Minute Book: November 1668, 4-13

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1905.

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'Minute Book: November 1668, 4-13', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp472-484 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Minute Book: November 1668, 4-13', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp472-484.

"Minute Book: November 1668, 4-13". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1905), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp472-484.


November 1668

Nov. 4.
Present: all my Lords.
Petition from Capt. Box. He must apply to the Parliament.
Write Sir R. Long about the state of the Chimney revenue.
Sir Saml. Moreland called in from the Commissioners of Accounts of Ireland. Says they are despatching Dr. Gorge into Ireland for books of accounts and moves for 100l. for him. Resolved that it will be best to have it out of the Irish revenue. Sir Samuel moves that he may succeed the Commissioner of Appeals [in Excise] now dead. The King to be moved that there be no more put into those places, there being yet eight.
Sir John Talbot and [Mr. Streete] the Mayor of Worcester, to attend on Friday afternoon, at 2 p.m. as the Council meets at 3 p.m.
Sir Edm. Windham moves for his Marshal's men. Write the Greencloth to insert their 10s. a day in the new establishment for that they were wont to be paid there.
Dormant warrant on the Exchequer for Mr. Swan.
Warrant for 200l. to Mr. Carlisle pursuant to the late order of Council.
[My Lords'] report on Lord Richardson's [petition] is to be drawn up according to [Auditor] Philips's report.
On his surrender Mr. Tregonell to have his land restored to him and his rent of the Phisique Garden paid and the walls repaired. Sir C. Harbord to see a surrender made.
Write the Auditors of Imprests for a certificate next Tuesday of what accounts have been declared since 1660 of the Treasurer of the Navy, the Victualler of the Navy and the Treasurer of the Ordnance, and what accounts of theirs are now depending before said auditors, what condition they are in, and why they have not been brought before my Lords.
Petition from the Queen's pages. Warrant ordered on their privy seal.
Mr. Symonds to have liberty to resign to Mr. Charnock.
Petition from Felix Calvert. My Lords expect the King's rent of Mr. Watts, who is the farmer.
Mr. Newport and Col. Reymes called in: present a paper of money due in their time from the Wardrobe and move for money. The King to be moved in it and their paper sent up [to the Privy Council].
Letter read from the Commissioners of the Navy about the Victualler. To be laid before my Lords again to-morrow together with the order of Council and then the report to be prepared for the Council.
Letter from Lord Willoughby read. Mr. Willoughby to attend on Monday with what accounts he has of the 4½ per cent. duty in Barbados, and Auditor Beale to bring in then whatever former accounts of said duty have been passed since 1660. Mr. Cranfield to attend on Tuesday morning with what information he can give about this business, how the said duty is collected and disposed of, as also Mr. Henshaw, the Latin Secretary. Also the Customs Farmers to send an account of what sugars have been imported in the years covered by the said account of that duty.
Write the Customs Farmers to hasten in the 6,000l. loan on [the Customs of] June: which they promised to lend for public ministers [Ambassadors].
The Bishop of Man presents a petition on behalf of the clergy of the Isle of Man: says the Earl of Derby did formerly pay it, but lately the Receiver paid it. Warrant for the Earl of Derby to pay it as formerly.
Alderman Bucknell moves for defalcations [to the farmers of the London Excise] for the effects of the plague: desiring no further than to Xmas last. On the 1st Monday in December my Lords will examine if they have any right to any such defalcations on their covenants. Meantime they are to pay their rent. Sir G. Downing, Sir R. Long and Mr. Sherwin to draw a privy seal by which Alderman Bucknell's Country Excise money may be kept to pay off the tallies on the Country Excise, [and so] at the country charge, and therefore to authorise Bucknell, &c., to pay their rent upon any of the said tallies, the reason hereof being as follows: "there being several tallies upon the Country Excise which are yet unpaid, [and] if the London Excise Farmers should pay their rent of some of the country farms (which they have taken) into the Exchequer the said tallies will be so far deprived of their security." My Lords to consider about the interest money due to them on what they lent, for which they have no fund either for principal or interest.
The Earl of Dorset called in about a commission for discoveries.
No papers are to be given out on which are any marginal notes of my Lords writing.
Petition from the owners of the land [purchased for the fortifications] at Portsmouth. Referred to Sir C. Harbord so to settle that the interest may be paid them till the principal is paid: together with damages for their corn, &c.
