Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1877.
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'Index: S', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529, ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1877), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'Index: S', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529. Edited by Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1877), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"Index: S". Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529. Ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1877), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
Sabelli, Savello, Giovambattista, condottiere, in the service of the pope, ii. 68.
-, -, village belonging to, set on fire by the garrison of. Rocca di Papa, ibid.
Sabino, bishop of, v. Accolti.
Sable, Domenico, v. Sauli.
Saco or Sacco, Micer Giacomo Philippo, or Jacopo Filippo, appointed one of the twelve "conservatori" of Milan, 430.
-, -, on a mission from Francesco Sforza to Don Hugo, 750.
-, -, -, to Bourbon, 825.
Sadoleto, bishop of Carpentras, 35, 83, 587; ii. 158–9.
Safe conducts, negociations respecting, and safeguards, 34, 80, 131, 146, 147–8, 169, 184, 194.
-, Margaret's ambassadors complain of, having been granted in England during the war, 80.
Saint Andrew, archbishop of, 578–9.
-, -, the emperor's letter to, 327.
-, Brancard, baron de, in command of a fleet destined for the deliverance of Francis, 154.
-, -, vice-admiral of Bretagne, ii. 182.
-, -, one of his galleys having treasure on board captured by Moorish pirates in the Piombino Straits, ii. 692.
-, -, v. Ormesan.
-, Germain, the queen dowager of France at, ii. 641.
-, Jean de Lus, arrival of Francis at, on his return from Spain, 617.
-, John of Jerusalem, knights of the order of, recommended to the emperor, 309.
-, -, who promises to give them Malta in place of Rhodes, taken by the Turks, 306.
-, -, and writes to Henry and Wolsey in their favour, ii. 786–7.
-, -, Julien, baron of, v. Veyre.
-, Just, a place near Lyons, letters dated from, 265, 269, 281, 468.
-, Mesmes, called also St. Memes and St. Menas, captain of the French gendarmes, prisoner at Pavia, ii. 926.
Saint Michael, order of, sent by Francis to Henry, ii. 438, 443, 459.
-, Paul's Church, in London, thanksgiving in, for the victory at Pavia, 86.
-, -, Wolsey celebrates mass at, on the same occasion, 91.
-, Peter (Sanct Pietro) at Rome, sacked by the imperialists, 198.
-, Pol, v. Bourbon (François).
-, Queutin, attack on, contemplated, 87, 135.
-, Valliers, sieur de, v. Poictiers.
Salamanca, bishop of, v. Bobadilla.
-, count [Fernando Pedro?], Austrian ambassador in Rome, 116, 794, 935.
-, -, signs the draft of a treaty of alliance proposed by Clement to Charles, 115.
-, -, on a mission to king Henry, 629, 936.
-, -, arrives in London (17th March 1527), and applies for assistance against the Turk, ii. 116, 119, 124, 159, 391, 691.
-, -, letter to the emperor, ii. 564.
-, G[onzalo?], called also El Maestro and Il Magnifico, 628.
-, -, Austrian ambassador in Venice, 832, 925.
-, -, letter to the emperor, 564.
-, -, -, to Margaret of Austria, 379.
Salanova, Mons. de, governor of Nizza, official correspondence between Milan and Spain to be forwarded by (1526), 884.
Salazar, foster brother of archduke Ferdinand, ii. 60.
-, Francisco de, letter to Gattinara describing the sack of Rome (1527), ii. 70, 87.
-, y Castro, D. Luis de, his collection of historical papers, Int. vii.
Saldanha, Juan de, superintendent of the royal household at Lisbon, 370.
Salerno (Naples), battle in the gulf of, lost by the imperialists (28th April 1528), ii. 671,758.
-, -, recovered by the imperialists, ii. 774.
-, prince of, v. Sanseverino.
-, archbishop of, v. Fregoso (Federigo).
-, princess of, ii. 776.
Salinas, Doña Maria de, lady-in-waiting to Katharine of Aragon, ii. Int. xxiv.
-, D. Martin de, Ferdinand's ambassador in Spain, 102 ; ii. 546.
-, -, appointed chamberlain, ii. 603.
-, -, letters to the king of Bohemia and Hungary (1525), 53.
-, -, -, (1527), 1, 21,28,30,51, 73, 79, 91, 159–60, 162, 177, 191, 221, 235–6, 244.
Salinas, D. Martin de, letters to the king of Bohemia and Hungary, (1528), 295, 317,320, 378, 380, 402, 409, 487, 570, 603; (1529), 629, 648, 668, 683.
-, -, letters to secretary Castillejo (1528), ii. 296, 410; (1529), 684.
-, -, notice of, ii. Int. xxviii.
-, courier, 640.
Salisbury, bishop of, v. Campeggio.
Salm, count, at the head of German lansquenets, 22, 57.
-, -, defeats the vayvod of Transylvania, ii. 417.
Salma, measure of wheat used in Sicily, ii. 919.
Salme, v. Salm.
Salmoneta, v. Sermoneta.
Salnitre, meaning of the word, erroneously spelt salmitre, ii. 1004.
-, present of, sent by Solyman to the Venetians, ii. 621.
-, procured in abundance from Trani and other towns in Puglia, ii. 677.
Salo, river of, Lombardy, ii. 761.
Salsas, Salses, a port of Roussillon, 883.
-, the warder of, to report about the artillery available in that fortress, ii. 757.
