Entry Book: March 1691, 21-31

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1931.

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'Entry Book: March 1691, 21-31', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp1074-1090 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Entry Book: March 1691, 21-31', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp1074-1090.

"Entry Book: March 1691, 21-31". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1931), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp1074-1090.


March 1691, 21-31

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Mar. 21. William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue (out of 6,000l. which is to be lent by Sir Peter Rich or to be by him procured to be lent, on credit of the Wine Duties Act or the East India Duties Act) 5,042l. 8s. 4d. to the Treasurer of the Ordnance : to be by him paid over to said Sir Peter Rich to satisfy 13 debentures in his name for stores delivered into the Office of Ordnance and a debenture in the name of Antho. Fewster for the hire of the ship Edward and Anthony ; which last debenture is assigned to said Rich as being the sole owner of said ship. Disposition Book IX, p. 94.
Same to the Customs Commissioners, enclosing an order [missing] from the Committee for the Affairs of Ireland, desiring that the transport ships at Bristol may not be obliged to enter [pass entry] there. You are to comply with that request, "taking care that the officers go down and visit such ships." Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 20.
Same to same, enclosing a letter [missing] from the Admiralty Lords, desiring a list of such watermen and seamen as are employed by the Customs Commissioners. You are to furnish such list. Ibid.
Same to same to report on the enclosed papers [missing] sent to the Treasury from the Admiralty, containing an information of goods being run and smuggled in Sussex. Ibid.
Same to the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland. On Feb. 13 last I sent you the Order in Council concerning an embargo, ut supra, p. 1017, and on the 23rd ult., supra, p. 1033, another Order explaining the former one. As yet my Lords have no account that you have received same. I enclose other copies thereof and you are to take care that same be duly complied with. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 54.
Mar. 23. Same to Mr. [Thomas] Fox [Customs Cashier] to give Mr. Blathwaite forthwith an account of the moneys received by you or [by your predecessor Customs Cashier] Mr. Kent on the Four and a Half per cent. Duty in the Caribbee Islands since 1688, Nov. 5 ; and of the payments thereout and to whom ; and of the remains thereof yet in your hands. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 28.
Same to the Commissioners of Accounts. The Treasury Lords have obtained the Queen's signature to a warrant for 2,000l. to you. Send me the name of the person you desire to receive same for you. Ibid, p. 20.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ Francis Barber as a coastwaiter, London port, loco Thomas Barber, his father, incapacitated by sickness. Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 297.
Treasury reference to same of the petition of Daniell Kroger in behalf of himself and [Bartholomew] Barckman, master of the ship Hope of Stralsund, shewing that said Kroger was employed by said master to make a report in the Custom House of the lading of said vessel and by mistake entered 39 instead of 59 boxes of glass from Bogan [? Baagöe], consigned to David Bexseller [? Bex, seller] etc., merchants : therefore prays a remission of the King's share of the forfeiture. Reference Book VI, p. 305.
Treasury warrant to the [Exchequer Court] Auditor for co. Surrey. By an inquisition taken at the Court House in the parish of St. Saviours, Southwark, co. Surrey, Nov. 3 last, before Jo[h]n Radford et al. it was found that Sir Edward Herbert, kt., at the time of his outlawry for high treason, to wit on Monday before St. Valentine [Feb. 14], 1689, was possessed of the capital messuage called Oatlands and Oatlands Park and four messuages with the appurtenances and 200 acres of land in the tenures of Jo[h]n Hollis, William Grantham, Henry Wasse and — Ledman, in the parishes of Walton-on-Thames and Weybridge, for the term of 99 years then to come, and of the clear yearly value of 240l. : all which premises were seized into the King's hands on said Nov. 3. You are to put same in charge in [the books in] your office and to see that the Receiver General [of Crown Revenues] for co. Surrey do collect the rents and profits thereof. Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, p. 401.
Same to the Auditor for co. Cambridge to act similarly with regard to the following premises, which on the 3rd Jan. last at an inquisition taken at the Castle of Cambridge, before John Radford et al., were found to have belonged to Henry, Lord Dover, on the day of his committing high treason, to wit on the 1st of August, 1689 ; viz. the manor of Cheveley, co. Cambridge, and the capital messuage called Cleevly [Cheveley], alias Chevely, in the parish of Cleveley [Cheveley] and the park [thereto], containing 250 acres, and four messuages, six cottages and 450 acres of land in said parish, in the tenures of said Lord Dover, John Ship, John French, William Chenery, Thomas Smith, John Stevenson, Thomas Reeve, Thomas Warren, Leonard Simkin, Samuel Simkin, Giles Pettit, Jo[h]n Foulkes, esq., William Ellesden, Thomas Lumme, Thomas Peck or John Dawson ; and a sheep walk in said parish and a windmill in the tenure of John Veale and the advowson of the parish church of Cheveley : all of the clear yearly value of 340l. ; and also of a piece of land called Cropley Park in co. Cambridge of the yearly value of 10l. : and further that on the day of his outlawry for the said treason, to wit on the 14th Feb., 1689-90, said Lord Dover was also possessed of 200 deer of the value of 10s. each, 10 horses valued at 4l. each, 40 sheep valued at 4s. each and two waggons valued at 12l. and then in the hands of Jo[h]n Dawson and Edmund Gutteridge : all which premises were seized into the King's hands on the said Jan. 3 last. Ibid, pp. 401-2.
[?] Entry of the Treasury Lords' signature of the docquet of an in custodiam lease under the Exchequer seal to Tho. Symonds and Eliz. his wife of several messuages and lands in the parish of Cripplegate, co. Middlesex, being parcel of the lands of Charles Rydges, outlaw : at a rent of 14s. 11d. per an. and fine of 29s. 10d. Ibid, p. 402
[? Mar. 23.] Entry of the Treasury Lords' signature of a lease to John Baron of the messuage and lands called Halhams Court etc., ut supra, p. 1017. Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, p. 402.
