Entry Book: April 1679, 12-19

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1913.

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'Entry Book: April 1679, 12-19', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680, ed. William A Shaw (London, 1913), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp18-30 [accessed 9 March 2025].

'Entry Book: April 1679, 12-19', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Edited by William A Shaw (London, 1913), British History Online, accessed March 9, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp18-30.

"Entry Book: April 1679, 12-19". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Ed. William A Shaw (London, 1913), British History Online. Web. 9 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp18-30.


April 1679

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
April 12. Henry Guy to [Richard] Kent, the Customs Cashier, to advance the money on the following tallies which should be paid in [their] course but the king's service requires speedy advance thereof. You shall be allowed interest as usual: viz., one of the 10th inst. for 300l. to the Speaker of the House of Commons and another of same for 767l., being 530l. for Mr. Bedloe, 107l. 10s. 0d. for Dr. Oates, 107l. 10s. 0d. for Mr. Relfe and 22l. for Henry Smith. Out Letters (General) p. 14.
Same to the Comptroller of Excise to view (together with Sir Robert Howard, Sir Charles Harbord, the Auditor of Excise, and Mr. Shales) the contract or undertaking which Sir John James and Major Huntington have made with the King for paying the Forces, Household, etc., and to inspect their whole account of receipts and payments of Excise and to see what moneys remain in their hands either of the 560,000l. rent, or of the surplus, or of the running cash payable upon either [farm] account, and also of the advance money payable by the Farmers on the farm commencing 1680, June 24. Ibid.
Same to Capt. Shales (and so similarly to Sir Robert Howard, Sir C. Harbord and Mr. Lytcot, Comptroller of Customs) to view the contract or undertaking which Mr. Kent the Receiver General of Customs has made with the King for making weekly and other payments [for the Navy, and Cofferer of the Household, etc.] and to see how much he has received of the Customs since Oct. 31 last and how much he has paid since that time on tallies or otherwise. Ibid, pp. 14–15.
April 14. Cave that no grant of the reversion of the [place of one of the] King's waiters, Bristol port, after Richard Harper do pass without notice given to Thomas Carpenter. "See the Minute 14 April, 1679, upon presenting Carpenter's docquet." Caveat Book, p. 2.
[?] Petition from Christopher Hollister for a watchman's place in London port. Ibid.
[Resolution hereon]: [he is] to apply upon the first vacancy.
[?] Same from Margaret Lloyd for a landwaiter's place in Plymouth port for her husband and David Lloyd. Ibid.
[Resolution hereon]: [she is] to apply on the first vacancy of the four [landwaiters] now in being.
[?] Same from Nicholas Estoll for payment of his annuity for discovering a plot in the plague year. Ibid.
[Resolution hereon]: to be considered with the state of other pensions.
[?] Same from Fra. Stephens to be continued as one of the Commissioners of Appeals [in Excise]. Ibid.
[Resolution hereon]: at present respited.
[?] Same from Mris. Eliz. Ellyott. Ibid.
[Resolution hereon]: her case to be considered with other pensions.
April 14. Treasury warrant for the execution of a money order dated March 27 last for 20l. to Edward Teare for carrying letters. Order Book, XXXVIII. p. 1.
April 14. Henry Guy to Mr. Bernard to forthwith deliver to Mr. Burton all the papers and writings in your custody which relate to his Majesty's service, "and if you do not give obedience hereunto before Thursday next the Treasury Lords will order you to be taken into custody." Out Letters (General) p. 15.
Reference from the Treasury Lords to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Law[rence] Corbet, one of the King's waiters London port, who became bound to the Marshal of the [Marshalsea prison of the] King's Bench for his father's true imprisonment and being "thereby" uncapable of attending in person [as a King's waiter] wished to depute Peter Capelyn, but the Treasury Lords ordered Sir John Shaw to forbear to swear said deputy. Ibid, p. 16.
Henry Guy to the [Exchequer Court] Auditors of the revenue, for a certificate of all accomptants who from the restoration to this day have neglected to pass their accounts or who owe the King any moneys; and of all other sums due to the King "besides those you have order already to certify." Ibid.
