Entry Book: September 1677

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1911.

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'Entry Book: September 1677', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp740-754 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: September 1677', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp740-754.

"Entry Book: September 1677". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1911), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp740-754.


September 1677

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Sept. 1. Report to the King from Treasurer Danby on the claims and pretensions of the Band of [Gentlemen] Pensioners and of the Earl of Arlington to a debt of 7,965l. 17s. 8d. due to the King from William Prettyman as late Receiver of First Fruits and enstalled Tenths, which debt has been enstalled to be paid by 800l. per an. I find that the Band of Pensioners has been long settled [to be paid out of or] on this fund, and there is due to them [for payments so charged] on the same the sum of 25,790l. 15s. 11d. and three orders are drawn hereon, viz., of 1670, Nov. 15, 1671, June 15, and 1671, Nov. 10, for 3,000l. each or 9,000l. in all. whereof only 2,921l. 13s. 11d. has been paid, thus leaving 6,078l. 6s. 0d. unpaid. As to the Earl of Arlington, the privy seal of 1673, June 7, directed the payment of 5,338l. 17s. 6d. to him by tallies on said Prettyman, but no orders have yet been drawn upon this privy seal. If payment of said sum be directed out of Mr. Pretiman's debt, then the money due to the Band of Pensioners (to whom said dobt was first assigned) cannot be satisfied. This great debt to the Band of Pensioners was occasioned by the disposing [otherwise] of those moneys [from First Fruits] on which their payment had been directed. "And forasmuch as this arrear [of First Fruits] is not yot actually diverted from what it ought properly to be applied to I humbly offer it to your Majesty's consideration whether the misapplying of it whilst the money remains in your Majesty's power may not be of worse consequence to the credit of your Majesty's affairs than even the stop of the Exchequer which was occasioned by such misapplications as were previous to it, and when the money was not remaining which should have been applyed to such payments as were then postponed." Warrants not Relating to Money VII. p. 110.
Sept. 3. Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue (and same to the Customs Cashier to bring in immediately after the weekly payments) 75l. for a quarter on my lady Johanna Thornhill's pension of 300l. per an. Out Letters (General) p. 147.
Same to Mr. Kent [Customs Cashier] to forthwith satisfy the tally for 200l. for the Treasurer of the Ordnance to be by him paid to Mr. Collingwood for repair of Osborne fort in Holy Island. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Mounteney [late Cashier to the Customs] out of the remains [of Customs moneys] in your hands, to discharge four tallies formerly struck on you, amounting to 1,779l., which will be delivered to you by your son Richard Mounteney. Ibid, p. 148.
Same to the Auditor of Receipt to issue 30l. to William Legge for a quarter as a Page of Honour, ut supra, p. 716. Ibid, p. 139.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Receipt to issue 10,000l. for the Navy upon any late orders in the name of Edward Seymour : to be by tallies on the Customs. Money Book (General) p. 131.
Sept. 4. Charles Bertie to "good Cousin" [Sir Robert Howard, Auditor of the Receipt] to issue to Ambassador Hyde 1,500l. for his equipage to Nimuegen ; which sum the Hearthmoney Contractors will bring in. Out Letters (General) p. 148.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Receipt to cancel a, tally dated 1675, Sept. 25, for 847l. 6s. 0d. to Sir Bernard Gascoigne, being struck on Sir William Bucknall, then Farmer of the duty on French shipping : no part of which tally has been paid ; and in lieu thereof to strike a fresh tally of same date for same sum on Richard Mounteney as [then] Cashier of Customs. Money Book (General) p. 131.
Sept. 5. Same from same [to the Customs Commissioners]. By grant under my hand and seal of Oct. 27 last I appointed John Moore as a waiter Bristol port. Richard Hamm, John Taylor, John Harper and James Seward, the four waiters of said port have in petition to me represented that their fees and perquisites do not amount to above 45l. per an. oach, and therefore prayed that Mr. Moor may not share with them. I hereby order that from Christmas last the four waiters take their fees and perquisites as formerly, and Moor is to be paid a yearly salary of 45l. by you through the hands of the collector of Bristol. Moor's deputation is to be superseded as soon as his reversion for the office of one of the said four waiters shall take effect. Further, in order to prevent an additional charge to the King hereby on the present vacancy among the landwaiters of Bristol port by the resignation of Edmond Aram, his office is to be retrenched and no person to come in his place. Out Letters (Customs) III. pp. 350-1.
Letter of direction on an order dated 1676, July 30, for 340l. to Isaac Legouch for a jewel given to Count St. Maurice, Envoy from the Duke of Savoy : same to be hereby satisfied by tallies on the Hearthmoney Contractors' payment due March 15 next. Money Book (General) p. 132.
