Index: L

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 31, 1717. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1960.

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'Index: L', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 31, 1717, ed. William A Shaw, F H Slingsby( London, 1960), British History Online [accessed 18 September 2024].

'Index: L', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 31, 1717. Edited by William A Shaw, F H Slingsby( London, 1960), British History Online, accessed September 18, 2024,

"Index: L". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 31, 1717. Ed. William A Shaw, F H Slingsby(London, 1960), , British History Online. Web. 18 September 2024.



La Balme. See Balme.

La Bastide. See Bastide.

La Bastide Barbut. See Bastide.

Labat, Andrew, captain, pension on the Irish Establishment, 522.

Labbe, Peter, Deputy Comptroller of Arundel, 647.

Laboissiere, John, captain, claim for full pay, 848.

La Boissonade. See Boissonade.

La Brousse. See Brousse.

Lac, Balthazar du, pension for, 525.

La Cailtiere. See Cailtiere.

La Capella. See Capella.

Lace, delivered into the Great Wardrobe, 462; gold, 416, 417; sellers, in co. Bucks, complaint against, 623.

La Chapelle. See Chapelle.

La Clide. See Clide.

La Clide Lestrill. See Clide Lestrill.

La Coste. See Coste.

La Coudriere. See Coudriere.

La Cour. See Cour.

Lacyer, John, captain, pension for, 523.

Lade, —, Justice, at Southwark, 500.

La Faucille. See Faucille.

La Fère, La Ferr, France, arms transported to, 219; payment for two men at, 219.

La Fitte. See Fitte.

La Fontain. See Fontain.

La Fontaine. See Fontaine.

La Fortelle. See Fortelle.

Lagarde, Bouer, petition of, 50.

La Garde. See Garde.

La Gorgue, France, 808.

La Hupe. See Hupe.

Laidez, Lewis (Louis), gentleman, payment to, 229.

Laisné, Bertrard, lieutenant, respited half pay officer, 527.

Lake, Sir Biby, Sir Bibye, baronet, agent for. See Turner, —; discharge of R. Peters' debt, 18, 22, 24, 34, 39, 42, 43, 44, 53, 58, 299, 369, 473, 626, 649.

La Lande. See Lande.

Lalo, [Sampson de], [foot] regiment of, embarked at Greenwich for Holland, 419.

La Malquire. See Malquire.

La Maria. See Maria.

Lamaugere, Michael, lieutenant, respited half pay officer, 527.

Lamb, Edmond, father of Edmond, demise of the scite of the manor of Wiscot, 126; lease of Wiscot manor and Somercrofts meadow in Barrow, 452.

-, -, lease of the scite of the manor of Wiscot, 126; lease of Wiscot manor and Somercrofts meadow in Barrow, 452.

Lambart, Margaret, Countess of Cavan, pension on the Irish Establishment, 519.

-, Richard, 4th Earl of Cavan, pension on the Irish Establishment, 520.

Lambert, Isabell, Isabella, lease of lands in the bailiwick of St. James's, 428.

-, Sir John, cochineal consigned to, 644; loans by, 9, 234–235; tin in the hands of, 49, 234–235.

-, Nathaniel, a Gentleman Pensioner, 457.

Lamerk, shire of. See Lanark.

Lamford, James, apprehended for highway robbery, 78.

-, William, apprehended for highway robbery, 78.

La Milliere. See Milliere.

Laming, Roger, master of the Lewis, 171.

Lamlash, Isle of Arran, 294.

La Molliere. See Molliere.

La Mongottiere. See Mongottiere.

Lamont, Duncan, tidesurveyor at Arran and Lamlash, 294.

La Motte. See Motte.

La Motte Belleau. See Motte Belleau.

La Motte Blagny. See Motte Blagney.

La Motte Brocas. See Motte Brocas.

La Motte Cercler. See Motte Cercler.

La Motte Champy. See Motte Champy.

La Motte Grindor. See Motte Grindor.

La Mouline. See Mouline.

Lamprié, Charles de, cornet, pension for, 524.

Lampriere, Esther, widow, lease of lands in co. Lincoln, 255–256, 276; lease of messuages etc. in Willoughby and Hogsthorpe, 130.

Lampton, Henry, deceased, Surveyor of the landcarriage at the Gates of Edinburgh, 441.

-, Nicholas, declines place as tidesurveyor at Howdon Panns, 78.

Lamy, Peter, cornet, respited half pay officer, 526.

Lanark, Lamerk, shire of, noblemen and heretors of, petition of, 548.

Lancaster, county of, collecting evidence against the Rebels in, 202.
-, Justices of Oyer and Terminer, 483.
-, Justices of the Peace, informations taken before, 376. See also Houghton, Sir H.; Molyneux, T.
-, Palatine, Clerk of the Crown for. See Thornton, J.; Commissions of Oyer and Terminer and Gaol Delivery, 73, 248; High Sheriff of. See Crisp, T.
-, Rebel prisoners in, Commissary for. See Rapine, S.
-, rebellious riots in, 141.
-, Rebels executed in, 106.
-, Receivers General of Assessments. See Owen, J.; Thornton, J.
-, Scotch witnesses brought in custody from, 195.
-, Sheriff of. See Blackburn, J.; Crisp, T.
-, special Commissions of Oyer and Terminer and Gaol Delivery sent into, 483, 485, 486.
-, trial of Rebel prisoners in, 485.
-, trial of Rebels in, accounts and disbursements concerning, 105–106, 482.
-, tumultuous and rebellious proceedings in, 185, 187. Undersheriff of. See Peters, R.
-, witnesses from, against the Rebels, 196.

Lancaster, co. Lancaster, Collector of Customs at. See Forrester, —.
-, Commissions of Oyer and Terminer adjourned to, 486.
-, Rebel prisoners conveyed to, 483.
-, Rebels executed at. 106, 289, 483.
-, Surveyor of. See Hall, J.; Strangways, J.
-, tidesmen at, 647.
-, trial of the Rebels at, 376, 483, 486, 720, 721.

Lancaster, duchy of, lands of, 453; leases, 10; records, 10; seal, 10.

Lancaster Herald. See Hesket, J.

Lancaster, Jona[than], tenement in High Holborn, 370.

-, William, a Gentleman Pensioner, 457.

Lance, David, Master Plaisterer to the Works, fee of, 635.

Land Tax. See Assessments.

Lande, Francis la, captain, pension for, 523.

-, Henry la, captain, lieutenant, pension on the Irish Establishment, 521.

-, -, lieutenant, pension for, 523.

Landes, Albert de, captain, pension for, 522.

Landguard Fort, co. Suffolk, stores, storekeeper, Master Gunner, Governor and Lieutenant General of, removal of, to Harwich, 142, 269; works to be done at, 142.

Lands. See Crown Lands; Ireland—lands.

Lands End, co. Cornwall, 215.

Lane, —, messuage in Worcester seized in trust for — Albert, 395.

-, John, clerical fee due to, 97.

Lanesborough, Lanesborrow [co. Roscommon], barracks, one company of foot at, 546.

Langdon, Alexander, sufferer at Nevis and St. Christopher, payment to, 686.

Langhorne, Daniel, esquire, Deputy Chamberlain of the Exchequer, 191, 214.

Langlade, David, respited half pay officer, 527.

Langlands, John, cornet, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 541.

Langley Point [co. Southampton], 104.

Langley, —, land at Harwich, 317.

-, Samuel, Hill House and lands in Harwich in the tenure of, 315.

-, Thomas, warehouse and stable at Harwich in the tenure of, 317.

Lanham, Richard, Receiver General of Assessments for part of co. Wilts, 279.

Lansdale (Lonsdale) —. to attend the Treasury, 70.

Lansdall, Richard, demolition of his Meeting House in Monton, 187.

-, Thomas, demolition of his Meeting House in Monton, 187.

