Entry Book: June 1671, 12-20

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1908.

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'Entry Book: June 1671, 12-20', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1908), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp867-877 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: June 1671, 12-20', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1908), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp867-877.

"Entry Book: June 1671, 12-20". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1908), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp867-877.


June 1671, 12-20

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
June 12 Treasury approval of the following to be Sub-Commissioners of Excise in the counties of Kent, Essex, Norfolk, Suffolk, Middlesex. Surrey and Bucks from the 24th inst., viz. William Pery, Robt. Chesum, William Juniper, Henry Lawrence, Augustus Curtis, Edmund James, Robt. Winter, Richard Clapton, Anthony Yardly, William Wilson, Charles Johnson, Stephen Hildesly and Edward Hopton: to be distributed in the said counties as the Farmers of Excise thereof shall desire. Warrants Early XXV. (reverse) p. 16.
June 12 Treasury approval of the following as Sub-Commissioners of the Excise for the counties named. Warrants Early XXV(reverse) p. 17.
For co. Bedford: Henry Oresby, John Gill, Geo. Ben.
For co. Hertford: William Rugg, William Marston, and John Nills.
For co. Huntingdon: John Gill, Geo. Benn, Henry Oresby.
Royal sign manual to the Attorney or Solicitor General to prepare a fresh grant to Sir Philip Musgrave of His Majesty's tolls arising in the counties of Cumberland and Westmorland at 40s. per an. rent, on the surrender of his former grant of same of date 1660, Sept. 14: in view of his constant loyalty and in regard he has been deprived of a great part of the benefit intended by the former grant by reason of the prohibition of the import of Irish cattle and the restraint upon Scotch cattle. Ibid. XVa. p. 176; XXXVIII. p. 84.
Same for 100l. to Peeter Watson, one of the Gentlemen Usher Quarter Waiters in ordinary, in part of the arrears due to him. (Money warrant hereon, dated July 17. Treasury order, dated July 20.) Ibid, XVa. p. 195; XXVII. p. 94; Order Book XXXVII. p. 208.
[? June 12] Treasury order for 1,000l. to Isaac Meynell and partners in repayment of loan. Order Book XXXVII. p. 415.
[?] Same for 3,000l. to James Bridgman in repayment of loan Ibid.
June 12 Same for 150l. to Sir Edw. Scott on his pension of 300l. per an. Ibid, p. 263.
Money warrant for 100l. to Thomas Samborne for one year to Lady Day last on his fee as Marshal of the Ceremonies, as by his letters patent of appointment dated 1670, Aug. 24. Warrants Early XVIII. p. 417.
Same for 10l. to Elizabeth Burrell, widow, as royal bounty. (Treasury order hereon of same date.) Ibid.; Order Book XXXVII. p. 204.
Treasury warrant to Sir T. Osborne and Sir T. Littleton, Treasury of the Navy. to pay the 189,100l. 9s. 7¾d. authorised in the privy seal of Feb. 28 last and warranted in the money warrant of the 12th inst., ut supra p. 794, in the following manner, viz.. "To the several persons and for the several uses to whom the same is due in the order following, viz., in the first place the sum of 2,196l. 14s. 2d. being part of the sum for which interest is payable as aforesaid, and next after the same several sums to Sir Dennys Gawden, Kt., for tallow by him delivered for the service of the Navy in the whole amounting to 8,516l. 6s. 9d.; to Sir John Shaw, 1,476l. 11s. 9d.; to Sir Edw. Deering, 500l.; to Jonathan Atterton, 1,539l. 7s. 2d.; to Sir John Knight, 56l. 8s. 8d.; to Sir William Peake, 2,106l. 3s. 8d.; to John Tillford, 1,195l. 16s. 6d.; and to William Hamond. 121l. 12s. 8d."; being part of the Navy debts certified in the Navy Commissioners' certificate of Aug. 4 last. and to pay all other debts in said certificate in the order and to the names therein set down, except 17,115l. 19s. 9¼d to Sir D. Gawden (see supra Feb. 28); and further not to pay away the 263,680l. 19s. 2d. (authorised by the said privy seal of Feb. 28 last and by the said money warrant of the 12th inst., ut supra, p. 749) or any part thereof without first acquainting the Treasury Lords and receiving their directions for the same: the said sum being in the accompt from the Navy Commissioners of Aug. 4 last declared to be only by way of estimate and not upon an exact computation. Warrants Early XXVI. pp. 33–4.
