Minute Book: August 1668, 3-14

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1905.

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'Minute Book: August 1668, 3-14', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp402-415 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Minute Book: August 1668, 3-14', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp402-415.

"Minute Book: August 1668, 3-14". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1905), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp402-415.


August 1668

Aug. 3.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Sir J. Duncombe.
Mr. Laurence called in about Lady Crane's business. Referred to the Attorney General for his opinion what is to be done to recover the King's right.
Sir R. Long to give an account to-morrow how much will remain to the King on the first month of the Eleven Months' tax.
Ordered that the 65,000l. at the end of the Eleven Months' tax be charged to the Ordnance. A warrant [to be drawn for same] to be disposed [of] as my Lords shall direct.
Warrant for 50l. to buy hay for [the deer in] New Park.
Warrant for Sir John Robinson on the Excise.
The Lord Privy Seal to be spoken to about the order of Council for discharge of Mr. Langhorne's baronet money. The order of Council to be altered accordingly.
Sir W. Temple to hasten his answer about Mr. Custis's proposition for recovery of the remainder of the tin.
[Treasury Minute Book II. p. 279.]
Aug. 4.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Treasurer of the Household, Sir J. Duncombe.
Mr. Roberts called in. Sir Dennis Gauden and Mr. Fenne to attend to-morrow about the business of the wines taken out of the ship "Earle of Flanders" at the Isle of Wight, and about what may be done for the payment of same. Mr. Pepys, also called in about it, says it is an extraordinary case.
Warrant for the Earl of Chesterfield's creation money, if [on condition that] he has paid his Poll, New Year's gift and Voluntary Present.
Mr. Fenne to bring to-morrow an account of the moneys due to the five men of war now arrived from the West Indies and how much thereof will be due before the [Parliamentary grant of the] 380,000l. and how much thereof is to be on the said 380,000l. and how much thereof has accrued since said grant; in order that speedy course may be taken for providing the moneys.
Mr. Pepys moves for a quarter for Tangier on the Country Excise. Warrant ordered.
Sir G. Carteret, Sir R. Long, Sir W. Temple and Auditor Beale to attend to-morrow about the [said Temple's] tin and Münster account.
Sir R. Long to certify what is due to the keepers of Waltham Forest.
Warrant for 70l. to Lord Arlington for the charges of the Privy Seal and [Exchequer] fees on the 3,000l. to be allowed him on the general dormant warrant [for secret service].
Sir G. Downing to examine as to the fees for Sir John Bennet's defalcations on the Post Office.
My Lords will speak with Alderman Backwell how to fix his repayment of the 955l. 18s. 0d. advanced by him to Sir W. Temple.
Sir Dennis Gauden (the Victualler) and Mr. Dorrington and Mr. Child to attend on Monday about the business of making a new contract for the victualling of the Navy for next year.
Warrant for 20l. for Mr. Staplehill according to the order of Council. To be on the general dormant warrant [for 3,000l. to the Secretary of State for secret service or ? for 10,000l. for various payments].
Auditor Beale called in about Lord Belasyse's accounts for Hull and Sir Jordan Crosland's for Scarborough, which are declared.
The Cofferer of the Household and Sir Stephen Fox called in. The Cofferer offers a paper for his interest money, and prays it may be paid on the Excise. A privy seal ordered for this. Warrant for 10,000l. on the [farm of the] London Excise for the year ending Michaelmas next. The rest not to be ordered till further order.
Mr. Musgrave called in. Warrant for him to be allowed the incident charges on his father's Carlisle [garrison] account.
My Lords to speak to Sir John Nicholas at the Privy Council to issue out the orders for the retrenchments on the [Royal] Family [establishment for the Royal Household], and that if he will not do it my Lords move the Privy Council about it.
Mr. Warder to certify what board wages are payable at the Exchequer.
Sir Stephen Fox moves for pay for the extraordinary men sent to Jersey and Guernsey. Ordered that they be paid out of the revenue of those islands.
