Entry Book: Miscellaneous year, 1673-9

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1911.

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'Entry Book: Miscellaneous year, 1673-9', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp1312-1315 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Entry Book: Miscellaneous year, 1673-9', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp1312-1315.

"Entry Book: Miscellaneous year, 1673-9". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1911), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp1312-1315.


Miscellaneous year, 1679

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
1673. May 30. Entry [pro forma] of the privy seal for discharging Thomas Morrice of 924l. in part of the Hearthmoney receipts in co. Essex and Herts (ut supra, Cal. Treasury Books IV, p. 146) the discharge to be only to said Morrice, not to his associates, ut ibid. King's Warrant Book VI. p. 189.
1676. July 31. Charles Bertie to Mr. Mounteney [the Customs Cashier] to bring in with [due] regard to the weekly payments the 50l. 17s. 4d. for Vere Bertie, ut supra, p. 292. Money Book (General) p. 415.
1676-7. Feb. 16. Same to the Customs Cashier to bring into the Exchequer for Mris. Katherine Elliott (ut supra, p. 518) 100l., "notwithstanding any former restriction." Out Letters (General) p. 20.
1677. July 19. Royal warrant for a privy seal for impresting 600l. to Edward Masters for several charges laid out and to be laid out about New Park in Surrey. King's Warrant Book VI. p. 13.
Oct. 30. Authorisation and appointment by Treasurer Danby of Thomas Jenman of Hayling, co. Southampton, gent., to search for and seize all such wool, woolfells, mortlings, shortlings, yarn made of wool, or wool flocks which by the Acts of 12 and 14 Car. II. or by any other laws now in force are liable to seizure in case of being laid on board any ship, vessel or boat, in case of being brought on shore near the sea or any navigable river with intent to be exported or in case of being packed or loaden upon any horse, cart or other carriage contrary to the same laws : Treasurer Danby being informed that such articles are secretly exported, to the great decay of the woollen manufactures and the occasioning of other mischiefs. Warrants not relating to Money VII, p. 198.
Nov. 28. Privy seal for 5 out of the 30 ships of war as by the Act for the Seventeen Months' tax. See supra, p. 800. The charge of a first rate (as by the estimates submitted to the Privy Council) is set out in this privy seal of Nov. 28 as follows, viz., 22,500l. for hulls, masts and yards, 4,793l. for rigging, ground tackle and boats, 1,957l. for boatswain's and carpenter's stores, 4,365l. 0s. 6d. for ordnance or 33,601l. 5s. 6d. in all. The charge for a second rate is as detailed on p. 721, supra. King's Warrant Book V. p. 440.
Dec. 20. Thursday. Entry [made ? date 1677-8, Feb. 27] of an order issued this day in the Exchequer Court as follows. Whereas upon Wednesday, 1666, July 4, it was ordered by the Exchequer Court with the advice of the King's Counsel learned in the law (amongst other things) that every sheriff respectively should have an allowance of 12d. for every 20s. that he shall levy for and answer and pay to the king within 14 days after the day of return of the respective processes (amongst other things) upon seizures of land made or to be made for the king's debts or duties and written out to him to be levied out of either of the Remembrancers' offices of the Exchequer : now the Earl of Danby Lord Treasurer, Sir John Ernle Chancellor of the Exchequer, William Montague Lord Chief Baron, and the other Barons of the Exchequer have taken into consideration that by said order said allowance is given to the sheriffs who levy money of the rents, issues and profits of lands seized for the king's debts or duties and no allowance is made by the said order or otherwise to the sheriffs who make such seizures either for their own pains or for the jury or for evidence or for other charges in and about the same ; and the year of the said sheriffs who make such seizures being usually expired before any money can be levied of the rents, issues and profits of such lands, by that means those sheriffs who are at the charge and trouble of making such seizures have no profit thereby or reward for the same ; which is found to be a great discouragement to the sheriffs to make any seizures of lands for his Majesty's debts or duties. For remedy hereof it is this day ordered that out of the abovesaid allowance of 12d. per 20s. the sum of 8d. shall be allowed out of the money levied by any sheriff subsequent to the said seizure ([such levied money being] of the first year's rents, issues and profits of the said lands) to the sheriff who made the said seizure for his pains and charges in making the same and the remaining 4d. shall be allowed to the sheriff who shall levy the money upon the said seizure ; and afterwards during the continuance of the said extent and seizure, there shall, out of the said 12d., be allowed 4d. to the sheriff who made the seizure and 8d. to the sheriff who shall levy the money upon such seizure. The tenor of this order is to be sent to the respective sheriffs of England and Wales along with the process that shall issue out of the Exchequer Court at the end of the next term for the levying and recovering the king's debts. Warrants not relating to Money VII. pp. 156-7. Money Book (General) p. 219.
Dec. 31. Charles Bertie to Mr. Kent, cashier of Customs, to pay in their course according to date two tallies for Mr. Bradly, late consul at Tripoli, amounting to 618l. 14s. 6d. ut supra, pp. 743 and 750 : "and if you please to advance the said sum to Mr. Bradley" Treasurer Danby will allow you 8 per cent. interest. Out Letters (General) p. 230.
1677-8. Jan. 1. See supra, pp. 1100-1 under date Aug. 20.