Sir R. Long to say what he will have done in Council that the money of the first of the Eleven Months' tax be issued for the security of the deficiency of the Additional Aid; there being no order of Council drawn about it as yet; Sir G. Downing having this day told Sir Richard Browne that he (Downing) and Long would draw an order [of Council] therefor.
The King to be moved that he overlook the paper presented him by my Lords about disposing the revenue.
Petition from 22 poor shipwrights. Referred to the Commissioners of the Navy, and if their case be as represented then to pay them.
Same from Sir William Darcy concerning a pretence of his to some part of the alum works. To be considered this day week. Write Sir Hugh Cholmley and the rest of the alum farmers to attend then.
Mr. Pritchard called in: ordered to pay 500l. in 12 days and give personal security for the remaining 1,000l. to be paid in a twelvemonth. Mr. Laurence to attend concerning the said security.
To acquaint Lord Arlington that Mr. Tucker, Consul of Tripoli, will not go [as Consul] without more money [salary].
The letter from the Navy Commissioners about money to buy stores is to be considered to-morrow.
The doorkeepers of the House of Lords called in about their petition. Sir R. Long to certify whether the four doorkeepers had any money out of the Exchequer in the times of the late King or James I. Sir John Ayton to attend to-morrow to inform my Lords how their number came to be increased from four.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 366–8.]
Nov. 5.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
Mr. Warcup called in: says that at the meeting the other day of the Commissioners [of the monthly assessments of the Aids and of the Eleven Months' tax] for Middlesex there was a scruple raised whether they can assess any money after Xmas on those taxes. Write the Attorney and Solicitor General for their opinion hereon in view of the considerable sums which will probably be unassessed at that time by reason of short assessments and other accidents and defaults. Write also such a letter as Warcup desires to the towns of Sarum and Dorcester, as was written to the town of Worcester.
Mr. Prichard called in with Mr. Lawrence about his (Prichard's) security to Mr. Harris, late Receiver of Hearth money, co. Devon; which my Lords accept. He is to pay the 1,500l. in three instalments. The 2nd instalment of 500l. to go to Col. Birch (who is now called in with Mr. Warcup) for his 500l. lent on the Eleven Months' tax.
The Earl of Carbery moves for a general commission for discoveries in Wales. My Lords can grant no general commission. He must name particular discoveries and have particular commissions.
Sir Thomas Bond moves for 10,000l. for the Queen Mother. He says it will be to no purpose to charge it on the King's land revenue. My Lords will consider it.
Report to be made on Monday of the dormant warrants [for pensions, &c.] to be stopped.
Auditor Beale called in about Sir G. Downing's imprest account of 5,000l. for the release, exchange and transport of his Majesty's subjects who were prisoners in the United Netherlands. The account to be engrossed and Downing to pay the remainder (which is about 1,500l., so well did he husband that money) into the Exchequer.
Warrant for my Lords' salary for Michaelmas quarter last. Write Sir R. Long that part thereof is to come out of the money to be paid as above by Downing into the Exchequer, the remainder out of any money in the Exchequer.
The rules for the Chimney Farmers to account by are brought in by Col. Birch. To be considered to-morrow.
Write Sir R. Long that Mr. May is to have for the Works the 500l. [instalment] to be paid in by Mr. Prichard if [that sum is] not engaged to the city.
Mr. Ashburnham, Mr. Progers and Mr. Killigrew called in: move for their salary as Grooms of the Bedchamber. Warrants for them so far as the 2,700l. on the Customs will go. Warrant for 100l. to Mr. Chiffinch.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 368–9.]
Nov. 6.
Present: all my Lords.
The certificate read from the executors of Mr. Calverd (Calvert) of their consent to the grant of a new lease of the Northumberland Excise. The lease to be altered in accordance herewith; but first Alderman Bucknell, &c., are to propound their security, which is to be approved by the Excise Commissioners.
Order for a Great Seal for the [East India Company's] rent of Bombay to be paid at the Exchequer [instead of to the Customs Farmers, who are to have a warrant for said rent on the Exchequer]. Also their [? the Customs Farmers'] interest to be inserted in their warrant for the Bombay money. Abbot to get the former warrant back, and in place of it draw another with interest.
The [royal] warrant for Mr. Montague's plate read. My Lords can do nothing in it without an Order of Council.
A list is to be made for my Lords of the impost bills which they have signed.
Sir John Shaw to attend on Monday to inform my Lords whether proportions [quantities] are now being drawn for re-building the Custom House, and, if not, where the obstacle is.
