Minute Book: July 1668, 21-31

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1905.

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'Minute Book: July 1668, 21-31 ', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp389-402 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Minute Book: July 1668, 21-31 ', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp389-402.

"Minute Book: July 1668, 21-31 ". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1905), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp389-402.


July 1668

July 21.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Treasurer of the Household, Sir J. Duncombe.
Warrant on the Chimney money for the Gallery keepers.
Warrant for 100l. to Charnock to pay the charge of Hemskirk's letters patent: to be on the general dormant warrant.
Sir Edm. Windham, knight marshal, called in: moves that it may stand as his discovery if he can make out the King's title to any quarries of stone in Purbeck. My Lords say that now such as dig have the King's warrant. He says he will inform himself better and propose what he will give for them.
Mr. Williamson called in: says he knows not how the warrant was procured for Sir W. Temple's allowance for Holland.
The Farmers of Customs and of Excise to be acquainted with the warrant for one of the wine officers to sit in the Custom House and the Excise Office.
Mr. Mosely called in with his deputy Thomas Brock and William Janet in custody. They say that what money is in their hands they will pay. A warrant for their discharge.
The Earl of Bristol called in: as to the 1,000l. on the Chimney money he says he can get no credit on it, and therefore will not make use of it.
Mr. May called in. Says he has employed some about repairing the bridges about Hampton Court and that they are in hand.
Write the Mayor of Lyme Regis for an answer to my Lords' letter of the 6th inst.: otherwise my Lords will proceed to a final determination of that matter without it.
Mr. May to have 400l. on the Exchequer for repair of the Gallery in Whitehall "which is to be [paid out] of the money remaining on the Tangier account. A warrant on the Exchequer and Sir G. Downing to hint to Sir R. Long out of what [it is] to be paid."
Mr. Hartlib called in: a letter shown him from the Justices of co. Huntingdon complaining of one Osborne, officer of the Hearth money. Ordered that the Farmers of the Hearth money call this officer out of the country and dismiss him. Hartlib to show the letter to the Hearth money Farmers, and to give an account of their execution of this order of my Lords.
Write Mr. Chester and Mr. Lavington, head collectors of co. Gloucester, to pay the money remaining in their hands of the Aids, by August 1 on pain of arrest.
Write Sir R. Long to keep a gap on the Chimney money for 1,180l. for Col. Norton for [the purchase price of] some land taken in for the fortifications of Portsmouth.
Mr. Dodington called in: says that the season of the year grows on about agreeing for the victualling of the Navy. Ordered to give his propositions in writing.
Write William Louen to quicken Lord Arlington's grant about Maribone Park.
Write Alderman Backwell and Mr. Wadlow to attend to-morrow: my Lords having expected them this morning.
Mr. Barker is to have his warrant on the Chimney money [paid out of] the money paid or to be paid into the Exchequer by Mr. Porter for Berks.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 261–3.]
July 22.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Treasurer of the Household, Sir J. Duncombe.
Warrant to Mr. Townsend to assign 1,500l. for the Wardrobe in part of the 10,000l. for the Wardrobe.
Warrant for the King to sign (such a one as Secretary Morrice procured) for 100l. for the footmen for taking up their money at interest.
The Duke of Ormonde to be spoken to for a letter to the Deputy and Council of Ireland to suffer Mr. Pery to proceed in the receipt of the duty of French tunnage.
Sir William Temple to have 1,000l. advanced and his [ordinary of] 7l. a day [to date] from his departure from the King's presence and not [to have] his ordinary postage of letters. Charnock to prepare a warrant for a privy seal.
Hill to have a month's time on bail to go out to seek Coates.
Mr. Browne to be spoken to to do his duty as a Solicitor [of Aids] for Berks, which he neglects: and that he forthwith repair to his county to get in several arrears which are lately grown.
John Matchet, alehouse keeper in St. Olave's Southwark, to be summoned to appear to-morrow for abusing Philip Barber, a sworn gauger of Excise to the London Brewers.
Warrant on the Exchequer for 1,500l. for the Master of the Horse.
Sir Thomas Peyton called in: moves for the wood in Kent left out of his lease. Referred to Sir C. Harbord to certify a value.