The privy seal for the Duke of Monmouth's last voyage into France is to be for 2,000l. Charnock is to draw it, but Sir Ste. Fox is, first, to present a paper about it.
Mr. Wadlow to attend to-morrow concerning furnishing money. Mr. Fenne to certify to-morrow how much has been received by him of the last 20,000l. to be lent by the Vintners and how the same has been employed, and what ships paid and to be paid.
The letter of July 28 last from the Commissioners [of the Aids] for Suffolk, who are examining Mr. Keene's accounts as Receiver there, is to be sent to Sir W. Doyly.
Mr. Bodurda's paper sent to the Treasurer of the Household concerning abuses in the execution of the Wine Act is referred to Sir G. Downing and Sir R. Long to consider how it agrees with the Wine Act and what may be fit to be done therein.
Sir R. Long to consider a certificate from Mr. Prettyman, the Remembrancer of First Fruits and Tenths, of what Receivers of Tenths are behind with their accounts of Tenths for the year 1667 or before: and to report to my Lords what is the best way to expedite these moneys in.
Dormant warrant for Baron Spelman's salary for the future [to be on the Exchequer].
Col. Legge to certify whether 400l. has been paid on the tally for 5,400l. on the Customs for the Ordnance.
Alderman Backwell's interest account to be sent up to be signed.
The business of the revenue of Barbados is referred to Sir Rob. Long, Sir G. Downing, Sir C. Harbord and Auditor Beale. The Treasurer of the Household to bring in the paper which says that the revenue is 18,000l. per an.
Sir G. Downing to see what is to be paid on English iron exported and certify same to my Lords.
The officers of the Mint called in: move for the repair of the Comptroller's house. My Lords say that there's an order of Council that all officers must keep up their own houses. Also my Lords ask them what money is coined. They say that near 400,000l. is coined by virtue of the last Act of Parliament. The officers of the Mint are desired to take especial care to encourage all people to bring foreign coin, bullion and plate to the Mint to be coined, and to prevent all underhand tricks between anyone employed under them and the goldsmiths, wire drawers and others for the selling any such bullion, plate or foreign coins or wire whereby it should come to be diverted from being coined. They are also desired to hasten their account for the Mint for the last year and that once a quarter they give an account how all the [coinage] money of the Act is expended and employed: also that they coin sixpences and shillings. Mr. Howard and Mr. Hayes to be desired either to deliver a pound weight of their counterfeit copper to the officers of the Mint or that both or one of them attend my Lords to give a reason why they will not do it.
Warrant for Lewis Harding upon his petition, in accordance with Sir R. Long's report.
Mr. Newport called in: says he has a warrant for an altar cloth and cloth of state for Sir William Temple: says that this is a new charge. Ordered to speak with the Lord Chamberlain to have them got out of the Wardrobe and Vestry, money being scarce.
Mr. Cadwallader Jones called in with Mr. Harris. Harris to have liberty on bail to go into the country to clear with the deputies. Mr. Harris says he cannot charge particularly his deputies. Ordered that Mr. Laurence go on with the extents and that Jones give bail for Harris for 10,000l. for his return into custody. Harris to give an account two months from this day to Auditor Parsons.
Write the Earl of Anglesey that my Lords have by their warrant of this day assigned him 3,000l. upon old Custom House tallies as part of the 5,000l. upon the [Customs farm rent for the] month of November next; and that when that month comes my Lords will provide that 3,000l. on those tallies, whereby that 3,000l. shall be as good to him as if he had had his assignment directly on the said month.
Mr. Hodges to attend to-morrow about the Custom House bonds.
Mr. Scowen's business is to go to a trial at law.
Mr. Bishop called in about the King's part of the cod and ling which they of Yarmouth are willing to pay to the King, but not to a patentee. As to Col. Naper's patent he says it was granted before the agreement of them at Yarmouth with the Greencloth for the King, and so that it poiseth nothing. Order that Naper, Bishop and Lawrence attend to-morrow.
