Minute Book: November 1668, 16-30

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1905.

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'Minute Book: November 1668, 16-30', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp484-498 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Minute Book: November 1668, 16-30', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp484-498.

"Minute Book: November 1668, 16-30". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1905), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp484-498.


November 1668

Nov. 16.
Present: all my Lords.
Write the Farmers of the London Excise to certify on Friday next what money they have paid into the Exchequer on the London farm or on any of the country farms in their hands, or upon tallies. Also to send copies of their respective leases and covenants to lie at the Treasury. Write the Grand Commissioners of Excise for a like account of moneys by them paid either upon tallies or into the Exchequer. Write the Lord Privy Seal to hasten the privy seal for Excise payments.
Process to be stopped against Mr. Argall till next term. A state of his account to be brought in.
Write Sir R. Long to draft a privy seal to enable Sir Thomas Osborne and Sir Thomas Littleton to draw warrants and orders upon any privy seals directed to the Earl of Anglesey or Sir G. Carteret, as also to authorise the payment of any moneys to them upon any orders already drawn and signed [for payments] to the Earl of Anglesey; and to insert a clause in the said draft privy seal authorising the issue of 100,000l. to said Osborne and Littleton out of any moneys in the Exchequer.
Write Sir R. Long not to issue any moneys of the fragments of the Royal Aid save by my Lords' special direction. Write him also to draft an order of Council for issuing the money of the first month of the Eleven Months' tax to make good the deficiency on the Additional Aid; as the Attorney and Solicitor General say it is not usual for them to give their opinions under their hands in such cases.
Charnock to get a book to enter all Orders of Council in.
Sir Henry Wood and Sir Thomas Bond move for 22,500l. due to the Queen Mother at Michaelmas last. My Lords have no direction but for 10,000l. for her.
The paper to be sought out wherein Sir R. Long reports the land revenue to be 96,000l.
Warrant for 30,000l. for Sir Dennis Gauden. Write him to attend next Monday about his security and about the perfecting his victualling contract.
Warrant for Mr. Sylvius on his privy seal in June next.
The Cofferer of the Household to have a warrant for November and October on the London Excise.
Write the Customs Farmers and Sir Anthony Cope to attend this day week, my Lords finding that the business of re-building the Custom House doth not as yet go forward, which they regard as a very great dishonour and prejudice to His Majesty.
Gervas Bennet, Receiver of the Aids for co. Derby, desires process to be stopped against him because of a difference between two hundreds, which stops his getting in his money. The Lord Chief Baron to be spoken to about said difference. Warrant ordered for said stay and for delivery of his bonds on the Poll money on which he has received his quietus.
Warrant ordered for Lady Chesterfield's postage defalcations.
Petition read from John Shalcrosse concerning his tally in Mr. Bennet's hand. Referred to Sir W. Doyly. Mr. Isaac Meynell to attend on Wednesday concerning a tally of said Shalcrosse's, which Meynell refuses to deliver to said Shalcrosse.
Sir Samuel Starling to attend on Wednesday about his defalcations for his farm of the Norfolk Excise.
The Chimney Farmers to attend on Friday next about the surrender of their present grant of the Hearthmoney in pursuance of the late order in Council.
The order of Council read about agreeing with Mr. Taylour and the rest [of his partners] for [the farm of] the Irish revenue. They say they will decline meddling with the Customs and Excise till the present grants are expired. They are to bring in their covenants on Friday.
Warrant for the Earl of Oxford as Chief Justice in Eyre.
Warrant for what is due on the Earl of Norwich's creation money.
Warrant for Sir Thomas Daniell to be paid on the Exchequer for Arkcliffe bulwark.
Warrant for the arrest of Mr. Dale.
The Lord Chief Baron called in: my Lords to speak to him about the accounts of the Receivers of the Aids to quicken the passing of same.
They also speak to him about the certioraris of the Excise and what duty is to be paid on imported liquor, whether 4d. or 8d. a gallon. Col. Birch says it must pay 8d. a gallon or nothing, for there are but three paragraphs, first 2d. a gallon on what is made here of our own materials, second for what is made of imported foreign materials, thirdly strong waters imported, which are to pay 8d.
A copy of the Chimney Farmers' demands for defalcations is to be sent to the Chief Baron of the Exchequer for his opinion thereon.
Warrant for a privy seal for 100l. for the poor of Westminster, 3,000l. for the Duke of Monmouth, 100l. for the Council of Trade, and 400l. for Mr. Worden.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 382–4.]
Nov. 17.
Present: Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
Write the Navy Commissioners for a state of Sir Dennis Gauden's accounts for the last year from January 1st to Sept. 30 last for the victualling of the Navy.
