Entry Book: April 1679, 1-10

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1913.

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'Entry Book: April 1679, 1-10', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1913), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp11-18 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: April 1679, 1-10', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1913), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp11-18.

"Entry Book: April 1679, 1-10". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1913), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp11-18.


April 1679

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
April 1. Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay the 1679, Lady day quarter's salary bill for the Customs, London port, "viz., for all the officers appointed by warrant from the Lord Treasurer; and [out] of the patent officers only the [Customs] Commissioners, their secretary, the Surveyors General, the Receiver General, the Comptroller General and the Solicitor; [as] cast up by Mr. Lytcott the Comptroller General in 10 folios; amounting to 6,001l. 6s. 8d." Money Book, p. 1
Same to the Customs Commissioners to give warrant to the respective Collectors of the outports to pay the 1679 Lady day quarter's salary bills for the outports officers (not being patent officers) "according to the establishment sent to us for the said quarter and signed by the Comptroller General of the accounts of the Customs." Ibid.
April 1. Money warrant for 58,400l. to Edward Seymour, Treasurer of the Navy, as imprest for building the hulls, masts and yards of four ships, viz., two second-rates and two third-rates, which will remain to complete the 30 ships as by the late Poll Act: and for 14,920l. as imprest for rigging, ground tackle and boats for said ships: and for 6,092l. as same for boatswain's and carpenter's sea stores for said ships. The orders to be drawn hereon are to be registered on said Poll money, etc., as prescribed in the Act for same. (For an order in part hereof see infra, under date June 25.) Money Book, p. 2.
Henry Guy to the Attorney General, The hearing of the petition from the Marquess of Winchester, et al. is put off till Thursday next. Please attend the Treasury Lords then. Out Letters (General) p. 10.
Same to Charles Bertie to attend as above with such books as are in your custody as may inform my Lords what has been done concerning the Fifth part of the Excise given [by 29 Car. II.] for a credit to the King for 200,000l. Ibid.
Same to Capt. Shales to attend as above to give my Lords information in what transactions you have been privy to concerning the abovesaid Fifth part of the Excise. Ibid.
April 2. Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a revocation of the last Commission of the Customs (which Commission did appoint Sir Richard Temple, Bart. and Kt. of the Bath, Sir Edward Dering, Bart., Sir Francis Lawley, Sir George Downing, Kt. and Bart., Charles Osborne, Charles Cheyne and Francis Millington as such Commissioners) and in their place to constitute Sir Richard Temple, Sir George Downing, Charles Cheyne, Francis Millington and John Upton to be Commissioners for Customs, subsidies of tonnage and poundage and other duties and impositions on wines, vinegar and other things: with the salary of 1,200l. per an. each. Richard Prowse to be solicitor to the said Commissioners with the salary as in the former Commission: the first quarterly payment on all said salaries to be made June 24 next: and power to be given to proceed in all cases left undetermined [by the preceding Commissioners]. King's Warrant Book, p. 4.
[? April 2.] The King having signed a warrant for granting to William Culliford the King's part [moiety] of three seizures of silk and gloves with a clause that if the [said] moiety be paid into the Exchequer same should be issued to him, Culliford desires that no order may be given to Mr. Dewy or any other for paying that money to the Privy Purse till he, Culliford, be heard thereon. (Struck through and marked withdrawn in the margin.) Caveat Book, p. 1.
April 2. Mr. Roger Jacson desires on behalf of the Earl of Devonshire that he may be heard before anything be done upon the petition of Col. Phillips and Col. Vernon for a lease of the tithes in the Forest of Needwood, and that he may have notice at Newport House. Ibid.
April 2. Henry Guy to Roger Jacson. The difference between the Excise Commissioners and the Marquess of Winchester is to be heard on Thursday afternoon. I enclose you a copy of said Commissioners' petition. Out Letters (General) p. 11.
Same to the Excise Commissioners to forthwith adjust with Sir Robert Howard [an account of] what tallies struck on you to Lady day last are now remaining unpaid. Ibid.
April 2
and 3.
The like letters respectively to the late Farmers of the Hearthmoney, viz., Mr. Perry and Mr. Buckley; to Richard Kent, the Receiver General of Customs; and to the Wine Licences Commissioners. Ibid.