Reference from the Treasury Lords to the Attorney General of the proposals to the King by Mr. Burton "the solicitor" concerning fines and forfeitures, etc., as follows. Your Majesty has granted away a very considerable revenue as below. To the end same may be effectually managed without disturbance or oppression to the subject under colour of private interest and all abuses regulated and redressed, therefore proposes that the said grant or letters patent be revoked "without prejudice to him or them who first really discovered the concealments and have been at charges for the same," allowing pensions to such persons, and that Commissioners be appointed to regulate, receive and settle this revenue for some certain term of years: petitioner to be one of their number and the Commissioners to receive for salary, incidents, etc. _ per an. out of the improvements [to be made of said revenue]. Ibid, p. 17.
Appending: note of the case [see infra under date May 12] as by a certificate produced under the Surveyor General's hand whereby it appears that the Fines and Forfeitures amounted to 57,000l. per an,. and upwards, whereof answered to the King only 500l. per an., to the lords and grantees of liberties. 7,000l. [per an.] and the rest nichilled. The particulars of the revenue concerned are Fines and Forfeitures upon penal statutes; Issues of Jurors; Forfeited Recognizances; Fines upon contempts and misdemeanours; Amerciaments upon sheriffs for neglects, misexecution or misreturning process; Fines and Amerciaments set in Turnes, Leets, before Commissioners of Sewers and clerks of the market; [ditto] upon judgments quod capiatur. "The abuses and concealments upon all these particulars are at large set down and answered."
Henry Guy to the Attorney General to advise the Treasury Lords whether the arrears as follow be pardoned or discharged by Act of Parliament or not and for his opinion on the proposed grant. Ibid, p. 18.
Appending: docquet of a privy seal for a grant to William Williams, Phillip Bell and Hugh Green of not more than a third part of what shall be brought into the Exchequer of several arrears in Wales of the monthly assessments from Lady day, 1649, to Christmas, 1651, and of several sums of money received by divers persons for the revenues of churches and vicarages in Wales and co. Monmouth between Lady day, 1648, and Lady day, 1660.
April 14. Reference from the Treasury Lords to Sir William Jones, Attorney General, of Dame Elizabeth Delavall's petition to the King, shewing that Charles I. granted to Sir Hen. Vane and his heirs the keeping of several courts, markets and fairs in co. Durham which are not held by anybody since the attainder of the [said] grantee, but are reverted to the Crown; and therefore praying a grant of same to her nominees in trust for her: said petition being referred to the Treasury from the King the 5th inst. "To this petition is annexed a former petition of the same lady for the like grant, and Sir Cha. Harbord's report thereupon" [both missing]. Out Letters (General) p. 20.
Same from same to Auditor Aldworth and Edward Arden, Esq., late Receiver of the [sede vacante] Revenues of the bishopric of Durham, of the petition of William Coker to the King for a grant of all the arrears of the said revenue, during the vacancy, not brought to account in the rolls of the County Palatine [of Durham or of] Holdenshire or Allertonshire or accounted for by the Commissioners for inspecting that affair or [by] Mr. Arden or Auditor Aldworth. Ibid, p. 21.
Same from same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Daniel Skinner who on a previous petition to the King for a place in the Custom House towards satisfaction of 1,800l. which the King had of him beyond seas was referred to the Lord Treasurer, who gave him a Jerquer's place: prays he may be promoted to some other place in the Customs of more advantage. Out Letters (Customs) p. 10.
Same from same to same of the petition of Thomas Barber: has a warrant from the late Treasurer Danby dated March 22 last to be a landwaiter London port, and another warrant dated 1677, Oct. 17, for employment in extraordinary till a vacancy happen: prays to be admitted in the place of Rowland Okeley, lately deceased. Ibid, p. 11.
