Entry Book: March 1680, 1-10

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1913.

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'Entry Book: March 1680, 1-10', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1913), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp449-469 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: March 1680, 1-10', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1913), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp449-469.

"Entry Book: March 1680, 1-10". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1913), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp449-469.


March 1680

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
March 1. Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of the 10,000l. which Mr. Kent and Mr. Duncombe have agreed to lend into the Exchequer on the credit of an order No. 104 registered on the 412,925l. 14s. 6d., part of the Eighteen Months' Assessment, viz., 1,000l. to the Lord Chancellor; 3,000l. to the 12 Judges; 275l. to the Masters in Chancery; 175l. to the Welsh Judges; 100l. to the Masters of Requests; 40l. 13s. 4d. to the Attorney General; 35l. to the Solicitor General; 20l. to Sir Tho. Hanmore; 20l. to Sir James Butler; 20l. to Sir Robert Sawyer; 20l. to Sir George Jeffreys: making 4,705l. 13s. 4d. in all: and to reserve the balance of 5,294l. 6s. 8d. in the Exchequer till further direction from my Lords. Disposition Book, p. 21.
Same to Sir George Downing to attend the Committee for Trade and Plantations on Thursday morning at the Council Chamber about the Newfoundland trade. Out Letters (General), p. 406.
Same to the Navy Commissioners to make out bills of imprest for 406l. 3s. 1¾d. to Sir Palmes Fairborne for keeping of slaves for the use of the mole at Tangier: as by your report of February 9 last. Ibid.
Henry Guy to the Treasurer of the Navy to pay abovesaid sum to said Fairborne out of the weekly money of the Navy.
[? March 1.] Same to the same to make out bills for 406l. 3s. 1¾d. to said Fairborne [ut supra] and 176l. 15s. 4½d.: for keeping slaves ut supra. Out Letters (General), p. 408.
March 1. Same to Sir Richard Mason forwarding from the Treasury Lords a letter of the 27th ult. of Thomas Martin, undersheriff for co. Lancs. Ibid, p. 407.
Same to the Treasurer of the Navy to issue to Sir Tho. Beckford the 1,000l. lately ordered him for slops by him delivered to the ships lately paid off. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners forwarding from the Treasury Lords a paper of the frauds at Plymouth. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Fillingham to send to Auditor Aldworth the accounts of the 8,000l. advanced by Mr. Rives on the Wine Licences and of the 950l. for interest. Ibid.
Same to said Aldworth to make up the Wine Licence account allowing Mr. Rives interest for the several sums by him advanced; he producing the acquittances or certificates of the several persons to whom he advanced the money. Ibid.
Same to Auditor Done, to insert 1¼ per cent. by way of allowance to Mr. Backwell in his account of the money by him received for the rendition of Dunkirk: to be in consideration of the expense of him and his assistants in going into France and performing the service of receiving the said moneys and for his pains in inspecting, weighing, and counting same to and again. Ibid, p. 408.
[?] Same to the Customs Commissioners to admit Christopher Hollister into the place of housekeeper of the Custom House as entirely as Mr. Shaw the late officer there enjoyed same. Ibid.
March 1. Same to Charles Bertie. The Treasury Lords find that 3,000l. was advanced by Robert Ryves, late a Commissioner of Wine Licences, upon a letter of yours directed to him, same being for the raising of the New Forces. Mr. Kingdon denies to have received the same for the said use. Certify my Lords for what service said 3,000l. was advanced. Ibid, p. 409.
Treasury warrant to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 411l. to Ralph Montagu on any unsatisfied, unappropriated orders in his name as Master of the Great Wardrobe: to be issued out of Hearth-money: 211l. thereof being intended for part of 3,000l. which the Treasury Lords promised to supply to the Great Wardrobe. Money Book, p. 17.
Same to the Customs Cashier to pay 25l. to Thomas Doyley for last Christmas quarter on his pension. Ibid.
Money warrant for 3,432l. 5s. 0d. to Samuel Pepys in further part of 14,300l. for the quarter ended Sept. 30 last for the garrison of Tangier: thereof 3,057l. 5s. 0d. is intended to be paid over to the Victuallers of said garrison and the remaining 375l. for 3 quarters due upon Sir Palmes Fairborne's pension. To be satisfied out of the 12,000l. which Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe lent into the Exchequer this day. (Treasury order dated March 6 hereon.) Ibid, pp. 18–19. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 85.
March 1. Treasury warrant to the Auditor of the Receipt to make memoranda in his books and in Sir George Wharton's next prest certificate of Ordnance moneys that the two several orders registered in the name of Capt. Samll. Williams upon the late [present] Six Months' Assessment for Disbanding the Forces (viz., No. 918 for 517l. 4s. 11d. and No. 981 for 4,340l.) with 8 per cent. interest thereon are this day assigned to said Wharton by said Williams with intention that Wharton shall apply same for the service of his Majesty's fortifications at Portsmouth. The present warrant is to the end said Wharton may be charged to account for the moneys he shall receive upon said tallies. Money Book, p. 20.
Same to said Wharton to apply the abovesaid moneys for the service of the fortifications at Portsmouth and to no other use whatsoever and to pay same accordingly as shall be directed by the Commissioners for the office of Master General of the Ordnance and George Legg. Governor of Portsmouth. Ibid, pp. 20–1.
Money warrant for 40l. to Robert Swan for half a year to Christmas last on his pension of 80l. per an. (Money order dated March 4 hereon.) Ibid, p. 21. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 83.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General to prepare a privy seal for a grant to Edward Coleman, gent., his executors and assigns, etc., of the bond in 9,000l. penalty entered into 1667–8, Feb. 14, by Lewis Harding (since deceased), Receiver General for co. Beds, of the One and the Eleven Months' Assessment and by his sureties Lewis Paradine (also since deceased) and Paul Cobb, the said Harding not having made due payment of his receipts: the said Coleman having lately, Feb. 14 last, paid into the Exchequer 78l. 11s. 10½d. for money remaining in the hands of said Cobb. King's Warrant Book, pp. 240–1.
Royal sign manual for 100l. to John, Earl of Rochester, Chief Ranger of Woodstock Park, as imprest for repair of the said Ranger's lodge there: to be issued on the privy seal dormant of Aug. 20 last. (Money warrant dated March 1 hereon. Money order dated March 3 hereon.) Ibid, p. 241. Money Book, p. 21. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 85.
Same for 550l. to Sir Allen Apsley for the use of the Duke of York; as royal bounty: to be issued on the privy seal as above, and to be paid out of the money now in the Exchequer of the rights and dues of Admiralty. (Money warrant dated March 1 hereon. Money order dated March 3 hereon.) King's Warrant Book, pp. 241–2. Money Book, p. 19. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 84.