Lansdown, Lord. See Granville, George.

Lanthorns, for a ship, 219.

Lanyon, John, tenant of premises in St. James's, 283.

La Perrine. See Perrine.

La Plaigne. See Plaigne.

La Porte. See Porte.

Lappan, James, pension and royal bounty for, 28, 424, 425.

Largent, John, of the Endeavour hoy, recompense for his loss, 478.

La Rimbliere. See Rimbliere.

La Roque. See Roque.

La Rousseliere. See Rousseliere.

Larwood, Jacob, merchant of Amsterdam, seizure of coffee, 374.

La Salle. See Salle.

La Sautiere. See Sautiere.

Lascelles (Lassels), Thomas, esquire, attendance at the demolition of fortifications at Dunkirk and Mardyck, 365, 405.

La Serre. See Serre.

Laspois, Carolina, pension for, 525.

-, Catherine Jane, pension for, 525.

-, Charlotte de, pension for, 524.

Lassels. See Lascelles.

Latham, —, captain, work done or materials furnished at Port Mahon, 826, 827.

Lathom [co. Lancaster], 484.

Latin Secretary. See Hill, S.

La Touche St. Feriol. See St. Feriol.

Latton, John, Searcher of Plymouth port, 451.

Lauder, Sir John, of Fountainhall, a Lord of Session, 401.

Lauderdale, Earl of. See Maitland, C.

Laughton, John, Keeper of the Grand Jury at the trial of the Rebels at Carlisle, 203.

Launditch, co. Norfolk, hundred, 278.

Laundy, Thomas, ensign, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 543.

Laurence, —, Dr., late Principal Physician to his Majesty, 288; daughter and executrix of. See Ramondon, H.

Lausack, Peter, chaplain, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 539.

Laussac, Jane du, pension for, 524.

-, Mary du, pension for, 524.

Lautal, Theodorus, lieutenant, pension for, 523.

Lauze, John, lease of a house in Richmond, 451.

Laval, David, ensign, respited half pay officer, 527.

-, Peter, captain, respited half pay officer, 528.

Laverny, Susanna, deceased, daughter of Eliz. Biball, royal bounty for, 367.

Lawder, David, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia, 209.

-, George, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

Lawes, Sir Nicholas, knight, appointed Governor of Jamaica, sealing the goods of, 630; Captain General and Governor in Chief of Jamaica, to assist the Surveyor and Auditor of the Revenues, 677, 696.

Lawrence (Lawrance), Elliott, ensign, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 542.

Lawson (Lowson), John, lieutenant, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 542.

-, Joseph, esquire, a Serjeant at Arms, 177, 457, 637.

-, Katherine, a malefactor transported to Jamaica, 171.

-, Thomas, late Collector of Stockton on Tees, allowance to, 408.

Lawton, Alexr., Rebel prisoner transported to St. Christopher, 207.

-, William, Meeting House in Newcastle under Lyme pulled down and burnt, 185.

Layton, Thomas, a Manager and Director of the Lottery [as by 3 Geo. I, c. 7], 448, 703.

Lazano, Mazcan, work done or materials furnished at Port Mahon, 827.

Leacroft, John, Treasurer to the Commissioners for building 50 new churches, 218, 496, 501, 699.

Lead, exported, 149, 554; smelted with pit coal and sea coal, 648.

Leamington, co. Southampton. See Lymington.

Leapidge, John, Sheriff of co. Buckingham, 394.

Leather, Duties on. See Hides; exported, 149, 554.

Leathes (Leath), William, esquire, late Secretary at Brussels, 76.
-, late Minister at the Hague, bills of exchange, 50, 379, 588.
-, Resident in the Austrian Netherlands, 226, 456; bills of extraordinaries, 76, 218–219; journey to Antwerp for the Barr[ier] Treaty, 219, 611.

Leaves, —, clerk to the Paymaster General of the Forces Abroad. 851, 852.

-, John, clerical fee due to, 97.

Lebas, Charles, esquire, agent to the French regiment of Dragoons in Spain, 220.

Leblange, Albertus, chaplain, half pay on the Irish Establishment. 542.

Le Bruleray. See Bruleray.

Le Caan. See Caan.

Lechmere (Lechemere, Letchmere), Anthony, esquire, Receiver General and Cashier of Customs, 233, 375, 384, 386, 475. 579, 642.

-, Nicholas. late Solicitor General, 414.

-, William, a Manager and Director of the Lottery [as by 3 Geo. I, c. 7], 447, 703; Register and Comptroller of the Lotteries anno 1712, 87, 392.

Le Conte. See Conte.

Le de Belleau. See Belleau.

Lee, co. Essex. See Leigh.

Lee (Leigh), Francis, Customs boatman at Erme river in Plymouth port, 615.

-, Geo., labourer, pressing hay. 419.

-, [George], colonel, levy money for men at New York, 266.

-, George Henry, 3rd Earl of Lichfield, petition of, for payment of the remainder of the annuity granted to his father by Charles II, 649.

-, John, boatman in Rochester port, 646.

-, Richard, Virginia merchant. 715; security for tobacco duties. See Cullum, J.

-, [William], colonel, detachment of Marines under, 164.

Leech, John, damages to his Meeting House in Failsworth, 187.

-, Samuel, damages to his Meeting House in Failsworth, 187.

Leek, co. Stafford, Meeting House, damaged in a riot. 186.

Lees, Jonathan, demolition of his Meeting House in Manchester, 187.

Leese, Hanover. See Lense.

Leeward Islands. Leeward Caribbee Islands, 131.
-, Assemblies of, 250.
-, Captain General and Governor in Chief of. See Hamilton, W.
-, charges, account of, 64.
-, Chief Governor of. See Douglas, W.
-, Customs officers, establishment of, persons put on the, 552.
-, Deputy Auditor of. See Jones, J.
-, Deputy Governor of. See Matthew, W.; Smith, D.
-, Four and a Half per cent. Duty. See Four.
-, Governor of. See Matthew, W.; Park, D.
-, Lieutenant Governor of, 251; allowance to, during the absence of the Captain General and Governor in Chief, 114. See also Matthew, W. Order of Council etc. relating to the state of the, 307.
-, Ordnance stores sent to, 151.
-, poor inhabitants of, to be hindered from dispersing themselves into other settlements. 690.
-, regiment of Col. Alexander in, recruits for, 263.
-, stores of war for, supply of, 685.
-, Surveyor General of [Customs at]. See Dunbar, C.; Perry, E.
-, warlike stores wanting in, 92.
-, See also Anguilla.

Leffever, Thomas, Secretary to the Earl of Galway, 118, 852.

Le Fort. See Fort.

Legge, William, 1st Earl of Dartmouth, memorial of, 62.

Legh, Colveley, a Gentleman Pensioner, 457.

Leicester, county of, Receivers General of Assessments. See Blundell, B.; Bradgate, J.: Woodcock, T.
-, Receiver General of the Duty on Houses, 113.
-, sheriff of. seizure by, 95. See also Hesilrige, Sir R.
-, Survevors of the Duty on Houses, 112–113.

Leicester, co. Leicester, borough of, St. Margaret's parish in, Abbey Meadow in, 95.

Leicester, Earl of. See Sydney, John.

Leigh, Lee, co. Essex. Surveyor at. See Bowen, J.; Sutherland, —.

Leigh, —, regiment of, 734, 736. See also Lee, [G.].

-, Edward, Comptroller of the Warehouse for pepper and coffee, 132; declines the grant of the office of Comptroller of the warehouse for pepper, 647.

Leighton [in Warton, co. Lancaster], 484.

Leinster, Province of, barracks in, troops of horse and companies of foot in, list of, 545; Escheator of, 377, 514. See also Meares, L.

Leipzig, Germany, 226.