June 12 Treasury warrant to Sir Thomas Player to pay the 18,176l. 2s. 0d. (warranted to him by privy seal of Feb. 28 last and by money warrant of this day, see supra, p. 794), to the several persons to whom same is due (as by said Players's certificate of July 10 last; being due upon several assignments of Sir Geo. Carteret, late Treasurer of the Navy) in the course and order in which they are set down in said certificate. You are strictly to examine whether the several sums mentioned in said certificate be, in truth, due to said several persons and if in any case you shall find any mistake or error on any occasion you are to apply to the Treasury Lords for direction before making such payment. Warrants Early XXVI. pp. 34, 36.
Appending:—Certificate by Sir T. Player, dated 1670, July 10 (and again re-certified 1671, June 6), that there yet remain unpaid and unsatisfied the following assignments given by Sir George Carteret, late Treasurer of the Navy, on Sir Thomas Player, Chamberlain of London [same being the names of and sums owing to Navy creditors, who should have been repaid at the Guildhall out of said assignments, but who were not so repaid by reason of said assigments falling short in consequence of the fire of London, see supra, p. 794: the dates are doubtless the dates of Carteret's tallies or orders of assignment].
£ s. d.
1666, May 15.—Capt. Stephen Mitchell 1,145 19 0
"             " 15.—William Wood, John Thornbush and Miles Cooke 1,270 2 0
"             " 15.—Capt. Daniell Morgan 1,301 0 0
"             " 18.—Thomas Simpson 641 10 0
"             " 18.—William Olliver 422 4 0
"             " 19.—Capt. John Eadon 2,416 0 0
"             " 19.—Capt. John Breadenham 1,873 6 0
"             " 19.—Thomas Alderman 436 3 0
"             " 19.—Richard Pigeon 266 16 0
"             " 21.—Jarvis Cartwright 1,098 8 0
"             " 21.—Joseph Fenn 1,578 15 0
"             " 21.—Edward Stadden 80 0 0
"             " 22.—John Harris 568 4 0
"             " 23.—Capt. James Blake 403 12 0
"             " 28.—Edward Randall 50 0 0
"             " 28.—Thomas Bond 545 19 0
"             " 28.—Capt. John Stanton 932 10 0
"         June 6.—John Woolgar 155 17 0
"             " 8.—Robert Martin 204 13 0
"             " 11.—William Stanley 940 12 0
"             " 16.—Alexander Dawes 126 0 0
"             " 28.—Nicholas Hammond 218 9 0
"         July 9.—William Horsefall alias Horsfield 1,090 0 0
"             " 25.—Sarah White 97 4 0
"             " 25.—Tho. Steane 40 7 0
"             " 25.—John Hardwin 141 5 0
"             " 27.—Robert Preston 131 7 0
£18,176 2 0
"The aforegoing certificate is a true copy of one formerly given of the said date (1670, July 10), which being either lost or mislaid this is given in lieu thereof," according to the tenor of Sir G. Downing's letter from the Treasury of June 3 last. "There hath ben since paid to Edward Stadden his assignement, being 80l., being the only assignment since fully paid off."
June 12 Sir G. Downing to the Grand Commissioners of Excise to attend my Lords at the Treasury Chambers this afternoon at 3 of the clock about the leases of the additional Excise of London, Surrey, and Middlesex. Out Letters General II. p. 487.
Same to the Farmers of the London Excise to attend him at his house on Wednesday, by seven in the morning, "about perfecting your lease of the additional duty of Excise in London." Ibid.
