Entry Book: January 1684, 17-31

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.

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'Entry Book: January 1684, 17-31', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp1023-1035 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: January 1684, 17-31', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp1023-1035.

"Entry Book: January 1684, 17-31". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1916), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp1023-1035.


January 1684

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Jan. 17. Treasury warrant to the Receipt for tallies on the Tenths of the dioceses of Oxford, Worcester, Hereford, St. Davids for 106l. 4s. 0d. to Elizabeth Hamilton, relict of James Hamilton, esq., being the unassigned moiety of the annuity of 850l. for her sons James, George and William (she having by indenture of Oct. 25 last assigned one moiety of said pension to said James, of the parish of St. Martins in the Fields, her eldest son, as his share thereof and for the rest of the 99 years or three lives for which said pension was granted). Further for like tallies on the Tenths of the dioceses of Chester and Rochester for same quarter on the pension of 500l. to herself. Money Book IV, pp. 325, 323–4.
Prefixing: copy of said indenture of assignment of Oct. 25 lost.
Same to same for tallies ut supra for 106l. 5s. 0d. for same quarter to said James Hamilton. Ibid, pp. 325–6.
Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners to report whether Mr. Say frequently acquainted his partner and other landwaiters and one of the surveyors with the money he is accused of concealing. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 268.
Same to same to similarly pay by four weekly instalments 114l. 2s. 5d. to Mary, relict of John Burton, late Purser of his Majesty's ship Portland, as in full of a bill No. 16 dated 1680, Oct. 27, for 225l. 3s. 4d. on the allowance of extraordinary necessary money of 8d. a man per month over and above what they are to receive from the Victualling Contractors. Ibid, p. 269.
Same to the Navy Commissioners to assign out of the Navy's weekly money by eight weekly instalments the payment of 325l. 4s. 0d. to John Haslewood as reward for executing the office of Judge Advocate to the fleet in the Mediterranean under the command of Admiral Herbert, viz. from 1680, June 7, to 1682, Aug. 28: as by a bill No. 831 dated Dec. 3 last for same. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Bowdler to pay 20s. each to the following 20 Tangier soldiers on account of their pay. The Paymaster of the Forces is to repay same. Ibid, p. 270.
Appending: list of said soldiers: Gerald Grace, Michaell Chamberlain, Nicho. Deacon, Isaac McDonnell, Charles Cane, Edward Beane, Richd. Wise, Edwd. Morris, William Ireland, Henry Brode, Thomas Cleaton, William Wilson, Henry Blashfield, Ambrose Smith, Richd. Thomas, Samuel Davis, Richd. Sexx, William Doggett, George Smith, Nathanaell Ballinger.
Same to the Hearthmoney Farmers. Bring on Saturday the account of the yearly charge of your management of [the Hearthmoney collection] since your contract began. Ibid.
Same to the Attorney General to report on the enclosed papers, being the petition of Percevall Brunskell and two other papers of his concerning the Alienation Office. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ Tho. White as a landwaiter, London port loco John Rouse, lately dismissed. Out Letters (Customs) VIII, pp. 255, 256.
John Francklyn as tidesman and boatman at Portsmouth loco Rowland Griffith, who declines same.
The establishment of boatmen at Bristol which is at present out of order by alterations is to be as follows; for the wherry that attends above at Bristol, Thomas Lowder, chief boatman and tide-surveyor, and Noell Pashley; at the Pill, William Porter and Thomas Tomlinson; Thomas Playle and Richard Hopkins, John Hews and Math. Gillmore.
Treasury order to same to observe an order in Council as follows: Ibid, p. 255.
Prefixing: said order of the King in Council dated Whitehall, 1683, Dec. 14, renewing for a year from date thereof the order of 1680, Nov. 25, which required a duty of only 5s. per ton to be taken on the export of iron guns or ordnance: all with a view to the advancement of the manufacture of this kingdom.
