Entry Book: February 1680, 21-28

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1913.

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'Entry Book: February 1680, 21-28', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1913), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp439-449 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: February 1680, 21-28', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1913), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp439-449.

"Entry Book: February 1680, 21-28". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1913), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp439-449.


February 1680

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Feb. 21. Privy seal for 500l. for equipage and 5l. a day as ordinary to Sir Robert Southwell as Envoy Extraordinary to the Elector of Brandenburg, to be payable quarterly, the first quarter in advance: together with the usual clause for allowance of his extraordinaries. King's Warrant Book p. 225.
Money warrant for 955l. to abovesaid Southwell, being 500l. for equipage and 455l. for a quarter's ordinary in advance as Envoy Extraordinary to the Elector of Brandenburg. (Money order dated Feb. 24 hereon.) Money Book, p. 5. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 75.
Treasury warrant to the Treasurer of the Navy to pay 537l. 10s. 0d. in lieu of 500 guineas to Sir Robert Howard, Auditor of the Receipt, for new year's gifts for 5 years from Jan. 1673–4: it appearing from said Treasurer's certificate of the 20 inst. that the Navy Treasurer has usually paid a new year's gift of 100 guineas to the Auditor of the Receipt in consideration of that officer having no fees allowed him for the money issued to the Navy and that same has been paid for the last 2 years but is in arrear for the 5 preceding years from Jan., 1673–4 [sic]. Money Book, p. 6.
Money warrant for 109,704l. 10s. 9¼d. and 527l. 1s. 6d. to Edward Seymour, Treasurer of the Navy, for satisfaction of the Navy creditors, and 6,714l. 19s. 6d. for interest to Sept. 29 last: all as by the privy seal of the 20th inst., ut supra, pp. 436–7, the first and last of these sums to be by tallies on the Hearthmoney, ut ibid. (Separate money orders dated Feb. 23 for said 527l. 1s. 6d. and 116,419l. 10s. 3¼d.) Ibid, pp. 7–8 Order Book XXXVIII, pp. 75–6.
The Treasury Lords to the Duke of Ormonde. The payment of 1,000l. per month on the 10th of each month undertaken by the Earl of Ranelagh out of the money reserved to the King on the Irish establishment is now in arrear and unpaid for the months of Dec., Jan. and Feb.; and the officers of the Works who should receive same for the service of the building at Windsor have several times solicited us to obtain the payment of it. Take the best care you can to induce his lordship to comply with his undertaking both as regards these arrears and as regards the future punctual payment. We have received the letter of the 4th inst. from you and the Privy Council of Ireland in reply to ours of Nov. 15 last concerning the debt due from said Earl and his partners to the Office of Ordnance here. We do not conceive that the King will order this debt, which the said Earl acknowledges, to be satisfied out of the growing revenue. If this has been done in other cases we hope that it will be no precedent for the future and we again earnestly recommend to you that said debt be satisfied according to said Earl's contract and that speedily. Out Letters (General), p. 394.
Feb. 21. Henry Guy to John Roop. Yours of the 18th inst. received. My Lords direct you to forthwith deliver to the owners the 8 birding pieces and 3 pair of pistols which you found in Robert Lisle's ship from Rotterdam. But when the two other ships you mention (viz., of Henry Brand and Edward Hodder) arrive you are to search them for arms and lodge same in the King's warehouse; and send an account thereof forthwith to my Lords. Out Letters (General), p. 395.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to reserve in the Exchequer, till directions from my Lords, the 1,500l. the Customs Cashier is directed to pay in. (See infra, pp. 440–1.) Ibid, p. 396.
Feb. 23. Treasury warrant to the Navy Commissioners to make out interest bills to the amount of 6,714l. 19s. 6d. to the Navy creditors, ut supra, pp. 436–7 and 439, and to assign same for payment by tallies on the Hearth-money, ut ibid. Money Book, pp. 9–10.
Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for satisfaction for the creditors of the Ordnance for stores delivered in or services performed to the Ordnance under the terms of the late Poll Act for the purpose of a war against the French King: all on the same lines as in the similar privy seal for the Navy creditors, supra, pp. 436–7: the said Ordnance debts (as by an account from the Commissioners for the office of Master General of the Ordnance) being 69,273l. 19s. 2½d. to merchants, artificers and others upon debentures or orders of upwards of 10l. each. and 363l. 7s. 10d. for the like upon debentures of 10l. or under. Said 69,273l. 19s. 2½d. is hereby to be issued to Sir George Wharton, Treasurer and Paymaster of the Ordnance, as imprest for said merchants, &c.: to be satisfied by tallies on the Hearthmoney as follows, viz., 11,273l. 19s. 2½d. on the half year's rent thereof due 1681, Mar. 25, 18,000l. on same due [1681, Sept. 29; 18,000l. on same due] 1682. Mar. 25; 22,000l on same due 1682, Sept. 29: with the like declaration ut supra ibid. for the order of payment of said tallies. Said 365l. 7s. 10d. to be paid out of the Exchequer to said Wharton as imprest similarly for said creditors: six per cent. interest to be computed from Sept. 29 last on the said 69,273l. 19s. 2½d. as soon as said tallies are levied and such interest is to be payable half-yearly at the Exchequer to said Wharton on imprest to pay same over to the persons interested. King's Warrant Book, pp. 230–3.
Same to the Attorney General for a great seal for a grant to Joseph Crispe, Esq., of the office or place of Escheator of the Leeward Islands now under the government of Col. William Stapleton and of all islets, territories and lands thereto belonging: to hold during pleasure. Ibid, p. 235.
Henry Guy to the Customs Cashier. The King has accepted 1,500l. and costs to be forthwith paid by Mr. Walker in satisfaction of the whole debt at the foot of his late brother's account as late Collector of Exeter port. Immediately on receipt thereof you are to pay same into the Exchequer. Out Letters (General), p. 395.
Feb. 23. Henry Guy to Capt. Perry and Buckley forwarding Mr. Hewer's memorial presented to the Treasury Lords. You are to pay off the 750l. tallies mentioned therein with the interest thereon, or else shew cause to the contrary. Out Letters (General), p. 395.
same to the Customs Commissioners to direct the patent officers concerned in the Jamaica Customs to attend the Committee of the Plantations, concerning those Customs. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt (in accordance with the privy seal of Mar. 19 last, ut supra, Cal. Treasury Books, Vol. V, p. 1288) to issue 1,226l. 10s. 8d. to Sir Denis Gauden upon the order dated 1671, July 5, for 2,000l. registered on the money of the orders of Sir Stephen Fox and the then cofferer. This issue is to be made by tallies on Sir Lionel Walden, late Receiver General of the Eleven Months' Assessment in co. Huntington: the said tallies being intended to be by Gauden delivered over to said Walden in satisfaction of so much due from said Gauden to said Walden for provisions by him formerly delivered by order of the late Treasury Lords; by all which the King is to be discharged of said 1,226l. 10s. 8d. on said order and said tallies are to be applied to the discharge of so much debt in said Walden's account. Warrants not Relating to Money, p. 156.
Same to the King's Remembrancer to take an assignment in the King's name from Martin Sandys (who is indebted to the King 871l. 3s. 1d. on his account as Receiver of Hearthmoney for co. Worcester for 3½ years ended 1674, Lady day, and 885l. 11s. 4d. on his account as Receiver [for said county] of the 1673 Eighteen Months' Assessment) of two bonds, one dated 1670, July 2, wherein Francis Hanbury, William Vernon, John Vernon, John Fownes, George Dangerfeild and Richard Westcott stand bound to said Sandys in 1,500l. and the other dated 1670, July 8, in which Samuel Caldwall, George Danett and John Caldwall stand bound to him in 1,000l. and also of all sums received or levied by the said Hanbury and Samuel Caldwall of the said Hearthmoney by-authority from said Sandys and not yet accounted for: the King being pleased to accept of such assignment and to wholly discharge said Sandys from the said accounts. Ibid, pp. 156–7.
Entry of the [Treasury Lords' signature of the] docquet of a demise to Henry, Earl of Peterborough, Henry, Earl of Clarendon, Lawrence Hyde, Andrew Newport, Sir Charles Wheeler, Charles Herbert, Edward Herbert. Arthur Herbert and John Evelyn, executors of Elizabeth late Viscountess Mordaunt, of the Park and demesne lands of Curry Mallet for 99 years terminable on the lives of Henry and Osmond Mordant her children. Ibid, p. 158.