Same to Mr. Wrenn. My Lords are informed that as yet no returns have been made from the several Courts of Admiralty in England and Wales about the business of the duties payable to the King upon proceedings there [in said courts]. You are to take care that those returns are forthwith made because His Majesty's service suffers in the want thereof. Ibid, p. 488.
The Treasury Lords to the King's Remembrancer to stay process now issuing out against Sir Edwd. Griffin, Treasurer of the Chamber, for not having perfected and passed his accounts of the moneys imprested to him for that service: the said Griffin being at this time before the auditor with his said accounts in order to the passing and declaring thereof. Warrants Early XXXIII. p. 172.
Same to Sir Robt. Viner, Sir Richard Pigott, and the rest of the late Farmers of the Hearthmoney. We have been applied to by Thomas Morice, late Sub-Farmer of Hearthmoney for cos. Herts and Essex, who in his petition sets forth that upon the contract for the said farm at the rate of 10,000l. per an. he was much overrated by you, and that by reason he had not His Majesty's aid (according to covenants with you) for recovering the duties in arrear by several ways obstructed and at that time recoverable by law, the time for the recovery of same within his said farm is now elapsed and all of that money thereby remaining in a lost condition in the people's hands he is thereby damnified above 6,000l.: further that he and his sureties are now prosecuted by you for 3,700l. arrear of his rent of his said farm, and that as a result his sureties are likely next term to sue him on his counterbond of 60,000l. and therefore praying that said arrear of 3,700l. may be allowed [by us] to you as defalcation and the petitioner fully discharged from any demands to be made by you [upon him by reason] of the same. As petitioner appears to have done His Majesty good service, and as his case therein differs much from that of other farmers of that revenue. we desire you to stop all prosecution hereon till your accounts are made up and cleared in other matters of your farm, at which time we intend more particularly to consider this matter. Ibid, XXXVI. p. 210.
The Treasury Lords to Michael, Archbishop of Dublin, Lord Chancellor of Ireland, and the rest of the Commissioners for taking the accounts of the Vice Treasurer of Ireland. By an order in Council of May 24 last the King has referred to us the petition of Edward Corker setting forth that he has entered into several recognizances for payment of several sums to the Exchequer, Ireland, and that he has paid the sums of 800l. and 100l. respectively to Col. Richard Laurence and Mr. Alden, with several other warrants for considerable sums for which he has prayed allowance. Please examine said warrants and report us your reasons why same may not be allowed as desired. Out Letters Ireland I. p. 84.
June 12 Report to the King from the Treasury Lords and the Lords of Ireland (as by the order of reference of Mar. 23 last) on the petition of Sir Neil O'Neile, bart., setting forth that by reason of the new quit rents and incumbrances on his estate same is become utterly desolate and therefore praying remission of the new quit rent of 108l. 2s. 1d. with the arrears thereof. Advise remission of same. Out Letters Ireland I. p. 85.
Same to same from same (as by the order of reference of May 19 last) on the petition of Charles White, setting forth that the solicitor employed [by him] in procuring and passing the grant of the remission of the new quit rents charged on his estate in Ireland omitted part of said estate called Maddenstown, co. Kildare, which was charged with 25l. new quit rent and included in the sum of 293l. 2s. 6d. which was the sum first given of the new quit rent and ordered to be remitted and therefore praying that same may be remitted. Advise remission of same. Ibid.
Same to same from same (as by the order of reference of Nov. 16 last) on the petition of Sir Richard Butler, bart., setting forth the great services of his father, Sir Walter Butler, and his own sufferings and that notwithstanding the royal letter for his restoration the Commissioners for executing the late Act of Settlement allowed him only 2,000 acres of his estate and dispossessed him of the rest and granted the same to Ireton's children and others there: and therefore praying remission of the new quit rent of 40l. 4s. 1d. on said 2,000 acres which are entangled by said quit rent and other charges far exceeding their real worth. Advise remission of same. Ibid, p. 86.
