Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 1, 1534-1535. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1886.
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'Index: P', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 1, 1534-1535, ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1886), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'Index: P', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 1, 1534-1535. Edited by Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1886), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"Index: P". Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 1, 1534-1535. Ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1886), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
Pacæus (Pack, Pacey) Dr. Otho-Adam (called Dr. Adam or Adames, or the doctor or sec. of Lubeck), 64, 480, 524–8, 627; v. also Otho and Adam.
Pacheco (Rodrigo), papal bulls in favour of, expedited (May 1534), 167.
Pack, v. Pacæus.
Padilla (Gutierre Lopez de), high commander of Calatrava, 81, 307, v. Lopez.
Palabisin (Cosmo Pallavicini?), a Genoese, once a servant of card. Wolsey, 555.
-, -, brother of, a friar, writes a book against the Pope, 555.
-, Palatine, co. elector and du., v. Frederic, Louis, and Philip.
Palencia, in Castille, 231 note.
-, lets. dated at, 68.
Palermo, in Sicily, 582.
-, the Emperor quits, for Naples, 544.
-, let. dated from, 257.
Pallavicino Visconti, bp. of Alexandria, resigns (1533), 184 note.
Palmeri, Palmieri, Palmiero (card. Matheo), bp. of Matera and Accerenza (1530–1); of Luzera (1534–5), 217, 276, 341–2, 408.
-, let. to Covos, 117.
Pamplona, in Navarre, to be besieged by the French (Jan. 1535), 362.
-, the defences of, to be inspected (June 1535), 495.
Pandolfo, papal legate in England, temp. Innocent III., alluded, 464.
-, tracts against, published in London, 1, 49.
-, -, one given by Cromwell to the Scotch amb., 2.
-, another abusing Clement, and printed in London, sent by Chapuys to Silva, with a Spanish translation, 49.
-, Palavicini's against Paul III. (1535), 555.
Paris, Francis' court at, 133.
-, university of, 82.
-, state prisons in, full of Germans accused of Lutheranism, 403.
-, a doctor from the Sorbonne in, sends information to Dr. Ortiz at Rome, 566–7.
-, advices from, 13, 56.
Parisani (Ascanio), bp. of Rimini, 288.
Parker (Jane), daughter of Lord Morley, married to George Boleyn viscount Rocheford; dismissed from Court, 280.
Parliament, sitting, 12, 85, 279, 298, 346.
-, measures against the Pope in contemplation (Jan. 1534), 24.
-, the bill of succession to the Crown discussed in, 95.
-, -, that of supremacy, 109.
-, prorogued till November 1534, 108–9.
-, Chapuys asks permission to appear before, 61–6.
-, -, which is not granted, 67.
-, a bill passed in, forbidding the importation of new wine from France, 347.
-, subsidy granted by (Nov. 1535), 564.
Parma, city, 261.
-, in the event of Clement's death the cities of, and Piacenza to be seized by Leyva, 231.
-, chosen by Paul III. as one of the places of meeting for the General Council, 448.
Patache (patax, patadge), small war vessel; the pataches of Biscay introduce succour into Melilla (June 1535) besieged by the k. of Fez, 496.
Pate (Richard), archdeacon of Lincoln, nephew of bp. Longland, ambassador with the Emperor, 146, 219, 264, 293, 296, 381, 419, 424, 433, 514, 527 note.
-, -, attends the expedition to Tunis, 481, 491–2, 598.
-, sec. of, comes to England post haste (Sept. 1534), 264, 527, 624.
-, Int. ii.—vi.; 357, 417, 464, 469, 471–2, 535, 574–5, 583.
-, elected (Oct. 13, 1534), 275, 281, 287, 305, 321.
-, promises to hold a Council, 281, 288–9.
-, asked by Charles to join the Italian league, 291, 293.
-, wishing to get Milan for his son Pier Luigi, after the death of Sforza (Aug. 1535), 233.
-, his hesitation about the meeting of the Council, 342, 357.
-, -, at times siding with Francis and Henry, who oppose it, 472.