Same on an order dated Aug. 18 last for 650l. to said Legouch for a diamond ring given by Mr. Benting : to be hereby satified by tallies on the Customs. Ibid.
Money warrant for 326l. 3s. 0d. to William Bishop (son of Sir Richard Bishop, deceased, late one of the King's Serjeants at Arms) for 3 years to June 24 last on his own fee and allowance as one of the King's Serjeants at Arms : and for 251l. 6s. 6d. to the executors of said Sir Richard, due upon the like fee and allowance at the time of his death. (Charles Bertie, dated Sept. 5, to the Customs Cashier to bring in with [due] respect to the weekly payments, and same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue, said 326l. 3s. 0d.) Ibid, p. 132. Out Letters (General) p. 148.
Sept. 7. Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to make allowance to Sir William Thompson, Kt., Richard Booth, Esq., and others, owners of the ship Concord, of the twentieth part (being 213l. 8s. 5d.) of the Customs for the said ship's second voyage, according to the Act for the increase of good and serviceable shipping : it appearing from a certificate of the Surveyor of the Navigation Act, dated 1676, May 2, that said ship was built with two decks and a forecastle, mounted with 30 pieces of ordnance, and ammunition proportionable, her length by the keel 200 foot, her breadth from outside to outside 30 foot, her depth 15 foot, which dimensions make her 480 tons, and that she was launched 1675, Aug. 17, and so was capable of receiving said twentieth part : said payment having been demurred to by the Customs Commissioners by reason of information that said ship was not wholly new, but built upon the bottom of another vessel, but it appearing by certificates of the Deputy Surveyor of the Navigation Act, the Customs Surveyor and the shipwright that the hull of the old ship was sold but for 160l., and that to a small matter it was pulled in pieces and the ship Concord built thereupon, which is near 100 tons bigger than the former ship, and that the charge of rebuilding her amounted to 2,700l. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 351.
Same from same to same to permit a post entry of six pieces of lockrams belonging to John Tanner, merchant, being the un-entered part of 36 bales of lockrams laden on the Hopewell from Morlaix, the under entry being due to haste and without intention of fraud : the Customs Commissioners not being able to compound the matter as the Customs due thereon (being 41s. 6d.) exceeded 40s. Ibid, p. 352.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to employ Charles Orchard as collector at Bideford, loco Mr. Hill, who has not given in the security he was directed to do : the said Orchard intending to reside at Bideford, and being willing to take on him that collection.
Samuel Starman as boatman at Hull, loco William Kyddall, deceased.
Out Letters (Customs) III. pp. 352, 353.
Same from same to same to deliver to the owners thereof the sums of money following, viz., 61l. 3s. 0d. sterling belonging to John Broughton, of the Isle of Man, same being entered on board the Rose at Liverpool, Thomas Hunt master, for the Isle of Man, but seized at Liverpool ; and 40l. 10s. 10d. sterling claimed by John Wattleworth and Thomas Callister of the said island : the said sums being the produce of some cattle of said island, which they had sold in England and were returning with the money. Ibid, p. 353.
Same from same to the Barons of the Exchequer to swear Richard Creswell and Edward Godfrey into office as one of the two searchers at Gravesend upon the surrender of Christopher Hussey and said Richard Creswell. Warrants not Relating to Money VII. p. 110.
Money warrant for 200l. to Nathaniel Bradly (Bradley) for one year to June 24 last as late Consul at Tripoli. (Letter of direction dated Sept. 22 on an order dated Sept. 8 hereon, changing same to be paid by tallies on the Customs. Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier dated Oct. 15 to pay the tally for said 200l. "as soon as possibly you can with respect to the weekly payments.") Money Book (General) pp. 132, 133. Out Letters (General) p. 157.
Same for 18,000l. to Baptist May, Keeper of the Privy Purse, to complete the 38,000l. for the Privy Purse as by the privy seal of Nov. 30 last. Money Book (General) p. 132.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt for tallies on the Excise (and same dated Nov. 22 to the Receivers of Excise to pay said tallies) for 300l. for one year to June 24 last on the pension to Col. Thomas (in the margin Philip) Howard, of Suffolk. Out Letters (General) p. 148.
Sept. 8. Same to the Treasurer of the Navy. Treasurer Danby has directed 10,000l. to be advanced and lent to you for the naval services following : Ibid, p. 155.
s. d.
To pay off the Rose 2,500 0 0
To pay off the Phenix 2,500 0 0
To pay off the Bristol 4,500 0 0
To pay seamen discharged from the Dartmouth 130 0 0
To complete Mris. Waterson's bill 68 0 0
9,698 0 0
The remainder is to be applied as Treasuror Danby shall further direct.
Sept. 10. Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to deliver, Customs free, to the Spanish Ambassador residing here certain goods (leather, silver cases, Phillagreene thread stockings, lace and pinners) as in a schedule appended : same being seized the 7th inst. at Rochester by Hollman Allen. Out Letters (Customs) III. pp. 353-4.
