Entry Book: March 1679, 21-31

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1911.

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'Entry Book: March 1679, 21-31', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp1296-1312 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Entry Book: March 1679, 21-31', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp1296-1312.

"Entry Book: March 1679, 21-31". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1911), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp1296-1312.


March 1679, 21-31

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Mar. 21. Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Cashier to pay Giles Lytcott 97l. 15s. 8d. without account in satisfaction of extra clerkship to 1678, Sept. 29, employed by him over and above the clerks allowed him in the [Customs] establishment. Out Letters (Customs) IV. p. 190.
Same from same to same to settle an additional allowance of 50l. per an. to abovesaid Gyles Lytcott from Michaelmas last for keeping of a fourth clerk for performing the business of his office of Comptroller of the Accounts of the Customs, same being necessary by reason that the managing the accounts of the collectors in the American Plantations must necessarily cause an additional service. Ibid.
Same from same to the Customs Cashier to pay 185l. to R. Bertie, Secretary to the Customs Commissioners, without account, being to reimburse that sum by him necessarily laid out for salaries of clerks, viz., for 2 clerks 1674, Sept. 4, to 1676, Mar. 25, "before my warrant for establishing the annual allowance upon him for his clerks was obtained." Such warrant bears date 1676, Mar. 27, and authorises such salaries only from the Lady day then past. Ibid, p. 191.
Report to the King from Treasurer Danby on Francis Tirwhit's case. I have, Jan. 28 last, referred the examination thereof to Charles Bertie, Sir Charles Harbord and John Lawrence and herewith submit their report to your Majesty.
Prefixing : report dated Mar. 20 from said Bertie, et al. to Treasurer Danby on said Tirwhit's case. William late Lord Willoughby of Parham by writing under his seal dated Barbados 1668, Aug. 27 (reciting that whereas there was a large account depending between his then late brother Francis, Lord Willoughby, and the said Francis Tirwhit who was employed by the said Francis, Lord Willoughby, in the capacity of deputy Treasurer of his Majesty's Customs in the island of Barbados and in many other affairs relating to his Majesty and the said Francis, Lord Willoughby, and that he was willing and desirous to have the said account clearly stated to the end said Tirwhit might receive satisfaction for what was justly due to him) did appoint William Sharp, Esq., John Knight and Richard Parker, merchants, to examine and report thereon. The said referees by their report dated 1678 [sic ? for 1668], Sept. 12, to said William, late Lord Willoughby, found that by said Tirwhit's oath and that of George Tirwhit, gent., his brother, and by orders under the hand of said Francis, Lord Willoughby, there was due to said Francis Tirwhit 672,484½lb. of Muscovado sugar, of which 458,872lb. was disbursed for his Majesty's service by order of said Francis, Lord Willoughby. We desired the Earl of Ranelagh (who married one of the daughters of the said Francis, Lord Willoughby), to send some agent or solicitor to us to say what he should think fit on behalf of his Lordship and Lord Brereton touching said matter. By his letter of the 1st inst. said Earl of Ranelagh informed us that when the reference was made [from the King in Council to Treasurer Danby] there were no letters of administration granted to Lord Francis Willoughby's estate, but that he hath since taken out letters of administration thereof and is advised by his Counsel that he cannot easily make any payment or submit to any arbitration without being thereunto enjoined by law and therefore (though he would with all willingness submit the greatest part of his own concerns to your [Danby's] judgment) yet being in this to act only as an administrator, and Mr. Tirwhit having already served him with process to answer his bill in Chancery, he must desire to be left to law, with the assurance that he will be ready (so far as he shall [as administrator] receive effects) to satisfy all demands which Tirwhit can legally make out. To this Tirwhit makes answer that said Earl of Ranelagh has only been served with process returnable next term to answer a bill then intended to be exhibited against him by said Tirwhit to be relieved touching the 213,612lbs. of Muscovado sugar disbursed upon Lord Francis Willoughby's own account and not for any part of the 458,872lbs. of sugar disbursed for his Majesty's service for which [latter] he depends upon his Majesty's justice for satisfaction (according to the said order in Council) "out of moneys payable by the said privy seal" as in said Tirwhit's petition.
Warrants not relating to Money VII. p. 308.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to Brookes Bridges and Thomas Done, Auditors of Imprests, to make allowance to James Hoare, Comptroller of the Mint, upon his account for farthings, of 100l. for allowance for himself, clerks and others from 1676, July 20 : it appearing from the certificate of Sir Anthony St. Leger's Deputy Warden and John Brattle, Assay Master of the Mint, that the stop for vending of farthings was not till 1676, Aug. 11, and that said Hoare's allowance for himself and clerks monthly was 28l. 6s. 8d. and that he did give many days' attendance upon the Commissioners for inspecting the affairs of the Mint concerning the disposal of the copper farthings remaining there, and also about the adjusting the account between him and Mr. Abraham Croenstrom, and that he had the delivering out by order of the said Commissioners of 7,281l. 8s. 8¾d. in farthings by tale to Mr. Doyly in exchange for 6,965l. in silver and hath been at charges and trouble in paying most of the said money into the Exchequer and will be at 20l. cost in passing his accompt. Warrants not relating to Money VII. p. 309.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to William Tayleur, Esq., of the office of Chief Clerk of the Mint and Clerk Assistant to the Weigher and Teller of the Mint with all fees, salaries, perquisites, profits, &c., thereto for life : to be executed by himself or deputy. King's Warrant Book VI. p. 210.
Same to same for a same for a grant to Thomas Carpenter of the office of one of the waiters Bristol port : for life : in reversion after Richard Harper, Richard Hamme, James Seward, John Moore or any of them. Ibid.
Same to same for a same for a grant of the office of searcher, Newcastle port, to John Tempest, Esq., and Edward Tempest, his son, upon surrender of the grant thereof to Henry Ball, gent. : with all fees, profits, &c., in as ample manner as George Cock, deceased, or any other have had. Ibid, p. 211.
