Entry Book: March 1680, 11-20

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1913.

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'Entry Book: March 1680, 11-20', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1913), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp469-487 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: March 1680, 11-20', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1913), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp469-487.

"Entry Book: March 1680, 11-20". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1913), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp469-487.


March 1680

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
March 11. Henry Guy to Auditor Done to insert in the interest account of Sir John James and partners an allowance of 6 per cent. gratuity and charges for the money advanced to the old Forces and 6 per cent. interest and 2 per cent. gratuity for the moneys advanced for the new Forces, the Household and for 7,000l. paid upon the Poll bill and the growing interest upon all orders and tallies. Out Letters (General), P. 428.
Same to the Auditors of Imprests to compute the interest of the two sums of 109,704l. 10s. 9¼d. and 6,714l. 19s. 6d. from 1679, Sept. 29, to 1680, Lady day, for the navy creditors as by the privy seal of Feb. 20 last ut supra, pp. 436–7. Ibid, p. 429.
Same to Mr. Slingsby. The Treasury Lords positively direct you to withdraw your caveats against the passing of Mr. Taylor's patent this afternoon without further delay so that the privy seal may pass to-morrow. Ibid.
Same to Sir George Wharton. The principal officers of the Ordnance have particularly represented to the Treasury Lords the state of the debt due to Mr. Cozens upon his contract for the fortifications at Portsmouth which at the foot of his accompt amounts to 2,577l. 7s. 4½d. which is part of the general debt of the Ordnance Office. The Treasury Lords desire that this sum may be satisfied by tallies on the half year's Hearthmoney rent due 1681, Lady day, and payable by the utmost days of grace at 1681, Sept. 19, and that same be made payable next after the 3,605l. 6s. 7d. directed to be paid in the first place to Sir Thomas Fitch out of the tallies of the said half year. Likewise you are to give tallies to satisfy the 2,000l. due to Joseph Audley on a debenture dated 1678, July 20, for bayonets, and the 500l. and 326l. due to William Gladwin on two debentures dated 1678. Sept. 21, and 1678, Oct. 26, for belts, all which are included in the said general debt. Ibid, p. 430.
[?] Same to the Auditors of the revenue (Auditor Aldworth and the 6 other auditors) to attend the Treasury Lords on Tuesday, April 20 next, with the last year's accounts by you taken of the several receivers of fee farms or any other parts of his Majesty's revenue. Ibid.
March 11. Same to the Navy Commissioners to pay out of the weekly money of the Navy the 180l. for 2 years' rent for storehouses for the Navy at Tangier and 50l. for a medal. Ibid, p. 431.
Same to the Hearthmoney Contractors. There are lately stricken on you tallies for 116,419l. 10s. 3¼d. for the Eastland merchants and other creditors of the Navy upon account of a war against the French King. You will receive a list of these from the Treasurer of the Navy and are to register same in course as they are stricken and as preferable to all other tallies of subsequent dates on the respective half-yearly rents of the Hearthmoney on which these tallies are charged. Ibid.
March 11. Henry Guy to the Attorney General to send his opinion to the Treasury Lords whether it is incompatible for Sir Duncombe Colchester to hold the two offices of verderer for life and woodward in fee for the Forest of Dean. Out Letters (General) p. 431.
Same to Mr. Bedford to attend the Attorney General concerning a method of the better collection of Recusants' forfeitures. Ibid, p. 432.
Treasury warrant to Henry Guy to forthwith deliver to the Auditor of the Receipt (to be by him paid over to Edward Seymour, Treasurer of the Navy, to be employed for the victualling of the Navy) the two tallies for in all 15,000l. which were levied 1678–9, March 15, for Lemuel Kingdon for the pay of the Forces, which said tallies have been delivered to said Guy: all as by the two privy seals of Feb. 25 ult., ut supra pp. 443, 444. Money Book, p. 36.
Money warrant for 150l. to Somerset Fox for half a year to Christmas last on his annuity. Ibid, p. 37.
March 12. Henry Guy to Sir Gilbert Talbot. Sir Robert Viner has presented to the Treasury Lords your certificate for 5,758l. 1s. 8½d. for plate served in your [the Jewel] Office. For the future whenever any warrant comes to you for any new things, either stores or gifts, you are to acquaint the Treasury Lords with the particulars before you give direction for providing them. Out Letters (General), p. 432.
Same to the Customs Commissioners. Samuel Nobbs, who is designed to be sent as a riding surveyor to Woodbridge is to be continued till Whitsuntide next in his present station of landwaiter London port. Also Daniel Macadam, another such landwaiter, is not to be sent to any of the outports. Ibid.
Same to Alderman Backwell to attend the Treasury Lords on Monday next concerning your accounts of the Dunkirk money, and of the Queen's portion. Ibid, p. 433.
Same to Mr. Agar (Aagar), Surveyor of Woods, Trent South, to pay 30l. to Mr. Bertie out of the money raised by the sale of [timber in] Walwood; [being] for his perquisites as woodman there. You are to assist him in the execution of the Treasury warrant for sale of the wood amongst the rest of the officers of the [said] Forest. Ibid.
Same to Auditor Aldworth to attend the Treasury Lords on Monday afternoon next about the business of the wine licences. Ibid, p. 434.
[?] Same to [? Auditor Aldworth] to examine the present Hearthmoney Contractors' account of interest at 10 per cent. on 150,000l. by them advanced at several dates, made up to 1679, March 15, amounting in all to 15,954l. 15s. 0d. Ibid.
March 12. Treasury warrant to the Receipt for a tally to discharge Sir Charles Schuckburgh of the baronet fee of 1,095l. due from his father Sir John Schuckburgh, deceased, who died before the discharge thereof as granted in 1660 passed the privy seal ut supra, p. 283. Warrants not Relating to Money, p. 162.
March 12. Treasury constitution and appointment of Sir Baynham Throckmorton, of Clowerwall, co. Gloucester, as his Majesty's Conservator and Supervisor of all his woods and enclosures in Dean Forest as by the privy seal of _ with a view to the preservation of the nursery of timber there as by the Act of Parliament of 19–20 Car. II, c. 8, for Dean Forest. You are to take special care to preserve the woods, underwoods and timber from waste and spoils, to see that all officers perform their duties in perambulating, looking to and repairing the enclosures, etc., and to keep sheep, hogs and other uncommonable cattle from the wastes of said forest, and to prosecute offenders. Warrants not Relating to Money, pp. 163–4.