Lord Holles and Sir Richard Beeling, of the Queen's Council, called in: and move for the settlement of the Queen's lands. Mr. Burnet, of the Pipe Office, to be quickened to make a return to the Treasury how the matter stands as to settling the remainder of the lands for the Queen's jointure.
Mr. Porter of Berks to be discharged.
The letter and paper sent from the Commissioners [for Aids] for co. Oxford, reporting what they have done as to Mr. Stamp and another collector towards recovering the King's moneys in their hands are referred to Sir W. Doyly.
Sir R. Long to certify what is to be said against paying the King's and Queen's Gentlemen Ushers' wages, viz. whether he thinks it more for His Majesty's service that they should be paid as his other servants are or that they should be paid all that's due to them for their wages [for what is past], and [for the future] to have no bills signed for them by the Lord Chamberlain to the Treasurer of the Chamber.
Viscount Brouncker and Mr. Pepys called in. My Lords ask how it comes to pass that the growing charge of the Navy is within these last two weeks risen again.
Write Captain Cock to hasten in to the Commissioners of the Navy his accounts for Sick and Wounded.
Mr. Henry Howard, Mr. Hayes and the officers of the Mint called in concerning the farthing business. The Solicitor General appears for Mr. Howard. Mr. Slingsby desires a copy of the farthing patent to the late Earl of Arundell at 100 marks per an., [and says] that that office broke, and complaint was made of it in Parliament. Mr. Howard's proposition read, with the answer of the officers of the Mint and other papers. The Solicitor General says the officers of the Mint take pains to evince that Mr. Howard's proposition goes not upon an intrinsic value, that none but their own shall be such, considering the frequent change of the price of copper. Also says that none can make this tin farthing to gain by it without their [Mr. Howard's] secret: that this farthing is made of our native commodity of tin, and [they, Howard, &c.] will also be obliged to use English copper, which he says is richer than Swedish copper: says that their metal as prepared is worth 20d. a lb., and the King is to have a profit by this farthing. Mr. Slingsby presents four farthings melted down, and says that metal so melted down is only fit for bell-founders and solderers, and will scarcely yield 4l. a ton. Mr. Slingsby also presents several of these farthings made with a small stamp and a little hammer without any press or roller. Also says he will make of the same metal for under 12d. a lb.: presents some made by Monsieur at his (Mr. Slingsby's) request, which he will afford [to make] for 12d. a lb. As to the gain Mr. Slingsby says that if the farthings be made in the Tower by the King's officers they [the Mint officers] can get nothing by it [and that therefore all the gain would go to the King]. "So agreed that a farthing is necessary. That it is best to make use of our owne commodity [metal] tynne or copper. But whether better they should be tinne or copper is the question; and which [may be] most liable to counterfeiting and which will be most advantageous to the Crown and best for the people. That the officers of the Mint [are to] shew a better farthing. That on Monday next they bring their proposition and some of their farthings."
Order to the officers of the Mint to give an estimate for the repair of the house of the Comptroller of the Mint, which is in very great decay.
The Customs Farmers to attend to-morrow afternoon to give an account why they have of late demanded and taken 18d. a head for cattle coming out of Scotland.
Write Mr. Wadlow [for the Vintners] to furnish on Friday next 10,000l. and on Thursday after 10,000l. to pay off the fleet: they [the Vintners] having already paid about 31,000l.
The Duke of Albemarle reports from the King [His Majesty's decision on the various matters as follow]:
That Mrs. Mary Blague have allowance made to her as to other discoverers.
That His Majesty will speak with the Lord Chamberlain that the creditors of the Wardrobe may have liberty to sue Mr. Townesend.
That as to the Duke of Buckingham's docquet for his place as Master of the Horse for life the King will speak to him and settle this business so that there shall be no more complaint.
That Mrs. Mary Boynton have the money she paid to Mr. Skelton for her pension.
That the King will take into consideration the question of the Great Officers [of State] having salaries instead of fees and perquisites of their places.
That when other pensions are considered Lady Wentworth is to be considered.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 263–5.]
July 23.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Treasurer of the Household, Sir J. Duncombe.
Mr. East to attend to-morrow about his bills upon the Treasurer of the Chamber.
The officers of the Works to have an assignment on the Chimneys for the remainder of their ordinary for last year. Mr. May to bring a certificate how much it is.
