Index: I

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 31, 1717. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1960.

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'Index: I', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 31, 1717, ed. William A Shaw, F H Slingsby( London, 1960), British History Online [accessed 18 September 2024].

'Index: I', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 31, 1717. Edited by William A Shaw, F H Slingsby( London, 1960), British History Online, accessed September 18, 2024,

"Index: I". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 31, 1717. Ed. William A Shaw, F H Slingsby(London, 1960), , British History Online. Web. 18 September 2024.



Ibbenbüren, Ipenburen, Hanover, 297.

Iberville. See Bonde.

Identorc, co. Banff, lands of, 470.

Idle, John, a Commissioner for Licensing Hackney Coaches, 489.

Ilay (Islay, Haye), Earl of. See Campbell, Archibald.

Imprests, Auditors of, 2, 11, 25, 28, 30, 58, 63, 69, 97, 108, 114, 115, 127, 130, 133, 134, 140, 149, 154, 157, 163, 165, 168, 194, 198, 199, 201, 232, 233, 247, 249, 254, 284, 304, 393, 394, 408, 420, 433, 434, 445, 458, 504, 512, 555, 558, 560, 565, 569, 571, 576, 578, 586, 603, 624, 626, 631, 643, 668, 672, 673, 679, 681, 683, 691, 699, 720, 733, 781, 800, 802, 803.
-, ancient fee for [Navy] Ledger, 168.
-, clerk to. See Harley, —.
-, deputies of, 63, 445; certificates by, 643, 700. See also Bythell, F.; Moody, —.; Oakeley, —; Parsons D.
-, fees illegally taken by, 3, 4, 310.
-, grant of the reversion of the offices of, 14, 291.
-, Imprest Roll, copy of, and examination of, fee for, 168.
-, informations and prosecutions against, and trials of, 45, 310, 557.
-, offices of, entering a patent in, cost of, 168.
-, ordered to produce all books and papers for inspection, 84.
-, reports by, 98, 109, 133, 254, 311, 418, 555, 561, 624, 626, 631, 678, 683, 691, 810–829.
-, salary of, 445.
-, state of Sir S. de Medina's account of bread and bread waggons laid before the Treasury Lords by, 803.
-, to attend the Treasury Lords with their accounts ready for Declaration, 664.
-, See also Benson, —; Foley, T.; Harley, E.; Montagu, W.

Inchigeelagh, Inshegeela [co. Cork], barracks, one company of foot at, 545.

Incledon, John, Housekeeper at Westminster [Palace or House], 635.

India, diamonds from, 599; merchants trading to, by licence, petition of, 240–241; ship from, 599.

Indigo, Indicoe, from the West Indies, 413, 459.

Ingermills, co. Lincoln. See Ingoldmells.

Inglish, [Alex.], Dr., Physician to the Hospital in Flanders, pay for, 267.

Ingliss (Inglis), John, esquire, Assistant to the Master of the Ceremonies, 176, 443, 570, 636; Marshal of the Ceremonies, 176, 220, 443, 587, 636.

Ingoldby. See Ingoldsby.

Ingoldmells, Ingermills, co. Lincoln. riding surveyor at, 79.

Ingoldsby (Ingoldby), Richard, regiment of, 304, 579–580; agent to. See King, L.

Ingram, Arthur, a Commissioner for enquiring into the estates of Traitors, 83, 261, 510.

-, Richard, 5th Viscount Irvine or Irwyn, regiment of foot, 502.

Inkle, unwrought. See Yarn.

Innis, James, Rebel prisoner transported to Barbados, 209.

Innkeepers, allowance to, for quartering Dragoons, 160.

Inshegeels [co. Cork]. See Inchigeelagh.

Insurance, policies of. See Stamp Duties.

Interest, Bill for reducing, 11.
-, 2 pence per 100l. per diem in uncancelled Exchequer Bills, 73–74, 82, 249, 292, 410, 461, 601.
-, 3½ per cent. on loans, 71, 729.
-, 4 per cent. allowed to the Directors of the South Sea Company, 3; on loans on Assessments etc., 5, 6, 17, 20, 22, 23, 26, 27, 34, 36, 42, 51, 55, 56, 58, 61, 70, 100, 148, 156, 178, 296, 301–302, 310, 399, 449, 475, 479, 501, 556, 596, 601, 631, 661–662, 723.
-, 5 per cent. on an unpaid assignment of money, 370; on bills, 365, 388; on loans, 9, 154–156, 234; on the principal sum of Lottery Tickets, 596; on the Public Debts of Scotland, 360.
-, 6 per cent. on debentures, 686; on loans etc., 87, 221, 336, 389, 392, 422, 723, 724.
-, 10 per cent. on allowances in accounts of a Receiver General of Taxes, 460, 464; on the grant of an estate until the time of payment at the Exchequer, 95.

