Entry Book: June 1683, 6-9

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.

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'Entry Book: June 1683, 6-9', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp809-833 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: June 1683, 6-9', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp809-833.

"Entry Book: June 1683, 6-9". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1916), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp809-833.


June 1683

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
June 6. Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer to deliver up the bond of Sir Richard Derham and his sureties for his account as Receiver General for London, Middlesex and Westminster, of the Poll money of 29–30 Car. II.; it appearing from Auditor Phelips' state of said Derham's account that he has paid in all the moneys in his hands and is even [and quit] thereon, but that there are arrears standing out in the hands of other persons. In place of the present bond of him and his sureties said Derham is to give a fresh bond in 6,000l. by himself alone to pass his abovesaid account before the last day of Trinity term next. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, p. 205.
Same to William Harbord, the Surveyor General of Crown Lands, for a particular of the tolls of beasts in the town of Knighton, co. Radnor, and to rate same in order to a new lease thereof to the Earl of Worcester: at a rent of 13s. 4d. per an. and fine of 133l. 6s. 8d. Ibid, p. 206.
Prefixing: report dated May 14 last by said Harbord on said Earl's petition for same. A lease of said tolls was granted 1603, May 20, to Thomas Mesey and Thomas Purcell for the lives of Mathew Mesey and William Blonden (mis-styled in the Earl's petition Thomas Mesey and William Flunden) and they fell into the King's hands about Aug., 1678, by the death of Math. Mesey, the surviving life, and a new lease was then petitioned for by James Beck, one of his Majesty's serjeants at arms; on which occasion the auditor certified that said tolls had been anciently let at 13l. 6s. 8d. per an. but ever since Queen Mary's time had been granted without rent. By the Parliament's survey they are valued at 20l. per an. but are not now esteemed to be worth more than 14l. a year. Serj. Beck had a particular of them rated 1678, Nov. 30, in order to a new lease for 31 years from 1678, Sept. 29, and his lease was ready for the seal, but I suppose was stopped by the Earl of Anglesea, who petitioned for a lease of these tolls, together with the tolls of Presteigne, and I thereupon reported 1680, May 17, that a fine of 200 marks might be full value for a 31 years' lease thereof at a rent of 13s. 4d. per an. Beck is since dead and what is done further by the Earl of Anglesea appears not to me.
Same to same for a same of a tenement [in Nethertrelabe, parcel of the manor of Climsland Prior] with a view to a fresh lease thereof to William Hooper on surrender for 3 lives at a fine of 80l. Ibid, p. 207.
Prefixing: report dated April 24 last by John Fisher, in the absence of the Surveyor General of Crown Lands, on said Hooper's petition. Said tenement was petitioned for in Dec., 1660, by Edmond Philips on behalf of his sister Hooper (this petitioner's mother) and it was granted for 31 years under the old rent of 16s. 7d. and 6l. per an. de incremento being the full moiety of the improved value (the Parliament survey rated it but at 13l. per an.) and fine of 80l. which terms were all extreme high. I advise a fine of 50l., and 30l. for buying off the increased rent.
June 6. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ Peregrine Bertie (one of the deputed searchers London port) as a surveyor of the landwaiters ibid. loco Samll. Cust, lately deceased. Out Letters (Customs) VIII, pp. 203, 204, 205, 206, 207.
Roger Henly as waiter and searcher at Workington, Whitehaven port, loco Edward Mattison, lately deceased.
Ralph Wilton (riding surveyor at Salcombe) as coastwaiter London port, loco John Holland, who is removed to be collector of Rochester.
Hugh Smith (a boatman London port) as weighing porter ibid. loco Robert Pen, lately deceased.
Robert Brown as a waterman ibid. loco said Hugh Smith.
John Tayler as collector at Bridlington, Hull port, loco Thomas Aslaby, lately dismissed.
John Guy as waiter and searcher at Bridport, in Lyme Regis port, loco John Gundry, lately deceased.
William Brodericke as landwaiter Lynn Regis port loco John Cradock, lately dismissed.
Robert Knight as tidesman at Portsmouth loco William Duke, removed to be tidesman at Weymouth.
Francis Kettleby as watchman London port loco Peter Taylor, lately deceased.
William Duke (tidesman at Portsmouth) as tidesman at Weymouth loco John Wichall, who relinquishes same.
5l. per an. each to be added to the salaries of the tidesmen in Bridgwater port.
Abraham Conde as watchman, London port loco Richard Andrews, who is made a tidesman extraordinary loco John Taylor.
John Sells as waiter at Meols, Poulton port, loco John Yates, lately dismissed.
John Lemmon as a tidesman Newcastle port loco Andrew Carr, lately deceased.
Lancelot Plummer to be established as an additional boatman at Exmouth, Exeter port, at 20l. per an. In the margin: cancelled 6 April, 1684.
Charles Daw as tidesman, Poole port, loco Richard Checkford, lately deceased.
John Holland (a coastwaiter, London port) as collector of Rochester port loco Henry Shales, who is made riding surveyor at Salcombe.
Daniel Chambers (landwaiter at Sunderland) as waiter and searcher at Lynn Regis loco John Tooker, lately dismissed.
Stephen Graves as landwaiter Sunderland port loco said Daniell Chambers.
Cheyney Hallam as waiter and searcher at Huttoft Bank, Boston port, loco Christopher Leeck, lately deceased.
Henry Shales (collector of Rochester) as riding surveyor at Salcombe loco Ralph Wilson, who is removed to be coastwaiter, London port.
Thomas Lawson as boatman at Ipswich loco William Cradock, lately dismissed.
