Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 2, 1536-1538. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.
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'Index: A', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 2, 1536-1538, ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1888), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'Index: A', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 2, 1536-1538. Edited by Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1888), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"Index: A". Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 2, 1536-1538. Ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1888), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
Aarschot (Philippe d') marq., afterwards du. of, 65 n., 333, 433, 518.
-, v. Croy.
Abbeville, town of Picardy, claimed by Charles, 579.
Abbeys, monasteries, and priories in England, all yielding a revenue not exceeding 800 ducats to be pulled down by Act of Parliament, 69, 106,110, 520.
-, the number of, and religious houses suppressed amounting to upwards of 300, 83.
-, two of them granted to the earl of Wiltshire (April 1536), 102.
-, lands of, farmed out by the dus. of Norfolk, Suffolk, and others, 83.
-, Cromwell, the chief promoter of the demolition of the, attempting to thwart it, 83.
-, -, though in vain, Henry declining to make any modification in the measure, 84.
Abel, Master, queen Katharine's chaplain, still in prison, 233–4, 568.
Abergavenny, George Neville, lord (d. 1536), 106.
Abra de Grasa (Havre de Grâce), port of Normandy, 78.
Abyssinia, a rich and thickly populated country, where a brisk trade with India might soon be established, 347.
-, k. of, v. John (Prester or Priest).
Accessorial name given to the "Afortunadas" or Fortunate Islands, 135.
Aceves (Francisco de), imp. agent at Rome, 332.
Acqua Pendente in the States of the Church, 56, 110.
Acuña (Da Luisa de), duchess of Nájera, 552.
Adam (Dr. Otto, von Pack or Pacæus) from Lubeck, arrested in Flanders on his return from Lubeck and Denmark, 83.
-, a very sharp fellow, and the cause of much mischief, ibid.
-, Henry's negotiations for his release, 90.
Admiral of England, v. Fitzwilliam.
-, of France, v. Brion-Chabot.
-, of Naples, v. Cardona.
Adorno (Antoniotto), doge of Genoa, 261 n.
Adriatic Sea, the Emp.'s fleet to navigate both the Mediterranean and the, in pursuit of Turkish galleys (1538), 483.
Affaictatis (Jehan Carlo d'), banker in London, 59.
Agrippina, the English, surname given to Anne Boleyn by the Imperialists, 120.
Aguas Muertas, v. Aigues Mortes.
Aguilar, marq. de, v. Manrique.
-, de Campó, or de Campos, town of "Castilla La Vieja," Int., xiv.
Aguinaga, Dr., proctor of the Inquisition at Rome, 293.
Aigues - Mortes (Aquæ Mortæ, AguasMuertas), town of France (dep. Gard.), interview of Charles and Francis at, 548–9, 550, 554, 557–8, 562–6.
-, French merchant vessels taken in sight of, 173, 178.
-, lets, dated from, 228.
Aimon, co. of Savoy, 571.
Aire (dep. Landes, France), bp. of, v. Paleologo (Gabriele).
Aix in Provence, the taking of, by a force of nearly 100,000 men, was no remarkable feat of arms (says k. Henry to Chapuys), 251.
-, the Emp. at, 271, 289, 322.
-, in Savoy, 366 note.
Alançon v. Alençon.
Alava y Beaumont (D. Francés de), cap. gen. of the frontier in Roussillon, 134 note, 367.
Alba, Alua, du. of, v. Alvarez de Toledo.
Albany, du. of, v. Stuart.
Albrecht, Mr. d', 584; v. also Albret.
Albret (Antoine d'), natural son of Jean, k. of Navarre, 541, 546.
-, (Catalina), q. of Navarre (1483–1517), 546 n.
-, (Henri d'), k. of Navarre, 61, 109–10, 113,133,135, 365, 369,370 n., 461, 466, 480, 495, 545 n., 546 n.
-, -, in treaty with the Emp. (1538), 462–4.
-, -, at Nizza with Francis, 484.
-, -, at Aigues-Mortes, 565, 585–6.
-, -, his wife, v. Margaret of Navarre.
-, -, his daughter, v. Jeanne.
-, (Jean d'), k. consort of Navarre; married to Catharina, last q. of that country, 369, 546, 570, 585.