Ralph Maddison, sheriff of Lincolnshire, was fined 2,000l. by the Judges last Monday for not attending at the assizes which he could not do by reason he had neglected to take the oaths at the term or quarter sessions as by the Act of 25 Car. II, but took them before a Master of Chancery within the time, thinking he need not take them elsewhere. He is using his interest to get his Majesty to remit the fine, [and] in the meantime desires that nothing may pass [in the way of a grant of said fine] to any other person to his prejudice till notice be first given to John Bateman at the Earl of Lichfield's house. Caveat Book, p. 9.
Letter of disposition from Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt for issues as follows:— Disposition Book I, p. 24.
(out of the 1,500l. Customs money now in the Exchequer): l.
to me [Guy] for secret service 700
to Mr. Masters for buying hay for the deer in New Park 100
(out of Excise money paid into the Exchequer this week and next week):
to the Forces for each week 3,000
and afterwards 2,000l. per week according to former directions.
to me [Guy] for secret service 125
to the Earl of Berkshire upon his warrants 150
to Somerset Fox upon ditto 150
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to deliver to Thomas Walker, of Exeter, the bond dated 1675–6, Jan. 26, in 3,000l. executed by James Walker, late Collector of Exeter port, said Thomas Walker and Endymion Walker, merchant: all as by the privy seal of the 10th inst. supra, p. 466. Out Letters (Customs), p. 197.
Same to same to permit the Earl of Derby to import, Customs free, yearly from the Isle of Man, household provisions as follows of the growth of that island, to be expended only in his own household, due entries thereof being made at Liverpool. But the Excise duties and Coinage duties to which any such goods may be liable are to be levied as by law they ought: the said Earl having petitioned for exemption from Customs and Excise on such household provisions of the growth of said island as he should accept in lieu of rent and for his own proper use; on which petition said Commissioners reported Feb. 16 last that the officers of Chester port by their letter of Nov. 14 last wrote that said Earl had made such free importations by several orders under the hands of the then Farmers of the Customs, viz., dated 1661, Oct. 30, 1663, June 3, and 1667, Dec. 7; and that it appears by the testimony of several ancient persons that the said Earl's grandfather had always the like liberty, the present Earl having also on the present instance furnished a particular of several household provisions which he desires to import yearly, the Customs whereon would amount to 36l. 5s. 3d. and the Coinage duty to 17l. 10s. 0d. Ibid, pp. 198–9.
March 12. Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 52l. each to 12 King's waiters in London port for one year to Michaelmas last on their fees, viz., Nicholas Parke, Thomas Raymond, Francis Roberts, John Shaw, Gerrard Andrews, Hugh Bantock, Samuel Ward, John Marshall, Francis Dackett, Andrew Haynes, Samuel Phillipps, and Lawrence Corbett. Money Book, p. 37.
Money warrant for 280l. to Charles, Marquess of Winchester, for 4 years to Michaelmas last on his allowance of 70l. per an. for keeping in repair his Majesty's manor house [at] Lindhurst and the stables there in New Forest: same being certified by Auditor Parsons the 23rd ult. to be due and to have been formerly allowed in the accounts of John Norton, chief woodward of said forest. Ibid, p. 38.
Treasury warrant to Sir James Bradshaw, kt., late sheriff of co. Chester, to pay (in accordance with the proclamation of 1678 [Nov.]20) 20l. to Thomas Dutton for apprehending John Plessington, a Romish priest, lately convicted and executed at Chester: same is to be paid out of moneys in said sheriff's hands upon his account for the year 1679, the deputy auditor of said county having certified that sufficient money so remains. Ibid, p. 39.
Same to Henry Guy to pay into the Exchequer, as soon as he receives it, the 5,390l. balance of the order No. 104 drawn on the Eighteen Months' Assessment ut infra, p. 476. Ibid, pp. 58–9.
Letter of direction on 588l. 17s. 11¾d. remainder of an order dated 1669, Aug. 18 (based on a privy seal of 1669, Aug. 9), for 5,475l. 3s. 0d. to Thomas Gould of London, merchant (ut supra, Cal. of Treasury Books, Vol. III, p. 273), in satisfaction of so much assigned to him upon several tallies levied on the Royal Aid of the city of London by Sir George Carteret. (With a marginal note of an order by Treasurer Osborne dated 1673, July 9, for the execution of said order). The present direction is for said remainder to be paid out of such moneys as shall be paid into the Exchequer of the arrears of the said Royal Aid. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 89.
March 13. Money order for 14,200l. to Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe in repayment of so much by them lent into the Exchequer this day: with 6 per cent. interest, etc. Ibid, p. 100.
Henry Guy to Sir Richard Mason, Bartho. Fillingham, Jno. Ramsey and Tho. Hall. The Treasury Lords find that there are very great arrears long standing out upon the several branches of the revenue, especially the first and second Eighteen Months' Assessment, the Voluntary Present, the Hearthmoney, the Royal Aid, the Additional Supply, the One months' and the Eleven Months' Assessment, the 1666 Poll and the first and second Subsidy. Certify my Lords what course has been and is to be taken for prosecuting the several accountants and getting in the said arrears. Out Letters (General), p. 434.
March 13. Henry Guy to Mr. Trant. My Lords remind you of your promise to them to pay the 1,457l. 10s. 7d. on the 20th inst. to the Barbados Regiment. Do not fail. Out Letters (General), p. 434.
Same to the Auditor of Imprests to prepare Sir George Wharton's accounts for declaration, leaving out those things which cannot be allowed save by privy seal. Ibid, p. 435.
Same to the Attorney General to prepare a warrant for a privy seal (if you think it requisite) for Jon. Hall to release his estate as trustee for the Queen's jointure. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Kent [Customs Cashier], to attend the Treasury Lords on Monday. Ibid.