The King's officers of the Customs called in with the Customs Farmers about the said Farmers' commission account. The King to be spoken to about Sir John Wolstenholme's 1,000l. bond on the Customs in the commission time. Send to Auditor Beale for a list of the 3,000l. on the Customs commission account, of which said Wolstenholme was to have 1,000l. The farmers confess they have no warrant for several ambassadors landing several quantities of wine; also for a quantity of wine for the Queen of Bohemia and for the Earl of Bristol, &c., and for a parcel of Barcelona wines for Sir Peter Harvy.
The Customs Farmers offer a paper of the reasons why they took 18d. a head on cattle out of Scotland. This paper to be reported to the Privy Council.
Warrant to Auditor Beale to allow 311l. to Mr. Ellesden according to His Majesty's direction. Beale to speak with Sir G. Downing about it: it being a matter of nicety.
Same to same to bring in the Earl of Carbery's account as now it is: this being the King's pleasure.
Warrant to Mr. Warren to have his 5,500l. on the Customs for his Sallee voyage: to be allowed at the end of the present Customs Farm.
Alderman Backwell called in with Auditor Aldworth about Backwell's interest account. Sir G. Downing and Sir R. Long are to consider how the 3,000l. produce of the tin received by Backwell and paid by him to the Cofferer of the Household may be put to the Cofferer's account.
Father Patrick to attend to-morrow to offer my Lords any proposition he may make for finding out and weighing the remainder of His Majesty's tin at Ostend.
Sir Allen Apsley and the Cofferer of the Household to attend to-morrow about the Duke of York's money which said Cofferer is to pay to said Apsley.
Mr. Finch to attend to-morrow with Mr. Skip, late Farmer of Excise in Hampshire, about the report from said Finch and the rest of the late Commissioners of Excise concerning the defalcations to be allowed to said Skip.
Send to the Custom House and the Excise (for their remarks thereon) the proposition from the Wine Farmers or undertakers for one of the said farmers' officers to sit in the Custom House and Excise Office.
Major Deane and Mr. Morrice called in. Dean says the books are delivered in to the Auditor. Says he will not refuse a review of all of them to whomever Mr. Morrice shall please, but cannot deliver them all: because they are all they have to account by.
Mr. Price's tallies to be reserved for Sir Edm. Pooly. Charnock to enter a caveat about it.
Petition from Halbert Payne. Referred to the King's officers of Liverpool and Col. Birch.
Mr. Hugh May called in: presents an estimate of the charge of the gallery in the Inner Court and Matted Gallery which come to about 1,000l.
Mr. Ward called in about Lord Hatton's right to Little Weldon, co. Northampton [who states] that it is part of the Duchy of Cornwall and that he [Lord Hatton] submitted his title and took a lease.
Write Col. Naper that my Lords expected him this day about the business of his patent of toll fish in Yarmouth, and that unless he attends on Monday my Lords will proceed without him.
Ordered that the seven Auditors attend every Tuesday and Thursday to inform my Lords of the state of all Receivers' accounts: and similarly the two Auditors of Imprests on Mondays to inform of the state of all accounts in their hands.
Mr. Beckford, the slop seller, to attend to-morrow about the business of his orders assigned on the Poll money.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 266–7.]
July 24.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Treasurer of the Household, Sir J. Duncombe.
The Earl of Bath called in about the fee of the Governor of Plymouth. Warrant for the arrears thereof: to be on the Chimney money.
Warrant for 200l. on the Exchequer for the Earl of Bristol besides the 1,000l. already on the Chimneys.
The Earl of Lauderdale and the Farmers of the Customs to attend on Monday about the 18d. per head taken by the said farmers for the imports of Scotch cattle.
Mr. East called in: says that his bills on the Treasurer of the Chamber are not for him but for his father.
Father Patricke called in: says that Mr. Anthony Carew of Ostend is willing to fish for His Majesty's tin for half of what he shall get. [Agreed] that on good security he shall have the doing of it.
Auditor Hill to hasten the report about Lady Crane.
Col. Whitley called in: says Carnarvon and Anglesea [counties] are in arrear [on their taxes] 2,500l. at Xmas last and more since. Ordered that he go down with a letter from the Council Board to the said counties to quicken payment, and with another letter from the Council about the short assessment in co. Denbigh.