Mar. 24. Treasury warrant to the Receipt to make and pass debentures for 200l. to John Shales, being the sum remaining unsatisfied on a money warrant of 1688, Nov. 3, for 600l. for three years' salary to 1688, Sept. 29, on his 200l. per an. as an Auditor [of the Exchequer Court]. The present sum is to be satisfied by tallies on John Evelyn, Receiver of Crown Revenues for cos. Kent, Surrey and Sussex. Money Book XI, p. 19.
William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue to Mr. Fox and Mr. Coningsby for transport to Ireland the 500l. in farthings which will be paid into the Exchequer by the Commissioners for Coining Farthings. Disposition Book IX, p. 93.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to send a Customs officer to the Farthing Office to seal up the [abovesaid] parcel of farthings in order to its transport to Ireland, Customs free. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 21.
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh to report on the enclosed memorial [missing] of John England, praying to renew his contract for serving bread and beer to Chelsea [Hospital or] College. Ibid, p. 22.
Same to Mr. Blathwaite [as Secretary to the Forces] to procure a royal warrant to authorise Mr. Fox and Mr. Coningsby to pay 113,468l. 15s. 0d. to Monsieur Isaac Pereyra to complete the money which is to be paid him under his contract for bread for the Army in Ireland. Ibid, p. 23.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to insert on the establishment an additional 20l. per an. to John Holland, collector of Hull port, to make up his allowance to 80l. per an. from the King and to pay him towards his arrears 105l. out of the money recovered against one Fawthorpe : all by reason that Holland has at last compromised the dispute between the two customers of said port, viz. Mr. Appleyard and Mr. Ettrick (who succeeded lately loco Tempest, deceased), they having agreed to allow Holland 20l. each out of the profits of their places towards the maintenance of said collector, thus making his total salary 120l. per an. Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 296.
Treasury reference to same of the petition of Abraham Arnold, a wine cooper of Middelburg in Zeeland, praying restoration of a seizure of gold and silver thread to the value of 40l., which he brought over with him for the maintenance of himself and family. Reference Book VI, p. 305.
1691. Mar. 25. William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue to me [Jephson] for secret service the 1,200l. which will be lent into the Exchequer by Monsieur Steph. Monginot de la Salle on the Act for Continuing the Duties on Wines etc. Disposition Book IX, p. 94.
Same to Mr. Fox [Customs Cashier] to pay 100l. to Mr. Clerk, warehousekeeper at the Custom House, to defray the charges of the tin sent from Truro for their Majesties' service. Ibid.
William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 50,000l. to Edward Russell, for the service of the Navy, upon any unsatisfied orders in his name as Treasurer of the Navy : to be issued out of such loans at 7 per cent. as he [Russell] shall make upon credit of the Twelve Months' Assessment. Disposition Book IX, p. 94.
Same to same to issue as follows out of the Exchequet : viz. : Ibid, pp. 95-6.
l. s. d.
Out of the 2s. Aid and Additional 12d. Aid.
to the Earl of Bellomont for the Queen 2,000 0 0
to the Cofferer of the Household 2,000 0 0
to the Treasurer of the Chamber (this item is in the margin marked respited) 2,000 0 0
to the Paymaster of the Works 2,000 0 0
(The remainder of the moneys of said Aids in the Exchequer is to be reserved for the Treasury Lords' disposal.)
Out of loans on the Twelve Months' Assessment.
to the Treasurer of the Navy 15,000 0 0
to the Earl of Ranelagh for the growing week's subsistence and the half pay to the officers, together with 2,200l. to Mr. Vander Esch for the Dutch Forces in England 8,762 15 0
to ditto for fire and candle in full of 2,057l. 16s. 0d. 307 16 0
to ditto for Col. Fitzpatrick on account of recruits, to make good those lately lost at sea 400 0 0
to ditto for the Earl of Marlborough towards clearing his pay as Lieut. General to Jan. 1 last 1,460 0 0
to Mr. Fox and Mr. Coningsby for Col. Wynn's Regiment of Dragoons for clothing etc. : at 300l. per Troop 1,400 0 0
to ditto for said Colonel [Wynne] for 80 horses, at 6l. per horse 480 0 0
to ditto for Col. Deering's Regiment, for necessaries for the next campaign 503 0 0
to ditto for Col. Hasting's Regiment for the like 500 0 0
to ditto for Col. Godfrey in further part of the balance of his account 200 0 0
to ditto for Col. Baldwyn Leighton on account of his half pay as late Capt. of Foot from 1689-90, Jan. 1, at 4s. a day 73 0 0
to ditto for Capt. Ingram for shoes 500 0 0
to ditto to answer the Exchequer fees on 140,000l. lately struck in tallies 840 0 0
to ditto for 68 Troops of Horse and Dragoons in full of 300l. per Troop 5,100 0 0
to ditto for Mr. Vander Esch in part of 5,000l. to buy horses, clothes etc. for the seven Regiments in Ireland last year 1,000 0 0
to ditto for Brigadier Eppinger upon account of his Regiment of Dragoons 1,670 0 0
to ditto in part of 7,000l. demanded upon account of pay of the Danish Forces 1,000 0 0
to ditto for the Commissioners of Transports in part of 16,000l. 1,000 0 0
(Of the total 14,266l. of the above 13 items to Fox and Coningsby, 7,708l. 0s. 10¼d. is to be issued out of loans on the Twelve Months' Assessment and the remaining 6,557l. 19s. 1¾d. out of any other disposable money in the Exchequer, except the arrears of the First 12d. Aid [1 Wm. and Mary, c. 20].)