The Treasury Lords to the [Earl of Arran] Lord Deputy of Ireland, to interpose for the payment of the 300l. to Margaret Thicknesse by Lord Kingston ut supra, p. 964, within six weeks hereof "that there might be an end to her solicitation which hath been very troublesome and importunate." Out Letters (Ireland) III, p. 240.
Jan. 19. Henry Guy to Mr. Kent for a list of all the patent officers of the Customs in England and their salaries. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 270.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to consider the enclosed letter of Mr. Thomas. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Fillingham for a certificate what sums have been paid by the several sheriffs of England and Wales to the respective Receivers of Recusants' forfeitures from the time of the last [like] certificate. Ibid, p. 271.
Same to the Attorney General to non pros the Crown Office indictment of George Macy for conspiring with Joyce Shawe to imprison Walter Baynes for filing and diminishing the coin. Ibid.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of such Excise money as will be paid into the Exchequer this week, viz. Disposition Book II, p. 298.
l. s. d.
to the Paymaster of the Forces for subsistence for two weeks 4,000 0 0
to ditto for off-reckonings for two weeks 4,000 0 0
to the Cofferer of the Household for two weeks 2,000 0 0
to Mr. Horneby 300l. for this week and 300l. for next 600 0 0
to Mr. Toll for interest 3,413 15 3
£14,013 15 3
Jan. 21. The Treasury Lords to [the Earl of Arran, Lord Deputy of Ireland] enclosing (a) infra. Take advice as to the nature and value of the grant desired and report to us thereon in order to our report to the King thereon. Out Letters (Ireland) III, pp. 241–2.
Prefixing: (a) petition to the King from Henry Slingsby, esq., praying for a grant at a small annual rent of divers parcels and quantities of strands and sands, marsh lands, sloabs and grounds covered with water from high water mark to low water mark, as also other lands and grounds in cos. Cork, Waterford, Wexford, Wicklow, Dublin, Lowth, Down, Antrim, Londonderry, Donegal, Sligo, Mayo, Galway, Clare, Limerick and Kerry, which might be recovered from the sea and overflowings of the tides, and now unprofitable and useless and will so continue unless great sums be laid out thereon in regaining and defending same from the sea. (b) Reference dated Whitehall, 1683, Dec. 28, from the King to the Lord Lieutenant or Lord Deputy of said petition. (c) Report dated St. James's Square, Jan. 7 inst., from the Duke of Ormonde to the King on said petition. The grant may be made of the said strands etc. or of any part of them. (d) Reference dated Whitehall, Jan. 12 inst., from the King to the Treasury Lords of said petition and report.
Jan. 21. Henry Guy to the officers of the Ordnance for a certificate what stores have been bought of Sir William Pritchard since 1679, Aug. 5, by the Office of Ordnance of those which he provided in pursuance of a former contract with the said Office upon account of the French war; and what the price of said stores, according to the first contract, comes to more than has been paid him in pursuance of the last agreement. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 271.
Money warrant for 18,000l. to Baptist May, Keeper of the Privy Purse, without account: as in full of 38,000l. for the use of the Privy Purse as by the Privy seal of 1682–3, Jan. 17. (Money order dated Jan. 22 hereon.) Money Book IV, p. 327. Order Book XXXIX, p. 123.
Same for 1,000l. to Sir Henry Robinson in repayment of so much by him this day lent into the Exchequer on credit of the Customs; with 6 per cent. per an. interest [payable or to be made into principal] at the end of each six months. (Money order dated Jan. 21 hereon. Money Book IV, p. 330. Order Book XXXIX, p. 126.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of Customs money now in the Exchequer, viz. 2,000l. to the Treasury Lords for one quarter's salary and 100l. to Mr. Roberts, Receiver of Windsor, being intended for Monsieur Vario. Disposition Book II, p. 299.
Same to same to take in on loan from Sir Henry Robinson, kt. 1,000l. which he has agreed to lend on the credit of the Customs. Said sum is hereby to be issued to the Keeper of the Privy Purse. Ibid.