Same from same to same of the petition to the King of Aaron Lawson, half Customer of Boston: prays to be made sole Customer, Thomas Hodges who enjoyed half the place being dead: same being referred to the Treasury by the King, being disposed to gratify him in consideration of his services. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to same to deliver, Customs free, to the Conde de Castlemelhor "a Portuguese Earl who had long been in Italy and is now here," 3 pieces of lace about ¾ yard each, sufficient to make a cravat and ruffles "which lace I suppose is Italian lace or point de Venis": the Comptroller of Rochester port having about March 18 last stopped a courier who came from France, and among other things found said lace about him. Ibid.
April 15. Henry Guy to Mr. Lytcot (and similarly severally to Alderman Backwell, Mr. Marsh and Mr. Kent) to attend the Treasury on Thursday afternoon at the hearing concerning the 12d. poundage for collecting the Coinage duty. Out Letters (General) p. 18.
Same to Edward Seymour and Samuel Maidwell to attend the Treasury Lords positively on Thursday morning with the state of your account as late Receivers of the Law duty. Ibid, p. 19.
Same to Mr. Lindsey. The Treasury Lords have suspended the payment of the 100l. per an. issuing out of the Cathedral Church of Peterborough to you or your assigns till you satisfy them of your title thereto. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Workeman not to pay to said Lindsey, until further order, the 100l. which you have in London of the abovesaid 100l. per an. issuing out of the said cathedral church. Ibid.
Reference from the Treasury Lords to the Attorney General of the representation from the officers of the Works, shewing that by reason of the arrears due to the paviour [of the Works] for his Majesty's paving, the said paving could not in all cases be seasonably amended, whereupon the [said] officers have been returned into the Crown Office, notwithstanding several orders from the Attorney General enjoining a noli prosequi and yet many outlawries of a long date are still in force and new indictme nts continued: therefore pray a warrant to the Auditor to pass the bills of charge for reversing the outlawries and a reference to the Attorney General to consider what to be done to prevent future vexation. Ibid.
Henry Guy to the Trustees for sale of Fee Farm Rents to attend the Treasury Lords on Friday morning in Easter week the 25th inst. concerning the conveyance for the use of his Majesty's Works. Ibid, p. 20.
Same to the present Farmers of the Hearthmoney to attend at the same time about a tally for the Works. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Bernard to attend at the same time about Col. Whetham's debt of 1,500l. Ibid.
Same to the executors of Robt. Bagnall. deceased, late Collector of Faversham; for an account why the debt due to the King from said Bagnall and Dr. Jones, his security, is not paid and when you will answer the same to the King: otherwise process will issue against you. (The like severally to Mr. Arnold, Mr. Dent, Mr. Billing, Mr. Stockdale, Mr. Plea [Pley], Mr. Hebdon.) Ibid.
Tally on the Excise for 93l. 11s. 2d. to Anthony Segar for disbursements and salary between 1678, Christmas, and 1679, Lady day. "The [money] warrant was signed by the Lord Treasurer Danby and the [money] order by the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury, and dated the 27th day of March." Order Book XXXVIII. p. 1.
Letter of direction on an order dated 1678–9, Mar. 17, for 331l. to Dr. John Taylor as royal bounty: same to be hereby satisfied by tallies on the late Receivers of the Law duty. Money Book, p. 7.
April 15. Money warrant for 1,500l. to Robert, Earl of Sunderland, to complete the privy seal of Feb. 28 last for 2,000l. to him for secret service. (Order dated April 16 hereon accordingly.) Money Book, p. 7. Order Book XXXVIII. p. 1.
Same dormant for the pension of 600l. per an. to Dame Barbarah Villiers, deceased, "which was granted to her by his Majesty, and is allowed by the Acts of Parliament for encouragement of Coinage": same to be paid from time to time to her executors out of the Coinage money in the Exchequer. Money Book, p. 8.
April 16. Money order for 150l. to Visct. Grandison, Edward Villiers and Elianor Villiers, executors of Dame Barbara Villiers, same being by virtue of the privy seal of 1677, Aug. 20, and being for last Lady day quarter on the 600l. per an. granted to her for 21 years from 1660, Aug. 9, out of the 2d. per tale of every pound weight Troy of silver money which shall be coined by virtue of any indenture with the King. To be paid out of the Coinage money. Order Book XXXVIII. p. 3.
