Entry Book: April 1679, 21-30

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1913.

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'Entry Book: April 1679, 21-30', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1913), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp30-40 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: April 1679, 21-30', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1913), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp30-40.

"Entry Book: April 1679, 21-30". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1913), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp30-40.


April 1679

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
April 21. Henry Guy to Sir John James and Major Huntington for a state of the account between you and the Cofferer of the Household by which it may appear what was due or payable by you to the Household on March 25 last and what you have paid thereof since that time: Out Letters (General) p. 26.
as also a state of the account which you have to present for interest and gratuity to the said March 25 last:
as also a list of the pensions and other annual sums payable out of the Excise, how far they are paid, and what is behind or unpaid on them or for other payments charged on that revenue:
and likewise a state of your general account both of charge and discharge for the whole time that you have been Receivers of Excise. And you are to attend the Treasury Lords to-morrow morning at 8 precisely with your patent or constitution and all your contracts and agreements whatsoever made with the late Treasurer Danby.
Same to Lemuell Kingdon for an account of what was due upon the establishment for the Guards and Garrisons upon March 1 last and what has been since paid thereupon, and what will remain to clear the same to May 1 next; distinguishing the money due to each troop, company, etc. Ibid.
Same to the Excise Farmers to attend the Treasury Lords to-morrow morning with an account of what moneys you have paid to the present Farmers of Excise since March 25 last as running cash or upon account of rent [of your farm]. Ibid.
April 22. Same to the Comptroller of Excise for a list forthwith of all pensions payable out of the Excise and what is due and in arrear to each of them. Ibid, p. 27.
Same to the Customs Commissioners. The Treasury Lords refer to you the hearing of the pretensions of Alderman Backwell and the Auditors of Imprests to a share in the poundage of 12d. allowable by the Coinage Act. You are to call before you at said hearing Mr. Lytcot the Comptroller General of Customs, Mr. Kent the Receiver General of same, Mr. Marsh the Receiver of the duties on wines and all others concerned in said poundage. Out Letters (Customs) p. 21.
Royal sign manual for 20l. to Dr. Titus Oates by way of advance for 10 weeks to July 1 next on the allowance of 40s. a week "which we are pleased to allow him for his incident expenses"; and 50l. to William Bedloe for five weeks ending May 21 next by way of advance on the allowance of 10l. a week "which we are pleased to give him for his diet." (Money warrants dated April 24 hereon accordingly, to be by tallies on the Customs. Orders dated April 26 hereon accordingly.) King's Warrant Book p. 8. Money Book, pp. 14–15. Order Book XXXVIII. p. 4.
April 22. Treasury report to the King on the draft of a royal letter to be signed to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to direct his passing a patent to constitute Sir Nich. Armorer Commander and Governor of his Majesty's fort near Kinsale during good behaviour, and with power to appoint a deputy and with the fee of 20s. a day payable by the Vice Treasurer of Ireland and to be put on the establishment of Ireland: with a saving to the privileges of the offices of the Master of the Ordnance of England and Ireland. Said draft being referred to the Treasury Lords April 9 inst. they hereby report that the Duke of Ormonde is on the place [here just now in London] and is the most proper to advise who is fit to be placed there as Governor and under what terms. We think it not adviseable that any military office should be granted otherwise than during pleasure. Warrants not Relating to Money, p. 6.
April 23. Privy seal for the payment to Sir Henry Goodrick, Kt. and bart., of 500l. for equipage and 5l. a day for his ordinary as Envoy Extraordinary to Spain: the first three months of his said ordinary to be paid in advance: together with the usual clause for allowance of his extraordinaries. King's Warrant Book p. 9.
Cave that no grant pass by lease or otherwise of the Forest of Delamere in Cheshire till the Earl Rivers be first heard. Caveat Book, p. 2.
[?] Cave that no warrant pass for the coining of farthings till Mr. Tayleur be heard; he having a warrant for the same. Ibid.
