Entry Book: June 1671, 1-10

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1908.

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'Entry Book: June 1671, 1-10', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1908), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp854-867 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: June 1671, 1-10', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1908), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp854-867.

"Entry Book: June 1671, 1-10". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1908), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp854-867.


June 1671, 1-10

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
June 1 Sir G. Downing to Mr. Sherwyn and Col. Webb. The Treasury Lords have commanded that the following have liberty to proceed with the collection of the duty of Hearthmoney [as Receivers thereof for the counties specified], viz.:— Ibid, XXI. p. 50.
Mr. Duncombe for Beds, Bucks, and Hunts.
Mr. Williamson for Cumberland and Westmorland.
Mr. Clarke for Cornwall and Devon.
Mr. Laurence for Dorset.
Mr. Dunklyn for London and Middlesex.
Mr. Simon Smyth for Southampton.
Mr. James Smyth for Sussex.
Mr. Newsham for co. Warwick.
Mr. Sandys for co. Worcester.
Mr. Levet for Wilts.
Mr. Cooper for Yorks, East and North Riding.
Mr. Mostyn for Anglesea, Merioneth, Carnarvon, and Montgomery.
Mr. Whitley for Denbigh and Flint.
Money warrant for 250l. to Sir Edw. Turnor, Chief Baron of the Exchequer, being his fee for the present Easter Term. Out Letters Customs II. pp. 163.
Treasury warrant to the Trustees of the late Queen Mother to pass a fresh lease upon surrender to Samuel Gardiner, gent., of the mines of coal in the manor and park of Bewdley, co. Worcester, the farm of the manor of Bewdley, and divers parcels of land in said manor and also the park of Bewdley, being all part of the jointure of the late Queen Mother. Warrants Early XXXVIII. pp. 61–3.
Prefixing:—Particulars, memoranda, and ratals of the premises.
June 1 Treasury warrants to Sir John Norton, Kt., high woodward of New Forest, co., Southampton, and to the verderers, regarders. &c., there, for the felling of 80 tons of timber for the repair of Rinefield Lodge in accordance with the privy seal of May 26 last, ut supra, p. 835, under date May 19, which commanded said felling and that the value of the offal should be paid to Edward Wright as in part of 500l. for the following uses, viz.: 400l. for repair of said lodge, 60l. for building a stable to contain eight horses 10l. to repair the old outhouses. 35l. for repair of the defects at Hursthill Lodge and Queen Mead, and 5l, for repair of the defects at Wilverley Lodge. Warrants Early XXXVIII. pp. 66–7.
Same to same. Having heard Lord St. John. Lord Warden of New Forest, touching our late warrant for felling 600 trees in said forest directed to Mr. Aiger [Agar], Surveyor General of Woods this side Trent, representing the great prejudice that will follow if timber be cut without the view of verderers and regarders, foresters or affixing the woodward's axe or entering the warrant into Lyndhurst Court, by neglecting which in cases past greater quantities of timber have been felled than was employed for the use designed and no record thereof could be had in the said Court as by the law of the Forest ought to be done: therefore in future no trees shall be felled in New Forest but shall be first marked out by the woodward thereof in the presence of the verderers and two regarders, and the warrant for felling thereof shall be entered in Lindhurst Court book, and in case of the sale of offal it shall be accounted for by the woodward. Ibid, pp. 67–8.
Same to the Surveyor General for a particular of certain tenements in the city of Lincoln called Moignes lands, heretofore demised to Philip Eden, and of the tithe flax in Pinchbeck and Weston, formerly demised to Roger Beale, of all which Robert Brent prays a lease: the said Surveyor General having in his report, dated Feb. 7 last, on Brent's petition reported that he "did advise the granting of the said lease to the said Philip Eden some years before the troubles thereby to enable him to sue for and recover the small houses to him thereby granted upon His Majesty's title, and that you believe the pretended owner did compound with Eden for his lease and so kept the land upon his former title without paying any rent." Ibid, p. 69.
Same to Auditor John Phelipps to make forth a particular of the office of steward of the honour of Eye, co. Suffolk, in order to a new grant thereof to Charles Lord Cornwallis, Baron of Eye. Ibid, p. 75
Same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands, for a particular of a tenement in Ryme Intrinsica, called Northholt pastures, parcel of the Duchy of Cornwall, with a view to a new lease thereof, upon surrender, to John Dawes, son of John Dawes, in view of the loyalty of said late John Dawes, the father, as certified by Sir John Strangwaes and Col. Giles Strangwaies. Ibid, p. 85
Same to same to rate a particular of divers small cottages in North Shields, co. Northumberland, within the manor of Tynemouth, with a view to a lease thereof to John Euet, gent.; as formerly in 9 James I granted to Eldred and Whitmore. Ibid, p. 87.
The Treasury Lords to [? the Clerk of the Signet] for a fiat to pass a commission under the Great Seal to Sir Edmond Wyndham, Kt., Marshall, and such others as he shall nominate to enquire about several lands and tenements in cos. Warwick, Bucks, Leicester, Notts, Stafford, and Chester, which were the inheritance of one Henry Port and Edward Britton, and now escheated to the Crown for want of heirs; the said Wyndham having together with John Lloyd and George Creamer been at great charge to discover same. Ibid, p. 94
June 1 Sir G. Downing to Sir R. Long. Herewith I forward your commission [as interim Receiver of the late Queen Mother's rents]. also the [order of] reference upon your letter about selling [sic for settling] the arrears of several months of the customs. Out Letters General II. p. 477.
