Minute Book: October 1668, 16-30

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1905.

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'Minute Book: October 1668, 16-30', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp461-472 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Minute Book: October 1668, 16-30', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp461-472.

"Minute Book: October 1668, 16-30". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1905), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp461-472.


October 1668

Oct. 16.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
My Lords enter upon the business of settling His Majesty's expenses on the several branches of the revenue.
Next Tuesday my Lords are to consider what dormant warrants are to be stopped.
Ordered that whereas 10 per cent. interest has been allowed in several cases since November, the Privy Council be moved in it for allowance thereof. Charnock to enter this in the Memorandum book.
The Customs Farmers to certify who have the collection of the duty on smalts and saffers, &c.
The Earl of Lauderdale called in. My Lords tell him they are settling the public expenses and will speedily settle Lady Dysart's business.
Warrant on the Exchequer for what the Works fell short of their former warrant on the Commission account of the Customs.
The King to be moved about the 100l. per an. to the poor of St. Martins [in the Fields] and of Westminster.
Auditor Beale called in about the establishment of the Presidentship of Wales. What are marked in the margin of said [draft] establishment are to be left out. This business of the Earl of Carbery's to be considered on Monday.
The Earl of Orrery to meet here on Monday because the Duke of Ormonde is in town.
On Tuesday morning to review the dormant warrants and the order of the Privy Council about interest money.
[Treasury Minute Book II. p. 353.]
Oct. 19.
My Lords met with some of the Council of Ireland about the Irish revenue.
Oct. 20.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
The several propositions concerning the [farm of the] Irish revenue [of Customs, Excise, &c.] are to be carried up to the Privy Council to-morrow, and the proposers to attend then.
The Earl of Carbery called in about settling the establishment of the charge of the President of Wales. My Lords propose that 200l. per an. for washing and 50l. out of the 150l. for fuel be cut off. The Earl desires that only 150l. in the whole be cut off. This to be reported to the King in Council. The Earl moves that the privy seal for his stable money be separate, and that for the presidentship in another privy seal; which is granted. He also moves for a warrant for 200l. for his stable money due at Michaelmas last.
The Privy Council to be moved for 4,000l. for Sir Edw. Turner, the Speaker of the House of Commons, for which he has a privy seal.
Write the Alum Farmers to certify to-morrow how much of the 800l. lately charged on their farm for Lord [Sir John] Monson has been paid off; and when the unpaid remainder will be satisfied.
Sir R. Long called in about what is in arrear of the Additional Aid and what will fall short thereof. The King's Counsel, the Attorney and Solicitor General, to attend to-morrow at the Privy Council about the money to be issued for making good out of the Eleven Months' tax the said deficiency.
Letter read from the Commissioners of Accounts demanding 1,000l. [for their own charges, &c.]. Warrant for same on the fragments of the Royal Aid.
An estimate made of the charge of the Ordnance. Warrant for 18,000l. on the Wine Act after Xmas, they having already had 10,000l.
The orders of Council about over interest to be considered. Sir R. Long says that from November last only 8 per cent. is paid, but from what time 10 per cent. shall be paid is the question in regard the order of Council sets no time from whence.
Charnock to draw out against to-morrow what has been paid by the Receivers [of Crown revenues] to Coldstreamers and to Welsh Judges and to the Court at Ludlow.
Warrant for Mr. Symonds for the deceased landwaiter's place.
The account of the Excise Office repairs is referred to the Board of Works.
Sir W. Doyly's petition read about the money paid to Alderman Backwell. Referred to Sir R. Long and Sir G. Downing.
Sir Edw. Griffin moves for assignments for his office: is told that he must pay no present debts out of the 20,000l. to be given him, but only what grows due from Xmas next for the next year.
Warrant for a privy seal to transfer to Mr. Packer all moneys unpaid to Mr. May on his privy seal, i.e. as Paymaster of the Works. Sir Rob. Viner says the Works shall have the 361l. [resting] on the tin account.
Mr. Berkely's warrant to be moved when the public expense is settled.
The Chimney Farmers present their demand for defalcations, viz. 27,000l. per an. besides the fire of London. It was expected that they should in their demands have referred to their patent and to the clauses in it. The King to be moved in Council to appoint a day to hear them herein and report to be made in Council as to what has been done in order to a trial. Also Sir R. Long and Sir G. Downing to make out a state of the [Hearthmoney] revenue and for their assistance herein my Lords order Mr. Webb to attend them. My Lords tell the Chimney Farmers this must not hinder the process.