Intosh, Don., Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 205.

Invasion, the late intended, 60, 664.

Inverness, co. Inverness, 272, 292, 441.
-, bailiff of. See Mackintosh, J.
-, Collector of. See Cuthbert, J.; Mackintosh, J.
-, Comptroller of. See Aikenhead, —.; Brodie, A.
-, Customs frauds committed at, 47, 590.
-, landsurveyor at, 702. See also Baillie, H.; Frazer, F.
-, landwaiter at, 626.
-, searcher at, 626.
-, tidewaiters at, 289, 290.

Ipenburen, Hanover. See Ibbenbüren.

Ipswich and Aldeburgh, keeping Customs officers to their duty between, 675.

Ireland, Accomptant General. See Ireland—Revenue.
-, Alnage, Aulnage, Duties, letters from Lord Molesworth about, 46, 70.
-,-, Office, particulars of, demanded by the Treasury Lords, 308.
-,-, profit, payment of, to Lord Molesworth, 59.
-,-, state of, memorial etc. from the Revenue Commissioners about the, 57, 59.
-,-, Subsidies of, grant of, 480; office and offices of Alnager and Collector of, grant of, 480. See also Molesworth, W.
-, arms, ammunition etc. supplied to, during the late Rebellion, 20, 409.
-, arms sent to, from Holland, 67.
-, ARMY, additional pay, abstract of the establishment of, 548.
-,-, Adjutant and Quarter Master, pay for, 532.
-,-, Adjutant General, allowance to, 529.
-,-, Advocate General and Judge Martial of, allowance to, 529; petition of, 377.
-,-, bags and sacks for, 707.
-,-, Barracks, Council of, issue for, 548. earthenware trenchers etc. for, 547. empty, watching, issue for, 548. Establishment, abstract of, 548; charge for maintaining and up-holding, 545–548. fire and candle for, 545, 548. ground rent of, 548. Inspectors of, salaries, 547. list of, 545–547. masters of, allowance to, for contracts for repairs, 547; salaries, 547. Office, clerks, doorkeeper, messenger and stationery for, 547; Register attending, salary, 547. overseers of, keeping bedding etc. in repair, 547. Surveyor General of, payment to, for a clerk etc., 547.
-,-, Battle Axe Guards, company of, colonel and captain of, pay for, 533, 715; lieutenants of, pay for, 533; Serjeants of, pay for, 533; Yeomen of, pay for, 533.
-,-, beans for, 707.
-,-, beds and bolsters for, straw for, 545.
-,-, beer for, 707.
-,-, biskett for, 707.
-,-, brandy for, 707.
-,-, bread, soft, for, 707.
-,-, Brigadier, allowance to, 529.
-,-, captains, pay for, 530, 531, 532, 533, 715.
-,-, cask and coopers' wares for, 707.
-,-, Chaplains, pay for, 530, 531, 532.
-,-, cheese for, 707.
-,-, Chyrurgeon General, allowance to, 529.
-,-, Chyrurgeons, pay for, 530, 531, 532; mates to, pay for, 531.
-,-, clothing for, 582.
-,-, colonels, pay for, 529, 530, 531, 532, 533, 715.
-,-, Commander in Chief. See Ireland, Army—Lieutenant-General.
-,-, Commissary General of Provisions in. See Shales, J.
-,-, contingencies, abstract of, 548; allowance for, 529.
-,-, cornets, pay for, 530.
-,-, corporals, pay for, 530, 531, 532.
-,-, Court Martials, frequent, 377.
-,-, Deputy Commissaries, allowance to, 529.
-,-, drummers, pay for, 531, 532.
-,-, ensigns, pay for, 531, 532.
-,-, establishment of, 18, 90–91; of half pay, 409; officers on, 267, 528–529; payments under, for Army, Ordnance etc., 529–548; pension and pensioners on, 454, 536; regiments on, 268, 537–544, 582, 740, 743, 744, 747, 772, 779, 783, 786–787, 788.
-,-, fire and candle for, 529. garrisons, governors of, abstract of, 548; pay for, 535–536.
-,-, Guards and Garrisons, fire and candle for, 536,548.
-,-, half pay, 90–91; abstract of the establishment of, 548. See also Ireland, Army—Officers.
-,-, hautboy, pay for, 531.
-,-, hay for, 707.
-,-, horse shoes and nails for, 707.
-,-, horse slings for, 707.
-,-, horses for, 707; harnesses for, 707; pay for, 530.
-,-, Hospitals, 707; Governor of. See Percival, J.; utensils and necessaries for, 679–680.
-,-, incidents, abstract of the establishment of, 548; allowance for, 529.
-,-, increase of, 377.
-,-, Judge Advocate General. See Ireland, Army—Advocate.
-,-, Kettle Drummer, pay for, 530, 535.
-,-, Lieutenant Colonels, pay for, 530, 531, 532.
-,-, Lieutenant General and Commander in Chief, Aides de Camp to, allowance to, 529.
-,-, Lieutenant Generals, allowance to, 529.
-,-, Lieutenants, pay for, 530, 531, 532, 533.
-,-, Major Generals, allowance to, 529.
-,-, Majors, pay for, 530, 531, 532.
-,-, Muster Master General, 537.