Leith, co. Edinburgh, 134, 290; boatmen at, 320; landwaiter, searcher and coastwaiter at, 441; Surveyor of. See Bowen, [J.]; tidesurveyor at, 441; tidewaiter at, 441.

Le Mestre. See Mestre.

Le Mesurier. See Mesurier.

Lemeter, John, taken up and secured, 463.

Leming, Robert, tenant of cottages etc. in Pickering. 259.

Lemon, John, Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 206.

Le Neve, Edward, late searcher in London port, petition of, 273.

-, -, son of Edward, searcher in London port, dismissed, 273.

-, Peter, Norroy King at Arms, 432, 637, 711; collar of SSS of silver partly gilt for, 711.

L'Enfant. See Enfant.

Lening, John, tenant of cottages etc. in Pickering, 259.

Lennox, Charles, 6th Duke of Richmond, Gentleman of the Bedchamber, 74, 222, 384, 597.

Lense, Leese, Hanover, 297, 298.

Le Ochoa. See Ochoa.

Leonardo, Juan, work done or materials furnished at Port Mahon, 826.

Lepell, [Nicholas], brigadier, assignments of offreckonings, 43, 496, 649; regiment of, 734, 735.

Le Petit. See Petit.

Lepton, William, seizure of cottages in Beeston, Shelf and Otley, petition of, 57, 193, 645.

Leslie (Lesley), Alexr., Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 206.

-, David, 5th Baron Lindores, pension for, 176, 440, 634.

-, George, Deputy Chamberlain for Joining Tallies in the Exchequer Court, 149, 232, 374, 445, 475, 700.

-, formerly Hamilton, John, 9th Earl of Rothes, High Commissioner to the General Assembly of the church in Scotland, payment to, 274.

Lestablere, Renatus, lieutenent, pension for, 523.

L'Estanquett. See Estanquett.

Letchmere. See Lechmere.

Lethieullier, John, captain, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 539.

Levant, the, 558.

Levant Company of Merchants, London, the, royal bounty for, 691; Treasurer of. See Cook, Sir C.

Levinge, Richard, esquire, pension for, 520.

Lewars, John, an officer of Salt in Kirkcaldy, 91.

Lewes, co. Sussex, 291.

Lewes, —, widow, recommendation for, 34.

Lewis, John, Gentleman of the Horse to the Earl of Feversham, 561.

-, -, of the city of Bristol, petition of, 29, 446.

-, -, outlaw, lands and tenements of, 134.

Lewisham, co. Kent, 147.

Ley, Charles, waiter at Penryn, 582.

Leyburn, —, of Nateby (fled and absconded for rebellion), personal estate of, 484.

Leyden, Holland, Postmaster General of, 224.

Leyland, co. Lancaster, hundred, Coroner of, 485.

Leymerie, Vincent, cornet, respited half pay officer, 526.

Leys, Don Diego de, colonel of the Earl of Galway's Spanish regiment of foot and Captain of a company, taken prisoner, claim for full pay, 838–839.

Leyva, Orazio de, corporal, taken prisoner, claim for full pay, 847.

Licett, Fra., demolition of his Meeting House in Stafford, 187.

-, Tho., demolition of his Meeting House in Stafford, 187.

-, Thomas, demolition of his Meeting House in Stone, 186.

Lichfield, Earl of. See Lee, G. H.

Liddell (Lyddell), —, Navy wages paid to, 167.

-, Crain, of Hexham, Rebel prisoner who became evidence for the King, petition of, 720–721.

-, Henry, esquire, Receiver General of the Apprentice Duties, 89; Receiver General of Stamp Duties, 147, 151.

Lidstone, John, boatman at Plymouth, 648.

Liell, —, captain, commander of his Majesty's ship Bedford, 108.

Lifford [co. Donegal], barracks, one troop of horse at, 547.

Lifford, Earl of. See Rochefoucauld, Frederic William de Roye de la.

Lifton, co. Devon, hundred, 277.

Liger, Solomon, captain, respited half pay officer, 528.

Lightfoot, Charles, payment to, for ironwork for the Army, 706.

-, Richard, petition of, to be landsurveyor, 26, 33, 395; Surveyor in Poole port, 497.

-, Robert, junior, Receiver General of Assessments for co. Cambridge, 276.

Lighthouses, at Greenwich, grant of 39; at Harwich, ground rent of, lease of, 317; near Dublin, 71; near Harwich, grant of, 153.

Lille, Lisle, France, 806, 809.

Lilly, Stephen, late Receiver General of the Post Office, 119.

Limarest, James, cornet, pension for, 524.

Limbry, William, tidesman at Appledore, 647.

Lime, price of, 566.

Limerick, co. Limerick, barracks, 22 companies of foot at, 546.
-, Customs officers at, 517.
-, Governor of, pay for, 535.
-, Guards, fire and candle for, 536.
-, gunners at, pay for, 534.
-, mattrosses at, pay for, 534.
-, storekeeper at, pay for, 534.
-, Town Major, pay for, 535.

Lime-stone [co. Devon]. See Lympston.

Linckhouse [? Linsheeles], co. Northumberland, 191.

Lincoln, county of, Assizes for, held at Lincoln Castle, 457.
-, Auditor of Land Revenues in. See Aldworth, W.
-, Receivers General of Assessments. See Banks. L.; Coxall, J.; Grace, J.; Harleis, J.
-, Sheriff of. See Wray, Sir C.
-, Surveyor of the Duties on Houses for. See Edwards, J.; Ellis, R.

Lincoln, co. Lincoln, Castle, Assizes held at, 457; City of, the city and county of, and Baile and Close of, Receiver General of Assessments for. See Banks, L.

Lincoln, Earl of. See Clinton, Henry.

Lindale, Joseph, mate of the Custom House smack at Hull, 132.

Lindores, Lord. See Leslie, David.

Lindsay (Lindsey), David, widow of. See Cleland, Margaret.

-, James, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

-, John, Rebel prsioner transported to Antigua, 204.

-, -, (David, sic for John), 19th Earl of Crawford, Brigadier General, payment to the administrators of, 112.

-, -, 20th Earl of Crawford, pension for, 175, 440, 634.

Linens, and stuffs printed, painted and stained in Great Britain, 2d. a yard on [as by 10 Anne, c. 18], 237.
-, foreign printed, painted or stained, Duty on [as by 10 Anne, c. 18], 236.
-, Garlick Holland, 416, 417.
-, Holland or Hollands, seizure of, 54, 589, 605.
-, imported and re-exported, account of, demanded, 554.
-, of all sorts, imported and re-exported, account of required, 148.
-, Scots, Duties on, revenue from, computation of, 347.
-, yarn, raw, 148.

Linlithgow, [Excise] collection of, collector of, additional salary for, 651; sheriffdom of, 564.

Linsheeles, co. Northumberland. See Linckhouse.

Lisbon, 217; Minister and Consul at, 103–104. See also Poyntz, [W.].

Lisburn, co. Antrim, French minister at, salary of, 517.

Lisle, France. See Lille.

Lister, Hugh, captain, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 541.

Little Belt, Petit Belt, passage of the, 298.

Little, Richard, additional term in houses in Little Queen Street and Newton Street, 718; petition of, to renew a lease, 66.

Littleton, Sir Thomas, former Treasurer of the Navy, 433, 505.

Liverathe, Thomas, land in Sloothby Ings in the tenure of, 256.

Liverpool, co. Lancaster, 73, 203, 216, 273, 291, 496, 721.
-, Assizes at, 106, 494.
-, captain commanding in. See Butler, J.
-, castle, 106.
-, Collector of, 203. See also Scarborough, E.
-, Constable of, 483.
-, deputy searcher in, 131.
-, doctors of physic at. See Briggs, T.; Downes, S.
-, Guards and prisoners at, candles for, 483.
-, Headmen of, 483.
-, King's Counsel at, 483.
-, Mayor of, 203, 206, 208. See also Squire, W.
-, Mayor and Aldermen of, 373.
-, Rebel prisoners at, 486; guard for, commander of. See Butler, J.; indicted for high treason, 483; medicaments for, 217, 260–261, 315, 372; shipped for transportation to the Plantations, lists of, 203–209.
-, searchers of, 203, 205, 474.
-, special commissions of Oyer and Terminer and Gaol Delivery at, 486.
-, trial of the Rebels at, 105–106, 202, 203, 494, 721.