Sir W. Coventry makes report about the business of the over interest. The last order of Council allowed power to pay [the additional] 4 per cent. [for charges over and above the 6 per cent. for interest] to the end of March last. To be moved in Council for a new order to allow 4 per cent. for moneys borrowed to Xmas next.
Mr. Montague called in: moves for money for his embassy. Charnock to draw his privy seal.
Abbot to make an account of the charge of the Excise Office and of the interest of the advance quarter [on the various farms of the Excise].
My Lords will meet for the future on Thursday afternoons and Wednesday mornings.
Sir G. Downing to see and cast up what the Customs Farmers are to have for certain defalcations such as smalts, logwood, imported salt, &c.
Charnock to draw a privy seal for [the pay of] Mr. Sylvius as envoy to the Elector of Bradenburg.
Privy seal for 90,000l. for the Cofferer of the Household for the year from Michaelmas last.
Mr. Hill and Mr. Lawrence called in: move, from the Attorney General, for a new extent, and that Hill have three months' time [release] on security to the messenger.
Mr. Ball called in with the deputy to Col. Birch about the 746l. 12s. 6d. on the Norfolk [Excise] farm resting in the hands of said Ball as Treasurer to the late Commissioners of Excise. The money to be paid into the Exchequer and issued out thence on the orders in course.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 354–5.]
Oct. 21.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
The King to be moved in Council about Mr. Estoll's pension: and the Earl of Carlisle's pension; and Sir John Trevour's docquet.
Warrant for Sir Edw. Scot on the Country Excise. Enquire of Sir R. Long if Scot can have a dormant warrant in regard the privy seal is during pleasure.
Warrant for John Oneby to have the messenger's place on the surrender of Mr. Seymour.
Petition from Samuel Tucker. The contents to be communicated to Lord Arlington that another may be appointed to go. Done.
Mr. Swan's docquet to pass.
The days of my Lords' meeting are to be posted up at the door and a note of it to be given to each of my Lords, viz. Mondays and Thursdays in the afternoon, and Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays in the morning.
The business of the moneys lent by the Farmers of the London Excise is to be considered to-morrow as to the [re]payment of their interest and principal.
[Ibid. p. 356.]
Oct. 22.
Present: ut supra.
Write the Customs Farmers to discharge the laces in compliment to the Spanish Ambassador, they being for his use, as his Secretary informs my Lords.
The Privy Council to be moved concerning Mr. Berkly's warrant.
John Hallam's proposition for farming the revenue of Ireland read. My Lords to meet to-morrow morning. Write the Duke of Ormonde, the Earl of Orrery, Lord John Berkly and Viscount Conway to attend [then] as also all the Irish bidders [i.e. the bidders for the farm of the said Irish revenue, viz. Mr. Morice, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Muschamp, and Mr. Deane] and the latter to have liberty to make any new propositions or any additions to their propositions: and they may, as formerly, bid for the whole revenue or for any part [thereof] except Fines, Greenwax, First Fruits and Twentieths, and for these [latter they are to make their propositions] apart.
Alderman Bucknell to attend to-morrow about settling the business of [allotting] a fund for [repayment of] the moneys lent by him and the interest thereon. Charnock to give an account how those moneys were issued.
Sir John Hinton to attend to-morrow to inform Sir G. Downing about his pretensions, and whether he has any Privy Seal or Great Seal for them.
Auditor Beale to take Lord Hatton's account as Governor of Guernsey. Inform Col. Atkins and Mr. Dorrell hereof.
The Privy Council to be moved concerning Sir Allen Apsley's 70l. per an. and the 800l. due to him.
Warrant for stay of process against Mr. Gipps; also against John Northcot.
Mr. Blacket and Mr. Tolhurst to attend to-morrow with Lord Townshend.
The King to be moved in Council about the French Ambassador's warrant, the Privy Seal having been passed before Michaelmas.
Write Auditor Beale to hasten Sir G. Downing's account.
Write again to Philip Atkins and Mathew Royden to appear to answer the complaint made against them in Widow Johnson's petition of violence in taking away the leases of some houses in Southwark: they having neglected the previous summons of the 9th inst.
Capt. Wharton to come to the Exchequer on Saturday to Sir G. Downing and Sir R. Long to settle the business of the assignments to the Duke of Monmouth for Lord Gerard.
