Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1877.
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'Index: T', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529, ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1877), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'Index: T', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529. Edited by Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1877), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"Index: T". Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529. Ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1877), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
Taberna, v. Taverna.
Tactaro, Tartaro, Il Tataro, name given by Sanchez to the Turkish emperor Solyman, ii. 297.
Tagis, see Taxis.
Tagliacozzo, county of, Renzo penetrates into the Abruzzi by the, ii. 92.
-, -, overrun by the marquis de Saluzzo and the abbot of Farfa, ii. 559,611.
-, town of, Ascanio Colonna at, 974.
Tagliavia, Don Carlos, son of the count of Castel Vetrano, ii. 978.
Taillecher, v. Tayler.
Talamone, Telamone, seaport in Tuscany,
taken by Andrea Doria, 802, 819; ii. 15–1, 1004.
Talbot (also written Tallcbault and Tailebaut), lord, privy councillor, 86, 194.
Talena (?), attacked by Fruntsperg, 300.
Tallaeoz, v. Tagliacozzo.
Tallcbault, Tailebaut, v. Talbot.
Tamis, French gentleman of Bourbon's suite, sent on a mission to the Grisons, 855.
Tançan, v. Catançan.
Tapia, Alonso de, master of a Spanish caravel, ii. 629.
Tarento, city of, in Naples, successfully defended by count Noia, ii. 592, 712.
-, -, letters dated from, ii. 344, 459.
-, warder of, v. Herrera (Felipe).
-, archbishop of, his death recorded, 529.
Tarbes, bishop of, v. Grammont.
Tarcagnota, Italian historian, ii. 390, note.
Tardeghen, sieur de, v. Laurrens.
Tarragona (Catalonia), the "camareria" of, granted by the pope to an ecclesiastic of the family of Cerbellon, ii. 430.
Tarssis, Tassi, Tassis, v. Taxis.
Tassone, Galeazzo, sent by the duke of Ferrara to Lautrech, ii. 354, 445.
Tavera, Don Juan, archbishop of Santiago, 160.
Taverna, Giovan Francesco, Milanese ambassador in Venice, 201, 648.
-, -, suspected of being implicated in Morone's conspiracy, 293–4, 307, 382.
-, -, visits his master at Lodi, 827.
-, -, at Crema, 834.
-, -, in Venice treating with the confederates, 1030.
-, -, on a mission to France, ii. 798.
-, -, letters to Girolamo Morone (1525), 173, 175.
Taxis, Antonio de, imperial courier, 463.
-, Bartholomeo de, ii. 497, 507, 582, 685.
-, Donato de, 346, 612, 1000, 1028; ii. 69.
-, Francesco de, ii. 251, note.
-, Juan Bautista or Giovan Battista, postmaster-general in Flanders, ii. 66, 251.
-, family of, also called Tassis and Tarsis, ii. 251, note.
-, Lodovico, or Luis de, courier, sent to Flanders, ii. 627,681–2, 738, 814.
-, Maffeo, imperial postmaster-general in Spain, ii. 66, 135, 251.
-, Simon de, imperial postmaster-general in Milan and Naples, 507.
-, -, letter to Lope de Soria, 464.
Taxon, Taxone, v. Tassone.
Tayler, Dr. John, master of the rolls, English ambassador to France, called also Taillecher, sent with sir William Fitzwilliam for the ratification of the peace with France (1525), 402, 483, 738.
Tebaldi, Simone, alias Romano, slain in Calabria (1528), ii. 869.
Teguen or Theguene, Grison captain, raises troops for the emperor, 848, 855.
Termoli, duke of, ii. 172. iii. 2.
Tella, Scipione della, servant of the duke Francesco Sforza, allowed to leave Milan on a mission to the emperor, 519, 541.
-, -, to go to Como with the duke Francesco, 815.
Telles, Ruy or Rodrigo, chief lord steward of Leonor's household in Portugal, 370.
Tençane, v. Catançan.
Tenteville, a gentleman of Bourbon's suite, sent to Spain, ii. 218.
Termoles, v. Tremoli.
Terni and Narni, in the Rom. Stat., sacked by the Germans, ii. 411.
Terracina (Rom. Stat.), 1048.
-, Alarcon to land at, with 6,000 Spaniards, ii. 11.
-, Germans to remain at, ii. 233.
-, the Venetian fleet passes before, ii. 239.
-, bishop of (Antonio Bonsi?), sold by the Germans in the public market at Rome as if he were a slave, ii. 240.
Terranova, duchess of, v. Figueroa (Maria).
Tesino, river of Lombardy, v. Ticino.
Thamsia, v. Theimseke.
Thasis, v. Taxis.
Theata, v. Chieti.
Theatinus, the bishop of Theata or Chieti, v. Felice and Trophimo.
Theguene, Grison captain, 855, v. Teguen.