Livesay, —, major general, memorial of, 62.

-, John, Sheriff of co. Bedford, 363.

Livres, 687; Genoa, exchange equivalence of, 558, 559.

Llanfyllin, Llanvilling, co. Montgomery, township of Baclud [? Bachieucha] at, Meeting House in, demolished in a riot, 189.

Lloyd, —. recommended as a Customs officer, 70.

-, -, captain, petition of, 33.

-, -, Dr., physician, respited half pay officer, 528.

-, Elizabeth, widow, tenant, 256.

-, John, lieutenant, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 544.

-, Rosendale, searcher of Milford port, 259.

-, Thomas, Receiver of Taxes, petition of, 7; Receiver of Taxes for Chester and North Wales, 8.

-, William, demolition of his Meeting House in Shrewsbury, 188.

Loans, borrowed on South Sea Stock. See South Sea Company.
-, by the Navy Treasurer. See Navy—Treasurer.
-, by the Paymaster of the Forces. See Army—Paymaster.
-, for building 50 new churches, 34, 475.
-, on credit of the Vote of the House of Commons. See Commons, House of—vote.
-, public, Registers of. See Exchequer, Receipt — Auditor of.
-, See also Assessments; Bank of England; Candles; Coal; Customs — Duties; Hop Duty; Malt Duties; Tin.
-, names of individual lenders:
-,-, Aislabie, J.
-,-, Beranger, M.
-,-, Caswell, G.
-,-, Colebrooke, J.
-,-, Furnace, Sir R.
-,-, Gibbon, E.
-,-, Gore, J.
-,-, Hart, M.
-,-, Knight, R.
-,-, Lambert, Sir J.
-,-, Lincoln, Earl of.
-,-, Middleton, G.
-,-, Mordaunt, H.
-,-, Norcott, J.
-,-, Page, J.
-,-, Parsons, J.
-,-, Ruck, J.
-,-, Sandford, T.
-,-, Sawbridge, J.
-,-, Short, E.
-,-, Weddell, T.
-,-, Wymondesold, M.

Lochart, Allan, fiar of Cleghorn, estate of Gringfoot, 564.

Lochend, Scotland. See Warrender, Sir G.

Loches, Anthony des, lieutenant, respited half pay officer, 527.

-, Solomos de, Brigadier and Colonel, pension on the Irish Establishment, 522.

Lockhart, James, a Commissioner of the Equivalent, 460–461.

-, William, captain, Intendant of Invalids, pay for, 111–112.

Lockton, co. York, 258.

Locon, France, meal sacks burnt by the enemy at, 808, 809.

Loddon, co. Norfolk, hundred, 278.

Lodington, Benjamin, esquire, Agent and Ponsul General at Tripoli, 78, 227, 456, 612.

Loftus, John, barge builder, building a barge for the King, payment for, 170.

Logan, Paulet, clerical fee due to, 97.

Logwood, 148; imported and re-exported, account of, demanded, 554.

Lombart, Elias, lieutenant, taken prisoner, claim for full pay, 842.

Lombermont, Mary, pension for, 525.

London, Bills of Mortality, 489.
-, Bishop of, letters of, 37, 43; warrant for the poor of London, 69.
-, bridge, 88.
-, City, aldermen of. 137, 581; Receiver (general of Assessments. See Fazakerly, Sir W.: Remembrancer of, payment to. 581. See also Johnson, J.
-, Corporation of, shares in, for smelting lead, 648.
-, Excise of, annuity granted out of, 299.
-, goldsmiths, 579, 620, 632.
-, impost bill for wines to the aldermen and officials of the city of, 581.
-, Lord Mayor of, annuity to, for Christ's Hospital, 87; memorial of, 30.
-, merchants of, 121, 171, 190, 240, 243, 244, 245, 305, 374, 387, 459, 506, 609, 648, 713, 714, 718.
-, poor of. See London—Bishop of.
-, port, coastwaiter in, 674.
-,-, Collector Inwards, 293, 294, 594, 702.
-,-, Collector of the Customs of Cloth and Petty Customs Outwards. See Miller, R.; Waterland, H.
-,-, Collector Outwards, 666.
-,-, Customs officers salary bills, 228, 384, 604, 730.
-,-, King's Waiters in, 78, 92, 102, 109, 181, 213, 249, 288, 292, 293, 294, 310, 320, 384, 387, 408, 594, 696, 702; deputy to, 594, 696.
-,-, landcarriagemen, 78, 390.
-,-, landsurveyor, 395.
-,-, landwaiters, 594, 595; surveyor of, 181, 216, 594.
-,-, noontenders, 291, 296, 373, 595.
-,-, patent searcher, 56.
-,-, quays, surveyor of, 79.
-,-, searcher, 273.
-,-, Surveyor General of Customs in, blank parchment books for, 128.
-,-, tidesmen, 78, 131, 132, 181, 291, 389, 390, 595, 599, 646, 647.
-,-, tidesurveyor, 642.
-,-, undersearchers. 112, 643, 666; deputy, 666.
-,-, watchmen, 79, 132, 291, 296.
-,-, weighers, 79.
-,-, weighing porters, 79.
-, prosecuting counterfeiters etc. in and about, expenses of, 500.
-, Receiver General of the Duties on Houses, 215, 217.
-, Recorder of, 458.
-, sheriff of. See Fryer, Sir J.; Ward, Sir J.
-, stationer of, 371.
-, travelling charges from Ireland to, 419.
-, trials of Rebels in, 591, 592, 720, 721.
-, wine put aboard a ship for, 395.

London, —, petition of, 41.

-, George, demise of land at St. James's to, 253; grant of a piece of ground near St. James's Park to, 129.

-, Robert, a Gentleman Pensioner, 457.

-, Samuel, gentleman, pension for, 229, 230, 304.