Sept. 12. Treasurer Danby, dated from Wallingford House, to Sir Thomas Chichley, Master General of the Ordnance, to deliver to Robert Bridges and William Bridges some of his Majesty's waggons to carry to the seaside a considerable sum of money, which they have agreed with the King to transport into Ireland. Warrants not Relating to Money VII. p. 111.
Warrant from same to the Customs Cashier to pay 6l. to John Rogers for three quarters to 1676, Sept. 29, on his salary as late searcher at Yarmouth. Money Book (General) p. 132.
Charles Bertie to Richard Kent, the Customs Cashier, to bring 500l. into the Exchequer with [due] respect to the weekly payments : to be issued thence to Mr. May for [the Privy Purse for] healing medals. Out Letters (General) p. 148.
Same to Mr. Mounteney [late Cashier to the Customs] out of any Customs money remaining in your hands to pay 847l. 6s. 0d. to Sir Bernard Gascoigne in discharge of a tally dated 1674, Sept. 25. Ibid, p. 149.
Sept. 15. Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the King's Remembrancer to forbear issuing process against Thomas Mawson, late Receiver of the Eighteen Months' tax in the hundred of Guthlaxton, co. Leicester, and also against the [assessment] Commissioners for said tax in said county for same. Warrants not Relating to Money VII. p. 111.
Same from same to issue a Commission for enquiring what moneys are due to the King during, and by reason of, the late vacancy in the see of Durham and now remaining in the hands of Miles Stapylton, late Auditor [of the revenue of said bishopric], George Kirby, Receiver General [of same], Thomas Cradock, John Jefferson, Richard Neil, John Morland or of any coroners, bailiffs, officers or others employed in the management of said revenue : said commission to be directed to Sir Gilbert Gerrard, of Brafferton, co. Yorks, bart., Sir Richard Wiseman, Kt., of Tyrrells Hall, co. Essex, Holmes, of Newcastle upon Tyne, Isaac Bazier, Thomas Carnaby, Marmaduke Allison, Esqrs., Thomas Evans and John Bazier, gent. : no power to be given to the Commissioners to audit and declare an account or to compound or discharge any debt : to be returnable at latest by the morrow of Easter next. Ibid.
Same from same, dated from Wallingford House, to the Auditor of co. Southampton, to put in charge with the Receiver General of said county several fee farm and other rents in said county, which have been for some years past received by Sir Robert Holmes, Governor and Receiver General of the Isle of Wight (by virtue of some privy seal directing the taking of those rents out of the charge of the Receiver General of co. Southampton and putting the same in charge with the said Sir Robert Holmes), although the said privy seal hath been long since revoked, and [although] the Act for the sale of Fee Farms directs that same shall continue to be received by the Receiver General of co. Southampton until sale thereof shall be made. Notice is to be given to the respective tenants of the premises that they forbear making any payment thereof to the said Holmes, but that they forthwith pay all the growing rents and arrears thereof to the Receiver General of co. Southampton, who is to receive and account for same till further order. Ibid, p. 112.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners and to Sir John Shaw, Surveyor of the Navigation Act, to enter as a free ship the ship Charity, and to give out certificates accordingly : Secretary Coventry having certified that the King's warrant dated 1671, Sept. 22, for making said ship free is entered in the books of entries kept in the Secretary of State's Office in the time of Sir John Trevor. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 354.
Same from same to same to permit the Hopewell, of Newcastle, a French-built vessel not made free, but belonging wholly to English, viz., to some of the magistrates and others of Newcastle, to discharge her lading of fish without paying duties, and as if for fish caught by English : the petitioners herein, Timothy Davison and his partners, intending otherwise to send said ship to foreign parts : it appearing from the affidavit of Sir William Blacket that he sold said ship of 60 tons for 64l., and that it has since been fitted with sails and sheathed from the keel upwards at a much greater charge than the first cost : it further appearing from the certificate of the mayor of Newcastle, said Blacket, Edwd. Carr, master and mariner, and Edward Green, shipwright, that said ship came into Newcastle by the name of the Columb about 1675-6, Feb., having been long at sea, all shattered, weather beaten and eaten with worms, so that she could not put out again, and was bought there by deponents for 64l., there being thon aboard her five guns worth 14l., and that they amended her and fitted her for the Iceland fishery, spending 264l. on her, which is almost the charge of building a vessel new, and that she is wholly English property. Ibid, pp. 354-5.