Same to the Treasurer of the Navy to pay as follows the 28,679l. 11s. 0d. directed to be issued to you out of loans of Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe, viz.:— Ibid, p. 436.
l. s. d.
to the creditors of the Navy upon account of a war with the French King; upon bills of 10l. or under 527 1 6
to complete the paying off the men in the yards 617 0 0
to complete the remains of the Portland and Diamond 800 0 0
to pay off the Antelope 5,000 0 0
Europa's men 202 0 0
to carry on the building at Sheerness 600 0 0
Sir Thomas Beckford 1,000 0 0
[for the] Yards against the 22nd March 9,500 0 0
setting out ships to sea by 2,100l. per week 8,400 0 0
pay of the sea officers 2,033 9 6
£28,679 11 0
Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe for a grant to Thomas Doyly of the office of steward and bailiff of the three Hundreds of Chiltern, viz., Stoke, Desborough and Burnham (as granted to Sir Francis Goodwin, 1615, July 19, for the lives of his sons Arthur Goodwyn and Edward Goodwyn and William Elmes, esq., the 26s. 8d. rent reserved on their lease not having been answered since the Restoration, so that the said 3 lives are probably long since dead). The present grant to be for 31 years from 1679, Sept. 29, at a yearly rent of 26s. 8d. and for a fine of 150l. Warrants not Relating to Money, pp. 164–6.
Prefixing: particular of the premises made out by Sir Robert Croke, Clerk of the Pipe, dated 1679–80, Feb. 25, made out in pursuance of a Treasury warrant dated 1679–80, Jan. 19; and ratal by William Harbord, Surveyor General of Crown Lands, dated 1679–80, March 2, of said particular.
To the particular is appended an abstract of the rents and profits of said Hundreds: Turville 35s., Horton 2l. 16s. 4d., Chalfont St. Giles 2l. 15s. 6d., Eton, Hugheley [Hegerley] and Wrexham [Wexham] 47s. 1d., Medmenham 43s. 4d., Woborn [Woodburn] 41s. 4d., Burnham, Boveny and Beaconsfield 34s. 8d., Chalfey [? Chalvey or Chalfont] 21s., Chalveley [? Chalvey or Fawley] 4s., Bradenham 15s., Little Missenden 10s., Ibston [Ipstone] 3s.; or in all 18l. 6s. 3d. per an.
March 13. Treasury warrant to the Customs officers at Rye to permit the export and re-import, Customs free, of 4 mares and 2 horses which Sir Richard Mason, one of the Clerks Comptrollers of the Household, has occasion to send to France; as certified the 8th inst. by Tho. Wyndham, [Sir] Nich. Armor[er], Roger Pope, Commissioners for the office of Master of the Horse. Out Letters (Customs), p. 200.
Money warrant for 5,758l. 1s. 8½d. to Sir Rob. Vyner, kt. and bart., his Majesty's goldsmith, for divers gold chains, medals and parcels of gilt and white plate and other things by him delivered into the Jewel House between 1678–9, Feb. 25, and the 10th inst., and for disbursements by him made for the service of that Office; as by a certificate of the 10th inst. from Sir Gilbert Talbot, Master of his Majesty's Jewels. (Money order dated March 13 hereon.) Money Book, p. 38. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 204.
Same for 7,535l. 1s. 2d. to Samuel Pepys, Treasurer of Tangier garrison, in further part of 14,300l. for the quarter ended Sept. 30 last for said garrison. Hereof 3,057l. 5s. 0d. is intended to be paid over to the Victuallers of said garrison and the remainder to Mr. Hewer for the service of the mole. To be paid out of the remains of the loans made by Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe into the Exchequer. (Money order dated March 17 hereon.) Money Book, p. 39. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 96.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt to issue out of moneys lent into the Exchequer by Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe 365l. 7s. 10d. upon the order of the 10th inst. (ut supra, p. 461) in the name of Sir George Wharton for the creditors of the Ordnance; and a further 2,670l. upon any unsatisfied, unappropriated orders in said Wharton's name for land and sea service to be performed by the Office of Ordnance. Of the latter sum 1,000l. is intended for the ordinary of the Ordnance, 1,500l. for fitting out ships and the remaining 120l. for bedding at Sheerness. Money Book, p. 40.
The like warrant for the like issue of 527l. 1s. 6d. to Edward Seymour, Treasurer of the Navy, on a money order of Feb. 23 last for the Navy creditors ut supra p. 439, and further of 28,152l. 9s. 6d. which is intended for sundry other uses of the Navy. Ibid, p. 41.
Money warrant for 100l. to Charles Goodwin, Receiver for Sussex of the last Seventeen Months' Assessment, the Poll and the Eighteen Months' Assessment: to be without accompt and in reward and for his charges in returning the moneys of those taxes to London. (Money order dated March 15 hereon.) Ibid, p. 40. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 95.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 100l. to William Culliford for half a year to Christmas last on his salary as Register of the seizures. Money Book, p. 41.
Money warrant for 1,272l. 6s. 8d. to John Brisbane, esq., 120l. thereof for 30 days, 1679, June 17 to July 17 (being the day of his return into his Majesty's presence as certified by Secretary Coventry), on his ordinary of 40s. a day as his Majesty's late Agent for soliciting merchants' affairs in the Court of France; 58l. 6s. 8d. thereof for 7 months to the same July 17 last on his allowance of 100l. for a clerk; 412l. thereof for 206 days, 1678, Dec. 23, to the said time [July 17 last] of his return on his allowance of 40s. a day as late Secretary to the Embassy in the Court of France; and 682l. thereof for divers extraordinaries upon a bill allowed by Secretary Coventry Nov. 17 last. (Money order dated March 16 hereon.) Ibid, pp. 41–3. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 96.
Appending: bill of said extraordinaries:—
l. s. d.
for New Year's gifts to inferior officers and ministers' servants 36 0 0
for journeys to and staying at St. Germain 68 0 0
for intelligence 75 0 0
for mourning for the Duchess of Longueville and Elector of Bavaria 40 0 0
for post of letters 38 0 0
for Exchequer fees and other charges in recovering [sic for receiving] 1,114l. of my salaries and [on] tallies for 1,101l. 76 0 0
for one year's interest of the said 1,101l. in tallies 66 0 0
given to the introductors of ambassadors and others at parting 85 0 0
for land carriage and freight of my goods and charges at the Custom houses in France and England 68 0 0
for putting of [off] my house at Paris, discharging servants and expenses in bringing back my family 88 0 0
for Exchequer fees [on the receipt] of what remains due of my salary and by this account 42 0 0
£682 0 0
March 14. Money order for 25,000l. to Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe in repayment of so much by them lent into the Exchequer this day: with 6 per cent. interest, etc. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 100.
