Index: J

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 31, 1717. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1960.

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'Index: J', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 31, 1717, ed. William A Shaw, F H Slingsby( London, 1960), British History Online [accessed 18 September 2024].

'Index: J', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 31, 1717. Edited by William A Shaw, F H Slingsby( London, 1960), British History Online, accessed September 18, 2024,

"Index: J". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 31, 1717. Ed. William A Shaw, F H Slingsby(London, 1960), , British History Online. Web. 18 September 2024.



Jackman (Jackeman), Walter, tidesman, London port, 131.

-, William, tidesman, London port, 132.

Jackson, Benjamin, Master Mason of the Works, fee of, 635.

-, Peter, captain, money for Port Mahon fortifications, 812.

-, Richard, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 540.

-, Robert, esquire, Resident at the Court of Sweden, 76, 227, 456, 611.

-, -, Customer of Hull port, 417.

-, William, payment for chells etc. for the crystal branches in the Ball Room at St. James's, 573.

Jacobs, Abraham, pension for, 520.

Jaluquier, John, cornet, pension on the Irish Establishment, 521.

Jamaica, Captain General and Governor in Chief of. See Lawes, Sir N.
-, Collector of, sends to England five bags of pieces of eight, 108.
-, Deputy Auditor in. See Poyntz, D.
-, Governor of, money deposited in the hands of, 26–27; See also Lawes, Sir N.
-, Lieutenant Governor of, 96. See also Haywood, [P.].
-, malefactors transported to, names of, 171–172.
-, President of the Council, to assist the Surveyor and Auditor of the Revenues, 677.
-, Rebel prisoners shipped at Liverpool for transportation to, 203, 205, 208.
-, Receiver General of. See Knight, J.
-, ships bound for, 171, 172.
-, Two Independent Companies at, clearings for, 503; offreckonings for, 503; subsistence for, 19.

James Town [co. Leitrim], barracks, one company of foot at, 546.

James II, grant of Arkengarthdale Forest by, 673.
-, grant of manors etc. by, 127.
-, grant of quit rents by, 23.
-, journey to Salisbury in 1688, provisions for his Army in his, 704, 706.
-, lands in Ireland granted by, to the Countess of Dorchester, 242.

James, —, royal bounty for, 7.

-, James, land at Harwich, 317.

-, John, boatman at Sidmouth, 615.

-, -, lands at Harwich, 317.

-, Richard, boatman at Erme river in Plymouth port, 615.

Jamieson (Jameson), William, born blind, payment to, by Glasgow University, 469.

Janeway, Jacob, father of William Henry Janeway, Register of Wool at Canterbury, 24, 57, 386, 646.

-, William Henry, attorney at law, Register of Wool at Canterbury, 386, 646.

Jan's. See Jones.

Janssen, Sir Theodore, a Trustee for sale of shares of the South Sea Company, 629; bill of, 200, 220; tin in the hands of, 49.

Jeay, William, Receiver General of Assessments for co. Huntingdon, 277, 641, 653, 693.

Jefferyes, James, esquire, Minister to the King of Sweden, 475.

Jefferys, —, captain, respited pay of, 269.

-, James, prays to be put on the Irish Establishment, 52.

-, Sir James, Governor of Cork, petition of, 41, 641–642.

Jeffreyes (Jeffryes), Edward, esquire, Second Justice of Chester, Flint, Denbigh and Montgomery, salary of, 144, 423, 704.

-, See also Winington.

Jeffreys, Elizabeth, a malefactor transported to Jamaica, 172.

Jeffryes. See Jeffreyes.

Jekyll, Sir Joseph, Chief Justice of Chester, Flint, Denbigh and Montgomery, salary of, 144, 423; lost annuity order in the name of, 150; Master of the Rolls, 650; surrenders his salary as Chief Justice of Chester etc., 650.

Jenkin, Thos., leave to go to St. Malo, 363.

Jenkyn, Robert, custody of the person of William Cotton, an idiot, petition for, 589.

Jennings, Anne, widow, of Whitchurch, damages awarded to, 188.

