Entry Book: January 1684, 7-15

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.

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'Entry Book: January 1684, 7-15', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp1013-1023 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: January 1684, 7-15', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp1013-1023.

"Entry Book: January 1684, 7-15". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1916), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp1013-1023.


January 1684

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Jan. 7.
The Treasury Lords to the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland. Send us over the [statement of the] balance of the last Farmers [of the Irish revenue] as it is upon record in the Irish Exchequer Court. We must have it in that form before we can proceed on the despatch of the writ of certiorari. As to the method and substance of your accounts we are very well satisfied with your answer and we hope the account you are now preparing of your whole year's management will leave no ground for busy men to work upon. Lose no time in transmitting same to us. We allow of the charge you propose for three boats for better guarding the coasts and of the 20l. charge Dr. Wood has been at in passing his patent. We think it best to continue for another year the bargain with the Duke of Ormonde concerning the Prizage [Wines]; in which time we shall be better informed of the true value thereof "and agree with you that the separating the collection of this duty from the Customs might be prejudicial to the King's affairs." We have communicated to the Lord Lieutenant the proposal you made some time since concerning paying the army every six weeks. By his advice we acquaint you that it seems to us the army cannot well be paid oftener than there are musters, "which we find in Ireland are but every three months." Here in England the musters are every two months. We are writing the Lord Deputy on this whole matter and desire you to attend him for his decision thereon. As to yours of Nov. 6 last concerning Capt. Walcott's estate you are to take the inquisitions and engage counsel to prevent any remissness thereon. Give us an account of your proceedings herein. Out Letters (Ireland) III, pp. 235–7.
Send us an account what is due upon the old establishment, that which ended at Christmas was twelvemonth and particularly to whom and how much of it has been paid by the growing revenue in this last year.
The King has found it fit, for his service, to draw over [to England] yearly out of his revenue in Ireland 30,000l. to be employed towards the defraying of the additional charge of his Forces here. Of this we write by this post to the Lord Deputy. We desire you to take early care to provide for this matter and to dispose it so that there may be a monthly remittal of this sum in equal proportions. "It is to be understood that the 30,000l. be neat money to be received here: and the charge of exchange must be over and above that sum: and we shall expect to hear from you what you take to be the best methods for this service with the best good husbandry to the King and then we shall give our final directions in it."
Since writing this we learn that the [statement of the] balance of Sir James Shaen's account is here and that the certiorari is ready to be sent hence. See it returned speedily in due form to us.
Jan. 7. The Treasury Lords to the [Earl of Arran], Lord Deputy of Ireland. Concerning the abovesaid proposal for paying the Irish army every six weeks it is the Lord Lieutenant's and our opinion that though the quicker payment would make the money run about faster in the kingdom and so help to bring in the revenue better yet the payment of the troops must be regulated by the musters and unless you see fit to alter these the proposal cannot be complied with. Consider whether the remoteness of some of your troops from one another may not be an argument against making the musters more frequent. The Revenue Commissioners are to attend you with their reasons for their said proposal. Do herein as you think best. Out Letters (Ireland) III, pp. 237–8.
The King has thought it for his service to demolish the city of Tangier and to bring to England the troops that were there which were designed to be defrayed upon the establishment of Ireland whilst at Tangier. The King directs that for the future 30,000l. be remitted hither [from Ireland] towards defraying the additional charge he will be at here in his Forces: "which sum of 30,000l., though it be much less than was designed upon the establishment of Ireland towards the support of the charge of Tangier, his Majesty is pleased not to exceed in consideration of the condition of the kingdom of Ireland which might suffer if much greate sums were drawn from thence than by experience have formerly been found to have been transmitted without prejudice." You are to think of the properest ways of transmitting same by equal proportions monthly with the best advantage as to the exchange which will probably be lower when the money is returned in little sums. For it is the King's pleasure that this sum be returned neat here and that the exchange be borne over and above in Ireland. After hearing the Revenue Commissioners herein ut supra report as to the best method so that the King's final pleasure may be declared herein.
Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners. Hasten your report on the papers which came from the Privy Council in Ireland concerning the duty on tobacco, ut supra, p. 947. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 264.
Same to Sir Rich. Mason and partners [Agents for Taxes] enclosing letters from the Duke of Beaufort and the Earl of Bristol [relating respectively to the Militia money accounts for cos. Hereford or Gloucester, and Dorset]. Ibid.
