Index: C

Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 2, 1536-1538. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.

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'Index: C', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 2, 1536-1538, ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1888), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Index: C', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 2, 1536-1538. Edited by Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1888), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"Index: C". Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 2, 1536-1538. Ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1888), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.


Caballon (Cabaillon ?), k. Francis journeying towards, 232.

Cadaques, a port of Catalonia, the Imp. fleet anchoring at (26 Jan. 1538), 480, 536.

Calais, 430, 507, 570.

-, French vessels detained at (1536), 40.

-, conferences of (1535), alluded, 54, 151.

-, -, bad issue of, 97.

-, declaration of Francis' ambassadors at (1536), 197.

Calcenas (Calcena? Fr. Antonio)?, bp. of Tortosa (1537–9), 304.

Calvinists, or the sectarians of John Calvin, 350 n.

Camarino, Camerino, duchy of, in the Roman States, 52.

-, -, the succession to the, disputed, 103.

-, the du. of Urbino takes possession of in the name of his wife Giulia, daughter of the last du., 111.

-, Paul would have proceeded against the du. had he not been expecting an answer from the Emperor (Nov. 1536), 294–5, 297.

-, -, to be attacked by the Pope's troops, 298–9, 304, 309.

-, du. of, v. Varana (Geovan Maria).

-, duchess of, v. Cibo.

-, city. The castle of, provisioned by the du. of Urbino, 471, 473.

-, -, Paul very angry at the du. in consequence, 473.

Cambray, peace of (La Paix des Dames), 1529.

-, treaty of, alluded, 61, 76, 131, 144, 172, 174–5, 444, 461, 580.

-, truce of, between the Emp. and Francis (1536), 153.

Campeggio (card. Lorenzo) sent by Paul to Vicenza to prepare for the General Council (March 1538), 458.

Canterbury, abp. of, v. Cranmer.

Cañete, marq. de, v. Hurtado da Mendoza.

Capharello (Giovan Pietro), bearer of instructions from the Emp. to Cifuentes, 218, 223, 277, 289.

Capucio, v. Chapuys.

Caracciolo (Marino), Apostolic prothonotary and cardinal, 119, 286, 292, 353.

-, -, appointed legate to the Emp., 162.

-, -, chancellor and governor of Milan, (July 1536), 216–7.

-, -, the Emp.'s lets, to, 73, 101–2.

-, -, Granvelle's to, 97.

Caravaggio, marq. de, v. Sforza.

Carazolo, v. Caracciolo.

Cardinals, college of, at Rome, 291.

-, in consistory, 9.

-, creation of, in contemplation by Paul III. (1536), 294, 301–3, 376.

-, the Emp. writes against it as inopportune, 294.

-, -, since in stead of being beneficial, it is likely to prove detrimental to Christendom, and principally to Italy, ibid.

-, Pope Paul about to send one of his, to Germany for the matter of the General Council (July 1538), 555.

Cardona (Ferrante di), grand Ammiraglio or Lord High Admiral of Naples, at Nizza with the Emp. Charles (July 1538), 533, 535.

Carew (Sir Nicholas), K.G., 1536, master of the horse, "grand esquire," invested with the Order of the Garter (Apr. 1536), 106.

-, -, to the great disappointment of lord Rochefort, who wanted it for himself, ibid.

-, Mary the Princess residing at a house of (May 1536), seven miles from London, 125.

Carignan (Carignano), in Piedmont, stores of provisions for the Imperial army at, 259.

Carlicque, Carlej, v. Carlisle.

Carlisle, bp. of, v. Kite.

Carlo III., v. Savoy.

Carmagnola, siege of (1537), 571.

Caro, v. Carew.

Carolois, v. Charolais.

Carondelet, the affair of, submitted to Paul III.'s decision and recommended (1536), 64.

Carpi, Carpy (card.), Papal legate in France, card. Tournon's let. to (1538), 200, v. Pio da Carpi.

Cartagena, seaport town on the east coast of Spain, 71.

Carthusians of London keep firm, 1.

Casale, bp. of, v. Castellari (Bernardino).

-, (Sir Gregory da), English agent at Rome, goes to England, 8, 143 (?).

-, advises Paul to send a nuncio to Henry, 216–7, 229.

Castañeda (Castanheda), small town of Galicia on the frontier of Portugal, Int. xiv.

-, IV. co. of, v. Manrique (D. Luis Fernandez).

Castellamare in Naples, bps. of, v. Centellas, Fonseca.

Castelon (Castiglione), in Calabria, town on the coast belonging to the duke of San Severino, 244.

-, sacked by Barbarossa, ibid.

Castella, Castilla, High Commander of, v. Lopez de Padilla.

Castelnau (Antoine de), bp. of Tarbes (1534–9), nephew of card. Grammont, French amb. in England (1535–8), before the Privy Council at Greenwich (Jan. 1536), 29.

-, again in March at Westminster, 69.

-, a third time at Greenwich (Apr., 1536),

-, -, asked by Henry to take a message and letter to Francis (Apr. 1536), 105.

-, -, which not being ready at his departure, he sends to France by an express of his own, ibid.

-, not in great favour with Henry (in May), 108.

-, -, so much so that having received lets, from home he would not go to Court until he had actually been summoned twice, ibid.