Out of any disposable money as above.
to the Treasurer of the Ordnance for small arms 1,000 0 0
to ditto in part of 5,200l. for horses for the [Artillery] Train for Ireland 2,600 0 0
to ditto upon the estimate for Sheerness 1,000 0 0
to ditto for the ordinary [of the Office of Ordnance] 1,000 0 0
(Of the gold in the Exchequer amounting to 14,174l. 12s. 4½d. [being moneys] of the loans on the Twelve Months' Aid, 7,000l. is to be issued [in guineas at 1l. 1s. 10d. each] to the Earl of Ranelagh towards satisfaction of items as above and the remaining 7,174l. 12s. 4½d. to Mr. Fox in part of items as above : for the accommodating this matter the Tellers are desired to change silver for guineas one with another at the said rate of 1l. 1s. 10d. in case any one Teller has not enough gold in his office to satisfy the sums charged on him.)
William Jephson to Mr. Blathwayt [as Secretary to the Forces] to procure a royal warrant to be signed by the Queen to authorise Charles Fox and Thomas Coningsby to pay 2,300l. to Mr. Gasper Stein, chief agent here [in London] to the Marquis la Barr, in satisfaction of a bill drawn by said Marquis ; 1,000l. to ditto to answer a bill drawn by Mr. Desloges from the Hague for tents, arms etc. for the Danes [being item in the letter of disposition of Mar. 19, supra, pp. 1068-9] ; 1,000l. each to Mr. Henley and Mr. Vickers for buying oats ; 2,600l. to ditto for buying 100 tons of cheese at 26l. per ton ; 1,447l. 15s. 0d. each to Kirk's, Stewart's and Hamilton's Regiment [as in items 18-20 in said letter of disposition] ; 200l. to said Col. Hamilton [item 21 ibid.] ; 1,003l. to the officers of Col. Deering's Regiment to enable them to furnish themselves with clothes, tents etc. for the next campaign ; 73l. to Capt. Rigg [item 29 ibid.] for half pay 1 Jan., 1689-90, to 1 Jan., 1690-1, at 4s. a day : total, 13,519l. 5s. 0d. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 21.
William Jephson to Mr. Shales. I have read to my Lords the report from Mr. Lowndes and Mr. Ryley on your memorial concerning the money, 201l. 15s. 0d. in all, stopped in the hands of several persons for deals sold from [the encampment buildings etc. at] Hounslow Heath. They propose that if you will clear the arrears of rent due to the heirs of Lord Belasyse and will repair the barns etc. you may be permitted to receive the said moneys. My Lords have agreed thereto. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 22.
Same to Mr. Sotherne to lay before the Admiralty Lords the enclosed list [missing] of watermen and seamen employed in the service of the Customs, drawn up by the Customs Commissioners at the request of said Lords. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Blathwayt to procure a royal warrant, to be signed by the Queen, authorising Mr. Fox and Mr. Coningsby to pay to the Commissioners of Transports the 2,000l. directed Mar. 5 inst. (supra, p. 1046) and the 1,000l., 700l. and 479l. 11s. 2d. directed Mar. 18 [sic for 19] inst. (supra, pp. 1069, 1070). Ibid, pp. 22-3.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to accept ½d. per lb. on the 28,720lbs. of tobacco brought from Virginia in the barque John's Adventure, Barresby Brown master, but landed in Scotland, contrary to the shipmaster's bond given in Virginia : it appearing from the affidavit of William Ewyn, mate, George Gore, boatswain, and John Memory, one of the mariners of said barque, that in her voyage to Whitehaven she was chased by some French privateers and was obliged to put into Scotland, and therefore entered said tobacco at Findhorn, and the master has tendered the ½d. per lb. duty, being what would have remained clear to the King upon entry of said tobacco in England [if same had been re-exported from England to Scotland under the drawback]. The bond given in Virginia is hereby to be discharged. Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 297.
Same to Charles Fox, [a] Paymaster of the Forces, Ireland, to ship the 1,000l. in farthings which is ordered to be issued to you at the Exchequer, by moieties on the Charles of London, — Newland master, and the Endeavour of London, Thomas Goodman master ; and to consign both parcels to Thomas Coningsby for their Majesties' service in Ireland. Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, p. 403.
The Treasury Lords to the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland, to take effectual care that the patent customers or their deputies in the respective ports of Ireland do give an account from time to time of all ships entering [clearing] out or sailing to any of their Majesties' Plantations, their lading, place from which coming and what bond given etc. : with all the details of said vessels, their register and voyage etc. : such information to be sent to some person in Dublin to be appointed by the Customs Commissioners' England : and similarly that they send to the said person in Dublin an account of all ships coming to or touching at any of the ports or creeks of Ireland from any of his Majesty's Plantations on any account or pretence whatsoever ; with like details. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 54.
William Jephson to Mr. Feilding. I have read yours of the 10th inst. to the Treasury Lords. You are to deliver your accounts to the Commissioners of Accounts in Ireland ; and to transmit a duplicate thereof hither [to London]. The remainder of your letter, concerning yourself, my Lords will submit to the King. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 55.
Mar. 26. Royal warrant, under the Queen's sign manual, to Thomas Done and Brooke Bridges, Auditors of Imprests, to allow to the Earl of Ranelagh upon his account from Jan. 1 last as Paymaster of the Forces the various sums amounting to 34,607l. 8s. 7d., which by the King's direction he has paid to Jacob Vander Esch, without deductions, "and you are not to charge the said Jacob Vander Esch with the said sum or any part thereof ; we reserving the examination of the same to ourself or such as we shall appoint for that purpose."