June 13 Royal sign manual for 1,623l. 10s. 0d. to Thomas Viscount Fauconberg for his extraordinary disbursements in his late embassy to Venice. Warrants Early XVa. pp. 183–4.
Royal warrant for a privy seal for felling timber in New Forest to the value of 900l. and interest in order to pay Mrs. Ann Neale, relict and executrix of John Neal, of the parish of St. Giles in the Fields, co. Midd., upon surrender of Burly Walk, she having by writing dated the 6th inst. surrendered the letters patent, dated 1669–70, Feb., of grant for 31 years to her late husband of the office of bailiff of Burley in New Forest, with the herbage and pannage of swine in said bailiwick (privy seal hereon, dated June 30). Ibid, pp. 174, 202–4.
Same for a privy seal for 30l. and 40l. per an. for repair of Lindhurst house and stables (see infra under date June 22). Ibid, p. 174.
Same for same for 400l. to John Tregunnell and Mary his wife as guardian of Mary Davis, an infant, her daughter, in full satisfaction of all damage done in the graden called the Phisick Garden, of which the inheritance belongs to said Mary Davis, said damage being done during the time same was held upon a purchase made by His Majesty of the remainder term therein. (Privy seal hereon, dated June 20. "When we bought the residue of a term" in the said garden, intended by us for a phisick garden, it was stored with choice and costly fruit trees as well round the walls as throughout the garden being about 20 acres. But since our being interested therein most of the said fruit trees against the wall and all those planted abroad in the garden are out down and destroyed and almost half the garden made into deep gravel walks whereby the ground is rendered unfit either for gardening or pasture: so that same is now reported as worth 20l. or 30l. per an. less than before. Furthermore the lease of the premises to Hoskins, which said Hoskins assigned to Cogan, and said Cogan again assigned to His Majesty, contained covenants for the upkeep of the trees and walls, &c., all which has been wholly neglected. Money warrant hereon, dated July 10. Treasury order, dated July 11.) Ibid, pp. 174, 189–90; XXVIII. p. 124: Order Book XXVII. p. 415.
June 13 Royal warrant for a privy seal for 2,300l. to Mr. Strickland, viz., 1,800l, out of the Exchequer and 300l. more from thence and 200l. to be allowed him on Sir W. Doyly's report. Warrants Early XVa. p. 174.
Same for same for 5,215l. [sic for 5,215l. 17s. 1d.] to Alderman Backwell upon his interest accompt (Privy seal hereon, dated June 20. It appears by said Backwell's interest accompt stated by Auditor Richard Aldworth that the principal for which said interest is issued amounts to 133,088l 13s. 0d., of which principal there was repaid at several times at or before 1670 Dec. 25, being the day to which the said account is made up, the sum of 35,291l. 7s. 2d., so that there remained unpaid the sum of 97,797l. 5s. 10d. The interest of the whole principal from the several days as the same stands charged from 1670, June 24, to 1670, Dec. 25, and to the respective days of repayment of the said 35,291l. 7s. 2d. part thereof, amounts to 3,129l. 10s. 3d., and for two-thirds more for reward or over-interest 2,086l. 6s. 10d., making in all said sum of 5,215l. 17s. 1d. Money warrant hereon, dated June 30. Treasury order, dated July 21.) Ibid. pp. 174, 193–4; XXVIII. p. 129. Order Book XXXVII. p. 417.
Same for same for 1,100l. to Sir William Sanderson, of Thistleworth, co. Midd., for his interest in Windsor Park. (Privy seal hereon, dated June 30, being for the purchase of his interest in several closes of land containing 121 acres lying in or near the Great Park of Windsor, in an enclosure or part of the said park called the Paddock Walk, which he holds by letters patent dated 1662, Apr. 17.) Warrants Early XVa. pp. 175, 222–3.
Treasury order for 380l. 10s. 8d. to the Lieutenant of the Tower for repairs, &c., diet of prisoners, &c. Order Book XXXVII. p. 205.