[?] Cave that Mr. Tooker's grant do not pass till Mr. Mogg be heard, or Mr. Ward for Mogg. Ibid.
[?] Cave that no person be put into the place of Mr. Walker, Customer or Collector of Exeter port until he [Walker] be heard. Ibid.
[?] Cave that when Mris. Coleman comes to pass the grant of her husband's estate the grant do not pass till Mr. Morly be heard. [See the] "minute Friday, 2 May, 1679." Ibid.
April 23. Treasury warrant for the execution of a warrant dated 1670, July 5, from the Treasury Lords to the Receipt for the payment to Philip Packer (out of the Tenths of the diocese of Norwich as they shall be paid into the Exchequer) of any sums ordered for satisfying the books of liberate of the Usher of the Receipt: ut supra, Cal. Treasury Books III., p. 611. Tallies are hereby to be struck from time to time on the Tenths of said diocese for payment of such orders as by said warrant. Money Book, p. 13.
April 24. Henry Guy to Mr. Dawson for an account forthwith of what was due to the Cofferer, March 25 last, and what has been paid to him since. Out Letters (General) p. 27.
Same to the Earl of Anglesey. A transcript of a lease of tithes in Knighton to Mr. James Beck is brought to the Treasury Lords for their signature. You have a caveat against the same and may be heard thereon before it pass. Ibid.
April 24. Henry Guy to [Auditor] Aldworth to attend the Treasury Lords immediately with the state of the interest accounts of the Commissioners and Treasurers [Receivers] of Excise. Out Letters (General) p. 27.
Same to the Navy Commissioners to make out bills of imprest for 3,000l. to Sir Tho. Clutterbuck in part of what is due to him on this year's declaration for the Victualling in the Mediterrancan, viz., on the months of January, February, March and April: and assign the same for payment out of such moneys as the Treasury Lords have appointed to be paid to the Treasurer of the Navy for that purpose. Ibid.
Same to same to pay 3,000l. to Major Brett and partners upon their bills for this year's Victualling: [paying same] out of the 6,000l. which you shall receive out of the Exchequer, of money brought in by Mr. Perry and Mr. Buckley, late Contractors for the Hearthmoney. Ibid, p. 28.
Same to the Treasurer of the Navy to pay 3,000l. to Sir Thomas Clutterbuck upon his bills for this year's declaration for Victualling in the Mediterranean: paying same out of, etc., ut supra. Ibid.
Same to Phillip Howard. The Treasury Lords have ordered process forthwith against Mr. Kirwood for detaining a very great sum of the King's money in his hands. This is to give you notice thereof because you are the Receiver [set over Kirwood] and immediately chargeable to the King. Ibid.
Same to Simon Smith to forthwith pay into the Exchequer the money which you have received of fee farm and other rents, and now remaining in your hands, which Sir Robt. Holmes pretends to. Ibid, p. 29.
Treasury report to the King on the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland's report on the petition of Capt. Edwd. Brabazone. Said petition sets forth that by letters dated 1673, May 14, the King granted him 1,000l. out of the part of the revenue of Ireland designed for the sea regiment which would be due immediately after the Dutch war was ended; with intention that he should buy therewith a command of Captain of Horse in the army there [in Ireland]: that he took up money at interest [the interest coming to 500l.] to purchase the place, and never received the effects of the King's grant: that he was deprived of the said command 1677, May 9, from which time he had a grant (by royal letters of August 8 last) of a Capt. of Horse allowance till such time as he should be provided of the like command again: that upon his allowance there is 450l. due to him, having received nothing, though several payments and pensions have become void since his grant: that he has been at charge in the said grants and in equipping himself which being a younger brother he is unable to undergo: therefore prays a grant of 1,500l. and the arrears of his captain's pay to be paid out of 1,128l. per an. In the establishment of Ireland of 1676, March 25, reserved for a Company of Foot Guards which was never raised, or if that fail, then out of the first surplus of the revenue above the establishment, and that he may have the command of the first vacant troop of Horse. The King being well inclined to gratify petitioner, referred same February 1 last to the Duke of Ormonde, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, and thereupon said Duke reported February 26 last confirming the statements in said petition and advising the grant of a troop of Horse, but not the diverting of either of the funds referred to above, but that if it appear (which the Lord Lieutenant believes) that the King did grant said 1,000l. as stated, then his pay of a Captain of Horse may be continued after he be provided of a troop, and until he receive said 1,000l. with interest. Said report being referred to the Treasury Lords March 28 last they hereby report agreeing therewith and advising the bestowal of the next vacant troop of Horse, but cannot advise the continuance of pay as above proposed seeing that the revenue of Ireland is certified by the Duke of Ormonde to be already so unequal and strait for the necessary uses of that Government. Warrants not Relating to Money, pp. 7–8.