Salou, a port of Catalonia, the imperial and Genoese galleys at, 427.
Salt, high price of, in the Low Countries, 80.
-, -, negociations about the, of Milan, 238, 741, 951.
Saltzburg, defeat of the German peasants at, 820.
-, cardinal archbishop of, v. Lang.
Saluzzo, marquisate of, occupied by Pescara, 250, 259 ; ii. 998.
-, -, promised to the count of Geneva, 268–9.
-, -, recovered by Michaele Antonio, 398.
-, Francesco, marquis of, ii. 871, note.
-, -, deprives Giovanni Lodovico of his inheritance, 1002.
-, Giovanni Lodovico succeeds his brother Michaele Antonio, ii. 871, 1002.
-, -, makes demonstrations in favour of the emperor, ii. 879.
-, -, and applies for aid against his brother Francesco, ibid.
-, Lodovico II., eleventh marquis of, ii. 1002.
-, Michaele Antonio (or Michel Agnolo?), twelfth marquis of, son of Lodovico II., retires to France after the battle of Pavia; sets Don Hugo de Moncada at liberty, 60, 1054.
-, -, his estates confiscated, 259.
-, -, recovered, 396.
Saluzzo, Michaele Antonio, at Lyons with an army ready to cross over to Italy and join the confederates, 821.
-, -, invades the county of Asti and prepares to attack Genoa, 883, 926. 983.
-, -, marches on Castellazzo and Tortona, 904.
-, -, and Guido Rangone start in pursuit of Bourbon, ii. 9, 160.
-, -, in Lombardy, ii. 426.
-, -, overruns the Abruzzi, ii. 556, 610.
-, -, joins Lautrec before Naples, ii. 670.
-, -, succeeds him in the command of the forces, ii. 772, 784.
-, -, wounded and prisoner at A versa, ii. 777, 781, 783.
-, -, death of, ii. 828,1002.
-, marchioness of, v. Foix-Candalle (Margaret).
Salviati, family of the, at Florence, ii. 88.
-, Bernardo (?), papal nuncio in France, 973.
-, Micer Giacomo or Jacopo, prior of Rome, 54, 135, 662, 690, 805; ii. 940– 2, 948, 954, 971, 975, 977.
-, -, accused by Alberto di Carpi of being the ruin of Italy, 528.
-, -, considered the emperor's friend, ibid.
-, -, letter written to, in acknowledgement of his services, 609.
-, -, one of the sons of, to be given as hostage after the first capitulation of Rome (in 1526), 928.
-, -, bond of 30,000 ducats to be forfeited by, in case of the hostages not going to Naples as stipulated, 1018, 1021.
-, -, himself to be security for the pope after the sack of Rome, ii. 210, 232, 237, 954.
-, -, not trusted by the pope in the Florence business, he himself being a Florentine, ii. 977.
-, Giovanni de', cardinal of Sant Cosmo e Damiano, son of Jacopo, congratulates the emperor on the success of his arms at Pavia, 90.
-, -, appointed papal legate to Spain, 158, 203, 224, 249.
-, -, succeeds in crossing the frontier, 265, 287.
-, -, to be Wolsey's delegate in the event of his being appointed vicar general, ii. 437.
-, -, considered an imperialist, ii. 443.
-, -, said to have been commissioned by the pope to ascertain whether Henry really wished, and could, divorce from Katharine, and take another wife, ii. 650.
-, -, letter to the emperor, 42.
Salviati, Giovanni de', his negociations with Micer Mai, ii. 944, 977.
-, Lorenzo, brother (?) of Jacopo, banker at Rome, 53, 58.
-, -, hostage for the first capitulation of Rome, 928.
-, Maria, widow of Giovannino de' Medici, ii. 220.
-, -, after the expulsion of the Medici from Florence, takes refuge in Massa, ibid.
Salzedo, Juan de, captain of Spanish infantry, his broil with Juan de Urbina, ii. 646.
-, -, signs a petition of the Spanish infantry, ii. 697.
-, -, letter to the emperor, ii. 440.
Samme, v. Salm.
Sampson, Richard, archdeacon of Cornwall, dean of Windsor, and English ambassador in Spain, 12, 46, 65, 74, 84, 100, 103, 179, 207, note.
San Bereño, monastery close to Genoa, ii. 347.
San Brancat, Sanbrancate (Saint Brancard), baron de, v. Ormesan.
Sanchez, Alonso, imperial ambassador in Venice, negociates with the signory along with Caracciolo, 588–95.
-, -, by himself refuses to attend the solemn proclamation of the Clementine league at Venice, on the plea that it is intended against the emperor, 781, 961.
-, -, bills of exchange to the order of, not paid by Venetian bankers, 782.
-, -, in correspondence with the bishop of Trent, Juan de Castro, and others, threatens to quit Venice, 783, 925, 931, 937.
-, -, ordered to remain at his post, 989.
-, -, letters of, intercepted and deciphered at Venice, ii. 342, 931,
-, -, the emperor's instructions to, 149.
-, -, ordered to quit Venice that the signory's ambassador may leave Spain, ii. 690.
-, -, takes shelter at La Mirandola, ii. 763.
-, -, in Bologna, ii. 870.
-, -, appointed treasurer at Naples, ii. 928.
-, -, notice of, Int. xxvii.
-, -, keeps up a correspondence with the prince of Orange, Leyva, and Don Iñigo in England, ii. 870.
