Index: B

Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 2, 1536-1538. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.

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'Index: B', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 2, 1536-1538, ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1888), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Index: B', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 2, 1536-1538. Edited by Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1888), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"Index: B". Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 2, 1536-1538. Ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1888), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.


Baçan. Bazan (D. Alvaro de), nav. commander, 31, 71.

Baden, diet of, 253.

Baeza (Alonso de), treasurer, 213–4, 561.

Baglione (Ridolfo), 375.

Balançon, v. Valançon and Rye.

Ballads, some composed by Henry VIII., 131.

Ballon, v. Baglione.

Bandini (Francesco), card. abp. of Sena, 330.

-, (Giovan), agent of Alessandro de' Medici, du. of Florence (1536–7), 328.

Bar-sur-Seine (dep. Aube, France), 579.

Barbarossa (Barbaroja, Barbaroxa, Baba-Aroux), the corsair, admiral of the Turkish fleet, 33, 51, 78, 179, 260, 428–9, 443, 472, 559.

-, Francis intimate with, 147, 552.

-, fleet of, to be destroyed, 399.

-, his death reported, 445, 449.

-, lands on the coast of Calabria, 244.

-, preparations in Spain against, 443.

-, attending to the fortifications of Algiers (?), 470.

-, another, or the second; retakes Tunis (1573), 470 note.

Barbs presented to Francis by an African "Amír," 133.

Barcelona, 174–5, 177–80, 331, 361, 369, 371–2, 415, 418, 456, 459, 460, 468, 480, 499, 532–3, 535.

-, Charles landing at, 305 note.

-, -, holding his court there, 531–2.

-, tilting at (1538), 533–4.

-, tournaments and balls, ibid.

-, letters dated from, 171, 174–6, 183–4, 189, 212.

-, counts of, 178.

Bari, du. de, v. Sforza (Francesco II.).

Barlow (William) sent on a mission to James (March 1536), 67.

Barton (Elizabeth), the nun of Kent, alluded, 58, 134.

Bayonne (Bayona), the levies of Gascony and the Bearn ordered to (July 1537), 371–2.

-, fears of an attack on, by the English and Imperialists combined, 370.

Beamont (D. Francés de), bearer of dispatches for emp. Isabella (1536), 77,134,368, 477, v. Alava y Beaumont.

Bearn (France), levies of men in the (1537), 371.

Beatriz, v. Savoy (Maria Beatriz of).

Beaufort, county of, in the Anjou (France), 575.

Beauciqualt, Beauriqualt, v. Bourchicault.

Beaumont, co. de, v. Montmorency.

Belcorps (Mr. Louis), sec. of the dow. duchess of Savoy (Sept. 1536), 245.

Bellay (Guillaume du), sieur de Langeais, 28.

-, French gentleman attached to his household; arrives in London (21 Jan. 1536), ibid.

-, (Jean du), bp. of Paris, and card., French amb. extraordinary in Rome (1535–6).

-, his case (Jan. 1536), 25.

Bellegarde, Mr. de, agent (?) of the du. of Savoy (Carlo), 400.

Belona, La (Avlona), gulf and port of Albania, Barbarossa at (Sept. 1536), 260.

Bely, v. Velly and Dodieu.

Belzeres, Los, v. Welzers.

Benavente, co. de, v. Pimentel.

Bentivoglio (Alessandro), 304 note.

-, (Yolanda), ibid.

Bergenroth (Gustav), quoted, 45, 66, 363, 365 n, 401 n, 570, 577, 582.

Berlingas, Las, group of islands on the coast of Portugal, 334.

Berne (Switzerland), the Swiss of, to the assistance of the Genevese, 38.

-, the Lutherans of, assist Francis in his quarrels with the du. of Savoy (1536), 63.

-, -, called upon to restitute the land taken from the latter (1537), 399, 400.

Bersel, v. Vercelli.