[Ibid. II. p. 384.]
Nov. 18.
Present: all my Lords.
Write the officers of the Exchequer for a table to be made of all fees in the Exchequer. Calculation to be made how much is taken [in the shape of Exchequer fees on a money warrant] on each 1,000l.: a dispute having arisen yesterday about the said fees. This will be done with little alteration to the table already made up by the Exchequer officers.
Sir W. Doyly presents a draft of a letter to the several counties to warn them to take care that the whole money be assessed before Feb. 1 next. Letters in accordance herewith to be sent to all the counties.
Mr. Woodward called in. He must pay the King's money in his hands.
Sir W. Doyly to perfect the agreement with Mr. White. The articles to be in the name of the Commissioners [for exchanges] at [Great] St. Helens, and the bonds to be in the King's name.
Process to be stopped against Mr. Woodcock, Receiver of Rutland.
Sir R. Long to report in writing his opinion of the fitness of the new draft of a warrant for Sir Dennis Gauden and Capt. Villers.
Warrant for 4,500l. for the use of the Office of Exchanges at Great St. Helens: to be on the end of the Eleven Months' tax.
Mr. Squibb's petition read. Ordered that Mr. Broxholme pay to Squibb so much money as to make good the full of the tally which he had overstruck.
Mr. Gilbert's account referred to Sir W. Doyly.
Write the Auditor to hasten Mr. Herlackenden's account and to debit him with 12 per cent. interest.
Sir Solomon Swayle called in with a certificate from Sir Charles Harbord of the value of the lands proposed by him to secure the King's 2,000l. He is to get the deed engrossed.
Write Sir R. Long that Mr. Daniel's 700l. instalment when paid is to be for the Works.
Charnock to draw a privy seal to transfer all moneys in Mr. May's hands and all orders thereupon to Mr. Packer as Paymaster of the Works. Write Sir R. Long for a certificate of such orders remaining not fully executed in the name of Hugh May, and of what remains of the 10,000l. for the Works to Lady Day last.
Write Sir Ste. Fox to pay 300l. to the workmen who made the new Guard House, accounting the 200l. already paid as part thereof, and to deliver back the Lord General's warrant for that 200l.
Petition from Mr. George Skip (Skippe) read concerning abuses done by Mr. John Esmond to the King's gauger of Excise in co. Somerset. Esmond to attend next Tuesday.
Mr. Lawrence to take Mr. Prichard's security.
The King to be moved as to Edith Cary's petition.
Lord Arlington's letter read for money for Sir Edw. Sprag as envoy.
A computation to be made of the charge the King is at in bringing in each part of his revenue.
Letter read from the Customs Farmers about an abuse offered to their officers at Bristol. Mr. Thomas Butler, master of the ship "Diligence," to attend this day fortnight about it, viz. shipping coals without entry, and refusing to admit the Customs officers to a search.
Col. Gilbye's petition read with Sir Charles Harbord's report. Order for a lease to him on condition the embanking be done in seven years. Write Sir Charles Cotterell, Master Requests, to know why he referred the business of the lands in the Humber to Sir C. Harbord direct by asking him to make out a particular thereof, thereby waiving the authority of the Treasury.
Petition from Mr. Windham. Report to be made that it is contrary to His Majesty's rules to grant reversions or give leases over the present tenants' heads; and that usually persons that had a hand in the King's escape [from Worcester] have been rewarded by pension.
The King to be moved concerning the Duke of Newcastle's docquet for 8,083l. 6s. 8d.
Sir R. Long and Sir G. Downing to report their opinion in writing as to Sir Denis Gauden's 30,000l. orders being put on the Chimney money in place of his orders on the Poll money.
Sir Saml. Starling et al., Farmers of the Norfolk Excise, are heard about their defalcations. My Lords offer to proceed with them in the same method as with others, viz. to make them savers [i.e. not actually losers], they proceeding accordingly with their Sub-Farmers. Sir S. Starling says he will defend himself by law. Mr. Lawrence and said Starling to attend on Friday. Starling says that Sir John Duncombe was the cause why he got not his money from Butts by saying that Butts should not be sued till the King was satisfied [of his money from Starling].
Extracts read of some letters to the Lords Lieutenants of Ireland about the Customers' demands of defalcations. Write Dr. Gorge in Ireland that whereas a commission was lately issued into Ireland to examine the accounts of the Customs, my Lords understanding the parties to be agreed desire him therefore to offer my Lords his opinion what should be done in the case. This business, to be then considered when the Irish Lords shall [happen to] be at the Treasury.
Process to be stopped against the Earl of Derby for moneys [paid to him, to be by him] paid to the clergy of the Isle of Man by the late Treasurer Southampton's warrant. Warrant for a privy seal to discharge said account.