-, Richard, Collector of Truro port, 390.

-, Robert, Undersearcher of London port, 112, 643.

-, William, patent searcher, London port, in the room of his father, 56; undersearcher, London port, 643, 666.

Jenton, James, lieutenant, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 539.

Jephson, Francis, Serjeant at Arms attending the House of Peers, issue to, for attending the Speaker of the House, 478.

Jerman, George, Paymaster of Interest on Exchequer Bills, 73, 292, 368, 461, 612.

Jermy, Francis, lease of Holy Island, 234.

Jermyn, Henry, 3rd Earl of St. Albans, 371, 379; grants of premises in St. James's to, by Charles II, 425–429, 453.

Jernac, Joly, ensign, pension for, 523.

Jersey, Forces in, issue for, 182; Lieutenant Governor of. See Collier, T.

Jervaise, Thomas, a Commissioner for Hawkers and Pedlars Duties, 498.

Jessop, William, Chief Justice of Carnarvon, Merioneth and Anglesea, 144, 363, 412, 709.

-, -, Receiver or Commissioner of the Alienation Office, 417, 451; salary of, 697.

indenture with the Treasury Lords for the management of the Alienation Office, 423.

Receiver General of Revenue arising by Fines for Alienations, salary of, 697.

Jett, Thomas, esquire, Auditor of the Land Revenue, 67, 109, 136, 148, 150, 241, 379, 400, 464, 606, 641, 659; reports by, 32, 41, 43, 73, 130, 200, 253, 254, 255, 257, 258, 282, 284, 370, 371, 416, 699, 700.
-, Manager and Director of the Lottery [as by 3 Geo. I, c. 7], 447, 703.
-, Paymaster of the Lottery or Lotteries anno 1712, 87, 392, 422, 473, 478, 490, 511, 557, 562, 564, 569, 580, 581, 584, 590, 662.
-, Register and Paymaster of unsatisfied Debentures for Army Debts and Transport Service under William III, surplusage on his account, payment for, 307, 319.

Jewel House or Office, candlesticks issued out of, for service at Hampton Court, 431.
-, engraver, case maker, cutler etc., payment to, 610.
-, Master of, 123, 136, 151, 229, 251, 259, 300, 301, 410, 431, 610, 701, 710, 713, 726; melting down a candlestick, 372; making a pair of candlesticks, 372; providing a collar of the Order of the Thistle, 259. See also Brudenel, J.
-, officer. See Sedgwick, R.
-, officers, quarterly allowance to, 610.
-, plate delivered into, by the King's Goldsmith, 251, 410, 610.
-, plate delivered out of, for a gift at a christening, 97, 183, 229. 301, 713, 726; for a Secretary of State, 87, 123, 300, 480, 509; to an Ambassador, 136, 151; to the Master of the Horse, 701.
-, staff of gold for the Earl Marshal provided by, 710.
-, to provide jewels and collars for the Kings at Arms and Heralds, 711.

Jewkes, Talbot, a Serjeant at Arms, 177, 457, 637.

Jeyes, Pet., a Commissioner of the Victualling, 505.

Jodrell, Francis, Sheriff of the County Palatine of Chester, 381.

-, Paul, [Clerk of the House of Commons], 446, 504, 607.

John, William, Undersheriff of Exeter, petition of, 45.

Johnson, —, payment to, for attending prisoners, 106.

-, -, tenant of a messuage in High Holborn, 370.

-, Andrew, bond for Salt Duties, 363.

-, Beddingfield, Inspector of Gaming Houses and of Vendors of cards and dice and of pamphlets, dismissed from employment, 448.

-, James, butler attending at the trial of the Rebels at Carlisle, 203.

-, -, lieutenant, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 537.

-, Jane, office cleaner, fee due to, 97.

-, John, Remembrancer of the City of London, 581.

-, -, tenement and windmill at Harwich, 315–316.

-, [Jos.], [foot] regiment of, 734, 736.

-, Lewis, lease of land etc. at Holborn, 253, 370–371.