Betoun (David), Scotch amb. to France, in Paris, 9 note, 567.

-, -, on a mission for James' marriage in France, 22–3.

-, -, on the failure of which he applies in his master's name for the band of Mary, ibid.

Biscay, in Spain, German infantry to guard the coast of (June 1537), 368.

Bishoprics, Spanish, all vacant to be filled by the Pope, 304.

-, -, whenever the bishops happen to die at Rome, ibid.

Bisiniano (Bisignano), in the kingdom of Naples, prince of, at Villafranca di Nizza, 542.

Blount, Elizabeth, lady Talboys, mother of the du. of Richmond (Fitzroy), 269.

-, wrongly called duchess of Richmond, ibid.

Bohemians, their reduction to the Holy Apostolic See procured, 162.

-, Santa Croce's mission to that effect (June 1536), ibid.

Boissy, French commander in Savoy, defeated and taken prisoner (Aug. 1536), 237, 577.

Bojadors, Bogados (D. Juan de), v. Boxadors.

Bolan, Bolans, Bolena, v. Boleyn.

Boleyn (Alice), sister of Thomas, earl of Wiltshire, and widow of Sir Thomas Clere, of Ormesby, 20–1, 27.

-, -, mistaken for Mary, another sister of the earl, and aunt of Anne, v. Shelton.

-, (Anne), second queen of Henry VIII., by the Imperialists called "La Concubina," and "La Ana," "La Agrippina," "La Messalina," &c.

-, -, shows joy at the news of q. Katharine's death, 28.

-, -, -, though afraid of meeting with the same fate, ibid.

-, -, -, since there is a report of Henry intending to declare his marriage to her null (Jan. 1536), ibid, 67.

-, -, miscarries of a child about three and a half months old (Jan. 1536), 39.

-, -, -, on the same day that q. Katharine was buried, ibid.

-, -, causes she assigns for it, ibid.

-, -, -, among others the sudden news of Henry's fall from his horse, 39, 59, 67.

-, -, how Henry received the news of her miscarriage, 59.

-, -, a report current among courtiers (24 Mar. 1536) that for the last three months Henry has not spoken 10 times to, 59.

-, -, -, and that during the last Christmas festivals he left her at Greenwich, whilst he himself came to London, 59.

-, -, on bad terms with Cromwell, 81.

-, -, -, whom Chapuys dexterously advises to guard against her attacks more effectually than Wolsey had done, 82.

-, -, considered one of the principal causes of the spread of Lutheranism in England, 85,

-, -, her fall a meritorious work for whoever will achieve it, ibid.

-, -, the princess herself would be glad of it, even if she were deprived of her rights to the Crown by her father's new marriage, ibid.

-, -, Henry's divorce from, contemplated, 107.

-, -, -, would have taken effect much sooner, had not one of his privy councillors dissuaded him from it, 108.

-, -, -, as the King's divorce from, would be equal to acknowledging the validity of his first marriage, ibid.

-, -, -, and falling, as it were, under the authority of the Holy See, ibid.

-, -, the Princess' verbal message to Chapuys about it, 147.

-, -, brought from Greenwich to London under escort, ibid.

-, -, tried separately, 120.

-, -, -, not at Westminster with her accomplices, but within the Tower, 125.

-, -, -, her trial, however, not secret, since upwards of 2,000 people were present at it, ibid.

-, -, accused of having poisoned q. Katharine, and meditating to do the same with the Princess, 126, 134.

-, -, - and of being in a conspiracy with Norris and others against Henry's life, ibid, 126, 134.

-, -, -, of adulterous connexion with various persons, ibid.

-, -, -, which charges she obstinately denies, though she confesses having given money to one of the accused (Weaston), ibid.

-, -, sentenced to death, to the great joy of the English, 124.

-, -, -, of the K. himself, 127.

-, -, Cromwell boasting to Chapuys that he himself had planned and brought about her condemnation, 137.

