Minute Book: September 1668, 1-15

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1905.

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'Minute Book: September 1668, 1-15', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp427-439 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Minute Book: September 1668, 1-15', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp427-439.

"Minute Book: September 1668, 1-15". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1905), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp427-439.


September 1668

Sept. 1.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry.
Letter read from the Earl of Anglesey. Money to be borrowed on the Wine Act to pay Portsmouth yard. Sir John Shaw to attend to-morrow.
Mr. Bodurda's paper referred to the Attorney and Solicitor General.
The officers of the fleet in the list sent in Mr. Hayes' letter are to have interest as the others had. Write the Earl of Anglesey about it. Charnock to see how the warrants [were made out] for the other officers on the 100,000l. on the Eleven Months' tax.
Mr. Glanville called in: moves for the remains of his money on his account. [Ordered] that for part of it he have what tin money is in Mr. Shaw's hands at Antwerp, but the money must first be paid into the Exchequer. Also a warrant for him to receive Cornelison's money which is set on his account. Sir R. Long to be advised with as to what privy seals these two things can be done on. As for the remainder of Mr. Glanville's money he is to see where [out of what fund] it may be had and inform my Lords.
The Excise Commissioners to attend to-morrow to consider of new modelling the form of the weekly certificate to be given by them of the payments and receipts of the Excise.
The Chimney Farmers' petition read for their defalcations according to their covenants. The Attorney and Solicitor General to hasten their report hereon as requested previously on April 14 last. The Chimney Farmers complain that the Dean and Prebends of Windsor have not yielded obedience to the King's order in Council for the payment of their Chimney money. Send Viscount Mordaunt a copy of said order and request him to assist the Farmers' officers herein. Get a copy of the order from Hartlib. My Lords order that all other houses and lodgings in Windsor Castle are to pay except what are for the King's use. The Farmers read several affidavits of abuses to their officers. To be represented to the Privy Council and Kendrick's and Tudor's and John Temple's affidavits to be sent up to the Council. As to abuses in [the Justices' grants of] certificates [of exemption from Hearth tax] ordered that the Kentish certificate of Tenterden be referred to Col. Steward, Sir Philip Howard and Sir Francis Clarke. Mr. Hartlib is to draw up his exceptions to the said certificate. A copy of the affidavit against Justice Fleetwood in Bucks is to be sent to him with a notification that he do assist the Chimney officers. Sir Robert Vyner says he has tallies for 40,000l. on the Chimney money which he prays may be paid. My Lords say it must be allowed on the Chimney Farmers' accounts.
The Duke of Newcastle's claim to Lyndhurst and Noemanswood is to be considered on Thursday next. Mr. Chislet and Mr. Lawrence to attend then.
Sir James Mercer and Major Wood called in: pray payment of their riding wages payable in Sir Edward Griffin's office, but cut off by the present establishment. The Privy Council to be moved whether the allowances are not to be made when they travel, though there be no constant allowance [for the times when they are not riding].
Mr. Bridgeman called in: moves about the business of the healing money, and that he may have money for that use, as the King is now about to go a progress. Auditor Beale also called in about it, who says there's about 600l. due to Mr. Slingsby for what he has already furnished for healing. Mr. Slingsby to attend about it to-morrow.
Capt. Hill called in. He and the Auditor to attend to-morrow.
The King to be moved whether Mr. Legouse shall have 325l. for the pearl.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 311–2.]
Sept. 2.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry.
Sir R. Long's report concerning the Earl of Carbery is read together with a draft of a privy seal for his repayment of the surplusage on his account: and he to pay to the King what he owes.
Write the Customs Farmers to lend 10,000l. this week to pay off the Yards: and that they shall be repaid on the Customs.
Mr. Harbord called in about the business of settling the Forest of Dean. The instructions to be sent to Lord Ashley for his opinion.
After the money of the waggons is told out such as have tallies unpaid are to bring them to the Exchequer to have them registered and care is to be taken for their payment.