-, one of his chief servants furnishes information to Chapuys through a third person, 105, 171.

-, on the arrival of a French courier with lets., and his colleague (Dinteville) go to Greenwich, call at Cromwell's house, and, the day before Whitsun eve, on the K., 150.

-, summoned before the Privy Council together with Chapuys, 171–80.

-, his own speech and Chapuys' answer (July 1536), 171–80.

-, calls, &c. on Cromwell, and goes afterwards to Greenwich (30 June 1536), 186.

-, his audience from k. Henry (3 Aug. 1536), 219.

-, receives a present, 520.

-, takes leave and departs, Apr. 1538, 523, 527.

-, -, leaving behind lawyer Poyet to prosecute the negociation for which he came, 523.

-, -, which is to conclude a league defensive and offensive against all the World, the Pope and k. James of Scotland included, ibid.

-, account by k. Henry to Chapuys and Mendoza of, ——'s former mission, ibid.

-, (Louis), brother of the preceding, in London (March 1536), 68.

Castil Nuovo, Castilnovo, in Naples, the Emp. at (Feb., March, 1536), 65.

-, let. dated from, 33.

Castro, du. of, v. Farnese (Pier Luigi).

-, (Da Leonor de), marq. de Lombay, mistress of the Robes (camarera mayor) to the emp. Isabella, 424.

Catalina de Aragon, v. Katharine.

-, de Medicis, wife of Henry II. of France, v. Medici.

-, de Portugal, q. of Joaõ III., 42, 547, 585.

-, de Navarre, 546 n.

Catalonia, 406, 477.

-, the frontier of, to be provided with means of defence for fear of a French invasion (1537), 352, 366–8.

-, viceroy of, v. Hurtado de Mendoza.

Cenete, Zenete, a district of Granada.

-, marq. de, v. Nassau.

Centellas (Hieronimo), bp. of Castellamare, 293.

Centurion, Centurione (Adam) Genoese banker, 385.

-, to Rome with despatches, 416.

Cerdania (Cerdagne), county of, in the Pyrenees. The fortresses in the, to be amply provided with ammunition and stores, against French attacks (June 1537), 367, 377.

Cervia and Ravenna, once in possession of the Venetians, 287.

Cesarino (card. Alessandro), legate to the Emp. at Naples (1536), 9, 37, 60, 322.

Cesis (Jacopo di), bro. of card. Frederico, 216, 218.

Ceuta, in N. Africa, 373.

Chabot (Philippe), sieur de Brion, admiral of France, v. Brion-Chabot.

Chalons, in Burgundy, 133.

Chambery, in Savoy, 61, 71, 171–2, 174.

Channel, French cruizers in the, 187, 192.

-, no fear, however, of the French being able to send a powerful fleet across the, 227.

Chancellor, lord, v. Audeley (Sir Thomas).


-, -, visits Katharine at Kimbolton, 2, 4, 6, 7.

-, -, accompanied thither by one of Cromwell's clerks (Vaughan ?) to act as a spy on him, 2, 3.

-, -, applies for leave to call on the Princess, 14.

-, -, which is refused, though he is allowed to send his own sec. with a message to her, ibid.

-, -, his sec. admitted into the house, but not allowed to speak to her, ibid.

-, -, by the Princess' advice sends a few small presents to her governess, lady Shelton, 14.

-, -, recommends that a personage should come from Spain to protest against the ill-treatment of the Princess, 14–5.

-, -, indisposed, and unable to attend to business for some days, 24.

-, -, hated by the concubine (Anne), owing to his having always spoken the truth, 44.

-, -,in obedience to the Emp.'s commands, makes preparations for the Princess' flight from England, 45.

-, -, when ready he himself ought to be recalled under some excuse or other, ibid.

-, -, and ordered to make a tour in Flanders, ibid.

-, -, as otherwise his own participation in the affair would be detected, ibid.

-, -, receives frequent messages from the Princess through one of her servants, 59.

-, -, on the receipt of lets, from the q. of Hungary to Henry on the extradition of two fugitive rebels, asks for an audience (April 1536), 79.

-, -, calls on Cromwell with a letter to the K. from the q. of Hungary, 80.

-, -, which that sec. finds an excellent one and likely to lead to the consolidation of the mutual alliance, 81.

-, -, in daily communication with the Princess through one of the principal officers of her household, 84.

-, -, writes to her often, and tenders his advice, 85.

-, -, would give opinion as to what ought to be stipulated in her favor in case of the Emp. making peace with France, 86.

-, -, but will abstain until he ascertains how far the English will agree to the articles propounded by the Emp., ibid.

-, -, calls on Cromwell at a very fine house of his, three leagues from London (Apr. 1536), 86.

-, -, declares to him the Emp.'s views and intentions respecting the four points, 86–8.

-, -, Cromwell's answer on each of them, 88–90.

-, -, the first, that relating to the Pope, being discussed at length, 86–7.

-, -, summoned to Greenwich (Apr. 1536), 91.

-, -, where he meets with so cordial and honorable a reception from privy councillors and lords that nothing better could be wished for, ibid.

-, -, lord Rocheford being particularly amiable, ibid.

-, -, asked whether he will not visit q. Anne in her apartments, ibid.