-, -, beheaded (19 May 1536), 129.

-, -, -, the chancellor, Cromwell, and several members of the King's Privy Council being present at her execution, 130.

-, -, scarcely three weeks after the execution, Cromwell extolling beyond measure the sense, wit, and courage of, and of her brother George, 137–8.

-, -, alluded, 11, 136–8, 196, 310.

-, -, called by Chapuys the English Messalina or Agrippina, 120.

-, -, other references, 11–12, 27.

-, -, prognostications of the same with regard to, 121.

-, -, prophecies in which she herself believed, 122.

-, -, her brother, v. Boleyn (George).

-, -, her device, 157.

-, -, her sister, v. Boleyn (Mary).

-, -, her aunt, v. Shelton.

-, (George), earl of Rochefort, Anne's brother, 19, 92, 125, 133–5, 138.

-, -, on a mission to France (1535), 9.

-, -, sent to the Tower, 107.

-, -, tried at Westminster, 125.

-, -, charges brought against, 126.

-, -, his defence, 128.

-, -, sentenced to death, 124–5.

-, -, executed, 128–9.

-, -, last words on the scaffold, 128–9.

-, (Mary), sister of Anne, the q., 121.

-, (Thomas), earl of Wiltshire, father of Anne, 13, 52, 102, 134, 576.

-, -, wishing to be present at his daughter's trial, 125.

-, -, the privy seal taken from, 198.

-, -, his property confiscated, 234.

Bologna, in the Roman States, Paul going to, 298, 416.

-, the garrison of, to be reinforced, 299.

-, legacy of, given to card. Santafiorc, 244.

-, the "fuorusciti" of Florence, meeting at (1537), 324–5.

Bona, in Africa, the Imperial galleys to sail for (1537), 358.

Bonvalot, Bouvallot (François), prior and treas. of Besançon, Imp. agent in Switzerland (1535–7), 133, 359, 368–9.

Books, one by Gardiner, "De Obedientia," 9.

-, all the, and MSS. belonging to or written by the bp. of Rochester to be committed to the flames (Jan, 1536), 8.

Boquingam, du. of, v. Buckingham.

Bordeaux, Eng. merchant ships detained at, 29, 40.

Borgia, v. Borja.

Borgoforte, 330 note.

Borja, Enrique, son of the du. of Gandia, to be made cardinal (Dec. 1536), 301.

-, -, his servant, 303.

Bossu (Mr. de—), Master of the Horse, or Chief Equerry to the Emp., on a mission to the Pope, 477.

-, -, at Villafranca di Nizza with the Emp. (Jan. 1538), 533.

Bourbon (Antoine de) due de Vendôme, 585.

-, (Charles de), Constable of France, 415,567.

-, -, du de Vendôme (d. 1537), 10, 567.

-, (Heuri de), k. of France (1589–610), alluded, 585.

-, (Mary, Marie de), eldest daughter of the du. Charles, proposed in marriage for k. James of Scotland, 10.

-, -, who declines her hand, 129.

Bourchicault, French agent in Italy, 119.

Bourgain, Burghen, Burgavenny, v. Avergavenny.

Bourgogne, bâtards de, 581.

-, duchy, v. Burgundy.

-, (Anne de), 569.

Bowes, Bows, Sir Robert, deputy from the rebels in the North (Nov. 1536), 279.

Boxadors (D. Juan de), 534.

Brabant, chancery of, 514–5.

-, chancellor of, v. Schore.

Bradford, quoted, 313 note, 361 n, 576, 581.

Brandon (Charles) du. of Suffolk, 21, 54, 141, 524, 572.

-, -, receiving a pension from France, 54.

-, -, trying to farm out church lands, 83.

-, -, desirous of entering the Emp.'s service, 196–7.

-, (Frances), his daughter, marchioness of Dorset, 21.

-, -, showing great attachment for the Princess, and sending frequent messages to Chapuys, 84–5.