Mr. Prettyman's paper to be sent to Sir R. Long to consider and report.
Mr. Hamilton's paper read about his share of Hyde Park. Ordered to send to my Lords on Thursday next all his grants relating to Hyde Park or any parts thereof or any houses thereto belonging.
Sir R. Long and Sir Philip Warwick to certify whether the Lord Treasurers of England can give an oath, and whether it be the practice, and what was the practice in the time of former Lord Treasurers.
The Attorney General to report how the inheritance of the Wardenship of the Fleet prison came to Sir Jeremy Whitchcot.
Capt. Hemskirke called in. Sir G. Downing to draw the form of an oath to be taken by him that he will not discover his secret to any other prince or state.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 279–82.]
Aug. 5.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Treasurer of the Household, Sir J. Duncombe.
Mr. Langhorne to bring to Sir G. Downing a state of the case of his 1,090l. owing from the King to him in order to his passing his docquet for discharge of his baronet money.
Mr. Fenne called in. My Lords ask him why the remainder of the ships are not paid off. He says they have money in readiness, but that the ships are not ready; that as fast as they are ready they shall be paid. He also produces a list of what is due to the six ships arrived out of the West Indies for which money is ready, except for [the wages falling due] before January, 1667–8, which is about 8,000l., for which they are to have tickets as other ships have had. Ordered that Fenne give an account how the last 100,000l. assigned on the Eleven Months' tax for the seamen by order of the Council is disposed [of]; and that he proceed forthwith to pay the six ships come from the West Indies in order to lessen His Majesty's charge. My Lords to speak to him about paying for the wines taken at the Isle of Wight out of the ship "Earl of Flanders."
Sir William Temple, Alderman Backwell, Mr. Fen and Auditor Beale called in about the Müster and tin account. Alderman Backwell says that what he did was by Sir G. Carteret's order, and desires to be excused from being made the accountant. The King's warrant is to Sir W. Temple to receive the money and pay it; therefore [Temple] is to be the accountant: so he will account for what he has received and paid and Sir G. Carteret will account for the rest, viz. the first two payments. Auditor Beale to draw a state of the account by to-morrow afternoon, when all are to attend again, with Sir R. Long, who should have attended to-day hereon.
A month hence Alderman Backwell to advance three months to Sir W. Temple on his ordinary.
Alderman Backwell to come to the Exchequer to-morrow about the Aix money paid to Sir W. Temple by him.
Mr. Wadlow called in: says that when my Lords have occasion they shall have 20,000l. at a week's warning.
Mr. May to attend to-morrow to satisfy my Lords what is meant by the word "vailes" in his docquet.
Auditor Hill to certify what money is in arrear and due from the Earl of Carbery to the King, deducting the usual allowance for taxes, which deductions Hill is to particularly certify.
Petition from Edw. Trussell. Sir G. Downing to certify how far the Chimneys are now charged. Same from Mrs. Gray. The King to be moved about the fine of 600l. from her, "and that the clear yearly profit to her be also reported to the King, now exceeding 80l. per an, Stampford and all other payments discharged." Same from Avis Stoner. To be considered when the Windsor account is made up.
Mr. Moseley called in with his counsel about the arrears of Hearthmoney due from him. His counsel say that an immediate extent ought not to go out in this case where the debt is but conditional and not absolute, for he is only bound to collect what he can lawfully collect; and that a scire facias must go out so that he may plead beforehand. Counsel to state the case in writing and my Lords will advise with the Attorney General upon it.
Write the Attorney and Solicitor General for their opinion in writing what may be done to recover the money due on subsidies imposed in Ireland from such of the nobility of that kingdom as reside in England.
Mr. Lawrence reports that he has read Mr. Napier's patent. The Attorney General's opinion to be asked on the case and as to whether Col. Napier can disturb any officer. The Green Cloth should send to receive the fish.
Mr. Finch called in: presents an account of the incident charges of the office of Excise for the last quarter.
Order to the Mayor and merchants of Lyme to pay to Mr. Ellesdon his fees, they having neglected to return an answer as was desired.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 283–4.]