Theimseke, Themsike, Georg von, provost of Cassel, ambassador of Maximilian in England (1508), 308.
-, -, of Charles (1526), 1010, 1040, 1059.
-, -, replaces Jonglet, ii. 14, 17, 19, 29, 35–6.
-, -, notice of, Int. xix.
Theobaldo, Jacopo, ambassador of the duke of Ferrara at Venice, his conversation with Sanchez, 830, 896.
Therbes, v. Tarbes.
Therouanne, in France, to be provisioned against an English invasion (1525), 132, 145, 150, 209.
Thoulouse, sieur de, v. Marnix.
Thunes (?), letter from, written by Francis, 150.
Thungen, bishop of Wurtzburg, ii. 796.
Tiboli, Tibuli, v. Tivoli.
Ticino, river in Lombardy, 58.
-, -, the French evacuate Milan, and cross the, 58.
-, -, a division of the confederates to occupy the banks of the, in order to stop the supplies to the imperialists, 983.
Tipherno or Tiferno, Sant Angelo in Vado, at Umbria, death of cardinal Cortonna in, ii. 1006.
Tivoli, town in the Rom. Stat., the papal troops quartered at, i. 1048.
-, the imperial men-at-arms at, receive orders to fall back on Rome, ii. 427.
-, Napoleone Orsino and Stephano Colonna at, ii. 559.
Tobar, Francisco de, letter to the emperor, ii. 415.
-, Fernandez de Velasco D. Juan, marquis de Berlanga, ii. 883, v. Tovar.
-, -, letter to, from the emperor, ii. 620.
Tockay (Tokay), in Hungary, the vayvod of Transylvania flying towards, ii. 362.
Toco?, Hernando de, escorts king Francis on his voyage to Spain, 179.
Todi (Rom. Stat.), ii. 349.
-, the duke of Urbino reported to have left, ii. 569.
Toledo, in New Castille, the imperial court at, 173,255–6,260,411–24, 560–1, 563–70.
-, letters dated from, 144–5, 148–9, 151, 227–8, 331–6, 609, 623–4, 626–8.
-, letters dated from, 100–1, 148–9, 151, 245–7,327–8; (1526), 331–6; (1528), 602–3; (1529), ii. 622–3, 626, 633, 637–8.
-, D. Garcia de, fourth marquis de Villafranca, prisoner in France, 560.
-, Doña Leonor de, sister of D. Garcia, fourth marquis de Villafranca, married to the duke of Tuscany, 560, note.
-, D. Pedro de, marquis de Villafranca, letter to the emperor (1528), ii. 361.
Tolosa, Paulo de, Spanish merchant, ii. 851.
Tordesillas, in Castille, the imperial court at, ii. 50, note.
Torino (Turin), in Piedmont, 650.
-, letters dated from, 383, 394, 417.
Torniello, count Philippo, a Novarese, in the service of Sforza, 983, 1000.
-, -, goes over to the imperialists.
-, -, sent by Leyva to defend Novara, ii. 280, 369, 371.
-, -, holds his ground in the Lomelina, ii. 876.
-, -, asks for the confirmation of certain grants made to him in the emperor's name, ii. 903.
Torno (?), Mons. de, and his brother made prisoners at Aversa,, ii. 778.
Torpia, Turpya, v. Tropea.
-, chamberlain to Lannoy, ii. 591.
Torre, Antonio de la, v. La Torre.
Torre del Greco, the prince of Orange at, ii. 791.
Torres Novas, in Portugal, the court of João III. at, 371.
-, letter dated from, 231.
Tortona, French bands under the marquis of Saluzzo march on, for the purpose of joining the leaguers, 904.
-, recovered by Barnabó Adorno, 993.
-, bishop of, v. Gambara.
Tortosa, cardinal of, v. Enckwoërt.
Toscano, Lorenzo, sent by Louise to Rome, 994, note.
-, -, papal prothonotary, on a mission to France and England, to be arrested, 636.
Tournay, in Flanders, negotiations concerning, 142 ; ii. 283.
Tournon, Francois de, archbishop of Embrun, bishop of Bourges, sent by Louise de Savoie to Spain, 142.
-, -, instructions to, on that occasion, 82.
-, -, returns to Toledo, 483.
-, -, in Paris, ii. 799.
Tovar, Fernandez de Velasco D. Juan, marquis de Berlanga, brother of the constable of Castille, letter from the emperor to ii. 620.
Toyalda, marquis de la, the company of light horse vacant by the death of his brother (Caracciolo) to be given to, 57.
Trade, intercourse of, between England and the Low Countries discussed, 88, 92; ii. 35.
Traders, foreign, in England, not allowed to be householders, ii. 878.
Traietto in Naples, ii. 732.
-, duke of, v. Gaetano d'Aragona.