[?] Petition to the Treasury from George Phillipps for a place in the Customs, London port: having been bred a Hamburg merchant but disabled by many great losses. [Entry struck through, as being entered in the wrong book.] Ibid.
Jan. 22. Henry Guy to Mr. Agar to forthwith fell the 300 trees in New Forest for the use of the Navy, notwithstanding that the bark doth not run. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 271.
Henry Guy to Sir Christopher Wren to forthwith survey and report on the Navy Office lately built. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 271.
Same to Mr. Agar to pay to John Bowyer, Purveyor of the Navy, the money arising by sale of the offal of the 300 oaks lately felled in Whittlewood Forest for the Navy; taking care to enter same before the Navy Commissioners. Ibid, p. 272.
Jan. 24. Same to Mr. Hall to return the instructions for the Dean Forest Commission. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners. The Company of Merchant Adventurers has complained to the King in Council of several grievances in relation to the woollen manufacture of this nation. The King has earnestly recommended it to the Treasury Lords. Report on the enclosed papers, "which are the proposals of the said merchants," so that some remedy may be speedily provided for this so national a grievance. Ibid.
Appending: note of said papers, viz.: petition of said Company; order of Council dated Jan. 16 inst.; and two letters from Lille dated 1683, July 28 and Jan. 5 inst., directed to Mr. Knightley; two proposals of said Company about redress of said grievance.
Same to the Attorney General to report on the Merchant Adventurers Company's proposals, ut supra et infra. Ibid, p. 273.
Appending: said proposal for redress of abuses and grievances: shewing that, notwithstanding the great severity of the law, wool, worsted, yarn, fullers earth, are frequently exported in great quantities and therefore proposing more effectual prevention thereof: to call home his Majesty's subjects from Bremen who are setting up a woollen manufacture there: to prevent the going out of woollen artificers with their utensils of trade designing to settle a woollen manufacture at Bremen or elsewhere: to require all shipmasters going or suspected to go into the [territorial limits of the said] Company's privileges to give bonds not to carry into the Company's liberties any wool at all for any account nor any woollen manufactures but for members of the Company.
Same to Mr. Kent [Custom's Cashier] to pay into the Exchequer every week henceforth all the money which you shall have received in the week preceding for Customs except only 2,000l. per week [which sum is] to be paid to yourself and Mr. Duncomb in part of the debt which the King owes you on that revenue; and [excepting also] the money which the Customs Commissioners shall from time to time order you to pay for incidents for the Customs. In particular you are also to pay into the Exchequer 105l. 0s. 9d. for interest to Christmas last upon a loan of 3,000l. made by Mr. Herne. (Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay abovesaid 105l. 0s. 9d. to said Herne.) Ibid, p. 274.
Same to Mr. Harbord and Mr. Agar. The Earl of Arlington, Lord Chamberlain of the Household, has obtained the King's grant for 2,000l. to be raised out of decayed and decaying trees in the forests of Whittlewood and Salcey and [now] petitions for the further sum of 19,000l. to be similarly raised within such a number of years as the King think fit "and alleges that it is the opinion of all knowing men in that country that it is for the advantage of the said forests that the said old trees should be cut down and that there is no private persons but would do the same were such trees on their own ground." Report your opinion hereon to the Treasury Lords. Ibid.
Jan. 24. Henry Guy to Mr. Griffin [Treasurer of the Chamber]. Send me a copy of the book of arrears in your Office, the copy you formerly sent being mislaid. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 274.
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer to supersede process against John Basire, late Receiver of the last Seventeen Months' and Six Months' Assessments in Northumberland, Westmorland and Durham; he having paid into the Exchequer the full money due on his accounts thereof except 89l. 7s. 0d. which he prays may be set in super on the county of Northumberland, being short assessed by reason of difference between said county and the town of Newcastle. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, p. 282.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to employ John Pickering as a landwaiter London port loco William Buckeridg, deceased. Out Letters (Customs) VIII, p. 256.