Henry Guy to the Navy Commissioners. In reply to yours of the 2nd inst. to Visct. Falkland please inform the Treasury Lords whether the last Navy timber ordered to be felled in New Forest was not intended for finishing the second-rate ship now building at Portsmouth. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 264.
Same to the Mint Commissioners. Mr. Slingsby insists upon an allowance of 856l. 16s. 4d. certified by you as due to him for refining of gold not allowed him in his former accounts. Report your opinion hereon to the Treasury Lords. Ibid.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to reserve for the Treasury Lords' disposal the 1,940l. paid in by Mr. Turner as Jesuits' money recovered by a decree in the Exchequer Court. Disposition Book II, p. 296.
Money warrant for 3,900l. to Nathll. Hornby for secret service, without account, for the quarter ending 1684, Lady day, as by the privy seal of Dec. 12 last ut supra, p. 985. To be paid by 300l. a week out of the Excise. (Money order dated Jan. 7 hereon.) Money Book IV, p. 316. Order Book XXXIX, p. 119.
Same for 30,261l. 15s. 11d. to Sir Nathll. Johnson, Sir Cornwall Bradshaw, Patrick Trant, William Bridges and John Hind in repayment of the several sums as follows by them lent into the Exchequer: together with 6 per cent. per an. interest and 2 per cent. per an. reward, viz. 2,500l. and 4,000l. lent July 24 last on the Hearthmoney, 6,500l. lent Aug. 10 on same, 6,500l. lent Nov. 16 on same, 6,500l. lent Nov. 21 on same and 4,261l. 15s. 11d. lent Dec. 17 on same. The repayment to be for said 2,500l. on the Hearthmoney rent due 1683, Sept. 29, and payable by the utmost days of grace Mar. 15 next; and for the remaining said sums (and the interest and reward) on the succeeding half year's rent of the Hearthmoney. (Money order dated Jan. 9 hereon for 32,490l. 2s. 8d. being 30,261l. 15s. 11d. ut supra and 2,228l. 6s. 9d. for interest and reward computed respectively from the dates of loan to Mar. 15 next for the first sum of 2,500l. and to Sept. 19 next for the remaining sums: the said interest and reward being made principal at the end of every six months.) Money Book IV, p. 317. Order Book XXXIX, p. 120.
Jan. 8. Same for 2,000l. to the Treasury Lords (Laurence, Earl of Rochester, Sir Jno. Ernle, Sir Edw. Dering, Sidney Godolphin and Sir Stephen Fox) for 1683, June 24 quarter's salaries. (Money order dated Jan. 9 hereon.) Money Book IV, p. 318. Order Book XXXIX, p. 119.
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer to supersede process against Nicholas Battaile, a prisoner in the King's Bench on his surety bond for Edmund Doyly, late Receiver General for co. Notts, of the 1671 subsidy, on which account Doyly is indebted to the King 505l. 19s. 8d.: the said Battaile being very poor and likely to perish in prison if not relieved. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, p. 273.
R. Squibb (in the absence of Henry Guy) to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of Excise money now in or to be into the Exchequer the 7th inst., viz.: Disposition Book II, p. 297.
to the Paymaster of the Forces for subsistence 2,000
to ditto for off-reckonings 2,000
to the Cofferer of the Household 1,000
to Mr. Hornby for secret service on the weekly payment 300
Jan. 9. Royal sign manual for 500l. to Henry Guy for secret service, without account: to be issued on the 10,000l. privy seal dormant of Dec. 31 last. (Money warrant dated Jan. 12 hereon. Money order dated Jan. 14 hereon.) King's Warrant Book IX, p. 245. Money Book IV, p. 321. Order Book XXXIX, p. 122.
Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal to instal the First Fruits of Francis Turner, D.D., as bishop of Rochester after the rate of 322l. 7s. 4½d.: same to be payable by 80l. 11s. 10½d. at Michaelmas, 1684, 80l. 11s. 10d. at Michaelmas, 1685, and 161l. 3s. 8d. at Michaelmas, 1686: with the usual clauses at the bishop's own securities and as to the termination of the instalments on avoidance of the bishopric. King's Warrant Book IX, p. 246.
Same to same for a same to instal the First Fruits of Lawrence Womock as bishop of St. Davids after the rate of 383l. 9s. 10½d.: the instalments to be paid by 95l. 17s. 6d., 95l. 17s. 6d. and 191l. 14s. 10½d. on dates ut supra: with usual clauses ut supra. Ibid, p. 247.