Same to the Auditors of Imprests to attend him as to what supers still remain on the declared accounts of any Receivers of Tenths. When I have received this information my Lords intend to speak with the respective bishops about a better method herein [viz. for the collection of said Tenths]. Ibid.
Same to the old Farmers of the Hearthmoney to attend my Lords on Saturday about a petition of Mr. More's. Ibid, p. 478.
The Treasury Lords to the Commissioners of the London district of the first Wine Act. Send us an accompt of the moneys raised upon the said Wine Act within the district of London in the eight quarters ended 1670, June 24, and how same was disposed. Warrant EarlyXL. p. 41.
June 2 Letter of direction on a Treasury order of 1670, June 14, for 470l. 7s. 4d. to Sir Ste. Fox for relief of loyal and indigent officers Order BookXXXVII. p. 262.
? The like letter of direction on 15 Treasury orders [or ? fifteen Treasury orders themselves] for, in all, 19,634l. 11s0d., all apparently for Sir Ste. Fox. Ibid.
[? June 2] Letter of direction on a Treasury order of 1669, Mar. 25, for — to Mr. Wadlow and Mr. Sayers in repayment of loan. Ibid, p. 221.
June 2 Treasury order for 162l. 4s. 4d. to Sir John Bankes as reward for loan. Ibid.
Same for 20l. to William Wardour for attendance in vacations [as Clerk of the Pells]. Ibid, p. 112.
Treasury warrant to Auditor Sir Edmd. Sawyer and to the Receiver General of Crown Revenues for co. Oxford respectively to make allowance of and to pay 80l. yearly to John, Lord Lovelace, Baron of Hurley, now Lieutenant of the manor of Woodstock, in the room of his late father, as by the privy seal of May 31 last, together with the arrears thereof from 1670 Lady Day. Warrants Early XXXVIII. p. 73.
Treasury letter of direction on an order of 1670, Aug. 15, for 250l. to Sir Ste. Fox in repayment of loan. Ibid.
The like on 15 [other] orders [to same for same] amounting in all to 20,105l. 8s. 4d. Ibid.
Sir G. Downing to the Grand Commissioners of Excise. You may proceed to perfect the lease of the Excise of Bristol and co. Gloucester to Col. Chamberlain and to deliver same to him: the stop imposed thereon by my Lords being now removed. Out Letters General II. p. 478.
Same to Mr. Lawrence to draft a commission of inquiry after the moneys set in super on Mr. Keene, late Collector of Assessments in Suffolk. Ibid.
June 2 Sir G. Downing to the Farmers of the London Excise to forthwith pay in the quarter's advance of their farm rent of the Additional Excise as my Lords have charged assignments upon it. Out Letter General II. p. 478.
Same to Capt. William Oakes to attend my Lords to-morrow about his collection. Ibid.
Same to the Attorney General to send to my Lords the warrant for the lease of the new Farmers of the Customs. Ibid, p. 479.
Same to the Grand Commissioners of Excise. Where the names of any Farmers of Excise which were in the list signed by His Majesty shall be left out by any directions signed by my Lords you are to take care that such persons as are so left out from being Farmers be joined as security for the farm or otherwise that you do not leave out their names except in the case of Mr. Skypp, on behalf of whom my Lords are content that he be not joined as security as it will prejudice him by reason of some lands he is now selling. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Slingsby. My Lords cannot dine with you on Wednesday next but they will dine with you on Thursday next. Ibid.
Same to Sir Edmo. Turner, Sir William Bucknall and Auditor Birch to attend my Lords on Monday next about the business of imported liquors in the accompt of the Farmers thereof. Ibid.
Same to Col. Reymes. My Lords desire you to hasten the despatch to them of the docquet for baronet moneys to be paid into the Exchequer. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Watts, Receiver of the Revenue of co. Herts, to attend my Lords to-morrow with his accounts and his Auditor. Ibid, p. 480.
Same to Deputy Auditor Pollard to attend my Lords with the accompt of the woodward of New Forest and the accompts of Lord St. John and Mr. Jackson about Lindhurst House. Ibid.
The Treasury Lords to Lord Arlington. "We finding that by reason of the multitude of business pressing on us we shall not be able to adjourne till about the midle of next weeke we desire that your Lordship wilbe pleased to acquaint His Majesty therewith and to pray on our behalfe that His Majesty wilbe pleased to dispense with our attending him at Windsor for some days longer." Warrants Early XXXIII. p. 169.
June 3 Treasury order for 100l. to Sir Robt. Vyner in reward for loan Order Book XXXVII. p. 204.
Sir G. Downing to the Customs Farmers to forthwith pay into the Exchequer the money for the [salary of the] judges for this term. The Auditor of the Receipt will take care for the charging it upon a month [of your farm rent]. Also send in [to the Exchequer] 275l. for the Masters of the Chancery and 175l. for the Judges of Chester. Out Letter General II. p. 480.