-, (Jeanne), daughter of Henri II., 412, 414.
-, -, married to Antoine de Bourbon, 584 n.
-, (madame d.') 23 note, 107, 570; v. Marguerite de Valois.
Albutquerque, du. of, v. Cueva.
Alcantara, military order of,
-, high commander of, v. Cueva (Pedro de la).
Alençon, town of France (dep. Orne), 369.
-, Francis and Eleanor at (June 1537), 369.
-, chancellor of, v. Brinon.
-, let. dated from (3 July 1537), 158.
-, (Françoise d'), duchess of Vendôme, widow of François II. d'Orleans, du. de Longueville (d. Sept. 1550), 9, 10, 369, 567.
-, (Marguerite d'), widow of the du. Charles, sister of Francis; v. Valois (Marguerite de).
-, (René d'), du. d.'Alençon (d. Nov. 1492), 567.
Alessandria della Paglia, 156, 260.
-, governor of, 259.
Alexander (Alessandro, Alesandro VI.), Pope (Rodrigo Borja, 1492–1503), bull granted by, to Ferdinand and Isabella (1494), 378.
Algiers, expedition to, talked of (Feb. 1536), 33, 48, 50–1.
-, -, the command of, to be given to the Infante Dom Luiz of Portugal, 51.
-, pirates of, scouring the Mediter-ranean, 358, 539.
Aliano, co. de, v. Hurtado de Mendoza.
Alliance, negociations for a closer, between England and the Emp., carried on between Chapuys and Cromwell, 57–8, 71–6, 187–95.
-, -, satisfactory enough at first, but hampered by news from Rome, 257.
-, -, continued with little or no chance of success, ibid.
-, one between England, Portugal, Spain, and Austria proposed by the Emp., 330.
Almojarife, a tax collector, estimology of the word, and of Almojarifazgo, both from the Arabic, 439 note.
Alps, the moment the Imperial army passes the, the French are sure to concentrate the forces they have in Italy, 201.
Altopaso, hospital of, in Milan (?), 460.
Alvarez-Ossorio (Pedro), "adelantado," frontier capt. of Galicia, 533, 558, 561.
Alvarez de Toledo (D. Fadrique) II., du. of Alba, marq. de Coria, co. of Salvatierra, Piedrahita, &c., 535 n.
-, (D. Fernando) III., du. of Alba, 305, 535. At Nizza (July 1538), 546, 562, 585.
-, (D. Garcia), father of the preceding, (d. 1510), 535 n.
-, (Juan), bp. of Burgos (1539–50), proposed by the Emp. for a cardinal's hat, 556.
Alvaro, v. Baçan.
-, Abyssinian, from Prester John to the k. of Portugal, Dom. Manoel, in 1512, 346.
-, -, another to k. Dom. Joaõ III. in 1524, ibid.
-, -, a third to the same in 1537, v. under John, the surgeon.
-, Austrian, in Spain, v. Salinas.
-, English, to the Court of France, v. Briant, Gardiner, and Wallop.
-, -, call on k. Francis immediately after Katharine's death and are a long time closeted with him, 26.
-, -, four doctors in law about to be sent to France to discuss certain claims brought forward by the French (March 1536), 69.
-, -, Henry's resident, in France, not received at Court for 20 days (May 1538), 527.
-, -, Henry's message to them in consequence (May 1538), ibid.
-, -, to the Emp., 54, 205, 208, 497–9, 501–2, 524–6.
-, -, v. Dudley, Fitz-William, Pate, Whyatt.
-, -, two doctors-at-law (May 1538) to remonstrate against the convocation of the General Council.
-, -, the right of which (Whyatt alleges) belongs exclusively to the Emp., ibid.
-, -, one at Toledo in 1525 said to have offered money to the Fmp., if he would prosecute the war with France, 243.
-, -, in Flanders and the Low Countries, v. Hauton and Wriothesley, 522.
-, -, in Rome, v. Casale.
-, -, to Saxony, v. Foxe.
-, -, to Scotland. Two sent to k. James to persuade him to disobey the Apostolic See, 67; v. Barlow and Howard.
-, -, to Venice, v. Joaquino.
-, Ferrarese in Rome, 232, 292.