Sir C. Harbord to survey the ground where the late Wardrobe stood and send my Lords a drawing thereof, and advise with the Attorney General on the Act [for re-building the city] as to whether the King is not obliged to a certain time to build upon it: also to take the advice of some city men how the said ground may be best employed to His Majesty's profit.
Mrs. Boynton called in [concerning her pension]. There must be an order of Council.
A letter read from Lord Arlington for the Earl of Carlisle [for his ordinary, &c.] as Extraordinary Ambassador to Sweden, together with a warrant to the Wardrobe and Jewel House [for them to issue him outfit and plate]. Warrant ordered for 10l. a day as ordinary and 1,500l. in advance thereon; but for the plate no warrant can be made without an order of Council.
Mr. Moulin presents a letter from the Council of Trade for 100l. Warrant for it on the dormant 10,000l. warrant and a privy seal for 900l. for a year in pursuance of the letters patent to that Council.
Petition from Sir William Wale. As to his 300l. per an. there is another in his place. As to the interest of his money my Lords cannot pay.
The Treasurer of the Household moves that Sir Samuel Morland may have the vacant place of one of the Commissioners of Appeals [in Excise]. The King to be moved that he put no more into those places, there being yet eight, whilst four is quite enough, but rather to give Morland the salary of said place as a pension.
Privy seal for 5,000l. for secret service.
Lord Gerard's privy seal to pass.
Letter read from the Commissioners of the Navy about certain demands of the Victualler about the victuals sent to Toulon, &c. To be reported in Council, but first the whole proceeding on the matter to be looked out. Downing to write to Sir Denys Gawden hereon.
The Earl of Carbery's privy seal of Sept., 1661, to be perused to see whether it have any retrospect before his docquet pass. His other privy seal about the establishment [for the Presidentship of Wales] is to be brought to my Lords to see if the particulars be inserted. If not they are to be annexed [to the privy seal] before the docquet pass.
The Earl of Manchester moves on behalf of Sir Charles Doe.
The Clerks of the Privy Council pray for an assignment for one year's salary. Warrant for them on the Exchequer.
Letter read from the Commissioners of the Navy for money for stores. They shall have 50,000l. on the Wine Act, as ordered by the Privy Council of Oct. 28 last. Warrant for same as in part of their 200,000l. for this year.
A list to be made to show how the moneys of the Wine Act have been disposed.
Write Sir D. Gauden to hasten the prosecution of his victualling contract and to bring to the Treasury the names of his security. The order of Council to be brought in.
Mr. May called in: says that all the work [repairs, &c., by the officers of the Works] at the Excise Office is done by the day, that therefore he cannot guess at the value of it and that it's the accommodation of the whole office.
Order of Council of the 4th inst. read about Mr. Muschampe concerning his new proposals as to the revenue of Ireland. The Lords of Ireland (i.e. the Duke of Ormonde, the Earl of Anglesey, the Earl of Orrery, Viscount Conway and John Lord Berkeley) are to meet my Lords hereon on Monday. Mr. Muschampe, Mr. Taylor and the rest of the bidders for the Irish revenue are to attend then.
Alderman Bucknell to attend this afternoon about the Excise warrants for salaries [of the Excise Office].
Mr. Pepys to show how his business stands as to the 10,000l. he is to have of the Customs out of the Exchequer.
Alderman Backwell tenders a paper about paying the money due on the Chimneys to the City of London. The said paper is sent up to the Privy Council.
Levet to go to Sir William Doyly, who is to state his (Levet's) account and report.
The Privy Council to be moved about referring back to my Lords the Chimney account for further consideration and adjustment.
Sir Samuel Starling called in about his account of the Norfolk Excise. Ordered to bring in account of what he made of his farm thereof during the time the plague raged. My Lords will make him a saver and no more. He says he sub-farmed it and that his sub-farmers will have their places made up as before the plague. My Lords say the sub-farmers can have no other abatements than they have. He says his sub-farmers confess they made 16,500l. of their farm.
Letter read from Sir Robert Long about paying the Exchequer officers, together with the letter from the Commissioners of Accounts to him, and his answer to them. Ordered that he soften a little that part [of his said answer] about his clerks, saying [instead] that if they will send any clerks he will let his own clerks give them the best assistance he can.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 369–71.]
Nov. 6.