Sir Tho. Littleton called in, and a draft privy seal is read for transferring all payments from the Earl of Anglesey [to the present Treasurers of the Navy]. The King's hand to be got to it. Also a paper read of an account of moneys and assignments in the hands of the Earl of Anglesey. The present Treasurers [of the Navy] to have a copy of it.
Col. Birch, Sir W. Doyly, Mr. Prynne and Mr. Scawen to attend on Monday about the business of the first Poll and the other moneys for disbanding the Army and Navy, and to bring with them copies of the Acts, &c.
Write Sir R. Long to deliver to Col. Legg orders to the value of 10,000l. which are assigned by Captain Cock and others to him: to be by him made use of according to my Lords' directions.
Letter read from Mr. Creed about the Tangier establishment, and when the reducement began, which was in April, so that they are to be paid according to this reducement from June 24 last.
The King's warrant read about a George [Garter and collar] for the King of Sweden. Warrant for 1,000l. to the Jewel House for providing it. But first the order of Council for enlarging the Jewel House establishment is to be brought to my Lords.
Write Sir Edm. Sawyer and the rest of the Auditors of the revenue to hasten the state of the accounts of all the Receivers of the Royal and Additional Aids and of the late [second] Poll Bill: and in case any difficulties arise in any of them that they apply to the barons of the Exchequer.
Sir G. Downing to speak with Sir R. Long again to-morrow about the money in the Exchequer of the 1st month of the Eleven Months' tax.
Warrant for Mr. Finch to prosecute Mr. Hanning to void his patent.
Warrant for the Earl of Thanet's creation money.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 384–7.]
Nov. 20.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Sir W. Coventry. Sir J. Duncombe.
Mr. Willoughby called in. Lord Willoughby's book of accounts as Governor of Barbados, is referred to Auditor Beale; who is to attend for my Lords' further directions next week, and to state then such doubts as he may have thereupon.
Sir Ste. Fox moves for a privy seal to pay the forces for a year, and for interest money 20,000l., and 600l. for the Guard House and 25l. 16s. 0d. for the Portugal soldiers. Sir R. Long to draw the privy seal.
Mr. Henry Brouncker (Brunkert) called in about his warrant and order on the Chimneys. He is to meet with Sir Thomas Bond and Mr. Sherwyn at Sir R. Long's to arrange the matter, so that he may really reap the benefit my Lords intended to him thereby.
Sir Ste. Fox moves for the 3,000l. he is to have on the Customs. The King must first declare himself on the paper. The King to be spoken to about it and about the 1,800l. for the Duke of Monmouth.
Sir Charles Cotterell to attend on Monday about the direction given by him to Sir C. Harbord for the making out of a particular of lands in [the] Humber.
The order of Council read for a privy seal for 12,000l. for the Great Wardrobe. Charnock to draw it.
Warrant to the Wardrobe for a gown to Lord Ashley.
The Earl of Carlisle moves for money for his [present of] plate [to be carried with him on his embassy to Sweden]. My Lords direct Sir Rob. Viner not to exceed the 1,000l. allowed for the George Garter and Collar for the King of Sweden. The Earl says the King has promised him his full 1,000l. per an. of his pension to help for his subsistence [as Ambassador]. He is to put the King in mind to speak with my Lords after the Council meeting.
Sir C. Harbord, Sir Jo. Denham and Hugh Hay to attend on Monday, when the Customs Farmers and Sir Anthony Cope are appointed to attend my Lords about the business of re-building the Custom House.
Mr. Lawrence says that he never had any discourse with Sir John Duncombe about Mr. Butts save at the [Treasury] Board. Sir Sam. Starling called in: produces an affidavit, which is read.
Viscount Brouncker, Sir Thos. Littleton and Sir Thomas Osborne are called in with Mr. Pepys and Mr. Wayth. My Lords ask Mr. Wayth why the 4,000l. lying at Chatham cannot be still applied to pay the ships. They say the Earl of Anglesey must keep it to repay the slopseller and Chatham Chest the money which he had made use of. Ordered that as to the moneys on the Customs the Navy office is to charge the Earl of Anglesey and he is to show how that money has been applied to see what remains to pay for stores. Write Mr. Wadlow to bring in writing on Monday an account of all moneys paid by him on the Wine Act: and that he, Sir T. Littleton, and Sir T. Osborne attend then to consider of [finding] money to pay off the 6 ships. Write Sir R. Long to send on Monday the papers delivered to him and Sir G. Downing by Viscount Brouncker concerning the state of the charge of the Navy for this year. The Navy Commissioners to quicken the Earl of Anglesey to bring in his account to them, and to send to Mr. Fenne for a statement of his account in order to transmit same to my Lords. The Treasurers of the Navy move for some money to pay the [seamen's] tickets on the year 1666. My Lords say they will allot some money for this use.
