Index: S

Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 1, 1534-1535. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1886.

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'Index: S', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 1, 1534-1535, ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1886), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Index: S', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 1, 1534-1535. Edited by Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1886), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"Index: S". Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 1, 1534-1535. Ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1886), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.


Sabelli, Savelli (Giovan Battista), Italian condottiere, 167, 513, 624; v. Savelli.

Salerno, principality of, claimed by prince Bisignano, 409.

Saça (Sacer?), on the coast of Sardinia, taken and sacked by Doria (Oct. 1534), 271.

Saint Blancard, naval commander in France, 241, 588, 627.

St. Ambroz, French agent in Germany, arrested by the Imperialists at Brussels (1534), 485.

-, expected in England (June 1535), ibid.

St. Andrews, abp. of, v. Betoun.

St. Angelo, castle of, at Rome, 160, 475.

-, money found in, after Clement's death, 288.

St. Barthemy (St. Barthelemy?), French navigator, 382.

St. Basile "the Great," Father of the Greek Church (329–79); his works cited by Stockesley, 161.

St. Blancay, v. Saint Blancard.

St. Brigitis, order of, one monk of the, arrayed before a court, tried, and executed, 452–3, 474, 496, 624.

St. Dominic, order of, 463.

-, provincial of, v. San Pedro.

St. George's chapel, v. Windsor.

St. Germain, the court of France at, 132.

St. Gregory, his works cited, 161.

St. John's Eve, pageant in London on (1535), 506.

St. John of Jerusalem, order of, chancellor, his dispute with Ghinucci settled by agreement between the two, 260.

-, prior of, in England, v. Weston.

St. Pol (Mr. de), v. Bourbon.

St. Sebastian, in Guipuzcoa (Spain), the defences of, to be inspected (June 1535), 495.

Salerno, principality of, 409.

Salisbury, county of, the inhabitants of, and Warwick, so much attached to the House of Austria that they would risk anything in the Emperor's service, 235.

-, bp. of, v. Campeggio and Shaxton.

-, countess of, v. Plantagenet.

Salm, count, sent by the Emp. on a mission to Clement VII., 351, 358.

Salma, measure of grain used in Sicily, equivalent to one ton weight, 7.

Saltzburg, card. abp. of, v. Gurk.

Saluces, v. Saluzzo.

Saluzzo, marquisate of, Spanish infantry on the frontiers of, 113.

-, (Francesco, marq. de), 395.

-, -, report of his marriage with princess Mary of England (Jan. 1534), 12, 27.

-, -, to invade Italy in the French interest, 81.

-, -, claims Montferrato, 579.

-, (Giovan Luigi), brother of Francesco, 12.

-, (Michel Antoine), marq. de (d. 1528), alluded, 12 note.

Salviati (card. Giovanni), 166, 413.

San Germano, in the Terra di Lavoro (Naples), 140.

San Pedro (Fr. Diego de), provincial of the Order of St. Dominic, the Emperor's confessor, 463.

-, -, let. of the abp. of Toledo to (May 1535), 162.

Sans, lord, v. Sandes.

San Secondo, Segundo, count of, v. Rosso.

San Severino (card. Antonio), abp. of Naples, 84, 102.

-, -, sec. of, 119.

San Sixto, card., v. Gaetano.

Santa Croce, card., v. Quiñones.

Santofimia (Santa Euphemia), commandery of the Order of Rhodes in Spain, 616.

Santomer in dep. Pas-de-Calais (France), 133.

Sampson (Dr. Richard), dean of the Chapel Royal, archdeacon of Suffolk, 65, 156, 162, 232.

-, -, bp. of Chichester; one of the deputation to Mary in August 1534, 232.

-, -, his book in favour of Henry's divorce, 520.

Sanchez (Gabriel), Ferdinand's ambassador in Venice and Rome, 183, 193, 264, 434, 561.

Sanctaflor, Santafiore (Blasio de), 343 note.

-, (Julio di), 343 note.

Sancti quatuor, quatro, card., v. Pucci.

Sancta Severina, v. San Severino.

Sandes (Sandys, Sands), lord William, chamberlain of the household, lieutenant of Guisnes, 64, 375, 402, 411.

-, his physician, 375.

Sandoval (Fr. Prudencio de), historian, quoted, 482, 497 note, 627.