Same to Mrs. Neale. These are full directions given for your 1,000l. So please attend me at my house on Monday and bring your patent with you that I may give directions for drawing your surrender. Ibid.
June 4 The Treasury Lords to Lord Arlington. We have your letter signifying that the King has had some complaints made to him of the want and unfitness of Commissioners for putting in execution the Act for the Subsidy in some counties. Please represent to the King that he having resolved to have a great number of Commissioners in each county we did take the best care we could to informe ourselves what persons might be fit to be employed, and to that end did inspect the late Act for the assessments [the Royal aid] and took advice from several members of the House of Commons and otherwise as we could, and that it cannot be much wondered at if among such number of names some mistakes and omissions should happen. Where application has been made to us in such case we have issued supplementary commissions and should have done the like in these cases complained of to His Majesty if the persons who had made the complaint had done us that just right to have applied to us. And since they have been pleased to waive that way of proceeding we are inclined to believe that there is not so much cause of complaint as is made. We remain yet in the dark not knowing the particulars of the case and can do nothing therein till they be made known to us. Warrants Early XXXIII. p. 170.
[?] Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the petition of Maurice Kingwell, late Lieut. Col. of the regiment under Sir Robt. Harley at Dunkirk. We find by a certificate dated 1670–1, Feb. 1, under the hands of Bartholomew Fillingham and Richard Kingdon, auditors appointed to take the accompts of the army at the Restoration, that there remains due to the said Kingwell and to the company under his command 1,552l. 1s. 0¾d. His particular merits are certified on the 26 Jan., 1662–3, by the late Earl of Teviott (then Lord Rutherford and Governor of Dunkirk). When the said regiment was sent to garrison Tangier, he in the absence of the colonel conducted the same entirely thither. Petitioner is a fit subject for your Majesty's bounty and for some military employment. Ibid, p. 171.
June 5 Letter of direction upon a Treasury order of 1670, July 5, for 100l. 7s. 6d. to Thomas Duppa in repayment of loan. Order Book XXXVII. p. 204.
Same upon a Treasury Order of 1670, Aug. 1, for 740l. to Ralph Montague. Warrants Early XXIV. p. 106.
Money warrant for 20,000l. to William Ashburnham as in part for the expense of the Household for the year to begin at Michaelmas next. (Treasury order hereon, dated June 7, registered on the Additional Excise.) Ibid, XXV. p. 7; Order Book XXXVII. p. 501.
Same for 12,000l. to Sir Allen Apsley for the use of the Duke of York as in part of 48,000l. as by the privy seal of Sept. 28 last. (Twenty-four Treasury orders hereon, dated June 7, registered ut supra.) Warrants Early XXV. p. 9; Order Book XXXVII. p. 501.
Same for 2,629l. 4s. 2d. to Lord Arlington for packets and despatches carried post free by Lord Arlington, 1670, July 1, to Dec. 31, as His Majesty's postmaster: as by the certificate of Mar. 21 last by the Earl of Manchester, Lord Chamberlain of the Household, Sir George Carteret, Vice Chamberlain, and Secretary Trevor: His Majesty having by privy seal of 1667, Oct. 5, declared that during such time only as said Lord Arlington shall continue as Principal Secretary his demands under the above head for such services, &c., in the Post Office shall be examined by three of the Privy Council whereof one to be the other Principal Secretary of State. (Treasury order hereon, dated June 17.) Warrants Early XXIV. pp. 59–60; Order Book XXXVII. p. 263.
June 5 Money warrant for 300l. each to the following for three quarters (1670, June 24, to 1671, Mar. 25), as Trustees for sale of the fee farms, viz.: Francis Lord Hawley; Sir C. Harbord; Sir William Haword (Howard); Sir Robert Stewart; Sir John Talbot; William Harbord, Esq. (Treasury order hereon, dated June 7.) Warrants Early XXVII. (reverse) pp. 59–60; Order Book XXXVII. p. 221.
Same for 187l. 10s. 0d. to Sir G. Downing for same time for services in connection with the sale of said fee farms. (Treasury order hereon, dated June 12.) Warrants Early XXVII. pp. 62–3; Order Book XXXVII. p. 204.
Treasury warrant to Henry Earl of St. Albans and the rest of the Trustees of the late Queen Mother to pass a lease to Mary Palmer of certain lands, not detailed, for such number of years as are remaining in you as Trustees for the said late Queen. Warrants Early XXXVIII. p. 68.
Same to the Clerk of the Pipe to pass a lease under the Exchequer Seal of the barton of Broadridge, parcel of the manor of Boyton and Duchy of Cornwall, to Francis Lord Hawley for a third life to be nominated by him in reversion of the lives of John and Nicho as Roe, and whereas said Lord Hawley has agreed with the present tenant thereof, Sarah Hele, widow, sister and administratrix of Thomas Gawen, to whom the lease now in being was granted and the said Sarah desires to change the lives of the said John and Nicholas Rowe, strong and healthy young lives, for her own life and one of her children, "which we are willing to gratify her in,"therefore a new lease of the premises is to be passed to her on surrender and on payment of 550l., "in lieu of a fine for the said lease which His Majesty is pleased to bestow upon the said Lord Hawley and reserving only the old rent of 10l. per an. payable to the bailiff of the said manor or the Receiver General of the said Duchy." Ibid, pp. 71–2.
