Minute Book: August 1668, 17-31

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1905.

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'Minute Book: August 1668, 17-31', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp415-427 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Minute Book: August 1668, 17-31', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp415-427.

"Minute Book: August 1668, 17-31". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1905), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp415-427.


August 1668

Aug. 17.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry.
The Earl of Carbery called in: moves for his money to be assigned on North and South Wales and the four [Northern] counties.
Warrant for the Earl of Strafford's creation money if his poll and benevolence money have been paid.
Write Sir R. Long that whereas there is money in the Exchequer to make good the 1,250,000l. [the Additional Aid] Act and that by his certificate 24,432l. is fallen short [on the said Act] by the burning of London, that he issue so much of the first month [of the Eleven Months' tax] in course to make good the [Additional Aid] Act. And my Lords approve of his having kept the money according to the Act.
Sir W. Doyly called in: gives a certificate against Hodgekins, head collector in co. Worcester. Hodgekins' letter to be produced before he be sent for in custody. Doyly also produces a draft of articles about Mr. White of Oxford. Ordered that White must by his articles make good the 12d. per £, and then my Lords will be willing to agree with him. Letters read from Mr. Courtny. Ordered that Mr. Naper and Mr. Ward make good [proof] that he is an accountant as feodary. Sir W. Doyly also says that Lavington's time is elapsed and the money not paid. Ordered that the Serjeant take him again into custody.
Lady Wentworth called in: moves for payment of her pension: saith she hath no other subsistence. Order for a year on the Chimneys.
The Earl of Meath's proposal read to farm a part of the Excise of Ireland.
Alderman Backwell to attend on the Cofferer of the Household to-morrow.
The Customs Commissioners to attend on Wednesday afternoon about their commission account; they having failed to attend to-day.
Ordered that each Auditor of the revenue and of Imprests certify next Monday what Receivers have not yet brought in their accounts and who prosecute not the perfecting of same: my Lords noticing how slowly accounts are brought in by said Auditors to be declared.
Warrant for the Duke of Newcastle's creation money if his poll and benevolence money has been paid.
Sir G. Downing to report how [out of what fund] the Welsh Judges are paid their present salary, so that the additional salary be placed on the same [fund].
Sir G. Downing to certify what has been paid to the Earl of Sandwich and what has been directed to be paid.
Major Dean called in: offers his paper for the Excise of Ireland: says the present farm ends 25 March, 1671. This day week my Lords will declare themselves about the Excise of Ireland. Mr. Muschamp makes a proposal about farming the said Excise. Mr. Morrice gave in his proposal on Thursday last.
Warrant for a year for Sir William St. Ravy to be on the Chimney money.
The Earl of Carbery called in with the deputy to Auditor Hill about a fund to pay to said Earl the foot of his account. Warrant ordered on the Receivers of North and South Wales. Sir R. Long is to first certify what is due to said Earl after deductions of what he owes to the King for lands held of the Duchy. Sir G. Downing to speak with Mr. Dodington to know if said Earl owes him any money.
Mr. Falconbridge called in: says that the officers of the Works raising the floor of the Gatehouse going into the Palace Yard will be no prejudice to the room over it in which the Exchequer records are. He also says the [Lord] Treasurers did keep the Crown and Crown jewels and plate and delivered them out by privy seal as occasion was and by indenture thereupon, and had several places to keep them in. Prays he may offer a petition for the Tally Court for their extraordinary allowance for the Additional Aid.
Mr. Sylvius moves for an allowance, he going as Envoy to the Elector of Brandenburg. The Treasurer of the Household to speak with Lord Arlington about it.
Sir G. Downing to speak with Sir R. Long to know how he comes to certify that the Earl of Anglesey has assigned 384,551l. 14s. 6d., seeing he had but 380,000l. on the [Wine] Act: and to impress upon him that the assignments on said Act must not be confounded with any other.
Mr. Lawrence called in: presents the opinion of the Attorney and Solicitor General on the two queries about placing the supers on the accounts of the Receivers of the Aids.