-, -, at other times seeming disposed, and negotiating with the German princes, 556–7, 561.
-, represented by Francis as unwilling to see him and the Emp. united, that he himself may get Milan for his son Pier Luigi, 360.
-, -, the Venetians being of the same advice, that they themselves may get possession of that duchy, ibid.
-, disputing the duchy of Camarino with the du. of Urbino, 363, 381, 449.
-, said to have once written to Henry a letter approving of the divorce, 435, 469.
-, -, and declaring that pope Clement had done him injury, ibid.
-, should Henry restore the affairs of the Church in England to their former state, means might be found to settle in a satisfactory manner the matrimonial suit, 435.
-, sends a force against Perugia, 512–3.
-, -, goes thither in person, 536–7.
-, delays the "executory letters," 464.
-, returns to Rome (Oct. 1535), 545.
-, wishing for an interview with Charles, 545.
-, called by Cromwell "the bishop" or the "idol of Rome," 554.
-, decides at last to have the executory letters published, 524, 555.
-, sends a comminatory breve to Henry, 555.
-, -, and resolves to convoke the Council, 556–7, 561.
-, leaves for Ostia, 582–3.
-, Katharine writes to (Dec. 1535), 583–4.
-, conversations with Cifuentes, 556–7, 561.
-, his datary, v. Jacobacis.
-, mastro di casa, v. Parisani.
Paulet (Sir William), controller of the household, about to be sent to Calais, 65, 156, 251, 511.
-, -, calls on Mary as royal deputy, to persuade her to renounce the title of princess, 206, 251.
Pavia, battle of (Feb. 1525), alluded, 60.
Pedro (Juan), imp. messenger, 372.
Peñafiel in Old Castille, castle of, to be delivered by co. de Ureña to D. Manrique de Lara, 495.
Pepiplet, 545; v. Fetyplace.
Percy (Henry), 18th earl of Northumberland, warden of the East and Middle Marches, 94.
-, -, no longer the King's friend, 354.
-, -, again of the Royal party; Katharine's friends would be glad of his arrest on the first outbreak of the people, 610.
-, -, his physician, in communication with Chapuys, 354–5.
Perez (capn. Luis), bearer of despatches from Rome, 100, 107.
Perez de Guzman (D. Juan Alonso), du. of Medina Sidonia, 496.
Perosa, v. Perugia.
Perpignan in the Roussillon, troops to be sent to, against a possible attack of the French, 495.
Perrenin, 423, 622, Int. viii.; v. also Perrenot.
Perrenot (Antoine), son of Nicholas, sec. of Requests in Flanders, 323, 382, 619, 622.
-, -, letters to, from Chapuys, 128.
-, (Nicholas), sieur de Granvelle, Lord Privy Seal to the Emp., 75, 132, 170, 247, 381, 432–3, 451, 454, 587, 607–8, 619.
-, -, Chapuys' lets. to, 144–5, 166, 171, 179, 190, 204, 206–7, 212, 222, 228, 230, 241, 244.
-, -, Hannaërt's, 233.
Persia, Sophi of, v. Thamasp.
Perugia (in the Roman States), the Baglioni trying to get into, under plea of helping the Sienese against the Florentines (Sept. 1534), 266.
-, the people of, instigated by Medici, likely to invade Urbino (Oct. 1534), 281.
-, Francesco Maria della Rovere intriguing at (Dec. 1534), 342.
-, pope Paul sends a force against (July 1535), 512–13.
-, -, under the command of his son Pier Luigi Farnese, 512–13.
-, -, goes thither himself (Oct.?) 537, 545.
-, -, co. Cifuentes at, 547.
Peso (Pedro del), Spanish engineer, sent to inspect the defences of St. Sebastian, in Guipuzcoa (Spain), (June 1535,) 495.
Petiplet, v. Fetyplace?.
Philip (Phelipe, Felipe), prince of Spain, son of Charles V. (born 21 May 1527), 239, 623.
-, -, crowned (April 1528), 395.
-, -, marriage of, to Elizabeth, proposed by Cromwell to Chapuys, 420, 496, 585.