Sir W. Doyly to attend to-morrow to form [settle a form of] a certificate [to be returned weekly from the Office of Exchanges] of what is weekly returned of the [Aids and Eleven Months'] tax.
Mr. May and Mr. Packer to attend Sir R. Long to-morrow about the money for New Park to settle how it shall be issued.
The tin farmers to attend to-morrow with Sir R. Long and Sir C. Harbord.
Mr. Tho. Killigrew called in: says he has taken nothing away from his creditors of what was due on his pension. Warrant on the Chimney money for what is due to him: the warrant to state that it is by the King's special direction.
Petition from Sir William Bowles. Sir R. Long to certify whether any money has been paid on his account, and then the King to be moved in it.
Warrant for Mrs. Boynton's pension on the Exchequer.
Mr. Townsend called in: says he never took more of any than the just fee of the Wardrobe, which is 6d. per £ for the Master and 6d. per £ for himself. Mr. Nevill says he gave him 12d. per £ for the Master, 12d. for Mr. Rumbold and about 12d. for himself. Ordered that Mr. Townsend pay back all but the Earl of Sandwich's and Mr. Rumbold's due fees. The tallies of the petitioners will be paid in their course.
Mr. Fenne called in: brings an estimate of what will pay a year to the yard at Portsmouth. My Lords tell him they are borrowing 10,000l. of the Customs for that use; and that he prepare things in order thereto.
Petition from Thomas Sorrell. Referred to Lord Ashley.
Charnock to draw a privy seal for Mrs. Wells's 500l.: she surrendering her letters patent for her coppice.
Write Capt. Wharton to carry to the Exchequer to-morrow the warrant for about 65,000l. for the Ordnance lately signed by my Lords on the 11 Months' tax: so that orders may be drawn upon it.
The order of Council for disposal of His Majesty's revenue according to the several branches of His Majesty's expense is to be considered and how far my Lords are tied up thereby.
The letting of the Irish Customs is put off to another day, [and then to take place] at the Privy Council.
Letters are sent to the Justices of Assize with the affidavits of the abuses done to the officers and farmers of the Chimney money.
The King's decision is reported on matters as follow:—
The warrant for the privy seal for the Barbados money is signed by the King. Also the warrant for the officers of the Works to repair Windsor Castle.
Mr. Ball to have a pension of 200l. per an.
Mr. Kirke to have a year of his pension on the Chimney money in the same way as the Grooms of the Bedchamber.
Warrant signed for a privy seal for Mr. Packer [for his place] as Paymaster of the Works.
My Lords to remit the fees and charges on Mr. Legouse's 300l. for the pearl sold to the Queen.
Sir Rob. Southwell's warrant for his 600l. signed.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 313–4.]
Sept. 3.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry.
Write Sir Philip Warwick to send to my Lords Mrs. Wells's grant of the coppice wood in New Forest.
A blank warrant to be drawn on the Duke of Monmouth's privy seal for 5,000l. advanced by the Customs Farmers.
The Excise Commissioners called in, and a new form for a weekly certificate is given them which they are to observe. Sir R. Long to certify every week [to my Lords] particularly what has been paid into the Exchequer from the Excise by the London Excise farmers on the London farm and also on the Suffolk farm which they hold, and what by the Grand Commissioners of Excise for the rest of the Country Excise farmers. The Excise Commissioners present several complaints of abuses to Excise officers in Durham. Send the affidavits to the Bishop of Durham, and desire him to examine the matter and do right.
The Earl of Carbery called in: moves that he may have the 400l. per an. for the stables without account, and for the rest of his allowance [for the Presidentship of the Marches of Wales] to be put on the new establishment. My Lords say they must follow the present privy seal or make a new one, so the King's pleasure must be known in it. But the report on his petition must be that the present privy seal is on account.
Sir John Talbot moves that process may also stop against Mr. Keyt and Mr. Ri. Hyde for the same reason as against himself.