Henry Guy to Mr. Wardour to attend the Treasury Lords to-morrow morning at 8 about Mr. Knatchbull's petition. (The like severally to Mr. Loving, Sir G. Downing, Mr. Fillingham.) Out Letters (General) p. 22.
Same to Sir R. Howard for an exact list of all the tallies struck upon the late Contractors for the Hearthmoney and [on their rent] payable Sept. 19 next. (The like letter to Mr. Wardour.) Ibid.
Same to Mr. Birch [Auditor of Excise] and similarly to Mr. Ashmole [Comptroller of Excise]. Several orders (whereof two for 30,000l. are now before the Treasury Lords) were registered on the Twelve Months' [part of the Eighteen Months'] Tax in the names of Sir John James and Major Huntington to enable them to pay off tallies on the [Additional] Excise: and you were to charge them with the money they should receive by those orders as if it were money of the Excise. Pursuant to their letters patent said James and Huntington have assigned the said orders (for the sums they assign) upon the same revenue. The Treasury Lords desire to know whether care be taken to charge said James and Huntington upon their assignments as if they received the money on the said orders, in regard they have new tallies upon such assignments, and in what method the thing is done. Ibid.
Same to the Alum Farmers to attend the Treasury Lords on Tuesday morning in Easter week with your counsel upon your petition. Ibid, p. 23
April 17. Same to the Attorney General to attend at the above hearing. Ibid.
Same to Sir Robert Howard, Auditor of the Receipt, for an abstract of the orders registered in the names of Sir John James and Major Huntington upon the Twelve Months' [part of the Eighteen Months'] Tax of 412,925l., and for what uses and to what account mentioned in the said orders: and for a certificate likewise of what assignments they have made upon those orders for the King's service or otherwise and what tallies have been given them (on their making such assignments) upon the Excise: also on what days the moneys lent on the Fifth part of the Excise were brought into the Exchequer: and further, to attend on Tuesday morning in Easter week about Mr. Knatchbull's petition. Ibid.
April 17. Henry Guy to William Wardour, Mr. Loving and Sir Geo. Downing, severally, to attend ut supra about Mr. Knatchbull's petition. Out Letters (General) p. 23.
Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal to revoke the privy seal of 1676, Nov. 30, for disposing of Conventicle fines and all warrants grounded thereon. (See supra, Cal. Treasury Books V., p. 390.) King's Warrant Book p. 6.
Treasury warrant for the execution of an order dated 1677, Dec. 8, for 10,000l. to Henry Slingsby for the charges of the Mint and Coinage as by virtue of the privy seal of 1666–7, March 11. On said order the following sums have been paid, viz., 2,042l. 4s. 3½d., 2,887l. 10s. 0d., and 3,175l. 7s. 9d., leaving a balance of 1,894l. 17s. 11½d. Said balance is hereby to be paid out of the Coinage money. Order Book XXXVIII. p. 2.
Like warrant on a like order dated 1678, June 4, for 10,000l. to said Slingsby for the Mint. On said order the following sums have been paid, viz., 2,978l. 8s. 6½d., 2,000l., 475l., 1,230l. 5s. 0d., leaving a balance of 3,316l. 6s. 5½d. Said balance is hereby to be paid out of the Coinage money. Ibid.
Like warrant to John Perry and Edward Buckley, Esqrs., late Contractors for the Hearthmoney, to pay 2,559l. 5s. 9½d. upon a tally of that amount payable to Sir Allen Apsley and levied upon the half year's Hearthmoney farm rent which should have been paid by said Perry and Buckley March 15 last: said payment is to be made preferable to other payments [similarly charged on said half year's rent] in regard of the precedency of the date: the balance of said half year's rent is to be applied to the satisfaction of [the other] tallies struck in course upon the same, "without giving preference to any of them out of the said course": the Treasury Lords being acquainted on behalf of several persons who have tallies on the said half year's rent which should have been paid, that same are yet unsatisfied, and particularly the abovesaid tally to Apsley. Money Book, p. 8.