Present: Lord Ashley, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
As Lord Gerard did not attend at the time appointed for hearing the dispute between him and the town of Newcastle write his Lordship to appoint another time for it.
Petition from Robert Hart read and Mr. Allington called in. The petition referred to Mr. Cary.
The order of Council read for 100l. to the Earl of Carlisle. The Earl of Anglesey to pay the money to the Carpenters at Newcastle on their producing their bills and the order of Council to be so altered and then the money to be paid to the Earl of Anglesey for that use.
Sir John Talbot called in with Mr. Street, late Mayor of Worcester, with their Counsel. They both agree that they put small beer into strong. Sir John's Counsel say that after beer is gauged and barme put into it they cannot put strong beer into small to make it still small drink, but they may put strong drink into any drink so it remain still strong. The other's Counsel say that they may mingle but it must be in the presence of the gauger, at least he must have notice of it. Mr. Bucknell says it is the practice in all places where he has to do in the Excise that they do not mingle strong beer with small (after gauging) to make it small. My Lords therefore say that in Worcester the same may be observed as elsewhere. Also proof was made that entry was refused [to the Excise gauger] at the house of one Wheeler, a brewer, twice in the day time. Yet the Mayor said it was not a wilful refusal and therefore would not give sentence for the farmer. Ordered that this case be reported to the Privy Council and that a commission of adjunct Justices be moved for for that place.
The Attorney General says he thinks that the Commissioners of the Aids can assess no money after the 1st of February, but that a charge may go out from the Exchequer to levy it on the county. Letters to be written to all the counties to advertise [the respective Commissioners] hereof and of the danger [of losing arrears or shortages of assessments thereby] and that if by default of their timely signing the warrants any of his Majesty's money shall fall short, process will issue out of the Exchequer against the county for the levying thereof. Write Sir W. Doyly to draft a circular letter to this effect.
[Treasury Minute Book II. p. 372.]
Nov. 9.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry.
Lord Gerard to attend on Thursday morning about the business of the Castle Garth at Newcastle.
A privy seal for 100l. for the poor of St. Margaret's [Westminster], His Majesty having declared they shall have it.
Warrant on the Customs for the 237l. 5s. 6d. paid to the Poor Knights of Windsor on the Exchequer. My Lords' letter for the payment of that sum is to be taken in [and vacated].
Write the officers of the Works to assist Sir C. Harbord in considering how the ground of the Wardrobe may be best employed.
The farmers of the London Excise are to send a copy of their London and Norfolk grants.
The Duke of Ormonde and Lord Berkeley come in about the business of the Irish revenues [and the following proceedings are had].
The Order of Council about Mr. Muschamp read. He says if he had joined with Sir James Shane the King had had 200,000l. less.
Sir James Shane, Major Deane et al. called in: say that the bargain was made with them, and present a paper which they desire may be considered, which is read, and they pray it may be offered to the King. Major Dean says that when 45,000l. was offered for the inland Excise [of Ireland] he was admitted at 39,000l. Sir James Shane being asked how this came about saith that the Earl of Orrery had 1,700l. and Sir Maurice Berkly 200l. per an. My Lords ask Major Deane et al. whether they mean to have any other of the King's revenue than the particulars mentioned in the Order of Council, for that it's not safe to let anything in in general words. They are desired to set down the particulars. Major Dean saith that they intend to have all that doth or shall make any profit to the King in Ireland during this time. My Lords say they must enumerate the particulars they will have.
Mr. Taylor and Mr. Muschamp called in, and my Lords tell them they must only have the particular revenues named and no other [and] without employing general words in the lease. They must not have escheats, forfeitures, the King's houses, &c. They say they are of the same mind, and do not expect any more than the particulars named.
Sir James Shane and Major Deane called in again. They expect no defalcation for any casual revenue. And for the Greenwax, First Fruits and Twentieths, fines and amerciaments they expect what shall come from them into the Exchequer. But my Lords ask whether they will as to these revenues wholly submit to the King. They say they do expect an abatement for them if taken away, but they say the King has promised them they shall have those revenues also: so Major Dean says he did understand they should have 10,000l. per an. abated to them for these if taken away, but as to the King's houses and parks they expect no abatement.
Mr. Taylor and Mr. Muschamp called in again. They say they will quit the fines and amerciaments, First Fruits, Twentieths and Greenwax at 7,000l. per an. according to their proposition.
[The Lords of Ireland go out.]
