Churchwardens' accounts: 1526-7

The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Originally published by Trübner, London, 1905.

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'Churchwardens' accounts: 1526-7', in The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559, ed. Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'Churchwardens' accounts: 1526-7', in The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Edited by Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"Churchwardens' accounts: 1526-7". The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Ed. Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

[a.d. 1526–7.

William Burnynghill Wardens.
Roger Chaloner

Obit list.

Quitrent list.

Chantry Accounts.

Church Rents.]

(fn. 1) Paymenttes of the same.

* * * * *

Item, paid for a pece of Sandwych' lyne for the chirch' iiij d
Item, paid for a Bawdryk for the first bell of the v belles xvj d
* * * * *
Item, paid to Mr Alen for the Beedrowle of þe chauntries ij s
Item, paid to the Orgon maker for a yere for his attendaunce xij d
Item, paid for mendyng of þe olde Sensor & for siluer þat went to hit iiij s
Item, paid at the salutacion at the hiryng of petur þe clarke vj d ob.
Item, paid to hym by commandment of þe vestry for a goddis peny iiij d
* * * * *
(fn. 2) Item, spent on the parisshens at the hiryng of ij preistes vj d
Item, paid for Smale Rope for þe sanctus bell, þe lamp & þe Orgons xv d ob.
Item, paid for bryngyng Downe & Beryng vppe of the sanctus bell ij d
Item, paid for garlondis and Rosis & lavender on corpus christi day ij s v d
* * * * *
Item, spent vppon Straungers that dyd Syng at our lady Mas xij d
Item, paid for a henge for a pewe dore in the Churche ij d
Item, paid to Mr Northfolke for mendyng of dyuers bokis vj s viij d
Item, paid for keyes and lockys ffor the ffount viij d
* * * * *
(fn. 3) Item, paid to Thomas Mundy, Sexten, for Bromys for þe church' j d
Item, paid for small lyne for the curten of the Trynyte ij d
Item, paid at the hyryng of sir humfrey for drynke to þe parisshens v d
Item, paid for a Shodshovill for the Church' iiij d
Item, paid for the Celyng of sir Ioh'n Neelles chambre viij d
Item, paid to the Canell Raker for the church' for a hole yere xvj d
Item, paid to Trappis for mendyng of the ij greate Sensours and for Syluer that wentt to them. Summa iiij s x d
* * * * *
Item, for ij lampe glassis ffor the church' ij d
Item, paid for a key to the Steple dore iij d
Item, paid for a garnet to a chest in the chappell iiij d
Item, paid for iij bolltes for the Sanctus bell iij d
Item, for a clekett key to the preistes Ale gate iiij d
Item, paid for vj holywatur Sprynklys xij d
Item, paid at the hyring of sir Ioh'n the Morowe mas preist vj d
Item, paid to the Beedmen for Blowyng of the Orgons for lij wekys, the weke ij d. Summa viij s viij d
* * * * *
Item, for puttyng of Cordys to the Tabernacle of þe Trynyte iiij d
Item, alowed to a carpenter for goyng abough't with Mr Roche & the Chirch'warden for the chirches besynes for di. a day iiij d
Item, a C of threpeny nayle for þe whele of þe Saunctus bell ij d
(fn. 4) Item, for mendyng of the Stokke of the Saunctus bell iiij d
Item, for the stuff and makyng of a doble deske in the queer v s
Item, paid for [a] Bedsted for the preistes chamber þat kepith' þe first mas xiiij d
Item, paid for chongyng of ij C[r]vwettes for the high' Alter iiij d
* * * * *
Item, I aske alowans of vacacion for a quarter, of the chambre þat sir petur Raughton kept before his deth' xx d
* * * * *
Item, I aske for vacacion for a yere of North'folkes skole vj s viij d
* * * * *

(fn. 5) Receptis bi Casuelties this yere.

Rec' of the Gadryng of the wyffis on hok Monday xx s
Rec' for the Buryall of Ioh'n Coveney in þe pardon chirch'yerd ij s
Rec' of the Orgon Maker for þe olde portatyffis in þe quere xxvj s viij d
Rec' of Ioh'n partrich', Butcher, for his Newe lees xl s
Summa, iiij l'i viij s viij d.

(fn. 6) The Clarkis wages and Beameligh't.

Rec' of the Clarkes wages this yere as Apperith' by the Rowle viij l'i xix s viij d
Rec' for pascall' money and Beameligh't this yere xiij s iiij d ob.
Summa, ix l'i xiij s ob.


paid to Richard Goge, Clerk, for halff a yere ended at our lady day iij l'i vj s viij d
paid to petur purvoche, Clerk, for di. a yere ended at Migh'elmas iij l'i vj s viij d
paid to Ioh'n North'folke, Conducte, for his wages of þe parissh' xl s
paid to Thomas Mondy, Sexten, for his wages for a yere iij l'i vj s viij d
paid to Richard Goge for x wekis seruys after our lady day xxx s ix d
paid to William Wylde for a yeres seruys at Mighelmas xx s
paid to Ioh'n Catur for a quarter and v wekys wages, with vj s & viij d that was geven hym by a vestry.Summa payd iij l'i x d
paid to Ioh'n Wrigh't, Conducte, for a quarter wages ended at Mighelmas, Rebatyng viij days. Summa paid xxxvj s vj d
Summa, xix l'i viij s j d. (fn. 7)
And so
The charges is more then the Receptes, ix l'i xv s ob.

[Wax Reckoning. Two Allowances. Rehearsal.]

(fn. 8) Memorandum: that the xth day of ffebruarii, anno Domini 1527, the xixth yer of the Reign of our soueraign lord kyng henry the viijth; at the accompt givin vp by William burnynghill' & Roger Chaloner, church' wardens of Seint Mary at hill; it was condicendid & agreyd by the Righ't worshipfull' Mr Alen percy, parson of the same church', Mr William Roche, Ioh'n wolf, Thomas Clayton, Robert Game, Robert Revell, Alexaunder hilton, Ioh'n Potter, Ioh'n Idiall', Thomas Huston and others of the said parish, that Iames Hubert, at his humble peticion and request made the[n ?]; the aboue namyd parson & parisheners for dyuers costes & charges by hym done of & vpon the house which' he now dwellith' in as by a bill' of parcelles by hym exibitid vnto the said parson & parisheners conteynyng the svm of viij l' xix s x d; shuld haue & enioy, first the some & iiij l'i v s due by hym vnto the said church'e for rent of the same house of tyme passid & endid at our lady day the Annunciacion next ensuyng the date aboue wretten: and ouer that, of their good & charitable disposicion, in consideracion of his povertie, haue grauntid vnto the same Iames Hubert, twoo yeres Rent clere from the said ffeast of our Lady day next commyng; fforsene & providid alweis that the same Iames shall in all' thinges kepe & maynteign all the glasse & other neccessarys, as windowis & other thinges conteynid in his said bill, & at the end of his lease shall not amove nor put away eny parte of therof, but leue theym to the mer disposicion of the said parson & parisheners & to their successours for euer, and that this graunt & ben[e ?]volence shall not be president to none other tenaunt belongyng to the said church' for no like matter in eny such'e case at eny tyme here aftur.


  • 1. leaf 543, back.
  • 2. leaf 544.
  • 3. leaf 544, back.
  • 4. leaf 545.
  • 5. leaf 545, back.
  • 6. leaf 546.
  • 7. '19. 8. 1' in margin.
  • 8. leaf 548.