Same to same in reply to the latter's presentment of May 31 last. We approve the compositions made by Mr. Culliford with the merchants of Minehead for the great duty of certain corn by them heretofore imported into Minehead for which they paid only the lesser duty; as the said compositions were the best that could be made for the King, "although the said Mr. Culliford ought to have had particular direction before he had concluded therein." We approve of your proposal (made on the advice of Mr. Breton, collector of Dover port) that there be another landwaiter added to the port of Sandwich at a salary of 30l. per an. and that John Browningham be appointed thereto and that he and the other landwaiter there be obliged to do the duty of tidesmen for their salary of 30l. per an. without any day pay. Ibid, p. 206.
June 6. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to annex the additional salaries authorised by the Treasury Lords, ut supra, p. 444 seq., to the various offices in London and the outports and not to the persons of the various officers, in order to avoid the trouble and confusion arising from the alteration, removal or dismissal of officers: and so for said additional salary to be regularly paid in future during pleasure. Out Letters (Customs) VIII, p. 208.
Same to same approving the arrangements as follow as proposed by William Kirkby in his late survey of Newcastle port: (1) that the four coalwaiters at Newcastle, as they die or remove, may wholly sink and that the port may be supplied with a competent number of tidesmen (more useful for his Majesty's service) in their steads, viz., six tidesmen at Newcastle and two at Shields; (2) as there is an apparent necessity for a further supply of waiters at Shields both for the coast and oversea business and also at Blythe Nook and Seaton Sluice, that four of the present coalwaiters may act at Newcastle as two of the six tidesmen with their present salaries of 40l. per an.; (3) that Anthony Wolly another of the coalwaiters, may act as a coastwaiter at Shields with his present salary; (4) that Leonard Story, another of the coalwaiters, may be removed to Blythe Nook at his present salary; (5) that Thomas Sholter, who has acted as extraordinary at Seaton Sluice may be established waiter and searcher there at 30l. per an.; (6) that Christopher Dobson may be deputed waiter and searcher at Shields at 40l. per an., the collector of Newcastle and Mr. Jno. Clerk, the surveyor of Shields, giving a very good character of him; (7) that 10l. be added to the 30l. per an. salary of Frederick Chaloner, waiter and searcher at Shields, to make it equal with the salaries of the waiters at Newcastle. The additional charge of 80l. per an. involved in these arrangements will be balanced by the sinking of the said four coalwaiters. Ibid, pp. 208–9.
Treasury instructions to same in reply to the latter's memorial of the 21st ult. (1) As to the case of Sir John Moore and others, merchants concerned with him, they having a right to ship out other goods in lieu of those lost at sea in the Golden Falcon in 1666, but it not appearing who ought to allow the same in regard the said loss happened when the Customs were in farm, the Customs Solicitor is hereby to inspect the accounts of the Customs Farmers for that year and examine whether they accounted as Farmers or as managers only (which latter is alleged) and thereupon advise whether the King ought to allow the re-shipping or the said Farmers ought to repay the duty for the goods lost. (2) We will move the King for an order in Council to continue for one year more Mr. Dowle for prosecuting the planters of tobacco, etc. (3) As to the petty farms [of the customs of several commodities such as pot-ashes, &c.] which you desire may be bought in from the patentees thereof, give us an account what they have produced in net money separately for each year since the Customs were in commission. (4) We will lay before the King the affidavits of the practice of the Kitchen and Richmond yachts for his Majesty to take order therein. Ibid, p. 209.
June 6. Certificate by Henry Guy that the 40l. which was in April last paid by the Treasurer of the Chamber to John Millaert, yeoman usher, was intended by the Treasury Lords to have been paid to such yeoman of the Guard as Mr. Thomas Howard should appoint. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 151.
Henry Guy to Mr. Lawrence, enclosing the bishop of Chester's letter [missing] with an account [also missing] of such benefices as are now in arrear on their Tenths at Christmas last within the diocese of Chester. Advise what may be done therein. Ibid, p. 152.
Same to Mr. Hewer to cast up and to pay to Mr. Charles Middleton 6 per cent. interest on his bill of exchange from Tangier for 1,494l. 10s. 11d. from the time it was due to the time of payment. Ibid.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue to me [Guy] for secret service 140l. out of fines and forfeitures of Popish Recusants. Disposition Book II, p 234.
The Treasury Lords to the Duke of Beaufort. There has been lately produced before us a book containing the state of an account taken by the Commissioners [of Accounts] at Brook House, by which the several Lieutenants, Deputy Lieutenants, Receivers and other the officers specially mentioned in the said accounts are charged or discharged of the tax granted 13 and 14 Car. II. for the Militia. The said Act empowered his Majesty by his Lieutenants or Deputy Lieutenants to raise the sum of 70,000l. per an. for three years. It appears by the said account that in the Principality of Wales and other the counties (the accounts of which for the said tax are enclosed) that there are great arrears standing out thereupon. We desire you to inform yourself the best you can concerning same, taking a particular account in whose hands the money remains which was so raised and received under the said Act and which is now charged as unanswered. And we desire you by the speediest conveniency either to send some one to us well acquainted with that account for the better clearing the same or after your examination thereof to report it in writing to us in order to our laying the same before the King, together with those of all other the counties of England. Out Letters (General) VII, pp. 154–69.
Appending: the state of the Militia tax for the counties as follows:
co. Monmouth.
l. s. d. l. s. d.
Charge. the 3 months' assessment comes to 1,400 0 0
Discharge: salaries 22 5 0
paid to Sir John Robinson, being part of 1,071l. 10s. 7d. which was paid into Chepstow Castle 686 8 4
paid more thereof to Sir Ste. Fox 368 18 10
1,077 12 2
Arrears: said to be paid to commission officers, the particulars wanting 241 10 0
due from Roger Williams, esq. 64 14 5
rests to be accounted for of the money paid into Chepstow Castle 16 3 5
322 7 10
Anglesea: the 3 months assessment amounts unto 407 3 0
Brecknock: ditto ditto 1,085 0 0
Cardigan: ditto ditto 640 10 0
of all which no account is rendered.