Sir W. Doyly called in: says there's about 5,000l. in foreign money at Portsmouth. Ordered that he exchange it with the Navy and Sir Stephen Fox.
The Auditors of the revenue to attend on Monday to acquaint my Lords what difficulties they find in the dispatch of all the accounts of Receivers of the Aids and late Poll.
Write Sir R. Long that Arcliffe bulwark is to be left out of Sir Ste. Fox's new privy seal.
The Chimney Farmers called in about the surrender of their grant upon the late order of Council. My Lords say they must proceed upon their covenants, which is that they are to be made reasonable gainers, and to that end they [my Lords] must see what has been collected and what the charge was. Mr. Webb says the best way is to proceed upon the last two years by estimate. My Lords say they can justify themselves no way but by inspecting for the whole time what the farmers have made of their farm. Ordered that they attend on Monday week about it, making themselves accountants on the whole farm.
Mr. May says that Mr. Daniel is not come [to pay his 700l. instalment into the Exchequer]. Write him to attend my Lords on Monday.
The King to be moved about Sir C. Harbord's paper about the trees in Windsor Forest.
Sir Edm. Sawyer brings in precedents shewing that the moneys for Windsor were disposed by the Receiver [of the honor, &c., of Windsor].
Mr. Taylor and Mr. Muschamp present heads of their covenants for their farm of the Irish revenue: which are read.
When the Auditors of the revenue attend on Monday my Lords will speak with them about their returns of the King's fee farms, that they inscribe them fair in books.
The Earl of Anglesey moves for copies of the books of accounts for Ireland, book after book. The King to be moved in it in regard the books are delivered to the Commissioners of Accounts. My Lords desire the Earl to direct Mr. Fenne to attend the Commissioners of the Navy with a state of his (the said Earl's) accounts.
The Earl of Lauderdale called in. Write the Customs Farmers to attend my Lords next Monday (in pursuance of a late order of the Council) to shew cause why they take 18d. per head for Scotch cattle coming into England.
The Attorney General advises a surrender of Lady Dysart's letters patent [of her pension] by means of a fine, and moves that in the meantime some money be allotted her.
The warrant for a lease to Lord Richardson of the profits of reliefs, heriots, escheats, &c., is referred to Sir Edm. Sawyer and Sir R. Croke to report whether any of these things are already in charge and whether the granting thereof will be a prejudice to the King.
The order of Council brought in for a privy seal for money for the Jewel Office for plate for the Ambassadors. Charnock to draw a blank privy seal.
Mr. Goodwyn's account to be the first business on Monday.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 387–90.]
Nov. 23.
Present: all my Lords.
The Earl of Lindsey called in: propounds a paper about repairs done at Havering to the King's house. This paper to be moved in Council. A letter to be sent to the several possessors of the said [i.e. the King's various] houses that for the future they repair them in accordance with the late order of the Council.
Mr. Goodwyn called in with Sir Edm. Sawyer about his (Goodwyn's) account of the Aids for co. Sussex. Warrant ordered for him to be discharged of the 12 per cent. interest because the money was in the Exchequer, though no tally was struck for it by reason of some difference how the said moneys should be charged.
Sir Sam. Starling to attend to-morrow about his pretence to a defalcation for strong beer: otherwise a commission to issue out.
My Lords speak to Sir Edm. Sawyer to quicken the accounts of the Receivers of the Aids and to apply to the Barons [of the Exchequer in case of any difficulties arising], and to set arrears in super. He says that as to the poll the duplicates [of the rolls] are yet wanting. He is to apply to the Barons of the Exchequer for their direction herein.
Sir R. Long brings in a draft of an order of Council about issuing the money of the first month of the Eleven Months' tax [to meet the deficiency of the Additional Aid.] To be considered to-morrow.
Mr. Wheedon (Weeden) called in about his account of the Aids of Bucks. Mr. Lewis Harding, of Bedford, called in on the same account; says his money was in Sir W. Doyly's office. My Lords tell Mr. Weedon that he ought not to have remitted his money to Sir Rob. Viner, but to Sir W. Doyly's office. They ask him whether he gave Doyly notice of it. He says not. Ordered that he must pay the interest money [of 12 per cent. chargeable on unpaid balances in Receivers' lands]. The Auditors are called in and the same thing is said to them all, viz. that the Receivers must show them when they received the money and from that time the interest to be put upon them and not before, and that if there is any doubt about passing the accounts the Auditors must apply to the Lord Chief Baron.