Money warrant dormant for such sums of money to the Master and Worker of the Mint as are now or hereafter shall come into the Receipt for the use appointed by the Act of Parliament for encouragement of Coinage and as by the privy seal of 1666–7, March 11: "and you [the Auditor of the Receipt] are to take care that such moneys as are appointed to be paid to the three Roetiers out of the said Coinage money be set apart to be paid to them accordingly." Ibid, p. 9.
Treasury warrants for the execution of two money warrants of 1678, Oct. 16, and 1678–9, Feb. 14, respectively, for 125l. each to Clara, Countess of Brentford for two quarters on her pension of 500l. per an. Ibid.
April 18. Henry Guy to [Sir John James and Robert Huntington] the Receivers of Excise to forthwith carry to Sir Robert Howard, Sir Charles Harbord, the Auditor of Excise, Comptroller of Excise and Auditor Shales your contract of 1675, Dec. 30, and the accounts which have been made up and stated by Auditor Aldworth since that time for allowing you interest and gratuity for the money you have advanced for the King's service, for which interest and gratuity you have had tallies on the Excise. The abovesaid referees are to compare your said interest and other allowances made to you for your advances with the interest and other allowances paid to Mr. Kent for the money advanced by him pursuant to his last agreement [with the late Treasurer Danby]. Out Letters (General) p. 24.
Same to Richard Kent [former Receiver of Excise and present Cashier of the Customs] to similarly carry to the abovesaid referees your contract or undertaking with the King for advancing money for the Forces, etc., and what interest and gratuity you were to have for the same and what interest accounts you have made up in pursuance thereof. Ibid.
Same to the abovesaid referees severally to compare the abovesaid sets of accounts and to certify the Treasury Lords what interest and gratuity have been paid to said Kent and said Excise Receivers respectively, and what is the difference between them. Ibid, pp. 24–5.
Same to the [abovesaid] Receivers of Excise (and similarly to John Birch, Auditor of Excise, and Elias Ashmole, Comptroller of Excise) to forthwith inspect (and to certify to the Treasury Lords) the payments which have been made by the Farmers of Excise of their running cash from the beginning of their farm to this time to the end it may be known if it be all paid according to their covenants, and how far the same extends to the satisfaction of their monthly and quarterly rents and other payments to be made by them and when and how the said running cash is to be applied thereunto. Ibid, p. 25.
Same to the Navy Commissioners. One Sellars, a mate on board Sir John Berry's ship, owes the King 15l. for Customs. The Customs Commissioners desire it may be stopped out of his pay. Please certify the Treasury Lords whether it be practicable to withold pay in such a case. Ibid.
April 19. Same to Mr. Ashmole to go immediately to the Excise Office where Mr. Shales is directed to attend you to see your books relating to the account of the [present Excise Farmers'] first year's surplus. Ibid, p. 26.
Instructions from the Treasury Lords to the Customs Commissioners in reply to the memorial of the 14th inst. from said Commissioners. Out Letters (Customs) pp. 12–18.
(a) We hereby approve and confirm the following orders, directions and instructions—
(1) Order of 1671–2, March 12, from the late Treasury Lords giving said Commissioners discretion to prosecute or not in cases of seizure of wines and tobacco and to take bonds or deposits for landing any quantity of tobacco.
(2) Order of 1672, May 3, not to sign any clearing cocquet where the shipmaster shall refuse to take sufferance and cocquets (as directed by the Act of Frauds) for passing goods coastwise; and to defend at the King's charge any action brought against any Customs officer thereupon.
(3) Same of 1672, May 8, for allowing to the solicitor of the Customs boat hire and coach hire, and to the messenger his usual allowance for carrying up certificates.
(4) Same of 1672, June 17, for wrought plate to be exported as free as bullion.
(5) Same of 1672, Sept. 5, for redelivery of seizures made out of ignorance, malice or vexation.
(6) Same of 1672, Sept. 26, for the export, Customs free, of salmon taken near the sea in the mouth of any river.
(7) Same of same date for paying incidents not exceeding 30l. to the General Surveyors [of the Customs] and their assistants.