Same to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to William, Earl of Kingston-upon-Hull, of the parcel of wood ground as follows, in consideration of the sum of 7,100l. to be first paid into the Exchequer: viz. portion of the King's wood or wood ground called Billagh alias Billow in Sherwood Forest, co. Notts, and also 50 acres 2 rods 20 perches of wood ground whereon the King's house or lodge called the White Lodge in said forest does stand and adjoining east on the first mentioned parcel: all with the buildings, appurtenances and timber etc. thereon: the boundary of the premises beginning at a cross lately cut in the ground at the south-west corner of Upper Stonehill Breake, being the outmost bounds of the township of Thoresby and situate 71 perches north-east of the common road leading from Budby to Ollerton, thence south-east into Billow Woodside to a stake or cross there placed 102 perches from the first named cross, thence east to a stone placed in a cross in the Middle Cockshout Close 76 perches from the second cross, thence to the north corner of said close and down the east side of East Cockshout Close to the common road leading from Ollerton to Peverell Thorp alias Palethorp and along said road to the corner of Foxfield Break in the lordship of Peverell Thorp and thence westward by the outmost bounds of Peverell Thorp and Thoresby to the abovesaid starting point at the corner of Upper Stonehill Breake: the trees and wood on the premises being valued by the Surveyor General of Lands and the Surveyor General of Woods at 7,000l. and the land at 400l. out of which last sum the King is pleased to remit to said Earl 300l. thus leaving the purchase money 7,100l. as above: all to the said Earl, his heirs and assigns for ever: to be holden of the King as of the manor of East Greenwich in free and common socage and by fealty only for all manner of services etc.: with liberty to said Earl to de-afforest all the said premises: and further with liberty to him to de-afforest 471 acres 1 rood 10 perches of other the said Earl's lands part of the Township Fields or territories of Thoresby and reputed to lie within the perambulation of Sherwood Forest and likewise 357 acres 1 rood 37 perches of said Earl's lands part of the lordship or manor of Peverelthorp and reputed likewise to lie within the said perambulation, both which parcels lie contiguous to the premises hereby granted and are bounded east with the common road leading from Ollerton to Blyth and north with the common road leading from Bottomsale to Budby and west with Budby Field. Hereby all the said parcels are quite put out of the said Sherwood Forest and out of the regard and jurisdiction of the same and all the tenants etc. thereof freed from vert, venison etc. depasturing of deer etc. Further with grant to said Earl of liberty to empark etc. and of free chase and warren. (The undated Latin text of said patent.) Ibid, pp. 248–50, 263–74.
Jan. 10. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to authorise the Collector in Barbados to pay 10 or 12 per cent. allowance on such returns of money as occasion [to be made from Barbados to England], it appearing that he cannot get good bills at under that allowance, the truth whereof is affirmed by Sir Richard Dutton, Governor of Barbados, who pays so himself. Out Letters (Customs) VIII, p. 253.
Same to same to discharge the seizure of the ship Robert and Henry, Eliah Robinson master, he having sailed from Gravesend about the middle of Aug., 1681, for Norway manned with 11 English, thence to Cork in Ireland, but being driven into Plymouth by stress of weather two of his crew left and in Ireland four more left, and he could only hire one English, four Scotchmen and a boy and so sailed for Nevis and thence to England with sugar, whereupon he is seized by the Surveyor of the Navigation Act. Ibid, p. 254.
Same to same to employ Christopher Merett (one of the waiters and searchers, Sandwich port) as same at Margate loco John Hunt, lately dismissed. Ibid.
Henry Guy to the Solicitor General [Ireland]. On the 24th ult. I sent to you and the Attorney General [Ireland] a draft [sic for copy of the] commission for remedy of defective titles in Ireland [anno] 1639, and a new draft commission for that purpose [at the present moment] with various opinions thereon. You not being in town the Attorney General has returned the draft with his amendments. Consider same and return with your opinion by Saturday next. Out Letters (Ireland) III, pp. 238–9.
The Treasury Lords to the [Earl of Arran] Lord Deputy. The King has referred to us the petition of Visct. Massereene for a grant of discoverable lands in part satisfaction of his deficiences. Inform us whether he has not already received the full reprizal which he was to have, or how much he is deficient in value or quantity of acres. Ibid, p. 239.
Jan. 10. Money warrant for 1,942l. 8s. 5d. to Charles Toll for 6 per cent. interest and 2 per cent. reward from Sept. 30 last to Jan. 1 inst. on several sums by him advanced for the King's service: as by an account thereof stated by Auditor Aldworth and allowed by the Treasury Lords the 5th inst. (Money order dated Jan. 11 hereon.) Money Book IV, p. 318. Order Book XXXIX, p. 121.