Mr. Barwell, the saddler to the Wardrobe, is to receive a moiety of his debt; to be on the chimney money.
A memorandum to be entered for Col. Whitley as Farmer of Excise for North Wales that he may take his present lease in what name he pleaseth without weakening his title to the farm.
Mr. Finch and Mr. Skip called in and the report of the late Excise Commissioners read about his demands for abatements on the Excise Farm of Hampshire. He must show whether he was a gainer or loser.
Petition from the churchwardens of Westminster on reference from the King. Referred to Sir R. Long to certify when this payment began.
Report from Sir R. Long concerning Lady Dryden. Sir G. Downing to see whether only 5,000l. has been assigned to the Earl of Berkshire on the King's 200,000l.
Petition from Tho. Grant. He must apply to the Commissioners of the Navy. Same from John Seikes. Referred to Sir W. Doyly to hear him and Mr. Browne. Same from James Marriot. Warrant for a moiety to him on the Chimney money. Same from William Ellsden for a lease of some quarries. Referred to Sir C. Harbord to report whether when the King granted the land he also granted the quarries. Harbord to advise hereon with Sir John Denham and the City Surveyor.
Ordered that Mr. Williamson insert in his next Monday's Gazette a notice that whereas advertisement has been repeatedly made that Receivers should pay in their moneys and apply themselves diligently to their Auditors for the stating of their accounts, and whereas many of them have done neither the one nor the other, process is forthwith directed to be issued against all Receivers and sureties that have not passed their accounts.
Petition from William Culliford, Register of seizures, for his salary. Sir G. Downing to speak with Sir John Shaw and Alderman Backwell to accommodate matters for the rights of Culliford's office so that he may have no further cause of complaint.
Same from Bevill Skelton and Thomas Duppa. They shall have a lease for 31 years at a quarter of the rent. Same from Margaret Lendall. Warrant for 200l. on the Exchequer. Same from the Pages of the Bedchamber. Warrant for a year's salary: to be on the several places [or funds] of payment. Same from Doughty Wormell. He must apply to the Navy Commissioners. Same from Edmund Cavenaugh. Warrant on the Chimney money for his salary up to the time he was turned out. Same from William Warner. Referred to the Excise Commissioners.
Sir Allen Apsley and the Cofferer to attend on Monday, concerning the money due from the Cofferer to the Duke of York, the Cofferer not having attended to-day as expected.
Petition from Major Beckford. Warrant for him to be paid on the Hearth money and his order on the Poll money to be cancelled. Same from Robert Cruges (? Cruger). Nothing to be done in it. Same from Sir John Bennett. Referred to Auditor Philips.
Charnock to enter a caveat that nothing pass concerning the piece of ground on Humber without the knowledge of Col. Gilby deputy Governor of Hull. Inform Col. Gilby of this.
Petition from David Powell, praying his liberty. Mr. Thomas Killegrew, of the Bedchamber, is to show cause on Monday why it may not be granted.
Send the Sergeant to see if Kilby, &c., be imprisoned.
Petition from Elizabeth Burrell. [To be considered] when the King is out of debt. Same from William Scowen and Robert Scawen. Nothing to be done herein at the Treasury: he must plead in the Exchequer. Same from Mr. le Febure. The warrant to be for 150l. as before on the chimneys.
Auditor Beale called in: moves that he may insert the several warrants such as they are in the Earl of Carbery's account. The Imprest Rolls to be considered on Monday, and Auditor Beale to have liberty to take copies of them. Ordered that the 311l. be allowed to the Customs Farmers and set as a disbursement by them.
The Earl of Anglesey called in. Ordered that he make use of 600l. a week and 1,000l. more for the Colchester tickets: which is to be reimbursed out of the money advanced out of His Majesty's ordinary revenue for this year's fleet.
Sir Allen Apsley to certify the names of the two falconers that he would have continued [in their place].
The Duke of York to be acquainted that whereas the growing charge of the yards in the week ending June 28 was come to 877l. 4s. 6d. by the last certificate ending July 10 [the weekly charge] is mounted to 1,095l. 3s. 4d. The business of the yards is to be considered on Monday and also as to having a list of all men now in pay in the yards, and for no more to be entertained.
Warrant to Mr. Townsend to assign 200l. and 250l. to Mr. Poynts according to Mr. Newport's note.