Charge: the 3 months' assessment amounts to 1,057 0 0
Discharge: salaries 8 8 6
paid to the Earl of Carbery 315 12 6
324 1 0
Arrears: said to be paid by Sir Edwd. Rice, but no particulars how 91 11 9
said to be paid to commission officers but no particulars 241 10 0
said to be disbursed by Phill. Phillips by order of Samll. Philips, deputy sheriff 35 8 11
short assessed 1 1 4
arrears unlevied 81 18 5
Sir Ed. Rice to account for more, paid by his order to himself and servants 250 3 9
due from Williams of Llanvair 20 13 8
due from Tho. Denyon executor of Tho. Denyon, mayor of Carmarthen 10 11 2
732 19 0
Charge: the 3 months' assessment amounts to 606 13 0
whereof no particulars produced, only 2 months said to be disposed to the Militia and the third months' tax for the greatest part of it paid to Richard Glynne, high sheriff, deceased, and remains undisposed.
Charge: the 3 months' assessments amount to 816 13 6
Discharge: salary 10 6 4
Arrears: paid to the Commission officers but no particulars produced 331 18 0
remaining in several officers' hands not named 124 9 7
paid to Roger Pullestone, high sheriff, deceased 35 5 11
due from Robert Wynne, high sheriff 139 10 2
due from Morris David, a constable of Checkland 18 12 0
due from Sir John Carter, high sheriff 103 18 0
in the hands of Henry Moses, his servant, fled 27 18 1
due from Jno. Humphrey and Hen. Morgan, high constable 7 4 3
due from Lewis Anvill, high constable 17 16 2
816 18 6
Charge: the 3 months' assessment amounts to 407 3 6
Discharge: paid the Commission officers 179 2 2
disbursed for arms 30 0 0
209 2 2
Arrears: short assessed or unlevied 136 11 5
due from Robert Wynne, high sheriff 16 19 4
due from William Mynshall 4 4 0
due from Thomas Crachley 9 2 7
due from Richd. Griffith 21 4 0
due from Charles Jones 7 10 0
due from Tho. Edwards, constable 2 10 0
198 1 4
Charge: the 3 months' amount to 373 6 6
Discharge: salary 4 13 3
paid to Commission officers as alleged 115 10 0
disbursed for ammunition 39 7 3
159 10 6
Arrears: due from sheriffs and collectors whose names are not expressed 213 16 0
Charge: the 3 months' come to 1,218 0 0
Discharge: salary 20 6 0
paid to the Commission officers 59 5 4
Query: paid to the officers of the Trained bands 141 8 0
paid to the Earl of Carbery 991 4 2
1,212 3 6
Arrear: due from Griffith Dawes, sheriff 5 16 6
Charge: the 3 months' assessment comes to 886 13 0
whereof no account received.
Charge: the 3 months' assessment amounts to 1,376 13 0
Discharge: salary 23 0 8
paid to the Commission officers 333 10 0
paid to the Earl of Carbery 1,009 14 0
1,366 4 8
Arrears: due from Thomas Greeneuffe, sheriff 10 10 0
Charge: the 3 months' tax amounts to no account hereof hitherto produced. 763 0 0
Haverford West.
Charge: the 3 months' come to no account hereof hitherto produced. 43 0 0
The like letters of the same date with the above were sent to the Lieutenants of the several counties following, enclosing in each case a state of the said Militia tax as follows respectively, viz.:
To Robert, Earl of Lindsey, Lord Lieutenant of co. Lincoln.
l. s. d. l. s. d.
Charge: the 3 months' assessment comes to 8,166 14 6
Discharge: salary 90 14 8
paid to the Commission officers 693 0 0
paid to Sir John Robinson 4,655 4 4
paid to Sir Stephen Fox 1,000 0 0
6,438 19 0
Arrears: unaccounted for 1,722 4 10
due from Robert Tuxford 1 0 9
arrears uncollected 4 0 8
short assessed 0 9 3
1,727 15 6
William, Earl of Craven, Lord Lieutenant of London.
l. s. d. l. s. d.
Charge: the 3 months' assessment comes to 14,000 0 0
Discharge: disbursed for trophies 776 5 4
deducted for salary 34 12 10
paid to the Commission officers and for ammunition 3,346 9 4
4,157 7 6
Arrears: lent to Sir Tho. Player, towards building the ship London 500 0 0
short assessed 9 5 10
no warrant to levy the first of the 3 months' 4,666 13 4
the third month not levied by reason of the visitation and fire 4,666 13 4
9,842 12 6
William, Earl of Devon[shire], Lord Lieutenant of co. Derby.
l. s. d. l. s. d.
Charge: the 3 months' assessment amounts to 2,800 0 0
Discharge: paid Mr. Chichley 1,740 11 8
paid to Sir Ste. Fox 742 16 0
2,483 7 8
Arrears: paid to the Commission officers, but some of the particulars are wanting 305 10 0
arrears standing out unlevied 11 2 4
316 12 4
John, Earl of Bridgewater, Lord Lieutenant of co. Bucks.
l. s. d. l. s. d.
Charge: the 3 months' assessment comes to 3,850 0 0
Discharge: salary 30 14 5
for an iron chest to carry the money to Windsor 2 10 0
paid to Sir John Robinson 2,041 11 1
paid to Sir Ste. Fox 1,260 0 11
3,334 16 5
Arrears: alleged to be paid to the Commissioners [sic for Commission officers] but no particulars delivered 472 10 0
owing by Robert Levett, high sheriff 26 10 6
in arrear, assessed but unlevied 16 3 1
515 3 7
John, Earl of Bath, Lord Lieutenant of co. Cornwall.
l. s. d. l. s. d.