Aug. 6.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Treasurer of the Household, Sir J. Duncombe.
Mr. Seymour called in with Sir W. Doyly about the arrears of the taxes during his receipt of the Aids. Seymour to give in a state of his account.
Sir W. Doyly to hear Mr. Gibbs and the country of Suffolk about the 1,900l., which the country charge said Gibbs with.
Sir W. Temple called in with Auditor Beale about his Münster and tin account. Temple is to swear to his account and leave his vouchers, and then he may go hence [i.e. on his embassy].
Mr. Henry Howard says they will deliver more of the metal to Mr. Slingsby, and that it is only debased by mixing lead with it, which is yet not easily discoverable: produces a piece in which about half is lead.
The Earl of Bath called in and a letter [addressed] to him is read concerning some proposals to be made about the tin. My Lords ask him whether it were not best to call a convocation [of the tinners] and [suggest] that the King is willing to part with his pre-emption and sole transportation upon a reasonable proposition. The Earl of Bath to advise with Sir W. Godolphin and others for their opinion as to the best way. Mr. Napier is also called in and is asked his opinion about a convocation. He says tin is now cheap at 3l. 8s. 0d. the hundred [weight] on the place. Ordered that time be given to the country till Michaelmas to answer to the King's proposition: otherwise a convocation to be called.
Petition from Robert Tomkins. A dormant warrant ordered on the Receiver of [Crown revenues for] Yorkshire for the future.
Sir G. Downing to speak with Sir R. Long as to what is to be done in the business of the tally for Mr. Shaw that so Sir W. Temple may have his money, and yet Mr. Shaw may not have his tally till he give up my Lords' letter. Charnock to send to Sir G. Downing Lord Ashley's letter to-morrow.
Ordered that the Venetian Ambassador's secretary or Maistre D'Hostel certify under his hand that the glasses belong to the Ambassador: then a warrant to discharge them.
Write Mr. Wardour, Clerk of the Pells, for an account what moneys have been issued out of the Exchequer or charged on any branch of the revenue to the Treasurer and Victualler of the Navy since my Lords were appointed Commissioners for the Treasury. Charnock to draw a like account of all moneys charged on the Navy Treasurer and Victualler since my Lords sat.
Mr. Jeoffreyes, deputy to Auditor Philips, called in about Mr. Fitch's Hearthmoney account of Essex, which is declared: but Sir G. Downing is to keep it till a tally which is wanting is produced.
Alderman Backwell called in. Ordered that for [repayment of] his 955l. 18s. 0d. paid to Sir W. Temple he be placed on the old Customs tallies which were formerly his.
The privy seal for the Duke of Monmouth's 1,800l. to be carried up to be signed; also the Cofferer's privy seal.
Sir G. Downing to look out Sir G. Hamilton's grants and papers and minute them.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 285–6.]
Aug. 7.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Treasurer of the Household, Sir J. Duncombe.
Sir R. Long and Sir G. Downing to make a state of the debt in each office and on each branch of the revenue [viz.] the constant expense with interest money and whether the branches of the revenue can be so disposed as to answer this expense.
The three Auditors that are appointed to examine Mr. Taylour's account as late Receiver of the King's revenue of the castle and honor of Windsor are to attend on Monday.
The Knight Marshal called in with Mr. Windham: moves that Mr. Windham be put in the same condition for his 200l. per an. as the Bedchamber [list] is in.
[Ibid. p. 286.]
Aug. 8.
Present: The King, the Duke of York, Lord Keeper, Lord Privy Seal, Duke of Buckingham, Duke of Albemarle, Duke of Ormonde, Lord Arlington, Treasurer of the Household, Sir J. Duncombe.
An estimate of the King's revenue, debt and expense is read and considered.
[Same day.] Present: Duke of Albemarle, Treasurer of the Household, Sir J. Duncombe.
Petition from Nathaniel Desbrough. Referred to Sir C. Harbord.