"Former Lord Treasurers made and vacated Navy bargains and inspected all payments and rules there [i.e. in the Navy Office]."
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 267–70.]
July 27.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Treasurer of the Household, Sir J. Duncombe.
Sir R. Long to report in writing about the vacating of Mr. Moseleye's tallies, my Lords being very scrupulous in the vacating of tallies, because the doing thereof razeth so many records in the Exchequer.
Mr. Thos. Killegrew called in. Says that Mr. Powell, late sheriff of Montgomery, has paid him nothing, and prays that Powell may not have his liberty till the lease is passed and possession given. He is to attend on Wednesday, and the Warden of the Fleet is to bring Powell then.
Sir W. Doyly called in about a letter from the Commissioners of [the Aids for Co.] Oxford about the moneys in some collectors' hands. He thinks the way to get the money must be a process against the county upon the declaring the Receiver's account.
Sir W. Doyly to write to the Commissioners of the Aids for Coventry that my Lords cannot accept their proposition about furnishing coats to the soldiers at a fourth cheaper than now, but that they must pay the assessment in money as others do: but that if they can make any agreement with those who do furnish those coats they may do it.
Mr. Powell, the Solicitor for the Aids of Kent, is to present to Sir W. Doyly a state of the arrears of the Aids for said county.
Ordered that 1,500l. be allowed out of the Royal Aids for Sir William Doyly's office [of Exchanges in Great St. Helens]. To be on the Aids for Nottingham and Rutland, on which no tallies are struck. Warrant ordered in accordance with Doyly's note.
Warrant for 4,000l. per an. for the Secretaries [of State] for intelligence: to be on the [farm of the duty of] unwrought wood instead of on the Post Office. To be paid quarterly in advance and the first quarter at Michaelmas next.
The Earl of Lauderdale called in. To have a copy of the Customs Farmers' paper. He desires they may have no defalcation for Scotch cattle if the duty is taken off.
Sir G. Downing's account of moneys received by him for the maintenance and release and transportation of His Majesty's subjects lately prisoners in the United Provinces, is referred to Auditor Beale.
Order for a fiat to the Great Seal for the new Commissioners for Bristol for the Wine Act because the others will not act.
Sir John Bennet called in: write Alderman Backwell to advance the 1,918l. 15s. 0d. on the tallies on the Customs, and my Lords will allow him interest.
Sir John Robinson with the deputy to Auditor Wood, called in about his account for the Tower. This account declared, but for the future Robinson is to make the account for each year distinct.
Auditor Wood to take the account of Mr. Clarke, of the city of London, for the 10,000l. advanced by the city for the fortifications of Sheerness.
The Cofferer of the Household and Sir Allen Apsley called in about the money to be paid by the Cofferer to said Apsley for the Duke of York.
The Commissioners of the Navy to send a list of every man in pay in the yards and what is due to every man, with all the officers of the yards.
Mr. North called in about Mr. Sharpe's discovery. He shall have three fourth parts. Mrs. Blague to have the other fourth part. He desires that all may be in one deed. Mr. North to advise with the Solicitor General and Mr. Lawrence how this may be done at the least cost to them. Write the Solicitor General hereon.
Write Mr. Lawrence, the Attorney [of the Excise], to prosecute the sheriff of Middlesex, for letting Prichard have his liberty.
Once a quarter an account is to be made up of the processes which are to be renewed.
Write Sir W. Temple to send to the Treasury on Thursday the men that undertake to fish [for] the tin, and to give 1,000l. [as consideration to the Crown therefor]. Mr. Glanvill to attend then.
Mr. Pitcarne's warrant is to be altered and made on the Chimney money.
The Earl of Carlisle called in: moves for a moiety of his pension. My Lords will move the King in it.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 270–2.]
July 29.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Treasurer of the Household, Sir J. Duncombe.
The Duke of Albemarle reports from the King [His Majesty's decision on the matters as follow]:—
That Sir John Wolstenholme be paid his 1,000l. out of the last arrears of the Customs.
That the King be not troubled about the 100l. for the footmen, but that it be paid them for interest for taking up their money. "But Sir G. Downing hath noe warrant to doe it by. Charnock to put him in mind to-morrow."