-, -, slightly indisposed (June 1535), 496.
Philip, landgrave of Hesse (1509–67) in France; promoting the cause of the German Lutherans, 39, 53.
-, -, said to have defeated Ferdinand in a battle, 167.
-, -, working for du. Ulric's restoration, 183.
-, the co. Palatine, in command of the Imp. army in Germany, wounded in an encounter with (1534), 189.
-, -, his opinion of the General Council, 194.
-, -, is helped with money by Francis, 208.
-, -, subvention promised to, by Henry, 224.
-, -, Chapuys instructed to ascertain Henry's object, ibid.
-, -, agreement made by, with the k. of the Romans, 230.
-, -, again arming in favour of Francis (Feb. 1535), 400.
-, -, helping to French intrigues in Germany (July), 211, 214–5, 369, 395, 515, 527.
Piacenza, 261.
-, Ottaviano Guasco to be removed from, 105.
-, Bologna or Parma to be the places for the General Council to meet, 448.
-, -, instead of Mantua and Verona proposed by Charles and the German princes, 449.
Picardy, a prov. of France, Francis in, 134, 514.
Pice, Mr. (?), 443; v. also Rye.
Pico della Mirandola (Galeotto), co. della Concordia, 81, 113, 144, 186, 209, 232, 334.
-, -, seizes and fortifies la Mirandola, 98.
-, -, encouraged by Clement to retain it, 98.
-, (Giulia), sister of the preceding, married to Vespasiano Colonna, 98.
-, (Giovan Francesco), murdered by his nephew Galeotto (1533), 98.
-, -, his heirs, 98, 144.
Pio da Carpi (Alberto), a friend of pope Clement (d. Jan. 1531), 142 note.
-, (Leonelo), takes possession of Novi, 113, 142–4.
-, -, restitution of, to be enforced by Leyva,.
-, (Rudolfo), bp. of Faenza (1528–36), Nuncio in France, 327.
Piedmont, prince of, v. Savoie (Louis de).
Pignatello (Hettore), du. de Monteleone, viceroy of Sicily (d. March 1534), 46.
Pirates, Moorish, in the Mediterranean (1534), 186.
Pirro, ., Cippiçano and Colonna.
Pisani, Pisano (card. Francesco), his sec., 119.
Plague in London, 300, 534, 546.
-, house built as a place of refuge from the, 300.
Plantagenet (Margaret), co. of Salisbury, mother of Reginald de la Pole, 234, 325.
-, -, once Mary's gouvernante, 234.
Plate, silver and gold, a quantity of, weighing upwards of 12,000 marks, of all kinds and forms, wrought in London (July 1534), by Henry's commands, to be presented in France, 201.
-, Katharine afraid that the small quantity she herself possesses will have the same fate as her rings and jewels, 201.
Poggio (Giovanni), bp. of Tropea, papal collector in Spain, a friend and relative of Carneseca, Clement's sec., proposed as Nuncio to the Emp., 6.
-, -, appointed, 105–6, 108, 348.
-, -, with Charles in Spain, 181, 219, 334, 448–9, 601.
Poland, king of, v. Sigismond.
Pole (Jeffrey or Geoffrey), son of Sir Richard, 324, 471.
-, -, in correspondence with his brother Reginald, 325.
-, (Sir Henry), lord Montagu, 324.
-, (Reginald), dean of Essex:
-, -, presents a book to Katharine, 234.
-, -, said to be much adored by the English, 236.
-, -, and the only man capable of restoring things to their original state, 236, 323, 401.
-, to be sent to England as legate (1535), 486.
-, -, his arrival in Flanders (?), 554.
-, -, Henry writes a letter to (Dec. 1535), 594.
-, -, notice of, by Çornoça, 233–7.
-, Chapuys writes about him, 323–4.
-, (Sir Richard de la), surnamed "Blanche Rose," 235, 471 note, 622.
-, (Ursula?), sister of Reginald, married to a son of the du. of Buckingham (Henry Stafford), 235.