-, -, answers that for many reasons which he can specify, if Henry wishes, he will rather be excused, 92.

-, -, after dining with the privy councillors is introduced to the King's presence, and has a long conference with him, 92–8.

-, -, continues his negociations with Cromwell, 98–100.

-, -, apparently without success, as an answer is daily expected from Francis, 100.

-, -, with whom it is suspected the Emp. is treating at the same time, ibid.

-, -, asks the Emp.'s forgiveness if owing to that circumstance the negociation does not progress, ibid.

-, -, sends an express to Naples to announce Anne Boleyn's trial and sentence (19 May 1536), 131.

-, -, suffering from fever and ague (May 1536), 123.

-, -, calls on Cromwell at his hotel in town (June 1536), 137.

-, -, and has a long conference with him, 137–42.

-, -, goes to Greenwich on Ascension Day and is kindly received by the K., 142–3.

-, -, Cromwell calls on, at the Embassy, and talks to him about the Princess' and other affairs, 150–6.

-, -, has another audience from the King (June 1536), 158–60.

-, -, who tells him, under reserve, that the Emp. has not fulfilled his promise of making incessant war upon Francis, 160.

-, -, and that he is afraid that should he make alliance with the Empire, the same might happen again, ibid.

-, -, summoned again before the King's Privy Council (30 June 1536), 171.

-, -, together with the French amb. [Castlenau] for each of them to dispute who has been the aggressor, Charles or Francis, ibid.

-, -, his answer to Castelnau's speech, 174–80.

-, -, his address to the assembly, 180–1.

-, -, holds a conference with Cromwell (July 1536), 205–8.

-, -, calls on the King at Greenwich, 208–13.

-, -, delivers the Emp's. answer to Henry's let. about the arbitration, ibid.

-, -, discusses with him the articles of the proposed treaty of closer alliance, ibid,

-, -, writes to amb. Silva at Rome to procure the Pope's absolution for the Princess, 221.

-, -, since she has been compelled to swear to the Statutes and sign the paper placed before her, 221–3.

-, -, of which action the amb. at Rome disapproves, and writes home for instructions how to act, 223.

-, -, Cromwell and the bp. of Chichester (Sampson) appointed by Henry to discuss with, the clauses of the proposed treaty of closer alliance (Aug. 1536), 224–30, 241–3.

-, -, holds a conference with them and Foxe (26 Aug. 1536), 238–9.

-, -, who exhibit their powers in due form, 240.

-, -, while he himself shows his from the Emp., ibid.

-, -, meets the King's Commissioners again (31 Aug.), 241.

-, -, in consequence of a message sent by Cromwell, leaves for Henry's court at Ampthill (14 Sept. 1536), 246.

-, -, arrives there at dinner time, 247.

-, -, is introduced to the royal presence by Sir Edward Seymour, ibid.

-, -, the King's reception being middling, neither warm nor cold, ibid.

-, -, has audience from the K., who tries passionately to defeat every one of his arguments in favor of the closer alliance, 247–57.

-, -, and show considerable irritation and anger when contradicted, ibid.

-, -, being evidently in bad humour, as Cromwell's messenger states, owing to the news from France of the Dauphin's death by poison, 246.

-, -, complains to Cromwell that matters are not exactly as he and his colleagues in the Privy Council had represented to him, 257.

-, -, and that the K. does not seem at all disposed to treat, ibid.

-, -, Cromwell's answer being that he is extremely sorry, but that the late news from Rome may possibly have spoiled the affair, which was in good train, ibid.

-, -, that his master is a great king, but very fond of having things done in his own way, ibid.

-, -, his correspondence with Ortiz and Cifuentes about the rebellion in the Northern counties, 295, 309.

-, -, sends his sec. to Rome with despatches, 305.

-, -, and his colleague, Don Diego de Mendoza, summoned before the K. at Hampton Court (2 March 1538), 508.

-, -, joint account of their reception and conference on the occasion, 508–10.

-, -, their common impression that the K. does not intend bringing the negociation to a close, 528.

-, -, the Emp.'s instructions to, and Mendoza, 64, 144.

-, -, his secretaries (men, clerks, servants, &c), 5, 11, 16–8, 26, 170, 229, 236, 257.

-, -, his informers: One of the chief officers in the Royal army (Nov. 1536), 279.

-, -, one who knows all the secrets of the French embassy, 139.

-, -, Lasco, the physician to the late q. Katharine, 198–9.

-, -, his house in London, near the Austin Friars, 53.

-, -, his lodgings on the Thames between London and Greenwich (Apr. 1536), 91.

-, -, not far from a house Cromwell has in the neighbourhood, 91.

-, -, lets, to the Emp. (1536), 3, 9, 13, 17, 21, 29, 37, 43, 43–4, 47–8, 55, 61, 70–1, 76–7, 85, 88, 93, 95, 98, 103–4, 169, 182, 225.

-, -, to Granvelle, 10, 54, 68–9, 72.

-, -, to co. Cifuentes, 105.

-, -, to the Empress, 94, 110, 114, 116.

-, -, to the q. of Hungary, 213–4, 220, 223–4.

-, -, from the Emp. to (1536), 40, 68–9, 211–2.

-, -, from the q. of Hungary to, 21 p.