Same to the Receipt for tallies on the Excise for all the perpetual interest due to each goldsmith and others [having perpetual interest on the Excise] at Lady day, 1682, who have not already struck tallies for said quarter. But no tallies to be struck for any subsequent quarter till further order in that behalf. The present warrant is by reason that the Treasury warrant of 1681, April 25, forbad further tallies for such perpetual interest until the tallies already struck were paid off. Money Book IV, p. 328.
Same to Richard Kent [Customs Cashier] to pay to James Halsall the 40l. 10s. 5d. received by Kent from John Hilton and the 15l. 2s. 11d. similarly received from Nicholas Hardy, being fees received by them from the office of Customer Outwards of cloth and petty customs, London port, since the death of Philip Warwick. Ibid, p. 329.
Jan. 26. Money order for 200l. to Sir Robert Howard for one year to 1683, Christmas, on the allowance by way of reward for extraordinary service performed in his office of Auditor of the Receipt of the Exchequer. Order Book XXXIX, p. 124.
Same for 50l. to the Churchwardens of St. Margarets, Westminster, for one year last past on the 50l. per an. as the King's accustomed bounty for the relief of the poor of said parish: as by the privy seal of 1671–2, Jan. 31. Ibid.
Same for 50l. to the Treasurer of the Hospital of King Charles I for one year to Christmas last, as the King's grace and bounty for keeping and breeding up poor fatherless children: as by the privy seal of 1669–70, Feb. 12. Ibid.
Same for 100l. to the churchwardens of St. Martins in the Fields for one year last past on the King's accustomed bounty for the relief of the poor of said parish. Ibid.
Jan. 26. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to take in on loan from Charles Toll, 2,000l. which he has agreed to lend on the credit of the Customs. Disposition Book II, p. 300.
Same to Mr. Bowdler. On the petition of William Weedon and Thomas Wood, gunners lately come from Tangier, you have paid 40s. to Weedon on account of his pay. You are to pay the like sum to Wood on the like account. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 275.
Same to the assaymaster and supervisors of the Stannaries to consider the petition (a) infra and to certify the Treasury Lords if it be not inconvenient to separate the farm of the post groats from the coinage of tin. (In the margin: directed to John Rogers, esq., deputy assay master of the Stannaries and to William Upcot, George Treweeke, Nath. Lugger, and Geo. Collins, supervisors of the tin blowing houses in Cornwall and Devon. Sent in a cover to Mr. Rogers and recommended to the Postmaster of Helston 12 Feb., 1683–4.) Ibid, pp. 275–6.
Appending: (a) petition to the King from John Vaughan, gent., and Capt. William Dorrington, shewing that there is a duty called the Post Groates due to the King from all the tinners in the Duchy of Cornwall, which duty was in 1676 granted to John Tregagle for seven years at a rent of 10l. per an.: that said Tregagle is long since dead and said term ended at Michaelmas last 1682 [sic]. Therefore pray a grant for like term and at same rent in consideration of past services, Capt. Dorrington having his employment taken from him without recompense. (b) Reference dated Whitehall, 1683, Aug. 24, from the King to the Treasury Lords of said petition. (c) Reference dated 1683, Aug. 27, from the Treasury Lords to Mr. William Harbord, Auditor of the Duchy of Cornwall, of said petition. (d) Report dated 1683, Nov. 12, from said Harbord thereon. The grant by Treasurer Danby to said Tregagle, late Receiver of the Duchy of Cornwall was as above. The nature of the duty is to be a cheque upon all the tinners by which his Majesty's officers come to the true knowledge of what quantity of tin is coined yearly at the respective blowing houses and, as I am informed, it yields on an average 150l. per an.
Same to the Navy Commissioners to make forth bills of imprest for 30l. to Richard Nevell, purser of the Norwich, in part of 360l. 6s. 8½d. due to him on the balance of his Victualling account for extraordinary necessary provisions for the ship's Company. Ibid, pp. 276, 277.