March 2. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue out of the 12,000l. lent yesterday by Mr. Kent and Mr. Duncombe the items making 4,705l. 13s. 4d. as by the letter of disposition of the 1st inst. (supra, p. 449) and also the following sums, for which you shall receive warrants and orders. Disposition Book, p. 22.
l. s. d.
to the Ordnance 1,000 0 0
to Mr. Pepys for the Victualling of Tangier 3,057 5 0
to Mr. Pepys for Sir Palmes Fairborne 375 0 0
to the Privy Purse for Healing medals 600 0 0
to me [Guy] for secret service 262 1 8
to the Earl of Sunderland 1,000 0 0
to Secretary Coventry 1,000 0 0
£7,294 6 8
March 2. Henry Guy to Mr. Kingdon. There is a sum of the Poll Money in the Exchequer which is allowed in your accounts. The Treasury Lords desire you to come to town forthwith to assign the same. Out Letters (General), p. 408.
The Treasury Lords to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. In ours of the 21st ult. to you we intimated that the Earl of Ranelagh is behind for the months of Dec., Jan. and Feb. of the 1,000l. per mensem payable the 10th of every month for the works at Windsor. We now find that he has by Mr. Trant, his correspondent here, since paid 2,000l. thereof and that a bill is drawn for the other 1,000l. Ibid, p. 409.
Henry Guy to Mr. Pepys. Out of the money you lately received for half a year's pay for Tangier the Treasury Lords desire that 8,369l. 7s. 1d. be shipped to-morrow for Tangier on the vessel appointed to carry Sir Palmes Fairborne thither; the remainder being to stay here at the desire of those officers that are concerned in it. Also you are to presently pay to said Fairborne the three quarters upon his pension before his going and you are to receive it again upon the orders in your name. Ibid.
Same to the London Commissioners [of the Six Months' Assessment]. The Treasury Lords have received satisfaction from Mr. Phillip Howard in the discharge of his trust as Receiver General for London and Middlesex of the late Seventeen and Eighteen Months' Assessments. They let you know that he has hitherto behaved himself well, as you are now to nominate the Receiver for the Sir Months' Assessment commencing in February last. Ibid, p. 410.
The like to the like Commissioners for co. Midd.
Same to Mr. Perry and Mr. Buckley to send to the Auditors of Imprests a certificate when the 9,000l. struck upon you for Lemuel Kingdon for the new raised Forces was paid. Ibid.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt for a copy of the grant to the present Farmers of the Four and a Half per cent. duty. Please pay Lady Sanderson 50l. out of the money in the Exchequer designed for the King's servants that go to Newmarket. Ibid.
Money warrant for payments as follows to his Majesty's falconers, being in each case half a year on their patent fees or salaries, viz., George Russell as Serjeant Falconer 32l. 10s. 0d. due at 1673, June 24; 45l. 12s. 6d. to same due at 1678, June 24, as falconer; Marmaduke Conway 40l. as falconer and spaniel keeper; Arthur Wichells, William Sakins, Andrew Holmes, Jon. Sylvester and Silvanus Rowly each 25l. 1s. 10¾d.; Jon. Preston, Jon. Legg, William Poulton, James Russell, Peter Croles 25l. each; Jon. Burchill, Richard Edes, Abell Daniell, Tho. Dechamp and Tho. Duffeild 22l. each; George Russell, junr., 24l. 18s. 4d.; William Russell 19l. 0s. 2¾d.; John Osboldstone 15l. 19s. 4¾d.: (in all, 538l. 9s. 11¼d.) Money Book, pp. 22–3.
March 2. Treasury warrant to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 1,000l. to Sir George Wharton on any unsatisfied orders in his name as Treasurer of the Ordnance: same to be for two weeks of the ordinary of that Office ending Feb. 28 last: to be issued out of the 12,000l. which Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe lent into the Exchequer yesterday. Money Book, p. 23.
The like for 600l. to Baptist May in part of the order of 1678–9, March 10, for 2,000l. to him for Healing medals, whereon there has only been 695l. 16s. 3d. paid. To be paid out of the abovesaid 12,000l. Ibid.
Same to the Wine Licence Commissioners to pay to Robert Ryves and partners the 650l. which you have now in cash in your Office (as appears by the certificate of the 2nd inst. from Henry Howard, Comptroller of the Wine Licence revenue). Same is to be in discharge of tallies struck on said revenue and now in the hands of said Ryves and [which are] become payable first in course. Ibid, p. 24.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 1,000l. to Secretary Henry Coventry on any unsatisfied orders in his name for secret service: to be issued out of the abovesaid 12,000l. Ibid.
Money warrant for 50l. to Dame Bridgett Saunderson for 1679, Lady day quarter on her pension. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 62l. 6s. 8d. to Randolph Willmore (Wilmore) for one year to 1676, Christmas, on his fee as Customer of Strangers' duty, London port. Ibid, p. 29.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to deliver to the Duchess of Mazarin some point lace claimed by her as a present sent to her from Italy, same being certified to be Point de Venice, and sworn to by Morris Bell, a servant to said Duchess: same being not of the manufacture of France. Out Letters (Customs), p. 179.
[?] Treasury instructions to same in reply to their memorial of Feb. 23 last. (1) As to the form or method for settling a proportionable discount at the rate of 10 per cent. on bonds for additional duty and new impost on wines if the merchant pay the money before the bond grow due (which method was directed by the Treasury Lords 1671–2, Jan. 15, and confirmed by Treasurer Clifford and Treasurer Danby and practised during their times), we approve thereof for the time past since the date of our commission and for the future. (2) We have taken off the stop on Samuel Danver's salary as a patent waiter, London port, he having now appointed an approved deputy. (3) In accordance with the proposal in your memorial of Dec. 9 last upon the death of Mr. Dunstar 30l. per an. out of his salary is to be established for a copying clerk in the Customs Secretary's office and 60l. per an. to Mr. Sanson by way of incidents, besides his present salary. Ibid, pp. 179–80.
March 2. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ John Johnson, the present Collector of Hythe, as collector at Deal, with 10l. additional to his present salary of 30l. per an.; it appearing from the Customs Commissioners' memorial of Feb. 23 last that by a late Commission for setting out quays and wharves in Sandwich port the Commissioners settled the bounds of Deal port, a member or creek of Sandwich port, and appointed the open places mentioned in the return of the said Commission to be places, quays or wharves for landing or lading goods; wherefore the Customs Commissioners think it necessary to have a collection there. Out Letters (Customs), p. 180.
Same to same to employ Edward Nowers as waiter and searcher at Greenwich, loco Thomas Pratt, deceased. Ibid, p. 181.
