Entry Book: June 1683, 1-5

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.

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'Entry Book: June 1683, 1-5', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685, ed. William A Shaw (London, 1916), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp805-809 [accessed 10 March 2025].

'Entry Book: June 1683, 1-5', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Edited by William A Shaw (London, 1916), British History Online, accessed March 10, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp805-809.

"Entry Book: June 1683, 1-5". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Ed. William A Shaw (London, 1916), British History Online. Web. 10 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp805-809.


June 1683

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
June 1. Henry Guy to Lord Dartmouth [Master of the Ordnance] to report to the Treasury Lords on the enclosed paper of Sir John Banks and Sir Josiah Child before my Lords give direction for drawing the patent for the saltpetre. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 150.
Appending: said paper of said Banks, Govr. [of the East India Company], and Child, desiring "the passing of our patent for 40,000l. value in saltpetre" with 6 per cent. interest from such time as the Treasury Lords shall agree, in regard the Master of the Ordnance cannot at present receive the whole quantity into the stores. "The quantity shall be just to make up the said sum of 40,000l. at 38s. 6d. per cwt."
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of such Customs money as is directed to be this week paid into the Exchequer, viz.: Disposition Book II, p. 233.
to the Treasurer of the Navy [for one week of the Navy's] weekly money, whereof 2,000l. is for the Victuallers 3,500
to the Treasurer of the Ordnance for one week [of the Ordnance Office weekly] money 500
June 2. Henry Guy to the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland. The Treasury Lords received yours of the 23rd this morning just as they were going to Windsor. As it contains matters of importance, my Lords desire that no further steps may be made in the Earl of Ranelagh's balance of 76,000l. and his bond of 24,000l. till they write to you. Please inform the Lord Deputy of this. Out Letters (Ireland) III, p. 158.
Royal letter to the Duke of Ormonde, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, and Richard, Earl of Arran, Lord Deputy. We have lately constituted John Price as Receiver of the Revenue of Ireland with powers and salary ut supra, p. 761. The said Price has advanced and lent to the King in England 16,000l. for the King's immediate service upon the credit of the fees to be received ut supra, ibid. and to be repaid him in Ireland, with such allowance for the return of the same to England as has been agreed on by the Treasury Lords, making in the whole 17,440l. This sum of 17,440l. the King has agreed to pay to said Price out of the said fees, together with 10 per cent. interest quarterly for same (being the current interest now allowed in Ireland) until the full repayment thereof. You are therefore hereby to pass a patent under the great seal of Ireland to grant to said Price the said fee of 6d. per £ ut supra, ibid., and all other fees, salaries and profits and other perquisites formerly belonging to the office or offices of Vice Treasurer, Receiver General or Treasurer at Wars, Ireland, ut supra, ibid., to hold same to his own use until satisfaction of said 17,440l. and interest quarterly as aforesaid: for which purpose a yearly account [of said fees] is to be rendered to the Barons of the Exchequer, Ireland: Price or his executors etc. to continue in his said office until such satisfaction. If the said fees be found insufficient to meet such satisfaction, or if the King think it desirable to make satisfaction some other way, the said sum or the balance remaining unpaid thereof shall and may be paid out of any the treasure of the King in Ireland. Ibid, pp. 161–3.
Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners to send to the Queen's back stairs a ballot belonging to her. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 151.
June 5. The Treasury Lords to the Earl of Arran, Lord Deputy of Ireland. Upon receipt of a letter from the [Irish Revenue] Commissioners of May 23 last relating to the judgment given upon the Earl of Ranelagh's balance of 76,000l. and the bond of 24,000l. and the execution taken out thereupon, as likewise upon the same advise sent to the Earl of Ranelagh by his agents there [in Ireland] the said Earl presented a petition to the King to the effect hereinclosed [enclosure missing]. This being referred [from the King] to the Lord Lieutenant and us, we caused the Earl to explain in writing the severities he complains of in his petition, a copy whereof [of which explanation] we likewise enclose [likewise missing]. We think it requisite an answer should be made thereto for his Majesty's further information. Please direct the persons concerned to give an account thereof and meantime put a stop for the present to the execution against the estates of the Earl of Ranelagh, Stepney and Dean. But in order that the persons who are to be satisfied out of these debts and those who have so effectually laboured in this matter for the King's service may not be under any discouragement we shall immediately direct a certiorari to be returned against the persons concerned here in these balances to the end process may go