-, Peter, payment to, for attending prisoners, 106.

-, Robert, Custom House officer, memorial of, 46.

-, -, esquire. Deputy Governor of the province of Carolina, appointment of, 121; sureties for. See Bonner, W.; Broughton, A.

-, Thomas, captain, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 538.

-, -, -, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 543.

-, Sir Thomas, letter relating to the importation of French sugars, 216; of Liverpool, contract for transporting Rebel prisoners to the Plantations, 203.

-, William, Collector of Boston port, 252.

-, See also Johnston.

Johnston (Johnson, Johnstone, Johnstoun, Johnstown), Daniel, boatman at Leith, dismissed, 320.

-, James, memorial of, 37.

-, -, grant to, by William III out of compositions for teinds or leases thereof, 549.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

-, -, estate granted to, by William III, 156; Secretary, estate of Sir R. Strickland, 145, 151, 156.

-, John, housekeeper of the Justiciary, Scotland, 403.

-, -, Professor of Glasgow University, 469.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 206.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

-, Sir Patrick, baronet, a Commissioner of the Equivalent, 579.

-, -, pension for, 467.

-, Robert, of Hilton, a Commissioner of the Equivalent, 579.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

-, William, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia, 209.

-, -, Marquis of Annandale, Keeper of the Privy Seal, Scotland, 400, 718; additional yearly salary or pension to, 718; yearly sum in the rental of the archbishopric of Glasgow, payable by, 469.

Jolley, Joseph, demolition of his Meeting House in Manchester, 187.

Jolly, Robert, boatman at Deal, superannuated, 647.

Jon, —, Collector of Salt Duty at Cockerham, 89.

Jones (Jan's), —, House of Commons order served on, 321.

-, -, colonel, regiment of, 734, 735.

-, [Charles], Collector of Bideford, 262.

-, Charles, riding officer at Dunwich, 675.

-, Humphrey, Sheriff of co. Flint, 374.

-, John, riding officer at Folkestone, 291.

-, -, tenant of a messuage in High Holborn, 370.

-, Joshua, approved of as Deputy Auditor in the Leeward Caribbee Islands, 726.

-, Katherine, Lady, pension for, 519.

-, Lazarus, demolition of his Meeting House in Shrewsbury, 188.

-, Randle, lieutenant, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 543.

-, Richard, proposal of, for supplying the Mint with British copper, 450.

-, -, Earl of Ranelagh, former Paymaster General of the Forces, 705, 706; heirs and executors of, pension on the Irish Establishment for, 519.

-, Thomas, money warrant for incidents of Commissioners appointed under the Act of 3 Geo. I, c. 7, 477.

-, William, Apothecary to his Majesty's Household, fees, 176, 439, 639.

-, -, [clerk to the Secretaries of State], 15.

-, -, tidesurveyor at Bristol, 648.

Joplin, John, Customs sitter at Erme river in Plymouth port, 615.

Jowells (Joules, Jowles), Benjamin, of Plymouth, payment to, for clay taken from his pit near Portsmouth, 22, 53, 56, 62, 369, 606–607.

Joy, Jacob, messuage in Pall Mall Field, 256.

Joye, John, ensign, pension for, 523.

Judges, attending at the trial of the Rebels at Carlisle, clerks to. See Bowles, W.; Dickinson, R.; Merrick, R.; Paget, J. See also Price, [Sir R.]; Tracy, [R.].
-, attending at the trial of the Rebels at Preston, Butler to. See Pate, R.; Clerk and Steward to. See Braboin, W.
-, carried to Carlisle and up again to London, coachmen's bills for, 202.
-, servants, attending the trial of the Rebels at Carlisle as Keepers of the Court, 203.
-, trumpeters attending, charges for, 483.
-, trying Rebel prisoners, sheriff's men attending, 483.
-, See also Common Pleas; Exchequer Court; King's Bench.

Jurors, parchment, paper, postage and expenses to fix, 483.

Justices of the Peace, to put the laws in execution against sturdy beggars, rogues and vagabonds, 160–161. See also Lancaster—County of.