Feb. 24. Treasury warrant to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay interest on an order No. 34 dated 1679, May 26, for 3,890l. to Sir Thomas Player, Chamberlain of the city of London, in repayment of so much by him lent upon the credit of the 206,462l. 17s. 3d. part of the Eighteen Months' tax and registered in course thereon payable next after 83,545l. thereon: the original of said order having been lost. Order Book XXXVIII, p.77.
Prefixing: (1) copy of said order: and (2) affidavit dated 1679, Nov. 6, by Samuel Kendall and Thomas Edwards, clerks to said Player, that the original order is either lost or mislaid.
Feb. 24. Treasury warrant to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay interest on a like order No. 40 dated 1679, May 27, for 4,960l. to said Player in repayment of loan registered upon same and payable after 93,385l. thereon: same having been similarly lost. Order Book XXXVIII, pp. 78–9.
Prefixing: copy of said original order and affidavit ut supra.
Same to same to issue 411l. to Ralph Montague upon any unsatisfied, unappropriated orders in his name as Master of the Great Wardrobe: to be issued out of Hearth-tax money in the Exchequer: 200l. thereof to be for part of 3,000l. which the Treasury Lords promised to supply to the Great Wardrobe. Money Book, p. 10.
Henry Guy to Auditor Done. I have shewn to the Treasury Lords the certificate which you obtained of the Barons of the Exchequer. My Lords commend your diligence in procuring it, as a very discreet thing for his Majesty's service and direct you to proceed in making up Mr. Slingsby's accounts according to the enclosed paper. Out Letters (General), p. 396.
Same to Mr. Goldsborow [Clerk of the House of Commons] to make out exact copies of the lists, which were exhibited into the House of Commons by the members thereof, of the names and places of abode of the Papists within the respective counties, cities, &c.; and to deliver the same to the judges now appointed to go on circuit, taking care that each judge receives the copies for those counties in his circuit. The judges for the Midland, Western and Oxford circuits depart next Monday, so send theirs immediately. Where you find that the lists for any county were not delivered into the House by the members you are to repair to the Clerk of the Council for the lists which they have of the Papists in those counties and to deliver them ut supra. Come hither to give the Treasury Lords an account immediately. Ibid, p. 397.
Same to Mr. Rowe and Mr. Keynton. Complaint has been made to the Treasury Lords by the Moneyers of the great waste they sustained by reason of the incorporating of the sand with the gold and silver in the new way of casting and by passing the plates between the rollers whereby a great quantity of sand falls out for which they answer weight for weight in gold and silver. You are on Thursday next to make a fair trial before the chief officers of the Mint of some considerable quantities of gold and silver plates taken indifferently from the melting and to cause same to be nealed and passed between the rollers according to the due course of the Mint, weighing them before and after to determine the want and waste in working. Ibid, p. 398.
Same to the Customs Commissioners. The Committee for Trade and Plantations desire you to meet the Lords Proprietors of Carolina in order to agree on some proposal for re-settling that Government and the peaceable and due collection of the Customs in that Province, and to report to said Committee. The Treasury Lords desire to know why payment is not made of the Poll money due from the Customs officers as by the enclosed state thereof. Ibid.
Feb. 25. Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal as follows for regulating the accounts of Sir John James, Major Robert Huntingdon and Lemuel Kingdon. By an order No. 104 registered on the 412,925l. 14s. 6d. part of the Eighteen Months' Tax 18,590l. was payable to Lemuel Kingdon as imprest for the Forces. Said order is lately assigned by said Kingdon to Henry Guy for the King's use. Kingdon is therefore hereby discharged of same. Said Kingdon has also delivered up to the Treasury Lords for the King's use 23 tallies on the Excise, 17 thereof bearing date 1678, Aug. 20, for 37,500l. and 6 thereof dated 1678–7, Mar. 18, for 35,000l., and also 2 other tallies stricken 1678–9, Mar. 15, on the Customs for 15,000l. or 87,500l, in all. When he received said tallies at the Exchequer he charged himself by giving his acquittances to the Tellers there as on imprest for the Forces and is therefore charged therewith in the prest certificate. He is to be hereby exonerated and discharged of the said sum. King's Warrant Book, pp. 218–21.