Charge: the 3 months' assessment amounts to -
Discharge: paid to the Earl of Bath 2,747 17 4
Arrear: said to be paid to the Militia officers but no particulars produced 491 11 0
paid to Sir Oliver Sawle, who is to account for the same 1,633 6 8
short assessed 27 5 0
2,152 2 8
Robert, Earl of Ailesbury, Lord Lieutenant of co. Bedford.
l. s. d. l. s. d.
Charge: the assessment for the 3 months' amounts to 2,800 0 0
Discharge: salary 48 3
paid to the Commission officers 273 8 0
paid to Sir John Robinson 790 0 0
paid to Sir Stephen Fox 1,290 0 0
for carriage of money to the Tower 6 10 0
2,408 1
Arrears: due from Richard Emery, under-sheriff 315 6 10½
in arrears, assessed, but uncollected 76 7 0
short assessed 0 4 9
391 18
William, Earl of Derby, Lord Lieutenant of Cheshire.
l. s. d. l. s. d.
Charge: the 3 months' assessment for the county comes to 2,310 0 0
for Chester city, comes to 256 13 6
2,536 13 6
Discharge: nothing duly answered
Remains [as arrears]: alleged to be paid to the Commission officers, but no particulars exhibited 188 12 0
alleged also to be disbursed on Chester Castle 2,022 10 3
unaccounted for 355 11 3
2,536 13 6
John, Earl of Rutland, Lord Lieutenant of co. Leicester.
l. s. d. l. s. d.
Charge: the 3 months' assessment amounts to 3,266 13 0
Discharge: salary 31 2 0
paid to Commission officers 239 0 0
paid to Mr. Chichley 1,356 15 0
paid to Sir Ste. Fox 200 0 0
1,826 17 0
Arrears: short assessed 8 17 8
due from Lord Loughborough 283 5 0
due from Tho. Armstrong, sheriff 19 0 0
due from John Huckle, collector 16 4 9
arrears in his district 9 10 11
arrears in Sir Tho. Halford's year 14 0 0
no account received of one month's assessment 1,088 17 8
1,439 16 0
John, Earl of Bristol, Lord Lieutenant of Dorset.
l. s. d. l. s. d.
Charge: the 3 months' assessment for the county comes to 3,934 11 6
ditto for Poole 32 10 0
3,966 13 6
Discharge: paid to the Commission and Militia officers 1,126 0 4
disbursed for ammunition in the Isle of Purbeck 31 9 8
1,157 10 0
Arrears. unlevied 21 3 4
due from Wooley Meller, sheriff 117 16 6
no account of the 2nd month's assessment produced 1,311 10 6
the third month said not to be collected 1,311 10 6
arrears unlevied in Purbeck 9 9 0
due from Samll. Serell 5 11 8
for Poole, no account rendered 0 0 0
2,777 1 6
Christopher, Duke of Albemarle, Lord Lieutenant of Devon.
l. s. d. l. s. d.
Charge: the 3 months' assessment for the county 9,011 6 6
ditto for Exeter city 322 0 0
9,333 6 6
Discharge: salary and allowance 153 12 0
paid to the Commission officers 1,507 0 0
paid for carriage of money 34 12 0
disbursed for the drawbridge in Exeter Castle and for repairs 600 0 0
paid to the Earl of Bath 7,010 5 2
9,305 9 2
Arrear: due from Sir John Drake 28 13 0
due from John Willoughby 0 8 2
in arrear by him uncollected 1 14 10
uncollected in Sir John Drake's year 0 1 1
uncollected in Sir William Courtney's year 43 6 10
short assessed 4 11 0
78 14 11
overbalance by 50 18 3
William, Earl of Derby, Lord Lieutenant of co. Lancs.
l. s. d. l. s. d.
Charge: the 3 months' assessment amounts to 2,800 0 0
Discharge: charge of carriage and returns of money 15 0 0
paid to Sir Stephen Fox 300 0 0
315 0 0
Arrear: paid to the Commission officers as is alleged, but no particulars given in 702 18 4
due from the Earl of Derby 102 1 8
remains to be accounted for by Lieut.-Col. Girlington and Mr. Preston 1,680 0 0
2,485 0 0
John, Earl of Bridgewater, Lord Lieutenant of co. Hertford.
l. s. d. l. s. d.
Charge: the 3 months' assessment amounts to 4,200 0 0
Discharge: deduct for salary 70 0 0
paid to the Commission officers 401 0 0
paid to Sir John Robinson 2,253 6 8
paid to Sir Ste. Fox 1,218 7 2
3,942 13 10
Arrear: due from Mr. Browne 257 6 2
Edward, Earl of Gainsborough, Lord Lieutenant of co. Rutland.
l. s. d. l. s. d.
Charge: the 3 months' assessment amounts to 816 13 6
Discharge: salary 13 12 0
paid to the Commission officers 112 0 0
for an iron money chest and carrying down 16 1 6
141 13 6
Arrear: due from Visct. Campden and acknowledged to be in his hands 675 0 0
Charles, Earl of Carlisle, Lord Lieutenant of Cumberland and Westmorland.
l. s. d. l. s. d.
Charge: the 3 months' assessment for Cumberland 324 0 0
ditto for Westmorland 221 18 0
545 18 0
Discharge: salary and allowance 37 6 0
paid for securing suspected persons 8 0 0
paid to Sir Ste. Fox 203 12 0
248 18 0
Arrears: alleged to be paid to Commission officers, but no particulars produced 273 0 0
unlevied or unaccounted for from Cumberland 24 0 0
297 0 0
Henry, Earl of Arundel, Lord Lieutenant of Norfolk.
l. s. d. l. s. d.