He also presents the Attorney General's opinion about Mr. Ellesden's fees. Ellesden is to apply to the Privy Council.
He also says the Solicitor General is of opinion that an immediate extent may issue on any bond to the King, but that he and the Attorney General would take more time to consider it.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 295–7.]
Aug. 18.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry.
Mr. Roberts called in: a warrant read from the King for paying 1,410l. for wines taken out of the ship "Earl of Flanders." The King to be spoken to about it and the consequence of the case to be represented if His Majesty shall order payments at the Navy [Office] out of course: and this foreigner if paid in course is as kindly used as the natives, therefore he cannot complain. All Navy bills above 20l. are numbered. But if [this warrant is to be] paid then it must be on the prizes.
The Welsh Judges to be paid by the Welsh Receivers; or on the Exchequer in general. Charnock to draw a privy seal for this, reciting the order of Council.
Lady Portland's former warrant to be vacated and replaced by a new one on the Exchequer in general.
Sir R. Long to certify if there is no precedent for allowing the fees on ambassadors' bills and if none, then Sir John Trevor not to be allowed for them.
Mr. Dorrington called in: is asked if the Earl of Carbery owes him any money, to whom he was secretary for four years. He says said Earl owes him 700l., and that same is allowed to his Lordship on his account. The Lord General to accommodate the matter with the Earl of Carbery. "The 200l. of this is the 50l. per an. allowed to the secretary in this account."
Mr. Lagon's docquet read appointing him King's jeweller for life. Ordered to lie by.
Mr. May called in: says that what is being done at the Gatehouse [leading] into the Old Palace is being done by the Commissioners for the Streets and not by the Office of Works, and there will be no inconvenience caused to the room above.
Mrs. Gray's warrant to be carried to Mr. Williamson to get the King's signature to it.
Mr. Raban, deputy to Auditor Morice, called in: presents a state of Mr. Cooper's Firehearth money for Nottingham. The extent against Cooper and Whaly suspended till they can come up and swear to their accounts.
Write the King's Remembrancer to certify what Receivers are returned by each Auditor for not bringing in and prosecuting their accounts, and what has been done thereupon towards compelling them. Also write all the Auditors of revenue and of Imprests that in stating all accounts of the Receivers they place 12 per cent. upon them for so much of the King's money as they have detained in their hands beyond its time: as by the late Act.
Mr. Slingsby and the rest of the officers of the Mint called in about the complaint of Mr. Garill, &c., of the silver bought of Mr. Hoare's son by Mr. Russell, a working goldsmith. Mr. Slingsby desires to have the complaint in writing, which is granted, and says that Mr. Hoare has been very instrumental in advancing the coinage, and brought in great quantities to be coined. The officers of the Ordnance also say that they much need a melter of bullion, that they dare not trust any refiner in London, that they cannot have any in the Mint except he may also use his trade, because there is not work enough.
Sir John Temple called in: is asked if he can tell where the several accounts are which were sent over from Ireland to the late Treasurer Southampton, and which are now missing: [says] that the best way will be to send to Sir Daniel Bellingham, for they were given to him. Write said Bellingham to certify on Monday next to whom he gave them. He also acquaints my Lords that the [Irish] Chimney money was let [to farm] in England, but on such conditions as are destructive, viz. the passing an Act there which passed not, so that care be taken what conditions be inserted and what security taken. My Lords think it fit that all of the Council of Ireland be advised with before the bargain be settled, else those covenants will bring on great abatements. Sir John Temple also wishes that the Customs in Ireland be paid quarterly. Sir G. Downing to ask from the late farmers thereof for a copy of the last Customs Farm of Ireland.
