Index: K

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 31, 1717. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1960.

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'Index: K', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 31, 1717, ed. William A Shaw, F H Slingsby( London, 1960), British History Online [accessed 18 September 2024].

'Index: K', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 31, 1717. Edited by William A Shaw, F H Slingsby( London, 1960), British History Online, accessed September 18, 2024,

"Index: K". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 31, 1717. Ed. William A Shaw, F H Slingsby(London, 1960), , British History Online. Web. 18 September 2024.



Kalderwood. See Calderwood.

Kane (Hane), Richard, colonel, regiment of foot, regimental accounts of, 735, 781–782, 786, 855.

Karver, George, employment in the Customs, 62.

Kasseur, Denmark. See Korsär.

Katesby. See Catesby.

Katherine (Catherine) of Bragança, Queen of Charles II, the Queen Dowager, demise of Carrygarth in Barrow by, 452.
-, demise of Fewson's Grange by, 126, 297.
-, demise of lands in co. Lincoln by, 256.
-, demise of lands in co. York by, 258–259.
-, demise of the scite of the manor of Wiscot by, 126.
-, demise of tolls and mills etc. in Hitchin by, 107.
-, grant of messuages etc. in Willoughby and Hogsthorpe by, 130.
-, grant of Westion, alias Barking manor by, 231.
-, horses for the service of, accounts for buying, 561.
-, jointure lands of, 200, 255–256, 258, 580.
-, lease of land in Rosedale manor by, 107–108, 312.
-, lease of Slyfield Lodge and lands in Braydon Forest by, 453.
-, lease of Wiscot manor etc. by, 452.
-, trustees of, demise of Carrygarth farm by, 234; demise of a messuage etc. in Barrow by, 234; lease of Brooklands by, 200.

Kay, Thomas, tidesman, London port, 78.

Keightley, Frances, Lady, pension for, 102.

Keightly, Thomas, esquire, pension for, 520.

Keill, John, tidewaiter at Inverness, 289.

Keith, William, Messenger of the Exchequer of Scotland, 402.

Kell, Jos., House of Commons order served on, 321.

Kelliowe, Christopher, petition to be appointed landwaiter at Appledore, 437; waiter and searcher at Appledore, 390.

Kellum, George, major general, pay and forage for, 267; payment to, 122; regiment [Fifth Dragoon Guards] of, 740, 853.

Kelly, John, convoyed from Kingston upon Hull gaol to Newgate gaol, 191.

Kelsall, Henry [acting as a Treasury Secretary], 22, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30, 32, 34, 35, 127, 191, 369, 384, 458, 463, 473, 480, 481, 486, 556, 557, 563, 580, 606, 607, 618, 620, 649, 717, 722.

Kemp, —, major, and others, petition of, 41.

-, Edw., tenant of a messuage in High Holborn, 370. -, Edward, quarter master, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 540.

-, John, boatman at Teignmouth, 262.

Kempster, William, purchase of houses etc. at Harwich, 142; yard and stable at Harwich in the tenure of, 316.

Kempton, John, beadle, bill for the watch, 232.

-, Samuel, a malefactor transported to Jamaica, 172.

Kendal, Kirby Kendal, co. Westmorland, Mayor of, and under Distributor of Stamps of. See Rowlandson, T.

Kendrick, James, Rebel prisoner transported to Maryland or Virginia, 207.

Kenedy. See Kennedy.

Kenelly, William, messuage at Harwich in the tenure of, 317.

Kennedy (Kenedy), —, petition of, 38.

-, Alexr., Rebel prisoner transported to Jamaica, 205.

-, Andrew, late of Cloburn, deceased, 157.

-, -, second son to Andrew of Cloburn, to be Conservator of the Privileges of the Scottish nation in Belgium or the Netherlands in place of his father, 156–157, 398, 616.

-, Archibald, lieutenant, levy money of men at New York, 266.

-, Cornelius, pension for, 536.

-, Danl., Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia, 209.

-, Francis, payment to, for going from Virginia to Carolina upon the occasion of the Indian insurrection, 50, 408, 608–609.

-, Gilbert, King's Under Falconer, Scotland, salary of, 404.

-, John, Rebel prisoner transported to Antigua, 204.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to Jamaica, 205.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

-, Mall., Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 205.

-, Thomas, pension for, 174–175.

-, -, to be instructed in Customs affairs, 151.

-, William, issue to, for the salaries of inferior officers under the Commissioners for Forfeitures, Scotland, and for incidents, 247, 470; issue to, for superior officers and incidents of the Commissioners for enquiring into the estates of Traitors, 85.

Kenrick, Andrew, demolition of his Meeting House in Wrexham, 189.

-, John, his Meeting House in Wrexham defaced and damaged, 189.