Appending : schedule of the dates (Jan. 5 last to Mar. 21 inst.) on which the several sums comprising said total were so paid.
King's Warrant Book XV, p. 311.
Same to same to similarly allow to said Earl in his like account for the preceding year from 1689-90, Jan. 1, the various sums amounting in all to 246,324l. 17s. 5½d. by him similarly paid to said Vander Esch without deductions : with like clause as above concerning the not charging said Vander Esch with any part of this sum. Ibid, p. 312.
William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of 332l. 4s. 5½d. of moneys of the First 12d. Aid, [1 Wm. and Mary, c. 20,] and 17l. 9s. 6½d. of the 2s. Aid : viz. 175l. 4s. 0d. to me [Jephson] for secret service ; 50l. to Mr. Reynold ; 75l. to Mr. Mansell ; 25s. to Mr. Rogers ; 25l. to Mr. Yates. Disposition Book IX, p. 96.
Same to Mr. Blathwait, altered to the Earl of Ranelagh, enclosing a petition [missing] of Dr. Daniell Coxe, Governor of the Province of New Jersey in America, together with Mr. Blathwayt's report [missing] thereon, touching money by him advanced to Col. Slaughter, Governor of New York. As money comes into your hand on this account you are to take care that it be paid to said Coxe, taking his and his agent's joint receipt for same. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 23.
Mar. 27. Royal warrant, under the Queen's sign manual (based on the privy seal dormant of 1689, April 19), to the Treasury Lords to pay such sums not exceeding 2,000l. to such person as shall be appointed by the Commissioners for Public Accounts (Sir Robert Rich, kt. and bart., Sir Tho. Clargis, kt., Paul Foley, esq., Col. Robert Austen, Sir Mathew Andrews, kt., Sir Benj. Newland, kt., Sir Samuell Barnardiston, bart., Sir Peter Colliton, bart., and Robert Harley, esq.) : being for the payment of clerks, messengers etc. and other necessary charges of said Commission : as by the Act of Parliament [2 Wm. and Mary, Sess. 2, c. 11] appointing same : the money to be expended in such manner as shall be appointed by said Commissioners and to be accounted for according to the course of the Exchequer by the persons to whom issued : no fees to be taken on the issues at the Exchequer or on the passing the account.
(Money warrant dated Mar. 27 hereon accordingly for 2,000l. to George Tollet for said Commissioners.)
Appending : nomination by said Commissioners of their secretary, said Tollet, to receive said money. (Money order dated Mar. 28 hereon.)
King's Warrant Book XV, pp. 300-1. Money Book XI, pp. 19-20. Order Book III, p. 158.
Money warrant for 25l. to Nicho. Yates for 1688, Christmas quarter, on his pension. Money Book XI, p. 20.
Same for 75l. to the executors of Francis Mansell ; 50l. thereof for 1688, Michaelmas quarter, on his pension and 25l. in part of the succeeding quarter thereon. Ibid.
Same for 50l. to Francis Reynolds for 1689, Lady day quarter, on his pension. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt for tallies on the First Fruits for 500l. to Aubrey, Earl of Oxford, for last Lady day quarter on his pension. Ibid, p. 21.
Money warrant for 25l. to John Rogers and Ann his wife for 1688, Christmas quarter, on their pension. Ibid.
Same for 2,470l. 16s. 3d. to Richard, Earl of Ranelagh, Paymaster General of the Forces [England] ; as imprest and in part of 1,500,000l. appropriated, ut supra, p. 1047 : to be paid over to satisfy debts due to several tradesmen for clothing and accoutrements by them supplied to the Regiment late under Col. Francis Luttrell. (Money order dated Mar. 31 hereon.) Ibid, pp. 21-2. Order Book III, p. 159.
William Jephson to the Customs Commissioners to pass, Customs free, the Duke of Bavaria's goods for transport to Holland.
Appending : list thereof (twelve horses, six beaver hats, six Carolina hats, gloves, worsted stockings, cloth, pewter).
Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 23.
Same to Thomas Fox, Customs Cashier. Mr. Blathwaite has presented to my Lords the following account of the duty of 14d. per ton for ships coming from Maryland for the year ended 1690-1, Aug. 22, and of the 2s. per hogshead for tobacco exported thence in the said ships [both which duties are] payable by the laws of Maryland. You are to receive from Mr. John Coode and Mr. Kenelme Cheseldyne the bills for 492l. 1s. 11d. remaining in their hands and the 1,730l. 19s. 0d. due by the laws of Maryland for the said two duties from the masters of the 26 ships as below, which came from Maryland in one year ending 1690, Aug. 22, without entering or clearing with the Naval Officer there, and for which no duty bills have been remitted. You are further to enquire what ships are arrived in England from Maryland since 1690, Aug. 22, not mentioned in the three lists as follow and of their tonnage and cargo and to demand from them the said two duties of 14d. per ton and 2s. per hogshead. All the said sums are to remain in your hands till you receive Treasury directions for the disposal thereof pursuant to Order in Council. Ibid, pp. 24-7.
Followed by : (1) list of ships which were in Maryland last year and supposed to be entered and cleared in the offices there, but are omitted in John Coode's account : viz. Penn, a pink ; Bond, a pink ; Hales, a briganteen ; Thomas Wharton, a ship ; Hen. Lamb, a pink ; Bowles, a pink. "The Lord Bellemore" [Baltimore] prays that Coode may be obliged to render an account of the said ships and likewise of others which he has omitted in his account already delivered, as soon as discovery thereof can be made.