April 3. Henry Guy to Mr. Kent to deliver to Mr. Shales an account of the money you have advanced upon tallies on the Customs to the 25th March last: and an account of the exact sum now due and in arrear to the East India Company on their loans: and to prepare an account for the Treasury Lords of all your payments of all sorts since Oct. 31 last. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to permit (in accordance with his Majesty's direction) the export, unopened and Customs free, on the ship Thomas and Edward, Capt. Robert Lurting commander, for Sweden, of certain goods of the King of Sweden: the officers of Sheerness garrison having made affidavit that said baggage was brought in the King's frigate the Guardland and an English vessel under her convoy from France to the said garrison about Sept., 1676, some have been transported in the Guardland frigate and the Francis frigate into Sweden and the remainder have continued at Sheerness unopened, but in Dec. last same were shipped on the Thomas and Edward to be transported to Sweden: Monsieur Leijonbergh the Swedish Envoy having also represented that said goods were lodged so long in said garrison because they were consigned from [France to] Gottenburg, which place was then, and several times since, blocked up by the Danish ships, so that they could not go with safety. Out Letters (Customs) pp. 5–8.
Appending: (a) Schedule of said goods, looking glasses, counterfeit china work, coaches, tapestry, curtains, tassels, velvet harnisher, ebony table and genidons (gueridons), Italian stone-work, liveries, tents, etc.
(b) Affidavit as above, dated March 24 inst., of said officers of Sheerness garrison, viz., Mathew Yeow, Thomas Hughes and John Shedd, serjeants, Hugh Ennis, George Keyes and Mathew Offley, corporals, under the command of Major Nathaniell Dorrell, Governor of Sheerness.
(c) Attestation by Henry Knight, mayor of Queen-borough, of the above affidavit.
April 4. Royal sign manual to the Treasury Lords for 300l. to William Gregory, Speaker of the House of Commons; 107l. 10s. 0d. to our trusty and well beloved Titus Oates, Dr. in Divinity; 107l. 10s. 0d. to John Relfe, clerk attending the Committee of the House of Peers for taking examinations about the late horrid plot and conspiracy, for his pains therein; 22l. to Henry Smith who lately apprehended a popish priest called _ Naylor alias Carpender; and 30l. to William Bedloe: all as royal bounty. (Money warrants dated April 7 for each of these five payments: all to be by tallies on the Customs. Orders dated April 8 hereon.) King's Warrant Book, p. 4. Money Book, pp. 4–5. Order Book XXXVIII. p. 1.
April 4. The Treasury Lords order that the docquet do not pass for Mr. Lee to be a Surveyor General of Customs till Dunster be heard upon his petition. Caveat Book, p. 1.
Cave that no warrants for felling of timber be directed to the Woodwards [of the various forests, Trent South] but [that they are] to be executed by the Surveyors General of Woods, Trent South, or they [be first thereon] heard: and that all references relating to the woods be made to them for their report. Ibid.
Cave that no grant pass of the offices of the King's chief clerk and [of the] assistant to the weigher and teller of the Mint or either of them to any other person than William Taylieur, Esq.; or that he be first heard; he having the King's warrant for the same [said offices]. Ibid.
Treasury appointment of Richard Grahme to be solicitor on the King's behalf for intending and looking after the prosecutions of Recusants' estates (prosecutions against the lands, tenements, goods, chattels or other estates of Jesuits, seminary or other priests, and other popish Recusants) that are or shall be forfeited to the King by the late horrid plot and conspiracy or any Act relating thereto or upon any laws against such Jesuits. priests and Recusants: it being thought expedient to have some fit person particularly appointed thereto. The officers of the Exchequer Court are to permit him to take extracts of all convictions whether certified or not into the Exchequer and of all commissions. writs, inquisitions, seizures or other process relating thereto and to give him every assistance in the discovery and recovery of such forfeited estates, and in detecting any frauds and concealments relating thereto. Warrants not relating to Money, p. 2.
Henry Guy to Mr. Bernard to deliver to Thomas Lloyd, Solicitor to the Treasury, or to Phillip Burton, deputy to said Lloyd, all papers and writings in your custody relating to his Majesty's service. The like letter to Mr. Ramsey. Out Letters (General) p. 11.
Same to Mr. Bowles forwarding a copy of a petition of Lestrange Symes, Clerk Comptroller of Tents, Toils and Pavilions to which the Treasury Lords forthwith expect your answer. Ibid.
In the margin: delivered to Mr. Symes.