-, Samuel, his Meeting House in Wrexham defaced and damaged, 189.

Kensington, co. Middlesex, Gardens, 93; issues for, 585, 689; works at, 83.
-, Guard Houses at, repair of, 609.
-, House or Palace, Dressing Room of George I at, 652.
-,-, Housekeeper at. See Lowman, H.
-,-, issues for, 585, 689, 690.
-,-, lodgings of Madam Kilmansegg at, cane chairs for, 652.
-,-, Wardrobekeeper at. See Lowman, Mary,
-,-, works at, 83.

Kent, county of, coast of, smuggling on the, 159–161.
-, Lord Lieutenant of, 161.
-, Receivers General of Assessments. See Baker, G.; Fausset, W.; Weldon, W.
-, Receivers General of the Duties on Houses, 179, 215.
-, Sheriff of. See Gee, R.
-, Surveyors of the Duties on Houses. See Goodson, J.; Perrin, T.; White, D.; Whitmore, R.

Kent, Duke of. See Grey, H.

Kent, James, one of the Children of the Chapel Royal, payment to, 391; suit etc. delivered to, out of the Great Wardrobe, 565.

-, John, Collector of Salt Duties, 563.

-, -, glazier, payment to, for work done at the Exchequer, 663.

-, Richard, late Receiver General and Cashier of Customs, 683.

Kentish, Henry, a Gentleman Pensioner, 457.

-, Ralph, tenant of a house near Great Swallow Street, 283.

Kenton, Thomas, tidesman in Bideford port, superannuated, 647.

Ker, John, Duke of Roxburghe, annuity for, 383.
-, Keeper of the Seal used as the Great Seal of Scotland, 271.
-, letters of, 63, 303.
-, Office of, in the Park, 701.
-, plate for, as Secretary of State, 123.
-, salary as Secretary of State, 598.
-, secret service issues, 113, 216, 393, 604.
-, Secretary of State [for the North], 113, 213, 216, 383, 414, 449, 604.
-, yearly sum in the rental of the archbishopric of Glasgow payable by, 469.

Kerington (Kerrington), Philip, Supervisor for the Duties on Hides for co. Norfolk, petition of, 66, 698.

Kerr, Lord Charles, Director of the Chancellary, Scotland, 403.

-, John, Rebel prisoner transported to Antigua, 204.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

-, Lord Mark, Keeper of Bramble Hill Lodge or Bramble Lodge in New Forest, petition and memorial of, 287, 377; regiment of foot, 267, 734, 736.

-, Robert, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

-, William, tidewaiter at Leith, 290.

-, -, colonel, regiment of Dragoons, 268, 502, 541, 670, 671.

-, Sir William, of Greenhead, a Commissioner of the Equivalent, 579.

Kerrington. See Kerington.

Kettle, William, demolition of his Meeting House in. Birmingham, 188.

Key, John, captain, petition of, 62; recommended for a pension, 55.

-, Thomas, damages to his Meeting House in Pilkington, 187.

Kidd, Alexr., Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

Kidderminster, co. Worcester, supervisor of Excise at, dismissal of, 79—80.

Kiddy, Robert, tenant of a close in Westgate, co. York, 259.

Kielmansegg. See Kilmansegg.

Kilkenny [co. Kilkenny], barracks, one troop of horse and four companies of foot at, 545.

Killigrew, —, lieutenant colonel, captain in the Royal Regiment of Dragoons, 100.

-, Charles, esquire, lease of a piece of ground in Whitehall, 163, 241.

Killinaule, in Munster province, barracks, half a company of foot at, 546.

Killivan, in Ulster province, barracks, half a company of foot at, 547.

Kilmacthomas, Kilmactomas [co. Waterford], barracks, half a company of foot at, 545.

Kilmansegg (Kielmansegg, Kilmansach, Kilmansack, Kilmanseck), Madam, arrived with his Majesty from Hanover, goods of, passing Customs, 108; dresser etc. made for at Hampton Court, 575; lodgings at Hampton Court, 651–652, 652; lodgings at Kensington, 652.

Kilmarnock, Earl of. See Boyd, William.

Kilmeedy, in Munster province, barracks, 22 companies of foot at, 546.

Kincardine, Earl of. See Bruce, Alexander.

King, —, petition of, 45.

-, -, petitions delivered to, 22, 24.

-, Charles, Keeper of the Treasury Chambers, 476; necessaries furnished for the Treasury Office, issue for, 592; payment to, for attendance and disbursements, 728.

-, Fra., tidesman in Bristol port, 669.

-, John, clerk, demolition of his Meeting House in Stone, co. Stafford. 186.

-, Katherine, a malefactor transported to Jamaica, 172.