-, -, in Venice, 473.
-, Florentine, at the Imp. Court v. Cherubini.
-, another of Alessandro de' Medici, v. Bandini and Medici, 368.
-,French, in England, v. Bellay, Castelnau, Dinteville, La Pommeraye, Marillac.
-, -, extraordinary, v. Vintimiglia, 9, 29, 99, 144, 205, 527.
-, -, one (Castelnau) goes to Court without being summoned, 101.
-, -, highly displeased at Chapuys going thither at the same time by Cromwell's advice, 102.
-, -, requested by Henry to go to France with a pressing message (Apr. 1536), 105.
-,-, accepts the mission, and prepares for the journey, ibid.
-, -, about to depart, a note is put into his hand so different from his first instructions that he declines to go, and sends a courier, ibid.
-, -, sends an express to France (June 1536), 139.
-, -, formally applying (June) for the Princess' hand for the du. of Angoulême, 140.
-, -, and taking it for granted that she is to be reinstated beforehand in all her rights, ibid.
-, -, on the arrival of a courier from France (30 March 1536) bringing lets., the, call first on Cromwell, and afterwards at Greenwich, 150.
-, -, again at Greenwich before the Privy Council (Feb. 1538), 429–31.
-, -, Henry angry with the (Feb. 1538), 432.
-, -, shows dissatisfaction at the result of his last interview with Henry, 519, 527.
-, -, asks for his "congé," and departs (May 1538), 527.
-, -, a new one (Marillac?) coming, the K. places at his disposal four of his own country seats, besides the house in town which the Emp. occupied when he came to England in 1517, 528–9.
-, -, -, to Ferrara; a bp. once French amb. in Venice, v. Avranches and Langeac, 472.
-, -, in Genoa, Francis' message to Charles through his, (June 1538), 557.
-, -, at the Imp. Court, or in Spain (1536–7), 45, 62.
-, -, the Admiral of France, Brion-Chabot, sent to the Emp. at Naples, 48.
-, -, one communicating to the Emp.'s ministers the summary of Francis' intended reply to the former's manifesto (May 1536), 131.
-, -, another to Lucca (1536), 144.
-, -, another appointed (Nov. 1537); arrives at Monçon (Dodieu?), 382.
-, -, one of q. Eleanor to Genoa, on a mission to her brother, the Emp. (June 1538), 557.
-, -, in Portugal, v. Honocato.
-, -, in Savoy. Francis writes to his, at the Court of Savoy, and to the one he has at Naples with the Emp. (Feb. 1536), 48.
-, -, in Rome, v. Bellay, Hèmard, Selve, Tournon, 28, 81, 37, 52, 63, 223, 521, 555.
-, -, one of them reads Francis' let. to the Pope in Consistory, 132.
-, -, in Savoy. Francis writing to his, at the court of the du. Carlo, and to the one he has at Naples with the Emp., that unless his claims are settled, he is determined to declare war, 48.
-, -, to Turkey and Constantinople; one much feasted and entertained, 29.
-, -, and having already concluded a treaty with the Grand Turk (Apr. 1536), ibid.
-, -, news from Constantinople sent by (May 1536), 111.
-, -, another in Apr. 1538, 472; v. Gozo.
-, -, to Urbino and its duke, a Milanese named Nicanto Niacusan (?), about to be sent by Francis, 472.
-, -, in Venice, 472.
-, -, one formerly residing in Venice for k. Francis informs the du. of Ferrara of Guido Rangone's movements (Aug. 1536), 232.
-, from Ghelders in England.
-, from the du. Charles in 1535. Two returning home from their mission, 48, 80.
-, from the landgraf of Hesse (1538), 528.
-, Imperial, to Austria:
-, -, information concerning Germany furnished by the, of Charles at his brother's Court (May 1537), 133.
-, -, in England, v. Chapuys and Mendoza.
-, -, a personage to come to England (Jan. 1536) and protest against the ill-treatment of princess Mary, 145.
-, -, another honourable person wanted for the purpose of authorizing the negociation for the treaty of closer alliance (1536), 143.
-, -, in France, v. Hannaërt, Scepperus.
-, -, in Portugal, v. Sarmiento de Mendoza.