Similarly for 20l. to Thomas Slow, late purser of his Majesty's ship Foresight in part of 61l. due to him on a Navy bill No. 207 dated 1676–7, Jan. 13, for extraordinary necessary money.
Similarly for 20l. to Matthew Churchill in further part of 150l. 18s. 10¾d. on his extraordinary bill and two balance bills.
Same to the Auditor and Comptroller of Excise to report on the following accounts from Sam. Dashwood et al. the late Farmers of the Excise. Ibid, pp. 277–8.
Appending: said accounts.
(a) the produce of the Excise, 1682, June 24, to 1683, June 24.
l. s. d. l. s. d.
produce of said Excise for said year 563,422 4 0
52 weeks' rent at 6,600l. per week 343,200 0 0
four quarterly payments out of the old advance 94,000 0 0
interest on the old advance 4,820 0 0
interest on 39,600l. advanced on the first six weeks of the last year 2,376 0 0
interest of 40,000l. for one year is 3,200l. whereof place here 1,604 0 0
446,000 0 0
one year's charge of management 56,000 0 0
one year's allowance for bad debts 5,000 0 0
one year's reward 10,000 0 0
71,000 0 0
allowed to London brewers by the Excise Commissioners 1,461 0 0
balance or surplus for this year 44,960 17 4
£563,422 4 0
(b) account of the abovesaid surplus.
l. s. d. l. s. d.
the balance of the surplus as above is 44,960 17 4
the balance due to the said Farmers being overpaid as per the discharge 36,133 13
81,094 10
remainder of 3,200l. as above, being the interest of 40,000l. 1,596 0 0
12d. per £ on the surplus, being 44,960l. 17s. 4d. 2,248 0 10
53 weeks payment ended 1683, June 24, at 1,400l. a week 72,800 0 0
interest of said 72,800l. from the days of payment to 1683, Dec. 25 4,450 9 11¾
81,094 10
(c) account of the interest due from 1683, June 15, to 1683–4, Jan. 15, to said Dashwood and partners on the 23,858l. 7s. 7½d. paid by them on the former date to the Excise Commissioners. (Total 574l. 13s. 5d.)
Jan. 28. Henry Guy to the Duke of Ormonde. Send to the Treasury Lords the names of the Commissioners for defective titles in Ireland with the alterations made by you therein. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 279.
Same to Mr. Graham. Send my Lords your answer to the papers concerning Tudbury, etc. Ibid.
Same to Alderman Duncomb. Send my Lords the last week's certificate of the Excise. "The last you gave me was from the 5th to the 12th inst." Ibid.
Same to the Navy Commissioners to assign by five weekly instalments out of the Navy's weekly money the payment of the 51l. 18s. 6d. due to William Phillips on five Navy bills. Ibid.
Same to the Attorney General to report on the enclosed draft [missing] of a privy seal for Lady Clutterbuck. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to same to supersede the writ against Francis Cooke and his wife and the issues and proceedings thereupon. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, p. 282.
Prefixing: order of the King in Council dated Whitehall, Jan. 16 inst., ordering said proceedings to be stayed on the Treasury Lords' report, ut supra, p. 1019.
Same to the Treasurer's Remembrancer, Clerk of the Pipe, Comptroller of the Pipe: et al. to supersede process against William Hartley, son of William Hartley, late of Stony Stratford, Bucks, draper, deceased, the said son having petitioned for the discharge of his small estate from the seizure of two-thirds made for the Recusancy of his said father in his life time; whereupon Sam. Bedford, Receiver of Recusants' forfeitures for said county, and Richard Graham, who is employed on the King's behalf in the prosecution of Popish Recusants have certified that petitioner's father was not a Popish Recusant but a Dissenter, and that petitioner is not of his father's opinion but doth frequent the Church of England and receive the Sacrament, and that the estate is very small, scarce worth the pleading off. Ibid, p. 283.