Mr. Newport and Col. Reymes to attend to-morrow.
Sir Charles Cottrell is told that for the future he do not make any [order of] reference about Treasury business save by [order of] the Treasury. The King to be acquainted with this reference by Sir C. Cottrell concerning Col. Gilby and the other person; for his pleasure therein.
Dormant warrant for Sir Charles Cotterell as Master of the Ceremonies and for his son.
Warrant for 100l. for the Works: being paid into the Exchequer by Mr. Daniel.
Sir W. Doyly, Col. Birch, Mr. Prin and Mr. Scawen called in about the moneys allotted [in 1660] for disbanding the Army and Navy. Ordered to consider the best way of getting in [the arrears of] these moneys. Write Sir Thomas Player and the rest of the Treasurers for these moneys to give an account on Monday next what was received and paid by them thereon and what moneys remain yet unpaid.
The Customs Farmers called in about the 18d. on Scotch cattle, and present a paper about it. To be sent to the Earl of Lauderdale. They are spoken to about re-building the Custom House. It will cost 5–6,000l. Sir C. Harbord thinks fit that on re-building there should be new articles between the King and Sir Anthony Cope. My Lords desire the Customs Farmers to lay down the money for re-building, to be re-imbursed at the end of their farm. Write Sir John Denham and the other officers of the Works for an estimate of the charge of building that part of the Custom House which is reserved for His Majesty's use by the models agreed upon April 27 last. Also give Sir Ant. Cope's agent notice that the King will go on in re-building [the said Custom House] on his [Cope's] ground.
The officers of the Works to attend on Monday with the accounts [of the Works] for some years.
Warrant to the Auditors to allow interest to the Customs Farmers for what money they have advanced or shall advance. The said farmers complain that the persons driven out of Somerset House who brought in prohibited commodities are removed into the Savoy, where a constable cannot enter by a writ of assistance by reason it is a privileged place, and therefore desire the assistance of a sergeant to search there for prohibited goods. Warrant to a sergeant accordingly. The farmers move for 2,000l. for repairs, &c., for the present Custom House and for rent, &c. Ordered that this and the [money for] the building the Custom House be put into one privy seal. Alderman Backwell presents a paper of what principal and interest have been unpaid of their 200,000l. loan, and what is yet due, and moves for 8,800l. interest due to them, and that this be placed on the 8,000l. per mensem [out of the Customs] to be paid with interest next after the 10,000l. last placed for Tangier. My Lords take it for granted that the Farmers will lend 8,000l. a month for 12 months. They desire that they may consider of this among themselves.
Alderman Backwell prays he may have authority to pay the city what is due to it on the Chimney money, both principal and interest, and [thereupon] to receive an assignment from them (the city) on the [unpaid arrears of the] Chimneys. This to be moved in Council. Alderman Backwell brings in a paper of several sums advanced by him. A direction to be made on the paper to signify that they were advanced by my Lords' order.
Sir G. Downing to speak with the Earl of Anglesey to make the assignments of Capt. Cocke's orders to Alderman Backwell.
Sir Denis Gauden called in about his victualling contract. It must be drawn by the Attorney General. But first it is to be settled what money he is to have. Write the principal officers and Commissioners of the Navy to certify what sum they think will be fit to be inserted in said contract as to be paid monthly to Mr. Gauden for victualling the ordinary of the Navy, as my Lords think that the sum hitherto imprested monthly to him for this purpose is not sufficient. Gauden propounds Sir W. Penn and his second son for his security.
The report of the Commissioners of the Navy about the victualler's Toulon account is to be reported to the Privy Council.
The Treasurers of the Navy present their privy seal for transferring payments to them [from the Earl of Anglesey and Sir George Carteret, former successive Treasurers]. They also desire an assignment monthly for stores. Mr. Wadlow called in. Write him to pay no more money to the Earl of Anglesey on any orders he (Anglesey) has on him (Wadlow). Wadlow is also desired to pay 5,000l. a week to the new Treasurers. He says he will speak to his friends about it and will give an answer on Wednesday. Sir G. Downing to ask Sir John Nicholas how the Navy is to have the 200,000l. for this year. Write Mr. Wadlow that though my Lords do not urge it as a promise, yet it would be a great service if above the 5,000l. per week he could furnish 20,000l. towards the paying off the ships.
Charnock to ask Mr. Williamson what salary he desires. A warrant for it if it be as keeper of the records.
Warrant for the Duke of Ormonde's creation money. The like for the Earl of Lindsey.
Auditor Beale to attend on Wednesday with such precedents as he can find in former accounts of what wines were allowed to foreign ambassadors and other public ministers in the times of Elizabeth and James.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 390–3.]
Nov. 24.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry.