Mr. Rich. Neale called in: presents a paper of the claim of the Duke of Newcastle to Lindhurst and Noemanswood as part of the manor of Mansfield. This business to be heard the third Monday in next term. The King's Counsel and Mr. Chislet and Mr. Lawrence to attend on behalf of the King and the Duke to appoint whom he will on his own behalf. Neale says the Duke has felled no wood there.
Sir R. Long and Sir C. Harbord called in about the account of the Tin Farmers. The questions are whether the third year will be allowed them or kept to pay their rent for it, no surrender having been made. (2) Whether the several allowances on their account as for interest at 8 per cent. shall be made to them. My Lords say they had nine quarters of their farm. The Farmers are to attend the Privy Council on Wednesday week when my Lords will report the whole case.
Mr. Slingsby says the Mint is hard at work in making shillings: also he moves for payment for about 700l. worth of [healing] medals and near 100l. more he has furnished for [the like] medals. Warrant ordered for 800l. for Mr. Bridgeman for healing gold. To be on the Exchequer.
Write Mr. Lawrence to make inquiry as to who are in possession of each part of Vaux Hall in Surrey and by what right they hold the same, and whether they are not bound to keep same in repair.
Warrant on the Exchequer to pay the [4 per cent.] over interest money to Wadlow [and the Vintners]. They are to attend on Thursday about placing the 13,000l. allowed them beyond the 10,000l., as by the Act [for the wine duties].
Mr. Hill called in about his account with Deputy Auditor Jeffryes. Jeoffryes to go to Mr. Coates, late Receiver of Hearth money for co. Cambridge, and demand a sight of his tallies and acquittances in order to the clearing of his account.
A copy of the order of Council [concerning the King's revenue and expense] to be given to each of my Lords: and a list to be made for them of all warrants for payments since July 22 last.
Mr. May called in. Sir G. Downing to inquire who has the profits of fines and amerciaments. Mr. May to give him a paper of what he desires.
Mr. Pepys called in: moves for credit for money for the soldiers at Tangier. The Navy Commissioners to attend on Monday with the new articles for the victualling contract, and then Pepys is to move for money for the soldiers.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 314–6.]
Sept. 4.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry.
Petition from Mr. Progers. To present a state of what he demands as due.
Alderman Backwell's interest money to be placed on the respective funds on which the moneys are borrowed. The 600l. [which is to be repaid to Backwell having been lent by him] for Sir Robert Southwell is to be placed on the 65,000l. on the Eleven months' tax. The 955l. 18s. 0d. is to be placed on the Customs tallies.
Petition from Roger Morice. My Lords can't meddle with Navy debts.
Same from Sir John Ayton. If his petition refers to his pension as Gentleman Usher to the Prince my Lords think it is now leased; if as to the King, he shall be paid in like way as the others.
Same from Thomas Hawley. He must apply to the Wardrobe.
Same from John Vaux. Sir Edward Griffin to certify how this was wont to be done and whether the King must bear the charge thereof.
A notice to be posted up [on the Treasury door] that petitions must be addressed to the proper offices.
Sir R. Long's report read on Sir William Bowles's petition. A privy seal ordered for what is due to him, and then a warrant on the Chimneys for half of it.
Petition from John Roetiers, &c., gravers to the Mint, concerning their allowance. Mr. Slingsby to attend on Tuesday to consider whether it may not be placed on the 3,000l. per an. for the Mint.
Same from John White. Report to be made reciting the clause of the Act.
Mr. Franc. Berkely called in. My Lords say they can assign no money without a privy seal. The King's warrant delivered back to him.
Sir Edward Wingfield called in about Capt. Byam's business. Says he will pay in 100l. more immediately: so prays the remaining 60l. may be remitted to him. Ordered that the 100l. be paid in, and then process to stop for further time.
Petition from Robert Streater. To apply to the Treasurer of the Chamber.
Petition from John Catcher. Ordered that he go on, and my Lords will take care for the watchmen.