A warrant for removing all payments from the Customs to the Exchequer was signed by the King. Also a warrant for Mr. Rumbold's children.
Warrant for Mr. Elliot's 100l. on his order to be paid.
Warrant for the arrest of Mr. Williamson's deputy.
Hill to be remanded into the messenger's hands if he be only in prison for the King's debt: and to have a month's liberty on bail.
Write Mr. Clutterbuck for a certificate what Lady Colepeper it is that is behind of her poll and where she lives. "It is not the present Lord Colepeper's lady."
The Duke of Buckingham to have his pension as of the Bedchamber. A warrant on the Chimney money.
The King to be spoken to about the Earl of Chesterfield's right on the surrender of the powder office by Mr. O'Neale.
Mr. Lilly's papers as to his debt to be looked over by Sir G. Downing to see how it ariseth to 1,200l. Mr. Lilly called in; says he quitted his debt for his pension of 200l. per an. Sir G. Downing to search for the foundation of his debt. Warrant for 400l. of his pension on the Chimney money.
Alderman Bucknell called in: moves for a warrant to go into Dover and Languard Point [forts] to see what is brewed there: says also that he demands Excise for what is bought of the suttlers: and further says that they sell out of those places and send it to sea. The Lord General will give him a warrant to enter into Landguard Fort, but he must not take from the soldiers; but that the Governor thereof must certify what is exported. For Dover he must apply to the Duke of York, as Warden of the Cinque Ports. Dover is to pay because it has paid.
Alderman Bucknell also moves concerning the [lease of the] French tunnage in Ireland. The Treasurer of the Household says that the Duke of Ormonde desires to have a fifth part of the whole rent [hereof] to be paid in Ireland in the Exchequer there. Warrant ordered accordingly, and that upon producing tallies it shall be allowed here.
Sir G. Carteret, Sir W. Temple, Sir R. Long and Auditor Beale to attend on Thursday about said Temple's tin and Münster account.
The word "half-yearly" to be inserted in Lord Colepeper's warrant.
The Earl of Carlisle called in. Warrant for a year on a moiety of his pension on the imported salt, His Majesty having signified his pleasure therein.
Lord Townshend's man called in: reads a letter from said Lord complaining that the said Lord's agents were disturbed and discountenanced in unlading a foreign ship of coals in order to find out if she had not more coals in her than she had made entry of, and complaining of Major Tolhurst and Mr. Blacket's man. Referred to Sir Ralph Delavall and Sir Francis Anderson, of Newcastle.
Mr. Thos. Killegrew and Mr. Powell, the sheriff of Montgomery, called in. When Killegrew is in possession of the estate, Powell shall have his liberty.
The Earl of Anglesey called in: says there are six ships more ordered to be paid off. [Ordered] that he bring to my Lords a list of them and an estimate what will pay them.
Sir John Cole, a Master of the Chancery, called in; [and asked] as to whether it is necessary that the surrender by the Treasurer of the Household of his part of the logwood farm be enrolled in Chancery, and if so whether it may not be enrolled without its being acknowledged by him before a Master of Chancery. The Treasurer says he thinks he is to do no more. The Master of the Chancery says that it must be enrolled and it cannot be enrolled without his acknowledgement, and that the King cannot give or take but by record, and that the enrolling officers are sworn not to enrol but on acknowledgment before a Judge or a Master of Chancery. Referred to the Attorney General.
Warrant for what is due on the Earl of Warwick's creation money.
Privy seal for the 4,000l. per an. for the Secretaries of State on the wood farm "and see it [the wood farm fund or rent] be not overcharged."
Mr. Snow to have 4 per cent. [expenses additional to the 6 per cent. interest] for his money, being a banker.
Lord Colepeper's account moved.
Sir R. Long to attend to-morrow to inform my Lords how the matter stands as to the money assigned by Capt. Cock et al. to His Majesty upon the first of the Eleven Months' Act for 1,250,000l., and how much is yet unpaid upon the Act before those assignments will come in course.
Send to see where the privy seal for Sir William Temple for his going to Holland sticks, and to hasten it.
Capt. Foster's papers read about His Majesty's moneys due from several Irish nobles living in England, being due upon subsidies granted in Ireland to the King. Referred to the Attorney and Solicitor General and to Mr. Hall, an Attorney in the Exchequer.