(2) Maryland.—State of the account of the duties of 14d. per ton for ships outward bound and of 2s. per hogshead for tobacco exported in said ships in one year ended 1690, Aug. 22 :
l. s. d.
received of 16 ships which entered and cleared with the Naval Officer at Potomack 76l. 4s. 10d. tonnage duty, 344l. 10s. 0d. hogshead duty 420 14 10
received of 27 ships which entered and cleared with the Naval Officer at Patuxent 78l. 19s. 8d. and 392l. 6s. 0d. respectively 471 5 8
by 26 ships which came from several parts of Maryland without entering or clearing with the Naval Officer, respectively 246l. 15s. 0d. and 1,484l. 4s. 0d. 1,730 19 0
2,622 19 6
money received from ships clearing in the country, and supposed to be for fees to the Naval Officers, being generally included in the impost bills 17 7 9
duties on shipping and tobacco in Pocomack [Potomac] remaining in the Naval Officer's hands, per estimate 50 0 0
£2,690 7 3
Per contra.
sundry disbursements for the public service within the said Province 116 14 0
bills delivered to the Agents of the said Province when they were sent to England 300 12 4
remaining in the hands of Mr. Coode in bills for the use of the King 492 1 11
duty on 26 ships for which no bills could be remitted as they came away without entering or clearing with the Naval Officer 1,730 19 0
duties on shipping and tobacco in Potomack remaining in the officer's hands 50 0 0
£2,690 7 3
(3) A list of the ships, vessels and commanders that entered and cleared at the Naval Office for the district of Potomack River in Maryland, 1689, Aug. 1, to 1690, Aug. 22, and of the tonnage entered in order to the 14d. per ton duty, and of the hogsheads of tobacco exported in order to the 2s. per hogshead duty :
Thomas and Francis, pink, of Plymouth, William Chandler commander ; 150 tons ; 148 hogsheads.
Beginning, ketch, of N[ew] E[ngland], John Lambert commander ; 10 tons ; 13 hogsheads.
William and Ma[ry], brigomdin, of Boston, Thomas Farrell commander ; 20 tons ; 85 hogsheads.
Bourdeaux Merchant, Lyson Portrey commander ; 100 tons ; 381 hogsheads.
Endeavour, sloop, of Virginia, Jo[h]n Ellison commander ; 10 tons ; 48 hogsheads.
Martin, ship, of Plymouth, Jo[h]n Martin commander ; 80 tons ; 147 hogsheads.
Amity, ship, of Bristol, Joseph Whiteing commander ; 100 tons ; 270 hogsheads.
Loyall Plymo[uth] of Plymouth, Robert Robins commander ; 200 tons ; 560 hogsheads.
Jo[h]n and Dorothy, Persivall Milner commander ; 40 tons ; 154 hogsheads.
William of Plymouth, James Harris commander ; 80 tons ; 41 hogsheads.
Little Windmill, sloop, John Crane commander ; 7 tons ; 40 hogsheads.
Barbadoes Merchant, Cuthbert Shapless commander ; 60 tons ; 245 hogsheads.
Recovery, John Banks commander ; 60 tons ; 236 hogsheads.
Comfort of Bristol ; William Dymer commander ; 260 tons ; 360 hogsheads.
Resolution of Plymouth, John Luke commander ; 80 tons ; 241 hogsheads.
Daniell and Eliza[beth] of Plymouth, Joseph Stevens commander ; 150 tons ; 476 hogsheads.
l. s. d.
total, 1,307 tons, at 14d. per ton 76 4 10
3,445 hogsheads, at 2s. per hogshead 344 10 0
£420 14 10
(4) List of the ships and vessels that entered and cleared at the Naval Office for the district of Patuxent River in Maryland from 1689, Aug. 1, to 1690, Aug. 12, with the tonnage and hogsheads of tobacco :
Willing Minde, Joseph Norcot ; 10 tons ; 42 hogsheads.
Abra[ham] and James, Abraham Feifeild ; 20 tons ; 46 hogsheads.
Craine, Samuel Gilham ; 60 tons ; 132 hogsheads.
Hopewell, sloop, Jam. d Le Plaine, not al[ien? or ? naturalised] ; 10 tons.
Experience, sloop, Daniel Slow commander ; 10 tons.
Grace, sloop, Harman Louzier commander ; 12 tons.
Maryland Merchant, Mark Whitson commander ; 60 tons ; 162 hogsheads.
Thomas and Mary, John Walker commander ; 60 tons ; 153 hogsheads.
Sea Flower, William Wraxell commander ; 150 tons ; 510 hogsheads.
Shield, John Howell commander ; 200 tons ; 510 hogsheads.
Bohemiah, Br. of M. [? barque of Maryland], John James commander ; tonnage free ; 24 bushels.
Fellowship, Robert Glandvile commander ; 40 tons ; 103 hogsheads.
Betties of Maryland, Thomas Smith commander ; [tonnage] free ; 12 hogsheads.
Chester Merchant, William Browning commander ; 80 tons ; 252 hogsheads.
Reserve, Gilbert Levisely commander ; 78 tons ; 205 hogsheads.
Speedwell, Richard Robins commander ; 50 tons ; 162 hogsheads.
Tryall, John Farmer commander ; 70 tons ; 151 hogsheads.
America, Abell Jefferys commander ; 15 tons ; 85 hogsheads.
Success, Joseph Gensh commander ; 140 tons ; 300 hogsheads.
Hopewell of Maryland, Geo. Hall commander ; [tonnage] free ; 73 hogsheads.
Neptune, William Woodbury commander ; 18 tons : 4 hogsheads.
John and Mary, John King commander ; 14 tons ; 25 hogsheads.
Peace, Kaleb Tilly commander ; 40 tons ; 134 hogsheads.