-, -, assists the latter in the divorce case, ibid.
-, -, letters to, from the king of Hungary or his secretaries (1527), ii. 101–2, 229, 233.
-, -, letters to Lannoy, 81, 84, 627.
Sanchez, Alonso, letters to the emperor (1525), 92, 147, 162, 166, 167, 176, 187, 205, 206, 216, 217, 220, 222, 224, 236, 237, 240, 249, 250, 252,255,282,284,294–5, 303, 305 ; (1526), 329, 340,344, 355–7, 375, 384, 388, 403, 430–1, 436, 459, 470, 477, 495, 507, 543, 546, 553, 560, 567, 572, 595, 596, 626, 641; ii. 434, 461, 518; (1527), ii. 10, 31, 35, 53, 64, 80, 96, 120, 125, 148, 163, 175, 192, 196, 214, 216, 225, 278 ; (1528), 287, 292, 302, 314, 321, 336, 350–1, 357, 359, 364, 368, 372, 382–3, 468–9, 500, 514, 518.
-, -, to Gattinara, 356, 439, 501.
-, -, to Lope de Soria, 460, 512, 517.
-, -, to the marquis de Pescara, 254.
-, -, to chancellor Gattinara, 428, 462.
-, Dr. Gabriel, secretary to Ferdinand, king of Bohemia and Hungary, ii. 295, 995.
-, -, letters to his kinsman, Alonso Sanchez, ii. 864, 905; (1527), ii. 101.
-, -, to the bishop of Trent, ii. 114.
-, Luis, Int. xxvii.
-, Fray Pablo, recommended for a bishopric at Naples, 701.
-,de Baeza, Thomas, governor of Cremona, gallant defence of that city, 877–8.
-, -, surrenders by capitulation, 736–7.
-, -, slain at the siege of Castelletto in the Monferrato, ii. 288.
-, -, letter to Guasto and Leyva, 533.
-, de Ulloa, Lope, agent of the archbishop of Toledo at Rome, witnesses the reading of a letter from the emperor to the college of cardinals (12th December 1526), 1039, 1046–7.
San Christoforo, close to Milan, occupied by Lautrec, 418.
-, the Venetians under the duke of Urbino encamped at, 419.
Sanctistevan, v. Sant Stephano.
Sanct Anton, Sanct Antonio, knight commander of, 949, 973, 982.
Sancta Maria, in Dominica, cardinal of, v. Orsino (Franciotto).
Sancti Spiritus, a village in the Bolognese, the Germans supposed to be at, ii. 698, 951.
Sanctorum Quatuor, cardinal, v. Sanctiquatro and Pucci.
Sancto Vito, Porto di, ii. 705.
San Cosmo e Damiano, cardinal of, v. Salviati (Giovanni).
San Damiano e Santo Eustachio, cardinal of, v. Farnese.
Sandes, v. Sandys.
San Donnino, Borgo di, ii. 58, note.
Sandis de Vargas, Ruy, Spanish captain, ii. 697.
Sandoval, Fr. Prudencio de, bishop of Pamplona, his history of Charles V., Int. vi.
-, -, took most of his materials from Simancas, ibid.
-, -, quoted and corrected, 692, 842; Int. ii. 315.
-, y Rojas, D. Bernardo, marquis de Denia, ii. 837.
-, -, Christoval, 6on of the above, dean of Jaen, ibid.
Sandys, William, lord treasurer of Calais, 76, 95, 209.
San Firenze (San Fiorenzo), gulf of, in Corsica, the Spanish fleet anchors at, 346.
San Florencio, in the island of Corsica, v. San Firenze.
Sanga, Giovambattista, secretary to Jacopo Salviati, and papal nuncio in Venice, sent by Clement to Francis, arrives at the court of France, 822.
-, -, to England, to urge Henry to join the league, ibid.
-, -, on a mission from the pope to Doria, ii. 758.
-, -, letter to the bishop of Pola, 461.
-, -, sent on a message to Mai, ii. 954.
San Germano (Lavoro, Naples), 1007; ii. 610, 612, 693, 703.
San Gervasio (Rom. Stat.), 386, 389.
San Giorgio, village 10 miles from Bologna, Bourbon's army at, ii. 96.
-, close to Milan, the confederates encamped at, 824.
-, cardinal of, ii. 200.
-, order of, 865; ii. 734.
San Giovanni, v. Castel.
San Giovanni di Maurienna (Savoy), bishop of, v. Gattinara.
-, del Poggio, abbey of, 663, 697.
San Giuro, Castello di (San Giorio, in Naples), the marquis of Saluzzo joins the French camp at, in the Terra di Lavoro, ii. 663.
Sangro, Gonsalvo di, bishop of Leecet in Naples, pope's chamberlain, sent to Spain to demand the release of the three cardinals kept as hostages at Naples, ii. 707,763.
-, -, his report to Miçer Mai, ii. 933.
-, -, count di (Sarno?), attacks and takes Nola, 773.
San Isidro [de Leon], collegiate church in Spain, negociations at Rome respecting the, 697.
San Juan de la Pena, abbey of, in Aragon, 697.
-, del Poya, abbey of, 609.
San Juro (San Giorio or Saniorio ?) castle of, in Savoy, 663.
San Leo, castle of, in the Florentine territory claimed by the duke of Urbino, ii. 44.
San Lorenço, three miles from Montefalcone. the imperialists under Bourbon at, ii. 177.
