Churchwardens' accounts: 1527-8

The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Originally published by Trübner, London, 1905.

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'Churchwardens' accounts: 1527-8', in The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559, ed. Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online [accessed 1 April 2025].

'Churchwardens' accounts: 1527-8', in The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Edited by Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online, accessed April 1, 2025,

"Churchwardens' accounts: 1527-8". The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Ed. Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online. Web. 1 April 2025.

[a.d. 1527–8.

Antony Elderton Wardens.
Roger Chaloner

Chantry Accounts.

Church Rents.]

Paymentes concernyng the Church.

* * * * *

(fn. 1) paid to Mr Curate for the bedrolles for a yer ij s
paid for Mending of a pane in oon of the sowth' windowse xij d
paid for the drinking of the Sessours of the clerkes wages vj d
paid for a key to oon of the chamber durres in the prestes aley iiij d
* * * * *
paid the last day of ffebruarii for a grett ion to hang the veill of the chauncell' ageinst lent xij d
paid for mending of the same veill & for curten ringes xij d
paid the vjth day of Merche, at the hiring of balthazar the clerk, at the son tavern viij d
paid for an eln of fyne lynnyn cloth' to amend the sepulture cloth' wherat it was eiton with rattes xij d
paid to a bedmaker for mending & Sowing the same xij d
paid to Mr wolf for payntyng & renewing the Images in the same cloth' v s
* * * * *
paid for drying of the Sipers for the sacrament against ester iiij d
(fn. 2) Paid to Chapple for filling the holy water stokes for a yer viij d
paid for ij quarter of Colis for hallowing of the font at estur xiij d
* * * * *
paid for water on Monday thursday & ester evin spent in the church' ij d
* * * * *
paid for mending of an Iron in the Rode loft, & for a key for the charnell house dur vj d
paid for a crokid Iron to pike torchis withall' iij d
paid for mending of a snach' in the morrow mas prestes chist ij d
* * * * *
paid to Balaham for blowing of the organs for a yer viij s viij d
* * * * *
(fn. 3) paid vnto a goldsmyth' for burnishing of the best cros, & for iiij siluer pinnes for the same, & for saving of the amell' iij s iiij d
paid to Mr Wolf for painting of the crucifix of the same xij d
paid vnto Hugh' Welshe, goldsmyth', for mending & dressing of the berrall cross & for making of an new boss for the same, with iiij on siluer put to the same & for gilding þerof xxxiiij s vj d
paid vnto an other goldsmyth', a kynsman of the Sexten, for mending of dyuers thinges in the vestre, as sensours, shippis, & gilding & for burnishing of Senssur, candilstikes, basons & other thinges as may apere by the particulers. Summa xiij s vj d
paid for a hillett & a plate & spikinges for the Southe churchdur v d
* * * * *
(fn. 4) Paide for ix c of lathe, spent at the bell' at Tour Hill iij s xj d ob.
* * * * *
paid for brede, ale & wyne for the quere & for other straungers at dyuers high' feistes in the yere past, xiiij s, wherof Mr parson most pay the oon half & the church' þe other half vij s
Paid at the Son tavern for the drinking of Mr Colmas with others of the kinges chappl'e that had songen in the churche ix d
paid for the making of Ioh'n Austhrop is grave, & for laying of the ston ageyn iij s iiij d
* * * * *
+ paid for a pekerell givin to the chaunceler of london for alowing of our tolleracion for Maister Nasing ij s viij d
* * * * *
I aske allowance for di. a yeres rent of the house at sign of the bell' at Tour Hill remayning in sute in guylhall' xx s
* * * * *

[The two Allowances.]

(fn. 5) Casuell Receptes this yere.

* * * * *

Receivide for the place of buriall of Ioh'n Awsthrop in the Middle Ile & for his knyll & graviston. Summa xx s
Receivide for the buriall place of Alexaunder Hilton & for his knyll' xx s
Receivide of Thomas Hustom for his place of buriage vj s viij d
Receivide for his graviston and for his knyll' xiij s iiij d
Receivide of the same for his bequest to sent Stephins chapl'e xx d
Receivide of Thomas Duckling for ij of his children buridd in the pardon churchyerd iiij s
Receivide of William Holingworthes moder in the said churchyerd ij s
Receivide of Symond vavassur for his buriall' ther ij s
Receivide for the buriall of clare, doughter of Mr Roche, for her place of buriall, for her pitt making & other duties viij s iiij d
Receivide by the handes of William Wild for the buriall of Mergaret Roche & for her knyll' & other duties. Summa xv s
Summa, iiij l'i xiij s.

(fn. 6) Clerkis wagis & Beame Lyght.

Receivide for the clerkes wages this yer as apperith' by the Roll' of gathering viij l'i x s v d
Receivide for pascall money and beame Light this yer xv s j d
Summa, ix l'i v s vj d.


Paide to Petre purvoch'e, parish' clerke, for a quarter wages endid at Christmas. Summa xxxiij s iiij d
Paid to Baltaar, clerke, for his wages, oon quarter & x wekes, from our lady day in lent till his goyng to Ipiswich, after xx nobl'es a yer.Summa lix s ij d
Paid to Ioh'n Norff., conduct, for his yeres reward xl s
Paid to Gose, conduct, for his wages of iij quarters & x wekes, after viij l' a yer.Summa vij l'i x s x d
paid to Thomas Monday, Sexten, for a holl' yeres wages iij l'i vj s viij d
paid the goodman wild for yeres reward for keping the quer xx s
paid to Andrew Alen, conducte, for keping the quer [from ?] candilmas to our lady day in lent x s
Paide to a singingman of Sent Anth'is by the handes of Mr Norff. for keping of our lady mas in thabscence of gose & the clerke whan they wer takin to Ipiswich' iij s iiij d
Summa, xix l'i iij s iiij d.
and so
The charge is mor then the Recepte, ix l'i xvij s iiij d.

[Wax Reckoning.]

(fn. 7) Certen Receites concernyng Mr Porte.

Recevide of certen house whiche he had by leash' of the mercers, lying as well' in brigstrete as in the old Riall', for oon yeres Rent endid at Mighelmas, wherof detayned in my handes for his bequest vj s viij d ix l'i vj s viij d
Recevide of the bruers wif at the pewtre pott ageynst Seint Andrewis vndershaft, for a nott & a boll' of Siluer, parcell' gilt, that ley to pledg for the som of iiij l'i
Summa, xiij l'i vj s viij d.


Paide to the Rent gatherer of the mercery for the Rent of the said house for oon holl yer endid at Mighelmas. Summa vij l'i
paid to sir Rauf yong, chauntry prest, for j di. yeres wages endid at Midsomer & for keping the quer. iiij l'i
paid to sir Thomas hall' for wages the space of vj wekes, after viij l'i a yer. amount xviij s vj d
Paid to sir pattrik Manfild for his wages from the tyme that gose & the clerk went awey, to Mighelmas x s
Paid for the Obiit of Mr Port to Mr Curate & vj prestes, iiij conductes, & the sexten, for the masse peny & bred & ale spent vpon the quer at aldertons. Summa vj s
Item, mor, for the bequest as is aforsaid vj s viij d
Summa, xiij l'i ix d.

[Rehearsal, etc.]


  • 1. leaf 556, back.
  • 2. leaf 557.
  • 3. leaf 557, back.
  • 4. leaf 558.
  • 5. leaf 559.
  • 6. leaf 559, back.
  • 7. leaf 560, back.