-, -, his despatches, all written in French, with the exception of a few to the Emp. in Spanish (translations ?). Int. xviii.

-, -, other references, 66, 110, 134, 158–9, 236, 243, 278, 336, 391, 497, 517, 528, 571–2, 581.

-, -, his nephew; arrives at Brussels (14 Oct. 1536) with news of the rebellion in the Northern counties, 276–7.

Charlemagne (Charles I., the Great), k. of France (768–814), altar piece at the Cathedral of Gerona, a gift of, 535.

Charles V., emp. of Germany, k. of Spain, 15.

-, -, enters the States of the Church at Terracina (20 Mar. 1536), 76, 78, 313 note.

-, -, in Naples (from the 25th of November 1535 to the 22nd of March 1536), 78.

-, -, in Rome (from Easter Monday to the 18th of Apr. 1536), 78, 92.

-, -, soon to go to Milan, passing through Ferrara, ibid.

-, -, in Florence (7 May), 104, 111.

-, -, his speech in Consistory, 109, 131.

-, -, -, Francis' answer to, 131–2.

-, -, described by Henry's privy councillors as being full of lies and misrepresentations, 197.

-, -, reply to, by the emp.; much praised by Audeley, who reads it aloud to the Privy Council (July 1536), ibid.

-, -, accused of ingratitude by Henry, 185.

-, -, his answer to the Papal legates (Caracciolo and Trivulzio) when advised to make peace with Francis (July 1536), 200.

-, -, his forces on the field in Sept. 1536, 242.

-, -, ready to invade France, but wanting a subvention from Henry, ibid.

-, -, embarks at Genoa to return to Spain (18 Nov. 1536), 297, 305.

-, -, lands at Barcelona (10 Dec.), ibid, 361 n.

-, -, leaves for Valladolid in Castille, 314.

-, -, sailing again from Barcelona (25 Apr. 1536) for Italy.

-, -, preparing to hold a conference with Paul, 449.

-, -, -, at which, the French are greatly alarmed, ibid.

-, -, the French ambs. at Rome spreading all manner of unfavorable rumours, i.e., that ––––– has desisted from his voyage, and is gone from Barcelona to Castilla, 456.

-, -, his visit to London in 1519 alluded, 529.

-, -, lands at Villafranca di Nizza, 537.

-, -, holds interviews with pope Paul and k. Francis.

-, -, makes his public entry in Genoa together with pope Paul (June 22), 547, 554.

-, -, quits (4 July), 548, 557.

-, -, on his return to Spain visits Francis at Aigues-Mortes (14 July), 549–54.

-, -, lets, to the empress Isabella, 16, 26–7, 45, 190, 201.

-, -, -, from the Empress to, 31, 39.

-, -, -, to king Henry, 83–4.

-, -, -, from k. Henry to, 78–9, 81.

-, -, - , to the q. of Portugal (Catalina), 142.

-, -, - , to pope Paul, 73.

-, -, -, to card. Caracciolo, 101–2.

-, -, -, to his ambassadors in England, 68–9, 99, 129, 211–2, 227–8.

-, -, -, -, in France, 210.

-, -, -, -, in Rome, 151–2, 154, 157, 162–3, 175, 179–80, 183–4, 189, 194.

-, -, -, to High Commander Cobos, 23, 177–8.

-, -, -, to Lope Hurtado, 167, 174, 202.

-, -, -, to Miçer Bernardo da Riete, his agent in Florence, 143, 161, 165.

-, -, -, to Reginald Pole, 109.

-, -, -, to his amb. in Genoa, 106, 208.

-, -, -, in Venice, 164, 168, 181.

-, -, -, in Portugal, 15, 24–5, 108, 130, 132, 141, 160, 170.

-, his army, 161.

-, -, keeper of the Hannap (guardajoyas), 278.

-, -, his ministers, v. Cobos, Granvelle.

-, -, Lord Privy Seal, v. Perrenot de Granvella (Nicholas).

-, -, Master of the Horse or Chief Equerry, v. Bossu.

-, -, falconer, v. Peloux.

-, -, other references, 193–4, 197, 449, 534.

Charlotte de France, daughter of Francis I. (d. 1524), 113, 570.

Charolois, county of, in Burgundy, 406, 579.

Chastel-Chinon, 579.

Chastillon, Châtillon, v. Coligny.

Cherubino (Miçer), agent of the du. of Florence (Alessandro) at the court of Charles, 329, 301, 333.

Chester, bp. of, v. Lee.

Chichester, bp. of, v. Sampson.

Childare, v. Kildare.

Chio, island of, v. Scio.

Christian, Christiern, v. Kristiern.

Christierna, v. Christina, and Denmark.

Claude, daughter of Louis XII., married to Francis I., k. of France (1499–524), 570.

Clement VII., pope, alluded, 60, 97, 103, 114, 302, 351, 468, 568, 579.

Clergy of England, 69, 448.

Clesio (Miçer), a Venetian; a most invaluable agent of the French party in Venice, 349.

-, -, exiled from the territory of that Republic, ibid.

Cleves, duchy of, Nassau and Praët on a mission to the (1538), 430.

-, town, 511.

-, duke of (1511–39), v. Jean "le Pacifique."

-, -, his son, to be married to the Princess of England, 531.