San Marçal, priorate of, in Navarre, 610, 664. 697.
San Marcello, cardinal of, v. Vich.
San Matheo, cardinal of, v. Egidius.
San Michaele, Porta, one of the gates of Cremona, the confederates defeated at, 877.
San Miguel de Esfay, priory of, in Catalonia, the pope disposes of, in favour of one of his courtiers, ii. 757.
San Martino, La Montagna di, close to Naples, Guasto in charge of, ii. 671.
San Pablo, college of, at Valladolid, meeting of the cortes at, ii. 59.
-, the christening of prince Philip takes place in, ii. 220.
San Pancracio, gate of, at Rome, ii. 195.
Sanper, in Piedmont, Spanish infantry defeated at, 803.
San Piero, San Pietro, di Arena, or dell' Arena, della Rena, &c., near Genoa, ii. 347.
-, Philippino Doria lands on the coast of Genoa, and visits, ii. 368.
San Pietro Inyessa, name of a suburb in Milan, the marquis de Pescara first buried in a benedictine convent at, 512.
San Remo, watch tower of, close to Genoa, belonging to the order of San Giorgio, 269.
-, Andrea Doria at, ii. 734.
San Salvatore, bulwark of, at Pavia, 44.
San Sebastiano, on the river Pò, 299.
San Segundo, count Pier Maria de, deserts the league, and goes over to the imperialists, ii. 234–6, 242.
-, -, defeated and taken prisoner by the marquis de Saluzzo, 392.
San Severino, in Puglia, the confederates take, ii. 663, 675.
-, recovered by the imperialists, ii. 774.
Sanseverino, Miçer Antonio, a Neapolitan, created cardinal, ii. 591–3, 952, 531.
-, Ferdinando, and Ferrante di, prince of Salerno, ii. 138, 155, 162,170, 774.
-, -, made prisoner at the battle of Capri, 678.
-, Gian Bernardino, son of the duke of Soma or Somma, in Naples, taken prisoner near Trani, ii. 812.
-, Gian Francesco di, count of Gaiazzo, 816.
-, Maria, mother of the marquis del Vasto, Int. xxxvi.
Sanseverino, duke of Somma (Alfonso), revolt of, in Calabria, ii. 701.
-, appointed viceroy of that province by Lautrec, 704.
-, defeated, 769.
-, flies to Corfu, 859.
San Severo, in the Capitanata of Naples, occupied by the confederates, ii. 610.
San Siveri (?), v. San Severino.
Sansovino, Francesco, Italian genealogist, quoted, ii. Int. xxxv.
Santa Anastasia, cardinal of, . Campeggio (Lorenzo).
-, Barbara, Spanish galley, sunk in the gulf of Salerno, ii. 751.
-, Christina, priorate of, in Aragon, 160, 248, 306.
-, Croce, cardinal of, v. Carvajal and Quiñones.
Santacruz, v. Santa Croce.
-, Juan de, Spanish captain at Naples, ii. 697.
Santa Eufemia, prior of, v. Moncada.
-, Maria de Guadalupe, Spanish vessel, boarded and taken by a French man-of-war, 338.
-, Maria, abbacy of, at Najera in Spain, Int. xxxvii.
-, Maria in Porticu, cardinal of, v. Bibiena.
-, Martha, abbacy of, in Galicia, ii. 427.
Sant Andrea in Savoy, 447.
Santangelo, Civittà, or Città (Naples), marquis of, v. Caracciolo.
-, castle of, between Lodi and Pavia, taken by Pescara, 40.
-, -, by the imperialists under Leyva, and its garrison of 800 men put to the sword, ii. 749.
-, -, in Rome, the pope besieged in, ii. 200–1, 211,213, 217.
-, -, -, spies from, arrested by the Germans and hung, ii. 225.
-, -, -, Alarcon made governor of, ii. 234, 236, 243.
Santarem, in Portugal, ii. 615.
Santa Severina (Naples), occupied by the confederates, ii. 611.
-, -, count of, v. Caraffa.
Santelmo, castle of, in Naples, governor of, . Piccolomini.
San Gregorio (San Giorgio?), hospital of, outside of Milan, 824.
Santi Giulio, a Siennese, arrested, ii. 998.
Santiago [de Compostella], in Galicia, declaration signed at, ii. 338.
-, -, letter dated from, 161.
-, de los Españoles, a church at Rome, ii. 250.
Santi Quatro, cardinal, v. Pucci (Lorenzo).
Santistevan, v. St. Stefane.
Sant Lorenzo (Rom. Stat.), Chalon takes refuge in, to escape from the infuriated Germans, ii. 267.
-, -, in Damaso, church at Rome, ii. 945.
Santo Andrea, imperial galley, sunk in the gulf of Salerno, ii. 751.
-, Felice, Miçer Antonio de, president of the Summaria at Naples, deserts to the French (1528), ii. 680.
-, -, -, his estate confiscated and given to Hieronymo Francesco, ii. 833, 851, 857.
Sant Olegio, on the Ticino, the confederates retire from, into Piedmont, 1012.
Santo Stefano, seaport town on the coast of Sienna, arrival of the imperial fleet at, 1029, 1032–3, 1035, 1038, 1054.
-, the French fleet at (1525), 104, 106.
-, -, Lannoy lands at, 1032–3, 1035, 1038, 1054.