Saraceni (Giovan Micaele), bp. of Accerenza and Matera (1531–7), and card., 84, 409, 450, 498, 546.

Saragossa, capital of Aragon, 97, 448 note.

Sardinia, the Emp. in (June 1535), 516.

Sarmiento (de Mendoza), D. Luis, Imp. amb. in Portugal, 495.

Satula (?), Doria's galleys going to, 271.

Sauli (Domenico), councillor of Milan, 98.

Savelli (Giovan Battista), Italian capt. returns thanks to Covos for favors received (May 1534), 167, v. Sabelli.

-, -, in command of the Papal forces against Perugia (July 1535), 512–13.

Savoie, Savoia, Savoy (Carlo III., "the Good," du. of), (1504–53), 145, 193, 306, 337, 365, 394, 449, 568.

-, -, claims of France on, 133, 576.

-, -, invited to join the Italian league against Francis, 271.

-, -, ill-pleased with the French, 365.

-, -, claiming Montferrato, 597.

-, -, daughter of (Catherina), to be married to Pier Luigi Farnese, 568.

-, -, (Jaques de), co. de Romont, Int. xi., note.

-, (Louis de), prince of Piedmont, 395.

-, -, proposed marriage of, to a daughter of Pier Luigi Farnese, 568.

-, (Louise de), mother of Francis I. (d. 1531), alluded, 133, 397.

-, (Emmanuel Philibert de), son and heir of du. Carlo, 624.

Savoy, v. Savoie.

Saxony (George du. of), "the Catholic," 53, 503, 526–7.

-, (John Frederic), du. elector of, "the Lutheran," 53, 370–1, 526–7, 552.

-, -, is to swear obedience to the k. of the Romans, 211.

-, -, agent of, in London, 555, 564.

-, -, insists on the confirmation by the Emp. of his treaty with Egmont, the du. of Cleves, 369, 555.

-, -, agent of, in England, brings a work written by Melanethon, 564.

-, -, working in concert with Henry and Francis to prevent the meeting of the Council, 581.

Scepperus (Cornelius Duplicius), a German; employed by Charles on various missions, 98, 350, 351, 368, 371, 613.

-, at Constantinople, 98.

Schiperius, v. Scepperus.

Schomberg (Nicholas), abp. of Capua, 5–7, 10, 17, 120, 213, 217, 246–7, 473.

-, soul and body, the Emp.'s man, 16.

-, recommended for a card.'s hat, 327, 106–7, 194–5.

Scotland, three great personages from, two bps. and one co., expected in London to treat of the peace, 2.

-, raids in, by the English (Jan. 1534), 14.

-, Henry desirous of peace with, 21.

-, two cos. from, to accompany the embassy in 1534, 54.

-, peace with England concluded (May 1534), 165, 225, 253, 295–6.

-, the Emp. to be named in it, but not the Pope, 165.

-, peace with, proclaimed (Sept. 1534), 253, 295.

-, Charles' amb. in, 355; v. Godeskalco.

-, conspiracy in, 485.

-, ambs. from, in England, v. Kinloss, Otterburn, Stewart.

-, -, in France, v. Betoun, Erskine.

-, -, from Charles to, v. Godeskalco.

-, k. of, v. James V.

-, q. dowager of, v. Margaret.


-, one going to Rome to procure a commission to proceed against the abp. of St. Andrew's, taken prisoner, 23.

-, the hearts of the, more inclined towards the Emp. than towards the French, 128.

-, would not make difficulties about obeying the Pope's executory letters against Henry, 165–6.

-, described as trying to make their profit of all matters, 296.

-, an earl, the chief of a clan, a great friend of Ireland, 243.

-, Henry's opinion of them, 296.

-, one coming from Edinburgh informing Chapuys about the Irish rebellion, (Dec. 1534), 345.

-, -, another, a doctor in Theology, communicating news of Ireland, 431.

-, James cannot restrain his subjects from going thither, ibid.

Scutari, in Anatolia (Turkey), might be taken easily (Aug. 1535), 531.

Sentence (Papal) in the divorce case, not to be passed without referring first to the Rota, 9.

-, Clement waiting for the arrival of Du Bellay, who may bring from England some acceptable proposals, 9.

-, the Emp. urging for the, 18.

-, to be disobeyed by Henry and opposed as long as possible, 99.