Henry Guy to the Excise Commissioners. The disposition of the Excise for the [present] week is as follows, viz.: Disposition Book II, p. 300.
l. s. d.
to the Forces 4,000 0 0
to the House [Cofferer of the Royal Household] 1,000 0 0
to Mr. Toll 1,000 0 0
to Mr. Dashwood and partners 1,200 0 0
to Sir Jno. James and partners 500 0 0
to Mr. Hornby in part of interest 564 7 5
for secret service 300 0 0
Yarmouth fishery, a year [on their Excise allowance] 160 0 0
£8,724 7 5
Jan. 29. Money warrant for 1,825l. to Bevill Skelton for one year to 1683, Aug. 14, on his ordinary of 5l. a day as Envoy Extraordinary to the Dukes of Brunswick and Luneburg and to the Hanse Towns. (Money order dated Jan. 31 hereon.) Money Book IV, p. 329. Order Book XXXIX, p. 125.
Money warrant for 178l. to Edmond Poley, who is employed in his Majesty's service in Germany, being for his extraordinaries at Ratisbon, 1682–3, Jan. 6, to 1683, Jan. 26. Money Book IV, p. 329. Order Book XXXIX, p. 125.
Appending: bill of said extras, dated Ratisbon, 1–11 Oct., 1683, and allowed Nov. 3 last by the Earl of Sunderland.
l. s. d.
Earl of Sunderland for intelligence etc. 51 10 0
for lodgings 55 15 0
for postage, pens, paper, pamphlets etc. 46 17 6
given to a great number of poor English and Irish officers and soldiers going to serve in Hungary 18 0 0
given to the town officers when I was presented with wine and oats as is usual in Imperial towns 3 15 0
for usual fees due to the officers of the Marshalsey and Chancery of the Empire 2 12 6
£178 10 0
(Money order dated Jan. 31 hereon.)
Money order for 5l. to William Parkes, Porter of the Receipt, for 1683, Christmas quarter's attendance at the gate of the Receipt and on the officers there. Order Book XXXIX, p. 124.
Henry Guy to [the Auditor of the Receipt] to issue (out of Customs money which is to be paid into the Exchequer) 30l. to Samuel Heron as half a year's interest on 1,000l. lent July 24 last. Disposition Book II, p. 301.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ James Chambers as a noontender, London port loco Richard Burdett, lately deceased. Out Letters (Customs) VIII, p. 256.
Henry Guy to Mr. [Charles] Bertie to speak with the Treasury Lords as soon as convenient touching the 500l. you paid to Sir Robt. Holmes out of secret service money. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 279.
Same to Mr. Backwell. On Nov. 3 last you agreed before the Treasury Lords that Mr. Ball should be paid his money out of your next interest, he giving you a note to pay the 109l. 6s. 0d. (in dispute between you) when you should make it appear to be due. I am to put you in mind of this agreement. Ibid.
Same to the Surveyor General [of Crown Lands] enclosing the King's warrant for the grant of the Honor of Tudbury. Report to my Lords a true value of the lands, woods, royalties and manors thereof. Ibid, p. 280.
Same to the Chancellor of the Duchy [of Lancaster]. The King has commanded the Treasury Lords to inquire into the business of the abovesaid Honor of Tudbury cum membris. You are to order the Auditor of the Duchy to send my Lords a particular of all leases mentioned in the grant of Tudbury. Also permit the Surveyor General of Crown Lands and Mr. Graham to see anything on record in your office relating hereto. Ibid.
Henry Guy to Mr. Shales to attend the Treasury Lords on Thursday with the 43 tallies for 22,439l. 6s. 5½d. struck upon the Wine Licences and which you received from Mr. Ryves 1681, May 20. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 280.
Jan. 31. Same to Mr Brisbane to inform the Admiralty Lords that the Treasury Lords approve the Navy Commissioners' report of the 26th inst. concerning the instructions for the Victualling Commissioners. They desire the Admiralty Lords to give the instructions accordingly. Ibid.
Same to Sir Dudley North to pay into the Exchequer what money is in your hands, being one-third of several levies made on the goods of several frequenters of conventicles by virtue of the Act of 22 Car. II. Mr. Squibb, one of my [Guy's] clerks is ordered to pay the charge of striking the tally for same. Ibid.