Ordered that the officers of the Mint proceed to get the coarse gold now in the Mint refined, in such way as they shall think fit, and that consideration be had for the future about settling a refiner in the Mint. Mr. Brattle, the Assaymaster for the Mint, says he does not desire to be Assaymaster both for the Mint and Goldsmiths' Hall, that he only desires to be Assaymaster to the King, and that formerly there were two, one for the King and one for the goldsmiths: that he assays every Tuesday and Friday at Goldsmiths' Hall and [the other] four days at the Mint. Ordered that the officers of the Mint have a care to prevent any abuses, such as trading in selling gold or silver out of the Mint. Also ordered that the Mint shall coin half-guineas for use. The Attorney General's opinion to be asked about the place of the Assaymaster who is in Virginia, and then a warrant to pass for Mr. Brattle to execute the place during pleasure.
Warrant for what is due on the Earl of Devon's creation money.
My Lords will sit on Friday mornings before the [sitting of the] Privy Council.
The wood farm is to be charged with the last post defalcations if it will bear it [after] the Privy Purse and the Secretary's 4,000l. per an. [for Secret service] have been paid.
The Treasurer of the Household moves for payment of Sir James Thynn's 2,000l. The King to be moved in it.
Mr. Offly (Ophly) the Groom Porter called in: moves for payment of several bills for irons for chimneys, tables, sconces, &c. Ordered to give in a particular of what things he furnishes the King with and what usually they amount to per an.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 297–9.]
Aug. 19.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry.
The foresters of Waltham forest to be paid on the Exchequer. Warrants for those [of his Majesty's servants] that are paid on the Exchequer and on the Treasurer of the Chamber.
Warrants for Sir Thomas Higgens (out of the 300l. paid in by Sir Samuel Barnardiston) and for Mr. St. George; on the Exchequer.
Petition from Elizabeth Sympson. Warrant for 200l. on the Exchequer and the remainder on the Chimneys.
Same from Anne Slaughter. The King to be moved in it. [Same from] Mr. Yalden. The King to be moved as to the 50l. lent by said Yalden.
Warrant for a lease of the piece of ground to Mr. Evelyn.
Mr. Wren's privy seal brought in. Warrant for his 500l. per an. as the Duke of York's secretary.
Sir John Wolstenholme et al. called in about the commission account of the Customs: and a paper is read from the King's officers of the Customs about the allowances demanded in said account without warrant therefore. Write Sir Erasmus Harvy that the said commission account of the late Commissioners of the Customs is stopped solely for want of his answer concerning the business of the coals, and that if there be no answer from him in a week the said account will be passed and the whole [item in dispute on the] coal money [will be] put in super on him.
The Lord Keeper came in about the covenants with the present Customs Farmers. Memorandum: that it be especially recommended from my Lords to the Attorney General to take care of the true recital, in the new grant, of all the covenants in the Farmers' first grant which is already passed: that if they fail to pay their rent their grant shall be forfeit in 14 days but they shall not by colour hereof keep the money so long. As to the business of Irish cattle and fish my Lords say it must be determined in the Privy Council but that my Lords are of opinion the Farmers ought to have no defalcation for them. Charnock to draw out these minutes and add them to the papers that concerned the new covenants to the present Farmers of the Customs. The Lord Keeper went out. Ordered that the 78l. be allowed to the late Commissioners of Customs in the Commission account.
Sir G. Downing to speak with Sir R. Long about what is charged on the Customs to June next.
The Excise Commissioners called in with Sir John Talbot about a complaint against some judgements given by the Justices at Worcester concerning the Excise. The Commissioners say that seeing these judgments are passed by the Justices there is no appeal. Sir John Talbot says that seeing the Justices have given wrong sentence they are punishable by my Lords, and offers a draft of a letter which was written to Oxford about a year since. Ordered that this letter be copied and made ready mutatis mutandis, and that it be shown to the Attorney and Solicitor General on Friday before the meeting of the Privy Council.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 299–300.]
Aug. 20.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry.
The King to be moved that the money for Lord Wentworth's regiment be not paid to Major Walters nor to any one man, but to the Captains of the respective companies.
Warrant for the officers of the Works to lay out 500l. at Windsor. Charnock to draw this warrant for the King's signature.