London and Westminster, Streets and Places in—
-, Bath Court, St. James's, 37.
-, Baxter's Stable Yard, St. James's, 283.
-, Black Bull Yard, St. James's, 283.
-, Blackhorse Inn, 126.
-, Carthusian House, 370.
-, Bread Street, 241.
-, Bury Street, Berry Street, St. James's, 135, 282, 429, 676.
-, Castle Street, 426.
-, Chancery Lane, house of converted Jews in, 475.
-, Charing Cross, 163, 241, 374, 382, 413, 673; Mews at, 83, 122; works at, issue for, 586, 690.
-, Charles Street, St. James's, 134, 135, 254, 276, 428.
-, Christ's Hospital, Blue Coat Boys, annuity for, 1, 87.
-, Cock Yard, 86, 427.
-, Cockpit, the, 194, 374, 382, 455, 583, 679.
-, Conduit Field, St. James's, 283.
-, Cotton Library, 480.
-, Covent Garden, 270.
-, Denmark House, works at, 83, 585, 689.
-, Duke Street, 428, 429.
-, Eagle Street, 425.
-, Eyre Street, Ayr Street, Ayre Street, 100, 283, 322, 426.
-, Falcon, the, High Holborn, 370.
-, Fleet Prison, 845, 648.
-, Glasshouse Street, Glass House Street, Glass-house Street, 135, 282, 283, 376; Meeting House in, 135.
-, Grays Inn, 270.
-, Great Swallow Street, 135, 283, 376, 426.
-, Great Vine Street, 135.
-, Guild Hall, House of Commons order served on, 321.
-, Harrison's or Lloyds' Ground in St. James's, 453.
-, Haymarket, Hay Market, the, 427, 453.
-, Hick's Hall, prosecutions at, 500.
-, High Holborn, 253, 370, 427, 428.
-, Holborn, 253, 371.
-, Holborn above Bars, above Bars Holbourn, churchwarden of. See Clark, —.
-, Holborn below Bars, churchwarden of. See Clark, —, overseer of. See Clark, —.
-, Hyde Park, camp in, 488; deer in, hay and beans for, 444; Keeper or Ranger of. See Portman, H.; repairs needed in, 488; underkeepers and gatekeeper of, issue for, 444; watering the ring and the Park, 177.
-, Inner Temple, 448.
-, Jermyn Street, Jermin Street, Jermy Street, 80, 86, 100, 135, 256, 257, 282, 322, 425, 427, 429.
-, King Street, Whitehall, 255.
-, King's Head, High Holborn, 370.
-, Lincoln's Inn, 371, 414.
-, Little Princes Street, 427, 428.
-, Little Princess Street, 370.
-, Little Queen Street, 66, 718.
-, Little Swallow Street, 135, 283, 376.
-, Little Tower Hill, 710.
-, Market Lane, 100, 427, 429, 454.
-, Marylebone Street, Marybone Street, 426.
-, Minories, the, Ordnance in, Storekeeper of. See Wheate, Sir T.
-, New Way, St. James's, 129.
-, Newgate gaol or prison, 191, 458; convicts in, pardoned and transported to the Plantations, 251; Keeper of. See Pitt. W.
-, Newton Street, 427, 428, 718.
-, Old Bailey, 500.
-, Old Bowling Green, Whitehall, 255.
-, Old Palace Yard, 395.
-, Old Spring Garden, 129, 253, 413.
-, Pale Pingle, Paled Pingle, St. Giles in the Fields, 370, 371,428
-, Pall Mall, 254, 379, 413, 427, 453.
-, Pall Mall Field, alias St. James's Field, 253, 256–257, 281, 282, 379.
-, Piccadilly, Pickadilly, 80, 100, 135, 256, 257, 276, 282, 322, 425, 426, 427.
-, Portugal Street, 256, 257.
-, Princes Street, Holborn, 253.
-, Princess Street, Holborn, 253.
-, Privy Garden. See Whitehall.
-, Pursefield, St. Giles in the Fields, 370, 371, 428.
-, Rosemary Lane, 68, 710.
-, Round Rundles, 282, 283.
-, St. Albans Street, 100, 394, 429, 453.
-, St. Albans Tavern in St. James's, 254.
-, St. Clements [Danes], churchwardens of, House of Commons order served on, 321; overseers of, House of Commons order served on, 321.
-, St. Dunstans in the West, 256.
-, St. Giles in the Fields, church-wardens of, House of Commons order served on, 321; Hospital of, Master of the, lands in the tenure of, 371; overseers of, House of Commons order served on, 321; parish, 253, 370, 427.
-, St. James's in the Fields, bailiwick, 80, 134, 135, 254, 286, 322, 371, 376, 425, 428, 453; bailiwick, manor or manors of, 254; manor of, 370.
-, St. James's Market, 394, 427.
-, St. James's, Market Place, 100, 135, 282, 426, 429.
-, St. James's Market Street, 135, 281, 282, 429.
-, St. James's Palace, 139, 371.
-,-, apartments at, mats for, 170; used by the young Princesses, 66, 699–700.
-,-, assessments, 1, 86; Receiver General of. See Parsons, E.
-,-, Back Court, gateway over, cistern to be erected over, 711; new pair of gates for, 711.
-,-, Backstairs at, payment for cleansing and looking after the, 391.
-,-, Ball Room, crystal branches in, bottom chells and arms for, 573; payment for cleansing the, 391.
-,-, Bedchamber at, payment for looking after the, 391.
-,-, building a kitchen for the Prince of Wales at, 213, 442.
-,-, chapel, organ in, repair of, 170.
-,-, chimneys in, sweeping, payment for, 170, 391, 688.
-,-, cistern at, to receive water from the Canal Head in St. James's Park, 726.
-,-, Clerk of the Kitchen's Office at, works at, 194, 455.
-,-, closet, and laundry, and platform of the Princesses at, 272.
-,-, Confectionary at, 711.
-,-, Council Chamber at, payment for looking after the, 391; the old, payment for cleansing, 391.
-,-, Drawing Rooms at, payment for looking after the, 391.
-,-, Dressing Room of the Princess at, fitting up and painting, 711.
-,-, fire engine and shed, 711. gardens at, 94.
-,-, George I's Dressing Room at, 652.
-,-, Great Closet, 711.
-,-, Guard Houses at, repair of, 609.
-,-, Housekeeper or Keeper and Underkeeper of. See Granville, John, Lord Granville; Harley, Robert, Earl of Oxford.
-,-, King's private chapel at, cleaning the, 170; Communion Table, washing of linen for, 170; table cloths, napkins and psalm books for, 170.
-,-, Letters patent dated at, 221.
-,-, lodgings at, payment for cleaning, 391; umbrells put up about, 652.
-,-, lower lodgings at, water stool etc. required at, for the Duchess of Munster, 575.
-,-, Mews at, 122.
-,-, necessary house required at, for persons of fashion, 575.
-,-, necessary woman at. See Chaddick, —.; Haberly, Alice; Peach, Sarah; Spencer, Jane.
-,-, New River water for, 170.
-,-, Order in Council dated at, 149, 152.
-,-, porters' room, 711.
-,-, Princess's inward closet and water closet at, to be laid into one, 711.
-,-, reading prayers at. See Trebeck, A.
-,-, rooms at, payment for cleaning, 391.
-,-, Royal Highnesses' and Young Princesses' apartments at, grates, andirons, tables and fenders for, 391.
-,-, royal warrants dated at, 81, 87, 88, 90, 93, 94, 102, 111, 112, 113, 114, 122, 127, 130, 131, 132, 134, 137, 138, 146, 147, 148, 152, 162, 173, 174, 183, 184, 197, 198, 201, 218, 229, 241, 242, 248, 259, 263, 264, 270, 271, 273, 274, 279, 286, 290, 297, 301, 303, 305, 318, 365, 366, 367, 375, 380, 397, 398, 421, 423, 430, 454, 549, 669, 673, 677, 684, 685, 690, 699, 704, 715, 716, 718, 726.
-,-, servants of, discharge of assessments on, 471.
-,-, sign manual dated at, 409.
-,-, Stables, New River water for, 170.
-,-, State Bedroom at, 652.
-,-, underhorsekeeper at. See Brown, E.
-,-, water closet to be made at, for the Princess, 711.
-,-, works at, 30, 83; issue for, 585, 689.
-, St. James's Parish, 254, 371; [Assessment] Commissioners of, 14; within the liberty of Westminster, new parish of, 282.
-, St. James's Park, 252, 253, 382, 679.
-,-, Canal Head in, fitting an engine at the, 69, 726.
-,-, deer, hay for, 640.
-,-, fish and fowl, feed for, 640.
-,-, gatekeepers, wages for, 640.
-,-, Keeper or Ranger of. See Chetwynd, W.
-,-, lodges and walks in, repair of, 133.
-,-, making plantations in, 98–99.
-,-, Mall, the, Keeper of. See Chetwynd, Walter, Viscount Chetwynd.
-,-, nets, boats etc., issue for, 640.
-,-, New Way or passage from Old Spring Gardens into, 129.
-,-, Old Decoy in, turned into a pond, 98–99.
-,-, Parade, 133.
-,-, Ranger of. See Chetwynd, Walter, Viscount Chetwynd.
-,-, Stable Yard, 126, 192, 253, 413.
-,-, thorough repair of, 504.
-,-, underkeepers, wages for, 640.
-,-, Wilderness by, 126–127, 129, 252, 253, 276, 413; Keeper of, wages for, 640.
-, St. James's Street, 254, 255, 371, 594, 676.
-, St. Magnus, parish of, church-wardens of, 295; poor of, perpetuity for, 295.
-, St. Martins in the Fields, churchwardens of, House of Commons order served on, 321; overseers of, House of Commons order served on, 321; parish of, 241, 253, 254, 282, 371.
-, St. Martin's Lane, 194.
-, St. Mary Woolnoth, church of, rebuilding, 475.
-, St. Peter's, Westminster, Dean and Chapter of, issue to, for annuity to French ministers in the Savoy, 175, 389.
-, Savoy, the, Barracks, works at, issues for, 83, 586, 690.
-,-, demise of messuages in. See Savoy, Hospital of.
-,-, French ministers in, annuity for, 175, 389.
-,-, Gate, 648.
-,-, Hospital, estate, fines for leases to tenants of, account of, demanded, 700. Master and Chaplains of, demise of a messuage in West Haddon by, 676; demise of messuages in the Savoy by, 447; lease of St. Davids Hospital in Kingsthorpe by, 452. See also Addison, T. revenue of, Receiver of, account of, demanded, 700. See also Burton, S.
-,-, lease of old houses in, 57, 58, 648.
-,-, Lecturer and poor of the, annual payment to, 700.
-,-, Master of, house of, repairs to, 700.
-,-, rents, 67; payment out of, 41; Receiver of, to estimate for repairs to houses, 649. See also Burton, S.
-,-, repairing houses in, 58.
-,-, Scotch witnesses against Rebels brought to, allowance to, 195.
-,-, witnesses against Rebels in the, allowance to, 196.
-,-, workmen in, petition of, 58.
-, Scotland Yard, 269, 322, 361; Old Call House, repairs to, 491, 584.
-, Scots' Secretary's Office, Scotch Secretary's Office, 71, 382.
-, Shugg Lane, 426.
-, Somerset House, gardener of, removing rubbish, payment for, 573. See also Borer, R.
-, South Sea House, 110.
-, Spring Garden, 79, 127, 129, 192, 413.
-, Stable Yard. See St. James's Park.
-, Strand, the, 322.
-, Swallow Field, 282, 283.
-, Swallow Street, 135, 283, 376, 426.
-, Temple, Master of the, 95. See also Sherlock, T.
-, Tilt Yard, 679; Guard Houses at, repair of, 609.
-, Tower, the. See Tower.
-, Tower Hill, 297; enclosure on, report about, 39.
-, Turn Stile, in Holborn, 253, 370.
-, Vine Street, 135, 283, 425.
-, Warwick House, 413.
-, White Hart, High Holborn, 370, 371.
-, White Horse Inn, 256, 251, 429.
-, Whitehall. See Whitehall.