[?] Same for 76l. 13s. 4d. to Robert Child and William Bowles, Esq., Master of the Tents. Ibid, p. 228.
June 13 Money warrant for 30l. to Amy Bickerton, late one of the rockers to the late King's children for one year on her pension. Warrants Early XVIII. p. 420.
Treasury warrant to Sir Robert Crooke, Clerk of the Pipe, to cause to be paid 40l. to Viscount Hereford out of the Crown revenues of co. Hereford by the hands of the sheriff there, being for three year's creation money in part of 106l. 13s. 4d. arrears thereon. Ibid, XXII. p. 118.
Money warrant for 2,264l. to Sir Edw. Hungerford in full satisfaction for the purchase of several parcels of land which His Majesty has taken in for the enlargement and necessary accommodation of the fort and citadel at Plymouth, viz., 2,054l. for purchase money and 210l. for interest thereon from 1670, July 13, when said purchase money should have been paid: Hungerford's conveyance having been executed by deed enrolled in Chancery of date June 10 last. (Treasury order hereon, dated Aug. 17.) Out Letters Customs II. p. 172; Order Book XXXVII. p. 418.
June 13 Money warrant for 20l. to the Earl of Exeter for one year's creation money. Out Letters Customs II. p. 173.
Same for 5,000l. to Baptist May, Keeper of the Privy Purse, for the use of the Privy Purse. (Treasury order hereon, dated July 14.) Ibid.; Order Book XXXVII. p. 30.
Sir G. Downing to Sir Francis Cobb to attend him to-morrow about the business of the old poll moneys in co. Northumberland. Out Letters General II. p. 488.
Same to Mr. Sherwyn. In reply to yours of the 12th and in regard of your and Mr. Webb s indisposition my Lords have joined Mr. Fillingham with you [in the management of the Hearthmoney]. He has his commission and I spoke to him this morning to attend you. As to your query concerning the Hearthmoney if your health will permit my Lords will appoint a meeting for this business. The King has signed a commission for Mr. Barnewell to be Receiver of Hearthmoney for Somerset and Bristol, which will probably be expedited to-day. But if you think it more convenient to continue the present man or at least so far as relates to the perfecting the collection of those half years with which he has already intermeddled you are to let my Lords know. The King has also signed a warrant for Mr. Newsham, of Warwickshire, to be Receiver of Hearthmoney for co. Northampton loco Mr. Smyth. But upon what you write that Mr. Smyth is willing to continue my Lords are very well satisfied that it should be so and shall lay by that warrant which was intended for Mr. Newsham. Pray God give you your health. Ibid.
Same to the Auditors of the Revenue. My Lords are informed that several sums of money have been paid to the Wardrobe by some Receivers of the Revenue, as also by the Receivers of the Benevolence money and Eighteen Months' tax, which passed not through the Exchequer. My Lords desire you to look over such part of those accompts as have passed you respectively and to inform them what you find in this kind; also if you find that any of those accompts are yet unpassed within your respective audits, then to give my Lords an accompt thereof. Ibid, p. 489.
Treasury warrant to the Earl of St. Albans and the rest of the Trustees of the late Queen Mother to pass a lease to Sir Francis Cobb, kt., of the farm of part of the manor of Twickenham. parcel of the possessions of the honor of Hampton, as formerly demised by the late Queen Mother to Richard Webb and George Gosfright, merchants of London, the farm of several closes of land in Twickenham and the scite and capital messuage of said manor, both similarly demised formerly to John Browne. Warrants Early XXXVIII. pp. 76–8.
Prefixing:—Particulars and ratals of the premises.
June 14 Treasury order for 100l. 7s. 6d. to Ric. Thorne, a sergeant at law. Order Book XXXVII. p. 206.
For 100l. 7s. 6d. to Fitz Simons, a same.
For 100l. 7s. 6d. to Edinond Williamson, a same.