Prefixing:—Particular of the premises and Surveyor General's ratal.
Same to the Trustees [for the sale of fee farms] in the form of a minute made on Mr. Tomkins' petition approving of their report [missing] and directing them to proceed in making a contract with Edward Challoner accordingly making him [Challoner] a reasonable reprisal therein for the term of said petitioner's annuity. Ibid, p. 74.
Same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands to make forth and to rate a constat of a house built for his own dwelling by Sir Edward Sydenham, Kt., by the leave of the late King upon a piece of land 23 feet in length and 16 feet in breadth, situate in the East part of the Mews towards the street with a view to a lease thereof to said Sydenham in accordance with the royal sign manual of May 20 last commanding same. Ibid, p. 91.
Sir G. Downing to the [late] Farmers of the Hearthmoney to attend my Lords on Wednesday at the hearing of Mr. Morice about his petition. Out Letters General II. p. 481.
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer for a particular of the lands of Robert Price, late Receiver of Royal Aid for co. Hereford, and of the lands of Mr. Broxholme, Receiver of the Additional Aid and the Eleven Months' tax for co. Lincoln; and of the lands of Thomas Weedon, late same of the Aids of the Eleven Months' tax for Herts, and his sureties; and of the lands of Dudley Reus, late same of same for co. Oxford, and his sureties; and of [the lands of] Thomas Harlackenden, late same of the Aids in Kent, and his sureties; and of [the lands of] Nicholas Veele, late same of the Royal Aid for Gloucester, and his sureties; and of [the lands of] Cadwallader Jones and Walter Pritchard, sureties of Mr. Harris, late Receiver of Hearthmoney for co. Devon: which said lands have been seized into His Majesty's hands by several inquisitions. Warrants Early XXXV. p. 26.
[? before June 6] Five Treasury orders for, in all, 10,000l. to Sir T. Osborne [for the Navy]. Order Book XXXVII. p. 496.
Five same for, in all, 10,000l. to the Earl of Sandwich for the Wardrobe. Ibid.
June 6 Letter of direction upon a Treasury order of 1671, May 13, for 1,000l. to Robert Cozens, gent., for repayment of loan. Ibid, p. 119; Warrants Early XXVIII. p. 117.
Treasury order for 1,000l. to Nicholas Oudart in repayment of loan. Order Book XXXVII. p. 482.
[?] Seven same for, in all, 7,400l. to Philip Packer, Paymaster of the Works. Ibid, pp. 482–3.
[?] Two same for, in all, 7,000l. to Sir Edw. Griffin. Ibid, p. 483.
[?] Two same for 3,000l. (6,000l. in all) each to John Harvey, Receiver General to the Queen. Ibid.
[?] One same for 4,950l. to George Wharton, Treasurer and Paymaster of the Ordnance. Ibid.
June 6 One same for 5,000l. to Philip Packer, Paymaster of the Works, in part of 6,000l. for impaling the Great Park at Windsor. Ibid, p. 496.
Money warrant for 10l. to Antho. Seager for one quarter to Midsummer next as Keeper of the Treasury Chambers, and 28l. 10s. 0d. for incidents for the Treasury. Warrants Early XVIII. pp. 412, 413.
Same for 10l. to Edward Tear for extra pains in the delivery of letters, &c., relating to His Majesty's service. Ibid, p. 413.
Same for 150l. each to Robert Blayney and Richard Lightfoot, principal clerks attending the Trustees for sale of fee farms for three quarters on their salary to Lady Day last, and 100l. to same for their assistant clerks. (Treasury orders hereon, dated June 12.) Ibid, XXVII. (reverse) p. 61; Order Book XXXVII. p. 204.
Sir G. Downing to, Mr. Pepys to attend my Lords to-morrow morning by 7 of the clock about changing such of your assignments for Tangier as shall be thought convenient. Out Letters General II. p. 481.
Same to the Grand Commissioners of Excise to make a stop of all the leases of the country Excise until further order [from my Lords]. Ibid.
Same to Sir John Talbot, Sir Tho. Penyston, Sir William Bucknall, and Major General Egerton. So many of you as are in town are to attend my Lords to-morrow that they may speak with you about the rents payable by the several Farmers of [the country] Excise. Ibid.
June 6 Sir G. Downing to Sir R. Long. My Lords are informed that some of the tallies registered in the Exchequer to be paid by the Farmers of the Customs are yet unpaid. You are to send for Alderman Backwell and such others as you think fit and inform yourself which of those tallies are yet unpaid and why. Out Letters General II. p. 481.
Same to Mr. Prettyman to attend my Lords to-morrow about the moneys owing by you to the King upon your bonds or my Lords will be enforced to make some other proceeding against you. Ibid, p. 482.
Same to Sir R. Long. You have in your office Sir Stephen Fox's orders on the fee farms which [said orders] are [have been] transferred to [or charged upon] the advance of the Excise, also [those of] his orders which are delivered up. "I pray you wilbe pleased to hasten the draft of the privy seale for applying those monies according to what you and I did agree. Pray hasten it for the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury goe upon Friday to Windsor and I would have it to carry along with them." Ibid.