The Duke of Albemarle reports that the King has signed the privy seal for the Cofferer's interest money, the Duke of Mon-mouth's privy seal, and the privy seal for Alderman Backwell's interest account.
Also reports that the King would remit the fine to Mrs. Gray upon her lease but not the reserved rent. Warrant for a lease accordingly. Charnock to draw the warrant.
Also reports that the King would take further time to consider of placing Mr. Windham's 200l. per an. [on the same basis] as [the salaries of] those of his Bedchamber.
The warrant for Mr. Taylour to be laid aside till he be heard.
[Treasury Minute Book II. p. 287.]
Aug. 10.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
Warrant for 300l. more for the Earl of Bristol on the Exchequer.
Mr. Ophly called in for Mrs. Taylour. The Attorney General and Auditors Sawyer, Wood and Philips to attend on Wednesday concerning this business of Mr. Taylor of Windsor.
Mr. Carill, the goldsmith, to attend on Friday next with the other parties nominated in the paper of the abuses in the Mint. The like summons to the following persons viz.: Mr. Pohock in Old Street, Mr. Mouse at Mr. Lovedaye's, Mr. Neil in Old Street, Capt. Tho. Loveday in Old Street.
Mr. Child called in and his paper read about victualling the Navy. Charnock is to margent the rules given in by the Commissioners of the Navy concerning the victualling. Three copies of these marginal notes to be made, Mr. Child to have one, Sir Denys Gauden one, and Mr. Dodington one. Sir Denis Gauden called in: is told that this is the time of considering of the victualling of the Navy and that my Lords will consider of it on Thursday, Aug. 20. Mr. Dodington called in and also offers a proposition about the victualling. Notice to be given in the next Gazette for Thursday by Mr. Williamson that my Lords, by His Majesty's command, having under consideration the making of a new contract for victualling the Navy are ready to receive the proposals of any able and sufficient undertakers on Thursday, August 20 inst., and that such as are willing to undertake may repair meanwhile to Sir G. Downing and see the conditions under which it is to be performed.
The business of the seizure at Liverpool is to be considered on Wednesday with Col. Birch's report on same.
Mr. Lawrence attends about the business of [Lady] Crane; says he has not the writings from the solicitor of it.
Sir Tho. Higgins and Mr. St. George to be paid on the Exchequer.
The Earl of Castlehaven's original grant to be sent for and produced on Wednesday.
Mr. Musgrave called in about his father's account for Carlisle garrison: which account is declared.
Warrant ordered for Mr. Killegrew's lease.
Mr. Lawrence reports the Attorney General's opinion on Col. Napier's [fish] patent. Lawrence to acquaint the Green Cloth with it.
Auditor Beale presents two accounts of Sir Stephen Fox which are declared.
Petition from Lord Ashley. Referred to Sir R. Long to report if it may be regularly done and whether the privy seal will bear it.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 287–8.]
Aug. 12.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Treasurer of the Household, Sir J. Duncombe.
Warrant for 300l. to Sir Thomas Higgens out of the money paid in by Sir Samuel Barnardiston.
Charnock to hasten the privy seal for the 4,000l. per an. for the Secretaries of State [for secret service] on the wood farm.
Mr. Allington, &c., called in about Halbert Payne's petition concerning the goods seized at Liverpool: and Col. Birch's report is read. The importing merchant's oath as to the identity of the goods and that he has paid Custom is to be produced.
Dormant warrant for the Masters of Requests.
Mr. Offly called in. As the business of Mr. Taylor's patent [as Receiver, &c., for Windsor] is depending in the Exchequer my Lords will not break in upon it. As to the 500l. now to be laid out my Lords will move the King that it should be laid out by Mr. Taylor, and that the former order be taken off.
Sir John Bennet moves for defalcations for the Post Office from Xmas to Midsummer. Sir G. Downing to consider where this may be fixed.
A blank to be left on the [orders on the] Chimneys for the Ordnance, said blank to be for 4,500l. for the ammunition for Barbados.