Quaker of Maryland, Jos. Green commander ; [tonnage] free ; 50 hogsheads.
Charle, John Tivitt commander ; 50 tons ; 222 hogsheads.
Richard and Sarah, Tho. Geaves commander ; 170 tons ; 500 hogsheads.
Ann of Maryland, Tho. Beddick commander ; [tonnage] free ; 80 hogsheads.
l. s. d.
27 ships, total tonnage 1,354, at 14d. per ton 78 19 8
3,923 hogsheads, at 2s. per hogshead 392 6 0
£471 5 8
(5) List of ships and vessels trading into Maryland that did not clear the duties at any the Naval Offices for that country from 1689, Aug. 1, to 1690, Aug. 12 :
Happy Return, John Crouchee [Croucher] commander ; 20 tons ; 87 hogsheads : entered with Lord Baltimore's deputy and bond taken in his lordship's name by the naval officer.
Tho[mas] and Susanna, Thomas Everard commander ; 100 tons ; 195 hogsheads : entered with Lord Baltimore's deputy and not cleared with the Naval Officer.
Not cleared with the Naval Officer for the country duties.
Good Hope, Jo[h]n Linton commander ; 150 tons ; 611 hogsheads.
London Armes, John Wade commander ; 160 tons ; 700 hogsheads.
New Hopewell, Nicho. Smyth commander ; 200 tons ; 804 hogsheads.
Edward and Mary, Michael Staples commander ; 230 tons ; 617 hogsheads.
Josias, Thomas Lurting commander ; 200 tons ; 709 hogsheads.
Endeavour, Robert Herne commander ; 200 tons ; 782 hogsheads.
William and Mary, John Browne commander ; 220 tons ; 798 hogsheads.
Hopewell, John Tanner commander ; 200 tons ; 595 hogsheads.
Providence, John Hurle commander ; 300 tons ; 932 hogsheads.
Henry, Thomas Bowman commander ; 180 tons ; 571 hogsheads.
William, Robert Lurting commander ; 200 tons ; 687 hogsheads.
Baltemore, Samuell Phillips commander ; 220 tons ; 758 hogsheads.
Abraham and Francis, Edward Burford commander ; 250 tons ; 660 hogsheads.
Globe, Bartho[lomew] Watts commander ; 200 tons ; 880 hogsheads.
Maryland Merchant, Abraham Wild commander ; 100 tons ; 397 hogsheads.
Jo[h]n and Margaret, Ralph Cooper commander ; 220 tons ; 670 hogsheads.
Resolution, Mathew Heron commander ; 100 tons ; 440 hogsheads.
Eliza[beth] and Catherine, Jo[h]n Hyde commander ; 200 tons ; 670 hogsheads.
Ann, Peregrine Browne commander ; 240 tons ; 656 hogsheads.
John, George Phillips commander ; 100 tons ; 297 hogsheads.
Owner's Adventure, Aaron Okeridge commander ; 30 tons ; 84 hogsheads.
Neptune, Andrew Senhouse commander ; 10 tons ; 40 hogsheads.
Ann Arundell, Tho. Harman commander ; not entered nor cleared.
With the Collector's or Naval Office : built in the country and first voyage : supposed [cargo rated at].
Constant Mary, Jo[h]n Gaudy ; 400 hogsheads.
Mary and Maryland, barque, Samuell Ellis ; [tonnage] free ; 102 hogsheads.
[Total] entered with Lord Baltimore's officers :
l. s. d.
1,230 tons at 14d. per ton 246 15 0
14,842 hogsheads at 2s. per hogshead 1,484 4 0
£1,730 19 0
William Jephson to Mr. [Charles] Fox to send to Mr. Vander Esch for an account of what four months' pay to the Commission Officers of the Dutch Forces in Ireland will amount to. Send this account to my Lords by 10 o'clock to-morrow morning. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 28.
Treasury order to the Customs Commissioners to observe (a) infra.
Prefixing : (a) Order of the Privy Council, dated Whitehall, Mar. 26 inst., for permitting the following ships to proceed on their voyages, notwithstanding the embargo, with protection for 40 seamen, viz. Loyall Frances, William Smith master ; Ebenezar, Samuell Stokes master ; Happy Returne, Geo. Hodder master ; Welcome, Symon Morris master ; Dove, Jonathan Cook master ; Loyall James, John Burridg master : all on the petition of the masters and owners, being persons trading within the port and city of Exeter and parts adjacent, setting forth that they have at present a great quantity of goods of the manufacture of their country loaden on [the said] six ships, to the value of 200,000l., for Rotterdam and Bruges, and that some will be much damaged by staying long on board. The petitioners are hereby first to procure 50 able seamen to serve on board the King's Fleet and to deliver them to such person as the Admiralty Lords shall appoint.
Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 298.
Treasury reference to Mr. Lownds (on reference from the Privy Council) of the petition of George Phillips, esq., shewing that Joseph Dean and John Stepney are indebted to the Crown in great sums and have concealed their estates : that they have a mortgage on petitioner's estate near Londonderry : therefore praying a grant of the King's interest in said mortgage. Reference Book VI, p. 307.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Hen. Furnace, merchant, showing that in Holland at Helvoetsluijs he lodged a portmanteau with eight pacquets of lace in an inn, intending to leave it there ; but by mistake one of the King's servants coming from there brought it with him to England instead of his own and the same is seized at Harwich : therefore praying for same to be restored and shipped back to Holland on security that no part thereof shall be re-landed in England. Ibid.
Same to the Excise Commissioners of the petition of Noah Overing, shewing that he has contracted to brew 30 tons of beer for the Navy, and praying that he may be excused the Excise [thereon] till he receives his money from the Victualling Commissioners. Ibid.