(8) Same of 1672, Nov. 9, for discharging deputy patent officers and other officers who keep alehouses.
All the abovesaid orders were confirmed by the late Lord Treasurer Clifford and the late Chancellor of the Exchequer 1672–3, Jan. 16.
(9) Treasurer Clifford's warrant of 1673, June 14, for burning the King's [moiety] part of all foreign wearing manufacturers after condemnation; under the order of Council of 1673, June 6.
(10) Same of same date for delivering up the bonds of Collectors whose accounts are cleared.
The above two warrants were confirmed by the late Treasurer Danby 1673, June 19.
(11) Order by the late Treasurer Danby dated 1674, May 23, for counting as a chalder of lime at Dover, according to the ancient custom, 100 baskets of 2 bushels each.
(12) Same of 1674, Dec. 1, for allowing 21 combs of coleseed to the last to the merchants at exporting in co. Norfolk.
(13) Same of 1674, Dec. 18, for registering duplicates of wool cocquets from Ireland.
(14) Same of 1674–5, Feb. 4, for the Collectors of Nevis, St. Christophers, Antigua and Montserrat to give only their own bonds for security.
(15) Same of 1674–5, March 10, for allowance of three fourths of the duty collected in Virginia and Maryland to the Collectors and Surveyors.
(16) Same of 1675, March 27, for all [Customs] officers except Collectors to give security to the amount of 3 years of their salary.
(17) Same of same date for fines upon compositions for small seizures to be received by the Collectors of the outports.
(18) Same of 1675, June 16, for delivering up [Customs] officers' bonds (except Collectors') on death, dismission or removal where no cause of forfeiture appears.
(19) Order of 1675, June 26, for repayment of half duty upon export of foreign corn and fish oil, taken [caught] by foreigners.
(20) Same of same date for the warehousekeeper, London port, to pay to the Receiver General [of Customs] the money arising by the sale of such Plantation goods as are returned in lieu of the duty payable in the Plantations.
(21) Same of 1675, Sept. 8, for delivering up Customs officers' bonds on their entering into new bonds.
(22) Same of 1675, Oct. 6, for seizing leaf gold and silver according to the statute of 1 Ric. III., c. 12.
(23) Same of 1675, Oct. 30, that no fulling mills be carried out of England.
(24) Same of 1675, Dec. 6, for shipmasters' reports to be taken at Penryn and Truro, but tidesmen to be put on board at Falmouth.
(25) Same of 1675–6, Jan. 22, for tidesmen in extraordinary to give [the same] security as tidesmen in fee, viz., 100l.,
(26) "and that bonds be delivered up to the exporter of corn; whereas the Act says importer by mistake,"
(27) and that the late allowance be made only to corn of English growth upon their debentures depending and unsatisfied,
(28) and that, where any orders given to the outports for allowance upon corn remain unexecuted, they remain good till they be executed,
(29) and that in case of death or failure of any outport Collector the collection be entrusted to the Customer of such port or one of the General Surveyors or their assistants or either of the riding surveyors of the West or North West districts,
(30) and that when any one receipt in London port wants [is short of] money to pay debentures, the other receipt supply it.
(31) An order of Council of 1675–6, March 10, with rules for [sea] passes: with the late Treasurer Danby's order dated 1676, April 7, for observance thereof.
(32) Order by the late Treasurer Danby dated 1675–6, March 23, for debentures for foreign goods exported by certificate to be paid in the head port when there is not sufficient [cash] in a member port,
(33) and that gold and silver thread pay Custom as gold and silver lace,
(34) and that landwaiter's places in London and Bristol as they become vacant be supplied out of the patent waiters,
(35) and that the Prizage master at Bristol be prosecuted at the King's charge.
(36) Same of 1676, June 8, that no provisions of war be exported without leave of Sir Thomas Chicheley, Master of the Ordnance.
(37) Same of 1676, June 15, that the patent landwaiters do their duty and be put upon ships as the deputed landwaiters are,
(38) and for approving the Queenborough smack's retrenchment and the several additional allowances and settlements thereupon.