-, account of proceedings before the, drawn up by an imp. lawyer at Rome, 226–9.

-, pronounced and approved by the College of Cards., 84.

-, -, the "executory letters" to follow immediately, 108.

-, -, to be executed, 419.

-, -, said to have been obtained by sheer force, and therefore to be Henry's principal ground of complaint against Charles, 599.

Serges, the importation of, worsteds, demihostades, and other woollen stuffs for-bidden in England, 37.

Sermons, various, preached in England against Papal authority, 83, 421, 519.

Servia, patriarch of, about to send an embassy to the Emp. (Aug. 1535), 531–2.

Sessa, du. of, v. Fernandez de Cordoba.

Seville (Sevilla), "asistente" or gov. of, v. Briceño.

Seymour (Jane), Anne Boleyn attempts to dismiss her from her service, 264, 280.

-, -, at which Henry is exceedingly angry, 264, 280, 344.

-, fond of Mary, 300.

Sforza (Francesco Maria), du. of Milan, 5, 85, 145, 192, 274, 303, 350, 361, 364–5, 399.

-, -, his agent at Rome, 184.

-, -, death of, (24 Oct. 1535), 586 note 587, 596.

-, (Galeazzo) du. of Milan (d. 1494), alluded, 79.

-, (Julio), 343 note.

-, (Ottaviano Maria), bp. of Lodi (1531–6).

Shark, —— the earl of Desmond's amb. in Spain (Sept. 1534), 264.

Shaxton (Nic.), bp. of Salisbury, Anne's almoner (1535–9), 382.

Shelton (lady Anne), Anne Boleyn's sister, gouvernante of the princess (Mary), 34.

-, -, mistaken for her sister Alice, 34 note.

-, -, her rude treatment of Mary, 34, 96, 129, 154, 329, 458, 465.

Shevanton, Sheventon, Sheventen, Scheventer, v. Skeffington.


-, two war, bound for Ireland (July 1534), 224.

-, only six in the Thames fit for war service, 224.

-, three of Henry's best, well equipped and manned, to sail for the ports of Lubeck and Denmark (Sept. 1535), 538.

-, for a castle on the coast (Trittau?) on the frontiers of Sweden and Norway, 540.

-, several about to sail for Flanders with merchandize, countermanded for fear of sequestration (Sept. 1535), 538.

-, several merchant, richly laden, captured by the Swedes (Sept. 1435), 541.

-, cannot sail safely for the ports of France, 544.

-, captured by Spanish privateers during the war, 412.

-, released, and their crews also, 414.

-, several captured by the people of Holstein, 550, 555.

-, those of the Easterlings in London sequestered in consequence, 550.

-, Henry's great ship and some others being caulked and repaired at Portsmouth (Oct. 1535), 555.

Sicily, 119, 168, 186, 325, 459.

-, the Emp. in, after his Tunisian campaign (Aug. 1535), 553, 556.

-, a gentleman from, taking despatches for co. Cifuentes at Rome, 433.

-, viceroy of, v. Pignatello, Ventimiglia.

Siena (Sena), town of Tuscany, 169, 211, 342, 384, 580.

-, card. abp. of, v. Bandini.

Sienese, refuse to pay their contribution to the League, 5, 9.

-, at war with Pirro Colonna, 53, 80, 84, 143, 185–6.

-, not in good odour with pope Clement, owing to their hostility to Florence, 169.

-, their agent at Rome, 266.

Sigismond I., "the Great," king of Poland (1506–48), 239, 449.

-, offers the hand of his eldest daughter (Helwig), to the du. of Orleans (Henri), 239.

Silks, the wearing of, and foreign furs, forbidden in England to any but nobles and privileged persons, 37.

Silva, Sylva, D. Fernando de, co. de Cifuentes, "alferez mayor" (pennon-bearer) of Castille, imp. amb. at Rome, 5–9.

-, -, negociates with Clement, 15, 17–20, 46–7, 78, 84, 289.

-, -, -, with Paul III., 556–7.

-, -, -, during whose election he keeps a body of armed men in his pay, 260, 280–1.

-, -, -, his disagreement with card. Merino, 266, Int. IX.–X.

-, -, -, Katharine grateful for his exertions at Rome in the divorce suit, 584.