Sir Edward Walker's petition read. His Majesty to be moved in it.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 356–7.]
Oct. 23.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
Order for an impost bill for the Resident of the Elector of Brandenburg.
The Duke of Ormonde, Earl of Anglesey and Viscount Conway came in about farming the Irish revenue. Major Deane called in about his further proposition for farming the said revenue. He says he can give no more for the other branches than he has already bid, and for the Fines, Greenwax. First Fruits and Twentieths of the clergy he will give 5,000l. per an. Mr. Taylour called in; presents a paper, which is read. Mr. Morice stands to his former proposition. Mr. Muschamp says that fearing their time was elapsed they had sent a proposition to the King yesterday, to which he (Muschamp) refers himself: says he thinks it amounts in all to about 210,000l. per an., leaving out the Fines, &c., and [that it contained an offer] to lend 40,000l. Mr. Hallam's proposition brought in and read by the Treasurer of the Household. These propositions are to be drawn out [and compared] with what was formerly bid by the above.
Alderman Bucknell moves for repayment of several sums lent by them [the Farmers of the London Excise] on the credit of the Exchequer [in general]; both for principal and interest. Col. Birch to audit the account to Michaelmas last. Bucknell also presents a petition for defalcations for the last year [of the said farm] on account of the plague. He also presents a petition for stay of process against Sir Thomas Abdy. My Lords to move the King in Council herein.
Write Sir R. Long to attend the Privy Council this afternoon about settling the business of [the deficiency on] the Additional Aid.
[Ibid. pp. 357–8.]
Oct. 26.
Present: all my Lords, together with the Duke of Ormonde, Viscount Conway, Lord [John] Berkely.
Write Sir R. Long to know why Mr. Burges refuses to strike tallies for the Ordnance upon the counties of Hants and Berks, and to see the difficulty, if any, removed, so that tallies may be struck, or else to report to my Lords.
Write Lord Arlington and Lord Berkeley to pay into the Exchequer the 3,700l. of the Postage Farm formerly paid to the Secretaries in pursuance of the privy seal for the payment of it to the Privy Purse.
Write the Commissioners of the Aids for Essex concerning the arrears, viz. 2,000l. and upwards, of the Royal Aid and 901l. 0s. 3d. of the Additional Aid resting on said county. Desire them forthwith to collect same, seeing that several other counties in which the plague did much rage have collected all their arrears of those taxes.
The order of the Privy Council read about letting to Mr. Hallam the revenue of Ireland in farm. A new proposition read from Mr. Taylor and also from Mr. Muschamp. Sir James Shane also called in with Mr. Dean, &c., and Mr. Hallam and partners. Hallam's proposition read, in which he leaves it to His Majesty what he will abate for the Greenwax, &c. They [he and his partners] say they will take all in one grant, and that they will bring in a draft of their articles on Friday week. My Lords ask them when they desire to begin to be repaid their [proposed] 60,000l. loan money. They say from the time the loan is made they would be repaid by quarterly instalments spread over two years. My Lords say that none must be repaid the first year, and payment to begin after that time. Hallam and his partners say they will pay the whole 60,000l. in Ireland in February into the Exchequer there. Mr. Taylor's and Mr. Muschamp's propositions to be reported in Council.
Letter read from Alderman Bucknell. Sir G. Downing to send to Sir George Lane for a copy of the Duke of Ormonde's late letter to the Council of Ireland about the French tunnage: which letter requested them to permit the farmer of the 5s. per ton on French shipping to collect the said duty there.
Petition from Mr. Dillon. Nothing can be done till the general farm is settled; therefore he must leave somebody [in London] to follow this business.
Write Sir Rob. Paston to pay into the Exchequer forthwith what is due on his rent of his wood farm.
Mr. Hill called in with Mr. Lawrence. He is to pursue the extent against Coates at the King's charge.
Warrant to Mr. Breams to receive the fees and profits of Mr. Jones's place at Sandwich.
Letters read from Mr. Richards, sheriff of Hampshire, about his proceeding as to the trees felled in the Isle of Wight by Lord Colepeper. Write him expressing my Lords' approval of his diligence, and that he examine the workmen on oath as to who set them on work.
Letter read from Lord Paget concerning moneys due on Sir J. Harvy's coal farm. To be sent to Sir Erasmus Harvy to answer.
Letter read from the officers of the Mint concerning the number of shillings [and sixpences] coined. Ordered that they coin no silver money bigger than shillings till further order.