Further by an order No. 89 registered on the 412,925l. 14s. 6d. part of the Eighteen Months' Assessment 10,000l. was payable to Sir John James and Robt. Huntington, Commissioners and receivers General of Excise, to enable them to discharge tallies struck upon them as in that capacity. Said 10,000l. is part of 200,000l. which was by the privy seal of 1678, Oct. 16, made payable out of said tax to said James and Huntington for paying off tallies on the Excise (ut supra, Cal. Treasury Books V, pp. 1129–30). Said James and Huntington have lately assigned 8,628l. of said 10,000l. order to Henry Guy for the King's use. They are hereby exonerated and discharged of the said sum of 8,628l. (over and above the discharges and allowances to be given them by virtue of the privy seal of Aug. 20 last, p. 188 supra) upon such accounts as are to be rendered by them of said 200,000l. in accordance with the said privy seal of 1678, Oct. 16. Further the said James and Huntington have also delivered up to the Treasury Lords for the King's use or to be cancelled a tally of pro dated 1678–9, Mar. 18, for 18,000l. upon the Excise, said tally being part of the tallies for 89,000l. [sic] given to them for counter security by the letters patent of 1678–9, Mar. 10 (ut supra, Cal. Treasury Books, Vol. V, pp. 1227–8, 1264–5) They are to be hereby similarly discharged and exonerated. Further said Henry Guy is hereby to assign any or all of the abovesaid orders in his hands in such way as he shall be directed by the Treasury Lords, such assignees to be charged with same in the Exchequer; to which end the Customs Cashier and Excise Cashier are to certify to the Auditor of the Exchequer the names of the persons to whom and the services for which said tallies shall be delivered and the moneys paid thereon; and the Auditor of the Receipt is to charge such persons upon imprest or to cause the said tallies to be delivered up and cancelled according as the Treasury Lords shall direct.
Privy seal to the Treasury Lords to cause the two tallies for (in all) 15,000l. on the Customs (as issued to Lemuel Kingdon, 1678–9, Mar. 15, as imprest for the pay of the Forces) to be delivered over by said Kingdon (or whoever has the same in custody) to the Auditor of the Receipt, to be by him delivered over to Edward Seymour. Treasurer of the Navy, the said sum remaining still unpaid and the King thinking it more for his service that the moneys due thereon be paid to the Treasurer of the Navy for the victualling thereof. Kingdon to be discharged of and Seymour to be charged with said 15,000l. King's Warrant Book, pp. 245, 268–9, 187–8.
Henry Guy to Capt. Rolls, Mr. Agar, Mr. Staples and Mr. Topham to certify the Treasury Lords the number of trees which are marked to be felled in Windsor Forest as by their warrant based on the King's warrant of Oct. 7 last: and the quantity of timber therein and the value of the bark. Out Letters (General), p. 399.
Feb. 26. Royal sign manual for 125l. to Henry Guy for secret service without account. (Money warrant dated Feb. 27 hereon. Money order dated Feb. 27 hereon.) King's Warrant Book, p. 238. Money Book, p. 12. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 81.
Money warrant for 600l. to Henry Slingsby, Master and Worker of the Mint, as imprest for the Mint: to be paid out of coinage money in the Exchequer; as by the privy seal of 1666–7, Mar. 11. "and whereas we do intend that the said Henry Slingsby shall immediately pay over the said sum to the Moneyers belonging to his Majesty's Mint in part of what is due to them by the establishment for the said Mint and to the end they may not be disappointed thereof have directed them to attend at the Exchequer at the same time that he receives the said 600l. from the Tellers and there to give such acquittances as he is to have from them for the same and so to take away the said money to their own use," therefore the money is not to be issued unless said Moneyers are present. (Money order dated Feb. 28 hereon.) Money Book, p. 10. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 82.
Same for 468l. to Phillip Packer. Paymaster of the Works, as imprest for repairs of the Mews, Stables and buildings belonging thereto. (Money order dated Mar. 2 hereon.) Money Book, p. 11. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 84.
Same for 50l. to Edward Progers for 1678, June 24, quarter on his annuity. Money Book, p. 11.
Treasury endorsement on a warrant of Treasurer Danby, dated 1678–9, Mar. S. for striking tallies for the Excise Farmers' advance money of 270,000l. On this warrant directions have been issued as follows, viz.. 1679, April 19, for tallies for 70,000l., and 1679. Oct. 28, for tallies for 100,000l. The present endorsement is for like tallies for a further 50,000l. being the instalment due at Christmas last of said advance money. Ibid.