-, -, in Rome, Aguilar, Cifuentes.
-, -, to Florence, 153; v. Ricte (Bernardo da).
-, -, to Genoa, v. Suarez de Figueroa.
-, -, to Savoy, v. Lopez de Padilla (Gutier).
-, -, to the Swiss Cantons, v. Bonvalot.
-, -, to Venice, Soria (Lope de).
-, Papal, v. under Nuncios and Legates.
-, Portuguese, to Abyssinia.
-, -, one sent by k. Dom Manoel to Prester John in 1512, 346–7.
-, -, in Rome, 292.
-, -, at the court of France.
-, -, servant of, takes despatches of amb. Hannaërt for empress Isabella, 109.
-, -, courier sent to (1537), 319.
-, -, at the Imp. Court, v. Mendes de Vasconcellos.
-, -, his successor, 424.
-, Russian, 540.
-, of Savoy at the Court of France, v. Bellegarde?
-, one dismissed (1536), 200.
-, -, at the Imp. Court (1538), 569.
-, -, of Saxony in England, 528.
-, of Scotland in England, 24, v. Otterburn (?).
-, still in London (May 1536), 129.
-, in France, v. Betoun, Erskine.
-, of Scotland in France, 22–3.
-, write to James that his marriage with Marguerite de Valois is already settled (March 1536), 80.
-, Turkish, to France:
-, -, a fresh embassy from the Grand Turk (Solyman) to k. Francis (1537), 339–40.
-, -, in Venice (March 1536), 78.
-, -, another from the same to Venice, 340.
-, -, of Urbino in Rome, 292.
-, -, in Venice, communicates with Lope de Soria, 471.
-, -, Venetian, in England, v. Zuccato.
-, -, to the Emp. in Spain, 119, 422, 428,471.
-, -, to the same at the conferences of Nizza, 470.
-, -, in Rome, v. Cornaro.
-, -, in Constantinople, 384.
Amboise, Le Bailli d', leaves London, 23.
-, -, arrested at Boulogne, ibid.
Anabaptists, 350 n.
Ambrogio, Ambrosio, secretary of Pope Paul III., v. Recalcatis.
Amiens, Amyens, capital of Picardy; claimed by Charles as belonging to him, 579.
Ampthill (Beds.), Henry's court at (Sept. 1536), 246–7.
-, abbey four miles from, ibid.
Ancona in the Rom. Stat., 555.
-, the legacy of, given to card. Cupi, 244.
Angoulême (Marguerite d'), v. Valois (Marguerite).
-, (du. d'), v. Valois (Charles de).
Auguiano, Dr., Roman lawyer, 293.
Anguillara, co., gov. of Civitta-Vecchia for pope Paul (1536), fires upon Spanish vessels with infantry on board, 64.
-, in charge of the Papal galleys, 455.
Angus, earl of, v. Douglas.
Antibo (Antibes), 420, 449.
Antoncourt, Anthoncourt, v. Hampton Court.
Antwerp, dean of, has charge of the Emperor's affairs in that port, 293.
Apostolic See, Roman, Henry's differences with the, 86, 100.
-, -, the Pope (says Cromwell) doing all he can to adjust them (Apr. 1536), 86–7.
-, discussion between Chapuys and Cromwell respecting the, and its authority, 240–1.
-, -, the Imp. amb. promising that no mention shall be made of the Pope for bad or good in the future treaty between the Emp. and Henry, ibid.
Aquileia, patriarch of, v. Grimano.
Ara Cœli, Franciscan covent at Rome, letters dated from (1536), 28, 34.
Aragon, kingdom of, 406.
Aragon (Francisco de), bearer of letter from the Emp. to the Empress (July 1538), 559.
-, (Da Leonor de), wife of Dom Duarte of Portugal, 372.
Aragonia (Miçer Luigi) Imp. proctor at Rome, 293.
Arbenga (Albenga), in the Riviera, the Emperor's camp at, 260–1.
Arbitration in the differences between the Emp. and Francis proposed by Henry (Jan. 1536), 160, 209.
-, not accepted by the Emp., ibid.
Arbois (Arbés), in the dep. of Jura (France), 336.
-, sieur d', v. Orton.