The Earl of Carlisle's pension to be moved in the Privy Council.
Warrants for the creation money to the Earls of Burlington, Essex, and Mulgrave.
The Duke of Ormonde, Earl of Burlington, Earl of Orrery, and Lord Berkeley come in about the conditions for farming the Irish revenue. The articles proposed by Mr. Taylour and Mr. Muschamp for same are read. Ordered, as to any general words [for the farmers] to have the benefit of both the Acts of Settlement, that it be referred to the Attorney and Solicitor General to consider what may be included in those words, for that 'tis meant that they (Taylour and Muschamp) should only have the quit rents. As to the Customs, and such revenues as are already let my Lords are to see the present articles by which they are let. As to rebellion and mortality the words are to be explained, and the power of allowing defalcations is to be lodged in the Lord Treasurer and Chancellor of the Exchequer or the Treasury Lords. Further ordered that such houses as the King hath be allowed them for their use: that the King have the profit of any new acts concerning the Customs: that the Solicitor General's opinion be had about vexatious indictments: that as little of the money as may be shall be returned to Dublin except by exchange. The Attorney and Solicitor General to consider all these articles and compare them with the present articles for those several branches, as well in England as in Ireland, and to make the most advantageous articles for the King. As to the quit rents, great care is to be taken that there be no general words which may include more than is intended or cause disturbance. The Solicitor General to attend hereon to-morrow morning, there being haste in the matter, as some part of the farm begins at Xmas. The Irish Lords will be here. Taylour and Muschamp are called in and told that their new article for a re-survey is thought very unreasonable, that for such as have their patents there is now no survey to be. They say they desire no more than the law shall warrant. This first article to be wholly omitted. The article relating to such rents as they shall bring into charge is to be limited so as not to comprehend such as shall be brought in by the Court of Claims or Exchequer within a year.
Warrant for stay of process against Col. Strode's security.
Warrant for Col. Mouldsworth to prosecute the present warehouse-keeper for misdemeanours done; and then a warrant for said Col. to be warehouse-heeper of the Custom House.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 394–5.]
Nov. 25.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry. Together with: Duke of Ormonde, Earl of Burlington, Earl of Orrery.
Write Sir Robert Holmes to certify on Friday if any goods are removed out of Carisbrooke Castle by Lord Colepeper.
The Solicitor General proposes that he may have a general warrant to prepare a draft of articles for all the [farm of] the revenue of Ireland, and then my Lords may consider it. A warrant ordered accordingly. He also says there can be no new survey of lands. Mr. Muschamp is asked why his partners desire the quit rents. He says because the same persons can manage this and the inland excise and wine licences. He says the old Crown rents and the new quit rents are inseparable, because where the old Crown rents are more than the new quit rents then the old rents are to stand, when otherwise they are to be drowned.
An order of Council read about raising the [tariff of] foreign coin and for coining small pieces of silver [for Ireland]. Mr. Harris is to send to my Lords his proposition for coining such small coins. Write Sir George Lane for a copy of this proposition, and also for a copy of the Irish proclamation [for the rating of the currency value of foreign coins there] to see how the foreign coins do go now there.
Write Sir W. Doyly to take care that the warrants for London and Middlesex be timely issued in accordance with the letters now being sent out to the several counties concerning the making up their assessments before February next, and that from the solicitors for those places he prepare and bring to my Lords an account what arrears are now out in those places.
Report to be made in Council of the state of the quit rents on lands in Ireland for which the patents are not yet taken out. Write the Solicitor General for his opinion whether the Commissioners for Claims in Ireland can sign certificates for reprisals or any other disposition of lands there after January 3 next.
The Lords of the Council of Ireland withdraw.
Warrant for half a year for the Queen's dressers.
Mr. Newport moves for money for the extraordinaries for the Wardrobe. Order for a privy seal to enable Col. Legg to assign 2,000l. of his 10,000l. for the Wardrobe: same to be in part of the 12,000l. for the extraordinaries of the Wardrobe.
Letter read about the payment of the Duke [of York's] children. Sir W. Coventry will speak with the Duke about it.
Mr. Warcub's petition read. Lord Ashley to write to Sir Henry Coker to come up speedily to give satisfaction, or my Lords must make complaint in Council.
The order of Council about Mr. Grant read. Warrant to the Treasurers of the Navy to see same executed.
Mrs. Boynton moves for payment of her pension. The King must order it in Council.
The petition from John Stone and George Barkham is to be moved in Council.
Petition from Thomas Thorge read, and he called in: says that the town of Boston had the old Custom House, for it belonged to them, and the King paid rent for it. My Lords ask him for the order by which he bought the new Custom House. He says he has had no rent for it. The Customs Farmers are to pay their rent [for same] for the time of their farm, and my Lords will further consider who is to pay for the time the Customs were in commission. As to Thorge's salary, he shall be paid with others.