The King to be moved in Council that endeavours may be used to improve His Majesty's revenue on tin by releasing the pre-emption and taking only a coinage.
Petition from Mr. Modyford. He must apply to the Privy Council; this of Jamaica being left out of the establishment [as framed] in the Privy Council.
Same from the doorkeepers of the House of Lords. Sir R. Long to certify what is due to them and what letters patents or privy seals they have.
Same from Robert Bishop. Sir G. Downing to speak with Mr. Williamson to know if Bishop discovered the plot and then his docquet to pass.
Same from the Mayor of Newcastle with Sir C. Harbord's report. The matter to be heard on some day suitable to Lord Gerard.
Same from Lawrence Plunket. Sir R. Long to report whether Mr. Skelton's pension be not assigned to Mr. Boynton.
Same from Nathaniel Desbrow. A commission to issue as directed by Sir C. Harbord and petitioners to be assured of their reward.
Same from Patrick Jenkins. Report to be made so that his warrant may pass the Secretary in the regular way.
Same from John Vaughan. To bring the King's warrant next Wednesday.
Same from the poor of [the parish of] St. Martins [in the Fields]. A warrant ordered on the Exchequer. The docquet for [the grant to the poor of the parish of] St. Margaret's is to pass. Both parishes to be paid to the same time.
Edmund Cavenaught's certificate read. To be underwritten that the Duke of Albemarle turned him out.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 316–8.]
Sept. 7.
Present: D. of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry.
Write Sir John Duncombe that my Lords want the warrant for 65,000l., same not having yet been carried to the Exchequer for the drawing of orders thereon; for that some payments are to be immediately assigned thereon. And that therefore he write to Captain Wharton without delay.
Lord Gerard's 3,000l. to be on the 65,000l. next after the 5,000l. on the Duke of Monmouth's account.
Warrant for three months to Sir W. Temple. Write Alderman Backwell to pay the money [for this] into the Exchequer on the [credit of the] Customs of June, 1669.
The business between Lord Gerard and the town of Newcastle about the Castle Garth is to be heard the first Monday in November. Give Sir John Marlowe notice hereof.
Thomas Benbow to attend to-morrow.
Sir G. Downing to ask Sir R. Long what three months of the Customs will bear the 10,000l. advanced by the farmers of the Customs for the pay of Portsmouth Yard, that so a warrant may be drawn for the issue of same. Write Sir R. Long that as it is necessary the said money which has been lodged in the Exchequer yesterday by the Customs Farmers should be sent away to Ports-mouth immediately before the same can be regularly charged and discharged in the Exchequer he despatch the same forthwith, and await my Lord's direction for the regular charge and discharge thereof. Write Mr. Fenn to receive the money and employ it accordingly, and to despatch it to Portsmouth for pay of six months to the yard there as abovesaid, and in case there be any remainder then to employ it to pay off as many as it will of the said yard. The issue to be charged on such three months of the Customs as will bear it consistently with reserving 5,000l. for the Navy and such other payments as are intended on the Customs. A warrant for 20,000l. to the Treasurer of the Navy on the Wine Act, whereof the above 10,000l. to be part.
The letter from Mr. Levet, Receiver of the Royal Aids for co., dated Swindon, 2nd inst., informing Sir G. Downing that he had sent up his account to Sir W. Doyly and paid in all his money into the Exchequer, is referred to Sir W. Doyly who is to give an account of Levet's account.
Dormant warrant for the Earl of Strafford's creation money.
If any land waiter's place be now void my Lords are to be put in mind of Mr. Preston, who now executes Cadw. Jones's place.
Dormant warrant for the perpetuities to Cambridge University.
Sir Robert Long to note in his weekly certificates not only what money is paid in by the London Farmers of Excise on their respective grants but also how much they may be behind and for what time.
Lord Colepeper called in. His account to be offered in the Privy Council.