Money warrant for 15l. to Eliz. Burgesse (Burges), widow, as royal bounty. (Treasury order hereon, dated ? June 16.) Warrants Early XVIII. p. 419; Order Book XXXVII. p. 114.
Same for 83l. 6s. 8d. to the Earl of Oxford as Chief Justice Itinerant of all his Majesty's forests and chaces this side Trent, being for half a year to Lady Day last on his fee of 100l. per an. and 100 marks per an. Warrants Early XVIII. p. 419.
June 14 Treasury warrant to Auditor J. Phelips for a particular of the office of steward of the manor of Hitchin, Herts, with a view to a new grant thereof to Ralph Skiner and George Draper, of Hitchin. Out Letters Customs II. p. 168.
Sir G. Downing to Mr. Meynell to attend him to-morrow Out Letters General II. p. 489.
Same to Sir Tho. Littleton and Mr. Pepys. I have not yet heard from you about the new assignments agreed upon [for] the Navy and Tangier. Let me see you both about them. There shall be no delay on my part. Ibid.
Same to Sir Robt. Vyner. I cannot draw your warrant upon your privy seal until I know whether you will have it charged upon the Customs or the Chimney money. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands to send to the Auditor for co. Lincoln for a particular of a certain marsh called Rydings alias Pipnell marish with a view to a lease thereof to Lord Arlington. Warrants Early XXXVIII. p. 82.
Appending:—Incomplete entry of a royal sign manual for said lease.
Same to Sir John Norton, Woodward of New Forest, and to the regarders, &c., thereof. By our warrant of 1667, Dec. 17, based on the royal warrant of 1669, Nov. 13. you were authorised to enclose 300 acres in New Forest for a nursery of timber, viz., 100 acres at Prion's Acre in the north bailiwick, 100 acres at Dunslow Heath in the Inn bailiwick, and 100 acres in Holmehill in Fritham bailiwick: but by report of Jan. 13 last the officers of the forest have advised that the two former plots being inconvenient should instead thereof be selected respectively at Aldridge Hill in Rymefeild [Rhinefield] Walk in Battramsly bailiwick, containing 160 luggs in length and 120 luggs in breadth, which makes 120 acres, and the ditch and bank which must be made round the said land will amount to 560 luggs, which at 3s. 6d. a lugg comes to 98l.; and at Holyday Hill in Bolderwood Walk in the bailiwick of Fritham, another piece of ground containing 160 luggs in length and 80 luggs in breadth, which makes 80 acres, and the ditch and bank to be likewise made round the same amounts to 480 luggs, which at 3s. 6d. per lugg comes to 84l.: in accordance with the royal sign manual of the 12th inst. you are to proceed accordingly to enclose said 200 acres: the cost to be defrayed out of dotard timber as in the former Treasury warrant of 1669, Dec. 17. Ibid, pp. 78–81.
June 15 Treasury approval of the following as Sub-Commissioners of Excise for the counties named: being on the petition from the Farmers of Excise of said counties respectively. viz.:— Ibid, XXV. (reverse) p. 25.
For South Wales: Edward Buckley, Thomas Patrick, and … Blandford.
For North Wales: Abraham Anselme, Humphrey Harward, Paul Preistland.
For Cheshire: Abraham Anselme, William Diggs, John Fletcher.
[ ? ] Treasury order for 62l. 10s. 0d. to Francis Finch. Order Book XXVII. p. 263.
For 62l. 10s. 0d. to Edw. Wingate.
For 750l. to the Duke of York.
For 375l., 75l. and 150l. to Tho. Elliott, Master of the Harriers.
For 62l. 10s. 0d. to Sir Deny Ashburnham.
June 15 Treasury warrant to Sir Edw. Griffin, Treasurer of the Chamber, to pay 500l. (or to make an assignment to that value out of orders in said Griffin's hands) to Richard Royston, His Majesty's stationer, in part of wares delivered to the offices of Lord Arlington and Sir William Morice. Out Letters Customs II. p. 167.