-, English ambassadors to the (June 1538), 531.

-, (Anne de), her marriage to Henry first talked of, ibid.

-, -, a painter from London to take her portrait, 530.

Clinton, lord, second husband of lady Talboys, the du. of Richmond's mother; men raised by, desert (Oct. 1536), 269.

Cobos, Covos (Francisco de los), High Commander of Leon, the Emp.'s principal secretary, 7, 24, 45, 131, 314, 362, 417, 429, 430–1, 433, 436, 461, 464, 468, 472, 484–5, 498.

-, at Nizza, 488, 540, 546, 562.

-, the Emp.'s let." to, 23, 1778.

-, -, co. Cifuentes to, 18, 1223.

-, lets, to Aguilar, 171, 173, 176.

Coffin, Mrs., (Coffin, Cossin?), Anne Boleyn under the keeping of, whilst in the Tower, 120, 571.

Colibre, a port of Catalonia, 357, 367–8, 437 note, 535, 554.

Collaterale, council so-called at Naples, 308.

Colonna, Roman family, one of the, proposed by the Emp. for a cardinal's hat (1538), 556.

-, (Ascanio), 64, 69, 223, 230–1, 278.

-, Isabella, du. of Traietto, widow of Luigi Gonzaga, 313 note.

-, (Marzio), 38.

-, (Ottaviano), 38.

-, (Pyrrho), 374 note.

-, (Stephano), 278, 371.

Commander (Comendador) in the Military Orders, High, of Alcantara, v. Cueva.

-, -, of Santiago, High Commander of Castille, v. Padilla.

-, -, of Leon, in the Order of Santiago, v. Cobos.

Commissioners, the King's, some of them slain by the rebels of Lincolnshire, 268.

-, -, others allowing themselves to be taken prisoners, ibid.

-, -, and compelled to swear fidelity to God, the Church, and the King, ibid.

-, -, but never to consent to the demolition of the abbeys and monasteries, ibid.

-, English, the King's, appointed to make Mary swear to the Statutes, v. Norfolk, Sussex, and bp. of Chester, 182–3.

-, -, how received by her, 183.

-, -, to discuss with Chapuys the articles of the proposed treaty of closer alliance (238–43), v. Fox, Sampson, and "Cromwell.

-, -, to meet in Cromwell's house, 524.

-, French, for the meeting at Salses or Leocata, 415.

-, -, their powers (says Chapuys) in pretty good form, with the single exception of their being headed "Henry, Chief Sovereign of the Anglican Church," 241.

Commons, war of the, in Spain, 1520–1, 378.

Compiena (Compiegne), Francis I. at, 370.

Conchano (Conciano), abp., his house broken into at Rome, and he himself wounded (Jan. 1536), 25.

-, a native of Spain, and working as a clerk in the Imp. embassy at Rome, 458.

-, recommended by Silva, ibid.

Concordia (La), co. Guido Rangone at (1536), 232.

Concubine, the King's, v. Boleyn (Anne).

Confederacy, v. League.

Consistory of cardinals, 162.

-, Charles addressing the, at Rome, 175–6, 574.

-, Triulzo's speech in (Nov. 1536), 298.

Constable (Sir Marmaduke), deputy of the rebels in Yorkshire, 800.

-, High, of France, v. Montmorency.

Constantinople, 537, 539.

-, the Grand Turk at (Mar. 1536), 78.

-, -, sends his ambs. to Venice, ibid.

-, French amb. at, feasted and entertained by the Grand Turk, 89.

-, advices from (1537), 111, 356, 472.

-, news from, and the Turk (Apr. 1538) sent by a correspondent of Lope de Soria, 470, 472.

-, expedition to, in contemplation by the confederated powers, highly recommended at one time by the Venetians, and approved of by Francis, 552.

-, Francis' two sons, the Dauphin (Henri) and the du. of Orleans (Charles), disputing as to who was to command the French fleet in case of their father not attending it, 553.

-, Barbarossa sailing from, with the greater part of his fleet, 558.

Convents and monasteries suppressed in England (1536), upwards of 300 in all, 83.

-, The King and his councillors engaged in appointing officers for the administration of their lands and collection of revenue, ibid.

-, Cromwell, at first the advocate of that measure, tries to thwart it, ibid.

-, -, but is prevented by Henry, indignant at his having proposed such a thing, 84; v. also Abbeys.

Cordoba, bishop of, v. Manrique (Pedro).

Corfu, Corphu, island of, in the Ionian Sea, 470.

Corn, grain, wheat, &c., permissions to export from Sicily granted, 449.

Cornaro (card. Francesco), Venetian amb. in Rome (1536–8), 63, 231–2, 286, 292, 324, 384, 386, 422, 473.

Cortes (Estates-General, Spanish Parliament, &c.) at Monçon, in 1537, 357, 369.

Cosmo, v. Medici.

Cossé-Brissac (Charles de), marshal of France; sent on a mission to the Emperor (July 1538), 566.

Couriers, English, to France, one express to France (July 1536), 192.

-, with Henry's answer to a French note, ibid.

-, -, which will be rather unpleasant (says Cromwell) to k. Francis, ibid.

