhilk day: Forsamekle as the lordis of counsel ar informit that
thair is diuers and sindry schippis cumin furth of Burdeaux, Scherand, and
vtheris places beyond sey with wynis and vtheris waris, into the quhilkis the
pest is and hes bene this lang tyme bipast, and the awneris and merchandis of
the saidis wynis and waris intendis to lois saidis wynis and waris and to
cum on land, it nocht bening knawin giff ony sekins be amangis thame nor giff
ony personis be seik or decessit in thair viage, quharethrow our Souerane Ladiis
liegis may be dissavit and grete danger may occur; and for remedy heiroff the
saidis lordis ordanis ane masour or vthr officer of armes to pas to the mercat cros
of Edinburgh and pere and schore of Leith and Vtheris places neidfull vpoun
this syde of the wattir, and thair be oppin proclamatioun command and charge
all and sindry maisteris skipparis maryneris and awneris of schippis that hes
cumin furth of Bureaux, Scherand, and vtheris places beyond sey with wynis
and waris, and inlikwis the merchandis and vtheris passingeris being thairintill,
that nane of thame tak vpoun hand to land or lois of thair waris and wynis
vnto the tyme thai send aduertisament to the provest and baillies of Edinburgh,
and that cognitioun be takin be thame giff ony of thame be seke, or giff ony
sekness be amangis thame or ony decessit in thair viage sen thair departing or
returnyng, or giff ony danger of sekness apperis, and cautioun to be fundin that
na scaith sall cum of tham or thair wynis and waris to the saidis provest and
baillies as accordis, vnder the pane of deid and confiscatioun of all thair guidis
doand in the contrar to be applyit to our Souerane Ladiis vse for thair contemptoun;
and inlikmaner ordanis letteris to be direct to officeris of Quenis serffis
in that part to pas and mak siclik proclamatioun vpoun the vthir syde of the
watter to the effect forsaid and vnder the panis abon writtin, and sic personis as
ples the Quenis grace name to tak cognitioun as is within writtin.
Ro. Orchaden. eps
Decanus Glasquen.
J.Precentor Glasquen.
(Eodem die.—Proclamat per Johannem Hamiltoun superp lie schore in coram preposito balliuis et Alexandro Guthre, Alexandro King, Jacobo King.)
21 December 1555.
Baxteris. Fermoraris.
The prouest baillies and counsale, with consent of Thomas Boyis vesitour of the baxter craft within this burgh, ordanis all the quheit that the saidis visitouris and baxteris in tymes cummyng happynnis to send by the commoun mylnis to be ground at ony vther mylnis wihtout licence of the firmorar askit and optenit to be eschete to the firmorar, and gif the saidis commoun mylnis be all gangand, and ony of the saidis baxteris ask licence and be refusit be the firmorar, it salbe lessum to that persoun to pas to vther mylne without the danger of eschete of his quheit; and this ordinance to be obseruit without preuidice of the outmvltar to be payit as vs is.
[Authority to Council to change to places for holding markets.]
Regina: We, vnderstandand that be the byrning and crewell invasiounis maid
be our ald inements within our burgh of Edinburgh the maist parte of the best and
maist honest ludgingis houssis and biggingis speciallie on the gait thairof
wer halelie brynt and distroyit, and now ane grite parte thairof being sensyne
weill biggit and reparallit, it is thocht expedient be the counsale of oure said
burgh that certane mercatis quhilkis hes bene of ald and yit ar situate in sic
places thairof as ar ellis resonablie biggit be changit and sett in vtheris places
of the same quhilkis ar nocht yitt biggit bot standis almaist waist, weill myndand
thairbi that be the confluence of people quhilkis resortis to mercatis the nixt
inhabitantis may be enrechit, and thairthrow obtene in proces of tyme substance
to big thair waist and decayit landis; and becaus it is statute of ald be our
predecessouris that euerie mercate salbe haldin seueralie in certane assignit and
appointit places within our said burgh, quharthrow it is dowbtit be the provest
ballies and counsale of our said burgh now present that thai may nocht change
the same without our licence had thairto, and we, knawand the samyn to be proffittable
to our said burgh and to the weill of the inhabitantis thairof and to the
grete outsetting and policie of the same, haif grantit and permittit to the provest
and ballies of our said burgh, with avyis of the counsale thairof present
and to cum, to change and feche thair claith fische and all vtheris mercatis
to quhat vther parte or place of our said burgh out of the ald rowmes and in
all tymes cuming als oft as thai sall think neidfull and expedient for the weill
commodite honestie and policie of the same, and will and grantis that thai
sall incur na danger perrell nor skaith thairthrow in thair personis landis gudis
nor ald infeftmentis, nochtwithstanding ony chosen sett or limitat places thairto
of ald infeftmentis privilegis or confirmationis past thairupoun, anent the
quhilkis we dispens with thame be thir oure letteres. Subscriuit be our darrest
moder Marie, Queen Dowriare and Regent of our realme, and gevin vnder oure
signet at (blank) the (blank) day of (blank) and of our regnne the xiijth yeir.
Marie R.