June 16 Privy seal for 5,600l. to Lord Arlington for secret service (see infra under date June 17 and June 22). Treasury order for 4,000l. hereon, dated June 17. Money warrant for 1,600l. [in full hereof], dated June 22. (Treasury order for 1,600l., dated ? June 26.) Warrants Early XVa. p. 177; XXV. p. 13; Order Book XXXVII pp. 264, 496.
Sir G. Downing to the Grand Commissioners of Excise. Sir John Duncombe is informed that Mr. Ayres is willing and ready to pay in his advance on the [farm of the] Excise of co. Nottingham. Sir John des res that you do not pass that lease to Mr. Stanhope till he [Ayres] be first heard and till you have my Lords' order. Not to lose time you are to inform yourselves of said Ayres' intentions. Out Letters General II. p. 490.
Same to Sir Rob. Dillington and the rest of the Commissioners for the subsidy for co. Hants. My Lords' thanks for yours of the 10th inst., and for your care in assessing and settling the subsidy. My Lords have issued a commission to Benedict Thistlethwaite to be Receiver thereof, who will attend you and give in the names of the head collectors for whom he is to be responsible that so you may presently issue out your warrants to the sub-collectors for the speedy collection of the money. Ibid.
[?] Treasury order for 60l. to John Rose, His Majesty's gardener. Order Book XXXVII.pp. 113–114.
For 20l. to Rob. Swann.
For 75 l. to Dame Rebecca Williams.
For 41l. 5s. 0d. to John Dugdale, John Collings and Thomas Gaywood.
For 35l. 0s. 0d. to John Howland and John Champanty.
For 50l. 0s. 0d. to John Ball.
For 12l. 10s. 0d. to Charles Gifford on his annuity.
For — to Nicholas Estoll.
For 50l. to Lieut. Col. John Ramsey.
For 50l. 0s. 0d. to Major Edw. Trelawney.
For 150l. 0s. 0d. to Dame Barbara Villers.
June 17 Royal warrant for a privy seal for 20,000l. to Mr. Packer as imprest for extraordinary services of the Works. (Privy seal hereon, dated June 27.) Warrants Early XVa. pp. 175, 186.
Same for same for the Farmers of the Customs for their interest [on their advance] of 200,000l. Ibid, p. 175.
Same for same for 300l. to Alderman Backwell and 2,000l. to Sir Robt. Vynor for keeping money in their hands. Ibid.
Same for same for 2,559l. 11s. 3d. to Adrian May Ibid.
Privy seal for 1,500l. to Don Bernardo de Salinas as royal bounty. (Money warrant hereon, dated July 4. Treasury order, dated July 5, registered on the Hearthmoney.) Ibid, p. 184; XXI. p. 52; Order Book XXXVII. p. 131.
Same for 400l. to Sieur John Baptista Duteil, who was appointed to pass to Genoa and Leghorn, there to take charge of the two gallies which are provided in those parts for His Majesty: being for the charge of furnishing himself for the said service and the diet and entertainment of himself and four others accompanying him and for two chains of gold with medals to be given in the King's name to the two master builders of the said galleys. (Money warrant, dated July 5. Treasury order, dated July 7.) Warrants Early XVa. p. 185; XXVIII. p. 122; Order Book XXXVII. p. 415.
June 17 Privy seal for 1,000l. to Edward Manfield, Esq., for secret service. (Money warrant, dated June 30.) Warrants Early XVa. p. 178; XVIII. p. 420.
Treasury order for 3,000l. to the Earl of Sandwich Order Book XXXVII. p. 264.
Same, registered on the new additional Excise, for 100l. to Tho. Charlott in repayment of loan. Ibid. p. 501.
June 18 Privy seal for 1,009l. out of the 4½ per cent, duty to Marcus Browne, merchant, in satisfaction of his losses and damages by provisions taken out of the ship "Providence," Jon. Sheers, commander, to the value of 1,059l. sterling for the relief of the island of Montserrat in the late Dutch war in the year 1666, besides other charges and losses; the Navy Commissioners having reported on the 5th Aug. last that they find the cost of said provisions to be 1,009l. as they were bought and shipped at Barbados, besides other charges and damages. Warrants Early XVa. p. 225.