Same to Mr. Seymoure. Attend me to-morrow at the Treasury Chambers about your warrant for New Forest. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to Lord Hawley and the rest of the Trustees for sale of fee farms. By our warrant of April 29 last you were ordered to observe His Majesty's directions for selling the fee farms of under 10l. per an. value at 18 years' purchase and the rest at 16. You are now hereby to observe His Majesty's further directions that in case any shall purchase so many of the small rents as in the whole make up 10l. per an. then you sell the said rents at 16 years' purchase. Warrants Early XXXVIII. p. 74.
Royal warrant for a grant of the lease of the farm of Excise of co. Somerset to Alderman John Forth, Alderman of the city of London; Robert Phillips and George Skip, who were named as Farmers, having petitioned for said lease to be in Forth's name. Ibid XXV p. 10
With:—A Treasury warrant hereon, dated June 8, for the Grand Commissioners of Excise to grant said lease.
June 7 Privy seal for 14,954l. 0s. 2d. to Sir Ste. Fox as imprest for interest of moneys by him taken up for pay of the Guards and land forces. (Money warrant hereon, dated June 8. Treasury order, dated June 10.) Warrants Early XVa. p. 171 XXV. p. 11; Order Book XXXVII. p. 262.
Money warrant for 1,387l. 4s. 0d. to Sir John Robynson, Lieut. of the Tower, being 304l. 10s. 8d. for eight bills for four quarters to Lady Day last for keeping prisoners, repairs, &c.; and 1,082l. 13s. 4d. for salary. (Treasury order hereon, dated June 13, for 1,082l. 13s. 4d. for salaries and see infra under date June 10 and 13.) Warrants Early XXVII (reverse) pp. 60–1; Order Book XXXVII. p. 228.
[?] Letter of direction transferring from the subsidy to the new additional Excise an order for 3,000l. to the Earl of Sandwich. Order Book XXXVII. p 501.
June 7 Treasury order for 28l. 10s. 0d. to Anthony Seager for disbursements for the Treasury, June 24 quarter last; and for 10l. for same quarter's salary. Ibid, p. 113.
For 177l. 0s. 10d. to William Burges for the officers and clerks of the Receipt.
[? June 7] [? Treasury letter of direction upon a] Treasury order of 1670, Aug. 6. for 52l. 12s. 6d. [or ? an erratum for 1671, of Aug. 6. Treasury order for 52l. 12s. 6d.] to Thomas Kinward in repayment of loan. Order Book XXXVII. p. 221.
June 7 Money warrant for 1,000l. to the Earl of Ogle for one year as a Gentleman of the Bedchamber. (Undated Treasury order hereon.) Warrants Early XXXVIII. p. 116; Order Book XXXVII. p. 113.
Same for 100l. to Roger Charnock as by the letters patent dormant of 1660, Sept. 28, "without account the same to be employed towards such services as we [the Treasury Lords] have already or shall hereafter direct." (Treasury order hereon, dated June 10.) Warrants EarlyXVIII. p. 415; Order Book XXXVII. p. 113.
Same for 337l. 10s. 3d. to Andrew Lawrence being a surplusage resting on the foot of his last account as Guide and Surveyor of the Ways: the privy seal of 1669, June 15, having directed that such sums as we think fit towards maintaining and repairing His Majesty's private ways, gates, bridges, passages, &c., should be paid to said Lawrence. (Treasury order hereon, dated June 16.) Warrants Early XVIII. p. 415; Order Book XXXVII. p. 113.
[?] Treasury warrant to the Receipt for tallies to be levied on the executors of Charles Read. late Receiver of part of the revenue in Ireland under Charles I: to be paid to Edward Proger, one of the Grooms of the Bedchamber. Warrants Early XVIII. p. 416.
June 7 Same to Sir Edward Griffin, Treasurer of the Chamber, to pay 177l. 15s. 0d. to Dorothy Llewellin, underkeeper of His Majesty's house at Windsor Castle, being due to her upon bills from 1665, Sept. 29, to 1669, Lady Day. Ibid, p. 421.
Money warrant for 480l. to Edward Wright in part of 510l. as by the privy seal of May 26 last for repair of several lodges in New Forest. (Treasury order hereon, dated June 19.) Out Letters Customs II p. 164; Order Book XXXVII. p. 30.
Same for 150l. to John Sayers for one year's salary to Lady Day last as His Majesty's master cook. Out Letters Customs II. p. 168.
Entry of Treasury allowance of the salary and incidents bill of the Wine Licence Office, detailed, for the half-year ended Xmas last (total 807l. 6s. 0d.). Warrants Early XXII. p. 29.
[?] Treasury warrant to Sir John Griffith, Sir Phillippe Froude, Edmond Warcupp, and Richard Lownes. Commissioners for Wine Licences, to make extra allowance of 37l. 10s. 0d. to Samuel Amy, Clerk of the Bonds, and of 12l. 10s. 0d. to Edward Thomas, doorkeeper in the Wine Licence Office, for their extra pains and attendance for 1670, Michaelmas quarter. Ibid, p. 30.
June 7 Sir G. Downing to Sir R. Long to send my Lords an account forthwith of how much there is paid of principal money upon the orders registered upon the fee farm rents. Out Letters General II. p. 482.