The Treasurers of the Navy and Mr. Wadlow called in. Wadlow says he and his friends will do what they can and that next week they will pay 5,000l. and so weekly till their Christmas 100,000l. is paid, and that they will get what they can further to furnish my Lords. Ordered to attend on Friday to say when he can get 20,000l. Warrant ordered for 20,000l. for the Treasurers of the Navy on the Wine Act. Write Sir R. Long to divide this into as many orders as Mr. Wadlow shall desire.
Mr. Knype's petition read, complaining that he has paid Sir Rob. Vyner 4,723l. 16s. 0d. for a 4,000l. tally of Knype's in said Vyner's hands, and that yet Vyner keeps the said tally. Write Vyner to certify why he does not deliver it.
The paper about Edm. West's tally of loan and orders of repayment is referred to Sir R. Long.
Mr. Broxholme called in: says he has not money to make good the tally struck on his account by Mr. Squibb. Warrant ordered for the dividing of the tally so as to make it for the just sum.
Sir Ste. Fox's privy seal to be prepared.
Mr. Cooper, Receiver of co. Notts, is to attend on Monday to show cause why he has not paid into Sir W. Doyly's office 500l. assigned on him on the Royal Aid.
Auditor Beale to attend on Friday about allowance of wines formerly made to Ambassadors.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 395–7.]
Nov. 27.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry.
Deputy Auditor Chislet to attend on Tuesday morning about William Kirbye's Firehearth account for co. Lancs., and meantime process to stop.
Sir John Shaw called in: prays that no warrant may issue against the Wardhouse keeper. The Attorney General to attend to show what is pretended in the Exchequer Court against [said keeper].
Mr. Elliot's warrant to be brought to my Lords from the Signet.
Sir Ste. Fox moves for his 3,000l. and 1,800l. for the Duke of Monmouth. Order for a privy seal for Col. Legg to assign 1,800l. (on his 10,000l. portion of Capt. Cocke's orders) to Sir Ste. Fox for the Duke of Monmouth's French voyage.
The King to be moved concerning Mr. Smith's docquet being during life.
Sir Robert Holmes called in: is asked if any goods are removed out of Carisbrooke Castle by Lord Colepeper. My Lords desire him to inform himself.
Write Mr. Harbord to know what progress he has made in the Commission for the forest of Dean and how that matter stands. Mr. Madden to attend on Tuesday about his Dean Forest account.
The order of Council about Lord Colepeper's account is to be sent for.
The Earl of Nottingham called in: moves for his pension: says that it's ordered in Council. But [my Lords say] the order must be got (brought) hither.
Sir Hugh Cholmely called in about the Alum Farmers' account: which is to be sent up to the Council.
Lord Gerard moves for Mr. Dobson to be paid out of some old Customs arrears for the moneys laid out by him on a lodge in Enfield Chase. Dobson's petition read with Auditor Beale's report.
Lord Belasyse and Sir John Bennet, called in, bring in an order of Council about the Band of [Gentlemen] Pensioners, which is read, praying that the First Fruits may be reserved for them as formerly.
Sir Edward Walker moves about money for the Office at Arms to carry the Garter to the King of Sweden. Prays he may have 250l. on account on his allowance herefor of 30s. a day. Ordered to get a privy seal.
The Treasurer of the Household reports from the King that 10,000l. be borrowed to pay the Queen Mother. Sir R. Long to attend on Monday to consider on what fund to borrow it.
Sir Denis Gauden called in. Warrant to the Attorney General to prepare the draft of a new contract for the Victualler according to the terms agreed on before my Lords. Sir W. Penne and Mr. Ben Gauden to be his co-partners [sic for sureties], and the petty warrant [i.e. the warrant for the victualling of the ordinary of the Navy] to be 467l. per mensem as formerly. Sir Denis Gauden to be heard before my Lords make the report about his Toulon account. Write Sir W. Doyly to certify on Monday if there be only 1,540l. standing out on Sir Walter Moyle's account of the Additional Aid. The Victualler says he will pay this in in 10 days if it is no more.
Counsel called in about the business of Mr. Kingston and Stedman. My Lords desire them to agree on some gentlemen in the country to meet at Bath to accommodate matters. They therefore name each their gentlemen, detailed.
The money of the fragments of the Royal Aid are to be issued to Sir Thomas Osburne and Sir Thomas Liltleton for the creditors on Guildhall tallies to be issued to them in course.
Write Mr. Wadlow that my Lords were much disappointed that he was not here to-day and desire him to attend on Monday.