Trani in Puglia, also called Trana, governor of (Francisco Ycart), ii. 402.
-, declares for the Venetians, ii. 658, 677.
-, and Barletta to be attacked by the imperialists, ii. 825–8, 856.
-, Renzo da Ceri, sent to the relief of, 857–8, 866.
-, Venetian fleet sent with stores and provisions to, wrecked on the coast, ii. 875.
-, cardinal of, v. Cupis.
-, Giovanni Girolamo da, in command of the artillery at Naples, ii. 703.
Transteberi, a suburb of Rome, occupied by the imperialists, ii. 213, 216, 240.
Transylvania, one of the archduke's secretaries, a native of, sent by the emperor to Vienna, ii. 100.
-, vayvod of, v. Zapolski and Sepusio.
Trapani, ii. 648.
Trastamara, count of, v. Alvarez y Osorio.
Tratta, meaning of the word, 297, 1014; ii. 920.
Treaties, leagues, or truces projected or concluded (1525), draft of, between the pope and the emperor (1st April), 66.
-, of league between the pope, the emperor, Ferdinand, archduke of Austria, and the king of England, proclaimed at Rome (30th April), 148.
-, the truce between the Low Countries, and France not to Wolsey's taste, 277, 287.
Treaties of alliance between France and England, 307.
-, publicly proclaimed at all the frontiers of France, 362; ii. 61.
-, one of alliance proposed by the emperor to the pope, who objects to some of its articles,521, 525–8.
-, -, negociations for, suddenly broken, 727.
-, (1526), that of Madrid, generally called "La Concordia," signed (14th January), 564.
-, frequent allusions to, 552, 554, 559–60, 676, 1003.
-, the news of, received with joy at Milan, 581.
-, text of, to be translated into Latin, and circulated, ii. 98.
-, summary of, 320.
-, terms of truce proposed to Clement by Vespasiano Colonna, 850.
-, accepted by the imperialists, 946.
-, disapproved by the Venetians, 943.
-, not ratified by Bourbon, 977.
-, between the pope and D on Hugo de Moncada in the emperor's name, 556.
-, between Florence and the league independently of the pope (1527), articles proposed by the emperor for the peace with France, 43.
-, added and corrected by Nicolas Perrenot, ii. 128.
-, appointment of commissioners (Bourbon, Lannoy, Moncada, and Fr. Francisco de los Angelos), for the peace with the pope (20th April), 50.
-, agreement for a truce between Quiñones and Ferramosca in the emperor's name, Schomberg and Salviati for the pope, ii. 54.
-, to last for three years, ibid.
-, not approved by the Venetians, who refuse signing it under various pretences, ii. 55, 79, 97.
-, capitulation of Borne after the sack, ii. 77.
-, draft of, agreement for the same, ii. 84.
-, reluctantly signed by Clement, ii. 466.
-, of adhesion of Florence to the league, ii. 57.
-, of alliance between France and Venice, ii. 65.
-, -, England and France, 61, 291.
-, of defensive and offensive alliance proposed to Henry by the emperor, ii. 84, 180, 187.
-, not accepted on account of England being bound to France by a separate stipulation, ibid.
-, of truce with the pope, signed 15th October 1526, ii. 119.
Treaties, the Romans dissatisfied with the, ii. 120.
-, the Ferrarese ambassador (Matheo Cassella), complains of his master not having received previous notice of, ibid.
-, (1528–9), truce of six months between the Low Countries and England, ii. 7.
-, proposed by Margaret, ii. 642.
-, concluded against the emperor's will ii. 738.
-, the ratification of, brought by an English messenger from Spain, ii. 784, 791.
-, though highly disapproved by Charles, ii. 815.
-, Wolsey urges the prorogation of the, ii. 886.
-, proposals made to Wolsey for a peace between the emperor and king Francis, ii. 386, 393.
-, the emperor's instructions to Don Iñigo respecting the, ii. 566, 809.
Trebbia, river of Lombardy, 1037; ii. 70–1.
-, Bourbon's letter to Soria dated from the camp on the, ii. 26.
Treço or Trezzo, on the Adda; Girolamo Morone at, 815.
-, held by the imperialists, ii. 70, 449.
Tremoli, duke of, v. Termoli, ii. 712.
Trent, in the Tyrol, 925.
-, bishop of, v. Clesis.
-, captain of, in correspondence with Alonso Sanchez, 783, 1030.
-, letters dated from, 102, 178, 181–2, 544.
-, valley of, 57.
-, the Germans pass muster at, ii. 683.
-, letters dated from, 102, 178,181–2, 544.
Trentschin, castle of, in Hungary, taken by Ferdinand, king of Bohemia, ii. 816.
Trequo, v. Treço and Trezzo.
Treveris (Trèves) archbishop and elector of, v. Grieffenklau.