The disposition of the 750l. [per week out of the] Hearthmoney (1,500l. thereof paid 3 Mar., 1679–80, for two weeks). Disposition Book, p. 16.
for the third and similarly for the fourth week (see pp. 417, 431 supra):
Wardrobe 411
Stables 100
ordinary of the Works 200
more for the Mews 39
for the fifth week:
Wardrobe 411
Stables by reason they had but 200l, the two preceding weeks 300
The Works, for the Mews 39
Feb. 26. Henry Guy to Mr. Carr, agent to Sir Tho. Strickland, to forthwith bring an account to the Chancellor of the Exchequer of the money you have paid on account of the farm of Scotch salt. Out Letters (General). p. 399.
Same to the executors of Mr. Ashburnham not to dispose any of the tallies you have in your hands for the services of the Household, without order from the Treasury Lords. Ibid.
Same to Sir George Downing to go to Mr. Blathwaite of the Plantation Office in Scotland Yard to-morrow afternoon concerning some alterations which the Committee of the Plantations are making in the trade of Newfoundland. Ibid, p. 400.
Same to Mr. Hall to attend the Treasury Lords with an abstract of the bill now preferred by the Earl of Derby against the Attorney General and the Trustees for sale of Fee Farms and the rule of the Court made thereon. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Agar. The Treasury Lords have read your report of Dec. 3 last about the condition of the pales of Hampton Court Great Park, which estimates, the repairing those in Mr. Lightfoot's division at 120l., and in the other part of said Park belonging to Mr. Proger at 80l. You are to have them repaired forthwith. You shall be repaid by allowance out of the sale of timber. Ibid.
Same to Auditor Aldworth to draw up the accounts of Mr. Spencer, Sir Charles Wheeler and Col. Strode, Farmers of the Four and a Half per cent. duty at Barbados, according to the form of an Exchequer account, for the first four years of that farm; and to make a state of the account for the last three years thereof. Ibid, p. 401.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to give Edward Oughtred and John Greenwood an extraordinary commission to seize uncustomed and prohibited goods. Out Letters (Customs), pp. 176, 177, 178.
Charles Munday the like in the counties of Middlesex and Surrey and part of London.
William Salter the like, ibid.
William Nichols the like in the town of Colchester and counties of Suffolk and Essex.
Same to same to employ Nicholas Booker as riding surveyor upon the coast of Yorkshire from Hull exclusive to Scarborough inclusive. Ibid, pp. 176, 177, 178.
Samuel Runchon as a tidesman, Liverpool port, loco John Parr, lately dismissed.
John Tompson as a boatman, Liverpool, loco John Farrar, lately dismissed.
Christopher Jans as a landwaiter at Liverpool, as by the warrant of Jan. 17 last.
James Crosfeild as waiter and searcher at Broadfleet, in Lancaster port, loco John Hind, lately deceased.
Feb. 26. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to reduce the salaries of the two boatmen at Liverpool from 15l. to 10l. per an. each, and to advance the salaries of the two tidesmen there from 5l. to 10l. per an. each: as proposed by the said Commissioners' memorial of the 26th inst. Out Letters (Customs), p. 177.
Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the petition of Sir Robert Southwell, said petition praying some effects of the King's bounty out of the assignments which he procured in Portugal for the residue of the portion of the Queen Consort in proportion to what he has saved your Majesty in stating the accounts of that money or to remit to him 75l. of the quit rent which he pays for his lands in Ireland. Of our own knowledge petitioner has very well deserved of your Majesty for his service in that affair, particularly in stating the accounts thereof to your Majesty's advantage and to prevent your being defrauded. The best way of rewarding him would be at present to remit the said value of quit rents. Warrants not Relating to Money, pp. 157–8.
Treasury fiat for letters patent to constitute Francis Spendlove Comptroller of Customs in Yarmouth port, co. Norfolk, loco Henry Hoogan, on the latter's surrender. Ibid, p. 159.