Christina of Denmark, daughter of Kristiern II., k. of Denmark, and widow of Francesco Sforza, du. of Milan, report of the Emp. having offered her hand to the du. of Angoulême (Charles) (Jan. 1536), 29, 37, 61.

-, -, pope Paul considering it the best means of securing peace between the Emp. and Francis, 52.

-, upon Francis' refusal to entertain the offer, proposed to the son of the du. of Clèves (Jan.-Feb. 1538), 430 n.

-, -, Nassau and Praët going to Clèves for that object, ibid.

-, her hand solicited by k. Henry, 372, 430 n.

-, -, with all her rights to the crown of Denmark and Sweden, 502–3, 505–6, 524, 529 n.

-, other references, 83 n, 245 n, 261, 355 n, 569.

Church lands to be farmed out, the du. of Norfolk and Suffolk having already had a good portion allotted to them, 83.

-, two abbeys granted to the earl of Wiltshire, 102.

-, ceremonial; reformation of the, proposed, 41.

-, -, discussed by prelates at the abp. of Canterbury's (Apr. 1536), 84.

-, -, motion for the, made in Parliament (July 1536), 204.

-, no further proceedings against the, in England shall be taken in future (says Cromwell to Chapuys) (Feb. 1536), 60, 106.

-, preachers to abstain in future from all remarks concerning ritual and church ceremonies, but not to touch on Papal authority, which Henry will in no wise allow, 106.

-, sacred images restored to the, 134.

-, motion for the reformation of the, made in Parliament, 204.

-, Anglican, chief sovereign of the, Henry takes the title of, 221, 241.

Cibdad (La Ciotat), harbour of Marseilles, 481.

Cibo (Gian Battista), bp. of Marseilles, 328 n.

-, (card. Innocenzio), 244, 324–5, 328–9, 331, 361–2, 374 n., 384, 449.

-, (Caterina), du. of Camerino, wid. of Giov. Maria Varana, declines to take charge of the Emp.'s natural daughter [Margaret], 375.

-, (Isabella), widow of Varana, dow. du. of Camarino, 103.

Cicogna, Commander, 38.

Cifuentes, co. de, v. Silva.

Ciguença v. Siguenza.

Cipher of the Imperial despatches to be changed in consequence of letters having fallen into the hands of the Venetians, 120, 453.

Ciudad-Rodrigo, a town of Extremadura, Fr. Antonio de, provincial of the Franciscans of New Spain (1538), 441.

Civitta Vechia, in the Roman States, 64, 272.

-, gov. of, v. Anguillara.

Cornaro, card. Andrea, Venetian amb. in Rome, 83.

Council General, or Œcumenical of the Church proposed; Henry's oft repeated allegation that the convocation of a, belongs by right to the Emp., not to the Pope, is a proof that he will oppose its meeting as long as he can (said Chapuys to Cromwell in Feb. 1536), 58.

-, to be convoked for Easter (1536), 132.

-, -, the bull for its convocation getting ready (May 1536), ibid.

-, peace between the Emp. and Francis likely to help to the meeting of the, ibid.

-, it was Vergerio's fault if it could not be issued before, ibid.

-, a preliminary assembly of prelates and lawyers to be held at Rome, and prepare the meeting of the, 244, 298.

-, Henry not opposed to the celebration of the (says Cromwell to Chapuys), provided it is convoked by the Emp. as chief and head of the Christian princes, 153.

-, Mantua, an imperial city, being at first intended for the place of meeting, 162.

-, -, the bull of convocation published (Jan. 1536), 162.

-, Cromwell and his two colleagues (Fox and Sampson) insisting upon no measure injurious to their master being taken at the (Aug. 1536), 241.

-, the Pope determined to convoke the, whether the Emp. and Francis are at peace or not (Nov. 1536), 298.

-, Papal brief to the du. of Mantua and cardinals who are to attend the (Feb. 1537), 327.

-, the Lutherans agreeing to one, provided it be held at an Imp. city, 365.

-, -, should, however, the convocation be for Italy or elsewhere, determined to disobey the Emp.'s commands in that respect, ibid.

-, -, and set up one of their own in Germany, ibid.

-, -, the French giving out that rather than consent to the meeting of the, they have refused the Emp.'s most brilliant offers, 429, 431.

-, -, which report Chapuys flatly contradicts, ibid.

-, another report generally believed in England that a treaty has been concluded between k. Henry and k. Francis to oppose and prevent the meeting of the, 432.

-, -, the Imp. ambs. attaching no faith to it, ibid.

-, -, since all that the bp. of Winchester did at Montpellier was to exact from Francis the promise that nothing injurious to Henry would be discussed thereat, ibid.

-, one to be celebrated whether Francis attends it or not, 493.

-, -, the German princes being mostly in favor of it, ibid.

-, all matters of faith to be settled at the, 500.

-, a report from abroad to the effect that the Emp. will not allow any measure injurious to Henry being discussed in the, 507.

-, -, the matter of the, the thing Henry dreads most to treat, 526.

-, to meet at Vicenza, 528.

-, -, which Henry says is not a proper place for it, ibid.

-, about to be prorogued till after Lent of 1539, 555.

-, other references, 351, 365, 413, 429–31, 436, 507, 582.

Council, k. Henry's Privy, 76, 171, 190, 193, 429, 507, 529.