Charge: the 3 months' assessment amounts to 10,837 6 6
Discharge: salary and allowance 163 7 7
paid to Commission officers 1,959 1 3
disbursed for the repair of a fort at Yarmouth pier and the pay of the soldiers employed therein 548 5 9
paid to Sir William Doyly for the sick and wounded and prisoners of war [in the Dutch war] 6,071 12 7
paid to Sir John Robinson 548 11 8
paid to Sir Ste. Fox 1,129 0 6
10,419 19 4
0 11 8
Arrears: short assessed due from Augustine Bridges, alderman of Norwich 288 8 2
[due] from Richard Warner of Launditch on his collection on the first month 8 2 9
several Hundreds in arrear for the second month 67 9 6
again on the third month 91 15 8
456 7 9
Earl of Arundel. Norwich City.
l. s. d.
Charge: the 3 months' assessment amounts to 560 0 0
Discharge: paid to Sir John Robinson 301 19 11½
Arrear: unaccounted for 258 0
Henry, Earl of Arundel, Lord Lieutenant of co. Berks.
l. s. d. l. s. d.
Charge: the 3 months' assessment amounts to 3,266 13 6
Discharge: salary 50 9 0
paid to Commission officers 438 12 0
paid to Sir Stephen Fox 1,481 7 0
advanced a month's pay to the officers of the 3 Companies of Foot and of a Troop of Horse that marched into the Isle of Wight 181 10 0
the pay of Forces employed there 26 days 624 3 8
paid to the officers of Col. Dunch's regiment 7 days in arms under the command of the Lord Lieutenant 103 12 0
2,879 13 8
Arrears: unlevied 239 0 0
due from Richard Johnson upon balance 147 19 10
386 19 10
James, Earl of Abingdon, Lord Lieutenant of co. Oxford.
l. s. d. l. s. d.
Charge: the 3 months' assessment amounts to 3,383 6 6
Discharge: salary and allowances 295 4 6
disbursed for ammunition 100 16 0
for marching a company to surprise a conventicle 31 6 0
for the impresting of men 59 2 8
paid to Sir Stephen Fox 2,336 1 4
2,822 10 6
Arrear: said to be paid to the Commission officers, but no particulars produced 556 0 0
short assessed 2 6 2
arrears unlevied in Sir William Barber's sheriffalty 3 10 10
due from Visct. Saye and Sele 44 5 9
due from Ralph Saunders, treasurer 16 6 11
the Deputy Lieut. to account for 32 18 3
due from Mr. Collier of Witney 0 11 0
due from Robt. Leicester, collector of Pobley [? Ploughley] and Wootton Hundreds 13 10 6
due from Mr. Graves of Chadlington 0 9 6
due from Robert Haynes of Watlington 0 12 6
670 11 5
Henry, Duke of Newcastle, Lord Lieutenant of Northumberland and Berwick and for the town of ewcastle.
l. s. d.
Charge: the 3 months' assessment for Northumberland amounts to 539 19 6
Discharge: no account being yet received thereof, the county stands charged with that sum
Charge: the 3 months' tax for Newcastle is 106 15 0
Discharge. paid to the Commission officers 126 0 0
Charge: the 3 months' assessment for Berwick is 17 10 0
Discharge: no account thereof received
Henry, Duke of Newcastle, Lord Lieutenant of co. Nottingham.
l. s. d. l. s. d.
Charge: the 3 months' assessment amounts to 2,800 0 0
Discharge: salary 70 3 1
paid to the Commission officers 591 10 0
for building 7 beacons with beacon houses 100 0 0
paid to Mr. Chichley 1,566 8 9
2,328 1 10
Arrear: due from [Sir] Humphrey Mo[lli]neux, bart., 45 10 0
unaccounted for 426 8 2
471 18 2
Henry, Earl of Peterborough, Lord Lieutenant of co. Northampton.
l. s. d. l. s. d.
Charge: the 3 months' assessment amounts to 4,200 0 0
Discharge: salary 70 0 0
paid to William Chichley 2,300 0 0
2,370 0 0
Arrear: said to be paid to the Commission officers, but the particulars wanting 357 0 0
due in money and arrears to be collected 1,473 0 0
1,830 0 0
Christopher, Duke of Albemarle and Aubrey, Earl of Oxford, Lord Lieutenant of co. Essex.
l. s. d. l. s. d.
Charge: the 3 months' assessment comes to 10,500 0 0
Discharge: paid to the Militia officers 3,165 13 1
salary 53 17 1
paid to Sir John Robinson 2,819 12 0
6,039 2 2
Arrears: one month's assessment not ordered to be levied 3,500 0 0
short assessed 1 16 0
arrears uncollected 81 12 11
wanting, not signified by the account on whom to be charged 984 10 11¼
4,567 19 10¼
Tho. Earl of Plymouth, Lord Lieutenant of co. Worcester.
l. s. d. l. s. d.
Charge: the 3 months' assessment amounts to 3,733 6 6
Discharge: salary 62 9 8
disbursed to the Militia officers 1,180 15 10
paid to Mr. Chichley 1,010 0 0
paid to Sir Ste. Fox 200 0 0
2,453 5 6
Arrears: remaining uncollected in the city and county 1,254 2 3
short assessed 7 0 0
due from Lord Windsor, being so much unaccounted for 18 0 0
1,279 2 3
Charles, Earl of Dorset and Middlesex, Lord Lieutenant of co. Sussex.
l. s. d. l. s. d.
Charge: the 3 months' assessment amounts to 5,716 13 6
Discharge: salary 191 6 1
paid to the Commission officers 1,065 7 0
paid to Sir Ste. Fox 1,658 9 0
paid to Sir John Robinson 2,559 6 10
5,474 8 11
Arrears: part of the Cinque Ports unaccounted for 121 10 6
due from insolvent collectors 13 14 8
due from Thomas Ellis of Pulborough 31 18 5
due from William Spence, high sheriff 11 5 7
due from Tho. Page of the Rape of Hastings 33 1 1
due from Jo. Purfield of Battle, head collector 30 13 7
242 3 10
Edward, Earl of Conway, Lord Lieutenant of co. Warwick.
l. s. d. l. s. d.