The Marquess of Worcester and Lady Wentworth allege that they have paid their poll money, though not in a regular way. Send to Mr. Clutterbuck their letters together with the receipt of the collectors of St. Giles in the Fields.
Lady Frazier called in: moves for Lady Wentworth's pension. My Lords say she shall be settled when the list of pensions is settled, and thereby she will be in a better condition than if she were placed now on the Chimneys.
The money for Lord Wentworth's regiment is to be on the Chimneys.
The draft of the Earl of Anglesey's privy seal for 15,000l. paid by Sir George Carteret to him is to be considered when said Earl is here. Send it to him with Lord Ashley's report on it for said Earl's objections to same if any.
Mr. Trussell's petition read. Order for 4,000l. for him on the Chimneys.
Petition from Lieut.-Col. Meautys read. To be considered when he is here.
Dormant warrant for Sir Alexander Frazier.
Petition from Sir John Pretiman. My Lords can give him no longer time. Same from Mrs. Mary Boynton. The King has declared that her pension be paid. Same from Lady Dryden. Warrant for 500l. for her on the Receiver of Dorset. Same from Thomas Stevens, marshal farrier, with Sir R. Long's report. Mr. Clarke says he will take care that the tally shall be struck. Same from Col. Thomas Howard, Clerk of the Market. Referred to Sir R. Long. Same from the executors of Capt. Isham. Petitioners to certify the value of what they demand.
The certificate from the Exchequer read concerning the keepers of Waltham Forest. Sir William Hicks called in. Is ordered to bring a certificate from the Treasurer of the Chamber of such as are paid there.
A certificate read of what is due for rent for the Mulberry garden. Sir C. Harbord to examine whose possession it is in and who has the receipt, and to take care to clear the King of it, and that the lands be restored to the owner, and then my Lords will pay what remains due of the rent.
Report read concerning Col. Gilby's discovery in Humber. Ordered that Gilby have a lease.
Petition from the Dutch congregation at Sandwich read about a seizure of some spices. Referred to Mr. Dewy.
Abbot to finish the warrant empowering the Ordnance to borrow money on their 5,400l. Custom tally.
Petition from Sir Alex. Hume. To be considered hereafter. Same from William Dunkar. The like order. Same from Edw. Agbrow. Nothing to be done in it. Same from Mr. Bowman. Warrant for 300l. on the Chimneys. Same from Edm. Warcup complaining of Edw. Bartlet. To be reported in Council. Same from Lodowick Carlisle. To be considered when pensions are considered. Same from Elizabeth Sympson. To be considered hereafter. Same from John Chace. The like order. Same from Henry Harris. Order for a year on the Chimneys like the others. Same from Major Woods. To be considered when bills are paid on the Treasurer of the Chamber. Same from Tho. Finall for the arrears of Henry Bassano. He has had a year like the others. Same from Edw. Wilkinson. Nothing to be done in it. Same from Robt. Yalding. Sir G. Downing to inquire the nature of the debt. Same from John Spicer. Order for 40l. on the general dormant. Same from the Queen's coachmen. Ordered that they be paid the money for their linen in the office in which it is to be paid.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 289–90.]
Aug. 13.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Treasurer of the Household, Sir J. Duncombe.
Warrant for 1,000l. to Lord Ogle on his pension as of the Bedchamber.
The Earl of Carbery called in: moves for the remainder due to him from the King on his account, which is declared. Ordered that the Auditors of the Imprest make up his account, and that the balance be ordered on the Receivers of [Crown revenues for] Wales.
Deputy Auditor Chislet called in: brings a paper of what he has found upon search relating to Lindhurst and Noemanswood. Write the Duke of Newcastle to stop felling any more wood or taking any away.
Deputy Auditor Chislet and Sir R. Long to attend to-morrow afternoon with Alderman Backwell about the account of the tin by him [Backwell] received in Flanders.