Londonderry, Ireland, 633.
-, and Culmore Fort, fire and candle for the gunners and garrisons of, 535; Governor of, pay for, 535.
-, barracks, six companies of foot at, 547.
-, Bishop of. See Ash, St. George; Hartstonge, J.
-, Bishopric of, grant of the rents etc. of. See Ash, St. George.
-, gunners at, pay for, 534.
-, matrosses at, pay for, 534.
-, regiment. See Ireland, Army —Regiments.
-, storekeeper at, pay for, 534.

Lone, William, petition of, 32.

Long, —, captain, going express to Barcelona, payment for, 265.

-, Henry, Sheriff of Hertfordshire, 230.

Longchamp, Paul, lieutenant, pension on the Irish Establishment, 522.

Longden, Robert, Receiver General of Taxes for cos. Gloucester and Worcester, 628, 655.

Longdon, co. Stafford, sufferers by riots in, damages for, 185.

Longford, co. Middlesex, paper mills, 221.

Longford, Viscount. See Fleming, Christopher.

Longford Pass [co. Tipperary], barracks, half a company of foot at, 546.

Longford Town, in Leinster province, barracks, one troop of horse at, 545.

Longman, William, assistant to the Inspector and Surveyor of Courts and Corporations within the Bills of Mortality, 489.

Lonsdale, co. Lancaster, hundred, coroner of, 485.

Lonsdale. See Lansdale.

Looe, co. Cornwall, 551.

Lookup, John, petition of, 70.

Loone, Monsieur van, debt due to his father from King William, 53.

Loose, Peter, tidesman at Wisbech, 647.

Loppez, Francis, sergeant, taken prisoner, claim for full pay, 846.

Lord Almoner. See King's Almoner.

Lord Chamberlain. See Royal Household.

Lord Chancellor, 10, 269, 295; equipage and other charges as Lord High Steward on an impeachment for High Treason, issue for, 36; executing the office of Lord High Steward upon the trial of the Earl of Oxford and Mortimer, payment for, 481; fees to, for allowing the By Laws for Hackney Coachmen, 385. See also Cowper, William, Lord Cowper.

Lord High Steward, table to stand before, in the Court at Westminster Hall, 652. See also Lord Chancellor.

Lord High Treasurer. See Treasury.

Lord Justice Clerk. See Scotland—Justiciary.

Lord Privy Seal. See Pierrepont, Evelyn, Duke of Kingston upon Hull.

Lord Treasurer. See Treasury.

Lords, House of. See Peers.

Lorraine, 280.

Lorraine, Abbé of, parcel of silk stuff for, 121.

Lorthe, Isaac de, captain, respited half pay officer, 527.

Loss, Richard, Customs riding officer at St. Agnes, 552.

Lostock [co. Lancaster], 484.

Lothian, shire of. See Midlothian.

Lothian, East, shire of, noblemen and heretors of, petition of, 548.

Lothian, West, shire of, noblemen and heretors of, petition of, 548.

Lott and Cope, duties of. See Wirksworth.