June 19 Treasury order for 107l. 16s. 10d. to Tho. Preston for execution of the Customer's place at Dover. Order Book XXXVII. p. 263.
Sir G. Downing to Sir R. Long. There was 100l. lent on Friday or Saturday last on the credit of the Additional Excise. Sir John Duncombe desires that it may not be disposed of without particular order. Out Letters General II. p. 490.
Same to the Auditors of the revenue to attend him to-morrow as to whether any of the Receivers of the revenue have not yet passed their accounts and what supers are upon them. Ibid, p. 491.
Same to Mr. Lyndsey to attend him to-morrow Ibid.
Same to the Trustees for sale of fee farms to attend my Lords on Thursday at Lord Ashley's house at 8 in the morning to consider some way for quickening the sale of fee farms. Ibid.
Same to Sir R. Long. My Lords have appointed the Trustees for sale of fee farms to attend them as above. You are to be there then and to bring a list of such as you judge have lent money upon the credit of same. Ibid.
Same to Sir Tho. Player to attend my Lords with his auditor on Thursday next at Lord Ashley's house "with your accompts which remain yet unpassed." Ibid, p. 492.
The like letter to the Alum Farmers and the late Chimney Farmers Ibid.
Same to the late Farmers of the Customs to attend my Lords on Friday at Lord Ashley's house about paying in the money due from you upon your accompt of the late Farm of the Customs according to what was agreed by His Majesty when you were last heard. Ibid.
Same to the Lord Chief Baron. My Lords have appointed Mr. Sherwyn to attend you to give you information of some queries that have arisen in the country about Hearthmoney. In order to your opinion hereon my Lords desire you to meet them at Lord Ashley's house on Monday next. Ibid.
June 19 Sir G. Downing to Mr. Sherwyn as to same and enclosing a copy of the above letter. Out Letters General II. p. 492.
Same to the Grand Commissioners of Excise. The new Farmers of Excise for Devon and Lincoln have informed Sir John Duncombe that they have paid in their advance money but that the present Farmers have not cleared, and that upon this account you make difficulty, according to your rules, of giving them their lease, but that, on the other hand, if they have not presently their commissions for their Sub-Commissioners there will be nobody upon the place to act on the 24th inst. Sir John desires to speak with you hereupon at his house to-morrow morning. Ibid p. 493.
June 20 Same to Sir R. Long to give my Lords to-morrow an account of what is charged on the late farm of the Customs and yet unpaid: also of what is charged and unpaid on the 30,000l. per an. payable by the Farmers of the London Excise over and above the 10,000l. per month which they are constantly to pay into the Exchequer. Ibid.
Two money warrants for 18,303l. each [sic] to Sir Tho. Osborn and Sir T. Littleton for the Navy for the present year. (Fourteen Treasury orders hereon, dated June 26, for, in all, 37,606l. sic.) Warrants Early XXIV. pp. 62, 107; Order Book XXXVII p. 264.
Two same for 1,860l. 6s. Od. each to Samuel Pepys for Tangier garrison. (Four Treasury orders hereon for in all 3,720l. 6s. Od., dated June 26.) Warrants Early XXIV. pp. 62, 109; Order Book XXXVII. p. 264.
Two same for 3,720l. 14s. 0d. each to Sir Dennis Gawden for the present year's victualling of the Navy. (Four Treasury orders hereon for in all 7,441l. 8s. 0d., dated June 20 and 26.) Warrants Early XXIV. pp. 63, 109; Order Book XXXVII. p. 205.
Two sets (apparently duplicate) of Treasury orders for 84l. 12s. 0d. each and 100l. each to Edw. Backwell as reward for loan. Order Book XXXVII. pp. 204, 205.