Sir Ste. Fox to have warrants on the Excise as he desires.
Sir Sol. Swale called in. He shall have security on the Chimneys for 2,000l., he giving security to the King out of his estate.
Mr. Ellesden to stay till this day week for an answer from the people of Lyme, and then my Lords will put an end to this business. Charnock to draw a privy seal for 300l. forgiven the said Ellesden on the bond for 600l. on the Customs.
Petition from Thomas Carew for an addition of six years to make up 31 years lease. Referred to Sir C. Harbord. Same from William and Robert Scawen. Referred to the Attorney General. Same from Nich. Moselye. To be heard by his Counsel this day week. Same from Wilkes Fitchet; says he bought his pension of one who had it for taking a pirate. Warrant for four years of his pension.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 272–4.]
July 30.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Treasurer of the Household, Sir J. Duncombe.
Sir R. Long to pay 1,000l. to Sir W. Temple out of any money in the Exchequer if Alderman Backwell pay not in the money. When Backwell pays in the said money and the 270l. for Sir John Trevor it is to be paid in on [the account of the Customs Farm for the month of] July next, that month being reserved for public ministers. The warrant for the 270l. for Sir John Trevor's extraordinaries is to be prepared.
Write Mr. Slingsby and the officers of the Mint to certify my Lords what progress they have made in their account of the coinage money for the year ending at Xmas last.
Mr. Sharpe's and Mrs. Blague's to be in one least at three nobles' rent for Sharpe and one noble's rent for Mrs. Blague.
Lady Portland called in: says the King has assured her she shall be paid. The King to be moved in it.
Sir R. Long called in about the present state of the charge on the 1,250,000l., and his paper of April last is read. The said paper to be entered in Sir G. Downing's books.
Sir G. Carteret, Sir W. Temple, Sir R. Long and Auditor Beale called in about Sir W. Temple's tin and Münster account. They are to meet to-morrow morning at Sir R. Long's about it with Alderman Backwell, and Auditor Wood is to bring all the papers relating to it. Sir W. Temple to write to Mr. Edm. Custis to send somebody to hasten hither to make an agreement for getting up the tin, on the terms of having a moiety and giving 1,000l. in addition to the King.
Mr. Hodges to attend to-morrow afternoon to give my Lords an account how the Custom House bonds are prosecuted: and to let him know that His Majesty has signified his pleasure that Sir John Wolstenholme must be paid his 1,000l. out of the last money that shall be paid in on those bonds.
Lord Colepeper called in: moves that his account be reported in Council. Ordered that it be reported, and that Lord Arlington's certificate of the death of Major Rolfe be joined to the account. Lord Colepeper took his account away with him, and promised to send it to-morrow.
The Warden of the Fleet to attend to-morrow to say why Mr. Kilby is out of custody.
Mr. Jeoffryes called in. To attend to-morrow with Mr. Bendish's account. Sir W. Doyly to attend then. Also Jeoffryes presents a state of the account of Mr. Coates and Mr. Hill. Referred to Auditor Chislet and Jeoffryes to deliver the rolls to him.
Ordered that the several Auditors attend the King's Remembrancer and inform him who have passed their accounts and who not in order to the issuing of due process.
A note from Mr. Bishop read about Col. Napier's patent for fish at Yarmouth. Napier to attend to-morrow without fail.
A paper read from Mr. Cadwallader Jones about Mr. Harris's account.
Alderman Backwell called in. Says he will pay in the 1,000l. for Sir W. Temple and the 270l. for Sir John Trevor to-morrow on [the credit of the Customs for] July.
Warrant to the Ordnance to take up the money at interest on their 5,000l. tallies on the Customs.
Warrant for 20,000l. for the Earl of Anglesey on the Wine Act. Write Sir Robert Long to also deliver to said Earl orders for [a further] 20,000l. in part of the 380,000l. for seamen's wages as charged on the Eleven Months' tax.
The draft warrant for Sir W. Temple to strike tallies on the Tin Farmers for the moneys he received in Flanders that so the same may be placed regularly to account in the Exchequer, and also for payment of some further moneys to him, is to be sent to Lord Ashley to peruse.
Mr. Warren's privy seal to be signed by the King.
The privy seal for Alderman Backwell's interest is to be sent to the Treasurer of the Household to peruse.