March 15. Same for 955l. to same in repayment of so much by them lent into the Exchequer this day: with 6 per cent. interest, etc. Ibid, p. 101.
Treasury subscription for the execution (for 120l. thereof) of a money order dated 1678–9, March 17, for 313l. 11s. 8d. to Phillip Packer (ut supra, Cal. of Treasury Books, Vol. V. p. 1269) for the gardener at Whitehall and Hampton Court. Ibid, p. 91.
[?] [? Letter of direction on] a money order dated 1679, Oct. 29, for 309l. 10s. 3d. to William Blathwaite for the Committee of Trade and Plantations. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 91.
March 15. Treasury warrant to the Auditor of the Receipt to satisfy (out of the 5,390l. which Henry Guy is to pay into the Exchequer on an order, No. 104, assigned to him by Lemuel Kingdon at supra, pp. 443, 447–8) the 455l. due upon the money order of Jan. 26 last to Bevil Skelton ut supra, p. 408: with a marginal note of a later letter of direction dated 1680, Dec. 23, for the said 455l. to be paid out of the 3,942l. 18s. 0d. lent into the Exchequer 1680, Dec. 23, by Rich. Kent and Charles Duncombe upon the credit of said order No. 104. Ibid, p. 92.
Same to same to similarly pay (out of said 5,390l.) the 160l. due upon an order dated 1678–9. Feb. 27, for 160l. to Philip Packer for Mr. Gurle the gardener [of St. James's Park Garden], with a marginal note of a later letter of direction dated 1680–1, Jan. 4, to be satisfied out of the abovesaid 3,942l. 18s. 0d. Ibid, p. 93.
Same to same to similarly pay (out of said 5,390l.) the 120l. due upon an order of 1678–9, Feb. 27, for 120l. to said Packer for said Gurle ut supra, with a like marginai note of a like later letter of direction. Ibid, p. 94.
Money order for 280l. to Charles, Marquess of Winchester, for 4 years to Sept. 29 last on the allowance of 70l. per an. for keeping in repair his Majesty's house at Lindhurst (Lindhurst Lodge in New Forest). Ibid, p. 95.
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer to deliver up to Edward Coleman the bond of Lewis Harding and his sureties Lewis Paradine and Paull Cobb ut supra, p. 451. Warrants not Relating to Money, p. 167.
[?] Henry Guy to [the Hearthmoney Farmers]. Your half year's rent payable to the King (by the utmost days of grace) on the 15th inst. is overcharged by tallies struck thereon to an amount greater than the said rent. The Treasury Lords direct you to pay the tallies specified below out of the said half year's rent to the total of 81,000l., which is the amount of the said half year's rent, viz.:— Ibid, pp. 168–9.
Tallies which said Farmers have paid:—
Date of Tally. Payee. Sum.
l. s. d.
1677, Dec. 20 Cofferer 1,000 0 0
1,000 0 0
1678, May 2 Grooms of the Bedchamber 312 10 0
312 10 0
312 10 0
312 10 0
1678, July 13 Alex, Stanhope 575 0 0
575 0 0
1678, Aug. 7 Earl of Ogle and Mr. Mulis 4,286 2 6
(In the margin. 10s. short.)
1678, Aug. 13 Lord Gerard 1,750 0 0
1678, Aug. 19 Duke of New castle 625 0 0
1678, Sept. 18 Earl of Manchester 625 0 0
1678, Oct. 16 Earl of Ossory 625 0 0
1678, Oct. 29 Mr. Bertie 2,000 0 0
1678, Dec. 23 Sir Edward Griffin 100 0 0
300 0 0
213 17 10
166 9 11
52 0 0
60 0 0
500 0 0
137 0 0
65 0 0
500 0 0
250 0 0
1678–9. Mar. 6 Mr. Montague 1,315 0 0
300 0 0
1678–9, Mar. 14 Mr. Bertie 250 0 0
1,500 0 0
545 0 0
550 0 0
43 0 0
1678–9, Mar. 15 Mr. Bertie 540 0 0
139 0 0
800 0 0
1678–9, Mar. 21 Lord Arlington 400 0 0
1678–9, Mar. 24 Mr. Bertie 357 0 0
£23,395 10 0
Tallies presented to said Farmers for payment. and of such as they have undertaken to pay [out of their rent] due 1679–80. March 15:—
Date of Tally. Payee. Sum.
l. s. d.
1677, Dec. 20 Cofferer 4,000 0 0
1677–8, Mar. 6 Mr. Montague 3,079 0 0
1678, Nov. 20, Mr. Seymour 3,142 18 9
1678–9, Mar. 14 625 0 0
1678, May 2 Mris. Elliot 312 10 0
1678, May 2 Earl of Dorset 625 0 0
1678–9, Mar. 17 The Lieutenant of the Tower, struck for Sir G. Wharton 1,000 0 0
12,784 8 9
[Tallies hereby directed] to be paid to Mr. Hewer 1,412 2 5
[to the Hearthmoney Farmers themselves for repayment of] advance money 17,500 0 0
[to same for] interest 15,954 15 0
Mr. Griffin 2,667 16 0
five Grooms of the Bedchamber 1,562 10 0
three Gentlemen of the Bedchamber 1,875 0 0
Sir Allan Apsley 2,000 0 0
another Groom of the Bedchamber 312 10 0
remainder of Sir George Wharton's tallies 1,150 0 0
Lord Arlington's remainder of 18,000l. 385 7 10
44,820 1 3
(Total) £81,000 0 0
March 15. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to give Thomas Battiee (Battee), a commission to seize uncustomed and prohibited goods in Colchester port. Out Letters (Customs), pp. 200, 202.
Robt. Thirkell the like in the counties of Norfolk and Lincoln.
George Robins to be employed as waiter at Mumbles, Swansea port, loco Henry Vaughan, who declines same.
