Churchwardens' accounts: 1525-6

The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Originally published by Trübner, London, 1905.

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'Churchwardens' accounts: 1525-6', in The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559, ed. Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online [accessed 13 March 2025].

'Churchwardens' accounts: 1525-6', in The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Edited by Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online, accessed March 13, 2025,

"Churchwardens' accounts: 1525-6". The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Ed. Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online. Web. 13 March 2025.

[a.d. 1525–6.

Thomas Vstum Wardens.
William Burnynghill

Obit list.


Chantry Accounts.

Church Rents.]

(fn. 1) Paymenttes of the Same.

* * * * *

paid for a Rede for the chirche, ij d.
* * * * *
paid for wasshyng of the pix cloth' ouer the alter, iiij d.
paid to Brigh't, the Conducte, for goyng to Dartforth' to speke for the Clark that shuld be with us, xvj d.
* * * * *
paid for openyng and mendyng of the lock of the money cofur within the plate chest in þe vpper vestry, ij d.
paid for makyng clene of the Great chirch'yerd & for Carryage of Rubbysshe, ij s.
paid for mendyng of Mastur Alens Surplis, j d.
paid for palme, fflowris and Cakys on palme sonday, ix d.
paid to a plasterer & his laborer for whigh't lymyng of Seint Katheryns chappell and for lyme, ij s ij d.
paid for a holowe key to the vpper vestry dore, iiij d.
* * * * *
(fn. 2) paid for a Man that cam from Dertforth that shulde a be the clarke & gevyn to hym by a vestry, xij d.
paid for Drynke for dyuers of the parisshe at the hyring of Thomas the Sexten, ij d.
paid to Thomas Rippyngton for ij wekes aftur our lady day ij s viij d; And to Richard Broke for iij wekes in the absence of a Sexten, graunted by vestry, iiij s. Summa, vj s viij d.
paid for mendyng of the trynite wyndowe of the Sowthe (fn. 3) side of the church', iij s viij d.
paid at Alderstons for that was spent vppon þe Clerke that shuld a come from Allhalous, iiij d ob..
* * * * *
paid at the hyryng of Skott the Clerk, iiij d.
* * * * *
paid for ffreigh't of Bourdis and plankes for the Chirch' owte of Essex to london, vj s viij d.
paid for ij Carttes to carry the same plankes and Bourdis from the wharff to th'e chirch'yerd, iij s.
(fn. 4) paid to iiij laborers for to helpe to lade them and for the leyng of them in the Chirch'yerd, ij s.
paid to a Mason, for a day, to mende þe steple batilment, viij d.
paid for that was spent in the parsonage with Mastur parson and dyuers of the parisshens þe xv day of August, x d.
* * * * *
paid for that was spent for dyuers of the parisshe at the goyng to Westmynster to speke with Mr parson, ix d ob..
paid at the Tylers at the hyryng of the clerk, and for dyuers of the parisshe there beyng present, iij d.
paid for Ryngyng of None, Curfew and day pele and Courfewe & other pelis on our lady day the Assumpcion, xij d.
* * * * *
paid for makyng of a ffyre shovill for the vestry, x d.
* * * * *
paid for hay to lay vnder the lede of the chirche, v d.
paid to ij laborers for to help the plankes to þe chirch', ij d.
paid for lede nayle for the chirch', iiij s.
paid for ij porters to helpe to lade þe lede for the chirch', iiij d.
* * * * *
paid at Towre hill when the howse of the bell was bough't, j d ob..
(fn. 5) Paid to Mr Baker for his counsayle in the byeng of þe bell, iiij s vj d.
paid for [a] kay to the Storehowse Dore in þe preistes Ale, iij d.
paid for a kay for the Chircheyard gate next Iamys hubbardis howse, & a stay of Iron & ij staples, vij d.
* * * * *
paid for a lytell key for þe chest in the queer, iij d.
* * * * *
paid for a pewtur pott for watur for the preistes, xiiij d.
paid at the Sonn at the counte of the plomer, v d.
* * * * *
(fn. 6) paid for that was spent at Ioh'n Tylers for dyuers of the parisshe at the Comonyng with William þat shuld a be clerk, ij d ob..
* * * * *
paid for vj skonses for the queer, viij d.
paid to the beedmen for blowyng of the Orgons, for euery weke ij d.
Summa, viij s viij d.
* * * * *
paid for Cariage of a lode & di. of Rubbysshe from Mr porttes howse, the lode iij d. Summa, iiij d ob..
* * * * *
(fn. 7) paid for ij lamp glassis for the chirche, ij d.
* * * * *
Item, I ax alowaunce for þe chambre þat is the skole, vj s viij d.
* * * * *
paid for a grate of New lede for the chirche, poyse ij ll', delyuered in olde lede ij ll', paid þe castyng, ob..