-, -, the Emp. writes to, in credence of Chapuys, 161, 572.

Bray-sur-Somme, in Picardy, the town of, occupied by the Imperialists (1536), 209.

Bretagne (Anne de), second wife of Louis XII. k. of France, 62, 569.

-, du. de, v. Valois (François de, the Dauphin).

Breton, sec. of Francis I., 118.

Brereton (William), of the Privy Chamber, executed (17 May 1536), 124–5,134–5.

Bresse, the counties of, and Bugey, in Savoy, exchanged for Saluzzo, 576.

Brian, Briant (Sir Francis), Eng. amb. to France, 26–8, (1536), 41, 508, 526, 568.

-, returns from his mission to France, 26, 28, 508.

-, -,is sent by Henry to announce to Jane Seymour Anne Boleyn's condemnation, 129.

-, -, believed to belong to the French party, 130.

-, -, and yet criticising Francis' manifesto, and his reply to the Emperor's challenge, ibid.

Brignolles (dep. Var.), the French defeated at, 237, 577.

-, letter dated from, 211.

Brindisi, card. abp. of, v. Aleandro de Mota.

Brinon (Jean de), sieur de Villaine d'Humières, chancellor of the duchy of Alençon, 97, 103, 370.

Briñolas, v. Brignolles.

Brion (Brionne), dep. Eure (France), 596.

-, sieur de, v. Chabot and Brion-Chabot.

-, Chabot (Philippe), admiral of France, 569.

-, -, about to be sent to Rome on a mission to the Emp. (Feb. 1536), 31.

-, -, at the Calais conferences in 1535, 54, 97.

-, -, to invade Savoy and Piedmont, 68, 71, 77.

-, -, to occupy Asti, and march on Genoa, 109.

-, -, to return to France with the army after fortifying Turin, Saluzzo, and other places, 133.

-, -, arrives at Lyons on his way to Paris (June 1536), 136.

-, -, dissensions at the court of France between Montmorency and (June 1536), 152.

Brittany (Bretagne), an estate in, offered by k. Francis to Pier Luigi Farnese, together with the hand of his daughter [Madeleine] for his son Ottavio (Feb. 1536), 30.

-, duchy of, to be insured to Henri de Valois after the death of his elder brother, the Dauphin, 63.

-, du. de, v. Valois (François de).

Brocade silks, from Milan, sent to the Emp., 382.

Brunswick, an agent sent by Henry to the assembly of, returns therefrom (May 1538), 527.

-, promises to inform Chapuys of what has been done thereat, ibid.

Brussels (Bruxelles, Bruselas), 511–2, 516–7.

-, letters dated from, 216–9.

Bruton, v. Brereton.

Buain (Bouchain), dep. Nord, in France, taken by Nassau, 244.

Bucentaur, of Venice, a large ship like the, being built by k. Henry's order to convey Jane Seymour from Greenwich to London, 122.

Buckingham (Edward Stafford du. of), the rebels of the North ask that his confiscated property should be restored to his legitimate heirs, 296.

-, duchess of, v. Pole (Ursula).

Bugey, county of, v. Bresse, 576.

Bulls, Papal, from Rome, of excommunication against Henry ; the draft of the, examined in Consistory (Jan. 1536), 7.

-, -, said to be ready, and sealed though not published, 67.

-, -, all, of indulgence granted in former times to be committed to the flames in England, 8.

-, -, as well as all books and manuscripts belonging to, or written by Fisher, ibid.

Burgos, merchants of (Burgaleses), ought not to send their wool to England for fear of the French privateers, 238.

Burgundy, duchy of, claimed by the Emperor, 161, 211, 228, 256, 401,405.

-, the restitution of, made by Charles one of the conditions of the peace with France, 579.

-, -, estimated revenue of, 242.

-, not the sixth part of the duchies of Normandy and Guienne claimed by Henry, ibid.

-, marshal and president of, 406.