Same to Hugh May, Comptroller [of the Works at Windsor], John Ball, Surveyor of same, et al. to remove four black marble stones which have lain a long time in Henry VIII's chapel in Windsor and no use made of them (the Treasury Lords having spoken with Dr. Durell, Dean of Windsor, who informed them that the said marble stones are his Majesty's and do not belong to the church), and to employ them towards making the pedestal for his Majesty's statue on horseback, cast in bronze, to be set thereon, which is to stand in the Green Yard in Windsor Castle. Warrants not Relating to Money, p. 158.
Treasury fiat for letters patent to constitute John Langley searcher of Customs in Ipswich port, loco John Robinson, lately deceased. Ibid. p. 159.
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer to forbear process until the last day of next term against John Davies, Esq., late Receiver of Hearthmoney, co. Hereford, for 2½ years to 1674, March 25. Ibid.
The like for the stay of process till Easter term against Sir Henry Cocker, late Receiver of the Single Month's Assessment 1663, co. Wilts, for ordering the [Militia] Forces in the several Counties. Ibid, p. 160.
March 3. Privy seal for 1,000l. to John Chetwind, yeoman of his Majesty's Horse, as imprest for the buying of horses, mares or geldings for the King's particular use: to be expended by direction of the Commissioners for executing the office of [Master of the] Horse. (Royal warrant dated Feb. 23 for said privy seal. Money warrant dated March 5 hereon. Money order dated March 6 hereon.) King's Warrant Book, pp. 234, 244, Money Book, p. 27. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 86.
March 4. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of the money in the Exchequer designed for the King's servants that go to Newmarket. Disposition Book, p. 22.
l. s. d.
Earl of Feversham as Master of Horse to the Queen 250 0 0
the falconers 538 7 11¼
Lady Sanderson on her warrant out of the same money (by letter of the 2nd inst.). 50 0 0
March 4. Henry Guy to Mr. Hornby to attend the Attorney General with all your books and papers relating to the business of fines received by the Coroner of the King's Bench which is appointed to be heard April 26 next: so that the Attorney General may be prepared to give his opinion thereon to the Treasury Lords. Out Letters (General), p. 411.
[?] Same to Mr. Astry, Coroner [of the King's Bench], to attend ut supra with all your papers and books concerning all fines paid to you and what you pay thereout and by what order. Ibid.
March 4. Same to Mr. Brisbane. The Treasury Lords have read yours of the 2nd inst. directed to me and have resolved to provide money as soon as may be for paying off the Anthelope at Portsmouth; but as to the ship Swallow they desire she may be employed longer at sea till they shall be in a capacity to find money for her discharge. Please represent this to the Admiralty Lords. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Hall to immediately make out process ad computandum against Mr. Slingsby who has not for many years passed his Mint accounts. Ibid, p. 412.
Same to the Navy Board to send to the Treasury Lords on Saturday an account what will be necessarily wanting for perfecting the hulls only of those of the 30 ships, as by the Seventeen Months' Tax, that remain now unfinished. Ibid.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 40l. to Mr. Swan and also 100l. to me [Guy] for his Majesty's secret service upon a warrant which you shall receive. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to Samll. Pepys, Treasurer for Tangier garrison, to cause the 8,369l. 7s. 1d. (directed to be put on board his Majesty's ship Foresight, which is appointed to carry Sir Palmes Fairborne to Tangier garrison) to be carried to the said garrison and there to be delivered to Phineas Bowles and Capt. Thomas St. John to be issued by them for half a year's pay to said garrison in the usual manner heretofore appointed by the late Commissioners for the affairs of Tangier. Take notice that 447l. 2s. 6d. of said sum is to be applied for one quarter's pay to the officers of the 4 new companies lately sent thither. Money Book, p. 25.
Money warrant for 955l. to Philip Warwicke, viz., 500l. for equipage and 455l. for a quarter's ordinary in advance as Envoy Extraordinary to the King of Sweden. (Money order dated March 6 hereon.) Ibid, p. 25. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 115.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 52l. 12s. 0d. to Sir Francis Lawley, Bart., in full of his service as a Commissioner of Customs 1679, March 25, to April 10 at the rate of 1,200l. per an. Money Book, p. 26.
Same to same to pay 4l. 12s. 0d. to Ralph Williamson in full of his service as deputy searcher, London port, June 24 to July 22 last as certified by Thomas Burton, one of the undersearchers, ibid. Ibid, p. 29.
March 4. Henry Guy to Lord Townshend. Send the Treasury Lords a speedy account of your payment from 1667, Sept. 29, of the rent of your farm of the 4s. per chalder on coals exported. Out Letters (General), p. 426.
Same to Sir Thomas Strickland for the like account of the payments from 1670, Lady day, of your rent of the salt farm. Ibid.
Same to the Earl of Kinnoul for the like account of the payment from 1664, Lady day, of your rent of the farm of smalts, barilio and potashes. Ibid.
Same to the Earl of Yarmouth for the like account of the payment of the rent of the wood farm (masts, timber, board, unwrought wood, glasses, etc.) from 1667, Michaelmas. Ibid, p. 427.
Same to Mr. Pincombe for the like account of the payment of the rent of the logwood farm from 1662, Michaelmas. Ibid.
March 5. Money warrants for 50l. each to the following for 1679, Lady day quarter on their pensions as Maids of Honour: viz., Mris. Elizabeth Godolphin, Mris. Cary Frazier, Mris. Phillippa Temple and Mris. Cecilia Swan. Money Book, p. 27.
Same for 30l. each to Thomas Poultney and Robert Killegrew for same quarter as Pages of Honour to the King and to George Sayers and Adolphus Sayers for respectively last Lady day and Midsummer quarter as Pages of Honour to the Queen. (Money order dated March 6 hereon for 30l. to said George Sayers on his allowance of 100l. per an. and 20l. per an. to buy him horses and is for one quarter, that is. 15l. in full of half a year to Christmas, 1677, and 15l. in part of 1678, Lady day quarter.) Ibid, p. 28. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 86.
Privy seal for 500l. as equipage and 5l. a day as ordinary to Sir Gabriell Sylvius, Kt., as Envoy Extraordinary to the Dukes of Brunswick and Luneberg: to be payable quarterly, the first quarter in advance: together with the usual clause for his extraordinaries. King's Warrant Book, p. 248.
March 5
(or 6).
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of the money paid by me [Guy] this day into the Exchequer, being the money I received out of the Exchequer upon the order No. 89 registered on the 412,925l. 14s. 6d. [part of the Eighteen Months' Assessment] in the names of Sir Jon. James and Major Huntington, being assigned by them to me for his Majesty's use. Disposition Book, p. 23. Out Letters (General), p. 413.
l. s. d.