Feb. 27. Money warrants for 250l. each to the judges as follow, being for the quarter due the last day of Hilary term last upon their salaries of 1,000l. per an. each: viz., William Montagu, Esq., Chief Baron of the Exchequer, Sir Thomas Raymond, late one of the Barons of the Exchequer, Sir William Gregory and Sir Edward Atkins, Barons of the Exchequer, Sir William Scroggs, Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench, Sir Tho. Jones and Sir William Dolben, Justices of the King's Bench, Sir Francis Pemberton, late a Justice of the King's Bench, Sir Francis North, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas. Sir William Ellis and Sir Hugh Windham, Justices of the Common Pleas, Sir Robert Atkins, Kt. of the Bath, late one of the Justices of the Common Pleas. Money Book, p. 12.
Same for 25l. each to the eleven Masters in Chancery (Sir Edward Lowe, Sir Andrew Hackett, Sir Tymothy Baldwin, Sir Lacon William Child, Sir Jon. Hoskins, Sir Sam. Clerke, Sir Miles Cooke, Sir Jon. Franklin, Sir Tho. Estcourt, Sir John Coell, and Sir William Beversham, Knts.) for same quarter on their salaries or allowances of 100l. per an. each. (Money order dated Mar. 1 hereon.) Ibid, p. 13. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 83.
Same for 40l. 13s. 4d. to Sir Cresswell Levins for half a year to Christmas last on his fee as Attorney General. Money Book, p. 13.
Money warrant for 125l. to Sir Job Charlton for a quarter to Christmas last as one of the Justices for the city of Chester. Money Book, pp. 14, 15.
50l. to George Johnson, for same as a same.
Same for 35l. to Heneage Finch for half a year to Christmas last on his fee as Solicitor General. Ibid, p. 14.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of the Excise money which will be paid into the Exchequer this week, viz.:— Out Letters (General), p. 401.
to the Cofferer 1,000
to the Duchess of Cleveland 500
to me [Guy] for secret service (in part of 5,000l.) 500
to Mris. Gwynn 250
Feb. 28. Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal to authorise the Treasurer of the Navy to pay 1,000l. per an. each to Daniel Finch, Sir Humphrey Winch, Sir Thomas Meres, Edward Hales, William, Viscount Brouncker, and Sir Thomas Littleton as Admiralty Lords to be payable quarterly, the first payment to be made at Lady day next. The privy seal of June 7 last for similar payments to Sir Henry Capell. Kt. of the Bath. Daniel Finch, Sir Tho. Lee, Bart., Sir Humphrey Winch, Bart., Sir Tho. Meeres, Kt., Edward Vaughan and Edward Hales, being hereby revoked, their constitution as Admiralty Lords being revoked by the great seal of Feb. 19 last [inst.] which appointed their successors as herein. King's Warrant Book, pp. 238–9.
Privy seal for 1,000l. to Lovis, Earl of Feversham, Master of the Horse to the Queen, as imprest for buying horses, mares or geldings for the Queen. (Royal warrant dated Feb. 23 for said privy seal. Money warrant dated Mar. 4 hereon. Money order dated Mar. 6 hereon.) Ibid, pp. 234, 246, Money Book, p. 26. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 85.
Money warrant for 22l. 12s. 6d. to Benjamin Coling for half a year to 1679, Lady day, on his fee of 2s. 6d. a day as Keeper of the Council Chamber. Money Book, p. 15.
Same for 5,000l to Baptist May, Keeper of the Privy Purse: without account: for his Majesty's particular use and service: out of such moneys as shall from time to time be brought into the Exchequer on seizures, fines and forfeitures. (Money order dated Mar. 1 hereon.) Ibid, p. 16. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 84.
Treasury warrant to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 2,500l. to Edward Seymour on any unsatisfied, unappropriated orders in his name as Treasurer of the Navy: to be issued out of the 3000l. paid into the Exchequer this day by the Customs Cashier. Money Book, pp. 16. 17.
500l. to same out of same: to be paid over to the Victuallers.
Same to Henry Guy to forthwith make an assignment to Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe of 13,200l. in part of an order No. 104 for 18,590l. registered on the 412,925l. 14s. 6d. part of the Eighteen Months' Tax and issued to Lemuel Kingdom for the Forces, same having been assigned by said Kingdon to said Guy in accordance with the privy seal of the 25th inst. ut supra, p. 443: the said Kent and Duncombe having this day paid into the Exchequer for the service of the King on the credit of said order 12,000l. whereon 6 per cent. interest and 4 per cent, reward for a year amounts to 1,200l. "and the remainder, if any such be, is to be paid by them to his Majesty." Ibid. p. 18
Feb. 28. Money order for 1,200l. to Edward Seymour, Treasurer of the Navy, as a further part of 108,400l. for building the hulls, masts and yards of four (two second rate and two third rate) of the 30 ships of war as by the privy seal of 1678–9, Mar. 19, ut supra, Cal. Treasury Books, Vol. V. p. 1263. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 81.