Arcangel, Miçer (Feb. 1537), 327.
Archives of the Academy of History at Madrid, Int. xvii.
-, National, of Paris, v. under Paris.
-, of Simancas, v. Simancas.
-, Imp., of Vienna, v. Vienna.
-, original State Papers from the National, of Spain, carried away during the Peninsular war (1808–14), still detained in Paris, Int.
Arezzo, bp. of, 582.
Ariete (Miçer Bernardo d'), v. Riete.
Arimathia (Josef), 547 n.
Arizcon, Arizcun, distinguished Navarrese family, 545 n.
-, Anton d', a Navarrese gentleman, 545–6.
-, changes his name into Albret, ibid.
Armeria Real (Royal Armory) at Madrid' 382 n.
Arthem Sablentinus, warder of Pisa, oath of fealty from (1537), 153.
Arthur, prin. of Wales, alluded, 5.
Artillery, 80, 136, 276, 382; v. also under Ordnance.
Artois, prov. of Flanders. The French invasion of, excused by Henry on the plea that it was made by the peasants of the frontier without Francis' knowledge, 159,351.
Asculi (Ascoli), prince of, v. Leyva (Antonio).
Assaex, Azaes, Azais, v. Aix, in Provence.
Asti, county of, in Sardinia.
-, invaded by the French, 109.
-, given by the Emp. to Carlo of Savoy, 177.
-, chief cause of Francis' resentment against the du. Carlo, ibid.
Asti, town, 167, 473.
-, the Emperor at, 232, 576.
-, the marq. del Gasto ordered to proceed to (Sept. 1536), 261.
-, the du. of Savoy (Carlo III.) to have undisturbed possession of, 492.
-, lets, from, 64–5.
Ateca (Fr. Jorge de), bp. of Llandaff, Katharine's almoner and confessor, 15, 18.
-, determines to leave England secretly, 34.
-, is arrested and sent to the Tower, ibid.
-, town of Aragon, 24 n.
-, passport given to (Sept. 1536), 257.
Athenay, Atheney, in the duchy of Luxemburg, the town and castle of, to be restored by the French, together with Hesdin and other places in the duchy, 580.
Audeley (Sir Thomas), lord chancellor, 93–4, 96, 101, 142, 179, 183, 187, 197, 226, 229.
-, the Privy Council to meet in his rooms,
-, King's deputy to treat with Chapuys and Mendoza, 524–5.
Aufort, v. Oxford.
Auspurgh (Augsburg), in Bavaria, diet of, 501.
Austin Friars, church and convent of the, in London, Chapuy's lodgings near the, 53.
-, Katharine's funeral service performed at the, 53–4.
-, Cromwell building himself a house close to the (Feb. 1536), 53.
Auxonnc (dep. Côte d'Or, France), 579.
Auxerrois, prov. of Burgundy, 579.
Austria (D. Fernando de), Charles' brother, k. of the Romans, v. Ferdinand.
-, (Jorge de), abp. of Valencia, 580.
-, (Juana de), daughter of Charles V., 78.
-, (Maria de), daughter of Charles V., ibid.
Aveiro (Dom Luis) du d', at Villafranca di Nizza in the Emp.'s suite (July, 1538), 533.
Avenas (Avesnes), dcp. du Nord (France), 354.
Avergavenny (George Neville), earl of, knight of the Garter, death of, recorded, 106, 570.
Aversa (Naples) siege of, 575.
Aviete (Miçer Bernardo, the bp.), v. Riete.
Avignon on the Rhone (France), 9, 133, 521, 565.
-, the Dauphin (François) journeying towards (Aug. 1536), 232.
Avila y Zuñiga (D. Luis de), knight commander of Alcantara, 433, 435, 437, 448, 457, 533, 547.
Aviñon, v. Avignon.
Avranches (dep. Manche, France), bp. of, v. Langeac.
Ayás bashaw, or Pachá, Solyman's vizier, 384–5, 387.
Azcarren (Mr. d'), a Navarrese, sent by Henri d' Abbot on a mission to the Emp., 462, 464–8, 495.
Azores islands, 346.
-, French vessels frequenting the, 315, 318.
-,-, which the k. of Portugal ought not to allow, ibid.