-, -, bailli of, one of the pope's chamberlains, ii. 326.
-, Tomé, priory of, in Segovia, 274.
Sanuto, Venetian senator, his diary quoted by Rawdon Brown, ii. 544.
San Vitale e Santa Praxede, cardinal of, v. Monte.
Saposito, chamberlain to Clement, sent on a mission to the generals of the league, ii. 217.
Saragossa, v. Qaragoza.
Sardinia, island of, to be attacked by the combined fleets of Venice and France, ii. 238.
Sarmiento, captain Diego, 232; ii. 828, 839, 856.
-, D. Francisco, lieutenant of a company of men-at-arms, 164.
-, Juan, ii. 281.
-, Pedro, witnesses the reading of the emperor's letters to the pope and cardinals, 1039, 1046.
Sarno, count, 693, 799.
-, -, attacks and takes Nola, ii. 773.
Sarrabal (Seravalle), in Lombardy, 1013.
Sartirana, in the Milanese, count of, v. Gattinara.
Sarzana, captain, writes from Siena, announcing the defeat of the Florentines, 821.
Sassatello (Zuanne Saxadello?), the castle of Imola taken from, ii. 544.
Sasso, in Tuscany, Bourbon to march on Florence by way of, and Barbarino, ii. 130.
Sauli, Domenico, Genoese, dealings of, with the duke of Milan and Morone, 238, 341, 364, 390–1, 460–1.
-, -, -, on intimate terms with the datary, 384.
-, -, -, his flight to Venice, 397, 514.
Sauli, Domenico, Genoese, in correspondence with the emperor's enemies, 992.
Savello, v. Sabelli.
Savoie, Mr. de, v. Carlo, duke of Savoy.
-, Louise de, v. Savoy.
Savoy, Louise of, mother of Francis I., queen regent of France, 99, 100,145, 205.
-, -, requests the signory of Venice to be the mediator of peace, and procure the liberty of her son Francis, 363.
-, -, collects a large sum of money during her son's captivity in Spain, 647.
-, -, letter to her ambassadors in England, 265, 281, 283, 296.
-, Philibert of, 998.
-, Philip of, count of Geneva, sends one of his servants to Spain with the news of the battle of Pavia, 137.
-, -, negociates with Pescara and Hurtado for the withdrawal of the imperial troops quartered in Piedmont, 223–4, 267–8, 312, 315, 317, 322, 790.
-, René de Savoie, bastard son of duke Filippo, grand master of France, dies in consequence of wounds received at Pavia (March 1525), 104, 106,150.
-, duke of, v. Carlo III.
-, duchess of, v. Beatrix.
-, dowager of, v. Margaret of Austria.
Savona, differences between, and Genoa, 149, 154,428–9.
-, the harbour of, filled up by the Genoese, 469.
-, the French flag hoisted at, 847.
-, Renzo da Ceri in, 1048.
-, attack on, considered dangerous unless it be seconded by a powerful fleet, ii. 257.
-, the French take possession of, ii. 734.
-, to be reduced, as before, under the dominion of Genoa, ii. 765, 828.
-, Doria takes possession of, ii. 824, 852.
-, letters dated from, ii. 575.
Sayavedra, Spanish captain, ship in which he was sunk before Genoa, 1033.
-, Hernando de, gentleman-in waiting (maestresala) to the archduke Ferdinand, ii. 60.
Saxadello, v. Sassatello.
Saxafino a Trano recovered by the imperialists, ii. 785.
Saxony, Frederic, duke and elector of, competitor for the empire, 907.
-, -, peasants rise in arms against, ibid.
-, -, death of, 174.
Saxony, George, son of Albaro, duke of, prepares to attack the marquis of Brandenburg, ii. 680.
-, John, prince elector of, and his son John Frederic, join the landgrave of Hesse at the head of their forces ii. 796–7.
-, competitor for the crown of Bohemia, 968.
Scalenga, imperial captain, taken prisoner, ii. 59, 72.
Scales, lord, signory of Padua granted to, 454.
Scarpinello, Agostino, Milanese ambassador in England, 1, 11, 23, 146,150–1, 628.
Scepperus, Pierre Corneil Duplicius, imperial ambassador to Denmark, Poland, Brunswick, Scotland, &c., ii. 577–9, 688–9.
-, -, instructions and credentials to, ii. 323–6, 329–32.
-, -, letters to Alfonso de Valdés, 431.
Schala, Santa Maria della, inside Milan, 762.
Schlesswig, duke of, v. Frederic.
Schomberg, Fr. Nicolas, cardinal archbishop of Capua, detained at Narbonne by order of king Francis, 2.
-, -, bearer of propositions of peace, 20.
-, -, reported to be in Lyons, 25.
-, -, in London with new overtures of peace between England, France, and the empire, 79.
-, -, to be thanked in the emperor's name, 118.
-, -, unwilling to accept the pope's legacy to Spain, 203.
-, -, managing all state business at Rome, 160, 240, 262.
-, -, to be persuaded not to quit Home until the negociations with the pope are brought to a close, 696.
-, -, sent by Clement to Gaeta to negociate with Lannoy, 1047–8 ; ii. 42.
-, -, in Rome after the sack, ii. 227.
-, -, treats with the imperial commanders in the pope's name, ii. 212.
-, -, with the Germans, ii. 239.
-, -, not allowed to return to Sant Angelo, ibid.
-, -, memorandum of, whilst at the imperial court, 313.