April 24. Treasury warrant to Sir John James and Robert Huntington. Commissioners and Receivers General of Excise, to cause all the orders for the 200,000l. made payable to you in accordance with the privy seal of October 16 last (ut supra, Cal. Treasury Books, V., pp. 1129–30) and registered on the 412,925l. 14s. 6d. [part of the Eighteen Months' Assessment] (which orders were to be applied to the discharge of tallies [of loan to the amount of said 200,000l.] on the Excise and were to be accounted for by you before the auditor of Excise as if they had been Excise moneys) and also all the assignments made by you upon such orders (you having assigned some of the said orders for other services of the King and in lieu thereof having received tallies on the Excise revenue) to be registered before the Auditor and Comptroller of Excise "who are hereby required to charge you with the money you have so assigned in regard you have other tallies upon those assignments as aforesaid and [also to charge you] with the remainder of the said sum of 200,000l. as it shall be received upon the said orders whereof certificates are to be made from the Exchequer" to the said Auditor and Comptroller. The object hereof is to prevent the King being prejudiced for want of said Commissioners and Receivers being fully charged with the said moneys. Warrants not Relating to Money, p. 9.
[?] Entry of the demise, by in custodiam lease under the Exchequer seal, to Leonard Bilson and Christopher Buckle of divers lands and tenements of John Bowerman, outlaw: at a yearly rent of 5s. and fine of 10s. Ibid.
April 24. Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 13l. each to the following for one quarter on their fees as King's waiters, London port: viz., Andrew Haines, John Marshall, Thomas Raymond, Francis Roberts, Joseph Jordan, Ellis Lloyd, Lawrence Corbet, Samuell Ward, Roger Charnock, John Feild, Samuell Philips, Francis Dackett, John Shaw Gerard Andrews, Nicholas Parke, William Talman, Samuell Danvers, Hugh Bantoeke, Edward Agberow. Money Book, p. 14.
April 24. Treasury warrant to the Auditors of Imprests to allow in account to Lawrence Hyde as late Gentleman and Master of his Majesty's Robes, 50l. per an. for fees by him paid to the officers of the Exchequer on the receipt of the 5,000l. per an. issued to him for the service of the Robes; same amounting to 375l. for the period of said account. viz., 1670, Michaelmas, to 1678, Lady day: and further to allow [him] 10l. per an. for the same period for his clerk for preparing and transcribing the accounts of the Robes for that time. Money Book, p. 15.
Same to the Customs Cashier to pay William Culliford 50l. for last Lady day quarter's salary as Register of the Seizures. Ibid.
Same to the Receipt to issue 1,000l. to Sir George Wharton on any late orders in his name for the Ordnance: to be as imprest for the Office of Ordnance: and to be satisfied by tallies on the Excise: said sum to be applied to the fortifications in the garrison of Portsmouth. Ibid, p. 16.