Same to same for a same for a grant to Mary, Countess of Denbigh, and Martha, Countess of Middleton, daughters and coheires[ses] of Henry, late Earl of Monmouth, deceased, of all that the manor or lordship of Leppington, with the rights, members, and appurtenances thereof in co. Yorks, and of all that manor or farm of Barthorpe with the scite, mansion house and demesne lands of Barthorpe, co. Yorks, and of all other messuages, lands, tenements and hereditaments whatsoever, with the appurtenances, to the said manor or manors or farm belonging or therewith granted 1627-8, Jan. 23, to Robert, late Earl of Monmouth, and Lady Elizabeth his wife, and to their heirs male or for default thereof to the heirs of the body of said Earl for ever, with reversion and remainder thereof to the King, his heirs and successors : ("to which said remainder in tayle we find by a report made to our high Treasurer by our Surveyor General that there are many descendants from the said Earl Robert alive and their issue, as he believes, to the number of above 30 that are inheritable and that for that reason we might reasonably grant the reversion upon favour without fine") : [the present grant is reversionary, being of the King's remainder rights] and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits of the premises [vesting in the King by reversion, ut supra] : to hold to the said Countess Mary and Countess Martha and their heirs for ever in free and common socage as of the manor of East Greenwich, Kent, and not by knight's service or any other tenure in capite. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Mar. 22 of docquet hereof.) Ibid, p. 212. Docquet Book, p. 43.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Rich. Goodall, gent., of the place of a King's waiter, London port, in reversion after John Marshall, T. Raymond, Gerrard Andrews, J. Shaw, Nich. Park, S. Ward, Andrew Hains, Fr. Dackett, S. Phillips, J. Danvers, F. Roberts, Hugh Bantock, Joseph Jordan. Lawrence Corbett, Roger Charnock, Tho. Charnock, J. Feild, Ellis Lloyd, William Tallman [King's waiters in possession] and also after Tho. Apprice, Fulk Emms, Ed. Agberow, Tho. Carpender, George Hodges, William Lownds and Sam. Langford [same in reversion]. King's Warrant Book VI. p. 213.
Same to same for a same for a grant to Edward Progers (one of the Grooms of the Bedchamber) of the office of Chief Searcher, London port, in reversion after Peter Percivall and William Fowley, Esqrs. : with power to execute same by himself or deputy and with the like fees, &c., as said Percivall or Edmo. Long or any other have enjoyed. Ibid, pp. 213, 214.
Declaration under the royal sign manuel of the King's licence and consent for Katherine Shuter to assign and transfer to Joshua Babon of Laverton, the lease of the capital messuage of the manor of Laverton, co. Somerset, with the lands, tenements and hereditaments thereto as granted by the great seal of 1671, May 20, to Hopton Shuter, Esq., for 31 years from 1670, Sept. 29, in which lease there was a covenant for the lessee not to transfer the said lease without the King's licence for more than 3 years : which said Hopton Shuter being late dead the premises are come to said Katherine Shuter his executrix. Ibid, pp. 214-5.
[?] Same to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal as follows concerning the accounts and discharge of Sir William Warren of Wapping, co. Middlesex. Said Warren did for several years last past furnish divers stores to the Navy, and was employed and intrusted by the Navy Commissioners as an agent or factor for buying of several naval stores and provisions and for hiring and taking to freight several ships to be employed for his Majesty's service : for which purposes several great sums of money were imprested to him by the Navy Commissioners when he made contracts for delivering such stores and provisions at rates agreed on by the said Commissioners and also when they employed him to provide such goods for the King's service "and upon our [the King's] adventure" : and in particular said Warren received several imprest bills charged upon the Treasurer of the Navy and others, viz., one bill dated 1664, July 21, for 1,000l. upon contract made with him by the Navy Commissioners for several ships' lading of Gottenburg masts for the use of the Navy ; another bill dated 1664, Aug. 16, for 600l. upon a contract for several ships' loading of New England masts and bow sprits ; another bill dated 1664, Dec. 13, for 3,000l. for Gottenb rg masts delivered into the stores at Deptford and Woolwich ; another bill dated 1664, Oct. 27, for 2,500l. for provisions to be made for the King's service ; another bill dated 1664, Nov. 10, for 2,500l. for the like ; another bill dated 1664, Dec. 1, for 900l. upon a like account ; another bill dated 1664, Dec. 8, for 3,000l. upon the like account ; another bill dated 1665, April 11, for 4,000l. upon contract for 3,000 loads of oak timber for the stores ; another bill dated 1665, July 15, for 1,000l. upon accompt of 3 ships' loading of deals delivered at Chatham, Woolwich and Deptford ; another bill dated 1665, Sept. 9, for 4,000l. upon account for 8 ships' loading of Gottenburg masts and other provisions ; another bill dated 1665, Dec. 5, for 10,000l. upon accompt of 855 masts and other masts and provisions bought and to be bought at Gottenburg for the King's service ; another bill dated 1666, Nov. 8, upon account of freight upon a ship loading of hemp delivered into the stores at Deptford and insuring the same from Hamburg ; another bill dated 1666, Dec. 22, for 3,500l. upon account for freight of 2 ships' loading and other provisions delivered into the stores and insuring the same from Hamburg and for customs ; another bill dated 1667, April 11. for 750l. for victualling of ships to fetch masts from New England ; another bill dated 1667, Nov. 9, for 600l. for seamen's wages for bringing masts from New England on board the Duke of York. All said bills were made good and the moneys thereon paid to him by the Treasurer of the Navy except the bill of 1666, Nov. 8, for 1,000l. and that of 1666, Dec. 22, for 3,500l., both which bills have been delivered back to the Navy Commissioners. The abovesaid bills of imprest have not been cleared by said Warren before the Navy Commissioners and consequently the sums therein have, in the Navy Treasurer's accounts, been set in super on said Warren, who ought therefore to render an account in the Exchequer for the same. Further the King, at the suit of the Duke of Monmouth, and of Edward Visct. Latimer, did by the privy seal of 1676, Nov. 15, grant to them without account all moneys owing to the King by said Warren on such imprests from 1664, July 21, to 1667-8, Mar. 24. In pursuance thereof the said Duke of Monmouth and Visct. Latimer did in Hilary term next after the date of the said privy seal exhibit an information in the Exchequer by the Attorney General against said Warren for an account of the above imprests as well as to discover several breaches of trust wherewith he was in said information charged in bringing several sums of money to account for to be allowed to him for goods bought and provisions made by him and freight and other matters wherein he was intrusted by the Navy Board which were not by him expended accordingly and ought not to be allowed unto him. Whereupon the said Warren has since made up and balanced the account of the said imprests and matters above with the said Duke of Monmouth and Visct. Latimer and hath otherwise given them full satisfaction in all the particulars charged upon him and hath paid them the sum of 6,578l. 14s. 7d. being the full balance of the said accounts and hath their discharge for the same. Therefore, upon the petition of said Warren and at the request of said Duke of Monmouth ("our dear son") and Visct. Latimer the King hereby acquits, releases and discharges said Warren, his heirs, &c., and his and their goods and estate, &c., from all charges relative to the above from 1664, July 21, to 1667-8, Mar. 24, and from all Exchequer proceedings, &c., thereon. Ibid, pp. 216-20.