Mar. 30. Money warrant for 4,000l. to the Treasury Lords (Sidney, Lord Godolphin, Sir John Lowther, bart., Richard Hampden, esq., Sir Stephen Fox, kt., and Thomas Pelham, esq.) for half a year to 1691, Lady day, on their salary or yearly allowance of 8,000l. (Money order dated Mar. 31 hereon.) Money Book XI, p. 22. Order Book III, p. 158.
Treasury warrant to Thomas Fox, the Customs Cashier, to pay 33l. 15s. 0d. to Thomas Alcock for 2¼ years to Christmas last on his salary of 15l. per an. as a King's waiter, Bristol : it being certified by John Farren (a clerk to Richard Kent, late Customs Cashier) and John Knight (assistant to said Fox, present Cashier) that said Alcock has been paid no further than 1688, Michaelmas. Money Book XI, p. 22.
Same to same to pay 37l. 10s. 0d. to Jo. Taylour for making an account of the Customs and divers other services between 1690, Christmas, and 1691, Lady day. Ibid, p. 25.
Money warrant for 300l. to Eliz. Ellyott for 1½ years to 1690, Lady day, on her salary as Keeper of the House and Wardrobe at Newmarket. Ibid, p. 23.
William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue to Mr. Fox and Mr. Coningsby for the service of Ireland the 500l. in farthings and halfpence which will be paid into the Exchequer by the Commissioners for Coining Farthings. Disposition Book IX, p. 97.
William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue to Mr. Brumpstead 25l. out of the arrears of the First 12d. Aid. Disposition Book IX, p. 97.
Same to same to issue the 4,000l. which is now reserved in the Exchequer for the Treasurer of the Chamber as follows, viz. : 3,700l. to the Treasurer of the Chamber and 300l. to Mris. Ellyott, housekeeper at Newmarket. Ibid.
Same to Sir Rowland Gwyn, Treasurer of the Chamber, to pay as follows the abovesaid 3,700l. : according to debentures to be made out and signed by Hugh Chudleigh, esq., Comptroller of the Accounts of the Treasurer of the Chamber : viz. : Ibid, pp. 97-8.
l. s. d.
to Visct. Grandison to Lady day, 1690, on his pension 1,000 0 0
to Mr. Chase, 1¼ years to same time 625 0 0
to the falconers, one year to Lady day, 1690 571 0 0
to the pensionary falconers for same time 220 0 0
to Benj. Cooling, 1¼ years to 1690, Lady day, as one of the Yeomen Ushers to the House of Peers 68 8 9
to James Marriott, for same time as Keeper of the Wardrobe and Privy Lodgings at Hampton Court 250 0 0
to Dr. Tho. Goodman, to 1690, Lady day 207 13 5
to Dr. Charles Frazier, half a year to same date 150 0 0
to Henry Howard, for same time as Housekeeper at Audley End 125 0 0
to Thomas Hall, for one year to same time as Wardrobe Keeper at Windsor 160 0 0
to Tho. Frazier, for 1¼ years to same time as moletaker 10 2 1
to the executors of Francis Rogers, for three quarters to 1689, Michaelmas, as late Keeper of the Standing Wardrobe at Whitehall 150 0 0
to Nevill Kidwell, to Lady day, 1690, as a pensionary footman 50 0 0
to David Robinson, for 1¼ years to 1690, Lady day, as Keeper of Audley End Park 31 5 0
to William Hester, for same time as ratkiller 60 4 2
to Tho. Fordham, for three quarters and 56 days to 1690, Lady day, as Yeoman of the Bows 16 9 9
£3,695 3 2
[?] Same to the Customs Commissioners to pass, Customs free, for Ostend in Flanders the equipage (horses and things) of Col. Edward Fitz Patrick, as in his enclosed petition [missing]. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 28.
Mar. 30. Same to the Earl of Ranelagh, enclosing the memorial [missing] of Col. Selwyn for clearing the Second Regiment of Foot Guards. Please state this debt and put it on your [next weekly] memorial [or demand for issues for the Forces]. Ibid.
William Jephson to the Customs Commissioners to send an officer to the Farthing Office to seal up another parcel of farthings and halfpence there in order to their Customs free transport to Ireland. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 28.
Treasury warrant to same to remit the duty on 51 butts of brandy and 24 hogsheads of wine taken as prize by Capt. Christopher Billop in June, 1689, he having at last, after the expense of 200l., in a dispute with the Prize Officers and some merchants of Hamburg, and after the loss of a third part of the goods, agreed with the parties concerned that he should have for himself and seamen the abovesaid quantity of brandy and wine, he paying 156l. charges thereon : [Billop] having petitioned, shewing that said goods being very much decayed by lying and ill usage few people will venture to buy them, paying the duty for them, and petitioner is not able to lay down so much ready money as the [Customs] charge is, and would therefore be obliged to sell them to the proprietors, who will export them beyond seas and thereby avoid paying the duty : whereupon the Queen is pleased to remit the duty. Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 299.
Treasury reference to Charles Fox of the petition of Col. Jacob Richards, First Engineer in Ireland, shewing that he raised a Company of Fusiliers, consisting of 100 men, to attend the Train of Artillery ; which in Oct., 1689, by order of the Duke of Schonberg was reduced to 60 men and has continued so ever since, and is on the Irish establishment, but [only] from the 1st of June, 1690 ; so that from the raising of said Company to the time it was established [June 1 last] 1,082l. 12s. 4d. is due, viz. 368l. 13s. 4d. for pay at 100 men from 6 Aug., 1689, to 25 Oct., 1689, and 713l. 19s. 0d. for pay at 60 men from 25 Oct., 1689, to 1 June, 1690 : which sum the Paymasters [of the Forces] in Ireland are not warranted to pay : therefore praying a warrant to them to pay same. Reference Book VI, p. 307.