-, Luke, Agent to the regiments of Richard Ingoldsby and Frederick Hamilton, petition of, 304: cancellation of his bonds, 579.

-, [Sir Peter], Lord Chief Justice, 596.

-, Robert, Collector of Perth Amboy, 390.

-, -, tenant of a messuage in High Holborn, 370.

-, -, esquire, surety for Robert Peters, prosecution against, petition of, 55, 299, 626.

-, Samuel, an underclerk of the Treasury, 210, 385, 591, 728.

-, Thomas, captain, payment to, on account of subsistence of prisoners at Amiens, 795.

-, William, Archbishop of Dublin, a Lord Justice of Ireland, 270.

-, -, tenure of a messuage in Stretton Magna, 95.

King's Almoner (Lord Almoner), issues to and payments by, 102, 242.

King's Almoner, Scotland. See Hamilton, W.

King's Apothecary. See Chase, J.; in Scotland. See Hepburn, H.

King's Barber in Ordinary, lodgings in Whitehall, repairs to, 179.

King's Barges, Barge Builder, building an eight-oared barge, 573; gilding the shallop and barges, 573; mending barges, payment for, 391.
-, barge house and launches, repair of, 231, 454.
-, crimson velvet Tilt and curtains etc. for, 595.
-, Master of, house and wharf of, 455; liveries for himself and 48 watermen, 241; petitions of, 70, 231, 454. See also Hill, C.
-, watermen, 12 pensionary, liveries for, 596.

King's Bench, Clerk of the Crown in, allowance to, 444, 633. See also Harcourt. R.; Judges of, three, salaries of, 144, 423, 704; Lord Chief Justice, salary of, 144, 423, 704.

King's Botanist and Keeper of the Physic Garden, Scotland. See Alston, C.

King's Buckhounds, Master of, allowances to the Huntsmen, Yeomen Prickers and Harbourers formerly paid by, 396.

King's Chapel. See Hampton Court; Whitehall.

King's Chaplains. See Mitchell, W.; Ramsay, J.; Sterling, J.

King's Charities and Bounties in Scotland. issue for. 403.

King's Chief Engraver of Signets, Seals, Stamps and Arms. See Gerard, J.; Roos, J.

King's Clockmaker, allowance to, 390.

King's Counsel, 193, 305.
-, at Liverpool, 483.
-, attending the trial of Rebels at Preston and Carlisle, 202.
-, fees or salaries, 281, 310, 637, 638, 639.
-, See also Aland, J. F.; Booth, —; Carter, L.; Cayley, —; Conyers, J.; Denton, A.; Page, Sir F.; Winington, alias Jeffreyes, E.; Wyndham, —.

King's Decypherer. See Willis, E.

King's Engraver. See King's—Chief Engraver.

King's Gardener. See Carpenter, J.

King's gardens and plantations. See Royal Gardens.

King's Goldsmith, gold works etc. delivered into the Jewel House by, 251, 410, 610. See also Smithin, S.

King's Hawks, Master of. See Beauclerk, Charles, Duke of St. Albans.

King's Herbstrewer. See Bill, A.

King's Houses, locks for and work done by a locksmith in, payment for, 573.

King's Huntsmen, Yeomen Prickers and Harbourers, issues for, 396, 719. See also Hudson, J.; Lowen, W.; Webb, J.; Webb, R.

King's Knight Harbinger, salary of, 445. See also Wright, R.

King's Launches. See King's Barges.

King's Library Keeper. See Bentley, R.

King's Locksmith. See Churchill, T.

King's Lynn. See Lynn Regis.

King's messengers, gratuities for, 150.

King's Musick, Master of, payments to, for music performed on New Year's Day, 391; for writing compositions for the King's birthday, 572.

King's Paper Office, Keeper of, salary of, 180, 445, 637. See also Howard, H.

King's Physicians. See Laurence, —; Robinson, T.; Shadwell, [Sir J.]; in Scotland. See Dalrymple, T.; Eziat, Sir E.

King's Principal Painter. See Kneller, Sir G.

King's Printers, 233; issues for, 95, 136; to furnish the Treasury with a set of Statute Books, 465; to send copies of Acts of Parliament to the Commissioners for Trade, 614. See also Baskett, J.

King's Private Pensions and Bounties, Treasurer of. See Clayton, W.

King's Private Roads, Gates and Bridges, Fulham Road, gatekeepers of, allowance to, 124; house at the first gate in, possession of, 109–110.
-, Keeper of, patent of appointment of, 263; petition of, 124, 491. See also Studholme, M.; Watkins, W.
-, repairs to, united to the Board of Works business, 263.
-, Surveyor of, appointed one of the Board of Works, 584; put in possession of the Old Call House in Scotland Yard, 584. See also Watkins, W.