Treasury instructions to same in reply to their memorial of the 13th inst. You have frequent information of vessels laden with French wines and other goods coming into the fishing grounds about the Queenborough Swale and there unlading privately into small boats to be smuggled on shore in the river. You therefore propose to have a smack to belong to Queenborough to visit all fisher boats and other vessels thereabout, and did agree with William Wells for a smack of 12–14 tons to be commanded by himself with 2 able seamen, to be in constant victual and pay at 80l. per an. from Feb. 25 last, and you have already found good effect thereof, wherefore you desire same to be continued and put on the establishment, proposing (in order to meet this cost) to suppress the office of waiter and searcher at Queenborough from Lady day next (40l. per an.), and also the office of one of the boatmen at Rochester (20l. per an.), and also the present allowance for victualling the boats at Rochester (10l. per an.), and 10l. deducted from the salary of the collector of Newhaven. You further propose that the salary of the collector of Newhaven (void by the death of Samuel Rose, late collector there) being 30l., be suppressed, and that Robt. Hall, one of the customers of Chichester, undertake the said collection for his patent salary, with the allowance of 10l. to keep a horse to ride the coast and to reside at Lewes. Further that out of the said salary of the collector of Newhaven 10l. per an. be added to the salary of the collector of Deal to make up the additional salary of 10l. as by your memorial of Feb. 23 last. Further that Robert Hall, Junr., be made collector, waiter, and searcher at Shoreham loco Richard Forty dismissed. Ibid, pp. 203–5.
The abovesaid proposals are hereby approved and authorised.
Treasury warrant to William Chiffinch, receiver of the [arrears of the] rents and revenues [late in jointure to the Queen Mother] to pay out of said revenue 20l. to Christopher Crow, 40l. to Tho. Raban, 30l. to William Aldworth, and 10l. each to John Tench. John Powell and Thomas Crosthwaite for their care and pains about the accounts and other things relating to bringing in the said arrears. Money Book, p. 43.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 1,000l. to Edward Seymour on any unsatisfied, unappro-priated orders in his name as Treasurer of the Navy: to be issued out of the 6,000l. Customs money paid into the Exchequer the 13th inst. by the Customs' Cashier: same is hereby to be paid over to the Victuallers of the Navy for 2 weeks of their allowance of 500l. per week. Ibid.
Money warrant for 500l. to Peregrine Bertie, Charles Bertie and Charles Osborne for half a year to Christmas last on the 1,000l. per an. for the Earl of Plymouth as by the indenture tripartite of 1678, Aug. 20. To be paid out of the moneys paid or to be paid into the Exchequer by the Commissioners of Alienations arising from writs of covenant and writs of entry. Ibid, p. 45.
March 15. Money warrant for 67l. 9s. 2d. to Thomas Lanier for one year to 1674, Christmas, on his fee as one of his Majesty's musicians. Money Book, p. 45.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to direct the Customs Cashier to pay 20l. to Thomas Miller, late officer of the Customs at Carolina, for his present support. Ibid.
Money warrant for 500l. to Lord Alington for half a year to Sept. 29 last on his fee or allowance of 1,000l. per an. as Constable of the Tower. Ibid, p. 46.
Same for 100l. to Francis Reynolds for half a year to 1678, Lady day, on his pension for his service in the King's preservation after the battle of Worcester. Ibid.
Same for 2,120l. to Isaac Le Gouch, his Majesty's Jeweller for jewels by him delivered to the following persons as certified by the Earl of Arlington, Lord Chamberlain, viz.: a diamond ring of the value of 250l. [delivered] on the 19 Dec., 1679, to Mr. Felix Morstyn (Mortin), Envoy from the King of Poland; a same of the value of 120l. delivered the same day to Mr. Levandoury (Levandaury), Secretary to the Spanish Embassy under Count Egmont; a jewel of the value of 500l. delivered on Jan. 14 last to Monsieur Leyonbergh, Envoy from the King of Sweden: a jewel of diamonds with the King's picture in it of the value of 900l. delivered on Feb. 17 last to Señor Gaspar Abreu (Abrea) di Freitas, Ambassador from Portugal; a diamond ring of the value of 100l. delivered [on the same day] to Raphael Marehho (Marentio) Dica, Secretary of the said Embassy; a jewel of the value of 250l. delivered the 12th inst. to Mr. Spanheim, Envoy from the Prince Elector of Brandenburg. The total, 2,120l., is to be hereby paid out of the 5,390l. which Henry Guy is to receive for the king's use upon an order No. 104 for 18,590l. registered on the 412,925l. 14s. 6d., part of the Eighteen Months' Assessment which order Lemuel Kingdon, has lately assigned to said Guy, and whereon said Guy has since assigned 13,200l. part thereof to Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe, thus leaving 5,390l. to be received by Guy when said order becomes payable in course on said tax. (Money order dated March 23, hereon with a later letter of direction dated 1680, Dec. 23, for same to be paid out of the 3,942l. 18s. 0d. lent by Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe out of the Exchequer on that date on the credit of the abovesaid order No. 104.) Ibid, pp. 47–8. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 98.
Treasury warrant to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 232l. 4s. 5d. to Edward Griffin, esq., on any unsatisfied orders in his name as Treasurer of the Chamber; to be by him paid over to Richard Royston, his Majesty's stationer in ordinary, in part of money due to him for stationery wares. Money Book, p. 48.
Money warrant for 30l. to Sir Edward Griffin, kt., to be by him paid over to Edward Glyn, gent., for half a year to June 24 last on his allowance of 60l. per an. Money Book, p. 48.
Same for 200l. to Dame Anne Windham for same period on her pension. Ibid, p. 49.
Same for 100l. to Catherine Gunter for half a year to 1676, Lady day, on her pension. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 81l. 13s. 10d. to Edward Griffin, esq., upon any unsatisfied, unappropriated orders in his name as Treasurer of the Chamber: to be by him paid over to Thomas Atterbury, one of the Messengers in ordinary, in discharge of several bills particularly directed to be paid to him by order of Council in respect of his diligence and industry in his Majesty's service. Ibid, pp. 49–50.
Same to same to issue 546l. 2s. 9d. to Sir Charles Cotterell upon the orders of loan remaining due to him and the executors of Clement Cotterell for principal and interest as follows, viz.: an order of loan No. 26 registered on the Customs of 1673, Lady day quarter, for 400l. to Sir Charles Cotterel, whereon he has been paid 250l., leaving still due 150l. for principal and 153l. 15s. 5d. for interest computed to this day: an order of loan No. 391 registered on the Customs for 150l. principal on which the interest to this day is 74l. 16s. 1d.; 17l. 11s. 3d. for interest due to the executors of Clement Cotterel. deceased, on 91l. 5s. 0d., upon an order of loan No. 392 registered on the Customs, viz., from 1671. Nov. 21. the date of the order to 1674–5, Feb. 6, when the principal was paid. The present warrant is to be satisfied out of the 5,390l. balance of an assigned order, No. 104, in Henry Guy's hand at supra, p. 476. When issues are made on the present warrant the abovesaid tallies of loan are to be taken in and vacated. (With a later letter of direction dated 1680. Dec. 23, for this warrant to be satisfied out of the 3,492l. 18s. 0d. lent into the Exchequer on that date by Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe upon the credit of said order No. 104.) Ibid, pp. 50–1.