Mr. Griffin. Treasurer of the Chamber 2,906 0 0
Mr. Chetwin for horses, etc., for the King 200 0 0
Baptist May for the Privy Purse, viz., 300l. for last Christmas quarter and 700l. for the present quarter 1,000 0 0
Mr. Elliot 250 0 0
[the King's] huntsmen (yeomen rickers) 60 0 0
4 Maids of Honour (Mris. Cary Frazer, Cecila Swan, Philippa Temple and Elizabeth Godolphin) at 50l. each 200 0 0
4 Pages of Honour (Mr. Poulteney, Mr. Killigrew, Geo. Saiers, Adolphus Saiers), at 30l. each 120 0 0
Lieutenant of the Tower 247 3 4
£4,983 3 4
The Treasury Lords desire that these persons may be despatched with all expedition at the Exchequer by all the offices concerned, as they are to attend the King at Newmarket.
[? March 6.] Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue out of the Excise money which shall be paid into the Exchequer this day 3,000l. to the Cofferer for three weeks; [and] _ to Madam _. Disposition Book, p. 23.
March 6. Same to Sir George Wharton to deliver to Mr. Freeman and Mr. Joseph Crispe the tally for 750l. struck in your name on the Farmers of the Four and a Half per cent. duty which is to be expended in building forts in the Leeward Islands; said Freeman and Crispe having entered into a bond for paying same to Col. Stapleton, Governor of the Leeward Islands. Take said bond from them and send it to my Lords. Out Letters (General), p. 415.
Same to Mr. Hall to keep in your hands till further order the process you are to take out this seal day against Mr. Slingsby. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners forwarding the following paper for regulating coast bonds which was this day brought to the Treasury Lords by the Barons of the Exchequer. The said Barons are of opinion that that part of the second article which relates to transires and let passes may be left out. You are to continue in London till next midsummer Nevil Lorymer whom you intended to send to Bridgwater, loco Mathew Scattergood, and Scattergood is to stay there meantime. Ibid, pp. 416–9.
Appending: said rules for regulating coast bonds. (1) No bonds for delivery of coals and other subsidy goods laden from port to port shall be henceforth taken by any customer in any outports without the approbation of the Comptroller [of such outport] or such other officer as shall be appointed by the Customs Commissioners; and no certificate shall be accepted in discharge of any such bond without the like approbation; to be testified by their witnessing the bond and signing the certificate. In case of doubt of the truth of such certificate a copy is to be sent to the Customs Commissioners for their direction. (2) All certified coast bonds and all uncertified coast bonds except the uncertified bonds for lead, tin and coals (for which provision is hereafter made) are to be returned upon oath by numbers into the Exchequer with the port books at the end of every year, viz., on or before Nov. 1, with notice thereof to the said Commissioners. And all the coast books in all the outports are to be such and kept in the same method as those in the ports of London and Newcastle: that is: the patent officers in all the outports to be required according to the order of 1677, Aug. 15 (confirmed April 19 last ut supra, p. 27) to express the name of the ship, the master, the goods, the port of landing and the date of the certificate; and that the entries of all goods going out of a port by cocquet be entered together in one part of the book as well as those goods coming into a port by certificate in the other part of the book; and that all transires and let passes be omitted to be entered at all. To this end the books are to be made four inches broader than heretofore and the certificate is to be well affixed to the bonds at the port of lading. (3) The certificates are not to be annexed to the bonds but where they perfectly agree, nor shall they be annexed where there be any interlineations. But if any bonds be sent up with certificates disagreeing or interlined, the same shall not be put in suit till the Court be acquainted with such variations or mistakes. (4) All forfeited and uncertified bonds for lead, tin and coals are to be carefully returned to the King's Remembrancer upon oath by list examined and signed by the collector and the patent officers [of each port] at the end of every quarter and a schedule of said list is to be at the same time sent to the Customs Commissioners expressing the date of each bond, the name, title and place of abode of each obliger and the name of the ship on account of which such bond is given "which schedule upon examination with a duplicate thereof to be delivered to the said Commissioners of the Customs shall be signed by the said Remembrancer"; and an abstract of the said bonds shall be entered in a book by the said Remembrancer which the Customs Commissioners or their officer shall have resort to and inspect without fee. And none of the uncertified bonds for lead, tin and coals returned into the Exchequer as aforesaid are to be discharged by certificate or otherwise without notice to the Customs Commissioners or their officers in Court first given; to the end they may shew cause against the same, if any be, for prevention of frauds. Moreover the said Commissioners or their clerk in Court are to have notice of all orders and process relating to forfeited bonds. (5) Coast books are to be sent to Berwick and Carlisle as to the other ports for entries of goods coastwise and the bonds from said ports are to be returned as from other ports. (6) Where a ship going coastwise shall discharge part of her lading in one port and the remainder in another the officers of the first port are to make a true entry of the endorsement in their parchment book to be returned into the Exchequer; and the officers of the second port are not only to certify the goods there landed, but in their certificate specify the goods certified to be landed at the former port.
The comparing the imports with the exports will be an infallible means to secure the King's Customs which he is deprived of by several frauds and false certificates as also to secure the subject that hath performed the condition of his bond from unjust process; it being a very great advantage to the whole nation by preventing all goods prohibited by Act of Parliament to be carried beyond seas, there being no expedient found to prevent such abuses but this; all which is agreed on all parts as very fit to be put in execution.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 200l. to Seth, bishop of Sarum, Chancellor of the Garter, for last Christmas quarter on the 800l. per an. which has been of late years paid by agreement instead of the 1,200l. per an. granted for the support of the honour of that Order. Money Book, p. 30.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 411l. to Ralph Montague on any unsatisfied, unappropriated orders in his name as Master of the Great Wardrobe: to be as imprest: to be issued out of the Hearthtax moneys: 211l. thereof to be in part of the 3,000l. which the Treasury Lords promised to supply to the Great Wardrobe. Ibid.
Money warrant for 955l. to Gabriell Sylvius, viz., 500l. for equipage and 455l. for a quarter's ordinary in advance as Envoy Extraordinary to the Dukes of Brunswick and Luneburg. (Money order dated March 7 hereon.) Ibid, p. 30. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 86.
Same for 247l. 3s. 4d. to Thomas Cheeke, now Lieutenant of the Tower, for last June 24 quarter on the allowances to himself, the Gentleman Porter, and 36 yeomen warders of the Tower: as by a bill signed by 6 Lords of the Privy Council. (Money order dated March 9 hereon.) Money Book, p. 31. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 87.
Royal sign manual for 262l. 1s. 8d. to Henry Guy for secret service without account: to be paid on the dormant privy seal of Aug. 20 last. (Money warrant dated March 8 hereon. Money order dated March 10 hereon.) King's Warrant Book, p. 249. Money Book, p. 31. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 87.