April 7. Treasury allowance of the 1679 Lady day quarter's salary bill, detailed, of the Excise Office. (Total 2,457l. 10s. 0d.) Money Book. p. 3.
Cave that no grant pass of the office of Comptroller of Customs, Newcastle, [to] other than Mr. Nathan Tilson till Mr. Forster be heard. Caveat Book. p. 2.
April 7. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt for the account of tallies struck on the old contractors of the Hearthmoney on the payment to be made by them Sept. 19 next. There is present occasion for this account. Out Letters (General) p. 12.
Reference from the Treasury Lords to Sir William Jones, Attorney General, and Sir Charles Harbord, Surveyor General of Crown Lands, of the petition to the King from Hugh, Earl of Mount Alexander: said petition (referred from the King to the Treasury the 4th inst., the King being inclined to gratify petitioner in any seasonable suit) shews that there are several arrears due from the Receivers General of the Monthly Assessments in several counties in Wales in the years 1649, 1650 and 1651, amounting to 7,000l., which are vested in the King; and [certain arrears also of] the revenues of churches and vicarages of Wales and Monmouth from 1648 to 1660, which are [have been] received by several persons, but are vested in the King by Act of Parliament: that the King has granted to William Williams and Capt. Phi. Bell one third of what shall be discovered [thereof]: prays a grant of the remaining two thirds in regard of the services and sufferings of his family. Ibid.
Henry Guy to [the Clerk concerned, in the Chancery] to respite, until receipt of the Treasury Lords' pleasure, the enrolment of any conveyance deeds executed by the Trustees for the sale of Fee Farm Rents. The like letters respectively to the King's Bench, Common Pleas and Exchequer. Ibid, p. 13.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ Nicholas Spencer as Collector of Customs at Potomac river in Virginia for the whole collection, Mr. John Washington who was formerly joined with him being dead: Spencer to have the allowance of salary which both received and to be under such instructions as you think fit. Out Letters (Customs) pp. 8–9.
Joseph Dowthwaite as boatman at Stockton, loco Thomas Ridley, deceased.
James Clark as boatman at Newcastle, loco John Lamb, deceased. Robert Jefferson to be his mate.
John Hide as waiter at Seaford, loco Stephen Elphick, dismissed.
John Springold as collector at Blakeney and Cley, loco Thomas Hoskins, who declined that employment.
Robert Legg as waiter and searcher at Wivenhoe, loco Robert Holland, deceased.
April 8. Same for the execution of an order dated 1678, May 15, for 5,000l. to Baptist May for the Privy Purse payable out of seizures and forfeitures in the Exchequer Court as by the privy seal of 1665, Sept. 5; on which order the following sums have been [already] paid, viz., 174l. 16s. 0d., 103l. 2s. 4d., 27l. 7s. 9d., 38l. 2s. 1d., 111l., 52l. 9s. 11d., 107l. 7s. 4d., thus leaving 4,385l. 16s. 7d. still unpaid thereon. Money Book, p. 6.
Same to Sir John James and Robert Huntington [Commissioners and Receivers of Excise] to pay into the Exchequer all the moneys remaining in your hands of the Fifth part of the [Additional] Excise and to continue the future payment thereof into the Exchequer from time to time until all the creditors who have lent their money thereon be reimbursed in accordance with the Act of 29 Car. II. for the Additional Excise: it appearing from the petition of Charles, Marquess of Winchester and others that the King is empowered to borrow 200,000l. on the credit of said Act, and that one Fifth part of the whole Excise is to be set apart for the satisfaction of that credit, and that Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe have furnished the King with the said 200,000l., and that petitioners are the assignees of said Kent and Duncombe for a considerable sum of money yet remaining unpaid upon the said Fifth part and that they, petitioners, have often solicited the Commissioners and Receivers of Excise to pay into the Exchequer the said Fifth part, but could have no effect thereof, the Treasury Lords finding "upon hearing of all parties concerned that there is a considerable sum of money of the Fifth part of the Excise unpaid into the Exchequer." Warrants not Relating to Money, p. 4.
April 8. Treasury appointment of Thomas Lloyd, gent., as solicitor for negociating and looking after the affairs of the Treasury (to solicit and take care of the prosecution of all debts due to the King except for Customs or other matters for which other solicitors are or shall be specially appointed) loco. John Ramsey, gent., "whom we have thought fitt to dismiss." Said Lloyd is also hereby allowed to nominate Phillip Burton as his deputy till further order. Warrants not relating to Money, p. 4.