Same to same to issue 1,477l. 2s. 0d. to the Treasurer of the Navy, upon any unsatisfied, unappropriated orders in his name, to be by him paid over to John Dorrington for himself and the rest of the owners of the ship Leister, which was sunk at Blackwall upon the approach of the Dutch fleet in June, 1667, being for the said ship and her lading as by a navy bill dated 1668, July 16: to be satisfied out of the abovesaid 5,390l. remainder of order No. 104 in Henry Guy's hands. Ibid, p. 52.
Money warrant for 50l. to John Collins for one year to 1674, Sept. 29, on his allowance as by the privy seal of 1669, Aug. 6. (Money order dated March 17 hereon.) Ibid, p. 53. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 96.
Same for 25l. 1s. 10½d. to Robt. Gyde for 1676, Sept. 29 quarter, on his salary and board wages as a serjeant at arms. Money Book, pp. 53, 54, 55.
Roger Charnock 50l. 3s. 9d. for half a year to June 24 last on his salary and board wages as a serjeant at arms.
William Mease 25l. 1s. 10½d. for 1678, Sept. 29 quarter, on same as a same.
March 15. Money warrant for 100l. to Nicholas Staggins for half a year to 1679, Lady day, on his fee or salary as a King's musician. Money Book, p. 54.
Same for 43l. 13s. 9d. to Gervace Price for 3 quarters to Christmas last on his fee of 58l. 5s. 0d. per an. as Gentleman of the Bows; 50l. for half a year to same date on his allowance of 100l. per an. for keeping his Majesty's arms at Whitehall; 30l. for half a year to Sept. 29 last on his 60l. per an. as under-keeper of St. James's Park. Ibid, p. 55.
Same for 18l. 5s. 0d. to Rebecca Lowe, relict of William Lowe, for half a year to 1674, June 24, on his allowance of 2s. a day as late one of the Grooms of the Chamber of the Queen. Ibid, p. 56.
[?] Treasury allowance of the quarterly [salary] bill detailed of the Wine Licence Office for 1676, June 24 quarter. (Total 685l. 3s. 11d., as certified by the Wine Licence Commissioners, Feb. 27 ult.) Ibid.
March 15. Henry Guy to [? Alderman Backwell] to deliver to Auditor Aldworth the tallies in your hands belonging to the accompt of the [Queen's dowry or] Portugal money. Out Letters (General), p. 435.
Same to the Auditors of Imprests. Take the enclosed accounts of Sir George Wharton to him [Wharton], and know all his pretensions to allowances therein and when you have so adjusted them with him that you know all his demands present them to my Lords at their first sitting after Easter. Ibid, p. 436.
Same to the Warden of the Mint et al. to make up and to present to my Lords ut supra, an account of what is due to the importers of bullion respectively for bullion by them delivered into the Mint to be coined. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Kingdon, forwarding, for his answer thereto, the petition of several of his Majesty's gunners of the castles and forts within the Cinque ports: said petition setting forth that about 2 years since they were 4 years in arrears and Mr. Kingdon, then Paymaster, would not pay them without they allowed him 3s. 6d. per £ under pretence that he had received no money for their pay yet, with promise to return 2s. 6d. [per £] back again if in some short time he should receive the king's pay; which he accordingly did receive in a very little time but does not pay back: therefore pray that he may shew cause why he does not perform his promise. Ibid, p. 437.
Same to Mr. Blathwaite. The Treasury Lords have directed 150l. to you forthwith in part of your order for 309l. for the Committee of Trade and Plantations for June 24 quarter last. This is in the first place for your disbursements, clerks and your own salary. Ibid.
Henry Guy to the principal officers of the Ordnance to send to the Auditors of Imprests certificates of what money Sir George Wharton has received (within the several years of his accounts) for decayed stores and otherwise wherewith he cannot be charged at the Exchequer. Out Letters (General), p. 438.
Same to the Warden. Comptroller and Assaymaster of the Mint to take special care as well of the bullion now in the Mint as what shall hereafter be delivered in, keeping it carefully under the usual keys of the Master and Worker, Warden and Comptroller as the [Mint] indenture directs, and that it be in the presence of the said officers delivered to the several importers according to the course of the Mint and in precedency as the statute directs. Ibid.
[?] Same to the Customs Commissioners, Put me in mind of giving Capt. Idle the command of one of his Majesty's Customs smacks. Ibid.
March 15. Same to the [Dean] Forest Commissioners. The Treasury Lords have added the following to your instructions: (1) to immediately repair the inclosures which you think fit up and to certify what parts of the enclosures are fit to be thrown up and what others to be enclosed in said Forest: (2) to give an account of the Lea Baily and the nature of it: (3) to cut the overhangings in the highways of the Forest: (4) to allow 20l. to Sir Bainham Throgmorton in case he effectually remove the cabins out of the Forest as he has undertaken to do by law: (5) the keepers to give security to keep their lodges and the fences of the 30 acres laid to each of them in good repair: (6) the Speech House to be repaired at the King's charge. Ibid, p. 439.
Same to the Auditors of Imprests to give (together with the Warden, Master and Worker, Comptroller and Assaymaster of the Mint) an account to the Treasury Lords at their first meeting after Easter of what is due to the several importers of bullion for bullion by them delivered into the Mint to be coined: also to consider and report on Mr. Slingsby's estimate of his receipts and payments as below and particularly to certify what is due for officers' salaries and to the Moneyers and others for necessaries provided for the Mint relating to the Mint account for the 2 years now being passed; and likewise what charge Mr. Slingsby is usually at after he has received the gold clean standard for the 7s. he has for the gold and 8d. for the silver. Ibid, pp. 440–1.