Privy seal for payment of 3,498l. 19s. 6d. to Nicholas Johnson, Esq., for 6 per cent. interest and 2 per cent. reward for several sums by him advanced for the service of the Household amounting in the whole to 84,100l. as by an account stated by Auditor Aldworth and allowed by the Treasury Lords Feb. 21 last; whereof 4,000l. was repaid before the making up of the said account, and the balance of 80,100l. remained due to him on Jan. 1 last to which date said account is made up: likewise for payment to him of a further 1,059l. 7s. 9d. similarly due to him as appears by a similar account for 6 per cent. interest and 4 per cent. reward on 10,200l. advanced to the Victuallers of the Navy (whereof 2,000l. was repaid Dec. 12 last and the remainder was unpaid on the said 1st Jan. last to which date the account thereof also is made up); and for 6 per cent. interest only on 6,114l. 6s. 0d. which he advanced for his Majesty's service in Virginia (which sum was wholly unrepaid to him on the 1st of Jan. last); and for 6 per cent. interest and 2 per cent. reward on several other principal sums mentioned in the said account as lent by him for his Majesty's service and amounting in all to 8,713l. 6s. 5d., whereof 4,000l. was repaid to him before the said 1 Jan. last. Together with a dormant warrant clause for the payment hereafter half yearly from Jan. 1 last of such interest and reward as shall appear to be due on such of the principal sums in the above two accounts as shall remain unpaid to him, and in case such interest and reward be not so paid to him half yearly, same is to be from time to time made principal, and interest and reward is to be computed thereon as for principal. Further whereas the said Johnson has lent several other sums for the pay of the Forces to Jan. 1 last, 6 per cent. interest and 2 per cent. reward thereon is hereby to be from time to time paid him, computing from Feb. 1 last. All the above said interest sums are to be paid him without imprest or accompt. (Royal warrant dated March 1 for said privy seal. Money warrant dated March 9 hereon. Money order dated March 12 hereon.) King's Warrant Book, pp. 251–4, 242–4. Money Book, p. 34. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 90.
March 7. Henry Guy to Mr. Griffin [Treasurer of the Chamber] to pay to the King's servants as follows, who are payable in your Office and are to attend their Majesties at Newmarket, the 2,906l. 15s. 10d. directed to be issued to you out of the Exchequer, viz. Out Letters (General), p. 414.
l. s. d.
Clerk of the Closet 2 0 0
Serjt. Price 25 0 0
12 violins 155 10 5
footmen 260 0 0
Wardrobe officers 86 13 4
Grooms of the Chamber 54 15 0
2 Gent. ushers to the King 33 6 8
2 Quarter waiters to the King 6 0 0
2 Gent. ushers to the Queen 33 6 8
2 Quarter waiters to the Queen 6 0 0
3 yeomen hangers to the King 22 10 0
10 messengers 124 13 9
Messengers to the Queen 12 10 0
officers of the Guard of his Majesty's body 637 10 0
Yeomen of the Guard 1,387 0 0
sweepers 60 0 0
£2,906 15 10
March 8. Same to the Customs Cashier to forthwith pay into the Exchequer the 1,500l. you have received of Thomas Walker for account of Capt. James Walker, late collector of Exeter port. Ibid, p. 420.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to keep above-said 1,500l. in the Exchequer till particular directions from the Treasury Lords.
Same to Charles Bertie. The King in person here [at the Treasury Chambers] heard this morning some part of the matter relating to the present Farmers of Excise and intends to hear it more fully at 4 this afternoon. He commands you to attend then and to bring with you the book or books of minutes containing anything concerning the grant of the Excise to Mr. Dashwood et al. ending at June 24 next and the new grant from that date, together with any papers in your custody relating thereto, particularly the paper dated 1678–9, Feb. 26. containing covenants between Mr. Dashwood and Mr. Turner concerning the subfarming of Wales and the Northern Counties together with the original proposals of Dashwood et al. for both the said farms. Whatever books or papers you bring you shall take back again with you as soon as his Majesty shall have had his satisfaction in seeing all the particulars that relate to this business. Ibid, pp. 420–1.
Same to Sir William Jones to attend this afternoon at the abovesaid hearing and to bring the [royal] warrants for the abovesaid grants to Dashwood et al. and what other papers you have relating thereto. Ibid, p. 421.
March 8. Henry Guy to Sir George Wharton. The principal officers of the Ordnance have represented to the Treasury Lords the engagement of the Ordnance Office to give preference to a debt of 3,605l. 6s. 7d. due to Sir Thomas Fitch for works and fortifications at Gosport and Portsmouth which sum is part of the general debt of said Office (due upon account of a war with the French King) now provided for by tallies on the Hearthmoney. The Treasury Lords desire that said sum may be satisfied to Fitch by such of the said tallies as shall be first payable out of the said revenue, viz., of those struck on the half year's Hearthmoney farm rent due 1681, March 25, and payable (by the utmost days of grace) 1681, Sept. 19. Out Letters (General) p. 422.
Same to the late Contractors of the Hearthmoney. In mine of the 23rd ult. you were ordered to pay off Mr. Hewer's tally of 750l. with interest. You have not paid the money nor given reasons to the contrary. My Lords expect your speedy compliance with their directions. Ibid.
Money warrant for 69,273l. 19s. 2½d. to Sir George Wharton, Treasurer and Paymaster of the Ordnance; as imprest; to be by him paid over in satisfaction of merchants, artificers and others, creditors of the Ordnance for stores delivered or services performed on account of a war with the French King upon debentures or orders of upwards of 10l. each: to be paid by tallies on the Hearthmoney: and likewise for 365l. 7s. 10d. to same for same upon debentures or orders of 10l. or under: to be paid out of the Exchequer: all as by the privy seal of Feb. 28 last ut supra, p. 440. (Two separate money orders dated March 10 hereon.) Money Book, p. 32. Order Book XXXVIII. p. 88.
Same for 20l. to Alice Baggot, relict of John Baggot, for half a year to 1669. Christmas, on the annuity of 40l. to said John Baggot. Money Book, p. 33.
Royal sign manual for 100l. to Henry Guy: for secret service: without account: to be paid on the privy seal dormant of Aug. 20 last. (Money warrant dated March 8 hereon. Money order dated March 10 hereon.) King's Warrant Book, p. 251. Money Book, p. 33. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 87.
Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands for a particular and ratal of the office of bailiff and burgesses' Coroner and clerk of the market of the Honor and manor of Berkhampstead with a view to a lease thereof to John Sayer the King's Master Cook for 17 years from 1694, Lady day, which will make up the present term into 31 years. The Courthouse to be therein specially granted to lessee, he covenanting at his own cost from time to time to vindicate and recover his Majesty's just rights to the premises. Warrants not Relating to Money, pp. 160–1.