Same from same to same to permit the payment of Custom as for importation, and the draw back of half subsidy and additional duty by debenture upon re-export, of several goods mentioned in five bills of lading, laden (as appears by the affidavit of Henry Waad) at Amsterdam by Matthew Leslenanor, the correspondent at Amsterdam of James Burkin, in the ship Bluedove, Robert Cook master, same being intended for Rochelle and St. Martins in France, but the vessol came into the Thames to repair the rudder and procure a pass : the Customs Commissioners not being able to advise the making of a "precedent of that ill nature [as] to permit the unlading the said goods and reshipping them for Rochelle without payment of Custom." Ibid, pp. 355-6.
Treasurer Danby's subscription of a docquet of a great seal for a grant to Elizabeth Elliott, widow, of the office or place of housekeeper of the King's house at Newmarket, formerly enjoyed by Thomas Elliott, Esq., her late husband : for life : together with the fee of 200l. per an., payable quarterly out of the Exchequer. Docquet Book, p. 162.
Sept. 17. Order from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to observe an order of the King in Council of the 12th inst., directing that victuals and ammunition for the use of the garrison of Tangier may be excepted out of the order in Council of July 24 last (forbidding the shipping of any goods for Tangier without entry and payment of Custom) and may be permitted to be transported to Tangier by his Majesty's contractors for victualling and others concerned for his Majesty.
Prefixing : Copy of said order of Sept. 12.
Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 356.
Warrant from same to same. The King has been lately informed that several persons, expert and knowing in the art and mystery of making bayes and other stuffs and clothing, have by some agreement or other combination of late transported themselves into Portugal to set up the said manufactures in that country, and in order thereto several looms and other engines fit for that purpose and several persons brought up in and using the said manufacture here are intended to be transported here [sic for thither] contrary to the laws of this kingdom. His Majesty having taken particular notice hereof has commanded the prevention thereof. You are therefore to cause diligent enquiry and search to be made in all the ports, creeks and places where you may reasonably expect such practice, and particularly on board the ship called the Delight, Smith master, the ship called the Morning Star, and another ship whereof Willis is master, and not to permit any such persons to pass out of England without the King's special licence ; and to cause all looms and other engines for the purpose aforesaid found shipped or ready to be shipped to be immediately stopped and seized, and not permitted to be transported till further order therein. Ibid, p. 357.
Same from same to same to give order to the Customer in Chester and Holyhead ports to permit sums of money not exceeding 36,565l. 4s. 0d. in the whole to be shipped in coin for Ireland pursuant to an agreement which Robert Bridges and William Bridges, of London, gent., have made with the King for transporting the same thither for his Majesty's service. Ibid.
Same from same to same to deliver, Customs free, to the Marquis de Burgomayne, the Spanish Ambassador residing here, an embroidered coat, which he has sent for from Paris. Ibid.
Reference from same to same of the petition of Sir Herbert Lunsford, praying a licence to export yearly for some time to Jersey 1,000 todds of wool : said petition being referred from the King to Treasurer Danby the 8th inst. Ibid, p. 358.
Charles Bertie to good Cousin [Sir Robert Howard, Auditor of the Receipt] to levy tallies for 100l. upon the Tenths of Lincoln diocese for half a year on Dr. Troutbeck's pension. Out Letters (General) p. 149.
Thomas Forth, of London, brewer, one of the partners in the late Farm of the Irish revenue, prays that when anything comes to be done (upon the late resolution for allowing to the said Farmers 10,000l. defalcation in a lump for discharging them in their account of said farm) they not agreeing in every partner's claim to a proportion thereof, that he may first be heard. [Notice to be given or left for him] at the George brewhouse in St. Giles. Caveat Book, p. 29.
Money warrant for 60l. 13s. 4d. to Charles Cotterell, for half a year on his fee of 6s. 8d. a day as assistant to the Master of the Ceremonies. Money Book (General) p. 132.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Alexander Fort of of the place of Master Joiner in reversion after Thomas Kinward. (fn. 1) King's Warrant Book V. p. 416.
Same to same for a same for an annuity of 312l. 10s. 0d. on the Excise to John Thurston (Thruston) and his heirs in lieu of 5,208l. 8s. 0d. which the king is indebted to him for principal and interest upon several orders registered in the Exchequer : all in like manner as the goldsmiths' payments are to be, and to commence from Christmas last with a clause for determining this grant upon payment of said 5,208l. 8s. 0d. with any arrears of said annuity happening to be due at the date of such repayment. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Oct. 26 of docquet hereof. Treasurer Danby's dormant warrant accordingly to the Auditor of the Receipt for tallies on the Excise from time to time for said annuity.) Ibid, p. 416. Docquet Book, p. 165. Money Book (General) p. 154.
Sept. 18. Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to deliver, Customs free, to Mr. Rowland 12 very large flower pots now in the warehouse, London port, brought from Rouen in the Elizabeth, of London, John Marshall master, being for the Queen's use. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 358.
Same from same to same to deliver, Customs free, three cases of little pictures sent from Holland to the Portugal ambassador residing here. Ibid.