Mr. Lawrence to submit the following two queries to the Attorney and Solicitor General for their opinions. (1) Whether upon the passing an account of a land tax the placing in super on a collector a sum of money which has been paid by any hundred or place to a head collector discharges the county, hundred or place from the liability of making good the same, and makes the King liable to the loss if the collector prove insolvent. (2) Whether, though the money have been paid to the head collector, it may not be safe and right in declaring the receiver's accounts to set the money in super upon the hundred, division or place that paid it: in regard it is not answered to the King's Receiver General according to law.
Sir Robert Long says he keeps the treasurer's key of the records in the Gatehouse [leading] to the Old Palace Yard which Mr. May and the officers of the Works do intend now to pull down. He desires that it might not be done till assurance is given to build a better place for those records. Mr. May to attend my Lords hereon on Monday to satisfy my Lords as to the reason for pulling it down and as to the care that will be taken in rebuilding for providing a convenient place for keeping the Exchequer records, and Mr. Falconbridge, Deputy Chamberlain of the Exchequer, to attend then to inform my Lords of the ancient usage in this case of keeping the records, and where the plate and Crown Jewels were wont to be kept. Sir R. Long also to attend.
Mrs. Lee and Mr. Lawrence called in about Lady Crane's business. Mr. Lawrence to attend the Attorney General for his opinion how the King may recover his right to the reserved rent.
Mr. Morice called in: gives his proposal for [the farm of] the Customs of Ireland; and another [for that] of the Excise. Mr. Dean called in: makes his proposal for farming the Customs of Ireland. My Lords tell them they will further consider this business this day week, and then they may as they think fit alter their propositions.
Warrant for the interest money due to Alderman Bucknall et al.
Sir John Watts's Firehearth account brought in by Deputy Auditor Lightfoot and declared. Watts is given till Easter to pay in the second 200l.
Dormant warrant for Sir Edward Turner.
Dr. Forth called in: moves about a warrant for paying old tallies remaining yet unpaid on the country Excise. To attend to-morrow with Sir Ste. Fox and the Auditor [sic for Cofferer of the Household] and Mr. Pepys about the course of paying those tallies in regard they are struck on a term not yet come.
Mr. Stucky, the linen draper, to have 2,000l. on the Chimney money.
[Mr. Patrick] Jenkins's docquet to be returned to him because the business began not by a reference to the Treasury Lords and a report thereon [in proper course].
Sir G. Downing to ask Sir R. Long whether the letter to the Duke of Newcastle should not be underwritten 'loving friends and humble servants' or only 'loving friends.' Sir R. Long says the first.
Warrant for 1,000l. to Sir William Temple on his privy seal for [his] Holland [embassy]: to be in advance as formerly directed.
Warrant for Villers on his privy seal. The like for Russel on his privy seal.
Mr. Ayloffe and Mr. Oflye's report on Mr. Moselye's case is to be shewn to the Attorney General by Mr. Lawrence for his opinion.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 291–2.]
Aug. 14.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
Mr. Wren's docquet to pass.
The Duke of Albemarle reports that the King will not have Mr. Tayler meddle with his works at Windsor. Also that the Privy Council has ordered the arrest of the person in Wilts who abused an Excise officer.
The Cofferer called in with Sir Stephen Fox and Mr. Pepys. My Lords will not pass the Cofferer's privy seal for interest till his account is declared, whereby it may appear what is due to him. But on further consideration his docquet was passed. The Cofferer, Fox and Pepys move that they cannot continue payments after Michaelmas in regard the assignments are so remote, and they present a state of what is charged on the Excise, whereby [it appears that] it is annually 80,000l. overcharged besides the debt on it.
The Excise Commissioners also called in about paying the Duke of Monmouth's tally struck on the Excise ending a Lady Day, 1669. My Lords say they account not before next summer; therefore it may be paid.
Write Edmund Custis of Flushing in Zealand that my Lords accept his proposal in his letter of the 10th instant about the [fishing for or] recovering the remainder of His Majesty's tin at Ostend: and that he propound his security and send over somebody to perfect the agreement.