Pommeraye (Gilles de la), French extraordinary amb. in England (1534), 7.
-, -, arrives (13 Apr.), 109.
-, -, visits Elizabeth, 114–15.
-, -, his conversation with Chapuys, 116–17.
Pont à Mousson, marq. de, v. Lorraine (François de).
Ponte (Francisco), v. Aponte.
Portilla, imp. courier, 17.
Porto (Paulo de), sec. of card. Lorraine; arrives at Rome coming straight from France (Feb. 1535), 405.
-, -, to ask for a card.'s hat for the bp. of Paris (Jean du Bellay), 405.
-, -, goes to Venice, 405–6.
Porto Carrero, Puerto Carrero, ——, bearer of despatches from Rome (Sept. 1534), 262.
Porto Farina, in the Regency of Tunis (Africa), Charles at (Jan. 1535), 497.
Portsmouth, Henry's great ship repaired at, 555.
Portugal, 384.
-, Charles' amb. in, v. Sarmiento de Mendoza.
-, Francis' agent in, v. Onorato.
-, infanta of, v. Maria.
-, king of, v. Manuel.
Poupet (Charles), sieur de Lachaulx, Flemish amb. in England (1522), alluded, 115.
-, -, special amb. in France (1534), 115.
Pourcemout, v. Portsmouth.
Poyet (Guillaume), king's advocate at Angers, pres. of the Parliament of Paris, commissioner at Calais, 133, 472.
Praët, v. Flandre.
Prat (Autoine du), bp. of Sens (in France), card. leg. in France, Francis, high chancellor, 394, 397.
-, -, permission given to one in London, once imprisoned as a Lutheran, to declare from the pulpit that he who calls himself Pope is not such (Feb. 1534), 49.
-, -, daily abusing the Pope in their sermons (March 1534), 83, 421, 493.
-, -, no one allowed to preach unless he belongs to the new sect, 83.
-, -, or to mention the articles in their sermons, 199.
-, the bp. of London (Stockesley) on the invalidity of Henry's first marriage, and the usurpation of authority by the Pope (July 1535), 519.
Pregadi, the sittings in the Venetian senate, 461.
Prelates, the good English, meeting with the doctors summoned from Germany to discuss certain articles of Faith, 332.
Presendes (?), Imp. agent, the Emp's. instructions to (1535), 446.
-, from the signory of Venice to Norfolk, earl of Wiltshire, Cromwell, and others, of certain "brigandines" of tortoise-shell and mother-of-pearl, 74; v. Brigandines.
-, to the English ambs. (Boleyn and Fitzwilliam), by king Francis (April 1534), a gilt cup worth 1,000 duc. to each, 132.
-, from king Henry to the sec. of Lubeck, 100 ducats, 73.
-, from card. Merino to Cobos and Granvelle, cushions (coxinetes) from Rome, 196.
-, from king Henry to the Admiral of France (Chabot), silver and gold plate to the amount of 8,000 ducats, 337.
-, to Chapuys from Mr. Darcy, a very fine sword, and one forget-me-not of enamelled gold, 354.
-, to James V. of Scotland from k. Henry, a barb, three big horses, several pieces of gold and silver cloth, &c., 377.
-, to Chapuys' sec. from Henry, two deer slain by himself, and 10 angels of gold, 533.
-, 50 ducats to a German bringing Henry a book from Melancthon, 564.
-, -, and 200 more to the author of the book, 564.
-, queen Mary of Hungary to k. Henry, two gerfalcons, and several hunting dogs, 577.
Processions, in London, openly for Francis' convalescence, 569.
-, -, though said to be a thanks giving to God for having suffered him to become the chief of the Gallican Church, 570.
-, in Paris for the burning of Lutherans (Dec. 1535), 577.
Pucci (Lorenço), card. Sancti Quatuor, or Sanctorum Quatuor coronatorum, 7, 10, 84.
Purgatory, a London preacher on (Mar. 1535), 421, 559.
Pyrenees, Francis to take up a position on this side of the (Jan. 1535), 394.