-,-, Muster Master General and Clerk of the Cheque, allowance to, 529.
-,-, oatmeal for, 707.
-,-, oats for, 707.
-,-, Officers, French, who left the service after the reduction of Ireland, lists of, 526–529; pensions for, 521, 526. General, abstract of the establishment, of, 548. non-commissioned, additional pay for, 535. petition of, to be placed on the establishment, 463. reformed, half pay for, lists of officers and regiments, 537–544. respited half pay, list of, 528–529. servants allowed to, added to their personal pay, 533, 535. widows of, pensions for, 524–526; support of, pay for, 533.
-,-, Ordnance. See Ireland—Ordnance.
-,-, Paymaster of, in 1689, imprest by, 679. See also Harbord, W.
-,-, Pensions, abstract of the establishment of, 548. See also Ireland, Army—Officers, French.
-,-, Phisitian General, allowance to, 529.
-,-, private men, pay for, 530, 531, 532, 535.
-,-, Provost Martial General, allowance to, 529.
-,-, Quarter Master General, allowance to, 529.
-,-, Quarter Masters, pay for, 530.
-,-, Regiments, abstract of the establishment of, 548. disbanded, 270. Dragoons, additional pay and subsistence for, 366; establishment of, 530–531; ordered for, 17, 19, 47, 310, 394. embarked for North Britain, 152. foot, additional pay for, 535; establishment of, 532–533; ordered for, 17, 19, 47, 310, 394; Royal Regiment of, 531. Granadiers, estalishment of, 532. Horse, additional pay and subsistence for, 366, 535; establishment of, 529–530. Horse Guard stables, rent of, 529. list of. See Ireland, Army — Establishment, returned, 521–523. that servedin the Reduction of Ireland, 521–523, 526–529. that went to Flanders, 521–523, 526–529. the Enniskillen, arrears due to, 733–734. the Londonderry, arrears due to, 733–734.
-,-, salt for, 707.
-,-, Serjeants, pay for, 530, 531, 532.
-,-, servants, pay for, 530, 531, 532, 535.
-,-, straw for, 707; for soldiers' beds, 548.
-,-, Surgeon General to. See Buissiere, P.
-,-, tents, tilts and canvas for, 707.
-,-, Treasurer at War. See Annesley, Arthur, Earl of Anglesey; Boscawen, H.; Hyde, Henry, Earl of Rochester; Lumley, Richard, Earl of Scarborough; Morton, M. D.; Spencer, Charles, Earl of Sunderland,
-,-, trumpeters, pay for, 530.
-,-, waggons for, 707.
-,-, wheat for, 707.
-, Athlone Pursuivant. See Ireland—Officers at Arms.
-, Attorney General, fee and robes for, 514.
-, Auditor General, ancient fee, 514; fees for passing sheriffs' accounts, 514; Office of, perpetuity for, 518; transmitting accounts to England, 514.
-, Aulnage Duties. See Ireland—Alnage.
-, bills of mortality, printing the, perpetuity for, 518.
-, Chancery, High Court of. Clerk of the Crown, salary of, 515. See also Domville, Sir T.
-,-, Clerk of the Hanaper, salary of, 515. See also Domville, Sir T.
-,-, Masters in (four), salaries of, 515.
-,-, paper and parchment for 515.
-, Chief Governor, 535. See also Ireland—General Officers.
-, Chief Serjeant at Arms. See Ireland—Officers at Arms.
-, Civil List, Establishment of, 514–529; French pensioners on, lists of, 520–526; pensions on, list of, 519–520.
-, Clerk of the Council, fee and paper and parchment for, 516.
-, Clerk of the Crown. See Ireland—Chancery.
-, Clerk of the Hanaper. See Ireland—Chancery.
-, Commissioners of Appeals, salaries of, 518.
-, Commissioners of Enquiries, 377.
-, Common Pleas, Court of, Prothonotary, salary of, 515; Second Justice of, augmentation, fee and robes, 515; Third Justice of, augmentation, fee and robes, 515.
-, Commons, House of, Addresses of, 469, 533, 715, 716; Journals of, 715.
-, concordatums, overdrawings or exceedings on, allowance of, 430; payment for extraordinaries by, 518.
-, Customs, Accomptant General, salary of, 517.
-,-, Comptrollers, salaries of, 517.
-,-, Customers, salaries of, 517.
-,-, officers of, establishment for the, 517.
-,-, searchers, salaries of, 517.
-, Engineer of. See Ireland—Ordnance.
-, Escheators General. See Ireland, Exchequer—Court.
-, Establishment of, General Officers ordered to be placed on, 122–123; half pay on, petition for, 145, 289; officers on, payment to, 122; payment on the, 35; pension on, 507, 581; savings on, pavments out of, 122–123.
-, Exchequer, 242.
-, Exchequer Court, Auditor of Foreign Accounts, salary, 515.
-,-, Chamber, rent of, 516.
-,-, Chancellor of the, salary, 514.
-,-, Chief Chamberlain, salary, 514.