King's Ratkiller, payment to, 391. See also Stubbs, S.

King's right to several manors etc., offer concerning, 127.

King's Royal Progresses, Guide of. See Watkins, W.

King's Running Horses. See Newmarket.

King's Signets, Seals, Stamps and Arms. See King's—Chief Engraver.

King's Stud Master. See Marshal, R.

King's Sub Almoner, issue to and payment by, 102.

King's Tennis Courts, Keeper of, fee and salary, 173, 439, 638. See also Chaplin, T.

King's Under Falconer, Scotland. See Kennedy, G.

King's Watermen. See King's Barges.

King's wines, storekeeper of. See Heymans, J.

King's Yachts, Companies of, payment to, 26; goods of an Envoy arrived in, 620.

Kingsthorpe, co. Northampton, Hospital of St. Dewys [St. David] and land in, lease of, 452.

Kingston, co. Surrey, Assizes, prosecuting counterfeiters etc. at, expenses of, 500.
-, hundred, 278.
-, lodgings at, for the Children of the Chapel Royal, 170.
-, old drain leading to two conduits at, 624.

Kingston upon Hull. See Hull.

Kingston upon Hull, Duke of. See Pierrepont, E.

Kingswinford, co. Stafford, Meeting House, demolished in a riot, 186.

Kinnoull (Kinnoul), Earl of. See Hay, Thomas.

Kinross, Charles, a Macer of Justiciary, Scotland, 403; macer to the Northern Circuit, Scotland, 404.

Kinsale, co. Cork, barracks, 10 companies of foot at, 546.
-, Castleney Park, rent of the lands of, perpetuity for, 518.
-, Commander in Chief at. See Churchill, C.
-, Customs officers at, 517.
-, fort, 518.
-, Fort Major, pay for, 535.
-, fortifications, payment for, 508.
-, Governor of, pay for, 535.
-, gunners at, pay for, 534.
-, Lieutenant Governor of, pay for, 535.
-, Master Gunner at, pay for, 534.
-, mattrosses at, pay for, 534.
-, Storekeeper at, pay for, 534.

Kirby, Christopher, a Commissioner for Sick and Wounded, 92.

Kirby Kendal, co. Westmorland. See Kendal.

Kirk. See Kirke.

Kirkby, Thomas, quarter master, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 539.

Kirkcaldy, co. Fife, 441; officers of Salt at, 91, 493.

Kirke (Kirk), John, Town Marsh at Harwich in the tenure of, 316.

-, Mary, widow, parcel of ground at Whitehall in the tenure of, 255.

-, Peircy, esquire, lease of a house etc. in Whitehall, 86, 152, 255.

-, [Percy], colonel, regiment of foot, 502.

-, Thomas, deceased, tidesman, London port, 646.

Kirkwood, James, Scottish Pursuivant, 402.

Klinggref (Clingraff), Elias, Resident from Hanover with the States General, 219.

Knap, Mary, Mrs., murdered by footpads, 458.

Knapp, Thomas, prosecuted for coining etc., 501.

Knapton, Robert, petition for a place in the Customs, 56, 425; waiter and searcher at Christchurch, 595.

Knaresborough, Nesbruch, co. York, lordship, grant of, 68, 712.

Kneller, Sir Godfrey, Principal Painter to George I, drawing eight pictures of George I, payment for, 391; drawing three pictures of George I, payment for, 688.

Knethell, William, deceased, tidesman and boatman at Dale, 291.

Knight, Anthony, royal bounty for, 212.

-, James, Receiver General of Jamaica, to assist the Auditor of the Plantations, 697.

-, Richard, messuage at Harwich in the tenure of, 317.

-, Robert, Cashier of the South Sea Company, 3, 139.

-, -, esquire, loan by, 285.

-, Thomas, Commander of the Weymouth [Customs House] smack, 132.

Knight Harbinger. See King's Knight Harbinger.

Knightlow, Knightloe, co. Warwick, hundred, Assessment Commissioners of, 373.

Knock, —, wine for the Grand Jury, 483.

Knock Milligen [co. Banff]. See Strathisla.

Knot, William, riding officer at Covehithe and inspector of officers between Yarmouth and Aldeburgh, 675.

Knowles, Eliz., a malefactor transported to Jamaica, 172.

-, John, lease of premises in St. James's bailiwick, 135, 281–282.

-, Timo., tidesman at Shields, 647.

-, William, tidesman at Shields, deceased, 647.

Koch, Ignace de, Monsieur, royal bounty to, for bringing news of a victory over the Turks, 46, 570.

Korsär, Kasseur, Denmark, 298.

Kynaston, —, attending the trial of the Rebels at Preston, 202.