Charge: the 3 months' assessment comes to 3,733 6 6
Discharge: salary and charges 85 9 3
paid to the Commission officers 224 0 0
for conveying of money to London 10 0 0
paid to Mr. Chichley 1,968 15 11
paid to Sir Ste. Fox 1,000 0 0
3,288 5 2
Arrears: due from the Earl of Northampton 126 3 4
duefrom Walter Chetwing, sheriff 31 17 3
due from Walter Ferrers, sheriff 154 3 6
due from Moses Holloway, alderman of Warwick 57 19 2
arrears unlevied 8 12 9
Coventry: due from Nath. Harriman, sheriff 4 8 8
due from Tho. Lindsey, sheriff 23 12 9
due from Tho. King, sheriff 38 3 11
445 1 4
Philip, Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery, Lord Lieutenant of co. Wilts.
l. s. d. l. s. d.
Charge: the 3 months' assessment amounts to 5,833 6 6
Discharge: disbursed by Mr. Levett, Treasurer, for salaries 70 8 4
paid to the Commission officers 129 10 0
paid for trophies 20 0 0
spent about warrants to constables to bring in accounts of those arrears 6 0 0
spent in journeys and letters in obtaining the treasure[r]ship and putting out Mr. Burges 70 0 0
expenses, to find out what Mr. Burgess collected 50 0 0
for engrossing and fair writing the accounts 4 0 0
349 18 4
Arrears: Sir Henry Coker, high sheriff hath given no satisfactory account to the deputy lieutenant of one month's assessment and therefore is accountable for it 1,944 8 10
received by Mr. Burgess and to be accounted for by him 2,421 10 9
arrears uncollected 807 17 7
remaining in the hands of Mr. Levett 309 11 0
5,483 8 2
Heneage, Earl of Winchilsea, Lord Lieutenant of co. Kent.
l. s. d. l. s. d.
Charge: the 3 months' assessment amounts to 10,966 13 6
Discharge: salary allowance and charges 694 12 1
paid for building flat[plat]forms and beacons 89 16
for impresting of seamen 154 4 11
paid to Sir Ste. Fox 1,449 16 3
paid to Sir John Robinson 5,170 0 0
7,558 9
Arrear: said to be paid to the Commission officers but no particulars produced 2,433 11 0
short assessed 7 14 2
part of the Cinque Ports unaccounted for 174 5
due from Col. John Stroude 439 9
due from Edward Woodward, collector of Shepway Lathe 5 16 11
arrears in his district 47 19 3
due from Thomas Lushington, collector of Milton and Teynham 0 16 5
arrears there unlevied 2 10 9
lost 8 17 0
due from Cha. Leeds, deceased, late collector of Scray 188 0 0
arrears in the division of Henry Grimes, collector of Sutton Lathe 39 8 1
due from Major Richd. Manley 17 0 7
due from Robt. Gilbert, collector of St. Augustin's Lathe 43 16 9
3,411 6 1
William, Earl of Craven, Lord Lieutenant of co. Middlesex.
l. s. d. l. s. d.
Charge: the 3 months' assessment amounts to 5,366 13 6
Discharge: salary 84 14 0
disbursed for carriage of money 7 16 6
paid to Sir John Robinson 2,350 12 9
paid to Sir Ste. Fox 634 2 5
3,077 5 8
Arrears: said to be paid to the Commission officers but the particulars wanting 1,859 3 0
arrears uncollected 258 2 1
due from the Earl of Craven 172 18 0
2,290 3 1
Edward, Earl of Gainsborough, Lord Lieutenant of co. Southampton.
l. s. d. l. s. d.
Charge. the 3 months' assessment amounts to 6,066 13 0
Discharge: paid to Sir Philip Honeywood for Portsmouth garrison 1,684 0 0
Arrears: short assessed for 2 months [of the] tax 530 0 6
unaccounted for 1,830 8 2
the third month's tax not levied 2,022 4 4
4,382 13 0
Henry, Duke of Beaufort, Lord Lieutenant of co. Gloucester.
l. s. d. l. s. d.
Charge: the 3 months' assessment for the city and county amounts to 5,366 13 6
Discharge: salary and allowance 103 17 8
paid into Chepstow castle 3,237l. 13s. 2d. whereof Sir John Robinson received 1,860 11 10
Sir Ste. Fox received 959 19 4
2,924 8 10
Arrears: said to be paid to the Commission officers but no particulars produced 1,092 0 0
arrears unlevied 933 2 10
wanting of the 3,237l. 13s. 2d. to be returned from Chepstow castle 417 2 0
2,442 4 10
Charles, Duke of Somerset, for the East Riding, Richard, Earl of Burlington, for the West Riding, Tho. Visct. Fauconberg for the North Riding, Lords Lieutenant of co. Yorks.
l. s. d. l. s. d.
Charge: the 3 months' assessment for the county amounts to 9,130 6 6
Discharge: salaries 144 10 4
disbursed for ammunition 80 0 0
for an iron money chest 20 0 0
paid to Sir Ste. Fox 2,900 0 0
3,144 10 4
Arrears: said to be paid to the Commission officers but the particulars not produced 3,879 17 0
arrears unlevied in York 456 10 4
due from Sir Francis Cobb 1,649 15 9
5,986 3 1
overbalanced 0 7 1
Kingston upon Hull.
l. s. d.
Charge: the 3 months' assessment comes to 203 0 0
Discharge: no account thereof rendered
Francis, Visct. Newport, Lord Lieutenant of co. Salop.
l. s. d. l. s. d.