Warrant for the arrest of Sir Symon Fanshaw pursuant to the order of the Exchequer Court.
Report read from the Commissioners of Excise about Sir Samuel Starling's Excise account. Write him to attend hereon on Thursday next.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 358–9.]
Oct. 27.
Present: all my Lords.
Sir G. Downing to ask Mr. May and Mr. Burges what is the obstacle in the way of registering Mr. May's order on the Chimney money; that the Treasurer of the Household may have his 500l. assigned out of it for the repair of his lodgings in Whitehall.
Privy seal for 3,000l. for Lord Gerard; which Col. Legg is to assign.
Sir Samuel Morland to have the Irish accounts, giving a receipt for them.
An extract of the Duke of Ormonde's letter to the Council of Ireland concerning the French tunnage is to be sent to Alderman Bucknell.
Sir W. Doyly gives an account of his proceedings in Kent for getting in the arrears of that county. John Short of Ickham, Edward Rose, junr., of Chislett and Robert Gilbert to be sent for in custody to account; and to pay 12 per cent. [for moneys detained in their hands as collectors, &c.]. Mr. Edw. Woodford of Ashford and the rest that the Commissioners [of the Aids for Kent] certified against are to be also sent for in custody to account, and also John Bing and John Crake. Mr. Robinson and Mr. Eeds and Mr. Crosse and the rest in the paper to be sent for in custody.
Process to stay against Mr. Newsham as Receiver of Warwick, and Mr. Sands as same of Cumberland and Westmorland.
Sir W. Doyly to certify the state of the accounts of Mr. Harlackenden and Capt. Brabant.
Warrant for 100l. to John Hingston for the organs in the King's chapel at Whitehall.
Lord Richardson moves about his petition about reliefs.
Mr. Harbord called in about the business of Dean Forest.
Write Sir R. Long to furnish Major Andros with his Barbados money out of the moneys of the first [month] of the Eleven Months' tax.
The King to be moved that the remainder of the fragments of the Royal Aid be applied to pay Mr. Hinton for what their tallies on the Guildhall fell short by the burning of London: and that then a privy seal be drawn for it, and their former tallies on the Royal Aid to be taken in and vacated.
The Lord Keeper to be moved whether or when the day [is fixed] to meet at the Exchequer Chamber about choosing sheriffs. Lord Ashley to inform himself of the rank which the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury should have.
My Lords enter on the business of establishing the revenue to His Majesty's expenses. Ordered that 2,700l. overplus this year from the Customs above what is charged on same shall come into the Exchequer and be issued out towards the pay of the Grooms of the Bedchamber.
The King to be moved about the Ambassadors returning their plate [to the Jewel Office] on their return from their respective embassies.
Sir G. Downing to wait on the Earl of Bath to know what return he has out of the country about the tin pre-emption.
Ordered that the 30,000l. which my Lords are to have from the victualler (Sir D. Gauden) on the Wine Act [in way of repayment] for the 30,000l. he had on Capt. Cocke's orders, be employed to discharge men in the yards.
Letter from Lord Arlington about sending the Earl of Carlisle as Ambassador extraordinary to Sweden. Write Lord Arlington to certify what allowance he is to have.
Viscount Mandeville called in. When the present charge on the Exchequer is paid he shall have 1,000l. of his arrears of his pension as of the Bedchamber.
The Earl of Carbery's privy seal for 800l. per an. [for the establishment of the Presidentship of Wales] is to begin from the time the last account ended.
Mr. Burges called in: gives an account about some tallies desired to be struck for the Ordnance; also about a letter from the Commissioners of Accounts to certify about the Royal Aid, &c.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 359–61.]
Oct. 28.
Present: all my Lords.
Mr. Ball called in. Write the Attorney General about the extent.
Warrant for so much of the fragments of the Royal Aid [as will] pay the officers of the Ordnance a year's salary. The remainder to be only for the Ordnance. Sir R. Long to keep this sum in his hands (it's about 200 marks), and the former warrant to be revoked.
The Duke of Richmond called in with Sir R. Long's report about the alnage. His pension to be discharged on it as Lord Aubigny, and then his pension as of the Bedchamber only to remain on the Exchequer. The Duke also presents a copy of a warrant for doing it, by which he would keep his rent [of the alnage] to himself: if so, then it [the said rent of alnage] will go out of charge, [which is undesirable]. The warrant to be prepared in the Treasury, and 20s. a year reserved on the said rent [so as to keep it in charge in the Exchequer].