Mar. 21. Treasurer Danby's subscription of a docquet of a lease to David Moor of a parcel of wood or coppice called Potters Park in Windsor Forest : for 31 years : at 36s. per an. rent and fine of 4l. Docquet Book, p. 42.
Money warrant for 600l. to Lady Philadelphia Wentworth for one year on her pension : to be by tallies on the Customs. Money Book (General) p. 413.
Same for 75l. to Gilbert Eagle for 1½ years to Christmas last of the allowance of 30l. [sic for 50l.] per an. as by the privy seal of the 19th inst. (supra, p. 1290) as Equerry of the Crown Stable in lieu of a house in the Mews : to be satisfied by tallies on the Customs. Ibid.
Same for 1,600l. each to Robert Spencer, Esq., Sir Cha. Wheeler, Bart., and John Strode, Esq., for their salary as by the privy seal of the 19th inst., for their labour in managing the revenue of the Four and a Half per cent. duty at Barbados (for which they are made accomptants) for 4 years from 1670 Christmas at the rate of 400l. per an. each : to be satisfied by tallies on the Farmers of the said duty. Ibid, p. 414.
Warrant dormant from Treasurer Danby to the Auditor of the Receipt for tallies of pro to be levied on the Excise for the respective yearly sums of 561l. 6s. 8d. to Sir John Shaw, and his heirs for ever and of 77l. 2s. 6d. to Fra. Millington as by the great seal of Mar. 18 inst., supra, p. 1254 : as the same have already or shall hereafter grow due. Ibid, pp. 415-6.
Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to pay 1,500l. to the Duke of Lauderdale for half a year on his pension of 3,000l. per an payable out of the Customs. Out Letters (General) p. 395.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to employ William Stephens as a waiter at Saltash in the port of Plymouth loco Bennett Crust "whom I do hereby dismiss." Out Letters (Customs) IV. p. 192.
Mar. 22. Entry of [Treasurer Danby's subscription of] a docquet of a lease to Margaret Leach of tenements and lands in Sturt and Malletdown, co. [Cornwall], for 99 years, terminable on the lives of said Margaret, and of Nicholas Leach and Walter Leach her sons : at the yearly rent of 23s. 3d. and fine of 200l. Warrants not relating to Money VII. p. 308.
Report from Treasurer Danby to the King on the petition of Hester Doddington, relict of John Doddington, deceased, as by the order of reference from the King to Treasurer Danby of 1677, Sept. 23. Your Majesty granted to William Coward, Esq. (Recorder of Wells), the place of a Commissioner of Appeals in Excise as in trust for and for the life of Sir Francis Doddington and the same [grant] was continued to John Doddington, son and heir of said Sir Francis, who [John] dying in some short time after, both the petitioner [as John's widow] and Lady Doddington, relict of Sir Francis in behalf of her son, became petitioners to the King for the profit of said place, which being referred to me 1677 [sic] Jan. 25, I reported stating the pretences of each of them and that said office was in your Majesty's dispose. Whereupon your Majesty determined the same in favour of the present petitioner and her children, in regard the consequence of the sufferings of Sir Francis for his loyalty had fallen on the posterity and estate of said John which [estate] is now reduced to 300l. per an. and clogg'd with considerable debts and very little provision made for 5 younger children. Thereupon your Majesty ordered Coward to account to petitioner for the profits and petitioner enjoyed same till 19 months since when the Commission for Appeals in Excise coming to be renewed your Majesty directed inter al. said Coward's name to be left out. Petitioner's family have been great sufferers for your Majesty and they are nothing amended in their sad condition. I present them to your Majesty as fit objects of bounty for some person in trust for them to be added to the said Commission with the former salary of 200l. per an. Ibid, p. 309.
Warrant from same to [the Surveyor General of Crown Lands] for a particular and ratal of old tenements at the Pike Garden with a view to a new lease thereof to Sir William Boreman, who prays a lease for 99 years at 40l. per an., upon surrender of a present lease which he has therein : the Surveyor General having in his report on said Boreman's petition valued said lease at 450l. [fine] whereof 355l. 10s. 0d. is to be paid out of the arrears due [from the King] to him [Boreman]. Ibid, p. 310.