Lotteries, Annuities, deficiencies of, account of, demanded, 145.
-, Commissioners for taking in Tickets and delivering out Standing Orders in lieu of said Tickets, 145; incidents of, payment for, 260; petition referred to, 720; to issue duplicates of lost Tickets, 468; to state a price for stationery, 3. See also Arnold, N.; Cornwallis, T.; Rhodes, C.; Tilson, C.
-, Contributions, for payment of annuities, 329, 330.
-, Deficiencies, estimates to be prepared, 4.
-, interest, Midsummer payment, 32.
-, Malt Lottery Tickets, Paymaster of, accounts of, allowances in, 555.
-,-, cashier clerk to, affidavit of, concerning lost Tickets, 555. See also Gary, N.
-,-, memorial of, 555.
-,-, See also Arnold, N.
-, orders on, assignments of, 618; Directors for taking in subscriptions for, 40. See also Colt, —; Miller, J.
-, Paymasters of, fees and charges allowed to, by Treasury warrant, 311.
-, [as by 5 Wm. and Mary, c. 7], Lottery 9d., amount of, 325, 326; appropriation of, 359; Equivalent due to Scotland thereon, 327.
-, [as by 8 Anne, c. 10], Contributions on, 329: duties and taxes for, account of, demanded, 236, 238; new office in the Receipt for, necessaries for, 103, 124, 159, 406; Transfer Office for, new office in the Receipt for, necessaries for, 103, 124–125.
-, [as by the Acts 9 Anne, c. 6, 9 Anne, c. 16, 10 Anne, c. 18, and 10 Anne, c. 19] of 1711 and 1712, Fund for, interest on, payment to clear, 473–474; hastening the payment into the Receipt of the moneys for, 446; redemption of duties and revenues settled for paying off the, 447, 477.
-, [as by 9 Anne, c. 6]. 10l. Lottery anno 1711 for raising 1,500,000l., 724.
-,-, clerk for preparing a register of, payment to, 678.
-,-, Comptroller of, allowance to, for incidents, 254. disbursements by, petition for repayment of, 571, 678. petition of, for incident charges, 198. to certify amount due for interest on standing orders, 389. to state an account of orders lodged for interest, 499, 563. warrant for payment of interest, 221. See also Glanville, W.; Thomas, W.
-,-, Contributions, 330.
-,-, Customs duties for, account of, demanded, 236.
-,-, Duties granted for, amount of, 221–222.
-,-, Excise Duties for, account of, demanded, 237.
-,-, fund for, established by the Act 9 Anne, c. 16, imprest for, 292; income of, application of, 465, 472, 477–478, 489–490, 511, 557, 562, 564, 569, 580. 581, 589.
-,-, new office for, in the Receipt, 703; necessaries for, 103, 124–125, 159, 406, 495; payment of rent to the Tellers for, 703.
-,-, office for, necessaries and tradesmen's bills, issue for, 719.
-,-, Paymaster of, accounts of, examining and adjusting, payment for, 678; surplusage on, 182. allowance to, for incidents, 254. issues for, 472, 477–478, 489–490, 511, 557, 562, 564, 569, 580, 581, 589. payment by, 703. petition of, for incident charges, 198. to certify amount due for interest on standing orders, 389. to state an account of orders, 499. warrant for payment of interest, 221, 651. See also Arnold, N.; Brent, H.; Chadwick, Sir A.; Cornwallis, T.; Edwards, T.; Thomas, W.; Tilson, C.
-,-, principal of, interest on orders for, payment of, 221, 422; sinking of, payment for, 221.
-,-, redemption of orders in, proprietors to declare their option of, 450–451.
-, [as by 9 Anne, c. 16], Classis Lottery, Two Million Adventure, Comptroller of, 620.
-,-, complaint of neglect of duty in the office of, 556.
-,-, list of orders made by, 145.
-,-, report by, 55.
-,-, to certify amount due for interest on standing orders, 389.
-,-, to make out lists and books, 123.
-,-, to state an account of orders lodged for interest, 499.
-,-, warrant for payment of interest, 287.
-,-, See also Fitch, [W.]; Harcourt, H. Contributions paid into the Exchequer on, 331. duties and taxes for the, account of, demanded, 236, 238. fund for, deficiency of, House of Commons resolutions concerning, 398; income of, application of, 398, 465, 472–473, 477–478, 489–490, 511, 557, 562, 564, 569, 580, 581, 589–590. innovation of lost orders and tickets on, 164, 241, 287, 620, 632. new office in the Receipt for, necessaries for, 124–125, 159, 406, 495. office for, necessaries and tradesmen's bills, issue for, 719. Paymaster of, 145, 287, 398, 422, 464, 473, 478, 490, 511, 557, 562, 564, 569, 680, 581, 590, 631. accounts of, lists made out for expediting the, 145. allowances to, for fees, salaries etc., 631. complaint of neglect of duty in the office of, 556. issues to, 398, 422, 464, 473, 477, 478, 490, 511, 557, 562, 564, 569, 580, 581, 589–590. petitions of, for allowance of incidents in his account, 512; for lists and books to make out his account, 123. to certify amount due for interest on standing orders, 389. to state an account of orders, 499. warrant for payment of interest, 287. See also Blunt, C.; Colt, J. D. Receiver of, tickets received from, 620. See also Blunt, C. redemption of orders in, proprietors to declare their option of, 450–451.
-, [as by 10 Anne, c. 18], 10l. Lotteries Nos. 1, 2 and 3, the 1,800,000l. Lottery anno 1712, Comptroller of, payments by, 87, 392.
-,-, petition for an allowance for disbursements, 716.
-,-, to certify amount due for interest on standing orders, 389.
-,-, to state an account of orders, 499.
-,-, See also Lechmere, W.; Stawell, E. Contributions, 331, 332. duties and taxes for the, account of, demanded, 236, 237, 239. fund for, deficiency of, issue for, 422; income of, application of, 465, 472–473, 477–478, 489–490, 511, 557, 562, 564, 569, 580, 581, 589–690; interest on, rates and duties appropriated for, amount of, 87, 393. new office for, in the Receipt, necessaries for, 124–125, 159, 406, 495. office for, necessaries and tradesmen's bills, issue for, 719. Paymaster of, 422, 472–473, 477–478, 489–490, 511, 557, 562, 564, 569, 580, 581, 584, 589–590, 662. payments by, 87, 392. to certify amount due for interest on standing orders, 389. to state an account of orders, 499. See also Jett, T.
-,-, principal sum, interest on, payment of, 87, 392–393.
-,-, redemption of orders on, proprietors to declare their option of, 450–451.
-,-, Register and Comptroller of, payments by, 87, 392. See also Lechmere, W.
-, [as by 10 Anne, c. 19], second 1,800,000l. Lottery anno 1712, Class Lottery, Comptroller of, complaint of neglect of duty in the office of, 556.
-,-, to certify amount due for interest on standing orders, 389.
-,-, to state an account of orders, 499.
-,-, See also Gee, R.; Turner, —. Contributions, 331, 332. fund for, deficiency of, grant for, 398; income of, application of, 465, 472–473, 477–478, 489–490, 511, 557, 562–563, 564, 569, 580, 581, 589–590. new office for, in the Receipt, necessaries for, 124–125, 159, 406, 495–496. office for, necessaries and tradesmen's bills, issue for, 719. redemption of orders in, proprietors to declare their option of, 450–451. Paymaster of, complaint of neglect of duty in the office of, 556. issues to, 472–473, 477–478, 489–490, 511, 557, 562, 562–563, 564, 569, 580, 581, 589–590, 673–674. payment to, for his salary and charges, 623–624. petition of, for allowance for incidents, 504. to certify amount due for interest on standing orders, 389. to state an account of orders, 499. See also Morley, J.; Philips, A.
-, [as by 12 Anne, c. 2, clause 42], for making new tickets in lieu of those lost, 555.
-, [as by 12 Anne, c. 11], Queen Anne's Civil List Lottery for 500,000l. anno 1713, 333.
-,-, Contributions, duties levied for, 333.
-,-, new office for, in the Receipt, necessaries for, 406, 495–496.
-,-, office for, necessaries and tradesmen's bills, issue for, 719.
-,-, Paymaster of, accounts, 232, 296, 380. allowances to, for Exchequer fees, advertisements, incidents, wages etc., 631. fidelity bonds of, 380. imprest for, 607. petition of, for allowance of incidents, 512. See also Burdus, T.; Wenman, W.
-,-, Receivers of, accounts of, passed, 25; allowances and fees to, 119; fidelity bonds of, 25. See also Burton, L.; Edwards, S.; Fazakerley, Sir W.; Grainger, J.
-, [as by 13 Anne, c. 18], 1,400,000l. Lottery anno 1714, account of, showing the income of the Rates and Duties appropriated to and the deficiency of, 593–594.
-,-, benefits or prizes at 4 per cent., 222, 597.
-,-, blanks at 5 per cent., 222, 597.
-,-, Commissioners to make out standing orders for the Tickets of, rewards and incidents of, issue for, 593.
-,-, Comptroller of, salary of, 593; clerks to, salaries of, 593.
-,-, Contributions for, 333.
-,-, deficiency of, issue for, 82.
-,-, duties and taxes levied for, account of, demanded, 237, 239.
-,-, fund, deficiency of, method of making good the, 82; public moneys and an Aid for, as by 1 Geo. I, c. 2, 594. sum of the income of, remaining in the Exchequer, 596.
-,-, new office in the Receipt for, necessaries for, 496.
-,-, office for, necessaries and tradesmen's bills, issue for, 719.
-,-, Paymaster of, account of, allowances in, for incident charges, 140, 311. clerks to, salaries of, 593. issue to, 593. payments by, 222, 260. salary of, 593. See also Murray, G.
-,-, principal and interest of, state of, 222, 596–597.
-,-, principal sum of, standing orders for the, discharge of, 222, 593, 596.
-,-, Receivers of, passing their account, petition for payment of expenses, 720. See also Goltz, C. de; Madocks, T.; Odams, J.; Stubbs W.
-,-, Register and Comptroller of, payments by, 222, 596. See also Barton, M.
-,-, tickets, amount of, interest of 4 per cent. and 5 per cent. on, 596; fortunate and unfortunate, amount of, 596.
-, [as by 3 Geo. I, c. 7], for redeeming the duties and revenues settled for paying off the four Lottery Acts [of 1711 and 1712], 465.
-,-, Commissioners of, issue to, for incidents, 477.
-,-, Managers and Directors of, 27 in number, ask for accounts of annuities etc. to be furnished from the Exchequer, 479. list of, and salaries for, 447–448, 497, 702–703. notice by, concerning books of subscriptions, 450–451. to transmit lists of all orders for which no subscriptions should be made, 595.
-,-, orders on, not subscribed for annuities, registering assignments on, 619.