Same for 2,974l. 11s. 5d. to Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe for 6 per cent. interest and 2 per cent. reward for 1683, Christmas quarter, on several sums by them lent for his Majesty's service: as by an account ut supra. (Money order dated Jan. 11 hereon.) Money Book IV, p. 318. Order Book XXXIX, p. 121.
Same for 66l. 13s. 4d. each to Brooke Bridges and Thomas Done for one year to Michaelmas last on their fee of 100 marks each per an. as Auditors of Imprests. Money Book IV, p. 319.
Same for 500l. to Christopher, Lord Hatton, for half a year to 1678, Christmas, on his annuity or pension. Ibid.
Same for 1,500l. to Robert Squibb, junr., as imprest for redemption of English captives [in Barbary]: to be paid out of money now in the Exchequer arisen by the late collection for the said use. (Money order dated Jan. 11 hereon.) Ibid, p. 320. Order Book XXXIX, p. 121.
Same for 200l. to the executors of Lady Henrietta Maria Howard for one year to 1682, Christmas, on her annuity or pension. Money Book IV, p. 320.
Henry Guy to Sir Richard Mason et al. [Agents for Taxes] enclosing Visct. Newport's letter sent to the Treasury Lords [relating to the Militia money accounts for co. Salop]. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 265.
Same to the Victualling Commissioners enclosing the Admiralty Lords' draft of instructions [for the Victualling]. Report thereon to the Treasury Lords by Saturday. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners. Send to the Treasury Lords the report made to you Nov. 19 last by Mr. Dawson and Mr. Brewer concerning Mr. Fanshawe's comptrol of the coast trade. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Stephens [Cashier to the Treasurer of the Navy] to forthwith help Capt. Billop to 195l. 5s. 0d. due to him as commander of the Deptford ketch. The Treasury Lords will supply anything wanting in order to the regular payment of same. Ibid.
Same to the Attorney General to report on the enclosed proposals [missing] concerning the prosecution of Walter Baines and Edward Jackson. Ibid.
Same to Alderman Duncombe to accept a bill for 2,000l. which will come to you from Mr. Chudleigh in Holland. Also to pay 500l. of Customs money into the Exchequer next Saturday for me [Guy] for secret service. Ibid.
Jan. 9
[altered to
Henry Guy to the Attorney General to report on papers as follows. On what account is Walter Banes bailed by the Recorder of London. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 266.
Appending: note of said papers: (1) an information touching Walter Banes accused for clipping etc.; (2) matters offered by the Wardens of the Mint touching prosecuting clippers.
Jan. 10. Same to the Customs Commissioners. The Treasury Lords have resolved that no man shall be hereafter made a landsurveyor who has not previously served as a landwaiter, and similarly tidesurveyors to have been previously tidesmen. Ibid.
The Treasury Lords to the Earl of Chesterfield, giving him notice of the intended warrant for felling 1,000l. worth of dotard trees in New Forest to complete the repayment of 4,000l. to the Lord Privy Seal. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer for a particular of the lands, debts and goods of Christopher Banastre, lately extended for moneys owing to the King and likewise of the lands of William Marbury, one of his securities: all in order to a grant thereof to the Earl Rivers for 1,500l. to be by said Earl paid into the Exchequer. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, p. 274.
Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the petition of Francis Cooke and Dorothy his wife as by the order of reference from the King in Council of Nov. 16 last. Petitioners represent that they were sequestered for loyalty and lost above 6,000l. in the late unhappy wars and continued in prison almost till the Restoration; that they rented a small farm in co. Herts, hoping to live quietly in their old age, but were prosecuted for Recusancy, which cost them 200l. and upwards and two years' imprisonment almost to their utter ruin: that lately they have been prosecuted on the long writ and all their stock (appraised at 80l.) seized on the 20l. a month. Unless relieved petitioners, being near 80 years old, will lie in prison without a penny to buy bread or a bed to lie on. Richard Grahme who is employed by us, the Treasury Lords, in the prosecution against Recusants, certifies that petitioners are very poor, of great age and in misery. The Attorney General is willing to supersede the writ against them. Ibid, pp. 274–5.