Same from same to same to employ Thomas Ennis as collector at Penryn, loco Richard Southcot, deceased.
George Becke as waiter Ibid, loco Edmond Vacey dismissed.
Treasurer Danby's subscription of a docquet of a demise [by in custodiam lease under the Exchequer seal] to David Legross of the manor of Blackwall and of divers other lands and tenements of Richard Blackwall, seized into the King's hands for debt : at the rent of 6s. 8d. per an. Warrants not Relating to Money VII. p. 111.
Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier with [due] respect to the weekly payments to pay off a tally of July 14 last for 750l. to Mr. Hyde for the Robes. Out Letters (General) p. 149.
Money warrant for 40l. to Marmaduke Conway for half a year on his fees of 50l. per an. as one of the King's falconers and 30l. per an. as keeper of his Majesty's Spaniels. Money Book (General) p. 133.
Sept. 20. Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay (and same to the Customs Cashier to bring in with respect, etc.), 180l. to Sir Herbert Price on the warrant of Aug. 16 last. (Same to the Customs Cashier dated 1677-8, June 12, to bring same in notwithstanding any former restriction.) Out Letters (General) p. 150.
[?] Same to the Customs Cashier. The King has signed a privy seal for 1,000l. to the Duke of Monmouth for buying of horses for the King. As said privy seal cannot pass before the King sets out for Newmarket, and the occasion of buying horses is very pressing, you are to immediately pay said 1,000l. to said Duke out of any money in your hands for which I will see you shall have a regular discharge in a few days. Ibid, pp. 150-1.
Sept. 20. Money warrant for 1,300l. to Sir Leoline Jenkins for one quarter's advance Sept. 9 inst. to Dec. 9 next on his ordinary as Ambassador Extr. and Plenipot, for the Treaty of Peace at Nimuegen. (Letter of direction dated Oct. 23 hereon directing same to be paid by tallies on the Customs. Charles Bertie dated Nov. 24 to the Customs Cashier to pay said tallies with respect to the weekly payments.) Money Book (General) pp. 133, 142. Out Letters (General) p. 182.
Same for 1,300l. to Sir William Temple for a quarter's ordinary Aug. 22 last to Nov. 21 next on his ordinary as Ambassador to the States General. (Letter of direction dated Newmarket Oct. 6 hereon, directing same to be satisfied by tallies on the Customs.) Money Book (General) pp. 133, 137.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Receipt to issue 1,000l. on any orders in the name of Charles Bertie for secret service : to be by tallies on the Hearthmoney Contractors' farm rent due March 15 last. (Charles Bertie dated Sept. 21 to the Hearthmoney Contractors to pay off said tallies "which sum of 1,000l. I desire you to pay to Sam Langford for my account.") Ibid, p. 135. Out Letters (General) p. 151.
Treasurer Danby's subscription of a docquet of a grant from the King to Robert Bridges and William Bridges of 36,565l. 4s. 0d. to be paid out of the rents reserved in the great farm of the revenue in Ireland in consideration and repayment of the like sum agreed by them to be advanced into the Receipt of the Exchequer, Ireland, on or about Michaelmas next, to be applied towards the payment of what is due to the Military List in Ireland since 1675, Christmas. Repayment thereof is hereby to be made in Dublin in 18 equal monthly payments, viz., by 2,031l. 8s. 0d. on the last day of every calendar month, the first payment to begin on the last day of Oct. next : with a clause that if any failure [in payment hereof] be made by the Farmers of the Revenue, Ireland, or anything happen whereby their farm may be determined, and so the money as above be not paid, then the said Bridges are to receive out of the Customs in Ireland the deficit due to them : [all] with interest at 10 per cent. Further, in consideration of the pains and charges of the said Robert and William Bridges, the King hereby grants them 1s. per out of all such money as shall during the said 18 months be payable to the said Military List ; to commence as aforesaid. Docquet Book, p. 163.
Royal warrant to Lemuel Kingdon to pay from Jan. 1 last for two years to the Duke of Monmouth the unexpended remainder of the 220,000l. which by the privy seal of 1675-6, Feb. 17, was appointed to be the establishment for the guards, garrisons and land forces ; the King being given to understand that the pay of said Guards, etc., doth not amount to more than 212,000l., and being pleased to bestow same on said Duke out of royal affection and in consideration of his many good services. King's Warrant Book V. pp. 416-7.
Same to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Elizabeth Elliott, relict of our late servant Thomas Elliott, of an annuity or yearly pension of 500l. ; for life ; quarterly out of the Exchequer ; commencing the first payment from Midsummer last. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Sept. 29 of docquet hereof.) Ibid, p. 417. Docquet Book, p. 164.