Same to same to issue 6,000l. to Edward Seymour on any late orders resting unsatisfied in his name as Treasurer of the Navy: to be paid out of such moneys as are or shall be paid into the Exchequer by John Perry and Edward Buckley, late Contractors for the Hearthmoney, on their half year's rent due Lady day last and payable September 19 next by the utmost days of grace. Hereof 3,000l. is intended for the Victuallers of the Navy and 3,000l. for the Victualling in the Mediterranean. Ibid.
The Treasury Lords to the Assessment Commissioners for the [present] Eighteen Months' Assessment, requesting them to proceed in the collection of the last 12 months of the Eighteen Months Assessment. We are informed that some persons have made a doubt as to whether the Commissioners for the [present Eighteen Months'] assessment ought to proceed in levying that part of the present Eighteen Months' Assessment which becomes due for three months ending May 24 next [said doubt arising] upon account of the mistake of the year which in the Act [of Parliament for said assessment] is said to be anno 1678, and should have been anno 1679. It is evident the mistake was only an escape in the clerk, and it is acknowledged by all that the said three months' [quarter] due in May next was intended to be levied and paid in course according to that time. Therefore the Assessment Commissioners for London and Middlesex and those for many other counties having fully advised and consulted thereupon do no further insist upon the mistake, but do, according to the design of the Act, proceed in levying the money then due and in ordering payment of it to the Receivers General respectively. We expect and desire you to do the same [and so similarly for the three remaining quarters of the said Assessment]. Out Letters (General) p. 43.
(The like letters to the Assessment Commissioners of respectively Berks. Oxford, Bucks, Cheshire, Durham, Northumberland, Cumberland, Westmorland, Dorset, Herts, Kent, Leicester, Lincoln, Notts, Rutland, Somerset and four counties of South Wales.)
April 25. Henry Guy to the Navy Commissioners to make out bills of imprest for 3,000l. to Major Brett and his partners upon what is due to them by this year's declaration for Victualling of the Navy: assigning same for payment out of what the Treasury Lords have appointed to be paid to the Navy Treasurer for that purpose. The Treasury Lords also intend that the [additional] 1,000l. per week formerly settled on the Customs shall be continued to the Victuallers, and desire you to make out like bills of imprest for what shall incur from time to time upon the said 1,000l. per week: assigning same out of the weekly moneys appointed to the Navy out of the Customs. Out Letters (General) p. 28.
Same to the Treasurer of the Navy to satisfy out of the next weekly moneys received by you out of the Customs the 1,153l. 7s. 4d. remaining due to Sir Thomas Clutterbuck upon his bill formerly assigned upon you by the Navy Commissioners for 2,253l. 11s. 4d. (whereof 1,100l. has been paid in part). Ibid, p. 29.
[?] Same to the present Farmers of the Hearthmoney for a state of your 150,000l. advance money; what are the days of payment, and to what persons and uses the same is appropriated and whether tallies are struck for the same and how you have paid those tallies. Ibid.
April 25. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to permit the shipment, Customs free, on the John and Alexander, Nehemiah Walker commander, and the sloop attending her, of certain provisions: to be exported for Hudsons Bay for the service of the Company there. Out Letters (Customs) p. 21.
Appending: schedule signed by [Sir] Ja. Hayes of said provisions, being for 70 men for a year in the service of the Company of Hudson's Bay.
Same dormant to the Excise Commissioners and Excise Farmers to pay 24,000l. per an. to the Duke of York out of the Excise of the counties of Bucks, Essex, Kent, Norfolk, Suffolk, Berks, Beds, Cambridge, Yorkshire, Hereford and Somerset: the Act of Parliament (for re-vesting in the King the power of granting wine licences) having enacted that royal letters patent should issue for granting 24,000l. per an. to said Duke out of the Excise of said counties; same to be payable quarterly by the immediate hands of the Farmers, Commissioners, etc. of Excise in said counties before same be paid into the Exchequer and without any abatement or defalcation whatsoever: which royal letters patent did so accordingly issue dated 1670–1, January 22. Money Book, pp. 16–17.