Charge: the 3 months' assessment amounts to 3,966 13 0
Discharge: salary and allowance 81 2 0
for 10 barrels of powder and carriage 55 2 6
for a money chest 5 0 0
for conveying money from Shrewsbury to Leicester 12 0 0
paid to Mr. Chichley 1,501 0 11
paid to Sir Ste. Fox 1,000 0 0
2,654 5 5
Arrears: said to be paid to Commission officers but the particulars wanting 560 0 0
uncollected 20 8 4
due from Visct. Newport and acknowledged to be in his hands 731 19 3
1,312 7 7
Robert, Earl of Ailesbury, Lord Lieutenant of co. Huntingdon.
l. s. d.
Charge: the 3 months' assessment amounts to 1,866 13 6
Discharge: paid to Sir Ste. Fox 100 0 0
Arrears: unaccounted for 1,766 13 6
Henry, Earl of Arundel, Lord Lieutenant of co. Surrey.
l. s. d. l. s. d.
Charge: the 3 months' assessment for Surrey and South wark amounts to 5,250 0 0
Discharge: salary 110 13 2
paid to Sir John Robinson 2,828 3 4
paid to Sir Stephen Fox 1,255 1 1
4,193 17 7
Arrears: said to be paid to the Commission officers but no particulars [produced] 586 6 11
short assessed 8 11 8
arrears uncollected 52 14 3
due from John Smallpeece of Guildford, high collector 375 3 4
due from Henry Trigg of Dorking, head collector 24 7 1
due from Robert Bartlett, head collector 9 4 5
1,056 1 8
Heneage, Earl of Winchilsea, Lord Lieutenant of co. Somerset.
l. s. d. l. s. d.
Charge: the 3 months' assessment amounts to 8,166 13 0
Discharge: salary 125 3 8
paid to Commission officers 789 16 2
disbursed for providing a magazine 600 0 0
paid to Sir Philip Honeywood by his Majesty's order 4,000 0 0
paid to Sir Ste. Fox 600 0 0
6,114 19 10
Arrears: uncollected 735 12 0
due from the executors of Sir Jno. Warr, sheriff 9 4
due from the executors of Sir Geo. Norton 263 8 0
due from Sir Hugh Smith, sheriff 1,043 9 2
2,051 13
Henry, Earl of Arlington, Lord Lieutenant of co Suffolk.
l. s. d. l. s. d.
Charge: the 3 months' assessment amounts to 10,966 13 6
Discharge: salary 159 0 5
paid to Commission officers 1,427 11 5
paid to Sir Henry Felton, Col. of Horse, for the pay of the soldiers and officers of 2 troops 384 9 0
paid to Sir William Doyly for the relief of the sick and wounded 2,859 6 3
paid to Sir John Robinson 5,945 11 10
10,775 18 11
Arrears: unaccounted for by the Deputy lieutenants 58 10
arrears uncollected 91 15 4
due from Fran. Theobolds, high sheriff 15 5
due from Edw. Keene for Woodbridge division 0 3 4
due from Edw. Pallant for Beccles division 7 14 6
due from Dudley North, collector of Bury St. Edmunds 16 10 2
190 4 7
Henry, Duke of Beaufort, Lord Lieutenant of co. Hereford.
l. s. d. l. s. d.
Charge: the 3 months' assessment amounts to 3,500 0 0
Discharge: received by Sir John Robinson being part of the 998l. which Mr. Symonds had and was to pay into Chepstow castle 694 3 4
Arrears: said to be paid to Commission officers but no particulars produced 677 17 11
remains of the abovesaid 998l. unaccounted for 303 16 8
due from Mr. Warncomb, carpenter, collector of Broxash and Radlow Hundreds 439 18 7
due from Mr. Geo. Carver, collector of Wolphy Hundred 270 0 1
in arrear to be levied in his district 19 2 6
due from Jno. Hill, collector of Greytree and Grimsworth Hundreds 88 17 0
due from Mr. Penrice 32 14 6
due from Mr. Jno. Smith, collector of Wormelow and Webtree Hundreds 660 3 0
arrears there unlevied 279 19 4
due from Mr. Edwd. Hayes, collector of Stretford Hundred 14 17 11
arrears there unlevied 15 0 3
due from William Naston, collector of Wigmore Hundred 0 12 0
arrears there unlevied 2 16 11
2,805 16 8
Charles, Earl of Shrewsbury, Lord Lieutenant of co. Stafford and Lichfield.
l. s. d. l. s. d.
Charge: the 3 months' assessment for the county amounts to 2,750 0 0
Discharge: salary 29 15 8
paid to the Commission officers 210 0 0
paid for conveyance of money 10 9 0
paid to Mr. Chichley 1,500 0 0
1,750 4 8
Arrears: no account received of the third month's assessment which is said to be collected and to remain in the hands of the high collector, his Majesty not having appointed any general Receiver 919 6 8
due from Sir John Bowyer 2 0 0
due from William Sneyd 13 1 1
due from Clayton Lea, high collector of Pirehill Hundred 15 10 3
due from Andrew Ford, collector of Perchill Hundred 37 12 10
due from Robert Philips, collector of Cuttlestone Hundred 12 12 3
due from Humphrey Kelsall, the other high collector 7 12 3
1,007 15 4
City of Lichfield.