Sept. 21. Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue the 485l., (which the Customs Cashier is to bring into the Exchequer with respect, etc.), to the Auditors of the Exchequer as follows in settlement of all the arrears due to them at June 24 last upon their fee of 20l. per an. each, viz., Sir Joseph Seymour 70l. for 3 years. Sir William Godolphin 75l. for 3 years, Auditor Phillips 110l. for 5 years, Auditor Aldworth 60l. for 3 years, Auditor Parsons 75l. for 3 years. Auditor Morice for 3 years, Auditor Lightfoot 25l. for 1 years.
Memorandum : This letter was given to Auditor Aldworth and lost between him and Mr. Twitty, and renewed 1677-8, Jan. 28, but dated 1677, Sept. 21.
Out Letters (General) p. 150.
Same to same to issue (and same to the Customs Cashier to bring in) 40l. to Sir John Heath for one year's fee to June 24 last as one of the King's Counsel learned in the law. Ibid, p. 151.
Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for 1,000l. to the Duke of Monmouth to be employed in buying horses for the King and Queen : to be without account and to be over and above his ordinary allowance for furnishing horses for the stables. King's Warrant Book V. p. 417.
Same to the Attorney General for a privy seal as follows. By letters patent under the great seal dated April 25 last the farm of the law duties was granted to Sir John Bendish, John Canham and James Roffey, the King agreeing to constitute them or their nominees to be Receivers of the said duty. In pursuance of such agreement and at the request of said Canham and Roffey the King hereby nominates and appoints James Coles and Thomas Jordan, of London, gent., jointly and severally to collect and receive said duties [in the Court of Chancery], viz., for every charter, writ or other thing that shall pass the great seal, for every deed and recognizance enrolled there, for all interrogatories and depositions taken by Commission issued out of said Court and for all decrees and dismissions there and for all other proceedings in said Court. Further, the King hereby nominates John Canham, James Roffey and John Conway jointly and severally to collect and receive the like duties for every declaration, plca, replication, demurrer, rejoinder, issue or other proceeding in the King's Bench, and Common Pleas. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Newmarket, Oct. 7 of docquet hereof.)
Followed by : Opinion by Sir W. Jones, Attorney General, as to the draft form of the above warrant. "I have seen this draught and find no cause to object against the same."
Ibid, pp. 418-20. Docquet Book, p. 164.
Sept. 22. Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to appoint William Ryvers, a landcarriageman, London port, loco John Golding, deceased. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 358.
Same from same to same to permit 97 hogsheads of the drug called gum Seneca to be imported into London port by Tho. Short, merchant, from Holland, Treasurer Danby having received the King's pleasure upon representing to him the usefulness of said drug and the necessity of importing it from other places than those of its growth, which are wholly in possession of the Dutch. Ibid.
Same from same dated Wallingford House [to the King's Remembrancer] to supersede process ad computandum against Edmond Hals (who was chief clerk to the Commissioners for prizes in Plymouth port) for moneys received and paid by him by orders of said Commissioners during the late Dutch war : he alleging that he can duly discharge himself thereof and promising to attend one of the Auditors of the Imprest very speedily with his account and vouchers. Warrants not Relating to Money VII. p. 112.
Money warrant dormant for the yearly fee of 40l. to Sir John Trevor as one of the King's Counsel at Law and warrant for what is grown due thereon at Midsummer last. Money Book (General) p. 133.
Letter of direction upon an order of Aug. 18 last for 418l. 14s. 6d. to Nathaniel Bradley, ut supra, p. 715 : same to be hereby satisfied by tallies on the Customs. (Charles Bertie dated Oct. 15 to pay said tallies as soon as possible with [due] respect to the weekly payments.) Ibid, p. 133. Out Letters (General) p. 157.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Cashier to pay 261l. to Charles Osborne for his riding charges for 261 days to March 26 last as one of the General Surveyors of the Customs. Money Book (General) p. 134.
Warrant dormant from same to the Receipt for payment of all interest now due and hereafter to grow due to Sir Francis Chaplyn, to whom a considerable sum of money remains due [from the King] on several orders registered in the Exchequer on which 6 per cent, interest is payable : such interest to be hereby paid by tallies on the Excise. Ibid.
Money warrant for 700l. to Col. William Stapleton for one year to June 24 last on his allowance as Governor of St. Christopher. (Letter of direction from Treasurer Danby dated Newmarket. Oct. 6. on an order dated Sept. 25 hereon charging same to be paid by tallies on the Hearthmoney Contractors' payment due 1678, Sept. 19.) Ibid, pp. 134, 137.
Money warrant for 2,278l. 7s. 0d. to Col. William Stapleton, as Governor of the Leeward Islands as imprest for the pay and entertainment of the two Foot Companies in said islands for the year ending July 7 last. (Letter of direction on an order hereon, ut supra.) Money Book (General) pp. 134, 137.
