Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 1, 1534-1535. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1886.
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'Index: Q, R', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 1, 1534-1535, ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1886), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'Index: Q, R', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 1, 1534-1535. Edited by Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1886), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"Index: Q, R". Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 1, 1534-1535. Ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1886), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
Quildra, v. Kildare.
Quimbolton, v. Kimbolton.
Quiñones (Fr. Francisco), card. Santa Croce, 16, 84, 102.
Ragusa in Dalmatia, 98, 239.
-, abp. of, v. Strassold.
Rainaldo (Ricardo), v. Reynolds.
Rangone (Claudia), 107.
-, (Guido), condottiere, 318 note, 405, 616.
-, (Hugo), bp. of Reggio; about to be sent as Papal Nuncio to Spain (Nov. 1534), 318.
Ratisbon (Regensburg), in Bohemia; diet of, 369, 370, 444, 566.
Romont, co. de, v. Savoie (Jaques de).
Ravenna, in Italy, seized and retained by the Venetians in 1527.
-, -, to be restored to the Pope, 262–3, 292–3.
-, -, and Cervia, offered by pope Paul to Alphonso d'Este in exchange for Modena and Reggio, 407.
Rawdon Brown, quoted, 303, 626.
Raxid (Ráshid), k. of Tunis, dethrones his brother Hasan, 239, 615.
-, wrongly called Muley Aziz, 615.
Rebautizados, meaning of, v. Moriscoes.
Recalcatis (Miçer, Ambrogio, and Ambrosio de), papal sec., 318, 333, 347.
Reggio (Regium Lepidi), in the Modenese, retained by the duke of Urbino, 144, 407.
-, in Naples, a pension on the abpc. of, to be given to prothonotary Carniseca, Clement's sec., 218, 260.
Renart (Jean), reported to have said to admiral Brion that were k. Francis to forsake Henry's alliance the Emp. would give him the investiture of Milan (Dec. 1535), 570, 576.
-, -, k. Francis having declared that on no account will he desert his friend and ally, 579.
Renteria (Martin de), naval capn., commanding a fleet in the bay of Biscay (1535), 384.
Revett (Dr. William), on a mission to Rome, 94.
Reynolds (Fath. Richard), monk of Sion, executed, 452–3, 474, 496, 624.
Rezzo, v. Reggio.
Rhese ap Thomas, a gentleman of Wales, beheaded, 235.
Rhodes, island, Order of St. John at, 47.
-, -, unwilling to help to the relief of Coron,
-, knight commander of, present at the taking of Tunis, 584.
-, prior of, v. Weston.
Rich (Richard), solicitor general, 508, 624.
Richard III., k. of England; alluded, 468.
Richmond, 170, 221, 299, 300, 332, 586–7.
-, Katharine at, 170, 219, 224.
-, Henry visits Mary at, 300.
-, du. of, v. Fitz Roy.
Rijoles (Reggio), in Naples, abpc. of, 218, 260.
Rincon (capt. Alonso or Antonio del), 239, 577, 626.
Rioseco, town of Castille, the fair of, 496.
Ris, Rys, v. Rhese.
Risestir, v. Chichester.
Rocheford, viscount, v. Boleyn (George).
-, viscountess of, v. Parker.
-, (lady), v. Boleyn and Cary.
Rochester, bp. of, v. Fisher.
Roghendorf, Roguendorf, Wilhelm von, high lord steward to Ferdinand, k. of the Romans, 380–1.
Romagna, 601.
-, pres. of, 188.
Romans, king of the, v. Ferdinand.
-, advices from, 41, 462.
-, chancery at, lawyers disastisfied, thus making the transaction of all ecclesiastical business very difficult, 188.
-, riot at, against the Strozzi, 281.
-, bp. of, name given in England to pope Paul III., 520.
-, prior of, 215.
-, discourses (various) on the affairs of, 248–51; v. Guicciardini and Tolomeo.
Roper (Margaret), daughter of Thomas More; present at her father's execution, 510.
Rophensis, card., v. Rochester and Fisher.
Rorario (?) Vincenzo, papal nuncio to the k. of the Romans (Ferdinand), 273, 443, 447.
Rose, Order of the, 528.
Rosimboz (Pierre de), imp. amb. in England, 22.
Rosario (Rorario?), papal nuncio to the German Princes, 443, 447.
-, -, and to the Waywode, John Zapoli, 434, 448.
Rosso (Pietro Maria), co. of San Secondo, 19, 450.
Rota, ecclesiastical court at Rome, 8, 9, 226–7.
Rouen, in Normandy, two English merchant ships embargoed at, 519.
Rovere (Francesco Maria della), du. of Urbino (1508–38), 84, 86, 100, 292–3, 342, 473, 516.
-, -, said to be much attached to the Emp., 84, 86.
-, -, though serving under the Venetians, consulted by the Emp.'s ambs., 100.
-, -, complains of the viceroy of Naples (Toledo), 137, 167.
-, -, quarrels with Alessandro de' Medici, 281.
-, -, intrigues of, at Perugia, 342.
-, -, disputing Camarino, 318.
-, -, Paul's hostility against, secretly encouraged by the French, 483.
-, -, summoned to Naples, 582.
-, -, his confidential servant, 84.
-, -, asks permission of the Signory to kiss the Emp.'s hand at Naples (Dec. 1535), 578.
-, -, his agent at Rome, 292, 408, 513.
-, -, at the Imp. Court, 86.
-, (Guidobaldo della), son of Francesco Maria du. of Urbino:
-, -, marries without papal permission Isabella, du. of Camarino, 278, 292–3, 342, 462.
-, -, declared defaulter in the Camarino trial (March 1535), 408.
-, -, is excommunicated in consequence, 434, 449, 462.
-, (Lorenço), du. of Urbino, 624.
Rovorenga, co., sec. of card. Ippolito de' Medici, 513.
Rubiera in the Modenese, retained by the du. of Urbino, 144.
Rupt (Francois de), sieur de Waury, sent on a mission to Rome, 137, 242, 273, 321, 333–6, 342, 348, 371–3.
Rye (Gerard de), baron de Valançon, 443.