Prefixing; report dated 31 Jan. last to the Treasury Lords from William Harbord, Surveyor General, made upon the order of reference of Dec. 20 last ut supra, p. 316. The grant made to John Allen (dated 1663–4, March 1, for 31 years which will expire 1694, Lady day), gave him the offices of Coroner and clerk of the market and all such profits, privileges, fines and amerciaments, tolls, certainties, wastes, etc., in said manor and honor as formerly comprehended in 2 grants, one to the bailiff and burgesses there and the other to Jon. Edwards under the old rents and 20s. de incremento. By several transactions in the life time of my father [Sir C. Harbord, late Surveyor General], I find that many abuses had been committed within said manor and many just rights belonging to the King detained by divers inhabitants of the said town whereon several warrants were issued and said Sayer put to chargeable suits before he could recover the King's just rights and particularly to the old Court house adjoining the church yard of Berkhampstead which the townsmen claimed as their own and converted it to other uses till it was recovered by law. As to the value: the part formerly in lease to the bailiff and burgesses (for which they paid 20s. per an. and Sayers now pays 40s. per an.) the benefit thereof arises chiefly out of tolls and profits of the market which are so inconsiderable that Sayers gives them back to the town and to a collector, the better to preserve peace and amity among his neighbours. As to the rents and certainties formerly in lease to Edwards such as are well paid amount to but 7l. per an. (for which the rent reserved is 8l.) besides near 5l. more contained in his rental, but generally denied and not answered for many years past, some whereof seem to be mistaken and overcharged and others detained by great persons and for so long time that they will be very hard to recover. For other accidental profits as estrays, felons goods, etc., Sayer is to account on oath and to answer [to the King] a fourth part of his receipts thereof. Upon the whole I do not find that petitioner makes any clear gain to himself out of the premises which are chiefly a royalty and of some honour and reputation to him being likewise lessee of the whole demesnes of the manor of Berkhampstead and hath his residence thereupon. The exception of the manor of Berkhampstead, which was expressed in Edward's lease (because comprehended within that manor in the prior grant to the bailiff and burgesses), may be left out as they are both now united, being granted to Allen in trust for petitioner.
March 8. Henry Guy to Mr. Kent [Customs Cashier] to receive of Thomas Walker 1,500l., viz. 132l. 15s. 5¾d. upon account of Coinage duty and 1,367l. 4s. 6¼d. upon account of Customs due from his brother James Walker, late collector of Exeter port; and to pay same into the Exchequer for the King's use. Out Letters (General), p. 433.
March 9. Treasury warrant to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay to Sir Thomas Player 566l. 7s. 9d. being the sum remaining to clear to Jan. 2 last the 8 per cent, interest which was agreed to be paid to him for the encouragement of such citizens of London as should lend any money to his Majesty upon credit of the last Act for Disbanding the Army; the said loan having been made in said Player's name. (Treasury warrant dated March 15 to the Auditor of the Receipt for one of the Tellers to forthwith advance and pay the said sum to Player out of any unappropriated money in the Exchequer; the money to be repaid to the Teller out of moneys that shall be paid into the Exchequer on the Act for Disbanding; the Treasury Lords thinking it necessary for his Majesty's service that the said interest be paid.) Money Book, pp. 34–5, 44.
March 9. Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners to attend the Committee for Trade and Plantations on Thursday morning next concerning Newfoundland, with the report of your opinions how far the intended regulation of that colony and fishery may affect his Majesty's Customs. Out Letters (General), p. 423.
Same to Auditor Phelipps to attend the Treasury Lords on Thursday morning next. Ibid.
Same to Edward Rigby, serjeant at law, at Preston in Lancashire. The Treasury Lords have received a letter, dated Preston the 4th inst., subscribed by yourself, Chris. Banastre, Tho. Braddyll, Chris. Parker, W. Wall, John Crosse, and C. Greenfeild, some of the Commissioners for co. Lancs. for the Six Months' Assessment for disbanding the new raised Forces. My Lords are very much concerned to find that their letter of Jan. 19 last to you and the rest of the said Commissioners came no sooner to hand than the 4th inst. On inquiry of Sir Rich. Mason, Barth. Fillingham and John Ramsey my Lords find this is due to the neglect of Mr. Marsden, the present Receiver of the Assessment who undertook to convey same. He received it in time enough before your general meeting appointed by Act of Parliament. And 30 [copies of the] Act of Parliament were delivered to Mr. Marsden's brother here in London above a month since, who keeps them in his custody a fortnight, failing of a convenient opportunity of sending them. More copies have been ordered to be sent to you, and my Lords are very sensible of your great care of his Majesty's service herein. Ibid. pp. 423–4.
Same to Mr. Martin at Preston, undersheriff of Lancs. My Lords have yours of the 5th inst. and are concerned that the copies of the Act ut supra should not arrive before the day of the meeting of the Commissioners, etc., ut supra. My Lords think it fair you be allowed the 20s. which you paid for the postage of three [copies of the said] Act of Parliament. Ibid. p. 424.
[?] [Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of] the petition to the King from Francis Smethwick, who in 1669 was granted the first vacancy in the King's searchers or landwaiters London port, but without receiving any benefit thereof. Out Letters (Customs), pp. 181–2.
Prefixing: copy of said petition and of an order of recommendation thereof dated 1679–80, Jan. 14, from the King in Council to the Treasury, his Majesty having a particular knowledge of the petitioner's loyalty and merit.
March 9. Like reference to same of the following paper: Ibid. pp. 183–196.