Same for 135l. to Sir John Lethieullier for 1 years' interest to July 1 last at 6 per cent, on 1,500l. assigned to him in part of an order, No. 41, for 5,000l. drawn in the name of William Ashburnham, Cofferer of the Household, and registered on the fee farms. (Letter of direction dated Oct. 26 hereon, charging same to be paid by tallies on the Excise. Charles Bertie dated Dec. 7 to the Receivers of Excise to pay said tallies.) Ibid, pp. 134, 143. Out Letters (General) p. 187.
Same for 250l. to Sir Edward Hales, bart., for half a year on his pension of 500l. as by the privy seal of July 31 last. (Charles Bertie dated Sept. 22 to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay said 250l. which is to be brought into the Exchequer [by the Customs Cashier] with due respect to the weekly payments charged on the Customs. Same, dated 1677-8, Jan. 1, to the Customs Cashier to bring same into the Exchequer notwithstanding any former restriction.) Money Book (General) p. 135. Out Letters (General) p. 152.
Royal sign manual for 216l. to Henry, bishop of London, without accompt : to be by him paid over to Robert Morison, Dr. in Phisick and the King's Botanick Professor, to encourage him in the printing of a new herbal, which we are informed he hath written and prepared at his great costs and labour. (Money warrant dated Oct. 16 hereon. See infra under date 1678, Aug. 5.) King's Warrant Book V. p. 423. Money Book (General) p. 139.
Sept. 23. Warrant from Treasurer Danby, dated from Wallingford House, to the King's Remembrancer to issue a Commission under the Exchequer seal to enquire of great abuses and irregularities committed in the Mint, as is complained to his Majesty, whereby the King and his subjects are or may be greatly deceived, notwithstanding all the care and circumspection with which the King has settled the management thereof ; his Majesty observing that the Mint and coining of his money which heretofore was a considerable revenue to the Crown (and the greater by how much more was coined therein) is now grown a very great charge and of no benefit, notwithstanding that his subjects have granted him a considerable revenue for the coinage of his money, and that which was much more than his seigniorage was observed to come to : wherefore his Majesty is desirous to make enquiry into all the defects and managements of the said Mint that so due punishment may be inflicted on offenders and a due regulation and settlement of the whole affair may be made. The said commission is to be directed to Charles Bertie, Sir Charles Harbord, Surveyor General, Sir Robert Vyner, Sir Edward Deering, Sir Nathaniell Herne, Sir William Smith, Charles Osborne, Charles Cheyne, Edward Backwell, Palmer, Thomas Neale, Esqrs., John Buckworth, merchant, and Thomas D'oyly, gent. To be returned at latest within 15 days of Easter next. Warrants not Relating to Money VII. p. 113.
Sept. 24. Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt. At Mr. Kent's entrance on his office as Customs Cashier Treasurer Danby directed him to pay into the Exchequer 200l. a week for the service of the Works "which having been accordingly paid in for several weeks his Lordship directs that the same be issued upon orders drawn for the ordinary and extraordinary service of the said Office, and that you continue to issue the same as it shall come in weekly." Out Letters (General) p. 151.
Same to same for tallies on the First Fruits for 500l. for last June 24 quarter on the Earl of Oxford's pension of 2,000l. per an. Ibid, p. 152.
Same to the Customs Cashier to pay with respect, etc., 12l. 10s. 0d. to Nicholas Estoll. Ibid.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners [and to the Surveyor of the Navigation Act] to register "in our register" the royal sign manual dated 1667-8, Feb. 2, for making free the ship Swallow, of Topsham, such entry being petitioned for by John Parr and John Snell ; it appearing from the certificate of the Earl of Arlington that he (said Earl) believes that said warrant was duly obtained and duly signed by the King and countersigned by his Lordship ; and petitioner Parr having made oath that this is the same vessel which was formerly called the Swallow of Plymouth, was built at Oporto by Nicho. Prynn, an English merchant, who procured the said warrant newly after she was built, that Prynn, as sole proprietor, sold a moiety of said ship to petitioner Parre, and Prynn's widow sold the other moiety to petitioner Snell, and there have been no other than English proprietors of her : further, the Surveyor of Exeter port having certified that about 1671, said ship came into Exeter by the name of the Swallow, of Topsham, and has ever since 1670, Nov., been deemed a ship belonging to that port. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 359.
Same from same to same to deliver to the Earl of Mulgrave two shutes of cloths, a twoylett and other wearing apparel, lately brought from France, and belonging to him. Ibid.
Same from same to same to repay to Thomas Raven, of Yarmouth, merchant, part owner of the ship Concord, of Yarmouth, the 47l. 5s. 0d. paid by him Oct. 6 last for the Customs of said ship, he having procured from [some] one a warrant for making her free, supposed to be signed by the the King, but afterwards coming to register said warrant, it was not found in the Secretary of State's books and so was rejected, said Raven having thus been defrauded in obtaining such warrant. Ibid, p. 360.