Prefixing: said estimate of Mr. Slingsby's receipts and payments for the use of the Mint from 1677, Dec. 20, to 1679–80, March 15, being near 2¼ years.
Coined in Gold. Coinage. Coined in Silver. Coinage. Pix. Salaries.
lb. oz. d. gr. l. s. d. lb. oz. d. gr. l. s. d. l. s. d. l.
1678. 3,000 6 15 12 1,137 14 3 7,981 2 0 0 581 16 10 _ 2,600
1679. 11.986 7 15 6 4,544 16 6 81,613 3 5 0 6,460 1 0 1,108 19 6 2,600
1679–80. 2,184 2 5 12 827 14 6 30,420 0 0 0 2,408 0 0 _ 650
TOTALS 17,171 4 16 6 6,510 5 3 120,014 5 5 0 9,456 2 10 1,108 19 6 5,850
l. s. d.
Due for coinage ut supra 15,960 8 1
Due for 671½ pieces of gold put into the Pix at 21s. 8d. each piece, 727l. 8s. 4d.; due for silver put into the Pix, 381l. 11s. 2d. 1,108 19 6
Due for salaries 5,850 0 0
Disbursed for fees and expenses about receiving and portage of the coinage moneys 76 4 9
Paid for copper alloy for the gold and silver moneys lately bought 114 7 1
Paid for charges and disbursements upon the late trial of the Pix 15 7 3
Due to the artificers for building Mr. Evans' house by the Earl of Danby's second order 600 0 0
Paid for 50 double cases of shassies for the new melting house at 20s. 6d. each case 51 5 0
Paid for 2 great melting pots of iron for the new melting house 72 0 0
£23,848 11 8
Disbursements by way of estimate—
For the charges and expenses in the first nealing of gold and silver into ingots; for ditto in melting, toughening, refining and parting gold and silver: for charcoal spent in his Majesty's offices in toughening, refining and parting: for charges and expenses in the Assay Office by the Assay Master: for the waste upon the trial of the gold and silver money when coined: for necessary repairs in [the] melting, refining, nealing and blanching houses: for extraordinary expenses and disbursements for the Mint 1,600 0 0
Imprested to the Warden of the Mint for repairs of houses, offices and buildings payable by him 1,300 0 0
Same to same for his part of the officers' diet and for emptions, provisions and other necessary expenses payable by him 600 0 0
Total disbursement £27,348 11 8
Coinage money received out of the Exchequer:—
l. s. d.
1678 11,041 6
1679 9,916 9 5
20,957 15
Balance due to Slingsby £6,390 15 11½
March 15. Henry Guy to the Warden of the Mint et al. to report on the above account, certifying in particular as to the items of salaries, necessaries and Mr. Slingsby's charges ut supra. Out Letters (General), p. 442.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to put—Lloyd into a landwaiter's place at Plymouth or elsewhere. Ibid.
March 16. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay off Sir Gabriel Sylvius's order for 955l. out of Custom money paid (altered to money lent) into the Exchequer by Mr. Kent and Mr. Duncombe. Out Letters (General), p. 437.
Letter of disposition from Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt for issues as follows out of the Excise money which shall be paid in this week:— Disposition Book I, p. 25.
l. s. d.
to Mr. Johnson for interest 1,558 7 3
to the Earl of Lichfield 600 0 0
to the Earl of Sussex 300 0 0
to me [Guy] for secret service in part of 5,000l. 500 0 0
Treasury instructions to the Customs Commissioners in reply to their memorial of the 1st inst. (1) We intend to speak with the Ordnance Commissioners touching the former orders forbidding the transportation of iron ordnance, ammunition, etc., and to represent the nature of it in Council. (2) You are to accept 8s. per quarter only for the duty of the wheat mentioned in your memorial, and your solicitor is not to proceed to trial with the merchants concerned, and the officers who have received the deposit of the greater duty are to return the overplus. (3) Edward Burrns has in regard of age and inability to work, petitioned for a noon tender's place, whereupon you report that there are many such honest superannuated officers in the Customs and have proposed that they may be appointed to future vacancies of noon tenders' places and hereby way made for younger persons to supply the more laborious employments. We hereby approve thereof and so direct. (4) We approve of your displacing and changing the masters of the [Customs'] smacks which you have displaced or changed since March 25 last. Ibid, p. 202.
March 17. Letter of disposition from Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to take in on loan and to issue as follows the 6,750l. which the Hearthmoney Contractors have agreed to pay into the Exchequer on account of their rent due Michaelmas next:— Ibid, pp. 16–17.
to Lord James Douglas 200
to Mr. Sidney, one quarter's ordinary 455
to Mr. Savile, for ordinary and extraordinary 955
to Mr. Skelton, one quarter's ordinary 455
to the new Royal [mathematical] Foundation [at Christ's Hospital], one quarter 250
to the Earl of Dunbarton's officers 376
to me [Guy] for secret service 2,309
to the Wardrobe for 5 weeks at 411l. per week 2,055
to the Duke of Monmouth, late Master of the Horse for 2 weeks on 200l. per week 400
to ditto, 2 weeks on 100l. per week 200
to ditto, one week on 300l. per week 300
to Mr. Packer, Paymaster of the Works, for the ordinary [of the Works], 2 weeks on 100l. per week 200
to ditto for same, 2 weeks on 200l. per week 400
to ditto, for 5 weeks on 39l. per week for repairs of the Mews, Stables, etc. 195
Letter of disposition from Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue out of any disposable money in the Exchequer, 566l. 7s. 9d. as by the warrant of the 9th inst. for interest to the city. Disposition Book I, p. 24.
Money order for 30l. to Sir Edwd. Griffin, kt., for half a year to June 24 last on the 60l. per an. to Edward Glynn, gent., to be by him paid over to Glynn. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 95.
March 18. Henry Guy to John Browne. There are divers papers in your hands which will make out a discovery which Mr. William Fanshaw has made to the Treasury Lords, relating to the persons lately executed for treason. As the Treasury is now adjourned, I request you to send said papers to Mr. Hide at his house in St. James's Street to-morrow. Out Letters (General), p. 438.
Same to Mr. Robson. My Lords have ordered you 252l. in part of impost wine money, which you are to pay as follows: 63l. to the Spanish Ambassador, 63l. to the Portugal Ambassador Extraordinary, 63l. to the Portugal Ambassador, 31l. 10s. 0d. to Monsieur Du Crow, 31l. 10s. 0d. to the Genoese Resident. Ibid, p. 439.