Henry Guy to the officers of the Ordnance to send to the Treasury a state of the Ordnance. Out Letters (General) p. 13.
Same to the Auditors of Imprests similarly for a state of the arrears of the Tenths due to the King in all the dioceses of England and Wales. Ibid.
April 9. Treasury warrant to the Receipt for tallies on the Tenths of the clergy for the 250l. and 250l. due at Lady day last on the annuity of 1,000l. granted to William, Earl of Bedford, John Russell and William Russell as in trust for the Countess Dowager of Bristol, and on the other annuity of 1,000l. to said Countess Dowager: and dormant warrant for the like tallies in future for the said two pensions. Money Book, p. 6.
Same to same for tallies on same for 250l. for last Lady day quarter on the annuity of 1,000l. to Robert, Earl of Sunderland: and dormant warrant for the like tallies in future. Ibid, p. 7.
Same to Thomas Newton, Woodward of Whittlewood and Salcey Forests, to permit (in accordance with the privy seal of 1676, March 28), Capt. Phillip Howard to take to his own use the bark, lopps, tops and offal of timber which shall be felled in said forests for rebuilding Northampton town, viz., up to 1,000 tons of timber: in particular accordingly to so permit him to so carry away to his own use such bark, etc., of the 400 tons of timber granted for the said town of Northampton by the privy seal of March 22 last as part of said 1,000 tons. The Auditor for co. Northampton is to discharge the said woodward of said forests from the proceed of such bark, etc., upon account. (Charles Bertie to said Thomas Newton dated ? April 9, to preserve said bark, etc., to be delivered to said Howard.) Warrants not Relating to Money, p. 5. Out Letters (General) p. 12.
April 9. Treasury warrant to the Lord Mayor and other Commissioners [for the city of London for the late Poll Act] to speedily raise by a re-assessment what remains due of the said Act from the city of London: it having been represented that a great part thereof due from the said city is still in arrears and that the uses to which same should be applied [viz., the building of the 30 ships] do very much want the remainder of the said money. Warrants not Relating to Money, pp. 5–6.
Reference from the Treasury Lords to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Edward Agberowe complaining that the King's waiters [London port] do not allow him any part of the bill money above stairs: with a copy of his former petition and the proceedings thereon. Out Letters (Customs) p. 9.
The like reference on the petition of Edward Fane[Vane], of London, merchant, son of Sir Francis Fane, a great sufferer; praying for some place in the Customs or elsewhere suitable to his education and capacity. Ibid, p. 10.
The like reference on the petition of Hugh Griffith, one of the Pages of the Bedchamber, praying for the first [vacant] landwaiter's place, London port, for one of his sons-in-law. Ibid.
Henry Guy to Sir George Wharton [Treasurer of the Ordnance] to send to the Treasury with all speed the present state of the Ordnance under your particular care, what were your receipts and payments for the year ended Lady day last, with the balance then remaining in your hands, and what orders or assignments you have upon any branch of the revenue. Out Letters (General) p. 13.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of Mr. Trotter's paper praying a landwaiter's place at the Custom House. Ibid.
Henry Guy to Mr. Newton, Woodward [of Whittlewood and Salcey Forests] not to execute the Treasury warrant of the 7th inst. (ut supra, p. 4, for felling 400 tons of timber in said forests) except in the presence of Thomas Agar and Charles Strode, Surveyors General of Woods, Trent South, who are to take care there be no spoils or frauds committed. Ibid, p. 16.
April 10. Reference from the Treasury Lords to the Customs Commissioners of the Earl of Lincoln's desire by his servant William Cuffe for the import to London, unopened, of goods on board the Little Samuell [now] in the Downs: being goods for furnishing his house: "to which is annexed a letter from on board the said ship to Mr. Atkins about the goods." Out Letters (Customs) p. 10.
Same from same to the Commissioners of the Alienation Office to report the nature and value of the grant desired by the Duke of Monmouth. Out Letters (General) p. 15.
Prefixing: petition to the King from the Duke of Monmouth for a grant in reversion for seven years under a rent of 1,500l. [per an.] of all the fines of alienation in Chancery after the expiry of the grant thereof made in April, 1674, to the Earl of Danby and et al.