(fn. 8) Casuell Receptis this yere.

Receued for the buryall of Alys wall in the chirche, vj s viij d.
Receued for a knyll with the Greate bell for Robert laurence, vj s viij d.
Receued of Casuelties taken by the Sexten, iij s v d ob..
Receued for the buryall of Mestres Aldernes in the chappell, xiij s iiij d.
Receued for the knyll with'e the greate bell for her, vj s viij d.
Receued for the buryall of Austens wyff in þe pardon chirchyerd, ij s.
Receued for the buryall of peryes wyff in þe pardon chirch'yerd, ij s.
Receued of Ioh'n potter for the buryall of his son, ij s.
Receued for the buryall of Robert Austhorpis child, ij s.
Receued for the buryall of a Man of Suffolke, ij s.
Receued for the buryall of William Awdewyns chylde, ij s.
Summa, xlviij s ix d ob..

(fn. 9) The Clarkis wages & Beameligh't.

Receued for Clarkes wages this yere as aperith' by the Rowle, viij l'i xiij s.
Receued for pascall money this yere and beameligh't, xij s.
Summa, ix l'i v s.


paid to Thomas lawson for a quarter ended at Cristemas, xxx s.
paid to Ioh'n North'folke, conducte, for his wages of þe parisshe, xl s.
paid to William Chambre for a quarter ended at our lady day, xj s viij d.
paid to Ioh'n Elyard for iij quarters wages ended at Mighelmas, iiij l'i x s.
paid to Richard Gowge for di. a quarter & vij days ended at Midsomer, aftir viij l'i the yere, xxiij s j d; more payd to hym for a quarters wages ended at Mighelmas, aftir viij l'i, payd xl s. Summa, iij l'i iij s j d.
paid to Thomas Rippyngton, Sexten, for halff a yeres wages and doyng the Clarkes dutye, whiche was graunted hym by the parisshe. Summa, xxxv s x d.
paid to Thomas Monde, Sexten, for halff a quarter and x days wages ended at Midsomer, aftir v merc þe yere, x s ij d; paid more for a quarter ended at Migh'elmas xvj s viij d. Summa, xxvj s xd.
paid to William Wylde for a yeres wages ended at Mighelmas, xx s.
Summa, xv l'i xvij s v d.
And so
The charges is more [then] the Recepttes vj l'i xij s v d.

[Wax Reckoning. Allowances. Rehearsal.]

[Work on the Two Aisles.]

(fn. 10) +

Memorandum: that this yere, Anno 1526, was spent apon the ij ylles, in tymbyer, borde, lede & warkmanshipe, as it aperyth by this lytell qware herevnto anexeyd, which amount the holle charge besyd all afore writyn this artykell, lj l'i ij d; which was borowyd forth of porthes chyste, as doth apere by a bowke in the said chyste how that porthes money doth com in & allso paid forth.

Werof ys paid to porthes cheste by hyllton['s a-]count xij l'i vj s vij d, and by the fotte of thys acount of husecam x l'i xiij d, amount both, xxij l'i vij s viij d: and so the chu[r]che ys in dette at this day to porthes chyste xxviij l'i xij s vj d.