[? after
March 18.]
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for the satisfaction as follows of Nicholas Johnson's tallies of loan. The said Johnson has for his Majesty's immediate service advanced on the credit of tallies as below the following sums, viz.. 100,750l. on the Excise, 52,000l. on the Customs, and 10,827l. 12s. 5d. on the Hearthmoney, or in all 163,577l. 12s. 5d.; and although the said tallies might have been sooner paid, yet the said Johnson out of his zeal for the King's service, has freely consented for the better accommodation of his Majesty's pressing occasions to receive payment on the same as follows, and it is hereby directed that the said tallies be so satisfied, viz., the 100,750l. on the Excise to be satisfied by 2,000l. a week and in proportion to that rate until the whole be settled, the first weekly payment to begin April 17 next; the 52,000l. on the Customs to be satisfied in course out of the Customs or sooner in such proportions and at such time as the Treasury Lords shall direct; and the said 10,827l. 12s. 5d. to be paid out of the Hearthmoney on or before Sept. 19 next or at the furthest upon the succeeding half year payable at 1680–1, March 15, according to the respective tallies struck thereon. Further there is hereby to be paid to him 6 per cent. interest on all the said moneys. King's Warrant Book, pp. 271–3.
Appending: schedule of said tallies:—
On the Excise: 10,000l. remaining of a tally of 1678, June 12, for 13,350l., 3 tallies of 1678, Oct. 21, for respectively 13,250l., 9,045l., and 4,455l., 3 of Feb. 18 [last] for 10,000l. each, 12 of the 3rd [inst.] for in all 34,000l.; on the Customs: 26 tallies of March 18 [inst.] for 2,000l. each; on the Hearthmoney: I tally of 1679, Aug. 30, for 1,300l., 1 of Sept. 1 for 2,113l. 6s. 5d., 3 of Oct. 22 for 2,000l., 2,000l. and 2,114l. 6s. 0d., 1 of Nov. 10 for 1,300l.
March 19. Letter of disposition from Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt for issues as follows, out of any unappropriated moneys in the Exchequer:— Disposition Book I, p. 25.
l. s. d.
to Lady Windham 200 0 0
to Mr. Reynolds 100 0 0
to Mr. Blathwaite, Clerk of the Plantations 150 0 0
to the Treasurer of the Chamber for Atterbury 81 13 10
to the new Royal [mathematical] Foundation [at Christ's Hospital], one quarter 250 0 0
to me [Guy] for secret service 320 0 0
to Widow Lowe 20 0 0
to Mr. Collins 50 0 0
£1,171 13 10
Money warrant for 47l. 8s. 4d. to Andrew Lawrence, Surveyor of his Majesty's highways; 18l. 5s. 0d. thereof for half a year to June 24 last on his fee of 2s. a day; and 29l. 3s. 4d. thereof on his fee of 3s. 4d. a day for 175 days between 1678, Michaelmas and 1679, Lady day, on which [number of days] it is certified by the Lord Chamberlain that he was employed on his Majesty's service about the said highways. Money Book, p. 57.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 252l. to Tho. Robson in part of 3,675l. for impost bills for the present year, as by the indenture of 1678–9, March 27. Ibid.
Money warrant for 9l. 2s. 6d. to each of the Grooms of the Great Chamber in Ordinary to the Queen, for one quarter each ending as follows: (viz.: Tho. Witherden, 1673, June 24; Jon. Robinson (Robson), 1673, Christmas; Jon. Hall, 1675, Lady Day; Hobert Colby, 1675, Lady Day; Robt. Willmot, 1679, June 24; Jon. Kernan, 1679, Lady Day; Tho. Thackham, 1679, Lady Day, and Richd. Change, 1679, Sept. 29). (Money orders dated March 24 hereon.) Ibid, p. 58. Order Book XXXVIII, pp. 98–9.
March 20. Letter of disposition from Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt for issues as follows out of the 4,000l. which the Hearthmoney Contractors are to pay into the Exchequer by 570l. per week for 4 weeks and 1,000l. for the fifth week, viz.:— Disposition Book I, pp. 26–7.
First week: l. s. d.
to Mr. Packer for the Works 100 0 0
to the Duke of Monmouth for the Stables 75 0 0
to the Treasurer of the Chamber for Mr. Glynne 30 0 0
to Mr. Packer for the under gardeners 120 0 0
to the Grooms of the Queen's Chamber 73 0 0
to Mr. Lanier 67 9 2
to Serjt. Mease 25 1 10½
to Serjt. Charnocke 50 3 9
to Serjt. Gyde 25 1 10½
to Serjt. Becke 25 1 10½
to Mr. Lawrence, Surveyor of the Highways 47 8
to Mr. Staggins 100 0 0
£738 6 11
Second week:
to the Wardrobe 111 0 0
to Mr. Packer for the Works 59 0 0
to the Duke of Monmouth for the Stables 80 0 0
to Sir William Bishop, Serjeant at Arms 125 9
to me [Guy] for secret service 50 0 0
to the Treasurer of the Chamber for the Messengers of the King's Great Chamber 333 10 0
£758 19
Third week:
to the Wardrobe 111 0 0
to Mr. Packer for the Works 59 0 0
to the Duke of Monmouth for the Stables 80 0 0
to the Treasurer of the Chamber for Mr. Royston 232 14 5
to ditto, more in part of 100l. for Mr. Kirke 46 1 5
to Mris. Gunter 100 0 0
to _ for the Duke of Monmouth's officers at Tangier in part of 447l. 2s. 6d. 123 13 9
£751 19 7
Fourth week:
to the Wardrobe 111 0 0
to Mr. Packer for the Works 59 0 0
to the Duke of Monmouth for the Stables 80 0 0
to the Treasurer of the Chamber in full of 100l. for Mr. Kirke 53 18 7
to _ for the Duke of Monmouth's officers at Tangier in full of 447l. 2s. 6d. 323 8 9
to Serjt. Price 123 13 9
£751 1 1
Fifth week:
to the Wardrobe 261 0 0
to Mr. Packer for the Works 109 0 0
to the Duke of Monmouth for the Stables 130 0 0
to Lord Alington 500 0 0
£1,000 0 0