The Duke of Ormonde, the Earl of Orrery and Viscount Conway came in about the business of farming the Customs and Excise of Ireland. The Duke of Ormonde says, in regard the Inland Excise of Ireland will not expire till 24 March, 1670, that he thinks it not best to let it yet, and the rest declare the same, especially if only 10,000l. is to be advanced. Therefore resolved to proceed at present only about letting the Customs and imported Excise. They say that four or five years' time will be long enough to let the Customs for. Resolved that it's fit to consider first of the conditions, and that the farmers pay oftener than now they do.
The privy seal for the Cofferer of the Household's interest money is proposed. Order for a warrant for 10,000l. for interest money to him on account for this year: to be on the London Excise.
The principal officers and Commissioners of the Navy to attend on Wednesday about the exceptions (made by several of the persons who have tendered for the victualling) to the new conditions for victualling as proposed by the Navy Office. Sir D. Gauden, Mr. Child and Mr. Dodington to attend then and bring their [said] exceptions to the conditions and said exceptions are to be sent to Mr. Pepys to peruse in the meantime who is to communicate them to the Navy Board and to none else.
Warrant for Viscount Conway's creation money.
Mr. Bret's privy seal to be sent up for the King's signature.
The privy seal for the Welsh Judges is to be sent to the Secretaries for the King's signature as for a free gift.
Warrant for Mr. Rumbold's children; on their privy seal.
Mr. Child called in: presents a paper of exceptions to the new conditions for victualling and how he will undertake the victualling. Also he says it were better the contract began in September because then pork comes in.
Warrant for two months' pay to Sir Ste. Fox for several garrisons on the Country Excise.
Baron Spelman called in: says the duplicate of [the rolls of] the Royal Aid for co. Warwick are sent up to him by a carrier, whereas they ought to be delivered to him on oath. So he desires to know if he should receive them. Besides that, they delivered them to the Receiver [for said county], whereas they ought to have been sent up directly, as they are the record by which the said Receiver is charged. Ordered that Baron Spelman deliver these things in writing, and that then a letter be written to the Commissioners for the Aids for said county [to the effect] that the said rolls are now in the hands of John Clement, a wine drawer, in White Cross Street, and that for the future they send them up by a trusty person directly. Submit the draft of this letter to Baron Spelman.
Write Sir W. Doyly to make report to their former order for an account what duplicates of the Poll are not yet returned into the Exchequer; in order to quickening the receivers thereof to pass their accounts.
Sir Robert Viner called in: says he has several things now in charge to make for the Jewel House for about 1,300l. [viz.] for Sir W. Temple for plate and several other things. Also he moves for pay of the debt due to him for plate and presents [the same according to] a certificate amounting to 41,560l. 4s. 5d. My Lords say they will consider this paper. He also gives an account of what tallies he hath unpaid upon the Royal Aid. My Lords will quicken the payment.
Mr. Lloyd called in: prays he may have time to hear out of Ireland as to making a proposition about victualling in Ireland. My Lords bid him bring it as soon as he can.
Mr. Lawrence called in: presents the Solicitor General's opinion about the issuing immediate extents on conditional bonds to the King as in the case of Mr. Mosely [viz. to the effect] that the King may issue an immediate extent and that however the subject may plead to it. Ordered that this whole case [and the statement of opinion thereon] be entered and the paper carefully kept. Also Mr. Lawrence says that this way of issuing extents is agreeable to the usual course of the Exchequer.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 300–2.]
Aug. 21.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry.
All businesses appointed for Monday next are put off till Wednesday. Advice hereof to be given to the respective parties.
The order of Council read about 30l. to [be given to] each of the several officers come from Barbados. The money to be paid and notice to be sent to the Plantations of its payment, so that it may be deducted on their pay. Mr. Cranfield, of the Earl of Middlesex's family, is to speak with Lord Ashley to give him what information he can concerning His Majesty's revenue in Barbados, and how it may be improved: as the Privy Council greatly desire it. The order of Council read for providing 1,035l. for clothes for the Barbados regiment: to be deducted out of their pay.