The officers of the Works present a state of their office as to money. To be considered on Monday as also the matter of the money for the gallery. They also move to have the fines of the King's Bench for carrying on Greenwich House.
When the King returns [from his progress] my Lords will consider where [on what fund] to place Chester garrison [for their assignments] and also how to ease the Excise.
The Solicitor General and the King's Counsel to be added to the Attorney General in the business of the grant to Viscount Mordaunt et al. of the 12d. per chaldron on Newcastle coal.
The Commissioners of the Navy called in, present a second draft of a victualling contract in which are set down the alterations moved at the last meeting. My Lords ask the Commissioners whether the victualling may not be managed by several victuallers, as one in the West, one at London, one in the North. Mr. Pepys saith it hath sometime been so, but that he cannot presently declare his opinion on it. Ordered that the [Navy] Commissioners give their opinion on the matter on Wednesday, and that the proposers for the victualling (Sir D. Gawden, Mr. Dodington and Mr. Child) attend then.
Sir R. Long to send weekly to the principal officers and Commissioners of the Navy a certificate of what orders are signed every week for the Treasurer of the Navy: so as to guide them in their affairs.
Write Viscount Brouncker et al., the Commissioners of the Navy, enclosing a copy of my Lords' letter to Mr. Fenn about the disposing of the 10,000l. for the pay of Portsmouth Yard.
A dormant warrant for the [pay of the] Welsh Judges. To be on the Receivers for [Crown revenues of] the Welsh counties by whom their present allowance is paid.
Sir G. Downing to speak with Sir R. Long where to pay Sir Ste. Fox's 1,800l. for the Duke of Monmouth.
Sir G. Downing and Auditor Beale to look over the new establishment for the Earl of Carbery and see in what it differs from the old, in what more and in what less, and to margent it.
Mr. Elia Palmer's representation read about farthings. To bring his proposition on Thursday morning. And for the future my Lords will sit on Thursdays at 8 in the morning.
Mr. Jeffryes called in: says he has been with Coates for his vouchers and tallies, who says that they are in the country. All Coate's estate to be extended.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 318–20.]
Sept. 8.
Present: D. of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry.
Mr. Tho. Benbow called in: my Lords rebuke him that he did not himself carry the letter to Mr. Fenne but brought it hither to send.
Warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease of the five Hundreds in Dorset to Lord Holles.
Mr. Slingsby called in: to bring to my Lords the present establishment for the Mint that my Lords may see how to provide for the three gravers.
Write Viscount Fanshaw that he has not answered my Lords' two letters about issuing process; that my Lords cannot think the fault to be in him; that he examine where the faults have been and cause them to be removed.
Mr. Offley, the Groom Porter, called in. Mr. Clarke to certify on Thursday what the account of the Groom Porter amounted to in 1635–6–7.
Charnock to draw a privy seal for Sir William Bowles.
Write the Commissioners of the Navy to send an account on Monday, or sooner if possible, what men may be spared to be quite paid off in Portsmouth Yard.
Charnock to go to the Signet [office] for another docquet for [the bounty to] the poor of St. Margaret's, Westminster.
[Ibid. p. 320.]
Sept. 9. Present: ut supra.
The Duke of Richmond called in. A warrant of his read and referred to Sir R. Long to state how the matter is to be done, that his Grace's debt [to the King] and the King's debt to him may be set even.
The Earl of Lauderdale called in about Lady Dysart's business: presents a signification by Lord Arlington of His Majesty's pleasure herein. My Lords say that the order of Council directs that only so much per an. be applied to pensions, and that this must be represented to the King in Council, which my Lords will do: and that it would be good husbandry for the King to buy in this pension if it can be done consistently with the order of [Council of] July 22 last, and with the present state of the Treasury. A copy of the order of Council to be sent to Sir R. Long with the establishment [of pensions] thereunto annexed.
Warrant for taking Mr. Taylour's securities before Michaelmas term next.