(fn. 11) +

+ the fyrste day of novembyer, Anno Ml vc xxvjt. here folowth the weyght of all the lede delyuerd vnto William Rogeres, plomer, that was hayde of the north & sowthe ylle of the church of sante marry at hill, in london.

Delyuerd by husecam, game & Revell':—

vij xij quarteres xiiij ll'
vij xxiiij ll' xij quarteres
vij xiij vij
vij j quarter x ij quarteres vij
vij x xv quarter xiiij
vj iiij vj quarter xj
vj iij quarteres vj
vj xiiij vj iij quarteres
xj iij quarteres xiiij iiij ij quarteres iiij
xiiij j quarter xiiij vj iij quarteres xxiiij
lxxxc–ij quarteres xxiiij ll' lxxxxiiijc xxv

(fn. 12) +

vij iij quarteres ix ij quarteres
iiij quarter xxj ix iij quarteres xiiij
v vij xiiij
xiiij xiiij vij
viij ij quarteres vij iij quarteres
vij ij quarteres ix ij quarteres
xj iij quarteres ix vij
viij ij quarteres viij xxj
vij ij quarteres vj
ix vj
lxxxiiij c vij ll' lxxx c
v ij quarteres
ij iij quarteres
xiiij c j quarter

The which xliij parselles amount xxxv ml' iij c quarter & ys old lede.

(fn. 13) +

here folowth all such newe lede as ys reseued for the forsaide church of the sayd William Rogeres, plomer:—

xv iij quarteres vij ll' xvj j quarter
xvij ij quarteres xv j quarter
xvj ij quarteres vij vij iij quarteres vij
xiiij iij quarteres xv iij quarteres
xviij iij quarteres vij xiij iij quarteres
xiiij xiiij xvij iij quarteres xiiij
xiiij — quarter vij xix j quarter
xiij iij quarteres xiiij xvj ij quarteres xiiij
xv vij xv iij quarteres xxj
xiiij iij quarteres x ll' xvj j quarter
clvc ij quarteres xvij ll' cliiijc iij quarteres
(fn. 14) C
17 –021. xvij xxj ll'
xiiij xiiij
xvij ij quarteres xiiij
xvj j quarter xiiij
xj ij quarteres xiiij
xiij iij quarteres xiiij
viij xiiij
iiij xiiij
ij xiiij
iij j quarter xxvj
cviijc ij quarteres xix ll'
Summa, xlj ml' ixc viij ll', and ys newe lede.
419 0 8
353 1 0
Reste 65 c 3 quarteres 8 ll' more Reseued then
delyuerd lxv c iij quarteres viij ll'.
(fn. 15) And so the forsaid church of Sante mayry at hyll owyth vnto the said William Rogeres for castynge of xlij Ml. ixc. vj ll'. at xiij d the c, which amount xxij l'i xiiij s.
Item, more, for that the said William Rogeres that he delyuerd more newe lede then (fn. 16) he hathe Reseued old lede, lxv c iij quarteres vj ll', after v ll' for the fother, which ys, the fother, xix c and a hallfe; amount in money, xvj l'i xvij s j d.
Item, for sowdyr xxxj ll' di., at v d the ll', amount, xiij s j d.
Item, more, for caryage of all the forsaid lede, of old led, with workmanshipe & laynge, vij s x d.
Summa, xl l'i xij s.
(fn. 17) here folowth the charges of the carpenter wynes bill for the carpentershype of the said ij ylles, with stepell, penteses & all his bezynes abowte the said ij ylles:—
ffyrste ffor Rydeynge to the wodes to chose the tymbyr for the church, ij days, xvj d.
Item, for costes of ij sawyers to go to the said wode & (fn. 18) home ayane, xvj d.
Item, for vij days & a hallfe on the north syd of the churche, for wyn, v s.
Item, for his servant vij days & a hallfe, v s.
Item, vij days & a hallfe for his boye, ij s vj d.
[Summa] xv s ij d.
(fn. 19) Item, more, for that wyn was on the sowthe ylle, for his sellfe ix days. amount, vj s.
Item, for his servante vj days, iiij s.
Item, for his boye, ix days, iij s.
Item, for a day for wyn whan he mayde the paylle in the church yerd, viij d.
Item, for hys (fn. 20) chylld the said day, iiij d.
Item, for iiij days for his servant apon the rofe & stepill, ij s viij d.
Item, more for his Rewarde beyng from his howce, wife & chilldyren, & labour to sett forth the sawyeres warke & to hellpe the tymbyer to the pyttes. amount, viij s viij d.
Summa, xxv s iiij d.
(fn. 21) Summa totallis that the carpenter wystowe hayd, xl s vj d.
(fn. 22) here folowth such charges as William Roche layd owte for tymbyr for the [corent ?] & borde for the forsaid ij ylles:—
ffyrst, ffor sawyng of plankes, to cleston, sawyer, & his fellowe, tyll sonday the x of Iune, for xiiij days at xiiij d euery day, xvj s iiij d.
Item, more, paid to Edemonde towzy & his felowe sawyeres, for vij days tyll the x day of Iune, at xiiij d the day, viij s ij d.
Item, more, paid to ballard the owner of the wode, for xj lodes tymbyr for þe said plankes & bord, at iij s the lod, xxxiij s.
Item, more, for the hewyng of the said tymbyer above that ballard pris, ij s, to haue the chose of all the holl wod, ij s.
Item, more, paid to cleston & his (fn. 23) fellow sawyeres, for iiij days, at xiiij d þe day, iiij s viij d.
[Summa] iij l'i iiij s ij d.