Sergeant Maynard and Auditor Chislet called in about the business of Noemanswood and Lindhurst claimed by the Duke of Newcastle: say that the possession is to be looked after, else the records of so many hundred years ago will hardly carry it. Mr. Harbord says he has seen a book which says that this wood is rented to no man nor to no man doth appertain but was reserved for repair of Nottingham Castle. Sergeant Maynard spoke for the King. Sir William Scrogs and others, Counsel for the Duke of Newcastle, set out the Duke's title and case, detailed: Sergeant Maynard asked certain questions, detailed, as tot he woods of the manor. My Lords say they must give order for felling the woods. Ordered that the Attorney and Solicitor General be acquainted with the proceedings to-day and give my Lords their opinion hereon.
Mr. Street, late Mayor of Worcester, called in: says he took the best advice he could before he gave judgment [as to the refusal of admittance to an Excise gauger]. My Lords tell him they must acquaint the Privy Council with the case.
The Countess of Falmouth's petition read showing that she has discovered that one Elizabeth Trench (?), widow, did heretofore get into possession of a parcel of the late King's plate of silver and gold to the value of about 3,000l. and doth deny to make restitution to the King, and praying that same may be bestowed on her with liberty to sue for it. Together with a reference from the King dated Sept. 29 last. Report to be made that the King grant her liberty to prosecute in His Majesty's name, and on the issue of the process to have a privy seal for it.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 373–5.]
Nov. 11.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry.
Mr. Field's dormant warrant to be stopped, being for past service.
Mr. [Lawrence] Hyde called in: says he can get no money on his Chimney assignments [for the Wardrobe]. [Ordered] that he may make use this year of his 3,000l. on the First Fruits and then that on the Chimneys will do for next year.
Sir John Clobery and Sir Ralph Knight move for what is due to them. Warrant ordered for a year to them.
Look in the minutes to see whether the [grant of the] logwood to Capt. Bret was not to be during pleasure.
Letter read from Mr. Hayes about the former way of issuing the money for [the establishment of] Windsor. The Auditor, Sir Ed. Sawyer, to bring on Tuesday some of the Windsor accounts as declared in the late King's time to see how the money was wont to be issued, viz. whether by warrant of the Constable [of Windsor Castle] or by that of the Lord High Treasurer; and then Sir Rob. Long to be advised with about it.
Sir Thomas Higgins's 200l. for equipage is to be inserted in the Earl of Carlisle's privy seal.
Sir Robert Carre's letter of the 4th inst. read, giving an account of what he had done upon the complaint of Joseph Hallam, an Excise officer, against Christopher Greene. Thanks to be returned to him for his care.
Petition from Edith Cary. Ask Sir R. Long on what privy seal she was to have been paid.
Sir William Glyn is to stay until the six months of the order of Council is expired.
Mr. Montague moves for a fund for money for plate for him. The Privy Council to be moved concerning the plate for Ambassadors.
Ordered that nothing be signed on the Exchequer but on Tuesdays.
Warrant for one year's creation money to the Duke of Richmond.
Petition from Mr. Dobson. Enquire whether these arrears are in the Auditor's account.
Mr. Ducket has a warrant for a year.
Mr. Johnson's petition referred to Sir C. Harbord.
Letter read from Sir Henry Oxenden on behalf of Mr. Short, collector in Kent. Short to show to Sir W. Doyly his acquittances, and bring a certificate from Doyly that all is paid.
Write the Barons of the Exchequer to hasten the declaring the accounts of the Royal and Additional Aids.
His Royal Highness [the Duke of York] came in and presents a letter from the Navy and a survey of what repairs are wanting to each ship. Said paper is considered. My Lords will answer that they have given the King a state of the revenue which lies before him for his view according to what His Majesty and Council may best judge; and my Lords desire his Highness to be pleased to interpose, that his paper be speedily considered. A letter to be drawn to his Royal Highness to this purpose.
Sir Hugh Cholmely called in on behalf of the Alum Farmers. Ordered that the requests of Sir W. Darcye, Sir George Charnock and Mr. Fox be represented to the King in Council by the parties themselves as to matters of grace except in small matters. Sir William Darcy called in. Report to be made to the King as certified by the Alum Farmers. The said farmers account is to be sent up to Council. The Privy Council to be moved for a letter to the Customs Farmers to be careful to keep out alum according to the King's proclamation.
Sir Ste. Fox is to see Mr. Pepy's warrant (for 17,500l. for Tangier for the quarter ended the 4th inst.) to say if he have any exceptions to it and to examine when the reduction [of the garrison] of Tangier is to begin.