-, -, -, in correspondence with Chapuys, 49, 82.

-, -, -, his sec., v. Archangel.

-, -, lets. to the Emp. (1534), 2, 6, 16, 25, 27, 35, 42, 48–9, 54, 63, 66, 72, 74, 77, 82, 85, 88, 91, 93, 100, 106, 125, 137, 147, 177, 182, 199, 209, 220, 224, 234, 236.

-, -, -, to the High Commander (Covos), 3, 6, 36, 43, 50, 55, 64, 73, 79, 83, 89, 94, 100–1, 107, 110, 200.

-, -, -, from Cobos to, 15.

Silver plate, 12,000 marks of, wrought by Henry's order to distribute as presents in France, 201.

-, queen Katharine being afraid that the little she still possesses will have the same destiny as her rings and jewels, ibid.

Simancas, archives at, alluded, 615, 618–9, 626.

Simonetta (Jacopo), auditor at the Rota, bp. of Pesaro, 7, 8, 9, 58, 64, 70–1, 84, 87, 89, 193, 213, 226, 407.

-, created card. (May 1535), 475.

Sipontino, card. bp. of Manfredonia (Siponti), v. Monte.

Sinam, Sinan, the Jew, corsair, 113, 119.

Sistan (?) (Mr. de), arriving from Flanders or Burgundy visits the Emp. at Genoa (July 1535), 514.

Sixto (Miçer), sec. to card. Ancona, and Papal auditor, 80.

Skeffington (Leonard), son of Sir William, 221, 224, 625.

-, (Sir William), lieut. deputy of Ireland, formerly Master of the Ordnance, appointed, 205.

-, -, some doubt of his accepting, owing to his sec. having been sent to the Tower, in consequence of certain lets. from Ireland, ibid., 225.

-, -, accepts, and leaves for that country at the head of a force (Aug. 1534), 244.

Soliers de la Morette (Charles), French resident amb. in England, expected, 75, 83, 91.

-, -, arrives (April 1534), 109, 114.

-, -, present at lord Dacres' trial, 225.

-, -, sends his sec. to France at Henry's desire, 263, 328.

-, -, -, all his expenses being paid out of the Royal treasury, 263.

-, -, is replaced by Castelnau (June 1535), 505.

-, -, not invited to one of Anne Boleyn's entertainments, 593, 325, 411, 438–9, 457, 476, 494, 505, 543, 545.

Solyman "the Magnificent," emp. of the Turks (1520–66), 98, 139, 150, 237, 239, 240–1, 272, 274, 278, 361, 388–9, 391, 394, 396, 443, 536, 575.

-, -, soliciting Francis' alliance, 237.

-, -, ambs. of, at Marseilles, 272.

-, -, his wars with the Sophi of Persia, 388–9, 391.

-, -, said to have been defeated with great loss (June 1535), 481, 589.

-, -, -, which news Henry declares to be false, 481.

-, -, French ambs. at his court, v. La Forest and Lasco.

-, -, absent from his capital in July 1535, 526.

-, -, -, a good opportunity to attack him, 526.

-, -, in Constantinople (Oct. 1535), not likely to invade Italy till the following spring, 556.

-, -, solicits French alliance against the Emp., and offers to help with 100,000 men, 575.

Somersham (Hunts), Katharine to be removed to, 4.

Sophi, Sophy, of Persia; v. Thamasp.

Sophianos, or the Sophi of Persia's men, 516.

Sora, duchy of, in Sicily, given by the Emp. to the du. of Urbino, 137, 498.

-, -, claimed by Cardona, 242.

Sorbonne, the, in Paris, 386, 566–7.

Soria (Lope de), Imp. amb. in Venice, 81, 86, 121, 137, 274–7, 286, 300, 304, 306, 334, 405, 434, 460–1, 516, 531, 566, 578.

-, -, lets. to the Emperor, 33, 95, 161, 192, 197.

-, -, -, to the High Commander (Covos), 96.

Soriano, Suriano (Antonio), Venetian amb., in Rome, 556, 566, 626.

-, -, bearer of important papers for the Signory, 556–7.

Soto (Juan de), Katharine's apothecary and medical adviser, 263, 412, 590.

Spain, the government of, during the Emperor's absence left in the hands of Isabella with a council, 384.

-, English trade with, and Flanders, to be prohibited, 456.