Same to the Grand Commissioners of Excise. I wrote you yesterday to stop the Excise leases. My Lords now command you to proceed in passing same except that of Gloucestershire, which is not to be passed till further order from His Majesty. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Sherwyn and Col. Webb to examine and certify to my Lords the sufficiency of the same security for Thomas Browne, as Receiver of the subsidy for co. Berks, as you have done for the like receipt for co. Oxford. Ibid, p. 483.
June 7 Sir G. Downing to the Attorney General returning the draft warrant for the new farm of the Customs with certain verbal alterations, detailed. Out Letters General II. p. 483.
Same to the new Farmers of the Customs. My Lords are informed that there is a difference between Sir John Bennet and Mr. Dashwood about their shares in the new farm of the Customs. Please hear the matter in dispute and report to my Lords. Ibid.
Same to Auditors Beale and Wood to attend my Lords to-morrow with the accompt of the Wardrobe. Ibid.
Same to Sir R. Long, Mr. Sherwyn, and the late Commissioners of the Wine Act, to attend my Lords to-morrow about Mr. Wadlow's accompt of what he has received on the Wine Act. Ibid
Same to the undersheriff of Notts to attend my Lords to-morrow about the return made by you of Mr. Cooper's estate. Ibid
Same to Mr. Crispe. You were called for after you were gone. Don't fail to attend my Lords to-morrow about your grant of the spices. Ibid, p. 484
Same to Mr. Pollard to attend my Lords to-morrow with the accompts of the woodward of New Forest, and of Lord St. John for Lindhurst House. Ibid.
Same to the Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench, the Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, the Lord Chief Baron and the rest of the Judges at Westminster, Sir Robt. Atkins and Mr. Lawrence. The Lord Keeper has appointed to be at the Treasury Chambers on Monday next at three for settling rules in the business of collecting the imposition on law proceedings. You are desired to attend then. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Prettyman. You are forthwith to apply yourself to your Auditor for the stating of your accounts and they are to be speedily brought to my Lords for their perusal. Ibid.
Same for Alderman Backwell to attend my Lords to-morrow Ibid.
Same to Sir R. Long, Sir W. Doily, Sir C. Harbord and Mr. Sherwyn to attend my Lords on Monday, when the Judges will also be present. about the business of supers upon the accompts of Receivers of Assessments. Doily to bring then such papers as are necessary. Ibid, p. 485.
Same to the Attorney General to consider with the help of King's Counsel the grant to the London [Excise] Farmers of [the further farm of] imported spirits, &c., and their respective covenants, and whether they are thereby to have defalcations for such of those liquors as were first landed out of the districts of their farm. Ibid.
June 8 Treasury approval of the following to act as Sub-Commissioners of Excise for co. Hereford, viz.: William Baddam, of Brainton [Brampton], co. Hereford, gent.; Thomas Bissell, of Worcester city, gent.; Humphry Baskervile, of Eardisley, co. Hereford, gent Warrants Early XXV. (reverse) p. 9.
Prefixing:—Edw. Cornwall's petition, dated May 31, desiring commissions for the above.
The like approbation of the following as Sub-Commissioners for Excise for co. Lancaster, viz.: Benedict Thistlethwaite, Edward Phips and Alexander Read. Ibid.
Prefixing:—Similar petition as above from Peircy Leigh, William Bancks and Henry Haughton, Farmers of Excise for said county, praying a commission to the abovesaid Sub-Commissioners.
June 8 Treasury approval of Edward Wigg, Robert Hollingshead. and Samuel Hall as Sub-Commissioners of Excise for Durham, Northumberland, Berwick, and Newcastle-on-Tweed. Warrants Early XXV (reverse) p. 13.
Prefixing:—Petition for same from John Parsons, Farmer of Excise of said counties.
[?] The like approval of the following to be similarly Sub-Commissioners of Excise for the counties named as by the like petition from the Farmers of the said counties, said petition being recited but not prefixed in detail in each separate case, but signed collectively by E. Bostock on behalf of said Farmers, viz.:— Ibid. p. 14.
For Sussex: Richard Smyth, George Hughes, and Thomas Coulton.
For Southampton and the Isle of Wight: Richard Smyth, George Hughes, and Thomas Coulton.
For Wilts: … Huntingford, Ralph Matthews, and Robert Piggin.
For Dorset: … Huntingford, Ralph Matthewes, and Robert Piggin.
For Worcester: Jo. Element, Osbert Sutton, Abraham Carter.
For Stafford: Jo. Element, Osbert Sutton, and Abraham Carter.
For Northampton: Charles Creed, Jo. Carter, Abraham Carter.
June 8 The like approbation of William Finch, Henry Hill, and John Peirce as Sub-Commissioners for the Excise of Shropshire. Ibid, p. 15.
Prefixing:—Petition for same from Richard Seriven and Francis Newport, Farmers of Excise for said county.
The like approbation of William Finch, Henry Hill, and Thomas Webb as Sub-Commissioners of Excise for co. Warwick. Ibid.
Prefixing:—Petition for same from Sir Arthur Coiley [Cayley] and William Purefoy, Farmers of Excise for said county.
The like approbation of John Adderley, junr., Richard Sales, and John Coppinge as Sub-Commissioners of Excise for co, Derby. Ibid.