Schuete, near Brussels, testimonial in favour of Grunenberg, signed by the prior of, ii. 500.
-, letter of the prior and convent of, to Gattinara, ii. 264.
Scilly, v. Cilly.
Scipione (Cipione), physician to Francesco Sforza, sent on a message to Pescara, 472.
Sclavonia, the nobles of, hold a diet and offer the crown to the archduke Ferdinand, 968.
Scosso, captain, in the service of the pope, joins Malatesta Raglione in a successful attack upon Lodi, 765; ii. 1002.
Scotland, the duke of Albany's party very strong in, 17.
-, imperial ambassador to, ii. 688, v. Scepperus.
-, ambassador of, in London, attends the Christmas festivities at Greenwich, 1.
-, -, proposals made by the, to Wolsey,4, 91, 111, 124.
-, -, reported to have left England, ibid, 153.
Scotto, count Cesare, Italian condottiere, Leyva tries to gain him over to the imperial service, ii. 380.
Sdrava, v. Drava.
Sebenico, bishop of, v. Stafileo.
Sedan, sieur de, v. La Mark.
Segovia, a town of New Castille, the emperor at, ii. 72, 97.
Seine, river, 81.
Selve, chevalier Jean [Odet] de, sieur de Cromyères, first president of the parliament of Paris, sent on a mission to Spain, 275, 483, 826.
Semel, Thomas, English merchant, decision given in Flanders in favour of, 94.
Sena (Sienna?), bishop of, sent to Venice by the vayvod of Transylvania, 1055.
Senis, prothonotary Philippo di, recommended by the abbot of Najera, 630, 693.
Senoncensis (archbishop of Sens, in France), v. Prat.
Sepontino, l'arciepiscopo. See Monte and Manfredonia.
Sepuse, or Joannis Sepusius or comes Seepulsiensis, otherwise called Zapol, vayvod of Transylvania, v. Zapolski.
Serans, Mossen, captain of the imperial galley "Santa Barbara," ii. 751.
Sere, De le, barony of, confiscated from count Gaiazzo and sold to count Burrello, ii. 349.
Sermoneta in Campania, also called Salmoneta and Sulmoneta, threatened by the leaguers, ii. 561, 1048.
-, relieved by the Spaniards, ii. 562.
-, lord of, v. Gaetano.
-, the pope and his cardinals to be removed from Sanct Angelo to, ii. 269.
Serna, v. La Serna.
Seron, Juan, secretary at Naples, 204.
-, -, in Rome, 233,235; ii. 119,125, 161, 173,216.
-, -, embarks for Spain, 249.
-, -, at Asti and Genoa, 704, 706.
-, -, made prisoner at Salerno, ii. 672, 674–5.
Seron, Juan, delivered to Lautrec, ii. 700, 712.
-, -, recovers his liberty, ii. 753.
-, -, death of, ii. 834, 838.
-, -, letters to the emperor (1527), ii. 59, 508.
Serveglione, Cecilia, wife of Bernardo de' Medici, ii. 317, v. Cerbellon.
Sessa, the prince of Melfi occupies Le Fratte, Traietto, and other places close to, ii. 732.
-, duke of, v. Fernandez de Cordova (D. Luis).
-, duchess of, v. Cordoba y Figueroa (Elvira).
Sessia, river of Sardinia, 983.
Sestri, Sextri, di Ponente, on the coast of Genoa, letters dated from, 131, 158–9, 171, 179, 180, 192, 212, 243.
Seteg, Marc, v. Sitig.
Settimo, count di, v. Lignani.
Severino, Girolamo, heads the revolution of Siena, 149, 159.
-, -, goes as ambassador to Charles, 246, 259, 264, 269, 404.
-, -, returns with a confirmation by the emperor of the privileges of the republic, 742.
-, -, called erroneously San Severino, 247.
-, -, closely watched by Doria, 802.
Seville, in Andalucia, the emperor at, (March 1526,) 463.
-, archbishop of, v. Manrique.
-, arrival at, of the Milanese ambassadors, 665.
-, letters dated from, 376–8, 400–2, 409–11,420–1.
Sforza, Bona, queen of Poland, ii. 579.
-, -, letter to, from the emperor, 330.
-, Flippo Maria, 910–11.
-, Francesco I, 910.
-, Galeazzo Maria, 254, 910.
-, Gian Paolo, bastard brother of Francesco, duke of Milan, 392, 430.
-, -, wounded at Marignano, ii. 281.
-, -, his overtures to Leyva, ii. 305.
-, Giovanni Galeazzo, 910.
-, Lodovico, surnamed "Il Moro," 910; ii. 306.
-, Ottaviano, bishop of Lodi, son of Galeazzo, informs Alonso Sanchez of Morone's conspiracy, 232, 254, 372, 483, 531, 577, 587.
-, -, in treaty with the Grisons to obtain the dukedom of Milan in the event of Francesco's death, 364.
-, -, suspected of double dealing, 424, 587.
-, -, goes to the Switzers on a mission from Venice, 710, 739, 744.
Sforza, Ottaviano, one of his spies slain, 772.
-, -, in the service of the league, 807.
-, -, letters to Sanchez, 147, 214, 218, 232.
-, Visconti, Francesco II., duke of Milan, a courier of, brings to London the news of the battle of Pavia, 82, 96.
-, -, money claimed from, by the emperor's agents in Italy, 104, 105.