April 26. Henry Guy to the present Farmers of the Hearth-money for an account how each half year's rent of your farm is charged, during the whole term [of your farm] and to whom the same is charged [i.e., what individuals or offices have assignments on you]. Out Letters (General) p. 29.
April 26. Reference from the Treasury to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Ralph Williamson, searcher London port: his father and relations sacrificed eight lives and ruined their fortunes in behalf of the King in the late wars: therefore prays the Comptroller's place at Newcastle vacant by the death of Martin Forster: alleges that there has been no patent officer resident in said port since the restoration except Capt. Brabant, one of the Customers there, all the other places being managed by deputies. Out Letters (Customs) p. 21.
Henry Guy to same to present Edward Fane on a suitable vacancy in the Customs: as by your report of the 19th inst.; said Vane being well recommended by several eminent merchants who certify their knowledge of his integrity and diligence. Ibid, p. 22.
Royal sign manual for payment of 215l. to Samuell Gwilliams, gent., and 107l. 10s. 0d. to Charles Clare: "without accompt, imprest or other charges, but are intended to be laid out and expended as the Secret Committees of our House of Commons shall direct." (Money warrants dated April 27 hereon accordingly respectively. Orders dated April 28 hereon accordingly respectively.) King's Warrant Book, p. 10. Money Book, p. 20. Order Book XXXVIII. p. 6.
Money warrant for 500l. for equipage and 455l. for three months' ordinary in advance to Sir Henry Goodrick as Envoy Extraordinary to Spain. (Order dated April 29 hereon accordingly.) Money Book, p. 18. Order Book XXXVIII. p. 7.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt for tallies to discharge the baronet fee of 1,095l. due to the King from Sir Jeremiah Snow, of Salesbury, co. Herts. Money Book, p. 18.
Money warrant for 200l. to Phillip Burton, gent., deputy Solicitor for the affairs of the Treasury. This issue (made by virtue of the letters patent dormant of 1660, Sept. 28), is to be as imprest for the prosecution of suits on his Majesty's behalf and for dispatching other business relating to his Majesty's service. Ibid.
(Vacated: See infra under date May 7.)
Money order for 100l. to James Noble. Archibald Callender, James Turnor, John Snow, William Snow, John Gouge, John Smart and Thomas Romerell, door keepers of the House of Lords, for their service and attendance on the said House during the fifteenth session of Parliament ended May 23 last: as by virtue of the letters patent dormant dated 1660, Sept. 28. Order Book XXXVIII. p. 4.
Treasury order for the execution of a money order dated Jan. 14 last for 100l. to the churchwardens of St. Martins in the Fields as royal bounty for one year last past for relief of the poor. Ibid.
April 27. Royal sign manual for 321l. to John Perry and Edward Buckley: without account: as in consideration of interest and reward on the 7,000l. which they have agreed to advance to the King presently in part of a greater sum which they are not obliged to pay to the King until Sept. 19 next. (Money warrant dated April 28 hereon accordingly: to be by tallies on said Perry and Buckley as Contractors for the Hearthmoney in part of the half yearly [farm rent] payment due from them March 25 last and which by the utmost day of grace in their contract is to be paid Sept. 19 next. King's Warrant Book, p. 9. Money Book, p. 19.
April 28. Henry Guy to Mr. Kingdon to bring to the Treasury Lords to-morrow afternoon at 4 your proposals for carrying on anew the payments for the Royal Household and the Forces. Out Letters (General) p. 29.
Same to Sir John James and partners [i.e., Robert Huntington, Receivers and Commissioners of Excise, but in this instance in their capacity of undertakers for paying the Forces, etc.] for a state forthwith of your account of what money you have paid for disbanding the Forces raised since 1677, Sept. 29, and what funds or securities you have ever had for carrying on the same. Ibid, p. 30.