Report from same to the King on the report from the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland on the matter of a letter referred to the said Lord Lieutenant by order of the King in Council dated 1678, Dec. 18, said letter being on behalf of William Robinson, Esq., Inginer [Engineer] and Director General of all the King's fortifications and buildings in Ireland. The said Lord Lieutenant's report dated 1678-9, Feb. 28, is to the effect that the said office is of great use and benefit to the King's service and that he is well acquainted with the ability and integrity of said Robinson in performance of the said service and that the salary he now enjoys for same is but 150l. per an. which is very mean and therefore recommends it to be augmented as from Mar. 25 next ; the augmentation to be inserted at the foot of the present establishment of Ireland and to be paid out of the surplus of the present farm of the revenue of Ireland accruing from said Mar. 25 next during the continuance of said farm and thereafter the total salary of 300l. to be inserted in its proper place upon the establishment for the future. Said report being referred to Treasurer Danby, the latter hereby reports, "I agree with this report of my Lord Lieutenant." Ibid.
Report from Treasurer Danby to the King on the like report from the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland dated Jan. 17 last on the petition of Edmond Kn[igh]t, Esq., same being referred to said Lord Lieutenant Dec. 16 last. Said petition prays for the dissolving a custodiam of certain lands in co. Mayo and Province of Connaught. Hereon the Lord Lieutenant reports that he referred said petition to Irish King's Counsel and herewith transmits the [Irish] Attorney General's statement of the case [missing] and his opinion thereon, fully agreeing therewith, viz., that a new patent may be granted to petitioner of the overplus acres mentioned in his petition, with a reservation of the full quit rents due to the King thereon by the Acts [of Settlement and Explanation] above what is reserved by petitioner's former patent. Said Lord Lieutenant's report being referred to Treasurer Danby, the latter hereby reports, "I agree with this report of my Lord Lieutenant." Warrants not relating to Money VII. p. 311.
Warrant from same to the King's Remembrancer to forbear process till the middle of next term against John Davis, late Receiver of Hearthmoney, co. Hereford, and against Ed. Cornwall his surety, the latter having petitioned the King setting forth his pretensions to the debt due from said Davis upon account of the said duty ; which petition is now "under my consideration." Ibid.
Entry of Treasurer Danby's signature of a docquet of a lease to William Rayfes of 2½ acres of land, part of a field called Blockhouse Field, in or near the parish of Milton, near Gravesend, co. Kent : for 15 years in reversion at a rent of 5s. per an. Ibid.
[?] Treasurer Danby's allowance of "all the compositions" with the following persons [with a view to their quietus est on their accounts in question ; see p. 1166 supra].
Prefixing : a list of the persons in arrear on the account of prizes taken in the 2 last wars with the Dutch and brought into the ports of London, Portsmouth and Hull and their districts and who are now compounded with by virtue of the privy seal dated the —, viz., Sir Dennis Gauden for —, Sir William Warren for —, executors of the late Earl of Southampton, executors of Sir Jeremy Smith, Sir Thomas Allen, executors of Lord Clifford, Giles Lytcott, Humfry Taylor, George Pott, John Wright, Robt. Redman, Henry Rumbold, Tho. Fowns, executors of John Green, Sir Anthony Dean, John Dighby, executors of Tho. Clerk, Arthur Bradshaw, Tho. Johnson, John Mann, William Young, William Dashwood, George Dashwood, William Dickenson, Sir John Shaw, executors of R. Kingdon, officers of the Navy, officers of the Ordnance.
Ibid, p. 312.
[? Mar. 22.] Warrant from Treasurer Danby to Sir Robert Croke, Clerk of the Pipe, for a lease to Isaac Legouch of the lands and tenements in co. Norfolk of Thomas Goddard of Bury St. Edmonds, co. Suffolk, seized into the King's hands for a debt due to the King from said Goddard : the said Legouch having a warrant dated 1676, Oct. 25, for 2,210l. due upon several orders of the Exchequer out of such moneys as were then remaining due from (or should be paid into the Exchequer from) Francis Weaver, late Receiver of Hearthmoney, co. Suffolk ; in pursuance of which said warrant a tally of assignment was struck upon said Goddard 1678, June 14, for the said sum of 2,210l. upon delivery of which tally to said Legouch the latter discharged the King of the said sum : the said lands and tenements having been seized into the King's hands upon an extent out of the Exchequer (upon said Goddard's bond for due accounting for the said revenue of Hearthmoney), and at the prosecution of said Legouch to compel the said Goddard to pay the moneys so assigned to Legouch. The present lease is to be in consideration of the fine of 22s. 4d. first to be paid and the yearly rent of 11s. 2d. payable to the King at Michaelmas, and is to be to the said Legouch until he shall be fully satisfied the said sum of 2,210l. with interest from the date of said tally of assignment and all his charges in and about the recovery thereof.
Prefixing : particular of said lands made out by Thomas Eden, Deputy King's Remembrancer. The yearly value is 67l.
Warrants not relating to Money VII. pp. 312-3.
Mar. 22. Royal warrant [to the Clerk of the Signet] for a privy seal to the Queen's Trustees to enlarge [the term of] Sir John Shaw's estate in Eltham from 52 years to 99 years : under the old rent. King's Warrant Book VI. p. 221.
Same [to same] for a same for a grant to William Culliford of the King's [moiety] share of [a seizure of] 80 p[ieces] of silk seized by Samuel Stretch, said moiety being valued at 216l. 7s. 6d. : and of 117 pieces of silk seized by Simon Tomlyn, the moiety whereof is 362l. 13s. 1½d. and of 390½ doz. [pairs of] gloves, the moiety whereof is 87l. 17s. 3d. Ibid.
Same to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to John Thompson and Edward Noell of the office of Registers to the Commissioners of Excise for life and the life of the longer liver, and with the salary of 350l. payable quarterly from Lady day next ; which is the salary now allowed them ; they having for several years past executed the said office of Registers and behaved themselves therein with diligence and fidelity and by their experience now acquired much skill and fitness to perform the said employment which the King is willing to encourage by establishing them in the said office for life. Ibid, p. 226.