Jan. 15. Report to the King from Treasurer Danby on the Duke of Ormonde's report as Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, dated 1677, Dec. 18, upon the petition of James Duke of Monmouth. The said petition set forth that the King has granted to petitioner 1,666l. 13s. 4d. [per an. for the period as below] out of the 27,000l. [per an.] reserved by the king upon the present establishment of Ireland and therefore desired that the draft letter [for a patent of such grant] may be referred to the Lord Lieutenant in order to its passing the great seal of Ireland. The said petition being referred Dec. 1 last to the Lord Lieutenant he thereupon reported Dec. 18 last. The computation which is the ground of the petition is rightly made ; and there will be paid to the Earl of Ossory and Earl of Feversham out of the said 27,000l. per an. so reserved as above the sum of 1,666l. 13s. 4d. less during the last three years of their respective grants than during the first three years thereof ; by means whereof the said 1,666l. 13s. 4d. per an. will be within your Majesty's disposal from 1679, Dec. 25, to 1682, Dec. 25, being full 3 years and may be granted by your Majesty without disappointment [of anybody] or disturbing any of the uses to which the remainder of the said 27,000l. has been ordered at present. Said report being referred Jan. 1 inst. to Treasurer Danby, the latter hereby reports thereon expressing agreement therewith. I have nothing to object against the matter or form of the [abovesaid royal letter or] warrant annexed [missing]. Warrants not relating to Money VII, p. 169.
Jan. 21. Royal warrant to the clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for 500l. to Thomas Yate, of Gray's Inn, co. Midd. and 5 shillings each to Charles Modyford of London, Esq., Jno. Ball and Jno. Gauden of the Isle of Jamaica, merchants, in full satisfaction for the fee simple and inheritance of 4 messuages or tenements with the appurtenances situate in St. Jago de la Vega in the said island conveyed or agreed to be conveyed to the king by said Yate and by said Ball and Gauden by his direction and appointment with a covenant on the part of said Modyford for the king's peaceable enjoyment of the premises against John, Lord Vaughan, his heirs and assigns and all other persons whatsoever : a further allowance to be made to them for the charge of passing the herein ordered privy seal and for the charge of receiving said moneys [at the Exchequer]. King's Warrant Book VI. pp. 74-5.
Mar. 20. See supra, pp. 1100-1 under date 1678, Aug. 20.
1678. May 1. Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to employ Thomas Martyn as a tidesman in fee London port, loco Thomas Topham, deceased. Out Letters (Customs) IV. p. 59.
June 14. Charles Bertie to the Royal Africa Company to pay the tallies for 1,400l. to the Treasurer of the Ordnance out of the King's moiety of the forfeiture of the ships John and Matthew and Anne, ut supra, p. 1012. Out Letters (General) p. 266.
July 17. [Erratum for June 17.] Treasurer Danby's warrant to the Receipt for tallies to discharge the baronet fee of 1,095l. due to the King from Sir James Bowyer, ut supra, p. 1003. Money Book (General) p. 268.
Sept. 23. Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the King's Remembrancer to issue process of distringas ad computandum against Toby Humfreys, heretofore collector of Hearthmoney, co. Yorks and York city, who has received 470l. of the said duty more than he has accounted for. Warrants not relating to Money VII. p. 241.
Oct. 25. See supra, p. 1148. Charles Bertie's letter to the Customs Cashier for 227l. 10s. 0d. for Sir Richard Bulstrode is dated Nov. 14, not Nov. 6. Out Letters (General) p. 337.
Nov. 13. Charles Bertie to [the Customs Cashier] to bring into the Exchequer 500l. for half a year's pension to Sept. 29 last to the heir of the late Earl of Kinnoul. Ibid, p. 389.
Nov. 19. Same to the Customs Commissioners concerning fees demanded on the export of gunpowder for Tangier : a duplicate of the letter ut supra, p. 1167. Ibid, p. 344.
1678-9. Jan. 10. [Same] to Anthony Rowe and partners [Contractors for the Hearthmoney]. There is a tally struck on you for 4,795l. 7s. 7d. payable to the Duke of Monmouth for extraordinary expenses of the stables in the years 1675, 1677, and 1678 which sum is to be paid on the said tallies on 24 June next out of your advance money. If in the mean time you shall advance all or any part of the said sum Treasurer Danby will allow you 6 per cent, per an. interest and 2 per cent. per an. gratuity for the time of your advance. Ibid, p. 397.
Feb. 12. Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the King's Remembrancer. Several convictions of Recusants are estreated into the Exchequer from several counties of England and Wales and are delivered over into your Office by schedule of pipe for Recusants. You are hereby to cause several writs to be issued to the sheriffs of each county to seize into the King's hands two thirds of the lands of the Recusants in the said schedule of pipe, &c., ut supra, p. 678 : said writs to be returnable within one month of Easter next at latest. Such two third parts of their lands as are already seized into the King's hands are not to be re-seized until the King's pleasure be further known. Warrants not relating to Money VII. pp. 286-7.
Feb. 20. Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to pay in its course according to date a tally for 455l. on the Customs due upon Mr Soames's [ordinary] entertainment as Envoy to the Duchess Regent of Savoy for 91 days to the 7th inst. ; and if you shall in the mean time advance the same you are to be allowed 6 per cent. per an. interest and 2 per cent. per an. gratuity from the time you advance the money till your repayment [by the said tally coming in course to be paid]. Out Letters (General) p. 397.
Feb. 27. Same to the Auditor of the Receipt for a tally on the Excise for 2,000l. to the Duke of Monmouth for last Christmas quarter on his pension. (Same to the Receivers of Excise to pay said tallies.) Ibid, pp. 394-5.
Mar. 15. Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Barons of the Exchequer and to the King's Remembrancer for the issue of a Commission under the seal of the Exchequer Court for inquiry into the estate of — Worslay, an alien, deceased : said Commission to be directed to Sir Francis Clark, [Sir] John Franklin, Kts., John Barnow, Butler Buggins and Sydney Lodge, gent., and to be returnable by the morrow of Ascension day next. Warrants not relating to Money VII. p. 311.