Treasury warrant to William Harbord, Surveyor General of Crown Lands, Tho. Agar, Surveyor General of Woods Trent South, Tho. Newton, woodward of Whittlewood Forest, and Sam Rolt to fell dotard timber, not fit for shipbuilding, sufficient to raise 100l. for the repairs, detailed, of the lodge belonging to John Willoughby, keeper of Shelbrook Walk in said forest; the money which was given four or five years since to the then keeper [for said repairs] having been misapplied. The said keeper is first to give security to uphold the premises. Ibid, pp. 275–6.
Same to Brook Bridges and Tho. Done, Auditors of Imprests, to allow 836l. 1s. 5d. to Henry Griffith in his account of the 1,500l. imprested to him for buying horses, mares or geldings for the service of the King and Queen as by the privy seal of 1681–2, Feb. 28; the expenditure of said 836l. 1s. 5d. being such as is not provided for by said privy seal. Ibid, pp. 278–9.
Prefixing: Auditor Done's report on said Griffith's account of said expenditure (including charges for transportation of the late Morocco ambassador's horses; repairs to the King's haybarn and stables at Newmarket; payments to several stage coachmen for attending the King at several times; 90l. to Mr. Fobert, one of his Majesty's Great Horse Equerries, in lieu of livery in kind for three great horses; 100l. to George Murrey, late one of the King's coachmen, for his house in the Mews bought for the accommodation of Gilbert Eagle, one of his Majesty's Great Equerries).
Jan. 10. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue out of the loans now remaining in the Exchequer from Mr. Hornby, 2,500l. to me [Guy] on the 20,000l. per an. [for three years for secret service]. Disposition Book II, p. 297
Same to the Auditors of Imprests to allow (in accordance with the Mint Commissioners' report) 856l. 16s. 4d. to Mr. Slingsby in his account to make good the error in the allowance for refining gold. The Treasury Lords see no reason for allowing the 224l. 4s. 0d. claimed for so much levied by the sheriff upon Mr. Slingsby's goods. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 269.
Treasury order and direction to the Receipt to forbid any of the Tellers to refuse any of the King's moneys when tendered to them, upon pretence that same has been paid before, if the person tendering same shall (after being acquainted therewith) desire that the money may be received and that he may have a tally for it unless it appear to the Teller that a tally of pro or assignment has been before levied for same. Any persons agrieved hereby are to apply to the Treasury Lords for redress. The present order is by reason that the Band of Gentlemen Pensioners had lately an order for payment out of such moneys of Tenths as they should procure to be brought into the Exchequer and did accordingly procure 340l. of the Tenths of Coventry and Lichfield and tendered the payment thereof to one of the Tellers who refused to receive same, alleging that the said sum had been paid in before by some other person on account of said Tenths for same time and that he, the Teller, could not make a double charge thereof without direction of the Treasury Lords in regard a tally had been levied for same: which proceeding the Treasury Lords think may be of ill consequence to his Majesty's service for the Tellers to deny the receipt of his Majesty's moneys and to make themselves judges in matters that lie properly before the said Lords. Money Book IV, pp. 326–7.
Jan. 12. Money warrant for 163l. 15s. 4d. to Anthony Segar, without account; being 143l. 15s. 4d. for incidents etc. for the Treasury Office and 20l. for salary for the half year ended Christmas last. (Money order dated Jan. 14 hereon.) Money Book IV, p. 320. Order Book XXXIX, p. 122.
Same for 50,000l. to Charles Fox, Paymaster of the Forces, as imprest for the Guards, Garrisons and Contingencies for the quarter Jan. 1 inst. to April 1 next. (Money order dated Jan. 14 hereon.) Money Book IV, p. 321. Order Book XXXIX p. 122.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of such Customs money as is directed to be this week paid into the Exchequer. Disposition Book II, p. 297.
l. s. d.
to me [Guy] for secret service 500 0 0
to Mr. Kent and Mr. Duncombe for interest to Dec. 25 [last] on several loans in the Exchequer "and of their quarterly account for money otherwise" 6,681 14 10
to the Mint Commissioners 600 0 0
to Mr. Packer for Winchester works 1,000 0 0
£8,781 14 10
Same to Mr. North [of the Great Seal Office] to return for the Treasury Lords' consideration the privy seal and docquet for determining Mr. Roberts's office as a King's waiter, London port. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 266.
Same to the Navy Commissioners to report on the enclosed case [missing] of the late Victuallers of the Navy in relation to the provisions now remaining on their hands. Ibid, p. 267.