Loudoun, Earl of. See Campbell, Hugh.

Loudoun (Lowdon), John, Professor of Glasgow University, 469.

Loughrea [co. Galway], barracks, one troop of horse at, 546.

Louis XIV, war against, 736.

Louis d'or, 150, 687; exchange equivalence of, 304.

Lovat, Lord. See Fraser, S.

Love, William, boatman at Babbacombe, 615.

Loveday, Mary, ground in St. James's, 283.

-, William, deceased, distributor of Stamps for co. Worcester, 599.

Lovelace, Charlotte, lady, and her son, pension for, 214.

Lovell, —, proposing a new pacquet between Dover and Calais, 50, 603.

-, Peter, weighing porter at Bristol, 181.

Lovibond, Henry, money order for, 380.

Low (Lowe), —, of West Bromwich, loan of a horse to oppose rioters, 186.

-, Abram., Rebel prisoner transported to Maryland or Virginia, 207.

-, James, Rebel prisoner transported to Maryland or Virginia, 207.

-, John, of West Bromwich, damaged in goods, 186.

-, -, demolition of his Meeting House in Bromwich, 186.

-, Thomas, prays to succeed as Collector of North Potomac River in the province of Maryland, 713.

Low Countries, Deputy Paymaster of the Forces in, 115. See also Cartwright, H.
-, Director of British Hospitals in. See Hudson, J.
-, Forces in, forage for, 201; remittances for, 242.
-, Invalids from, 267.
-, See also Flanders.

Lowdale, James, deceased, tidesman in London port, 595.

-, Samuel, deceased, tidesman in London port, 599.

Lowdes, Dorothy, tenant of a messuage in Pall Mall, 379.

Lowdon. See Loudoun.

Lowen, William, King's Huntsman, 396.

Lowis, Richard, tenant of messuages etc. in Hogsthorpe, 256.

Lowman, —, plate of the Prince of Denmark received by, 68.

-, Henry, esquire, Housekeeper at Kensington, salary of, 176, 445, 638.

-, Mary, wife of Henry, Wardrobekeeper at Kensington, salary of, 176, 638.

Lowndes, Charles, clerk under the Commissioners for stating the debts of William III, petition for pay, 111.

-, John, Receiver of Crown Land Revenues, 136.

-, Thomas, an underclerk of the Treasury, 210, 385, 591, 728.

-, William, report about Army provisions made by, in 1687, 705.

-, -, [Secretary of the Treasury], passim; secret service issues, 18, 29, 34, 46, 70, 81, 133, 229, 295, 302, 313, 405, 442, 450, 466, 587, 594, 599, 604, 608, 613, 614, 617, 618, 619, 620, 669, 727, 731.

-, -, junior, a Manager and Director of the Lottery [as by 3 Geo. I, c. 7], 447, 703; an underclerk of the Treasury, 210, 385, 591, 728; letter delivered to, 26.

Lowry, Thomas, Rebel prisoner transported to Maryland or Virginia, 207.

Lowson. See Lawson.

Lowther, Archibald, tidesman and boatman in Sunderland port, 647; to be boatman at Shields, 702.

-, Gerard, chaplain, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 540.

-, Robert, esquire, Captain General and Governor in Chief of Barbados and other islands and places in America, salary, 139, 301, 511, 664; Captain General and Governor in Chief of Barbados and the rest of the Windward Caribbee Islands, to assist the Surveyor and Auditor of the Revenues, 677, 697.

-, Thomas, 6, 7, 9, 15, 18, 19, 21, 27, 30, 32, 39, 44, 46, 49, 50, 52, 56, 60, 63, 68, 69, 70, 135, 220, 314, 405, 471, 570, 672, 713.

-, -, gentleman, Searcher of Cardiff port, 218.

Loz, Juan Alvarez de la, work done or materials furnished at Port Mahon, 826.

Lubeck, Germany, 223.

Lucas, —, messuage in Pall Mall Field, 256.

-, -, messuage in Piccadilly in the tenure of, 257.

-, James, convicted of perjury, 91.

-, Richard, colonel, regiment of, 541.

-, Robert, coachman, bill for carrying Count Gyllenborg, 55, 634.

Ludbee (Ludby), —, joiner, messuage of, near Jermyn Street, 282.

-, John, lease of ground in Jermyn Street etc., 427.

Luffkin, John, lands in Harwich, 315.

Luggar, Walter, contractor with the Victualling Office at Plymouth, petition of, 719.

Lulworth, co. Dorset, 551.

Lumley, Henry, esquire, memorial of, 26.

-, -, general, regiment [Second Regiment of Horse] of, 372, 502, 723, 735, 738, 853.

-, Richard, Earl of Scarborough, account of treasons in Northumberland given to, 592; Vice Treasurer, and Receiver General and Paymaster General of revenues in Ireland, and Treasurer at War in Ireland, patent of appointment, 305; patent revoked, 587.

Lumsden, Henry, Rebel prisoner transported to Maryland or Virginia, 207.

-, James, an officer of Salt in Kirkcaldy, 91.

Lundye, Charles, Rebel prisoner transported to Antigua, 204.

Lurganboy, in Connaught province, barracks, one company of foot at, 546.

Luttrell, Henry, colonel, pension for, 536.

Lydd, co. Kent, riding officer for the wool business at, 646.

Lyddell. See Liddell.

Lamb Regis, Lamb, co. Dorset, Cobb pier, annuity for repair of, 175, 305; Corporation of, 175; Mayor of, 305; port, Deputy Comptroller of. See Bennett, W.; Norton, B.

Lymington, Leamington, co. Southampton, collector for Salt duties at, 85; riding surveyor at, 551.

Lympston, Lime-stone, co. Devon, waiter and searcher at, 181.

Lynch, William, Receiver General of Assessments for co. Suffolk, 278, 694.

Lyndon, George, captain, pension for, 536.

Lynn, Samuel, lease of a piece of ground near St. James's Park, 129.

-, -, esquire, lease of his house in Spring Garden, 79; lease of land in the Wilderness near St. James's Park, 252–253, 276.

Lynn Regis, Lynn, co. Norfolk, boatman at, 390; Collector of, 262; Comptroller of. See Burdekin, T.; [Customs] smack to be established at, commander and mate of, 390; hundred of, 278; riding officer at, 252, 291; waiter and searcher at, 132.

Lyon, Philip, Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 205.

-, Samuel, Receiver General of Taxes for co. Northants, 628: Receiver General of Assessments for cos. Northampton and Rutland, 563, 654, 655, 693.

-, William, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

Lyth, George, of Newton upon Rawcliffe, yeoman, demise of a messuage to, 258.

-, Thomas, of Newton upon Rawcliffe, yeoman, demise of a messuage to, 258.

Lytham, co. Lancaster, waiter and searcher at, 390.