Caveat entered by [Treasury] Secretary Jephson's order, on behalf of James Jenkinson, tenant of a house in the Castle Close at Exeter ; praying to be heard before any grant thereof pass to Mr. Rooke. Caveat Book T 64/40, p. 22.
Mar. 31. Royal warrant, under the Queen's sign manual, to the Treasury Lords to advance to the Paymasters of the Forces in Ireland for the service of the Forces there the several parcels of the sum of 140,000l. as the same are or shall come into the Exchequer from the duties appropriated [by the Act of 1 Wm. and Mary, c. 28, towards paying the 600,000l. to the States General as therein] : the said 140,000l. remaining still due and unpaid to the said States General out of the said 600,000l., but the States General having consented that said balance may at present be employed for the King's service upon the King's undertaking to satisfy the same to them with interest within a certain time ; and the service of the Army in Ireland requiring immediately a considerable supply of money. "We shall take care in due time that regular [warrants for the] issues may be made of the same." (Treasury warrant dated Mar. 31 hereon accordingly to the Receipt to so advance same.) King's Warrant Book XV, p. 312. Money Book XI, p. 25.
Money order for 10l. to Jo[h]n Lowe, gent., one of the Deputy Chamberlains of the Receipt, for 1691, Lady day quarter, on his allowance for locking up and delivering out his Majesty's treasure in the Receipt. Order Book III, p. 158.
William Jephson to Mr. Blathwaite [as Secretary to the Forces] to procure a royal warrant to authorise Mr. Fox and Mr. Coningsby to pay the following sums, viz. :
4,000l. issued in December last, supra, p. 909, to the Commissioners of Transports for transporting Forces to Ostend and Holland.
Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 29.
to the Royal Regiment of Horse for necessaries 1,900
to Marquis de Ruvigni's Regiment for ditto 2,850
to Sir John Lanier's Regiment for ditto 2,850
to Col. Villiers', Col. Langston's, Col. Coy's, Col. Byerlies' and Count Schonberg's Regiments for ditto, each 1,900
to the Regiment of Royal Dragoons for ditto and Col. Wynn's Regiment of Dragoons for ditto, each 2,530
to Col. Leveson's Regiment for ditto 1,900
to Col. Wynn's Dragoons for 80 recruit horses at 6l. per horse 480
to Sir Henry Belasisse on account of his Regiment 1,000
to Col. Hastings' Regiment for accoutrements 500
to Capt. Baldwyn Leighton for his half pay as late Capt. of Foot at 4s. per day from 1689-90, Jan. 1, to 1690-1, Jan. 1 73
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh to report on the enclosed petition of James Deanes, agent to the Royal Regiment of Foot, praying payment of six months' offreckonings to that Regiment to [enable it to] satisfy the clothiers. Ibid.
Same to the Agents [for Taxes] to write to Mr. Mathews, Receiver of the Twelve Months' Aid for co. Northants to pay to the order of William Bridges any sum not exceeding 1,000l. The said Receiver is to draw bills for same on Charles Fox, Paymaster of the Forces in Ireland, and thereon my Lords will enable him to answer same. Ibid, p. 30.
Same to same. In your presentment of the 28th inst. you inform my Lords that the following Receivers of the Twelve Months' Aid [2 Wm. and Mary, Sess. 2, c. 1] have or will have in cash by the 6th prox. 27,800l., viz. Samuel Bradshaw, 4,800l. ; Thomas Trueman, 10,000l. ; Morgan Whitley, 8,000l. ; Samuell Foden and William Green, 3,000l. ; and of the 3s. Aid [2s. and Additional 12d. Aid] David Williams, 2,000l. ; and that they will bring same to Chester and pay it there to such persons as my Lords shall direct. You are to write to them by this night's post to pay same at Chester to Alderman Allen, drawing bills on Charles Fox for the respective amounts. You are to intimate particularly to Mr. Whitley to readily comply with this order, so that the King's service may not suffer by his neglect. Ibid.
William Jephson to the Navy Commissioners, enclosing Mr. Ryley's reply [missing] to your letter of the 10th inst., wherein you desire to fell 500 more trees in New Forest for the service of the Navy. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 31.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to remit the King's part of the forfeiture of the lading (59 boxes of glass) of the ship Hope of Stralsund, it appearing by the petition of Daniel Kroger of East Smithfield, co. Midd., shipbroker, on behalf of himself and Bartho[lomew] Parckman, master of the said ship, that the forfeiture was due to Kroger's unintentional mistake in making a short report of the lading, viz. 39 instead of 59 boxes ; although he paid the full Custom of the 59 even before discovery of the mistake ; for which reason the Customs Commissioners discouraged the officers to prosecute and are still of opinion that it is a hardship on the petitioner. Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 300.
Same to Walter Laycock, Surveyor General of Woods, North Trent, to deliver to the Earl of Clare the lops, tops and bark of the trees permitted to be felled for him to the value of 1,500l. in Sherwood under the warrant of 1690, Aug. 18, supra, p. 772 : it being certified by the woodward, four of the verderers and two of the regarders of said forest Feb. 5 last that since the marking of the said trees many of them upon their fall are very much shaken and rotten and do not answer the expectation of value set upon them and that the top, lop and bark thereof being of small value will be little enough to make up the full value of 1,500l. Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, p. 404.
William Jephson to Mr. Lowther. My Lords agree that you may come over to England for some time, but you are to return again [to Ireland] upon the first notice from their Lordships. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 55.