[?] Same to the Customs Commissioners. Gerrard Andrews, a King's waiter, London port, has offered to surrender his place if he may be acquitted of the information against him. Report to my Lords your opinion as to this offer of surrender. Ibid, p. 281.
Jan. 31. Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of such Excise money as is directed to be paid into the Exchequer this week, viz.: Disposition Book II, p. 300.
l. s. d.
to the Paymaster of the Forces 4,000 0 0
to the Cofferer of the Household 1,000 0 0
to Sir Jno. James and partners 500 0 0
to Mr. Hornby in part of interest 564 7 5
to ditto for secret service 300 0 0
£6,364 7 5
Money warrant for 2,000l. to Charles Toll as in repayment of the like sum by him lent into the Exchequer the 26th inst. [on credit of the Customs]: being intended to be repaid 1684–5, Jan. 27. (Money order dated Jan. 26 hereon; the money orders being fictitiously given the date of the tally of loan.) Money Book IV, p. 330.
Treasury warrant to Auditor John Shales to deliver to Auditor Aldworth the 43 tallies for 22,439l. 6s. 5½d. struck on the Wine Licences which were delivered to said Shales by Robert Ryves on behalf of himself and his partners 1681, May 21. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, p. 282.
Memorial to the King from the Treasury Lords. We have received two orders of Council concerning the island of Tobago, the one of Dec. 14 last directing us to enquire into all pretensions unto that island either of the Duke of Curland or any other and to endeavour either by agreement with the agent of the said Duke (if he appear to have any right thereto) or by other means to prevent any settlement of that island that may be of prejudice to Barbados or any other your Majesty's neighbouring Plantations. The other order dated the 19th Dec. last (made upon the petition of Elias Andrews, master of the ship Fountaine of London, bound to Barbados and Tobago) directed us to examine how far Capt. Pointz is concerned in the said ship and to make inquiry into other particulars relating to said island. Ibid, pp. 284–7.
We have had from the Customs Commissioners and otherwise the best information we can get, viz., that said island is 30 miles long by 12 broad; is one of the Caribbee Islands which Sir Thomas Warner took possession of about 1626 and were granted by letters patent the next year to James, Earl of Carlisle, whose interest in those islands your Majesty is since possessed of by the surrender of such as claimed any title under him thereto; that several years before the Restoration the Duke of Curland and certain merchants of Zeeland called the Lampsons endeavoured to settle a plantation there, but that the Duke upon his imprisonment by the Swedes was wholly dispossessed by the Zeelanders of this island as he was also of the Fort St. Andrew seated in the mouth of the river Gambia (whether by agreement or otherwise) by the Dutch West India Company; that about 1661 Sir Robert Holmes took the Fort St. Andrew from the Dutch which was soon after put into the possession of the Royal Africa Company of England and being afterwards claimed by the Duke of Curland, who had then a great desire to be repossessed of the island of Tobago, a contract was agreed on between your Majesty and said Duke wherein is mention made that in lieu of Fort St. Andrew said Duke should have full liberty of trade for his own ships throughout the English territories in Africa not exceeding the value of 12,000l. per an. and upon the same consideration your Majesty thereby granted to the said Duke the island of Tobago under your royal protection provided said island be inhabited only by English and Curlanders and that said Duke neither himself nor any other for him or his subjects shall not export nor import any goods or otherwise than out of or into some of the ports of England and Curland or Dantzic; the said Duke in acknowledgment of his tenure thereby further promising in case of war to furnish your Majesty with a ship of 40 guns.