Mr. Portman's interest account referred to Auditor Chislet.
The Duke of Ormonde to be acquainted that the French tonnage is so far engaged that a fifth part of it cannot be paid into the Exchequer in Ireland.
A warrant ordered for those 3,000l. tallies to the Earl of Anglesey for the Navy which were assigned to Lord Arlington for payment of his money disbursed by him for secret service.
The Serjeant to bring Mr. Harris hither to-morrow and then Mr. Jones's paper to be considered.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 275–6.]
July 31.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Treasurer of the Household, Sir J. Duncombe.
The Duke of Albemarle reports from the King [His Majesty's decision on the matters as follow]:—
That Lady Portland have a dormant warrant.
That the Earl of Chesterfield's business as to the composition for the Powder Office be considered hereafter.
That Mr. Warren's privy seal is signed.
That Mr. Ellesden's warrant for his privy seal for the 300l. is signed.
That Sir Will. Neale and Col. Moldsworth have each a warrant for 100l. on the Exchequer.
Charnock to send to Sir G. Downing the privy seal for Alderman Backwell's interest and the warrant for Mr. Snow's [4 per cent.] over interest.
Petition from Capt. Van Hemskirke. Ordered to attend on Monday to give caution [security] that he will not discover his secret of ship building to any other prince or state or person.
Sir R. Long to certify on what months is placed the 3,000l. brought in by Alderman Backwell for Lord Arlington.
Charnock to see that it be entered in the [Treasury General outletter] book, to see by what messenger each letter or summons be sent and when.
The privy seal for Alderman Backwell's interest is to be sent to Sir R. Long to peruse.
Sir George Carteret's privy seal for 15,000l. paid by him to the Earl of Anglesey for Ireland is to be sent to Lord Ashley, together with four papers relating thereto.
The Deputy Warden of the Fleet prison called in and is asked why he let Mr. Kilby go out, seeing that by a letter [of my Lords'] of May 28, he was to remand him into prison. Sir Jeremy Whitchcot to attend on Monday about this matter.
The Sergeant [at Arms] called in with Mr. Harris: Harris is ordered to hasten in his account and to have two months to go into Devonshire about accounting with his deputy if Mr. Cadwallader Jones (who is his surety) desire it. Write said Jones to come to my Lords hereon and assure him he shall have free liberty of coming and returning.
The warrant for the moneys received by Sir W. Temple in Flanders is to be altered as desired by Lord Ashley.
Sir W. Doyley, together with Mr. North and Lawrence and Jeffryes, called in about Mr. Bendish's account. The Solicitor is to certify how the arrears on that account have arisen so that process may issue.
Alderman Backwell to be desired to lend 300l. to the officers of the Works on the 2,000l. order for the repairs of New Park.
A warrant to be drawn for Mr. Sharpe and Mrs. Blague.
Mr. Lawrence reports [the Attorney General's] opinion "that the Lord Treasurer can suspend officers and they may be granted to others but [only] for debt on the office [of any such officer]; not on collateral debts [such as e.g. suretyship debts] as [to which] he doubts."
The proposition from the Navy Office for victualling the Navy is to be considered on Monday.
Mr. Lawrence makes report [from the Attorney General] about a warrant to secure the moneys of Mr. Taylor, Receiver of Windsor. The draft to be tendered to the King for his signature.
Sir R. Long to certify how [far] the Customs are charged [by orders registered in the Exchequer on the monthly payments from the Customs] from Michaelmas next to July following.
Auditor Beale called in with the Earl of Carbery's servant about said Earl's account, which is declared.
The proposals for settling the payment for the Earl of [Anglesey are] to be considered on Monday.
The Treasurer of the Household's release of his part of the logwood patent is to be delivered into the Exchequer Court by Mr. Lawrence in due form, the Attorney General having reported to my Lords that it is not necessary that the Treasurer should acknowledge before a Master of Chancery his said resignation.
Alderman Backwell to attend on Monday about the 3,000l. paid by him into the Exchequer for Lord Arlington.
An answer to be written on Sir Solomon Swale's petition for my Lords to sign as desired in his paper.
Warrant for Sir W. Temple on his privy seal for Aix as agreed in the former minute to be done; Alderman Backwell having already advanced him the money.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 277–8.]