(fn. 24) +

Item, more, paid to fayry & his fellowe for sawyng x days at xiiij d the day. amount, xj s viij d.
Item, more, paid to towzy & his fellowe, for ix days sawyng at xiiij d the day. amount, x s vj d.
Item, more, for caryage in xij carrtes the said xj lodes tymbyr, in plankes & bordes, from the wode to the watersyd, x mylles, at ij s viij d euery carrtte, xxxij s.
Item, more, to cleston & his fellowe for sawynge vj days at xiiij d the day. amount, vij s.
Item, more, paid for makyng of sawe pyttes, xvj d.
[Summa] iij l'i ij s vj d.
Summa [of] the charge of the tymbyr, (fn. 25) plankes & bord, vj l'i vj s viij d.
(fn. 26) Memorandum: that the forsaid plomer haid for newe lede & castynge of newe & old led, with sowdyr & warkemanshipe as aperyth afore, xl l'i xij s.
Item, wyn the carpenter hayd, as it aperythe afore declareyd, ij l'i vj d.
Item, more, payd by William Roche for tymbyr, sawyng, caryage of plankes [&] bord for the said ij ylles as afore aperyth, vj l'i vj s viij d.
Item, more, payde to Robarde game, that hath for the churche as aperyth by his acounte of it, j l'i xv s viij d.
Item, there was paid, by the handes of claton, which ys p[a]id hym agayne, for ij sawyeres that sawyd in the churche yerd, l'i v s iiij.
[Summa] lj l'i s ij d.


  • 1. leaf 520, back.
  • 2. leaf 521.
  • 3. MS. 'Sowthe Sowthe.'
  • 4. leaf 521, back.
  • 5. leaf 522.
  • 6. leaf 522, back.
  • 7. leaf 523.
  • 8. leaf 524.
  • 9. leaf 524, back.
  • 10. leaf 526, back.
  • 11. leaf 527, back, the first leaf of the 'little quire,' which consists of eight leaves, all a little smaller than the ordinary leaves of the MS.
  • 12. leaf 528.
  • 13. leaf 528, back.
  • 14. leaf 529.
  • 15. leaf 529, back.
  • 16. MS. 'then then.'
  • 17. leaf 530, back.
  • 18. MS. '& &.'
  • 19. leaf 531.
  • 20. MS. 'his hys.'
  • 21. leaf 531, back.
  • 22. leaf 532.
  • 23. MS. '& his & his.'
  • 24. leaf 532, back.
  • 25. MS. 'tylbyr.'
  • 26. leaf 533, back.