Prefixing:—Petition for same from Edward Vernon, Farmer of Excise for said county.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General to prepare a bill for a grant of the office of Receiver of First Fruits (forfeited by Sir John Prettyman thereto appointed by letters patent of 1660, Aug. 11) to Thomas Scarlett during pleasure: he to pay his money into the Receipt before the last day of every term and to pass his accounts twice a year within a month after the Easter and Michaelmas terms respectively, and to deliver the same when declared within ten days after into the office of the King's Remembrancer, and if the Remembrancer of First Fruits do not pass his accounts in due time, whereby the said Receiver is hindered in the passing of his accounts, said Receiver is still to bring in his account at the times above limited. Ibid, XVa. pp. 172–3.
Treasury orders for 2,000l. and 2,000l. to Sir Ste. Fox for His Majesty's secret service. Order Book XXXVII. p. 497.
[?] One same for 3,000l. to Laurence Hyde, Master of the Robes Ibid.
June 8 Money warrant for 70l. to the Earl of Sandwich on his creation money. Warrants Early XVIII. p. 416.
Same for 50l. to John Hill for one year as Keeper of Battles Walk in Windsor Forest, in part of 1¼ years' arrears thereon to Lady Day last. Ibid, p. 421.
Same for 1,022l. to the Earl of Bath for one year to Lady Day last on his fee of 56s. a day as Governor of Plymouth and St. Nicholas Island. Ibid, XXIV. p. 107.
Same for 450l. to Thomas Ellyot in full of what is grown due on his fee of 500l. per an. as Master of His Majesty's Harriers: and same for 150l. to him for three quarters to Lady Day last on his fee of 200l. per an. as Keeper of His Majesty's house at Newmarket. Ibid, p. 61.
Same for 500l. to Sir John Heath as royal bounty in compensation of his quitting his pretences to the engrossing and preparing all conveyances of fee farm rents sold. (Treasury order hereon, dated June 12.) Ibid, XXVII. (reserve) p. 62; Order Book XXXVII. p. 204.
Same for 200l to Sir Gilbert Gerard as royal bounty for quitting the like pretences for the Duchy of Lancashire fee farms sold. (Treasury order hereon, dated June 19.) Warrants Early XXVII (reverse) p. 63; Order Book XXXVII. p. 204.
Same for 84l. to Nicholas Bluck (Black) for enrolling one of the two patents for vesting fee farm rents in Trustees, being 84 skins of parchment; and 78l. to Edwd. Abney (Abny) for engrossing the other of the said patents. being 78 skins of parchment. (Treasury order hereon for 162l., dated June 19.) Warrants Early XXVII. (reverse) p. 63; Order Book XXXVII. p. 205.
[?] A list or establishment of the [clerical and legal] fees to be taken [for conveyances] on the sale of His Majesty's fee farm rents, viz. respectively (1) to the Tellers, and the Clerks and officers of the Tally Court; (2) to the Auditor of the rates [of particulars]; (3) to the Auditor of the County; (4) for the acknowledgment; (5) for the enrolment. Warrants Early XXVII (reverse) p. 64.
June 8 Money warrant for 23 586l. 13s. 11d. to Sir Ste. Fox; being 21,738l. 13s. 11d. for six weeks' pay, June 17 to July 29 next, for the Guards and Garrisons; and 132l. 6s. 0d. for a foot company in the Isle of Wight; and 1,715l. 14s. 0d. for the 200 recruits of the Guards, Sir C. Wheeler and the Secretary of the Forces. (Two sets of Treasury orders hereon, all dated June 15, (1) one for 21,738l. 13s. 11d., being erased; (2) five orders for in all 23,585l. 19s. 11d.) Warrants Early XXV. p. 11; Order Book XXXVII. pp. 253, 263.
Royal warrant to the Treasury to grant a lease of the Excise of co. Derby to Edward Vernon and John Adderley (Edward Vernon the Farmer thereof having prayed that said Adderley may be joined with him therein) and similarly in the lease of the Excise of co. Oxford to insert Robert Knollys with Sir Thomas Penyston, the present Farmer thereof; and similarly to take the name of Richard Gwyn out of the farm of the Excise of South Wales, leaving only Sir Philip Howard and George Dashwood as Farmers. Warrants Early XXV. pp. 12–13.
Together with:—Treasury warrant hereon, dated June 12, to the Grand Commissioners of Excise.
Sir G. Downing to Sir R. Long. "My Lord Ashley hath spoke again about this gentleman, Mr. Browne, that he may be paid. Pray will you please to look upon his warrant and let it be done. My Lord Ashley is much concerned in it." Out Letters General II. p. 485.
June 8 Sir G. Downing to Sir Robt. Viner and the rest of the [late] Chimney Farmers. My Lords desire you to forthwith repair to your auditor to perfect your accompts, "their Lordships being not satisfied with any other accompt but from the auditors." Out Letters General II. p. 485.
Same to the Commissioners of the late Wine Act [and] Mr. Wadlow's and his partners, forwarding from the Treasury Lords a copy of Mr. Wadlow's [account] charge [or debit] "which their Lordships desire you speedily to consider and to return them an accompt how you [Wadlow and partners] discharge yourselves thereof either of monies paid or entries not bonded or by bonds not paid." Ibid, pp. 485, 487.