Auditor Beale says that no allowances were made to Ambassadors of wines of the new impositions till the years 1637 and 1638. The paper brought in by him about it is to be reported to the King in Council.
Mr. Knype called in with Sir Robert Viner about his 4,600l. tally. My Lords say that if the acquittances mention the money to be for the Aids my Lords will own them, otherwise not. My Lords say that Mr. Knype must pay the interest of the money.
Sir Edmund Sawyer's deputy called in about the business of Mr. Knowlles and the extent against him.
Charnock to see whether the warrant for the Queen Mother's 1,000l. tallies or the Earl of Carbery's were first.
Auditor Beale is to attend on Tuesday about Lord Willoughby's Barbados account.
Mr. Palmer's proposition concerning farthings is to be considered next Wednesday.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 398–400.]
Nov. 30.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry.
The King's warrant to be got for registering Sir Edw. Turner's money.
Warrant for a year's salary for Mr. Browne, Clerk of the Estreats.
Major Broxholme says that his poll account is ready to be declared and the whole money paid which is charged on him. Therefore moves for stay of process. He must bring a certificate from the Auditor.
The Earl of Carlisle moves for his pension. An order of Council for it is read. He desires that his [money] warrant may be according to his patent, and that the warrant and order to him on the salt may be revoked, and the money repaid, and that the salters (salt farmers) may certify same. The Earl must bring his patent to-morrow.
Warrant for what is due to Mrs. Boynton, the maid of honour.
Warrant for Col. Fairfax's 100l. per an. on the Customs at Hull in order to the order of Council.
Sir W. Doyly called in: moves in a business about Mr. Holins-head, Receiver of the Aids for Staffordshire, concerning a tally overstruck. Warrant for the money overstruck to be repaid [to Holinshead] and process against him to stop.
Warrant for 200l. for Sir Edwd. Spragg on June next on the Customs: in pursuance of the King's warrant.
Charnock to draw a warrant for the fishery beer for Yarmouth for this year.
Col. Napier to attend on Friday next about his patent for toll fish at Yarmouth, together with Sir W. Doyly, Mr. Bishop and the Attorney General.
Charnock to look to the superscribing of a letter to the Greencloth.
Sir W. Doyly says that the 4,500l. on the 65,000l. on the Eleven months' tax will do no good for the. Charnock to draw a privy seal for the 1,200l. remainder of Col. Legg's order on Capt. Cock's orders; same to be for Sir W. Doyly for his Office of Exchanges.
The bill for Mr. St. George's privy seal is to be brought to my Lords.
Capt. Cock to attend on Friday to give an account what moneys are in his hands of the moneys [issued to him] as Treasurer for Sick and Wounded.
Mr. Wadlow called in, says that they (the Vintners will make up the 5,000l. per week till Christmas quarter is paid off, viz. 5,000l. this week and so on, but cannot at present promise any more, but will see if he can get 10,000l. next week, and hopes he shall get it.
The Treasurers of the Navy called in. A warrant for 20,000l. more for them on the Wine Act. They also give an account of two ships now to be paid off.
The business of Dean Forest to be the first business to-morrow.
Mr. Bertie called in with Sir Edm. Sawyer's deputy concerning the late Earl of Lyndsey's account as Keeper and Ranger of Woodstock Park. The account is declared. A state of same is to be left with my Lords.
"Charnock to examine if our [Privy] Council will sit next Wednesday and so forward in the morning, and accordingly give me [Downing] notice and alter the [notice] bill on the [Treasury] door."
Deputy Auditor Chislett is to attend on Friday next about Lord Colepeper's account.
The draft of the order of Council for issuing the moneys of the first of the Eleven months' tax for making good the deficiency on the Additional Aid is to be sent to Lord Ashley to peruse for his opinion thereon.
Write Sir C. Harbord to certify on Wednesday next how the goods are to be removed out of a house in Exeter of which the Treasurer of the Household has a lease, but which lately belonged to Mr. Chudleigh and in which said Chudleigh's goods remain.
Sir Martin Lumley called in about his Firehearth account for Essex and his petition is read. To be considered on Wednesday and Mr. Jefferyes and Mr. Auditor Phillips to attend then.
The Chimney Farmers' proposition is to be considered to-morrow.
The officers of the Works called in: present a state of several of their accounts. Also they move for money. Their accounts to Michaelmas last are referred to Auditor Beale who is to certify my Lords what difficulties he finds in the stating thereof.
[Colonel] Trevanian called in: says that Mr. Trevanian is going out of town. Write him to attend my Lords on Wednesday next about the account between him and said Col. Trevanian.
Mr. Finch to be heard the first business to-morrow morning.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 400–2.]