Spezzia, La, in Sardinia, 81.

Spinet, Mary playing on the, 551.

Spires (Speiers) in Bavaria, diet of, 443, 586.

-, Francis sends an amb. to, 443.

Stafford (Elizabeth) du. of Norfolk, appointed mistress of the robes to Elizabeth, the daughter of Anne Boleyn, (1534), 83.

-, (Sir William), 344 note.

Stanley (Edward), earl of, 611.

Statute of succession made in Parliament (March 1534), 95.

-, -, excluding Mary therefrom, and establishing that the posterity by Anne Boleyn shall inherit the Crown, ibid.

-, -, its publication suspended until peace is concluded with Scotland, ibid., 109, 118, 157, 347, 504.

-, of supremacy, 109, 224.

Steelyard, v. Stilliart.

Sterk (Gherart), clerk in Flanders, 26.


-, arrival of, in London (Feb. 1534), 54.

-, -, -, alone, and not accompanied by two Scotch earls as reported, ibid.

-, pays his respects to k. Henry and to lady Anne, 96.

-, -, his principal object being the negociation of peace, 126, 128–9, 151–2.

-, calls on Chapuys, 126.

-, purposes telling Henry that, were princess Mary to die, the succession to the throne of England belongs by right to James, 128.

-, has frequent audiences from Henry, 151–2.

Stilliart (Steelyard), merchants of the, in London, 58, 74 note, 613.

Stillington (Robert), bp. of Bath and Wells (temp. Rich. III.), alluded, 66, 323.

Stirling Castle, in Scotland, lets. dated from, 195.

Stokesley (John), bp. of London, 156, 161, 518.

-, preaches a sermon on the validity of Henry's first marriage, 519.

-, officiates in the procession through the streets of London the 12th of November 1535, 570.

Strassold (Pamphilus), abp. of Ragusa, 239.

Strozzi, the, merchants in Rome; become bankers to the Italian league, 5, 79, 267, 333–4, 347, 513.

-, riot at Rome against the, 281.

-, refuse to pay bills drawn by Leyva, 348–9.

-, (Philippo), a Frenchman at heart, favouring Ippolito de' Medici's plans on Florence, 261, 333.

-, -, banker to the Italian league, 5, 10, 79, 267, 281, 333–4, 335, 347, 498, 513.

-, (Pirro), his son, attacked by men in the pay of Alessandro de' Medici, 498–9.

-, the whole family in danger of assassination, 513.

Stuart (John), duke of Albany, 23.

-, in Rome, as French ambassador, 58.

-, his sec., v. Barbon.

Suarez de Figueroa (D. Gomez), imp. amb. at Genoa, 81, 104, 232, 265, 277, 306, 341, 496.

-, let. to the Emp., 24.

Succession, Act of, 131; v. also Statute.

Suffolk, du. of, v. Brandon.

-, death of his son, March (?) 1534, 83.

-, du. of, v. Mary, widow of Louis XII., and Willoughby.

Sulmona, prin. of, v. Lannoy.

-, princess of, v. Colonna (Isabella).

Supremacy, Act of, 49, 124, 131.

-, -, passes Parliament, 109.

-, -, Henry delays giving his sanction to it until he hears from Rome, 109.

-, -, Fisher, More, and others sent to the Tower for refusing to swear to the, 124, 131.

Suriano (Antonio), Venetian amb. in Rome, 566; v. Soriano.

Sweden, king of, v. Gustavus and Vasa.

-, castle on the frontiers of, Trittau (?), 540.

-, English ships captured by the fleet of (Oct. 1535), 550.

Switzerland, Clement's negociations in, 47, 265.

-, the Catholic cantons of, to enter into a league with the Pope and the Emp., 85.

-, -, and to be helped with money, 186, 265, 289.

-, -, -, in order to counteract French intrigues, 145, 209.

-, -, and prevent levies of men therein, 310, 361.

-, Clement's nuncio in, v. Filonardo.

-, Imp. agents in, v. Bonvalot.

-, state of French affairs in (Jan. 1535), 478.

-, (Lutheran cantons), in Francis' pay, 119, 289, 363, 365, 395.

-, -, to be detached if possible from French alliance, 289.

Syria, the principal towns and ports on the coast of, to be attacked in preference to Constantinople, 527.