(39) Order of 1676, August 23, for retrenching the number of extraordinary tidesmen, London port, to the number of 50.
(40) Same of 1676, Dec. 2, for destroying the King's moiety of all painted earthenware imported.
(41) Same of 1676–7, Jan. 26, for the patent searchers at Gravesend to frequent the public place for dispatch of business and the rent of the place to be paid by the King.
(42) The settlement and regulation made 1677, April 6, between the inhabitants of the Isle of Wight and the officers [of Southampton port].
(43) Order of 1677, May 10, to the searchers of London port about certificates of ships to the Plantations,
(44) and that collectors pay 12 per cent. for moneys in arrears after 12 months due.
(45) Method of passing the Coinage account; 1677, July 26.
(46) Method of passing the Plantation account; 1677, August 15.
(47) Order of 1677, August 15, for coast books for Newcastle.
(48) Same of 1677, September 17, for victuals and ammunition to be exported, Customs free, to Tangier.
(49) Same of 1677, September 29, for provisions for the garrison of Jersey to be exported Customs free.
(50) Same of 1677, Dec. 27, for the officers of the Ordnance to ship stores, Customs free, to the King's garrisons, Plantations and Colonies.
(51) Same of 1678, August 10, for foreign iron ware to be seized according to the King's proclamation.
(52) Same of 1678, August 3, for the Africa Company to ship off some goods as the East India Company do.
(53) Same of 1678, Dec. 27, for iron ordnance to be exported for one year from 1678, September 27, on payment of only 5s. per ton.
(54) Same of 1678, July 31, for half the charge of alteration of keels at Newcastle to be borne by the King.
(55) Same of 1678–9, January 23, about the Custom of coffee imported by the East India Company,
(56) and for authority to the Customs Commissioners to grant extraordinary Commissions of seizure to the Excise officers in Devon and Cornwall.
(57) Same of 1678–9, February 17, for a seal in the Custom House for the officers of the water bailliage for London.
(58) Same of 1678–9, Feb. 28, for a draft of a commission and instructions to Sir Thomas Worsop for prosecuting vessels which discharge the Enumerated Plantation goods in Ireland,
(59) and that the Receiver General [of Customs] do, according to direction from the Customs Commissioners, pay the bills of charges for prosecutions on the pro hibiting clauses in the Poll Act.
(60) and for empowering said Commissioners to give commissions for seizing French prohibited goods and to allow charges of seizing and prosecuting such goods.
The abovesaid orders, etc., are hereby to be observed and executed according to such rules and limitations, etc., as are contained therein: and with regard to No. 29 supra it is hereby further directed that as the offices of any of the Customers of the outports shall become void the Collector of that port be presented to the Treasury Lords to succeed him if fit: and for making such patent officers more useful in their trusts, we think it is adviseable that for the future all grants of their offices be during pleasure rather than for life; and we have resolved to give no warrants for admitting deputies to any of them unless such deputies be first approved by the Customs Commissioners. Further, in order that the said Commissioners' power of giving commissions of seizure be not restrained only to French prohibited goods as in order No. 60, supra, they are hereby empowered to grant such Commissions as they think fit for seizing all manner of prohibited and uncustomed goods as they desire, but with requisite instructions and limitations.
(b) As to the debtors mentioned in the second article of your instructions [sic for memorial] who obtained warrants of the late Treasurer [Danby] for stay of process against them, speedy notice is to be given them to shew cause why such stop should not be taken off. Mr. Walker, the Collector at Exeter, who has incurred a great arrear is to be suspended and the Customs Solicitor is to prosecure him and his securities.
(c) The warrant of 1676, December 5, is hereby determined and vacated, being granted by the late Treasurer Danby for permitting several quantities of Scotch corn to be imported into Berwick, Customs free. Notice hereof is to be given to the officers of said port so that the King may receive no further prejudice by the great importations of such corn Customs free under pretence of that warrant.
(d) Instead of the one sixth part now allowed for collecting the Customs at Barbados (whereof two thirds are to the Collector and one third to the Comptroller) the fourth part is hereby to be established [as salary] for defraying the charges [of such officers] and the better to enable the said Collector to recompence those employed under him in preventing the importation [to Barbados] of European goods [in a manner] contrary to law. [Of the said one fourth allowance two thirds are to be to the Collector and one third to the Controller.]