-, -, tax imposed by, on the Milanese, 103.
-, -, invested by the emperor with the duchy 22, 383.
-, -, plots against him, 248.
-, -, dangerously ill, 342.
-, -, not expected to live six days, ibid.
-, -, dealings and correspondence with Pescara, 457–61.
-, -, interrogated, 466–7.
-, -, the castle of Milan taken from, 806, 815–6,827.
-, -, offers made by the confederates to, 815.
-, -, at Cremona, ii. 287.
-, -, though almost powerless, doing all the harm he can to the imperial cause, ii. 422.
-, -, at Lodi, ii. 875.
-, -, letter to the emperor (1525), 26.
-, -, to Pescara, 259.
-, Maximiliano, son of Ludovico Il Moro, French and Venetian intrigues to make him again duke of Milan, 4, 347, 364, 372–3, 384, 482–3, 514–5, 558, 623,633–4,, 911.
-, Valentina, wife of Filippo Maria, duke of Milan, 911.
Sforzescharia, Sforzeschi, Sforzini, the Sforzans or partisans of the Sforza, and principally of Francesco, duke of Milan, 756, ii. 306.
-, -, -, prepare to invest Milan, ii. 562.
Sforzino, nephew of Francesco Sforza, 392, 430, 625, 636.
-, ., on a mission to Como, 825.
Siciliana, Val, v. Val Ciciliana.
Sicily, island of, to be invaded by Vaudemont at the pope's request, ii. 157.
-, -, by the Turks at the instigation of Venice, ii. 870.
-, -, should Naples fall, is sure to go next, ii. 739.
-, -, the "Conservatore" of, in command of imperial infantry during the Calabrese war, ii. 978.
-, -, 14 ships laden with wheat from, captured by the confederated fleet, 904.
-, -, viceroy of, v. Pignatello.
Sidich or Sittich Damps (Mark), v. Sittig of Ems.
Siena, erroneously written Sienna, joins the league against the emperor (January 1525), 25.
-, money to be claimed from, after the battle of Pavia, 104.
-, rising at, in favour of the emperor, and against the governors appointed by the duke of Albany, 149, 159–60.
-, murder of Alessandro Bichi and others at, 138, 149, 159, 247.
-, Sessa's opinion of the affairs at, 203.
-, Girolamo Severino all powerful at, 264, 269.
-, conspiracy at, 325, 998.
-, articles proposed to, by Moncada, 312.
-, measures suggested for keeping, in its attachment to the emperor, 404.
-, division of, into three monti, 405.
-, papal and Florentine troops march on, 793, 818.
-, negociations with the pope respecting, 804.
-, fuorusciti of, defeated before its walls, 823, 830, 832, 893.
-, new disturbances at, promoted by the "fuorusciti," ii. 158.
-, landing of Lannoy on the coast of, ii. 3,168, 217.
-, favours the imperial cause, ii. 168.
-, keeps faithful from fear of the Florentines, but requires looking after, ii. 265.
-, conspiracy detected at (1527), ii. 312, 325, 360, 998.
-, to be attacked by the marquis of Saluzzo and the leaguers, ii. 581.
-, Lutheran friar arrested at (1529), ii. 986.
-, cardinal archbishop of, v. Petrucei and Piccolomini.
-, letters dated from, 54; ii. 108.
Sienese refuse to obey orders and to suspend judicial proceedings against their "fuorusciti," 356.
-, defeat the Florentines, 862.
-, on the approach of Lautrec to their territory apply to the prince of Orange for help, ii. 536.
-, but refuse to pay the sum agreed, ii. 558.
-, and to furnish money to the imperialists, or return the confiscated property, ii. 158.
-, supply Bourbon with artillery, ii. 169.
-, ambassador of the, at the camp of Bourbon, ii. 161.
-, another, to Spain, recommended by Alarcon, ii. 322.
-, the, have no reason to be discontented with the emperor, ii. 898.
Sigismond, king of Poland, competitor for the crown of Hungary, 1031.
-, death of, falsely reported, ii. 583.
-, shelters the vayvod Zapolsky in his estates, ii. 737.
-, letters to, ii. 329.
Sigismondino, also called Gismondo, and Gismondino, secretary to Alberto Pio, conte di Carpi, sent by pope Clement on a mission to the queen regent of France, 248, 258–9, 261, 263, 267, 282–4, 305, 322, 372, 392.
-, murdered in Venetian territory, 322.
Sigismondo, Ferrarese gentleman, takes to Naples letters from Fruntsperg, ii. 693, 700.
Siguença, in Castille, bishop of, v. Portugal.
Silesia, ambassadors from Moravia and, come to offer the crown of Bohemia to Ferdinand, 1050.
-, duke of, v. Louis and Ludwig.
Silva, D. Alfonso de, a Portuguese noble ii. 1006.
-, D. Miguel de, bishop of Viseu, in frequent communication with the pope, ii. 920, 1006.
-, v. Sylva.
Silveira, v. Sylveira.
Silvestrin, v. Sylvestrino.
Silvio Passerino, Giovanni, cardinal of Cortona, v. Passerino.
Simaucas, castle of, in Old Castille, archives at, Int. i.
-, -, spoliation of, by the French, Int. v.
-, -, papers at, scattered in various directions, Int. vii.
Simery, count, takes service with the French, ii. 869.
Simone, Romano, v. Tebaldi.