Sir Edward Thurland to have a dormant warrant.
Warrant for a year's creation money to the Earl of Burlington.
Lord Colepeper called in about the trees felled in the King's park in the Isle of Wight. Says that 39 trees are felled and that he will give satisfaction for them. His account to be sent to the Privy Council. He owns not the giving order but says his wife did it, and excepts against the sheriffs having proclaimed that business in the markets.
Write the Attorney and Solicitor General to certify what is to be done to secure the King in Lady Dysart's business and yet that an authority remain to pay the money. Lord Ashley will send it to the Attorney General by Mr. Sherwyn.
Fiat or warrant for Mr. Dutton as the late Treasurer Southampton had granted.
The order of Council read about the Chimney Farmers surrendering their patent and their [claims for] defalcations to be heard by Counsel [before the Treasury Lords]. The Attorney and Solicitor General to attend.
Col. Birch called in about the business of the certioraris of Excise cases: says that the Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer said that certioraris cannot lie in those cases, but that the matter had better be accommodated. A time to be appointed for my Lords to debate this matter with the Barons of the Exchequer, the Attorney and Solicitor General; the Excise Commissioners and Col. Birch to be present. Col. Birch says the Chief Baron did yield that the Commissioners of Excise and Appeals are a judicature, and if not there's an end of the Excise revenue. Write the Barons of the Exchequer to appoint a time which my Lords desire may be before any declaring as to that business of certioraris, and about what is the duty to be paid on aqua vitæ, whether 8d. or 4d. per gallon. On consideration Lord Ashley directed that only a message be sent to the Lord Chief Baron.
Col. Birch to attend on Friday about the rules for defalcations for the Chimneys for Lady Day, 1666.
Warrant for 5,000l. for Sir Stephen Fox for secret service: to be on Col. Legg's part of Capt. Cocke's orders.
Lord Ashley to speak with Lord Arlington about Mr. Booth's business of the Excise Office.
Sir John Trevour's Privy Seal read. By his Privy Seal he can have no money till Michaelmas next. The Treasurer of the Household to tell him so and that nothing can be done without an order of Council.
Mr. Killigrew and Mr. Progers move about a pretension to some forfeitures of [counterfeit] coiners. A caveat to be entered in the Treasury that nothing pass to their prejudice according to the King's warrant of July 27 last, which warrant is to be entered in the caveat book.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 375–8.]
Nov. 13.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry.
The Earl of Lindsey called in: moves for money for what he has laid out at Havering [-atte-Bower] House. He must have a Privy Seal for the money. The question is whether the Office of Works were not wont to repair it, and that he must first apply to the Office of Works.
Sir Jeffery Palmer's opinion concerning the money in Sir Edward Barkham's hands is to be offered to the Privy Council.
Auditor Beale called in about Sir G. Downing's account [of the 5,000l. for the prisioners], which is declared.
Sir Ste. Fox prays that Tangier may have no further allowance on the Excise, and moves for 3,000l. more on the Customs, which was allotted him in Feb. last, and was promised to be speedily settled on some good fund.
Sir G. Downing to speak with Mr. Creed, Secretary to the Commissioners for Tangier, to know when the orders were sent out to make the reductions at Tangier according to the order of Council of July 22, and when the said orders were executed there: that so my Lords may be the better guided in making assignments for that place: because the order of Council of Sept. 26 last says that Tangier should have but 55,500l. from Michaelmas last. Ordered that it be written on the back of Sir Stephen Fox's paper about Excise tallies that they be paid in course.
Order for a privy seal to enable the present Commissioners of Excise to pay the tallies struck on the late Commissioners of Excise.
Warrant for Sir John Clobery and Sir Ralph Knight for a year on their pensions on the Exchequer.
Mr. Colville et al. called in about an order Council for the ship "Fame." Alderman Backwell appeared on behalf of the Customs Farmers: says they will expect no defalcation for her for this voyage. This to be reported to the Privy Council.
Write Sir Thomas Player, Chamberlain of London, Mr. Sherwin and Alderman Backwell to attend at Sir Robert Long's to-morrow about the proposition which is now in debate about Alderman Backwell's advancing and paying to the City of London the moneys yet remaining due to the City upon the Fire Hearthmoney, with a view to settling this business to the best satisfaction of the City, and in a way that may agree with the methods of the Exchequer.