Money warrant for 140l. to James Pearce for one year on his fee of 40l. per an. and annuity of 100l. as one of his Majesty's surgeons. Money Book (General) p. 411.
Treasurer Danby's subscription of a great seal for a grant to Paul Jodrell of the office of Clerk of the Commons House of Parliament, with the fee of 10l. per an. and all other fees and profits thereof : for life : in reversion after William Goldsbrough, gent., the present officer. Docquet Book, p. 44.
Treasurer Danby's subscription [of a docquet of a privy seal] for appointing Henry Fanshaw, John Taylor and William Colt to receive all sums of money due to the King from the heirs and executors of John Wadlow, deceased, and all others his partners upon their undertaking on the [310,000l.] Wine Act ; and to pay the same as the King shall direct by royal sign manual : with direction to the Exchequer [Court] to issue process and do all acts for recovering, compounding or discharging that debt. Docquet Book, p. 44.
Charles Bertie to [? the Excise Farmers]. I am extremely surprised to find by Mr. Kingdon that the 13,000l. directed to be paid to him is not paid by you ; and the rather because Mr. Noell being with me last night told me that you agreed to pay it. His Majesty's affairs require the speedy despatch of it ; which Treasurer Danby has commanded me to signify again unto you, desiring you will immediately pay it that his Majesty's service may not suffer by the delay thereof. Out Letters (General) p. 395.
Same to the Customs Cashier to pay 25l. to Thomas Doyley for last Christmas quarter on his pension. Ibid, p. 396.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to employ John Wybord as a landwaiter, London port, loco —, deceased, notwithstanding any former order to the contrary [erased].
Edward Oughtred as copying clerk outwards, London port, and to make the bills of store outwards loco Stephen Walker "whome I doe hereby discharge from his said office of copying clerk, &c."
Thomas Barbor as a landwaiter [in ordinary or in fee] London port, "in the room and place of any vacant," notwithstanding any former order or warrant to the contrary whatsoever : Treasurer Danby having by warrant of 1677, Oct., directed him to be forthwith employed as landwaiter in extraordinary without salary until a vacancy should happen.
Ralph Milton as waiter and searcher at Poole loco Robert Ekins, dismissed, as appears by the Customs Commissioners' report of Jan. 13 last.
Anthony Woolley as a waiter at Sunderland loco Nicho. Cramblington, deceased.
Out Letters (Customs) IV. pp. 191, 192, 193.
Money warrant for 1,000l. to Charles Henry, Lord Wotton for one year to Sept. 29 last on the annuity of 1,000l. granted to him for 6 years from 1677, Sept. 29 : to be satisfied by tallies on the Hearthmoney Contractors' payment due Sept. 19 next. Money Book (General) p. 417.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Receipt to issue 300l. on any orders in the name of Phill. Packer, Paymaster of the Works : to be satisfied by tallies ut supra : and to be disposed of by said Packer about the making and repairing the Queen's garden (see supra, pp. 1305-6). Ibid.
Money warrant for (125l. altered to) 250l. to Charles, Lord Lucas for last Christmas quarter [sic for half a year to Christmas last] on his pension of 500l. per an.: to be by tallies ut supra. Ibid, p. 418.
[? Mar. 22.] Letter of direction on 2 orders, dated Oct. 30 last for 14,300l. and 1,412l. 2s. 5d. to Samuel Pepys for Tangier Garrison : same to be hereby satisfied by tallies on the Hearthmoney Contractors' payments due respectively Sept. 19 next and Mar. 15 inst. Money Book (General), p. 417.
Mar. 22. Money warrant for 76l. to John, Lord Frescheville for half a year to Christmas last on his annuity or yearly pension of 152l. : to be satisfied by tallies on Anthony Row and partners, Contractors for Hearthmoney, on the 35,000l. which they are to pay June 24 next in part of 150,000l. advance on their Hearthmoney contract. Ibid, p. 418.
Same for 100l. to Isabella Bointon for half a year on her annuity or yearly pension of 200l. : to be by tallies ut supra. Ibid.
Same for 20l. to Edward Tyer, which Treasurer Danby thinks fit to allow him for his extraordinary pains in carrying letters upon several occasions upon his Majesty's service. (Charles Bertie [to the Auditor of the Receipt] to issue same out of the small branches that are or shall be in the Exchequer.) Ibid, p. 418. Out Letters (General) p. 396.
Same for 155l. to Sir Tho. Engham for 7¾ years to June 24 last on his annuity or yearly fee of 20l. as Governor of Walmer Castle : to be by tallies on the Customs. Money Book (General) p. 423.
Letter of direction on the unsatisfied remainder of an order dated 1678, May 2, for 8,000l. to Charles Bertie for one year to 1677, Christmas, on the salary of the Lord High Treasurer : said remainder to be hereby satisfied by tallies on the Hearthmoney Contractors' payment due Sept. 19 next. Ibid.
Same on an order dated the 18th inst for 8,000l to Treasurer Danby for one year to Christmas last on the abovesaid salary : to be hereby satisfied by tallies for 4,000l. on the Hearthmoney Contractors' rent due Mar. 25 inst. and payable at the utmost days of grace Sept. 19 next, and for 4,000l. on Anthony Row and partners on their Hearthmoney farm rent due Sept. 29 next and payable [at the utmost days of grace] Mar. 15 following. Ibid.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Receipt to issue 357l. 9s. 9d. upon any unsatisfied orders in the name of Ralph Montague, Master of the Great Wardrobe : to be by tallies on Anthony Rowe and partners on their Hearthmoney farm rent payable Mar. 15 next. Ibid, p. 424.
Money warrant for 200l. to Sir John Howell for half a year on his pension : to be by tallies on the Customs. Ibid.