Write Sir W. Doyly to certify what counties are behind of their Royal and Additional Aids: and then letters to be written to all the counties so in arrear to quicken them, especially considering how much the credit suffers from failure thereof; especially that upon the Additional Aids.
Mr. Andrew Newport called in: says they [the Wardrobe] are almost out of money; desires they may have the remainder of the 10,000l. order for the Wardrobe. Write Sir R. Long to pay said remainder to said Newport and Col. Reymes.
Petition from Hartgill Baron. Warrant for him to be paid. Same from Justiniana Stepny. To be considered hereafter. Same from Mary Howen. To be considered hereafter. Same from the executors of Capt. Isham, with the Surveyor General's report. Ordered that they have a lease at a fourth part reserved rent.
Warrant read for the passing of Mr. Patrick Jenkins' docquet, though not regularly obtained according to the order of Council of 31 June, 1667. My Lords will move the King in this matter that the said order be observed.
Petition from John Cockshut on reference from the King of July 18 last for 520l. as certified by Sir Thomas Abdy and Sir Thomas Gardner for damages to his house and lands at Colchester by reason of the late keeping of Dutch prisoners there. Sir W. Doily called in about it and told that in other cases those that had the care of the prisoners took care of this. Referred to Sir W. Doily and the rest of the Commissioners for prisoners.
Send Sir W. Doyly a list of such Receivers of the Eleven Months tax as have not taken out their commissions to see that they either perfect their securities and take out their commissions forthwith or that others be appointed in their place. Doyly also to prepare letters to the Commissioners of all the counties which upon the return of these waggons shall be found to be in arrear upon either Aid, to quicken them.
As to the letter to the Mayor, &c., of Worcester, the pages of the Excise Act are to be marked to which each clause does refer. Then the letter is to be referred to the Attorney or Solicitor General.
[Ibid. pp. 302–3.]
Aug. 25.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry.
Write Sir C. Harbord to attend on Thursday with Mr. Harbord and make a return what is to be further done for settling the Forest of Dean, according to the late Act.
Letter read from Lord Ashley about the Irish accounts. The Privy Council to be moved about the abstracts of them which are here, [viz. as to] whether it be His Majesty's pleasure that copies of them be delivered to the Commissioners of Accounts for Ireland by the Privy Council or by the Treasury.
The Treasurer of the Household reports that the King has declared to him that he will have Mrs. Wells have 500l. for her coppice in New Forest, whereof 250l. presently, and she to surrender her grant. Lord Ashley to be spoken to in this matter.
He also reports that the King will have some employment for Sir Sam. Morland; about 500l. per an.
Dormant warrant for Sir Job Charleton and Mr. Milward.
Write the farmers of the Chimney money to quicken in the duplicates of the survey of the Hearth money returned to them from their officers in the several counties, and to know of them how much of the 100,000l. tallies [advanced on the farm by the city of London] is yet unpaid. Write the Attorney and Solicitor General to prepare all things for the suit with the Chimney farmers about their defalcations.
Sir W. Doyly called in: says that about two months since he gave a list into the King's Remembrancer's office of all counties that were defective in returning any duplicates of the Poll. Write Viscount Fanshaw to know what he has done thereupon for getting in those rolls and to advise with the Attorney General how same may be compelled in and quickened that so there may be a due charge to the several Receivers, and they forced to despatch their accounts. Doyly also says that by the waggon [which is] now arrived from Wilts, &c., there's no money or bills come from Mr. Levet, Receiver of the Eleven Months' tax for Wilts. Write him to come up quickly and perfect his account.