Prefixing. articles of high misdemeanour exhibited by Edmund Braybrooke, gent., on behalf of the King against the present head-searcher and the five under-searchers of London port. (1) The said under-searchers have at their own charge bought the office of head-searcher for a great sum, and said office is now held only in trust for them and for some time they have received all the fees and profits thereof. They have tied the head-searcher not to do anything in the said office without their consent and direction. (2) By article 24 of certain rules for the advancement of trade and encouragement of the merchant signed by Sir Harbottle Grimston, then Speaker of the House of Commons in pursuance of the Tunnage and Poundage Act of 12 Car. II. it is declared that no officer shall exact higher fees of the merchant, &c., than are established by the House of Commons on pain of forfeiting his place. Nevertheless the said under-searchers have exacted from divers merchants greater or other fees than in the table of searchers' and under-searchers' fees: Mr. Jon. Gulick, oath; Mr. Michaell Sauory, oath; Mr. Barthol. Giles, oath; Mr. Robt. Gibson, oath; Mr. Peregrine Bertie. (3) The under-searchers have not attended their duty, but for bribe have permitted several goods to be shipped off without seeing them and have fetched from on board prohibited goods outward bound and sent same back to the merchant who shipped same: Mr. Edmd. Braybrook, oath; Mr. Anth. Palmer, oath; Mr. Charles Stisted: Mr. Peregrine Bertie. (4) They have seized on outward-bound ships prohibited goods which it is felony to export and by threats of discovery have extorted bribes from the merchants and then concealed the felony: Mr. Anth. Palmer, oath; Mr. Charles Stisted; Mr. Peregrine Bertie. (5) They have connived at the shipping of goods without warrant, as for example, 160 quarters of wheat about 1678. July 1. The merchant subsequently passed a warrant for same. The King's moiety of what should have been a forfeiture of said corn would have amounted to 150l.: Mr. Edm. Braybrook, oath. (6) By the statute 3 Ed. VI. it is enacted that any bargain of any office in the Customs shall forfeit same. Yet all the said officers have bought their places: William Culliford, oath; Robt. Gibson, oath. (7) The statute of 14 Rie. II. provides that no searcher shall have office for life but only during pleasure. Yet the present said officers have patents for life. (8) By a great seal of 7 Eliz. confirmed by an order of the Exchequer [Court] of 10 Car. I. all cloth and manufactures of wool were to be shipped at a Custom house quay only. This was observed till the late great fire. The present said officers, however (being reputed to have bought Porter's Quay in trust for themselves), have in contempt of the statute of 20 Hy. VI. c. 3 within these three years persuaded several merchants and others to ship off cloth and fine goods at the said quay, which is more out of sight of the officers; and to make men more desirous of coming to that quay they are less strict in opening and weighing goods shipped from thence than they are at Custom House Quay. And since that time they have landed prohibited goods and housed them at Porter's Quay, and upon examination finding them forfeited have sent them home to the merchant by night: Mr. Richard Latwood, oath; Mr. Anth. Palmer, oath; Mr. Jo. Hall, oath; Mr. Edwd. Owen, oath. (9) Said officers have privately delivered to the master or purser of a ship the ship's file of cocquets to take off the marks and numbers for the master or purser to pass his content by: Mr. Edmd. Braybrook, oath.
Followed by: copy (as sworn to by Robt. Gibson before Sir George Waterman, 8 July, 1679) of the articles of agreement between Abraham Holditch, esq., of the one part, and Thomas Burton, Jon. Evans, Richard Goodlad, Charles Beauvoir and Richd. Peirce, gent., of the other, dated 1677, Oct., to the effect that Holditch shall within a month pay 1,550l. into the hands of Joseph Hornby, goldsmith, in Lombard Street, towards the charge of procuring a patent of the head-searcher's place to the said Holditch, Pr. Percivall and William Fowlis: (2) that when Holditch shall be in possession of said place he shall do nothing relating to the under-searchers' office, except the making of seizures and clearing of ships, without the knowledge and approbation of said Burton, Evans, Goodlad, Beauvoir and Peirce, or the under-searchers for the time being, and the clerks and all others relating to the said office are to be at the sole dispose of said Burton, etc. ut supra, to place or displace them at their pleasure without being accountable to said Holditch, except only that it shall be lawful to said Holditch to keep one clerk to subscribe the books in said office to be returned into the Exchequer, the under-searchers nominating and paying said clerk: (3) that all seizures made by said Holditch are to be divided into two equal parts, one to him and the other to the said under-searchers, and all persons appointed to any employment under said Holditch shall be approved by the joint consent of him and said under-searchers: (4) that Holditch be accountable to them for all money which he shall receive for clearing ships and shall not make any deputy for his office: (5) that they shall allow to said Holditch 220l. per an. in full of all salaries, fees, profits, &c. (the aforesaid moiety of seizures only excepted) so long as he perform these covenants and so long as the fees belonging to said office according to the establishment of 14 Car. II. be continued, or a proportionable part of said 220l. in case of any abatement of said fees; and Holditch to be obliged to receive out of the Exchequer the yearly salary of said head-searcher, which he is to be accomptable for and to pay to them the under-searchers, they allowing him the charges of receiving same: (6) after the passing of Holditch's patent said undersearchers shall become bound to him in 2,000l. to pay 1,000l. to his executors if at his death said office be not discontinued by Act of Parliament, provided such discontinuance be not procured by them: but Holditch to sign a defeasance of said bond for same to be void if he perform not the covenants as herein: (7) that Holditch shall not dispose of his interest in said office without their consent and they shall nominate to him his successor and Holditch shall at his own charge procure a new grant of said office to such person to be joined to said Percivall and Fowlis; provided that the person so nominated shall pay to said Holditch as much money for the purchase of said office as any other person shall really offer to pay and provided said Percivall and Fowlis shall join in the surrender: (8) neither party to discover or make known said agreement, and if such discovery arise from any disagreement the party occasioning same shall make good all damages arising thereby: (9) said Holditch shall assist said under-searchers in upholding and maintaining the offices of head-searcher and under-searchers in London port, both in assisting them and in soliciting himself in any matter which may happen before the Lord Treasurer, they paying his charges therein. Finally, these presents to be void if they pay not to Holditch said 220l. per an.
March 10. Treasury warrant to George Dashwood et al. Farmers of Excise to pay 50,000l. to the Excise Commissioners, being the instalment due March 25 inst. of said Farmers' 270,000l. advance money on the new farm of the Excise. Money Book, p. 35.
Privy seal to discharge James Walker of Exeter, gent., collector of Exeter port, and his sureties Thomas Walker, of Exeter, esq., and Endymion Walker, of Exeter, merchant (who with said James became bound to the King in a bond of 3,000l. dated 1675, Jan. 26) of the sum of 1,611l. 12s. 0¾d. being the whole remainder due to the King on said James Walker's account of his receipt: it appearing from the certificate of the 3rd inst. from Giles Lytcott, Comptroller General of Customs, that said Walker was at that date indebted to the King 2,978l. 16s. 7d. on his Customs' account and 132l. 15s. 5¾d. on his coinage duty account, and the said Thomas Walker having since on the 6th inst. paid to the Customs Cashier 132l. 15s. 5¾d. on the said Coinage duty account and 1,376l. 4s. 6¼d. on the said Customs' account and hath also paid to Richard Prowse, gent., Solicitor to the Customs, 35l. 12s. 9d. for the charges of prosecuting said bond: on which payments the King is pleased to forgive the abovesaid balance of 1,611l. 12s. 0¾d. and hereby releases the said bondees and their estates, etc., from the penalty of said bond and from all 12 per cent. damages on said James Walker's receipts. (Royal warrant dated March 8 for said privy seal.) King's Warrant Book, pp. 262–5, 250.
Same for payment of 503l. 4s. 10d. to Nicholas Johnson, Paymaster of the Forces, as imprest and to be by him paid over to Sir Jonathan Trelawney, bart., who was Lieut.-Col, to the late Regiment of Horse commanded by the Duke of York: same to be in satisfaction of what is due to said Trelawney for the pay and clothing of said Trelawney's particular Troop in said Regiment as by an account stated by Lemuel Kingdon, late Paymaster of the Forces. (Royal warrant dated March 8 for said privy seal. Money warrant dated March 12 hereon. Money order dated March 13 hereon.) Ibid, pp. 250, 266. Money Book, p. 37. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 89.