Same to the Treasurer of the Navy for an account what money you have received for the use of the Navy since March 25 last. You are to send weekly for the future to the Treasury Lords an account of your receipts. Ibid.
Same to the Navy Commissioners for an account of the distribution of all moneys for the use of the Navy since March 25 last: and you are to continue to make weekly certificates thereof for the future. Ibid.
Same to Auditor Shales to inspect the accompt of the running cash of the Farmers of Excise, whether it be regular according to their covenants with the King. You are to lay same with your observations thereon before the Treasury Lords with all speed. Ibid.
Treasury warrant for the execution of a dormant money warrant dated February 20 last from Treasurer Danby for 50l. to John Shales for a quarter's salary and for said salary for the future. Money Book, p. 19.
Same to the Customs Cashier to pay a half year's salary to the patent officers of the outports ("not being such whose salaries we have directed to be inserted in the general establishment"). Ibid, p. 20.
Same for the execution of a money order dated January 4 last for 50l. to the Treasurer of King Charles I.'s Hospital as royal bounty for one year to Christmas last for the keeping and bringing up poor fatherless children: as by the privy seal of 1669–70, February 12. Order Book XXXVIII. p. 5.
The like warrant for same of a same dated January 4 last for 50l. to the Churchwardens of St. Margaret's, Westminster, as royal bounty for one year last past for relief of the poor: as by the privy seal of 1672–3, January 31. Ibid.
Henry Guy to Serjeant Turner. The King has accepted a surrender of the alum farm and has therefore no further use of your [alum works, see supra, Cal. Treasury Books, Vol. V., pp. 1066–8]. This is to give you notice thereof, that you may presently re-enter possession thereof. All rent now in arrear and due to you will be paid, but henceforward you are not to expect any more rent upon this account. (The like letter to Sir William Darcy, Mr. Trotter. Mr. Anthony Lowther. Mr. Humphrey Alderson. Mr. Isaac Fairfax. Sir David Fowles, the executors of Mr. Thomas Leechmore. Mr. John Ramsey, Mr. Zachary Stewart and Sir John Lowther.) Out Letters (General) pp. 45, 46–7.
Appending: copy of said surrender dated May 3 and executed by John Twisden and Francis Pargiter.
[? April 28.] Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt for a certificate of what sums the Commissioners of the Alienation Office have paid and accounted for into the Exchequer for two or three years last past for the fines de licentia concordandi commonly called the King and Queen's fines or Prefines of Alienation. Out Letters (General) p. 45.
[?] Same to Sir Robert Croke and Timothy Whitfield. Esq., for a like certificate for the two or three years last past of the yearly value or sums in gross that the post fines do amount to throughout England and the King's dominions as they appear either by estreats certified into or process issued out of the Exchequer or by payment of fines to any person or receiver presently, whereby any part may happen not to be estreated. Ibid.
April 29. Same to Auditor Aldworth to let Alderman Backwell have copies of Mr. Corbett's and Sir Robert Southwell's papers concerning the moneys of the Queen's [Portuguese dowry or] portion. Ibid, p. 30.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt for an account of all those who lent any money to the King originally into the Exchequer and are under the first [1672] stop of the Exchequer. Ibid.
Same to Auditor Bridges for a state forthwith of the account for the year ended at Christmas last of William Prettiman, Remembrancer and Receiver of First Fruits. Ibid, p. 31.
Same to Mr. Kent to advance the money on the three tallies struck the 28.h inst. on the Customs, viz., for 50l. to Mr. Bedloe and 20l. to Dr. Oates, 215l. for Samuell Guilliams and 107l. 10s. 0d. for Charles Clare. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Treby (and so similarly to Sir Francis Winington). The 200l. to Samuell Guilliams and the 100l. to Charles Clare, which the King ordered, are paid. They are to be laid out as the Secret Committee of the House of Commons shall direct. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to presently clear the ship James, of London. Joseph Oliver master, on which the Navy Commissioners have shipped several naval provisions to be transported to Bristol for the use of his Majesty's ship of the third rate now in building there and suddenly designed to be launched. Out Letters (Customs) p. 22.