[?] Peter Blackwell, of Fetter Lane, and Humph, Wyrley, junr., of St. Clements Danes, being the assignees of Sir Edmd, Wyndham on a tally of 500l. struck on John Adderly, do desire that no release pass from the King to the said Adderly as late Receiver of the Eighteen Months' Assessment, co. Derby, of said Adderly's debt to the King, and likewise no release to the heirs, &c., of Harvey Baggot, Esq., deceased, one of said Adderly's sureties or to the heirs, &c., of Richard Adderly another security or to Jane Adderly relict of said Richard, or to Ralph Adderly another of said sureties and that no grant be made of their goods and chattels and likewise no release be made to George Mountague of 500l. which by inquisition he is found to be indebted to said John Adderly which debt is seized into the King's hands and a verdict obtained against said Montague upon a trial in the Exchequer; all until notice be given to said Blackwell and Wyrley, they having tallies struck upon said Adderly for 500l., upon the delivery of which tallies an acquittance was given for the like sum. Caveat Book, pp. 8–9.
Marginal note: dated 4 Dec., 1682, "I do on behalf of these gentlemen withdraw this caveat, it being entered by my desire." E. Win[dha]m.
[?] Caveat that no docquet pass of Lindhurst without hearing the Marquess of Winchester [thereon: entered] by order of Mr. Aldworth. Ibid. p. 9.
Feb. 28. Henry Guy to Mr. Shales to put in writing what you know concerning the present Farmers of Excise, their proposal and agreement with the King for the farm thereof ending June 24 next, about their paying in the running cash without interest, or any other matter relating to that agreement. Send the Treasury Lords a copy of that proposal on Monday next. Out Letters (General), p. 402.
The like letter severally to Sir Phillip Lloyd and Mr. John Hays (Hayes). Ibid.
Same to Mr. Dashwood and partners [Farmers of Excise] forwarding from the Treasury Lords the proposal of Henry Johnson, John Parsons and Jos. Horneby as follows: "We humbly propose to undertake the management of the Excise at Mid-summer next for three years certain upon the same covenants as in this present grant of Mr. Dashwood's, for which we humbly propose to give to his Majesty as a fine the sum of 40,000l." Ibid, p. 403.
Same to Sir George Downing to go to Mr. Blathwaite at the Plantation Office in Scotland Yard on Monday morning next at 7 o'clock. when the Committee for Trade and Plantations sit upon the Newfoundland business. Ibid.
Feb. 28. Henry Guy to the Excise Commissioners to finish with Mr. Duncombe the business of taking his security as Cashier of Excise on Tuesday next without fail. Out Letters (General), p. 404.
Same to the Customs Commissioners forwarding an information of Jon. Matthews against some merchants of Sarum and Mr. Herries' memorial. You are to consider a way of encouraging the informers and prosecuting the offenders. Ibid.
Same to Tho. Browne to forthwith pay into the Exchequer your debt to the King which is assigned to Sir Richard Mason and his partners. Ibid.
Same to Sir Tho. Beckford to certify the Treasury Lords whether and how much you are any ways indebted to Mr. William or Jon. Jordan. Ibid.
Same to the Navy Commissioners to certify whether any moneys are due from you to abovesaid William or John Jordan. Ibid, p. 405.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay my [Guy's] order for 125l. for secret service out of funds as follows, viz., 62l. 10s. 0d. out of Excise (being a moiety for Lady Maccarty as in the list of Jan. 5 last) and 62l. 10s. 0d. out of the 3,500l. loan made by Mr. Johnson: the [said] Lady Maccarty being otherwise provided for by the Treasury Lords. Ibid.
Same to the Attorney General to attend the Treasury Lords the first Monday before Easter term at the rehearing the business of the fines in the hands of Mr. Astrey. the King's Coroner and Attorney in the King's Bench. Ibid.