Mr. Muschamp prays that his last proposal may be presented in Council. Mr. Tayler desires liberty to present another proposal. Their proposals to be offered to the Privy Council.
The Earl of Anglesey called in and a letter read about paying Mr. Clutterbuck. He [Clutterbuck] to attend to-morrow.
Write the Customs Farmers to attend to-morrow, and my Lords to speak with them then about furnishing money for ambassadors and for the Barbados officers' warrant on Capt. Cock's orders.
Mr. Lawrence called in: says that contrary to the Solicitor General's opinion Mr. Nicholas Mosley's counsel have moved the Exchequer Court to stop the extent against him as late Receiver of Hearth money. Write the Attorney and Solicitor General to appear on behalf of His Majesty and support the extent.
New warrant for Mr. Calverd's Excise Farm to be given to persons to be nominated by Alderman Bucknell. Write Bucknell for the names of the persons for whom he desires it, and for notification of consent from the present holders of the farm.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 361–2.]
Oct. 29.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry.
Sir R. Long to certify the whole of the ancient fee or other perquisite payable out of the Exchequer to the Master of the Ordnance.
Warrant to the Receiver [of Crown revenues for the county in question] to pay the Gainsborough perpetuity as Sir William Hickman's letter desires.
Sir William Moreton's report to be mended as desired.
Sir Edward Turner [Speaker of the House of Commons] called in: says that during the adjournment he has had the mace and been debarred of his practice thereby, and desires allowance for it. Warrant for it on his 4,000l. privy seal. Warrant for his [said] 4,000l. on the end of the Eleven Months' tax.
Mr. Montague's privy seal to be filled up with as much allowance of time to him before his departure from His Majesty's presence as Sir William Temple had.
A certificate to be sent to the Wardrobe of the horse liveries which are abated by order of the Privy Council.
The Earl of Bath presents a letter from Sir W. Godolphin about the tin business. The letter to be returned, but a copy of it to be kept. The Lord Keeper to be moved to have a meeting about it with the Earl of Bath, the Lord Chief Baron, the Attorney and Solicitor General, Sergeant Maynard, Mr. Napper, Mr. Harbord and Mr. Ward.
Sir John Talbot to attend on Monday next, and then the business between him and the Mayor of Worcester is to be heard.
Sir G. Downing to speak with Sir R. Browne about drawing the general Order of Council concerning paying pensions and to see that it exclude not warrants already signed.
The King to be acquainted with the Earl of Bath's desire for his former allowance of plate at the Jewel House, which His Majesty formerly signified should be paid, but not there: and that my Lords cannot do it without a Privy Seal or Great Seal.
Warrant for 2,000l. for the Countess of Dysart on the Exchequer and 3,200l. on the land revenue [of the Crown] after Xmas 1669: on the surrender of said Countess's patent. Inform the Earl of Lauderdale hereof.
Warrants on the Exchequer for 1,500l. for the Earl of Bristol, 600l. for Col. Panton, 200l. for Mrs. Berkely: 50l. for Mr. Fran. Berkely.
The Customs Farmers called in about borrowing money for Ambassadors on the Customs of June next. They move to have 150,000l. registered on the Chimney money for their security, and they will lend 6,000l. for Ambassadors and Alderman Backwell will furnish Major Andros with his money. The Customs Farmers to bring in their interest account to Michaelmas last. Sir G. Downing to meet with Mr. Sherwyn and the Customs Farmers concerning their counter security on the Hearth money for their loans as above on the Customs.
Write Sir Ste. Fox to appoint one of his clerks to follow the 5,000l. privy seal for secret service, that so it may be expedited; the docquet for it is signed by my Lords and lies ready for said Fox.
The Earl of Anglesey called in about Mr. Clutterbuck's bills of exchange. A letter to be returned that my Lords do not think fit to give order for particular payments in the Navy, but if they [the Navy Commissioners] can do it out of the [Navy] ordinary my Lords will be glad of it.
Sir Henry Wood and Sir Thomas Bond say the Queen [Mother] is 30,000l. in arrear. My Lords desire them to put their request in writing.
Army establishment sent in to be signed. Ordered that it be sent to the Duke of Albemarle.
The list of dormant warrants is considered. The Treasurer of the Household writes in the margin what is to be done on them.