Royal sign manual for 700l. to Henry Guy for secret service without account: to be paid on the privy seal dormant of Aug. 20 last. (Money warrant dated March 10 hereon. Money order dated March 11 hereon.) King's Warrant Book, p. 254. Money Book, p. 36. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 89.
Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for the discharge and release to Martin Sandys and his sureties of the 871l. 3s. 1d. standing upon the foot of his account for 3½ years to 1674, Lady day, as Receiver of Hearthmoney, co. Worcester, and the 875l. 11s. 4d. standing upon his account as Receiver for said county of the 1672 Eighteen Months' Assessment: the said Sandys having by a poll deed dated Feb. 25 last assigned to the King a bond dated 1670, July 2, of 1,500l. given him by Francis Hanbury, a collector of Hearthmoney under said Sandys, and a like bond dated 1670, July 8, of 1,000l. given to him by Samuel Caldwall, a deputy collector of said Hearthmoney under said Sandys: this discharge being granted in view of said Sandys' improvement in the Hearthmoney revenue [from said county], and of the faithful services of him and his relations in the late times of rebellion. King's Warrant Book, pp. 255–6.
March 10. Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Piercy Kirke of that parcel of ground and the old shed or lodgings and all other structures thereupon now or late in the possession of Mary Kirke, widow, or her assigns, standing in or near that part of the royal palace of Whitehall where the old Bowling Green was formerly used, the said plot containing from east to west 18 feet including the wall towards King Street and 46 feet north to south; fronting on the east side towards the said late Bowling Green and abutting on the west on the yards of the houses which front to King Street, at the south end upon a shed wherein Lady Saiers now lives and at the north end upon the fountain's wall there: with power to pull down and rebuild [if] without annoying the said place of Whitehall: all for 41 years at the rent of 10s. per an. payable to the King at Michaelmas: with a proviso for re-assumption on payment of said Kirke's expenses in building, not beyond 700l., that being the estimate for the building designed by said Piercy Kirk. King's Warrant Book, pp. 257–8.
Royal sign manual for 100l. to Edward Masters as imprest for buying hay for the deer in New Park near Richmond: to be issued on the privy seal dormant of Aug. 20 last. (Money warrant dated March 10 hereon. Money order dated March 11 hereon.) Ibid, p. 258. Money Book, pp. 35–6. Order Book XXXVIII. p. 88.
Same for 200l. to John Seller, John Oliver and Richard Palmer as royal bounty to encourage them to proceed in an actual survey of England and Wales designed to be in a large book in folio and to be entitled 'Atlas Anglicanus': to be issued on the privy seal ut supra. (Money warrant dated March 11 hereon. Money order dated March 12 hereon.) King's Warrant Book, p. 265. Money Book, p. 37. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 90.
Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal to authorise the payment out of the Exchequer of any arrears now or hereafter due on the pension of 600l. per an. granted by the patent of 1673, Oct. 1, to Col. Francis Windham (now Sir Francis Windham, bart.), and his heirs male: same being by said grant payable half yearly out of the Excise, but there being no express clause therein to authorise the payment of same at the Receipt otherwise than by tallies of assignment on the Excise; by which reason, because of the charge and anticipations on the Excise, said pension now is and may from time to time hereafter be unpaid. King's Warrant Book, pp. 259–60.
Same to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Ralph Bates of Hallywell, co. Northumberland, Henry Colt of London, gent., and Robert Delaval of such and the like liberties, powers, franchises and privileges as were formerly by patent of 16 Car. I, granted to Sir Henry Vane (then Treasurer of the Household and Principal Secretary of State) within the lordship and manors of Raby and Barnard Castle, with one weekly market and one yearly fair in the town of Staindrop and a court of pleas of actions not exceeding 40l. and other franchises and privileges therein mentioned: the said liberties, etc., having been forfeited by the attainder of said Sir Henry Vane, son of said Sir Henry. The present grant to be in trust for the sole use of Lady Elizabeth Delaval, wife of Robert Delaval, her heirs or assigns without the intermeddling of her said husband therewith. Ibid, pp. 267–8.
March 10. Treasury warrant to the Trustees for Fee Farms to convey to William Finch a fee farm rent of 26l. 3s. 0d. per an. issuing out of the park and grange of Hertingfordbury, co. Herts., a fee farm rent of 13s. 4d. per. an. issuing out of a mill in Thorescross [Thruscross], a fee farm rent of 4l. per an, issuing out of lands called Woodhouse (or in all 30l. 13s. 7d. per an., amounting to 245l. 8s. 8d. at 8 years' purchase) as in lieu of the fee farm rent of 30l. 14s. 9d. per an. out of the manor of Lewisham, Kent (representing 245l. 18s. 0d. at 8 years' purchase) which was by mistake doubly conveyed and is to be reprized, having been by the said Trustees conveyed to John Fisher and Roger Jackson and afterwards [by mistake] to John Kent, Roger Reeve and Richard Hawkins which last three conveyed same to said Finch. Warrants not Relating to Money, p. 167.
Henry Guy to Mr. Done. Bring to me forthwith the two tallies for [in all] 15,000l. upon the Customs which you received of Mr. Kingdon and are to deliver to me, as they are to be delivered over by me to Sir Rob. Howard and by him to the Treasurer of the Navy for the victualling: all in accordance with two privy seals of Feb. 25 last. Out Letters (General), p. 425.
Same to the Customs Commissioners. The Treasury Lords intend to adjourn next Saturday for some time. If you have anything to offer them you are to do it before that date. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Dashwood to attend the Treasury Lords to-morrow with your answer to what was proposed to you when you were last here. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Kent [Cashier of the Customs] to certify the Treasury Lords whose was the tally [for 2,000l.] mentioned in Mr. Bertie's letter dated 1678. Dec. 12. to [Mr. Row and partners] the Hearthmoney Contractors and what you advanced upon the same and to whom. Ibid. pp. 425–6.
Appending: copy of said letter, ut supra Cal. of Treasury Books, Vol. V. p. 1186.
Same to Mr. Twitty to attend the Treasury Lords to-morrow with an account what money is now remaining in the Exchequer which they may presently dispose of. Ibid, p. 427.
Same to Sir Denny Ashburnham and partners to forthwith bring to the Auditors of Imprests all your accounts as late Victuallers of the Navy. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Brisban to acquaint the Admiralty Lords that the Treasury Lords will be ready at the Treasury Chambers on Saturday next to give them an answer to their last memorial. Ibid.
Same to Major Huntington to bring to the Treasury Lords on Saturday next the contract between the King and Sir William Bucknall and yourself for the [farm of the] French tunnage. Also if you do not before Saturday next deliver your vouchers to the Auditor process will issue against you and against the executors of said Bucknall. Ibid, p. 428.