Mr. Ellesden's petition read about a lease of the stone in Portland [Isle], together with the report from Sir John Denham and Sir C. Harbord thereupon. Mr. Ellesden says none can dig but by the King's warrant from Sir J. Denham. Lord Ashley says any may dig. Mr. Ellesden to attend on Monday hereon with Sir John Denham and Mr. Oliver, the city surveyor.
Mr. Slingsby called in, says that by Garill's procurement there is a reference made to the Lord Privy Seal concerning the complaints made by the goldsmiths and melters against the Mint, whereas all matters touching the Mint are and have always been immediately under the cognizance of the Lord Treasurer. He also moves concerning the provision of money on the Coinage Act for the three foreigners who are chief engravers, and whose salary of 325l. is to be doubled. The King to be moved herein. Mr. Bridgeman and Mr. Slingsby to attend to-morrow about accommodating Mr. Slingsby at present by an assignment on the Privy Purse for the moneys furnished by Slingsby to Bridgeman for the healing medals.
Warrant for what is due on the Earl of Exeter's creation money.
The Navy Commissioners called in about the victualling contract together with Sir Denys Gauden and the rest of the proposers. My Lords say to the Commissioners that they did not give notice to the proposers. Mr. Pepys says that they [the proposers] desired themselves that the matters should be drawn up by the Navy Commissioners. Mr. Child says that the matters are drawn up worse than before and wholly impracticable. The victualling debate adjourned till to-morrow.
Write the late Excise Commissioners to deliver to Elias Ashmole, late Comptroller of the Excise, the account books in their hands, viz. eleven books of disbursements covering 1661, March 25, to 1668, June 24, and seven country cash books of receipts from Farmers and Sub-Commissioners: all which were lately in the custody of John Ball.
Warrant to be drawn and the Secretaries [of State] to get the King's signature thereto, for 322l. 15s. 0d. for Mr. Legous for the purchase of the pearl for the Queen.
Write Sir R. Long to hasten the registering Sir Denys Gauden's orders on the Chimneys that he may have them; for that he has some occasion for them.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 320–1.]
Sept. 10.
Present: D. of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry.
The King to be moved concerning the arrears of the stable money due to the Earl of Carbery, which at Lady Day amounted to 600l. Write Auditor Beale to bring to Sir G. Downing to-morrow the establishment proposed for the presidentship of Wales after said Beale has margented same according to directions, as the Earl of Carbery is detained in town by that business.
Warrant for three months' ordinary to Sir W. Temple. Write Alderman Backwell to furnish the money for this into the Exchequer.
Warrant for 22,991l. 15s. 5d. for the Ordnance, on the Eleven Months' tax. The warrant for the 65,000l. to be vacated.
In accordance with the directions in Sir R. Long's paper, tallies are to be struck on the monthly [farm of the Customs] for the Customers' 1,000l. [sic for 10,000l.]. Warrant for the issue of that money to the Earl of Anglesey for Portsmouth Yard, and that my Lords' letter for the delivery of that money to Mr. Fenne be returned and vacated.
Sir R. Long and Sir G. Downing to consider where to place the 13,000l. for the Vintners for [charges of] collection.
Mr. Prettiman's petition to be considered to-morrow.
Mr. Clarke called in, presents a paper from Sir Edward Griffin about what was allowed in the year 1635 to the Groom Porter. Write Auditor Beale and Auditor Wood to certify what the bills for commodities furnished by the Groom Porter for the King's House-hold amounted to in the years 1610, 1620, 1630 and 1635, 1636 and 1637.
Write Sir W. Doyly for an account on Thursday next of what is in arrear of the Additional Aid, where and in whose hands, now that the moneys which came up in the waggons are told out; my Lords being very sensible of the great prejudice to His Majesty from the long lying out of the said arrears.
Warrant for 800l. to Mr. May for healing gold: the warrant on the Exchequer for that sum to be vacated.
Sir W. Bowles' privy seal to be sent up to my Lords for the King's signature.