-,-, Chief Remembrancer, fees for passing sheriffs' accounts, 514; salary, 514.
-,-, Clerk of the First Fruits and Twentieth Parts. fees for passing sheriffs' accounts, 515; salary, 515.
-,-, Clerk of the Pells, salary, 515.
-,-, Clerk of the Pipe, fees for passing sheriffs' accounts, 514; salary, 514.
-,-, Comptroller of the Pipe, fees for passing sheriffs' accounts, 514; salary, 514.
-,-, Cryer of, fees for passing sheriffs' accounts, 515; salary, 515.
-,-, Escheators of the Provinces of Leinster, Munster, Connaught and Ulster, salaries, 514; petition of, 377. See also Meares, L.
-,-, ink for, allowance for, 514.
-,-, Lord Chief Baron, augmentation for, 514; fee and robes for, 514.
-,-, Marshall of the Four Courts, fees, 515.
-,-, Prime Serjeant, fee and robes for, 514.
-,-, Pursuivant of, fees for passing sheriffs' accounts, 515; salary, 515.
-,-, Second Baron of, augmentation for, 514; fee and robes for, 514.
-,-, Second Chamberlain, salary, 514.
-,-, Second Remembrancer, fees for passing sheriffs' accounts, 514; salary, 514.
-,-, Second Serjeant, salary, 514.
-,-, Summonister and Clerk of the Estreats, fees for passing foreign accounts, 514; salary, 514.
-,-, Surveyor General, salary, 514.
-,-, Third Baron, augmentation for, 514; fee and robes for, 514.
-,-, Transcriptor and Foreign Apposer, fees for passing sheriffs' accounts, 514; salary, 514.
-,-, Usher of, fees for passing sheriffs' accounts, 514; fee of, 514.
-, First Pursuivant. See Ireland—Officers of Arms.
-, Forfeitures, Register of, salary, 516; unsatisfied debentures on, interest on, issue for, 328, 329, 330.
-, General Governor of. See Poulett, Charles, Duke of Bolton.
-, General Officers, Lord Lieutenant, Deputy, Justices or other Chief Governor or Governors General, allowances and entertainments for, 529; Aides de Camp to, allowance to, 529.
-, Gentleman Usher Black Rod. See Ireland—Peers, House of.
-, Governor of, 548.
-, Governors General. See Ireland—General Officers,
-, great seal, 305, 480, 513, 587, 651, 691.
-, hospital in, 63.
-, Justices of Assize, charges of, annual allowance for, 516. See also Ireland—General Officers.
-, Keeper of the Council Chamber, salary, 516.
-, Keeper of the House for Receipt, salary, 516.
-, Keeper of the Records in the Bermingham Tower, salary, 516.
-, Kettle Drum and six Trumpets attending the State, salaries, 516.
-, King's Bench, Court of, Clerk of the Crown, salary, 515; Second Justice, augmentation, fee and robes, 515; Third Jutice, augmentation, fee and robes, 515.
-, lands, forfeited, debentures on, officers disbanded by means of, 733, 736; grant of, 520; re-assumed, 520.
-,-, grant of, 242.
-,-, lease of, 46.
-,-, rents reserved out of, payment out of, 242.
-, Lieutenant General of, permitted to pass free letters or pacquets, 201. See also Poulett, Charles, Duke of Bolton.
-, Lieutenant Governor of, 507.
-, Lord Chancellor of, salary, 515. See also Brodrick, Alan, Baron Brodrick.
-, Lord Chief Justice, augmentation, fee and robes, 515.
-, Lord Lieutenant of, 20, 30, 35, 38, 46, 52, 56, 62, 67, 71, 122, 145, 147, 289, 308, 377, 448, 454, 460, 463, 468, 469, 479, 480, 513, 518, 526, 534, 536, 548, 578, 581, 586, 589, 617, 641, 648, 673, 690, 715, 716; Deputy to. See Ireland—General Officers. See also Ireland—General Officers; Poulett, Charles, Duke of Bolton; Spencer, Charles, Earl of Sunderland.
-, Lord Treasurer, salary, 514.
-, Lords Justices, 715; memorials of, 35, 430; payment by, 270; report by, 454. See also Brodrick, Alan, Baron Brodrick; Conolly, W.; FitzRoy, C., Duke of Grafton; King, W.; Ruvigny, H. de, M. de.
-, Master of the Riding House, salary, 517.
-, Master of the Rolls, salary, 515.
-, Ministers of the French Church, perpetuities for, 518.
-, Nonconforming Ministers, payment to, 518.
-, Officers of Arms (Ulster King at Arms, Athlone Pursuivant, Chief Serjeant at Arms, Second Serjeant at Arms, First Pursuivant, Second Pursuivant, Third Pursuivant), salaries of, 516; Ulster King at Arms, attendance on State days, payment for, 516.
-, Ordnance, abstract of the Establishment of, 548.
-,-, Armourer, pay for, 533.
-,-, Armourers, assistant, pay for, 533.
-,-, Bombardiers, two, pay for, 533.
-,-, Chyrurgeon, pay for, 533.
-,-, Clerk of the, pay for, 533.
-,-, contingencies, firing, postage etc., allowance for, 534.