Mr. Peircivall, the western [district waggon] conductor, is to be retrenched [dismissed] at Michaelmas. Warrant for Sir W. Doyly to sell all the waggon horses and the hay laid in. Doyly reads a certificate that one Hodgekins [Solicitor of the Aids for co. _] takes upon him to remit money without the knowledge of the Receivers of the county, on which great arrears are arisen, and that he will not return the names of the sub-collectors that are employed. Doyly to make affidavit of what Hodgekins said to him; and further to forthwith write the several Receivers to send hither their certificates without delay and to take out their commissions, it being a very strange and unparalleled case, and of very dangerous consequence for the county to pay money to such as have no commission to receive it.
Draft of a warrant read for 300l. per an. salary to Sir W. Doyly.
Mr. Slingsby to attend on Monday about his answer as to the value of the copper metal for farthings delivered to the officers of the Mint. Mr. Howard and Mr. Hayes to attend then.
Sir Erasmus Harvy called in about the overmeasure of coals, his father having received by London measure, whereas he ought to have received by Newcastle measure. The difference is about 800l. or 900l.: says his mother is to discharge two thirds of it and Lord Paget the other third. Write to Lord Paget hereupon and to Auditor Beale to settle the account on this basis.
Warrants for the Duke of Ormonde's and the Earl of Exeter's creation money not exceeding two years thereof, and on condition that their Poll and Benevolence money and New Year's gifts are paid.
Sir C. Harbord brings in a report of an error in the date of the warrant for the assessionable manors. To be fair written for my Lords to sign.
The Duke of Ormonde and Lord John Berkeley came in about the Customs of Ireland. Resolved that report be made in Council to-morrow of the several propositions about farming the Customs and Excise in Ireland, and that the several proposers be there then. So write Mr. Muschamp to attend then. The Privy Council to be also moved whether they think not fit that the Chimney money in Ireland should not also be farmed.
Letter read from the Commissioners of Accounts. Warrant for 500l. for them: on the Exchequer.
Mr. Wadlow will come to Sir G. Downing to-morrow.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 304–5.]
Aug. 26.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry.
Sir G. Downing to ask Sir R. Long whether, although Mrs. Brounker's order for her pension be in her name, Mr. Brounker must not give his acquittance for the money, when received, she being his wife.
Ordered that no more warrants be charged on the Exchequer till what is already charged be paid off or very near.
The King to be moved for his pleasure what he will have given to Sir Edward Scot.
The King to be moved for his pleasure concerning the docquet to dispark St. James's Park.
Lord Hawley called in. Dormant warrant ordered for his fees as Steward of several manors in Somersetshire.
The Commissioners of the Navy called in about the business of the Victualling, with Sir Dennis Gauden, Mr. Dodington and Mr. Child, and the objections of these latter against the conditions of the victualling contract are read. The Navy Commissioners are to adjust several things with the said proposers and then all attend the Treasury again. The contract and papers are given to Mr. Pepys.
Alderman Backwell [to have] 600l. on [the Customs farm for] June for so much furnished by him to Sir Robert Southwell.
[Ibid. pp. 305–6.]
Aug. 27.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Sir W. Coventry.
The Duke of Albemarle' reports from the King his Majesty's decision on matters as follow:—
The King has signed the warrant for Mr. Brett's privy seal.
Sir James Thynne's 2,000l. debt to be paid on the Chimneys.
So also the arrears of Mrs. Slaughter's pension.
Jenkins's warrant not being obtained according to the order of Council of Jan. 31, 1667, he is to be paid in such a way as the Lords of the Treasury shall think fit, and that he begin [in the proper way, viz.] with a petition and a report [thereon from my Lords] to the King.
The money for Lord Wentworth's regiment to be paid to the officers of the several companies, not to one person.
Mr. Yalden's 50l. to be paid.
Sir Edward Scot to have a pension of 300l. er an. till otherwise cared for.
The docquet for disparking St. James's Park to be signed and despatched.
Sir G. Downing to speak to Mr. Legouse about 330l. which he is to have for a pearl sold to the Queen. The money to be provided, the King having commanded the doing thereof, as reported by the Duke of Albemarle.
The draft of a warrant for a lease of certain houses to Mr. Henry Howard of Suffolk is referred to Sir C. Harbord.