The Earl of Dorset called in. He and the Attorney General to attend on Monday about the draft of Mr. Pight's commission desired by the said Earl for discoveries.
Sir Thomas Osborne and Sir Thomas Littleton called in and present to my Lords the letters patent by which the King doth suspend the Earl of Anglesey from the execution of his place as Treasurer of the Navy as also the other letters patent by which the King doth commit the execution of said office to said Osborne and Littleton. In the first place they must bring hither their letters patent as Treasurers of the Navy to be entered at the Exchequer, which accordingly they did. Charnock to see them entered. Write Sir R. Long for the said letters patent to be entered in his office and in that of the Clerk of the Pells. Also there must be a privy seal to transfer the Earl of Anglesey's payments to them. They are to meet with Sir G. Downing, Sir R. Long and Mr. Sherwin about this on Monday to consider what privy seal may be fit to be passed or other thing to be done in order to expedite His Majesty's service as was done when Sir George Carteret resigned to the Earl of Anglesey. Write the Earl of Anglesey to give an account what moneys and assignments are in his hands this day and that he hasten a state of the [tickets due to] the ships now to be discharged; likewise that he give an account on Monday what imprest moneys are out [and to whom]. Mr. Waith called in with Mr. Fenne. My Lords desire him to hasten hither the list of the tickets. They say they cannot so soon make up that list [as] to be ready at the time of paying the ships. My Lords ask Mr. Fen why Mr. Backwell hath not his assignment. He says because the Earl of Anglesey had a former warrant to employ that money for the Navy and therefore [was] not willing to do [make] it. Mr. Wayth says the Earl of Anglesey is to keep the slop seller's money and Chatham chest money in his hands.
Major Reeves to attend on Tuesday next to give an account what beer was imported by Mr. Bean out of Essex into Middlesex or any other part of said Reeves's late Excise Farm.
Lord Gerard called in with those of Newcastle about the business of the Castle Garth, and the petition is read. The Counsel for the town say that since 29 Eliz. the Exchequer Seal can carry only small things and where the persons have not such free access to the King, and not where any regalia are [in question] or matters of great concern. So the lease against them they say is void, and if it be not void then men that are not free will flock into the Castle to the ruin of the tradesmen of the town. Also that the town are tenants in possession, and have laid out 1,000l. on fortifications, that the Lord Gerard will not live in it, so the strength and safety of the town will be in his deputy's hands. They also say that this matter had a hearing at the Great Seal, and that the Lord Chancellor would not pass it. Lord Gerard's Counsel say that the warrant for the Constableship stopped at the Great Seal; but for the lands they had the King's warrant to the Exchequer Seal, that the prison is excepted from the [grant to] Lord Gerard, so he is only to have the tenements. The town's counsel say they are ready to join issue with Lord Gerard that his lease is void. Lord Ashley says the clause si quis plus dare voluerit was never in any new acquisitions to the Crown, but for ancient lands, and that Lord Gerard's lease is good till voided. Mr. Shafto, Counsel for the town, acknowledges that the chief thing contested before the Lord Chancellor was the Constableship, but says the town did first petition for the Castle Garth. They cannot try Lord Gerard's title unless they have a new lease, or unless my Lords prosecute for the King. Lord Ashley moves for a treaty between Lord Gerard and the town, but Lord Gerard refuses, and will only submit to what the King or my Lords shall do. The town say if the King will grant it then they will make it good [that] their present title was under Stevenson for 1,800l. Lord Gerard says the town would let fall the King's title to a grant of part of the houses within the Castle Garth.
Sir W. Doyly acquaints my Lords in the presence of the Newcastle people that there is a great arrear of the Aids on the said town, which is occasioned by their having assessed the coal farm, a thing nowhere else precedented. Mr. Shafto says the town thinks they might assess it, that they do not assess the King's rent, but the profit to the lessees, which is 5,500l. per an. My Lords say that nothing of this kind is done in any other place. By this rule the City of London might tax the profits of the Farmers of the Customs, Excise, &c.
Col. Birch, Mr. Santon, Mr. Papillon and the farmers of the strong waters are to attend on Monday about the matter now in dispute at the Exchequer Bar about the duties to be paid for imported strong waters.
Mr. Pepys's warrant for the quarter ending November last is to be divided, and a warrant made at present for 10,000l. on the Customs. The remainder to be suspended till it has been adjusted to what time Tangier is to have only 55,500l. per an.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 378–82.]