-,-, Engineer, Overseer and Surveyor General of all the Fortifications and Buildings, pay for, 533; Second, pay for, 533; Third. See Ireland, Ordnance—Train of Artillery.
-,-, Firemasters, two, pay for, 533.
-,-, Gentlemen of, two, pay for, 533.
-,-, government of, rules and orders for, adjustment of, 535.
-,-, gunners, pay for, 534. See also Ireland, Ordnance—Train.
-,-, Harnish maker, pay for, 534.
-,-, Lieutenant of, pay for, 533.
-,-, Master gunners, pay for, 534. See also Ireland, Ordnance—Train.
-,-, Master of, 535; pay for, 533.
-,-, matrosses, pay for, 534. See also Ireland, Ordnance—Train.
-,-, Smith, pay for, 534.
-,-, Storekeeper, pay for, 533.
-,-, storekeepers, pay for, 534.
-,-, Surveyor and Comptroller of, clerk to, pay for, 534; pay for, 533.
-,-, Train of Artillery, government of, rules and orders for, adjustant of, 535. gunner's mate, pay for, 534. gunners, pay for, 534. Major of, pay for, 533. Master Gunner attending, pay for, 534. matrosses attending, pay for, 534. Paymaster of, pay for, 534. Third Engineer attending, pay for, 533.
-,-, waggon and carriage maker, pay for, 534.
-,-, wheelwright, pay for, 534.
-, Paper Office, Clerk of, salary 516.
-, Parliamentary charges, payments for, 430.
-, Parliament House, rent of, including fees, 516.
-, Peers, House of, Clerk Assistant attending, payment to, 716.
-,-, Clerk of the Parliament, payment to, 716.
-,-, Committee Clerk, payment to, 716.
-,-, Doorkeepers of, four, payment to, 716.
-,-, fire maker to the, payment to, 716.
-,-, Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod attending the, payment to, 716.
-,-, Journal Clerk, payment to, 716.
-,-, Messengers of, four, payment to, 716.
-,-, Reading Clerk, payment to, 716.
-,-, Serjeant at Arms, payment to, 716.
-,-, Yeoman Usher, payment to, 716.
-, Pensions on the Civil List, 519–520.
-, Perpetuities upon the Civil Establishment of, list of, 518.
-, Phœnix Park. See Dublin.
-, Physician to the State, salary of, 516.
-, Post Office, Deputy Postmaster of. See Manley, I.; revenue, payment out of, 507.
-, prosecutions in criminal causes, payments for, 430, 516.
-, Protestant Palatines lately settled in, royal bounty for, 460.
-, Public Register of Deeds and Conveyances. See Parry, B.
-, public works in, payment for, 430.
-, Pursuivants. See Ireland—Officers at Arms.
-, quit rents, grant of, 23, 377.
-, Receiver General. See Ireland—Revenue,
-, reduction of, regiments that served in the, 521–523, 526–529. See also Shales, J.
-, Register of all Public Deeds, Conveyances and wills in. See Parry, B.
-, Revenue of, annuity on, 690.
-,-, Commissioners of, 4, 23, 30, 34, 143, 216, 273, 448, 506, 582, 590, 617. General Surveyor under. See Arkwright, H.; Melvin, C. letters from, 69, 377, 662. memorial about Alnage Duties, 57, 59, 70, 651. persons recommended to, 39, 498, 662, 673. reports by, 33, 242, 468. See also Gibbon, —. Hopkins, —. Medlicot, T.
-,-, Comptroller General and Receiver General and Accomptant General of, office of, neglects and delays in, 448–449; paper and parchment for, 516. See also Budgell, E.; Burgh, W.; Ireland, Revenue—Vice-Treasurer.
-,-, payment out of, 270.
-,-, Vice Treasurer and Receiver General and Paymaster General of, 366; Commissioners taking the accounts of, allowances to, 430. salary of, 514. See also Annesley, Arthur, Earl of Anglesey; Boscawen, H.; Hyde, Henry, Earl of Rochester; Lumley, Richard, Earl of Scarborough; Morton, M. D.; Spencer, Charles, Earl of Sunderland,
-, running goods in, 109, 458.
-, salt carried to, 392.
-, seals for, 37.
-, Second Pursuivant. See Ireland—Officers at Arms.
-, Second Serjeant at Arms. See Ireland—Officers at Arms.
-, Secretary in the affairs of. See Webster, E.
-, Secretary of State, Principal, salary of, 516.
-, Secretary to the Lieutenant General of, permitted to pass free letters or pacquets, 201.
-, Sheriffs' accounts, fees for passing, 514, 515.
-, Solicitor General, fee and robes for, 514.
-, State, Company of Guards attending the. See Ireland, Army—Battle.
-, State musicians, salaries, 517.
-, sugar imported into, 216, 273.
-, Third Pursuivant. See Ireland—Officers at Arms.
-, Train of Artillery. See Ireland—Ordnance,
-, transport ships returned from, 507, 556.
-, transports hired in, 419.
-, travelling charges to London from, 419.
-, Ulster King at Arms. See Ireland—Officers at Arms.
-, Wardrobe Keeper, allowance for coals, 517.