That notwithstanding this grant the Dutch West India Company were possessed of this island in 1672, when it was retaken by your Majesty's subjects and the Plantation destroyed. That nevertheless after the peace was made the Dutch took upon them to re-settle Tobago, where they continued till 1676 when Count D'Estrées destroyed their fleet and ruined all their forts, leaving the island desolate as it has since remained till of late upon pretence of the Duke of Curland's right by your Majesty's grant some small ships were fitted out in Holland to settle a plantation there but without success. That by articles of agreement between Abraham Marinthon, Resident for the Duke of Curland, and Capt John Pointz, dated 1681, Sept. 20, there is granted on behalf of the Duke to the said Pointz and Company and their heirs for ever 120,000 acres of land in Tobago under the following conditions, viz. that said Pointz shall transport 1,200 persons either [sic for thither] within three years of his arrival on the island and 1,200 more within four or five years next thereafter in case it shall be so thought fit by the Governor and Assembly there; Pointz obliging himself in like manner to build and maintain two or more forts upon the land so granted him where a free port is to be allowed to said Pointz for seven years with certain forms of government mentioned in said articles and the payment of 2d. per acre to the said Duke after a certain time; that Pointz and Company shall, saving their allegiance to their natural prince, take an oath to be true and faithful to the said Duke and be obedient to him as their prince in said island; that in case of a war between your Majesty and said Duke the said Pointz and Company are to remain neuters and to be a free people after the manner of an Imperial city or Hanse Town; that said Duke shall nominate the Governor of the place; that said Pointz and Company shall have liberty to traffic into all parts whatsoever with the products of said island.
In pursuance thereof said Pointz and Company undertook to settle this plantation and presented a petition to your Majesty praying your Majesty's order what manner of standard or colours should be used on that island and that some person might be appointed to see them take the oaths of allegiance and supremacy before their going. This being referred on Feb. last by your Majesty to the Committee of Plantations and the petitioners summoned to attend they failed to appear accordingly.
Capt. Pointz has likewise attended, as shown in the said articles of agreement, and made great professions of duty to your Majesty and resolution not to proceed in the settlement of Tobago without your Majesty's leave. As to the ship bound for Barbados and Tobago which has been stopped by Admiralty warrant pursuant to the Order in Council of Dec. 14 last, the master has made affidavit to the Customs Commissioners that he is at present bound for Barbados and Tobago, but that Capt. Pointz with three servants were going to Tobago only as passengers without having any interest in the vessel. This Pointz also assures us.
We beg to represent the great prejudice that may arise to your Majesty's Plantations by the situation and neighbourhood of Tobago to Barbados and the other Caribbee Islands with which, if settled, it will most probably entertain an unlawful trade which by the abovesaid grant may be conveyed to Dantzic or any part of the Duke of Curland's territories. If [on the other hand] the settlement do not prosper it will be the ruin of your Majesty's subjects who on specious pretences may be enticed thither. Further, in case this island be reputed one of your Majesty's Plantations by the tenure reserved in the said grant it will then be repugnant to the Acts of Parliament that any trade be permitted from thence with Curland or Dantzic or any other place not belonging to England. If it shall be esteemed a Plantation appertaining to a foreigner the said Acts do prohibit any trade or commerce between it and English dominions. Besides, if your Majesty permit the settlement of this island by the Duke of Curland he will have the same right to the trade of Africa from which he has been hitherto hindered not only by a foresight of the ill consequences thereof but also upon a full hearing of this matter in March, 1670, by a Committee of Council when it was found that in regard the Duke of Curland had first sold the Fort St. Andrew to the Dutch your Majesty was surprised in your grant to said Duke. Further, although the grant from your Majesty to the Duke has restrained the trade to the ports belonging to England, Curland or Dantzic yet by these late articles of the Duke liberty is given to Capt. Pointz and Company of trading to all ports whatsoever and of remaining neuters in case of war between your Majesty and that Duke or any other foreign prince with whom he may be allied. We take this to be a violation of and may amount to a just forfeiture of your Majesty's grant [to the Duke]. Finally it may be considered whether this island having changed masters so often since the first grant and the Duke having not settled it in due time nor furnished your Majesty with such a ship during your wars as is therein convenanted your Majesty should allow a title which may prove of so very great prejudice to the trade of your other Plantations.