-, the rebels of the North asking for the reformation of, 389.

-, the Emperor's, in Flanders, at Genoa (Dec. 1536), to be reinforced with Gasto, Doria, Alba, and others, 305.

-, in Spain, 118, 240.

-, -, deliberations, reports, &c., on the difficulties attending the expedition to France, 74.

-, the Emperor's Privy (Consejo de Estado), on the articles presented by France (Feb. 26, 1536), 30 (pp. 60–1).

-, on Cifuentes' and Figueroa's despatches (16–8 May), 53.

-, on the war with France (July 13), 745.

-, deliberations of, at Genoa (Nov. 1536), 118.

-, -, on the instructions to Cobos and Granvelle previously to their meeting the French Commissioners (1537–8), 173.

-, of Regency in Spain, during the Emp.'s frequent absence from the Peninsula, 282 n.

-, Collaterale, court of law in Naples, 308.

-, of the Ten, v. under Venice.

Councillors, the King's, all in favor of a closer alliance between England and the Empire, as Cromwell assures Chapuys (Feb. 1536), 54–5.

-, -, except, perhaps, the du. of Norfolk and other French pensioners, 193, 229.

-, would have declared for the Emp. were it not that the K. is still attached to France, 89.

-, propose the Princess' reinstatement, 124.

-, daily importuning the K. to take the Emp.'s part against Francis, 193, 197.

-, not one at Greenwich (12 Aug. 1536), 229.

-, all summoned for the next Sunday to hear Chapuys' proposals, 229–30.

-, meeting in Cromwell's rooms (June 1538), 528.

-, other references, 178, 190, 197, 507, 528–9.

-, the Emp.'s, in Spain, 435.

Couriers, English:

-, one returning from Scotland with news (10 March 1536), 69.

-, another from Henry's amb. at the Imp. court so full of pleasant news and assurance of the Emp.'s good will that nothing better could be desired (says Cromwell to Chapuys), June 1536, 137.

-, English, to France:

-, one despatched to France with the news of Katharine's death, 20.

-, -, to go afterwards to Rome for the purpose of stopping the publication of the Papal censures, ibid.

-, one to the court of France (Apr. 1536), 108.

-, -, suddenly ordered to return (2 May), ibid.

-, another (Sept. 1536), who, after stopping at Venice, is to visit the Emp.'s camp at Aix, ibid.

-, no less than three of Henry to his amb. in France within the last fortnight (May 1538), 527.

-, English, to the Emp.:

-, one in June 1536, 160.

-, another (François the Piedmontese) dispatched secretly to Spain (Apr. 1538), 526, 528.

-, -, without Chapuys or Mendoza being Informed of it, ibid.


-, one arrives suddenly in London (Apr. 1536), 100.

-, another (June 1536) the moment he dismounts goes to Cromwell's lodgings, 150.

-, another to the French amb. in London (Feb. 1538), 429.

-, -, to Rome (July 1536), 223.

Couriers, Imperial:

-, a gentleman, of Antonio de Leyva, going to the Emp. at Naples (Feb. 1536), 35.

-, one of amb. Chapuys to the Emp. in Italy (Apr. 1536), 100, 150, v. George and Guadaluppe.

-, another sent by Aguilar for the Strozzi business (Dec. 1537), 415.

-, do. from Granvelle and Cobos to the marq. de Aguilar (Jan. 1538), ibid.

-, one dispatched by Paul to France (Oct. 1536), 274.

-, Portuguese:

-, one sent to France, expected back (Feb. 1537), 319.

-, another to Rome, ibid.

-, Scotch, to England, with news (1536), 69.

-, Venetian:

-, one sent by the Venetian amb. at the Imp. court to the Signory, 428.

Courtney (Henry), marq. of Exeter, in the King's Privy Council, 171.

Covos, High Commander of Leon, v. Cobos.

Coyn, Master, v. Quin (?).

Cranmer (Thomas), abp. of Canterbury, preaches in front of St. Paul's cathedral church against the Pope (Feb. 1536), 41.

-, declares Henry's marriage to Anne Boleyn to have been unlawful (18 May 1536), 121, 198.

-, the King's commissioner, to treat with the Imp. ambas. (Apr. 1538), 524.

Cromwell (Richard), cousin (nephew) of Thomas, takes messages to Chapuys (1536), 53.

-, (Thomas), the King's chief secretary, Lord Privy Seal (July 1536), conversation with Chapuys, 53–8, 69.

-, confers with Chapuys (Apr. 1536), 80–2.

-, on bad terms with Anne Boleyn, 81.

-, -, who (he says) would like to see his head off his shoulders, ibid.

-, excuses himself from having promoted Henry's marriage with her, 82.

-, the K. was so intent upon it that he himself could not help forwarding it, ibid.

-, presents Chapuys with a fine horse, a gift to him of the earl of Sussex, ibid.

-, has a long conference with Chapuys (12 Mar.), during which he inveighs terribly against Francis and the French, 86–7.

-, -, and seems well disposed to entertain the proposal of a closer alliance between his master and the Emperor, 86.

-, discusses the four points, which the Imp. amb. considers ought to be the base of the negociation, 87–90.

-, further debates on the subject, 98–9.

-, apparently well-meaning and desirous of the closer alliance proposed (May 1536), 123, 130.