Ireland, —, house in the possession of, 269.

-, John, Master Glazier of the Works, fee of, 635.

-, William, extraordinary service in the Office of the Auditor of the Receipt, issue for, 211, 385, 598, 729.

Iron, 148; imported and re-exported, 554.

Irvine, Irving, [co. Ayr], port, Salt officer at, 493.

Irvine (Irwyn), Lord. See Ingram, Richard.

Irving [co. Ayr]. See Irvine.

Irwin (Erwine), James, ensign, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 544.

Irwyn, Lord. See Irvine.

Irwyn, John, lieutenant colonel, petition for half pay on the Establishment of Ireland, 145, 289.

Isaacson, —. Register of Customs Seizures, Scotland, 492.

Islay, Isla [co. Argyll], port, Salt officer at, 493.

Islay, Earl of. See Ilay.

Italy, Commissioners for Inspecting the Affairs of the War in, 468, 560, 691; Secretary to. See Murray, G.
-, Grisons, the, 691.
-, intelligence from, charges for, 88.
-, Princes in, Ambassador Extraordinary to. See Mordaunt, Charles, Earl of Peterborough.
-, Troops of, sent to Spain, 558, 560.
-, war in, arms furnished for the service of, 200, 220.

Itchenor, co. Sussex. See West Itchenor.

Itzehoe, Itsenhouw, Holstein, 298.

Iveson, Lancelot, tidesurveyor at Hull, 252.

Ixworth, co. Suffolk, 371.