Same for 215l. to Edmund Williamson for 2 years on his allowance as a Serjeant at Arms : to be by tallies on the Customs. Ibid.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Receipt to issue 58,352l. 9s. 6d. on any orders in the name of Lemuel Kingdon for the service of the Forces raised for the support of his Majesty's alliances : to be by tallies on the Farmers of Excise on their 270,000l. advance money. Ibid, p. 425.
Same from same to same to issue 300l. upon any orders in the name of Phillipp Packer, Paymaster of the Works : to be by tally on the Hearthmoney Contractors' payment due Sept. 19 next : and to be by Packer disposed of about the making and repairing the Queen's garden [at Somerset House]. [Probably a duplicate entry with p. 1304 supra.] Ibid.
Money warrant for 7,500l. to Sir Edward Griffin, Kt., Treasurer of the Chamber, as imprest for the expenses and service of his Office for one quarter of a year ended at Christmas last : to be paid out of the Exchequer. Money Book (General) p. 425.
Same for 175l. to Lady Tuke for 1¾ years to Christmas last on her allowance of 100l. per an. for her lodgings : to be paid out of the Exchequer. Ibid.
Same for 150l. to Lady Frazier for half a year to Christmas last on her allowance of 300l. per an. as one of the Queen's Dressers : to be paid out of the Exchequer. Ibid, p. 426.
Treasurer Danby's allowance of the Customs Cashier's bill for the charges on passing two accounts of the Customs in order to his quietus, one for the year ended 1677, Sept. 29, the other for the year ended 1678, Sept. 29 (total 410l. 17s. 6d.) ; and likewise of said Cashier's bill of charges [being Exchequer fees, &c.] for [Customs] moneys paid into the Exchequer and for portage of moneys received upon bills of exchange from 1677, June 24 to 1678, Sept. 29 (total, 178l. 11s. 3d. : struck through and a fresh total of 690l. 15s. 5d. entered, apparently intended to include the preceding total of 410l. 17s. 6d.) Ibid.
Mar. 23. Charles Bertie to [the Customs Commissioners] to pay Mr. Osborne his salary for the next Lady day quarter both as a Customs Commissioner and as [a] Surveyor General of Customs, about which you make some objections. Out Letters (Customs) IV. p. 191.
Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal to the Lord Treasurer to allow to Lemuel Kingdon in account as Paymaster by the privy seal of 1675-6, Feb. 17 [under Sir Henry Newton] of the Guards and Garrisons, all such moneys as he hath paid or shall pay by virtue of any warrants signed by the King, although the said warrants do not express the use or service mentioned in the privy seals whereby moneys were issued to said Kingdon : and further to grant to said Kingdon that he shall not be accomptable for any moneys that he hath received or shall receive of the King's otherways than as aforesaid, and that he accompting as aforesaid shall be discharged of all moneys received or to be received by him by virtue of any the aforesaid privy seals : all by reason that said Kingdon has paid moneys (issued to him by several privy seals in accordance with the abovesaid privy seal of 1675-6, Feb. 17) [on the authority of and] according to warrants signed by the King not expressing the services or uses expressed in the said privy seal of 1675-6, Feb. 17, or in the [various] privy seals by virtue of which such moneys were issued to him, so that a doubt may arise whether same shall be duly allowed him in account. King's Warrant Book VI. p. 221.
Same to same for a same for interest to be paid to Sir John James and Robert Huntington as follows. The King has heretofore agreed that said James and Huntington "should have the receipt of our revenue of Excise and 2,000l. a week out of the Customs towards the payment of our Forces and supply of our Cofferer of our Household, in consideration whereof and of such salaries, poundage and fees as Sir Stephen Fox had, they were to advance money for payment of our Forces at 5 per cent. and to advance moneys for our Household not exceeding 3,000l. per mensem at 6 per cent. ; which moneys were to be repaid by tallies struck on the revenue of our Excise. And it was further on our behalf agreed that the said tallies should be preferred in payment before any other tallies of the same date, and that no tally should be struck on the said revenue besides [other than] those then settled for quarterly [Excise Farm rent] payments and goldsmiths' interest and such other interest as was directed to be allowed by an order in Council dated 9th Feb., 1676-7. And whereas afterwards by an Act of Parliament the said Sir John James and Major Huntington were obliged to pay a fifth part of the said Excise into the Exchequer, whereby their [security] fund was diminished contrary to our said agreement and the charge of our Forces much increased [by the new raised Forces], whereby the said Sir John James and Major Huntington have been enforced from time to time to advance money for the uses aforesaid to the value of the said fifth part of the Excise more than at first was agreed and for raising of which they were forced to be at great charges by paying excessive interest and procuration to at least 10 per cent. : and we being willing that none of our subjects should be loosers by their faithfull and diligent applying themselves to our service, especially their extraordinary charges being occasioned by breach of the agreement on our part." Therefore hereby payment is to be made to them or tallies struck on the Excise for them for 6 per cent. interest and 4 per cent. gratuity per an. for so much money as hath been or shall be advanced by them till the repayment thereof upon their [final] accompt to be stated by one of the Auditors. Ibid, pp. 222-3.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to John Bernard, gent., of the office of solicitor to the Lord Treasurer to attend said Treasurer or the Commisioners of the Treasury for the time being and to defend and prosecute all actions and suits relating to the revenue as shall be directed from time to time by said Lord Treasurer : to be exercised by himself or deputy during pleasure and with the yearly fee of 200l. King's Warrant Book VI. p. 223.
Same to same for a same for a grant to Robert Wilkin of the place of searcher of Lynn port in reversion after Edward Bromely. Ibid.
Same to same for a same for a grant to Charles Malbury, gent., of the office of Customer Outwards, Bristol port, in reversion after —. Brookes, present Customer there. Ibid, p. 224.