Same to the Victualler of the Navy to give an account to my Lords what beer Mr. White has furnished for the Navy to the present, "and what progress you have made with Mrs. [sic] Wolden for the provisions hee [sic] is to furnish you." Ibid, p. 486.
Same to Lord St. John enclosing the new clause agreed on this day [to be inserted in the covenants of the new lease of the Customs]. Please peruse and return to Charnock, who has direction to insert them in the warrant for the new Farm of the Customs. Ibid
Appending:—Said clause. "That in case the Farmers shall surrender their patent that they may make up their rent which shall be due to the time of their surrender out of their advance monies unpaid [i.e not repaid] to them so far as the same will reach, and in case that their said advance money then unpaid [or not repaid] shall exceed the proportion of rent then due from them, that they shall have unto them the remainder thereof out of the rent of their farme before they doe surrender the same. That they have a collateral security upon our revenue arising upon firehearths and stoves for the further securing of their 140,000l. advance money on the Customs, so as to be repaid [the advance so made] by them, out of the revenue of firehearths and stoves in case the same [the said advance] shall not be paid out of our Customs."
Same to the Auditors [of Imprests] to forthwith call upon the late Chimney Farmers for their accounts and to present a state thereof to my Lords. Ibid, p. 487.
Same to Sir Nicholas Crispe and Auditor Beale to present to my Lords forthwith an account of all monies received upon Sir Nicholas Crispe's spice patent. Ibid.
Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the petition of Col. Henry Lillingston, late a Col. at Dunkirk, concerning an arrear of 419l. due to him of which he owns to have received 200l. by the hands of Edward Backwell. No further payment has been made. He is fit to be paid and to have military employment. Warrants Early XXXIII. p. 172.
Treasury warrant to Auditor Phelips to allow 170l. in account to William Andrewes, late Receiver of assessments for co. Herts, for his extraordinary charges for carrying and conducting by strong guards of horse several sums of money of his receipt amounting to 68,000l. from several parts of the country to London. Same being an allowance of 5s. per cent. Ibid, XXXVI. p. 209.
Same to Philip Packer, Paymaster of the Works, to act as Receiver of all the rents and profits due to His Majesty from Midsummer next by reason of the surrender by James Hamilton (in consideration of a yearly pension of 850l.) of the letters patents formerly granted to him of the custody of Hyde Park and the profits thereof. Ibid, XXXVIII. p. 75.
[? June 9] Treasury approval of the following as Sub-Commissioners of Excise for the Counties, detailed: on the petition, dated June 9, of the Farmers of Excise of said Counties, and signed on their behalf by E. Bostocke. Warrants Early XXV. (reverse) pp. 20–1.
For co. Yorks: … Penford … Megace, … Baker, Jo. Gunter, William Mortimer, Jo. Dunklin.
For co. Lincoln: Geo. Underwood, … Pegion, Christopher Scott.
For co. Devon: Edw. Parsones, Tho. Cockett, Tho. Cooper.
For Gloucester and Bristoll: Isaac Cooke, Edward Tucknell, Tho. Broughton.
For Somerset: Mich. Marloe, Tho. Cockett, Ja. Newton.
[?] Royal warrant for a privy seal for remitting 610l. 1s. 7d. to Col. Richard Scriven and the executors of Sir Rich. Oatley, late Collectors or Receivers of the Hearthmoney in co. Salop, for the three half years ending 1665, Sept. 29, being so much due from them upon their accompts being allowed in regard of services and loyalty and of their expenses in said collection, they entering on same when it was altogether unsettled and being obliged to make two several surveys of the hearths of said county. (Privy seal hereon, dated June 20. Treasury warrant hereon, dated June 26. to the Receipt for tallies to be struck discharging them of said sum. Together with:— Similar warrant for discharging them from the 12 per cent. interest charge.) Warrants Early XVa. pp. 173, 196–7; XXI. pp. 57–8.
June 9 Same to the Attorney General to prepare a grant of a pension [to Viscount Brouncker] of 1,000l. a year for seven years certain and after the expiry thereof during his life and the life of Henry Brouncker; the said Lord paying to said Henry Brouncker 200l. per an. for five years. Warrants Early XVa. p. 173.
Same for a privy seal for 550l. to Henry Brouncker, Esq., as royal bounty for his faithful services and for his charges in making discoveries; being an old arrear of the Customs discovered by him. (Privy seal hereon, dated June 20. Money warrant, dated June 30. Treasury order, dated July 3.) Ibid, pp. 173, 179; Out Letters Customs II. p. 170; Order Book XXXVII. p. 30.
Same for same for Sir Robert Long, Bart., to be Treasurer and Receiver General of the late Queen's revenue (see infra, p. 882, under date June 24.) Warrants Early XVa. p. 172.
[? June 10 or July 8] Three Treasury orders for 5,000l. to Sir Dennis Gawden for the victualling. Order Book XXXVII. p. 205.
[?] Three same for 5,000l. to same for same Ibid.
June 10 [?] Treasury order for 1,387l. to Sir John Robinson in repayment of loan. Ibid.
For 100l. to the Grooms and Pages of His Majesty's Chamber for one year.
June 10 Same for 212l. 18s. 4d. to the Duke of York as Governor of Portsmouth. Ibid, p. 262.