Mr. Elia Palmer called in: presents a paper about the business of the farthings, which is read, and presents some of the coins, and avers it can be less counterfeited than any metals except gold, because gold is the heaviest and tin the lightest of the metals, and so to be known by the weight, and better than silver or brass. Mr. Palmer to attend on Monday.
The Commissioners of the Navy and the Victualler called in about the [conditions of] the victualling contract: and the said contract is proceeded in and gone through. The Navy Commissioners to draw it as now altered, and let the proposers see it, and then my Lords to offer it to the Privy Council for it to pass there. The proposers on Tuesday next to bring in all their proposals sealed. Each party also to name their partners.
[Treasury Minute Book II. p. 322.]
Sept. 11.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Sir W. Coventry.
Auditor Beale called in: desires to know by what rules he shall make remarks on the project of an establishment for the President-ship of Wales, viz. whether by the late account of the Earl of Carbery or by old precedents. Write said Earl to send to Auditor Beale such books and other papers as he has of precedents of the charges of the President and court of Ludlow, which can make out the charge thereof in the time of the late King or before.
A draft of a warrant drawn by Auditor Beale is read for stating the account of the late Customs Commissioners during the time of the commission. Charnock to amend the warrant in accordance with Sir William Coventry's note, leaving out the business of the coals. Write Lady Harvy and Lord Paget to send some person to attend Auditor Beale about adjusting the business of the coal money.
Write the King's Remembrancer to certify on Thursday next which of the King's officers of the Customs have returned to the King's Remembrancer's Office their books of the receipts of the Customs for the several years of the late farm ending at Michaelmas last and which have not.
Jenkins' docquet to pass, on the Attorney General's report.
Petition from John Stone. He must apply to the Cofferer. Same from the Musicians in ordinary. To be considered with the rest of the King's servants. Same from Lady Sayer. To be here-after considered. But the present payment of the pensions does not consist with a late order of Council. Same from Richard Batchellor [et al.]. Referred to the Commissioners of the Ordnance to certify the use of their [i.e. petitioners'] office and where kept. Same from Lawrence Plunket.
Sir G. Downing to draw up what pensions and payments are fit to be paid, which consist not with [would not fall under] the late order of Council of July 22 last. And with these Bishop's case is to be presented, his petition being read and he called in and asked how it came about he was not paid [for diet furnished to the late King whilst at Carisbrooke Castle]. He says he delivered the meat on Col. Hamond's order and the King promised he should be paid and he had a certificate from the gentry that he was not paid. Sir R. Long and Sir W. Doyly to examine how he procured his privy seal and whether his account was never stated and before whom; and by whom the other charges for his late Majesty's diet were defrayed whilst at that place.
Mr. Prettyman's petition read and he called in. Write Viscount Fanshaw to send on Tuesday a copy of the articles of annexation of the First Fruits office in the time of Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth. The King to be moved concerning the three lives in Mr. Prettiman's royal warrant for the place of Remembrancer [of First Fruits]. Mr. Prettyman's pretence to the Receiver's place is to be considered on Wednesday next.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 323–4.]
Sept. 14.
Present: all my Lords.
The Earl of Anglesey moves for money for the yards and for tickets [for seamen's pay] and for weighing the wrecks in the Thames: the 600l. per week being now at an end.
My Lords to have an account where all creation money is payable
Petition from Colonel Penton. The King to be moved in it.
Warrant for Mr. Preston for the vacant place of landwaiter in London port. Mr. Symonds to have the next vacancy.
Letter read from John May. Referred to the Solicitor General.
Sir G. Downing to speak with Sir R. Long whether [it were more proper to have] for a public minister [i.e. ambassador for his quarterly ordinary] a dormant warrant, a privy seal, or a three months' warrant.