against those in England as well as those in Ireland, thinking it but reasonable that so great a burden should light equally upon all those that ought to bear it, and having reason to apprehend that the estates of those upon whom you can levy in Ireland are by much the least considerable to answer the debt. The Lord Lieutenant was present [with us at the Treasury Chambers at our discussion] on the abovesaid reference from the King of this matter and concurs in what we here desire of you. He has also informed us of a scruple you have had concerning the pay of the Civil List occasioned by a former letter of ours to you in which we desired that after three months' pay to the army the remainder of the present revenue should be applied to the Civil List, according to the present establishment, by which means the quarter due to the Civil List from Michaelmas to Christmas last [at which latter date the present establishment is to come in force] would be postponed and would be occasion of great dissatisfaction. For the remedying hereof "having considered that that list being to be paid half yearly that quarter of the half year cannot properly be paid by the late Farmers, because they came out of their farm before the half year was due, we desire your Excellency that out of the growing revenue that quarter to the Civil List should be satisfied, together with the quarter ending at Lady day last, and after that it will go on from half year to half year as usually it hath done." Out Letters (Ireland) III p. 160.
June 5. The Treasury Lords to the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland. We have received yours of May 23 last. The account which the same post brought to the Earl of Ranelagh of his concern in Ireland caused him to petition the King therein and we have thereupon found it necessary to write to the Lord Deputy thereon ut supra, of which letter to him we send you a copy. You must not by this be discouraged from going on in this kind of service, which perhaps has been the most difficult of your employments as well as the most clamorous. Out Letters (Ireland) III, p. 159.
As to the business of the late Farmers, as mentioned in yours of the 23rd and 13th ult. we are almost at a stand, not knowing what to do with them after so many good words and daily promises given to us by Sir James Shaen of [their intention of] answering all expectations and of going over himself to put an end to all further delays and in the mean time doing nothing like it. We see nothing on our side to be done in this point but the hasting over Sir James Shaen which we will still press him to do. But since so much time has been already lost on his account we earnestly recommend that you will not suffer the King's service to be any longer obstructed by anything that is pretended to be expected from him [Shaen] but that you will proceed to a determination of all matters between the King and them [the Farmers] as vigorously as the law will allow and securing what may be due from them to his Majesty.
As to Sir William Petty's lands to which you refer in yours of the 13th we shall not need to say anything at present because it is probable that upon Sir William's arrival there he will give you further information. As to which you may write us. You will always understand that we shall approve very well of the interposition of your advice for the securing the King's interest in this or any other business.
June 5. Henry Guy to the Navy Commissioners to assign payment by way of imprest and out of the Navy weekly money of 13l. 16s. 2d. to John Baldwer on his bill dated 1683, May 23. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 151.
Likewise of 28l. to Robert Oglethorpe, late lieutenant of his Majesty's ship Kingfisher, on his bill dated the 1st inst.
Same to the Customs Commissioners. Inform the Treasury Lords whether if Penryn be made a coinage town inconvenience would thereby arise in relation to the Customs. Ibid.
Same to the Navy Commissioners. Inform the Treasury Lords what officers are to go this voyage with the Duke of Grafton and what is due to them. Ibid.
Same to the Hearthmoney Farmers. Your accounts for the half year ended 1681, Sept. 29, have been longer in auditing than any of the former half years. You are to deliver to Auditor Aldworth your collectors' books and abstracts for that half year for Middlesex, London and Somerset. Ibid.
Same to the Excise Commissioners to forthwith pay 30l. to Mr. Vile out of incidents. Ibid.
Same to the Agents for Taxes to hasten the letters for the Lord Lieutenants (according to that to the Earl of Arlington) which you promised the Treasury Lords to despatch. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Raban for an abstract of warrants granted for timber for repair of lodges and rails in Salcey Forest since the Restoration; to whom granted and by whom executed. Ibid, p. 152.
Money warrant for 250l. to Sir Francis Wythens, kt., for last Easter term on his fee or salary of 1,000l. per an. as a Justice of the King's Bench: with dormant warrant clause for same in future. Money Book IV, p. 198.
Same for 1,400l. to Dr. John Taylor for one year to 1683, Lady day, on the payment to him for secret service [for the Duchess of Portsmouth]. (Money order dated June 6 hereon.) Ibid, p. 198. Order Book XXXIX, p. 78.
Same for 1,250l. to Eleanor Gwynn for 1682, Christmas quarter, on her pension or annuity for the support of herself and Charles, Earl of Burford. (Money order dated June 6 hereon.) Money Book IV, p. 198. Order Book XXXIX, p. 78.