Charge: the assessment for the city amounts to 42 0 0
Discharge: no account thereof received
June 6. Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the petition of Margaret Walter, alias Thicknesse. Petitioner sets forth that her present husband endeavours to compound with Edward Roberts, her great enemy, to deprive her of her birthright and to defame her fatherless children in order to get into his hands what she has solicited about for 23 years past. Therefore desires that no credence be given to the suggestions of her said husband, Radmond Walter, or Edward Roberts. Justice Parry, now living near St. Giles church, can witness as to her husband's conduct. Therefore prays that the 300l., if no more be to be had, may be paid to her use to Sir Richard Buckley. In a further petition to the King petitioner shows that the Duke of Ormonde reported that 300l. was a fair consideration from Lord Kingston to her on condition to waive her pretences to certain lands in Ireland though she has spent more than 300l. in 23 years' solicitation. The lands she has discovered and which the King granted her are worth more. Prays that Lord Kingston may pay said 300l. in London. Out Letters (Ireland) III, pp. 163–4, 165–6, 167.
Hereon the Duke of Ormonde reports, from St. James's Square, Feb. 20 last, that the royal letter of 1681–2, Feb. 22, granted her lands to the value of 15l. per an. in addition to the 11l. per an. in lands, being all that she has had of the 22l. granted her by the King's letter of 1678, June 10, in reprisal for her lands in Ross which were decreed to her by the Commissioners of Claims as an Innocent Papist. The said grant was stopped on a petition from Lord Kingston, shewing that the lands she claims he had passed a grant of for reprisals to himself and offering 300l. for her waiving her rights. I think it a fair offer. Said report being referred to the Treasury Lords May 14 last the latter hereby report Petitioner is willing to accept said 300l. if paid in England to Sir Richard Buckley or Mr. Owen Winn for her sole and separate use. This we think reasonable.
Memorandum: "this report was cancelled July 5 or 6, 1683."
Followed by: a later report dated 1683, July 7, from the Treasury Lords to the King to practically the same effect. Prefixing: (a) a similar petition to the King from said petitioner shewing that Edward Roberts, late Auditor General to Oliver Cromwell, and his nephew opposed her suit on pretence of the late Lord Kingston's grant, though the Earl of Ranelagh was equally concerned with the said Lord Kingston; (b) copy of the royal letter dated 1681–2, Feb. 28, to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland for a grant of said 15l. per an. of lands to her, the said royal letter reciting verbatim a previous Treasury report on the case.
Memorandum: this report of July 7 was cancelled and another report made which see infra p. 877 under date July 26.
June 7. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ Richard Hodges as waiter and searcher at Boston loco George Hodges, who is to be surveyor at Colchester. Out Letters (Customs) VIII, pp. 206, 207, 208.
George Hodges ut supra to be surveyor at Colchester loco Richard Glanvill, lately removed.
Thomas Holt as waiter and searcher at Liverpool loco George Jannick, who relinquishes same.
John Atterbury as a coastwaiter, London port loco Thomas Rivers, dismissed.
Richard Glanvill as riding surveyor on the coast of Sussex loco Nathaniell Spencer, who relinquishes same.
Henry Guy to Mr. Lawrence enclosing a draft of a letter prepared above a year since and intended to be sent to the bishop of Lincoln to hasten the payments of Tenths and arrears thereof from his diocese to Christmas, 1678, and to pass his account for same; there being at the same time several other letters prepared of the same import for the rest of the bishops who were in arrear at that time. Report to the Treasury Lords whether same are proper to be sent at this time. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 152.
Money warrant for 500l. to the Earl of Bath and Lord Hawley for half a year to Christmas last on their annuity or pension. Money Book IV, p. 199.
June 8. Henry Guy to the new Commissioners of Excise. On May 8 last the Treasury Lords acquainted you that Mr. Chiffinch leaves the whole house of the Excise Office to the King's disposal, except what has been reserved by the King for his under-housekeeper. This is not to be so understood as to put Mr. Kent out of the rooms in his possession. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 152.
Same to the Earl of Anglesea. Inform the Treasury Lords whether you paid the several sums as by the order of the Lord Lieutenant and Council of Ireland, 1667, Dec. 18, upon the pre-emptions amounting to 10,895l. 17s. 5¼d. [and if so] when same were paid, by what hands and to whom. Also inform them what time you went out of your employment of Vice Treasurer of Ireland. Ibid.
June 8. Henry Guy to Mr. Kent to pay (by two weekly instalments beginning the 16th inst.) 824l. 5s. 10d. to Mr. Povey on two tallies dated 1682, June 2. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 153.
Same to Mr. Steeres. The Treasury Lords have put off hearing your business till Thursday next. Ibid.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue to Mr. Burton for Crown law charges 500l. out of such money as shall be paid into the Exchequer by Roger Kenyon, Receiver of the fines and forfeitures of Popish Recusants for co. Lancs. Disposition Book II, p. 234.
Same to same to issue 1,000l. to Dr. Taylor for secret service out of such money as now remains in the Exchequer out of the revenue of the Duchy of Cornwall. Ibid, p. 235.
Same to same to issue as follows out of such Customs money as is directed to be this week paid into the Exchequer, viz.: Ibid.
to the Treasurer of the Navy for one week [of the Navy's weekly] money, whereof 2,000l. is for the Victuallers 3,500
to the Treasurer of the Ordnance for one week [of the Ordnance Office's weekly] money 500
And similarly to issue as follows out of such Excise money as is to be similarly paid in, viz.:
to the Paymaster of the Forces for subsistence 2,000
to ditto for off-reckonings 3,000
to the Cofferer of the Household 800
to me [Guy] for secret service in part of 5,000l. 200
Money warrant for 3,000l. to Samuel Herne, gent. (with 6 per cent. per an. interest payable every six months) as in repayment of so much by him lent May 26 last into the Exchequer: to be satisfied out of Customs money. (The money order hereon should be dated June 9 but is fictitiously dated May 26 so as to bear the same date as the original tally of loan.) Money Book IV, p. 201. Order Book XXXIX, p. 79.
June 9. Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners to send to the Queen's backstairs at Somerset House some boxes lately arrived for her in the Unity. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 153.