The Cofferer called in with Sir Ste. Fox and Mr. Pepys. Say that unless some relief is given to the Excise they shall not be able to go on, for that besides the present burden on the Excise is [amounts to] about two years [anticipation of the clear revenue therefrom], it is about 70,000l. per an. overcharged every year still. So that either Tangier or the garrisons must be taken off the Excise. The King to be moved herein. Charnock to draw a privy seal for Sir Ste. Fox to pay the Tower garrison.
Sir John Denham, Mr. Oliver and Mr. May called in; and a letter read from the officers of the Greencloth to the officers of the Works about a shed in Scotland Yard. Sir J. Denham says that on building the Banqueting House that place was given to them and hath so continued, and prays that if this be taken away they may yet have some room there for the fire engines.
As to the business of Portland stone Sir John Denham says that the quarry is the King's property. Lord Ashley says none can dig but a tenant or by the King's warrant. Sir John Denham is to state the King's title to the quarries; and together with Mr. Oliver is to inform the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of London that my Lords have the business of Portland stone under their consideration, and to ask them if they know of any exactions in the price of that stone, for that my Lords will be ready to give remedy thereto.
Write the Lord Keeper or his Secretary, Mr. Morice, for a list of all the Justices of the Peace in England and Wales, my Lords having frequent occasion to make references and give other directions to them in matters relating to His Majesty's revenue.
Mr. Palmer called in about his farthing proposition: says that about 50 ton of tin is imported from the East Indies about a year since which is sold at about 51 guilders the ton: that the last ships have brought none: proposes a number of men who will buy the King's preemption, take off all the tin and sell it at 6l. a hundred weight and so make these farthings ad volorem. The Treasurer of the Household says there is tin not only in Barbary, not much but better than ours, but in Spain also, which in our wars they wrought. Ordered that, when the report is made about the Prince's farthings, the King in Council be acquainted with Mr. Palmer's proposition. Mr. Palmer lives at Mile End.
Sir R. Long to be spoken to as to where money can be had for the two galleries in Whitehall and an apartment for the Queen; also for a snow house.
Warrant for 500l. more for Mr. Rewse for the Works for Windsor.
Mr. Offly called in and a paper brought in by Auditor Beale is read of what the office of the Groom Porter die deliver in [for the use of the King's household] in 1610, &c.
Mr. Loven [Loving] called in: brings a report of Mr. Levet's account and a report about Mr. Gipps. To be considered to-morrow.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 324–5.]
Sept. 15.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry.
Warrant for the Earl of Carbery on his privy seal for the clear money due to him: he striking tallies for what he owes to the Queen.
As to the Secretaries' privy seal for intelligence [or Secret Service] Sir W. Coventry says that in the establishment there is 4,000l. per an. inserted for intelligence, but that this is not so directed in the privy seal, so that the Privy Council must be moved to alter it before it can be done. As for the enabling to pay Treasurers and officers of the Exchequer, &c. words to be added and for the managing and bringing in the revenue.
Mr. Warcup's commission to be vacated, and another to be drawn for Mr. William Adderly for the Sixpenny Writs at 1,400l. per an., he giving good security and lending 500l. [in advance thereon to His Majesty].
Write the Attorney and Solicitor General and the King's counsel to attend on Thursday to advise my Lords as to the business of the King's right to stop the transportation of tin; and his right to the sole transportation thereof.
Mr. Clifford and Mr. Dewy called in: present a paper about settling a way for the outports for appraisers of seizures on the Customs. They are to apply to Lord Ashley about it. Mr. Dewy and Mr. Payne to attend at Sir G. Downing's to-morrow hereon.
The lease to Burges and Dean to pass according to Sir C. Harbord's report.
Lord Ashley to have the list of the names of Commissioners for Dean Forest as brought in by Mr. Harbord. Write the Marquess of Worcester to recommend such as he thinks fit to be Commissioners for same; and then the commission and instructions to pass.
Mr. Snow called in with Deputy Auditor Jeffryes. His account adjourned till Thursday.
The Victuallers' propositions to be considered on Thursday. Give Mr. Dodington and Sir D. Gauden notice hereof.
[Ibid. p. 326.]