Treviso (Venice), the defence of, to be increased against an attack of Brunswick's Germans, ii. 677.
-, Bernardo, bishop of, governor of Rome, 928.
Trezzo, v. Treço.
Tricarico, bishop of, v. Canossa.
Tripalda, La, in Naples, the confederates encamp at, ii. 654.
-, the imperialists in, ii. 658.
-, -, marquis de la, governor of Puglia (1527), ii. 221, 608, 812, 825.
-, Rodrigo de, ii. 233.
-, -, escapes from St. Angelo, 475.
Triulzio (Triulzo, Triulcis, Trigulzio, &c.), cardinal Agostino, 784, 792.
Triulzio, cardinal Agostino, hostage for the pope at Naples, ii. 950–1.
-, -, opinion of Mai respecting, ibid.
-, Theodoro de, 634, 792.
-, -, called also Tadeo, in command of the papal forces, 1048.
-, -, the "castelletto" or citadel of Genoa surrenders to, ii. 348.
-, -, governor of Genoa for the French, ii. 649.
-, -, capitulates with" Andrea Doria, ii. 824.
-, -, in Alessandria with St. Pol, ii. 852.
Troia, in the Capitanata of Naples, the imperialists from Rome reach, ii. 611.
-, -, -, defeated by Lautrec at, and obliged to take refuge in Naples, ii. 625, 663, 675.
Tronto, river in the Abruzzo ult., Naples invaded by way of, 581, 592, 663, 705, 741.
Tropea (Turpya, Torpia), in Calabria, ii. 868.
-, bishop of, refuses the cardinal's hat offered to him because he cannot procure the price demanded, ii. 520.
-, letter dated from, ii. 608.
Trophimo, Felice, bishop of Chieti, described as a Spanish renegade Jew, and the confidential servant of cardinal Ancona, ii. 9, note.
Troya, v. Troia.
Tuke, sir Brian, postmaster-general and secretary for the French tongue, ii. 39, 51–2, 148, 204, 206–7.
-, -, suspected by Praet of opening and reading his correspondence, 53.
-, -, recommended for a pension from the emperor, though he gets already one from France, ii. 119, 144, 193, 207–8.
-, -, on good terms with Mendoza, ii. 438.
-, -, confounded with sir Francis Brian, ii. 874.
Tumbano and Tambano, a measure of wheat used in Sicily, 162; ii. 646.
Tunstall, Dr. Cuthbert, bishop of London, vice-chancellor and master of the rolls, ambassador to Spain, 52, 86, 94, 97, 99, 111, 114, 206; ii. 25, 105, 192–3.
-, -, pensioned by the emperor, 550.
-, -, to succeed Wolsey as chancellor, ii. 193.
-, -, appointed to be the queen's counsel in the divorce case, ii. 669, 842.
Turenne, Francis viscount de, French ambassador in England, ii. 83, 109, 825.
-, -, signs the treaty of alliance between France and England in April 1527, ii. 171.
Turin (Torino), riot at, against the Spaniards, 224.
-, Lope Hurtado at, 629.
-, letters dated from, 417,473.
Turkish, a body of, cavalry in the service of Venice, ii. 796.
-, -, most of them slain at the siege of Pavia, ibid.
Turks threaten to invade Carniola and Stiria, 89.
-, -, raids made by the, in the archduke's dominions, 90.
-, threaten the Spanish possessions in Africa, 419.
-, prepare to invade Hungary, 593.
-, the king of Hungary (Lewis), routed and slain by the, at Mohatz, 895.
-, formal invasion of Austria by the, apprehended, 928.
-, -, cross the Danube in the direction of Transylvania, 968.
-, evacuate Hungary and retreat into their own country, 988.
-, ambassadors of Charles sent to ask for help against the, detained in France, 1025.
-, Naples and Sicily in danger of the, 593; ii. 57, 280, 605.
-, the cortes of Valladolid grant Charles a service against the, ii. 106.
-, preparations made to attack the, in their own country, ibid.
-, Henry and his allies greatly alarmed, suspecting that Charles' armaments are solely intended for the prosecution of the Italian war, ii. 108.
-, prepare again to invade the Austrian dominions, ii. 648, 657, 677.
-, invasion of Austria by the, reported by a Franciscan friar, ii. 800, 815.
-, emperor of the, v. Solyman.
Turpya, v. Torpia and Tropea.
Tuscany, the kingdom of, to be given by Charles to his brother the archduke, 647.
Tusignano, Francesco, Genoese secretary and agent at Milan, suspected of being in treaty with Francesco Sforza, and the garrison of the castle of Milan, 667.
-, -, accused by Leyva, leaves Milan secretly and returns to Genoa, 668.
Tyrol, county of, rising of the peasants in the, owing to the suggestions of the Lutherans (1525), 90.
-, -, a force to be raised for the defence of, 897, 899, 932.