Same from same, dated at Wallingford House, to the Receipt to vacate a tally for 1,500l. dated 1676 Sept. 9, and struck on the Excise in satisfaction of so much on [in part of] an order, No. 63, dated 1670, June 22, in the name of Sir Allen Apsley [as for the Duke of York] and registered on the last Wine Act : it appearing that Edward [Edmund] Backwell, of London, was, by assignment from said Apsley, entitled to 848l. 2s. 9d. as part of the moneys of said order, and that said Backwell is satisfied [or paid, by the inclusion of] the said sum of 848l. 2s. 9d. in the [annuity] grant lately made to him and his heirs upon the Excise. The said tally is therefore to be vacated in order to prevent the King being liable to a double payment of the said sum of 848l. 2s. 9d. In lieu hereof a new tally is to be struck on the Receivers [of Excise] for [the as yet unpaid balance of said tally, being] 651l. 17s. 3d. in the name of Sir Allen Apsley [as for the Duke of York]. When Backwell comes to receive his tallies for his annuity on the Excise care is to be taken that he sign an acquittance for said 848l. 2s. 9d. : and a tally is to be struck for this sum upon the Excise "which last tally is to remain in the Exchequer to be made use of as I shall direct for his Majesty's service." Money Book (General) p. 135.
Money warrant for 310l. to Lawrence Hyde for 31 days Jan. 13 last to Feb. 13 last upon his ordinary of 10l. a day as late Ambassador to the King of Poland ; it appearing by certificate of Sir Joseph Williamson that said Hyde returned into the King's presence from said embassy Feb. 13 last. (Letter of direction dated Oct. 6 hereon, charging same to be paid by tallies on the Customs.) Money Book (General) pp. 135, 137.
Sept. 25. Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue (and same to the Customs Cashier to pay in notwithstanding any former restriction) 260l. for the Treasurer of the Chamber upon any unsatisfied orders in said Treasurer's name ; 200l. thereof to be paid to the Groom Porter for furnishing lodgings for the Prince of Orange at Newmarket, and 60l. to the Serjeant Trumpeter and four other Trumpeters for their extraordinary charges in attending said Prince from Holland into England. Out Letters (General) p. 152.
Sept. 28. Privy seal for 500l. as equipage and 5l. a day as ordinary to William Soame, whom the King has appointed Envoy Extraordinary to the Duchess Regent of Savoy : his ordinary to be payable quarterly, one quarter thereof in advance : together with the usual clause for the allowance of extras. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Sept. 17 of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book V. p. 421. Docquet Book, p. 162.
Sept. 29. Same to discharge Sir Richard Cust, of Stamford, co. Lincoln, of the baronet fee of 1,095l. due from him. (Royal warrant dated Sept. 21 for said privy seal. Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Sept. 29 of docquet hereof. Treasurer Danby's warrant accordingly to the Receipt dated Dec. 14.) King's Warrant Book V. p. 417. Docquet Book, p. 171. Money Book (General) p. 171.
Same for 20,000l. per an. to Charles Bertie for three years from Midsummer last, payable quarterly by tallies on the Excise : for secret service without accompt : the first payment to be made at Michaelmas next. (Royal warrant dated Sept. 23 for said privy seal. Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Newmarket, Oct. 7, of docquet hereof. Dormant money warrant dated Oct. 26 hereon.) King's Warrant Book V. pp. 426, 417. Docquet Book, p. 164. Money Book (General) p 144.
Privy seal for a grant to Mary Nevill and Sophia Neville, daughters of Richard Nevill, deceased, "our late trusty and well beloved servant" of annuities of 50l. each for life ; payable quarterly out of the Exchequer ; the first quarterly payment to commence from June 24 last. (Royal warrant dated Aug. 29 for said privy seal. Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Newmarket Oct. 7 of docquet hereof. Dormant money warrant dated Dec. 3 hereon.) King's Warrant Book V. pp. 447-8, 413. Docquet Book, p. 164. Money Book (General) p. 166.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to permit the transport to Jersey, Customs free, of 40 flock beds, 80 pairs of sheets and one small bell, to be delivered to Sir Herbert Lunsford for the use of his company of soldiers in the King's service there, same being lately delivered out of the Office of Ordnance and laden on board the Elizabeth, of Jersey, John Le Faure master : and for the future likewise to permit the transport. Customs free, of such provisions as the officers of the Ordnance shall certify to be for the service of the garrison there, as hath been heretofore accustomed. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 360.


  • 1. One leaf containing pp. 414-5 of this King's Warrant Book has been torn out from the book at this point. Presumably the missing leaf containing entries or an entry of date between Sept. 1 and Sept. 17.