[Treasury Minute Book II. p. 306.]
Aug. 28.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry.
The warrant for the privy seal for money for the Barbados officers is to be sent up for the King's signature.
Auditor Aldworth called in with a state of the account of Mr. Greathead, late Receiver of the Firehearths for the West Riding of Yorkshire. The account to be engrossed with the allowances now made in consideration of Greathead's services.
The Customs Farmers to furnish His Majesty with 9,000l. for a present pressing occasion and pay the same into the Exchequer on the credit of the Exchequer. For their security they shall have an assignment on the Eleven Months' tax, which if not paid they shall be paid on their present farm of the Customs.
Sir R. Long's certificate read concerning the fees demanded by Sir John Trevor to be allowed. Ordered that it be not allowed.
The warrant for the Works to be sent up for the King's signature. Ordered that it be inserted in the warrant for 527l. for repair of Sir John Denham's lodgings that it is to be above [or in addition to] the 8,000l. per an. for the ordinary [of the Works].
Sir William Swann's account for extraordinaries is brought in signed by Sir William Morrice. Warrant for same.
Sir W. Doyly called in, says he has now 100 bills of exchange due: prays that he may have another [officer] to help to receive them, else there will be prejudice [to His Majesty's service]. Ordered that he have liberty to employ another assistant for the receiving of such moneys upon bills of exchange during such time as the necessity of that affair shall demand, and to allow him 50l. per an., and to dismiss him when the business slacks. Doyly also prays that he may make use of 500l. of the Monmouthshire money of the Royal Aid on which there is no tally struck to defray the charge of the Office [of Exchanges]. Warrant for this. Doyly to have leave to go out of town.
Petition read from Mr. Hinton et al., and they called in. My Lords will find some way for their security. Sir R. Long to certify what payments of the Royal Aid are yet unpaid into the Exchequer, and are uncharged as having no tallies struck on them.
Send Mr. Fenne a copy of my Lords' letter to Mr. Wadlow et al. asking them to furnish the Earl of Anglesey with 10,000l. more for the discharge of the ships [awaiting payment]: so that Fenne may apply to said Wadlow et al. and press them for the money.
The letter from the Commissioners of the Navy to be further considered.
The Auditors to amend their certificates, such of them [that is] as reach not to all taxes since 1660, and then the Barons of the Exchequer and the Attorney and Solicitor General to attend my Lords to advise how best to prosecute those Receivers to make up their accounts. Charnock to see which [accounts] are defective and to prepare letters from Sir G. Downing for them to be mended as the rest are.
Petition from Thomas Carew read, with Sir C. Harbord's report. Warrant for a lease. Charnock to advise with Mr. Fisher under what seal it must pass.
Same from John Ball. To be offered to the King that His Majesty having sent this petition hither by one of my Lords, 200l. per an. be allowed him on the Excise till he be otherwise provided for, as was done to the [late] Commissioners of Excise.
Same from John Kirke. The King to be moved herein. Same from Col. Pudsey and Mr. Halsall. Sir C. Harbord to report a value of what they petition for. Same from Sir Robert Viner. Warrant to Auditor Beale to allow the 59l., and that Beale prepare the account.
Sir Solomon Swayle called in: presents a draft from the Attorney General of the security for the 2,000l. which he is to give to the King out of his estate. The Attorney General to be spoken to hereon.
See if the order of Council for Lord Wentworth's regiment nominates any person to whom the money is to be paid, and if it do, get it altered agreeably to the warrant signed in the Treasury. "It appoints noebody to receive the money but the King's warrant appoints Major Walters so that the King's warrant [is to] be altered and made payable to the respective persons [named] in my Lord's warrant and to bear the date it now doth."
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 307–8.]
Aug. 31.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry.