Privy seal for the payment to the Duke of Monmouth of 3,000l. triennially, and for 3,000l. thereof forthwith for an immediate provision to be made of coaches, waggons, litters and chairs for the service of the King and Queen Consort and 3,000l. more at Lady day, 1682. for the like service in case said Duke shall then continue to be Master of the Horse and so onwards at the end of every three years successively during his continuance in the said office. The said payments are to be without imprest or other charge and are to be additional to the 8,000l. per an. authorised by the privy seal of 1676, March 31, in pursuance of an agreement between the King and said Duke for the provisions and salaries of the Stables and in addition to the 2,000l. per an. for providing horses, mares and geldings: the King being satisfied by the representation of the said Duke "our most dear and most entirely beloved natural son" that the expense of the Stables once in every three years doth very much exceed the said yearly allowances of 8,000l. and 2,000l. by reason of an extraordinary provision which is made every third year of coaches, waggons, litters and chairs. (Royal warrant dated April 17 [to the Clerk of the Signet] for said privy seal.) King's Warrant Book. pp. 6, 14.
April 29. Treasury warrant for the execution of a money warrant from Treasurer Danby dated February 28 last for 225l. to William Chiffinch for 2¼ years to 1678, September 29 on the 100l. per an. ordered (by the privy seal of November 30 last) to be paid to him from 1676, June 24, as for Giles Driver for keeping Greenwich Park, salary, repairs of lodge, hay for deer, etc. Money Book, p. 24. Order Book XXXVIII. p. 6.
Same for the execution of the remainder of a money warrant dated March 21 last for 400l. to Andrew Lawrence as imprest towards the making and repairing the King's private ways, bridges, gates, causeways and passages and for locks and keys between London and his Majesty's houses of access and other parts: on which order 100l. has been already paid. Order Book XXXVIII. p. 6.
April 30. Privy seal for 3,000l. to Secretary Henry Coventry for secret service without account. (Royal warrant dated April 25 to the Clerk of the Signet for said privy seal. Money warrant dated May 5 hereon accordingly. Order dated May 6 hereon accordingly.) King's Warrant Book, pp. 8, 13. Money Book, p. 24. Order Book XXXVIII. p. 9.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt forwarding the draft privy seal for rectifying a mistake in the privy seal of February 28 last touching surcharging Philip Packer, Paymaster of the Works, with several orders remaining in his hands over and above what he stands charged with in your imprest certificate. Packer alleges that among such orders in his hands there are two for repayment of 2,500l. to him for so much lent by him to the King which should in truth have been set off from [credited in] his account in discharge of 2,500l. charged on him in your imprest certificate as paid to him on or about 1670–1, January 12, "when in truth he only received the said two orders of loan and did not receive the money in specie." Examine this and report to the Treasury Lords. Out Letters (General) pp. 31–2.
Same to the Treasurer of the Navy. The Navy Commissioners have reported that the readiest way for the King to receive the 15l. Customs money due from Peter Sellars, a mate on his Majesty's ship Dreadnought, is to respite Sellars' wages till he pay the debt, or till the determination of the Exchequer Court be known. You are to do this. Mr. Prowse, Solicitor for the Customs, will attend you herein. Ibid, p. 32.
April 30. Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners to report any objections they may have against passing the following goods. Out Letters (Customs) p. 24. Out Letters (General) p. 33.
Appending: note of Sir John Williams's petition for passing five bales of his household goods which in March last were brought into the King's warehouse [London port] from Leghorn, and which he desires to import from his house in Leghorn, same including damask bed hangings, 28 pictures and two figures of marble: the Customs officers refusing to pass any pictures without Treasury warrant.