(e) We intend to hear Alderman Backwell and also the other parties pretending to share in the 12d. per £ given by the late Act for the Coinage.
(f) We intend to receive the King's pleasure concerning Mr. Randolph being despatched to New England.
(g) You are hereby to report to us on the petitions and cases referred to you by the late Lord Treasurer (whereof you have presented us a list) as if they were referred to you from ourselves.
(h) When we are advised from the Navy Board what proper course may be taken for stopping the 15l. due to the King from _ Sellars, a mate on Sir John Berry's ship, out of his pay, we shall take care therein.
(i) As to the 97l. 3s. 1d. which the Collector of Shoreham repaid to the merchant for allowances upon wines (without deducting same out of the merchant's entry as is usual) and [thereupon] defalked so much money when he passed his account with the Collector of Chichester (to whom he is accomptable) as a consequence whereof he now stands charged therewith, the Collector of Chichester is to be reimbursed the said sum by the officers for the Wine duty, London port, and the latter are to take the same off some merchant's entry of wines as is accustomed in cases of such allowances.
(j) We intend to communicate to the Duke of Monmouth the riot committed by the soldiers upon the Customs officers at Southamption.
(k) We intend to refer to the Attorney General the matter of Sir Thomas Morgan's letter touching wine seized in Jersey.
April 19. Treasury warrants to the Customs Commissioners to employ John Hazleton as a noon tender, London port, loco William Bacon, lately deceased. Out Letters (Customs) pp. 19, 20.
Robert Aldus as a tidesman at Bristol, loco John Webb, lately dismissed.
Stephen Walker to be restored to his place of copying clerk and making bills of store outwards, London port, and for keeping the coast cocquets of coals: the said Commissioners having reported the 4th inst. that he did not any way misbehave himself therein. Edward Oughtred who was deputed in his place by virtue of the late Treasurer's warrant of March 22 last is to be dismissed.
Same to Richard Kent, Receiver General and Cashier of the Customs, to pay 18l. 5s. 11d. to Henry Flory, Surveyor of Customs at Lyme, as his bill of charges in executing a commission for enquiring of frauds committed at Poole and for his journey to London by order of the late Treasurer [Danby]. Ibid, p. 20.
Same to same to pay to Mathew Appleyard, Customer of Hull, what was due at Lady day last on his fee or salary of 39l. per an.: and dormant warrant for same in future. Money Book, p. 10.
Same dormant to same for payment to Sir John Cope, brother and heir of Sir Anthony Cope, of the yearly rent of 250l. for the ground whereon the Customs House, London, stands. Ibid.
Same to same to pay the fee of 72l. 8s. 4d. per an. to Richard Breton as Customer of Sandwich port; what was due thereon at Lady day last and so from time to time for the future. Ibid.
The like warrants for the patent fee or salaries of 50l. per an. to Charles Orchard as Customer of Barnstaple; 78l. 6s. 8d. per an. to James Vernon as Customer of Chester; 32l. per an. to William Christian as Customer of Carlisle; 48l. per an. to Robert Jones as Customer of Poole port. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt for tallies on the Excise for 70,000l. to be delivered to George Dashwood and partners, Farmers of Excise (as by the privy seal of February 28 last) on their production of acquittances from the Commissioners and Treasurers of Excise purporting their receipt from said Dashwood and partners of said 70,000l. as the first instalment of their 270,000l. advance money on their farm of the Excise ut supra, Cal. Treasury Books, Vol. V., p. 1250. Ibid, p. 11.
April 19. Treasury Warrant to the Receipt for the execution of a warrant dated March 15 last from Treasurer Danby to the Receipt for similar tallies ut supra for 30,000l. to abovesaid Dashwood and partners, being lent by them to the King for supply of his necessary and urgent occasions. (See supra, Cal. Treasury Books, Vol. V., pp. 1178–9.) Money Book, p. 12.