Sir Ste. Fox and Mr. Pepys called in together with one on behalf of the Cofferer. Say they cannot go on in paying the [royal] House [hold], Guards, Garrisons and Tangier, unless relieved by taking off some part of the charge or adding some other fund. This matter to be prepared for the King when the Earl of Anglesey gives an answer how the money is applied which the Navy has ha. Mr. Pepys to get this account from the Earl of Anglesey and bring it to my Lords. Mr. Pepys says that the soldiers at Tangier are about a year behind and that his orders [of assignment] are [on funds] so far off that he cannot get [borrow] money on them. Also Col. Paget says that his own and Col. Legge's companies in the Tower are not paid. Ordered that Charnock draw a privy seal for Sir Ste. Fox to pay the Tower [garrison]. Charnock to deliver to the Lieutenant of the Tower the [money] orders for his company and Sir Ste. Fox to pay the other two companies.
Petition from Charles Nevill, His Majesty's harness maker, and others, read: also they say they paid 15 per cent. or thereabouts to Mr. Townsend for their tallies. Townsend and petitioners to attend on Wednesday.
Sir John Talbot called in: moves for stay of process against himself on Mr. Knight's account now Knight has paid the money, although he cannot get Sir Thomas Player's general certificate. Process stopped.
Warrant for 250l. to Mrs. Wells for her coppice.
Sir W. Doyly called in with his certificate.
Warrant for the Earl of Salisbury's creation money; not exceeding two years thereon.
Mr. Estoll's privy seal read. Warrant ordered on the Exchequer.
This day six weeks (Monday, Oct. 12) to be fixed for the letting to farm the Chimney money of Ireland to such persons as will give the most for them. Write Mr. Williamson to insert an advertisement of this in his weekly Gazette.
The Attorney General is asked whether there would be any inconvenience in paying the Tenths and First Fruits directly from the Bishops into the Exchequer. He says he thinks' tis [fixed] by Act of Parliament. Ordered to consider of it whether it is so or not, and whether the money may not be immediately paid into the Exchequer.
The Attorney General called in about the deeds from Sir Solomon Swale. He thinks it best they be made in the name not of the King but of my Lords for the King's use. The King to be acquainted how far the matter has gone, and then a privy seal to be got to authorise my Lords in the case. Sir C. Harbord to report a value.
Petition from Sir John Hinton. To bring a certificate of what is due to him.
Mr. Dodington moves for an order to the Auditor to show him Sir Denis Gauden's accounts. My Lords say that will not guide him in his bidding [for the victualling contract], because the covenants are now to be altered. Write the Navy Commissioners to hasten their report about the victualling covenants.
Mr. H. Howard, Mr. Hayes, &c., called in with the officers of the Mint about the farthing business and the copper metal delivered to them. The Mint officers' paper is read. Mr. Howard says that the prince's farthings he thinks less liable to counterfeiting, that they may be made bigger, and so [made to yield] as little profit as pleased or none at all: that his are native commodities: that copper alters in its price: that the counterfeit metal, mixed with lead, will make them less worth, and so [more likely] to be counterfeited. Mr. Hayes says the prince's farthing cannot be made for less than a farthing except in the Mint, because none can make the white metal but the prince, and because of the rings in the middle. Ordered that some person be appointed to see if the copper cannot be counterfeited by mingling as alleged. Sir William Coventry says that if the tin farthings be made ad valorem, and if the metal cannot be easier counterfeited, then he is for tin farthings. Mr. Garill says that the copper grows presently black, but that his tin will not.
Write the Earl of Anglesey, or Mr. Fenne in his absence, for an account of what is due to the yard at Portsmouth, and how much money will pay a quarter's pay to them.
Letters to be sent to the Bishops who are 100l. [or more] in arrear on Tenths and First Fruits to hasten payment.
The Customs Commissioners called in about the late Customs Commission account. They submit to my Lords' orders for the bills of sight and pray that their account may be despatched. Directions to the auditor to hasten it.
Write another letter to Lord Paget concerning the coal money [due from the late Sir Job Harby] and in the mean time the said money to be put in super on Lady Harvey and Lord Paget.
A new privy seal to Mr. Packer as Paymaster of the Works.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 309–11.]