-, -, giving Chapuys the best hopes possible, ibid.

-, the Emp. writes a letter to, certain expressions in which raise the King's suspicions, 130.

-, tells Chapuys that the Princess must write a letter to her father asking his forgiveness, 138.

-, -, the draft of which he himself will prepare for her to copy and sign, ibid.

-, -, should there be in it any word or expression against the Princess' honor or rights she will never sign the letter (says Chapuys), ibid.

-, the Emp. writes a letter to, 140.

-, -, at which he is singularly pleased and flattered, ibid.

-, calls on Chapuys and again assures him that Henry is determined to constitute Mary heiress to his crown (June 1536), 150.

-, K. Henry furious with, owing to his having communicated with Chapuys respecting the Princess' affairs, 184.

-, in danger of his life, having for three or four days considered himself a dead man, ibid.

-, Chapuys calls on, in London, and has a conference with him (July 1536), 192–5.

-, advises Chapuys to procure a letter from the Emp. to Henry stating his wrongs, and asking his help, 194.

-, -, which the Imp. amb. declines to do for fear of the letter being shown to Castelnau, 195.

-, still doing the most he can to reconcile the Princess with her father (July 1536), 197–8.

-, appointed lord Privy Seal in the room of the earl of Wiltshire, 198.

-, -, and lord Cromwell of Wimbledon (July 1536), ibid.

-, report originated in the Princess' household that he is about to marry her, ibid.

-, -, an idle one, without foundation, having its origin among the Princess' household servants (observes Chapuys), ibid.

-, -, indeed, were the offer to be made, it would not be accepted, ibid.

-, expecting a confidential message from Mary of Hungary (Apr. 1538), 223.

-, conferring with Chapuys (Sept. 1536), 238–43.

-, sends Chapuys a message through a bishop (Foxe or Sampson), 242.

-, shows much ill-will against the French, 242.

-, -, and boldly asserts that Henry will either lose his throne or work the ruin of the French, ibid.

-, has another interview with Chapuys in London for the purpose of discussing the base of the alliance proposed (Oct. 1536), 262.

-, -, this time in the presence of bp. Sampson for fear of arousing the K.'s suspicion, ibid.

-, -, and owing to his having lately disavowed many things he himself had told Chapuys in private, ibid.

-, the French try to bribe him with an annual pension of 2,000 crs. and several valuable presents, Sampson tells Chapuys (Oct. 1536), 263.

-, and his colleague Sampson recommend that a mission and a letter from the Emp. to Henry be sent the better to promote the treaty of closer alliance, 266.

-, designated by the rioters of the North as the chief cause of the rebellion, 268.

-, should his assistance be required in the affair of the Princess' marriage, if he really can and will do what he has promised, let him be reminded of it, 312.

-, -, for he is known to have lately received a good sum of money and a considerable annual pension besides from k. Francis, 313.

-, -, from which time he, who was formerly the friend of the Empire, has suddenly turned round, and is working in favor of France, ibid.

-, his hotel in town, 137, 192.

-, his rooms in Greenwich Palace.

-, -, Council meeting in (June 1538), 528.

-, his manor in the country, ibid.

-, his secretaries, 87, 509.

-, his clerks, 5, 522.

-, his cousin (nephew?), v. under Richard.

-, letts. to, from the q. of Hungary, 216.

-, other references, 16–7, 19, 20, 28, 98–9, 107, 115, 191, 193, 198, 205, 209, 235–7, 257–9, 429, 431–3, 509, 517, 567–8, 572, 577.

Cross, gold, with a piece of the Lignum Crucis set in, bequeathed by q. Katharine to her daughter, the Princess, 16.

-, Cromwell sends for it by k. Henry's order, 60.

-, returned, as it is found not to have any particular value, 70.

Croy (Adrien de), comte de Rœulx, 44.

-, (Ferry de), 41–2.

-, (Philippe de) du. d'Aarschot, 65, 518.

Crusade, bull of the, for Spain, 231.

-, to be renewed for three months more (Nov. 1536), 294, 309, 458.

-, -, for Sicily, 293.

Cuadra (Domingo de la), Imperial usher, bearer of letters from Chapuys to the Emp., 237.

Cuellar, marq. de, v. Cueva.

Cueva (D. Beltran II., de la), III. du. of Alburquerque, marq. de Cuellar. 39, 49, 51, 484, 510, 532–3, 535, 540, 551.

-, (D. Francisco Fernandez de la), II. du. of Alburquerque, 536, 553 n.

-, (D. Luis de la), captain of the Emperor's body guard, 539.

-, (D. Pedro de la), High Commander of Alcantara, 484, 533, 535.

Cuevas (Alonso de), Imperial solicitor at Rome, 293.

Cuny (Cuneo), 259.

Cupi (Giovan Domenico), abp. of Trani, and card., appointed legate at Ancona, 244, v. also under Trani.

Currency, financial measures respecting, and coin, 407.

Çapata (Pero or Pedro), Imperial agent in Italy), 354, 360–1. See also Zapata.

Çornoça (Miçer Martin de), Span. Consul in Venice (1538), 163–5, 275.

-, let. to the Emperor, 205.

Çuñiga (D. Luis de), v. Avila y Zuñiga.