Same to same for a same for a grant to Bryen Rogers, senr., of the office of [As]saymaster of tin for the Stannaries of Cornwall and Devon : for life : in reversion after Tho. Wiseman and Bryen Rogers, junr., "or any other former Saymaster of tyn for the said Stannarys." Ibid.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Charles Bertie, Esq., and Fulk Emms, gent., of the office of Comptroller of Customs, Newcastle port, for their lives and the life of the longer liver of them : with all profits, &c., as enjoyed by Martin Foster, deceased, or any other preceding Comptroller thereof : to be executed by themselves or deputy. King's Warrant Book VI. p. 224.
Same to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal to remit, release and for ever quit claim to Richard, Lord Byron the sum of 102l. 16s. 0d. set in super upon him by order of the Exchequer Court made 1675-6, Feb. 10, same being charged upon said lord by Rob. Hall, Collector of the then last Eighteen Months' Assessment and of the arrears of the Royal and Additional Aid and the One Month's and Eleven Months' Assessments in the hundred of Broxtow, co. Notts, as upon account for the said lords' manor of Newstead : all by reason that "the said Lord Byron hath affirmed to us that his then steward that had orders to pay the said Aids and Assessments went away and left his lordship's service without his privity and is since dead and dyed before the said collector gave in the said charge against his lordshipp and the acquittances and discharges for the same are either lost or so mislaid that they cannot be produced for his discharge." Ibid, p. 225.
Same to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to James Herbord, Esq., for life of the first [vacant] office [of one] of the four Tellers in the Receipt in reversion after J. Loving, Sir George Downing, Sir William Doyly and Tho. Vernon, the four Tellers in possession, and George Downing, Simon Clifford, Francis Villiers, Tho. Howard and Henry Carew [Tellers in reversion]. Ibid.
Same to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal to release and discharge George Pley, Esq., late Collector of Weymouth port, his heirs, &c., and sureties and their heir, lands, goods, &c., of and from the sum of 3,573l. 2s. 1½d. and from all and every other sums which shall appear to be due to the King from said Pley upon the further stating of his accompts of his said Collectorship, and from all 12 per cent. interest and damages for non-payment thereof, and for the delivering up of his bonds, &c. ; it appearing by a certificate of Edward Coke, assistant to the Comptroller General of the Accounts of the Customs, that Pley is indebted to the King 3,573l. 2s. 1½d. upon his account ended April 12 last : "which sum we are pleased to remit unto him in consideration of his former good services in supplying our Navy with navall provisions at a time when our service greatly required the same, and in compensation for the loss and damage he susteyned in that our affayres did not admitt his punctuall payments for the same in such time as the same should have been made." Ibid, pp. 227-8.
Same to same for a same to release and discharge George, Lord Berkeley of Berkeley Castle, his heirs, &c., their lands and goods, &c., of and from the same of 1,000l. and of all process, damages and interest thereupon : said sum having been paid to him by authority of the privy seal of 1664-5, Mar. 2, for the repairs of the pales and fences of Nonsuch Park : with which sum he stands charged by the records in the Exchequer as paid to him for that service : the said Lord having made application to the King that he may be acquitted and released thereof : all which is hereby granted as if a regular account had been made and allowed of the disbursements of the same and a quietus thereupon obtained. Ibid, p. 228.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a privy seal for a grant to Henry Bulstrode, Esq., of all the goods, chattels, debts, leases and personal estate whatsoever belonging to Thomas Ward, late of Bishops Cleeve, co. Gloucester, husbandman, lately attainted of high treason : same being forfeited by reason of his attainder : the present grant being in consideration of said Bulstrode's good services performed to the King. King's Warrant Book VI. p. 229.
Same to same for a great seal for a grant and demise to Sir Samll. Morland of the land commonly called Buckholt wood or the East Walk of Buckholt, containing by estimation 500 acres more or less, with the appurtenances in the counties of Southampton and Wilts ; and the reversion and reversions thereof ; and all rents, issues and profits whatsoever reserved, due or payable upon any particular lease, demise or grant now in being of the aforesaid premises or any part thereof : to hold for 99 years from the date of the grant herein : with the reserve rent of 10s. Ibid.
Same to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for the levying of tallies in the Exchequer or otherwise for the full and absolute acquitting and discharging of Richard Kent of and from all such moneys as he hath disbursed and paid out of the Customs for the purchase of tin. Treasurer Danby having some time since directed him to lay out several sums of money for the purchase of divers parcels of tin consigned to him [Kent] and amounting to the sum of — : "the necessities of our affairs requiring the sale or disposal of the said tin which cannot be done without our particular directions and giving sufficient discharges to the said Richard Kent for all the moneys by him disbursed as aforesaid and from all accounts relating to the said tin, which we think fit and reasonable to do." Said Kent is to deliver all the said tin into "your" [the Lord Treasurer's] possession or into the possession of such as you shall appoint to receive the same. And further "you" are to forthwith cause all the said tin to be disposed of or sold for our service, paying and disposing of the money, to be raised thereby, into the Exchequer or to such uses as we shall appoint by our royal sign manual. Ibid, p. 230.
Royal sign manual declaring that Bartho. Fillingham has paid according to directions from the King the several sums amounting to 3,982l. 19s. 7d. which have been issued to him for secret service without accompt : and that the King is therewith well pleased and satisfied and does hereby discharge him from any claim or demand, question or accompt, for the same. Ibid, p. 231.
Same to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a privy seal for a pardon and release to Henry, bishop of London, of the sum of 254l. 17s. 1d. payable to the King at Lady day, 1679, on his composition for the First Fruit of his bishopric. Ibid.
Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for a grant to Richard Aldworth, one of the Auditors of the Crown Revenue, of 1,000l. as royal bounty out of such moneys as he shall discover to be unanswered to the King of the Crown Revenues in the counties of York, Durham and Northumberland, or out of what shall grow due to the King of the said revenue and not out of any other moneys or revenue whatsoever : with power to said Aldworth to ask and receive from all receivers, bailiffs, collectors and tenants having any part of the said revenue in their hands, and to detain and keep in his own hands to his own use all and every sum and sums which he hath or shall receive of the said revenue not exceeding 1,000l. : the Treasury, &c., to assist him in the recovery thereof and to allow the same upon the respective accompts of the said receivers, &c. : all by reason that the said Aldworth has by petition represented that he served the late King through all the course of the late wars in several stations of great trust and hazard to the loss of his fortune and almost ruin of his family and in recompense thereof obtained only the reversion of the office of one of the seven Auditors of the Exchequer which fell not to him till some years after the Restoration, and in 1672 was by the sale of fee farm rents reduced [in its yearly value] from upwards of 600l. per an. to a pension of 200l. per an., and therefore praying some measure to repair his losses the better to enable him to provide for his numerous family. King's Warrant Book VI. pp. 232-3.
Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to bring 240l. into the Exchequer for Mr. Wheldon. Out Letters (General) p. 395.
Letter of direction on an order dated 1670, Dec. 29, for 1,000l. to Robert Coke, Esq. : same to be hereby satisfied by tallies on the Hearthmoney Contractors' rent payable Sept. 19 next. Money Book (General) p. 419.
Money warrant for 246l. 10s. 0d. to Nicholas Staggins, 200l. thereof for one year on his fees of 200l. per an. as Master of his Majesty's music and of 46l. 10s. 0d. per an. as one of his Majesty's wind instruments : to be satisfied by tallies on the Customs. Ibid.
Letter of direction on an order dated 1672, April 19 for 50l. 7s. 6d. out of the Four and a Half per cent. duty [to the master and owners of the ship Pearl of Bristol for hire of the said ship, see Cal. Treasury Books III, p. 1226], for transporting soldiers from Barbados : same to be hereby satisfied by tallies on the Farmers of the said Four and a Half per cent. duty in course as directed in the said order. Ibid.
Same on an order dated 1672, July 8, for 620l. to Capt. William Isles : same to be hereby satisfied, ut supra. Ibid.
Money warrant for 200l. each to Thomas Windham, Esq., and Mris. Winifred (Winfred) Windham, and 120l. to Sir Charles Windham for one year on their respective pensions : to be satisfied by tallies on the Customs Cashier. Ibid, p. 420.
Money warrant for 150l. each to Andrew Newport and Marmaduke Darcy for half a year on their salaries of 300l. each as [respectively] Comptroller and Surveyor of the Great Robe : to be by tallies ut supra. Money Book (General) p. 420.
Same for 26l. 13s. 4d. to Jo. Dugdale, Esq., for one year to Sept. 29 last, on his fee as Windsor Herald at arms : to be paid out of the Exchequer. Ibid.
Same for 375l. to Edward Griffin for three quarters on his pension of 500l. per an. : to be by tallies on the Hearthmoney Contractors' payment due Sept. 19 next. Ibid, pp. 420-1.
Same for 250l. to Sir Ralfe Dallavall (Dalaval) for half a year to Christmas last on the 500l. per an. granted to him for 3 years from 1677 midsummer : to be by tallies on the Customs. Ibid, p. 421.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Receipt to satisfy by tallies on the farmer of unwrought wood, glass, &c. (on his farm rent due at Lady day next) the several money warrants dated 1677-8, Jan. 22, for a year's salary each to Sir Christopher Wren, Hugh May, Phillip Parker [sic for Packer], William Dickenson, Richard Rider, Joshua Marshall, Thomas Kinward, Henry Phillips and Arthur Haughton, officers of the Works, said warrants amounting in the whole to 304l. 16s. 4d. Ibid.
Money warrant for one year each to the officers of the Works as follow on their respective fees : to be satisfied by tallies on the wood farm, ut supra : viz., Sir Christopher Wren, Kt., 45l. 12s. 6d. per an. as Surveyor General of the Works ; Hugh May 27l. 7s. 6d. per an. as Controller of the Works ; Phillip Parker [sic for Packer] 36l. 10s. 0d. per an. as Paymaster of the Works ; 18l. 5s. 0d. per an. each to Tho. Wise as master mason, Allexander White as master plumber at Windsor, and Charles Asherton as master plumber of the Works ; 12l. 3s. 4d. per an. to Arthur Haughton as Surveyor ; 66l. 13s. 4d. per an. to William Dickenson as Clerk Engros er ; 27l. 7s. 6d. per an. to Henry Phillips as master carver ; several fees making 52l. 12s. 4d. per an. to Tho. Kinward as master joiner ; 18l. 5s. 0d. per an. each to John Grove as master plasterer, Tho. Wise as master mason at Windsor, Richard Rider as master carpenter and Maurice Emmett as master bricklayer. Ibid, pp. 421-2.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Receipt to issue 1,000l. upon any unsatisfied orders in the name of Sir Edward Griffin as imprest for the service of the Chamber : to be satisfied by tallies on the Hearthmoney Contractors' rent payable March 15 next. Ibid, p. 422.
Money warrant for 93l. 11s. 2d. to Anthony Segar, 83l. 11s. 2d. thereof being for his disbursements for the Treasury Chambers since Christmas last, and 10l. for service done in the same time : to be satisfied by a tally on the Excise. Ibid.
Mar. 24. [Apparently altered from Mar. 14.] Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Cashier to pay to Anthony Stephens what is already grown due on the fee or allowance of 20s. a day anciently allowed to the Lord High Treasurer of England and payable out of the Customs : Treasurer Danby having appointed said Stephens "to receive same for my use." Ibid, p. 416.
Mar. 24. Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to bring 60l. into the Exchequer for Mr. R. Killegrew for half a year on his pension as one of the Pages of Honour. (Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue same.) Out Letters (General) p. 396.
Same to same to repay 150l. which Mr. Kirwood advanced to the Earl of Inchiquin upon his privy seal for 1,500l. charged upon the Customs, "this 150l. to be paid Mr. Kerwood, being in full of that privy seal." Ibid.