Mr. Pepys moves that my Lords will upon his orders on the Excise get him credit for about 10,000l. for pay of the soldiers at Tangier. He is to inform my Lords after how much [already charged on the Excise] these orders will be paid.
A paper read from the Deputy and Council of Ireland about the Irish accounts. Sir R. Long to go to Sir John Temple and ask him where the abstracts of the Irish accounts are which were sent to England.
Mr. Garill called in about the business of silver bought out of the Mint [by the goldsmiths &c.] for gain. Several witnesses called in Mr. Russell in Witche Alley, a working goldsmith, saith he bought of one Mr. Hoare's son about 800 ounces of silver at one time within this twelvemonth at 5s. 2¼d., which is more than the Mint makes of it, and at other times several parcels. Mr. Thomas Loveday saith that Mr. Crompton, a goldsmith, told him when he offered a hundredweight of silver to be coined they told him he must stay [wait] if he would have it coined, but if he would sell it he might go to the Clerk [of the Mint] and have his money. Also he saith that Backwell, Viner, Rose, Snow, Hinton, Row, &c., coining goldsmiths, can say enough. Also he saith 'tis a great hindrance and fault that there is but one assaymaster for the Mint and Goldsmiths Hall. Also that 'tis a great fault that a clerk of the Mint should trade in buying and selling bullion, &c., whereas whatever is brought to the Mint should be coined. Ordered: that it be considered how to prevent the melting down the new heavy money. Mr. Titon, a working goldsmith saith that never but once he changed silver with Mr. Mason. Mr. William Mouse saith he often hath had sterling silver for burnt silver, so said several others but not since Mason died; that they went to him because formerly he was their neighbour. Mr. Harrison saith he hath several times exchanged silver with Mr. Mason but never dealt with Hoare. Mr. Hinton called in saith that this year or two he hath not meddled with the Mint. The officers of the Mint to attend on Tuesday concerning about the buying and selling of silver; complaints having been made to my Lords that bullion which was brought into the Mint to be coined has been diverted and sold to goldsmiths for gain.
Mr. Hinton moves that his and others' money which will fall short at Guildhall be placed elsewhere. He presents a paper about it.
The draft warrant concerning Mr. Ellesden's fees is to be shown to the Attorney General.
The present Farmers of the Customs called in about their grant of their present farm. My Lords say they are still of opinion they should have no defalcations for the Irish Act for cattle and fish, because it was past, and they knew it, when they took their farm; that if they are not satisfied they may apply elsewhere. The said farmers move for their privy seal to have their forfeitures. My Lords ask whether they ever agreed to this, but will not dispute that with them. Ordered that this privy seal and their new grant pass together. The farmers say 'tis in their patent. My Lords say they know it, but they are now upon a new agreement. Ordered that Sir G. Downing draw out a list of all the letters that have been written to them to hasten the passing their grant. Memorandum. The Lord Keeper to be spoken to as to whether the first grant is to stand or be vacated and a new one taken.
As to the commission account of the Customs my Lords acquaint Sir John Wolstenholme that the King will be paid the first 1,000l., and then Wolstenholme to be paid out of the old Customs bonds. Auditor Beale to attend on Monday about it.
Mrs. Taylor and Mr. Progers to attend on Monday about the business of the repairs at Windsor, and to be acquainted that for this time the King will have the repairs done by the officers of the Works.
Warrant for the Ordnance according to the order of Council. To be on the Chimney money.
Lady Frazier called in: moves for a quarter due to her of her pension. She prays she may be paid as far as Mrs. Silvius [is paid]. Warrant for her on the Chimney money.
Petition from the Dutch at Sandwich read with Mr. Dewye's report. Affidavit to be made that these are poor men and that it is the product of English manufacture.
Sir G. Downing to make a list by Monday of what is charged on the Chimney money.
Warrant for 302l. for the Privy Purse: on the privy seal for 10,000l. [for the Privy Purse].
A report to the King to be drawn on Lord Ashley's petition.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 292–5.]