Copies to be made for each of my Lords of the late representation made to the King about assigning the revenue: and of the Order [of Council] of 26 Sept. last.
Mr. Worden to have a warrant for 400l. on the general dormant [privy seal]: to be on the Customs for June.
Dormant warrant for Lady Fisher on the Tenths, if that revenue will bear it: otherwise on the Exchequer.
Hollar's business to be moved in Council.
The Duke of Albemarle reports on the memorandums [of businesses submitted to the King, the King's decisions as follow]:—
The King was not pleased to grant Sir Edward Walker's desire.
Sir John Trevor's docquet to pass.
Mr. Byam having paid in 100l., 60l. is to be remitted to him.
Mr. Montague's and M. Sylvius's warrants signed. Mr. Montague to have as much allowance of wine [sic for time] as Sir W. Temple had.
That the payments of the Royal Aid be applied to pay Mr. Hinton, &c., whose tallies fell short by the burning of London.
That His Majesty has ordered that all Ambassadors at their return do return their plate [into the Jewel Office].
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 362–4.]
Oct. 30.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
Sir G. Downing to call on the Clerk of the Council for an order about Calshot Castle.
The King to be moved concerning the Earl of Nottingham's pension.
Petition read from Thomas Hord. Warrant ordered on the Chimney money.
Certificate read of what is due to the Queen Mother. [Ordered] that the 10,000l. be appointed to her pursuant to His Majesty's late directions.
Calverd's executors to be heard and then a new lease granted for that [the Northumberland] Excise farm.
Peircy Church's payment to be made.
The Earl of Bath to satisfy my Lords of the value of his office as Groom of the Stole, to see if the Earl of Holland's office were worth as much as his with his payment at the Jewel office.
[Warrant for] 1,000l. to Viscount Mandeville on his pension as [a Gentleman] of the Bedchamber.
The Order of Council read about Mr. Wood. Write the Earl of Anglesey to permit the payment.
Write the King's counsel [the Attorney and Solicitor General] to attend my Lords on Monday at the hearing of the dispute between Sir John Talbot and Mr. Streete of Worcester concerning abuses to the Excise officers.
Sir W. Doyly called in about the Kentish account. Ordered to bring Mr. Pepper next week.
Mr. Montague's privy seal to be filled up from the day of his departure. Sir W. Temple had only one day more, which is not not worth having.
Write Mr. Halsall (Halsy) about Sir John Berkenhead's certificate as to Mr. Bishop's discovery.
Warrant for the Works for making bricks in New Park.
Write Sir Tho. Strickland to pay in the 100l. which he says he has.
Dormant warrant for Sir Tho. Clarges.
Nothing can be done in the matter of Capt. Davye's petition without an order of Council.
The Under-Marshal's petition to be read when the Treasurer of Household is present.
[Petition from] Fran. Boreman to be again considered. Same from Robert Morice. Warrant to range the tallies on the Customs, and a list of them to be made in order to it.
Sir William Darcye's petition and reference to be moved when Lord Ashley is present, and then a time to be appointed for the Alum Farmers to attend. Meantime a copy of the petition to be sent to Sir Hugh Cholmely.
Petition from Chadwick's children. They must apply to the Privy Council. Same from William Berwick, falconer. To be paid in the Exchequer on surrender of his patent.
Petition from Capt. Cock et al. They say that their Navy bills are all delivered in. To be considered hereafter.
Same from Dr. Barrow. He is a physician extraordinary, and so not to be paid. Same from Sir W. Bolton. There must be an order of Council.
Same from Sir Henry Thomson. Sir C. Harbord to certify whether Clifford's tower did not belong to the King and how it went out of [the possession of] the Crown.
Petition from Henry Thomas. There must be an order of Council for the payment of it. Same from the Clerks of the Stable and Wardrobe. They must apply to the Earl of Sandwich. Same from Andrew Lawrence. Order for 30l. for him on the Exchequer. Same from Mr. Baber. There must be an order of Council for it first.
The order of Council about Mr. Mason read. Referred to Sir W. Doyly, Col. Reymes and Mr. Evelyn.
Petition from John Wilson. To be paid when others are paid. Same from Henry Pawlet. Warrant for the pay of Calshot Castle till Michaelmas [last] on the Exchequer and the Lord General will take care for what is since due to them when they are disbanded.
Petition from the doorkeepers of the House of Lords read together with Sir R. Long's certificate. To be considered on Wednesday when they are all to attend my Lords.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 364–6.]