Same to Mr. Brisban. The Treasury Lords desire the Admiralty Lords to inform them whether there was any agreement made with Sir Richard Dutton (when he went first to his government in Barbados) that he should have 100l. towards hiring a ship to carry his retinue and goods. Likewise for said Lords to speak with them next week about the unsigned proposal for furnishing the King with naval stores from the East[land] country. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ Oliver Hawley as riding surveyor on the coast of Suffolk loco Thomas Davis, removed to be same between Dover and Rochester on the coast of Kent. Out Letters (Customs) VIII, pp. 254, 255.
Edward Brummell as tidesman at Shields, Newcastle port loco Gabriell Wood, lately deceased.
Same to Edward, Earl of Gainsborough, Lord Warden of New Forest. Sir Richd. Beach, Richard Norton, Thomas Bilson, Thomas Agar, Surveyor General of Woods Trent South, Francis Dickens, woodward of New Forest; Edward Lee, Isaac Betts, his Majesty's builder in the yard at Portsmouth, and the assistant builder there; to fell timber (such as is unfit for the Navy) sufficient to raise 1,000l. clear, to be received by said Agar and by him paid into the Exchequer to complete the repayment of the 4,000l. lent by the Marquess of Halifax, April 28 last. An account of said timber to be rendered to the Auditor for co. Southants before Michaelmas term next. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, p. 280.
Same to William Harbord, Thomas Agar, Thomas Newton and Saml. Rolt, to set out in Whittlewood and Salcey Forests a convenient number of coarse trees for gates, post and cabins for gating, posting, cabining and staking the following coppices which are above the age of 21 years and fit to be felled this season and exposed for sale for the Queen's service, viz.: Old Ashwell's coppice in Wakefield Walk and Old Smithiere Coppice in Shallbrooke Walk and Lodge Coppice in Hasleborough Walk in Whittlewood Forest, and Shroby's Coppice in Robert Howlin's Walk in Salcey Forest. Where possible the gates and posts of last year which can be spared from the coppices where any timber trees were left unsold or not carried off are to be used again: and the like hereby to be made are to stand where set till next season and then to be similarly re-employed. And so from time to time for the future so as to save the King's timber in said forests. Ibid, p. 281.
Jan. 12. Henry Guy to the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland, enclosing three writs of certiorari, viz., two for the debt of the Earl of Ranelagh and his partners and the other for the debt of the last Farmers [of the Revenue of Ireland]. See them executed and returned. Out Letters (Ireland) III, p. 239.
Jan. 14. William Lowndes (in the absence of Henry Guy) to Sir Richard Mason and partners [late Agents for Taxes] enclosing the Duke of Norfolk's letter of to-day's date with four several accounts therewith of the Militia tax for Surrey, Berks, Norfolk and Norwich. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 267.
Same to the Hearthmoney Contractors for an exact account of the yearly charge of the collection and management of the Hearthmoney since your contract [commenced], with every payment and the officers' [names]. Ibid.
Henry Guy to Mr. Bowdler to pay 20s. to Margaret Jarvis, widow of George Jarvis, late a soldier at Tangier. Ibid, p. 268.
Same to Sir Richard Mason et al. enclosing the Earl of Abingdon's letter [relating to the Militia tax account for co. Oxford]. (The like enclosing a [similar] letter from the Earl of Ailesbury [concerning the like accounts for co. Huntingdon or Bedford.]) Ibid.
Same to William Ellis to attend the Attorney General to make out your title to the goods of traitors within the liberty of Westminster. Ibid.
Money warrant for 100l. to John Rogers and Anne his wife (daughter of Richd. Pendrell) for one year to 1683, Lady day, on their annuity or pension. Money Book IV, p. 322.
Same for 10,000l. to Edward Griffin, Treasurer of the Chamber, as imprest for the service of the Office of the Chamber. (Money order dated Jan. 21 hereon.) Ibid, p. 322. Order Book XXXIX, p. 123.
Jan. 15. Henry Guy to the Navy Commissioners to assign out of the Navy's weekly money the payment of 9l. 4s. 1d. to Capt. Richd. Hodder, late Captain of his Majesty's ship Gauarland; being for a bill dated 1681–2, Mar. 8, for the victuals of Edward Deverus and David Thornton, gent., born as volunteers on board said ship. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 268.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 100l. to John Rogers and Anne his wife out of compositions in the Exchequer reserved for those instrumental in the King's escape [from Worcester fight]. Disposition Book II, p. 298.
Same to same to issue (out of Sir Benjamin Bathurst's loans now remaining in the Exchequer) 1,340l. to the Treasurer of the Navy; 640l. thereof being to complete the payment to the ropemakers of Woolwich [yard] and 700l. to pay the freight of the Unity. Ibid.