Simonetta, Jacopo, bishop of Pesaro, ii. 974, 980, note.
Simonte, baron de, a Neapolitan, goes to Spain, 334.
Sinigaglia, Lautrec reported to be at, ii. 569.
-, the estate of, claimed by the duke of Urbino, 44.
Sirapan, Jacopo, an intimate friend of Fabricio Marramao, the colonel of Italian infantry, in correspondence with count Guido Rangone, 683.
Sithio, v. Sittig.
Sittig, George, captain of German infantry, 840, 896.
-, also called Citi, Sitig, and Seteg, 939; ii. Int. xxxvi.
-, Marc (of Ems), captain, brother of the preceding, 57, 676, 817, 896, 939, 945, 896; ii. Int. xxxvi.
-, -, German infantry under, sent to Vienna, 939.
Slavonia, a son of Andrea Gritti, the doge of Venice, about to invade, at the head of 20,000 Turks, ii. 796.
Soardino, Mantuan envoy at the court of Charles, 775, 933.
Sobtello (Sotelo?), sent by the duke of Urbino to the pope, ii. 44.
Só, Castro y Pinós, Alonso de, abbot of Montaragon, 645.
Soderini, Francesco, cardinal of Volterra or Volaterranus, imprisoned by pope Adrian at the emperor's request, 908.
-, Giovambattista, dies at Naples (1528), ii. 828.
-, Juliano or Giuliano, bishop of Xaintes, Florentine ambassador in France, writes an account of the audience given by Francis to Perrenot de Granvelle, ii. 637.
-, family of the, at Florence, ii. 88.
Solferino, duke of, v. Gonzaga.
Soliers, Charles de, sieur de Morette, on a mission from Louise de Savoie to her son king Francis, 180.
-, -, -, to the Switzers under the name of "Il Morletto (?)," 616.
-, -, French ambassador in England, ii. 44, 247, 1004.
Solis, Dr., bishop of Bagnorea and Alguer, ii. 689, 694.
-, letter to Perez, 433.
Solorzano, imperial courier, 667.
Solyman II., surnamed The Magnificent, son of Selim, emperor of Turkey, writes to king Francis, 801.
-, Hungary invaded by, 1009.
-, reported rebellion in the estates of, turns out untrue, ii. 57.
-, sends an embassy and presents to Venice, ii. 150.
-, an uncle of, rebels against him, ii. 392.
-, letter written to, by the signory of Venice, promising that by Michaelmas of 1528 the emperor Charles shall be destroyed, or dead from poison, ii. 815.
-, imposes a capitation tax in his dominions preparatory to an invasion of Christian Europe, ii. 593.
Soma, in Naples, city of, surprised by the imperialists, 770.
-, duke of, v. Sanseverino.
Somaglia, countess, 714.
Somme, river, territory about the, claimed by Charles, 62, 81, 97.
Somosierra, in the Guadarrama, north of Madrid, letters dated from, ii. 4, 5.
Sora, in Naples, the dukedom of, to be given to Pescara, 303, 318.
-, -, the Colonnese under Ascanio encamp at, 898.
-, -, to be attacked by the marquis of Saluzzo, ii. 610.
-, town of Naples, a division of the papal army encamped at, 898. v
-, the dukedom of, offered by Charles to the marquis de Pescara, 303, 315.
Sora threatened by the marquis of Saluzzo, ii. 610.
Soracte, mountain district in the territory of Rome, 242.
Soria, Alfonso de, imperial secretary, Int. xxviii, 677, 693 ; ii, iv.–v,
-, -, the priory of Belchite in Aragon conferred on, 416, 609, 663.
-, -, letters to, ii. 247, 260.
-, -, -, countersigned by, 492.
-, -, -, Diego de, Int. xxviii.
-, Lope de, imperial ambassador in Genoa:
-, -, -, his opinion of the Genoese union, 60; ii. 862.
-, -, -, of the doge Antoniotto Adorno, 289, 332, 341, 367, 427, 469, 622, 940.
-, -, -, the castle of Gavi given to, to hold as a fief of the empire, 669, 846.
-, -, -, on the taking of Genoa by the French retires to La Mirandola, ii. 393, 763.
-, -, -, by whose lord Giovan Francesco Pico he is kindly received and sheltered, ii. 758.
-, -, -, appointed commissary general to the imperial army in Lombardy, ii. 648 ; Int.
-, -, -, his differences with Brunswick, ii. 760–3.
-, -, -, threatened by Fruntsperg, ii. 762,
-, -, -, negociates with Ferrara, ii. 754.
-, -, -, at Reggio, ii. 759.
-, -, -, goes again to Piacenza, ii. 928
-, -, -, visits the German camp, ii. 713, 759.
-, -, -, negociates at Corregio, Mantua, Ferrara, and Lucca, ii. 716–7.
-, -, -, his interview wilh Brunswick at Desençano, ii. 716, 760–1.
-, -, -, badly treated by the Germans, who attempt to. arrest him, ii. 763.
-, ,-, -, purposes returning to Genoa, but is not admitted by Doria, ii. 851, 870.
-, -, -, returns to Piacenza, ii. 872.
-, -, -, his advice respecting Genoa, 872, 928.
-, -, -, letters to, from the duke of Bourbon, 132–3.
-, -, -, from Alonso Sanchez, 460, 512.
-, -, -, letters to the emperor from Genoa (1525), 24, 80, 131, 141, 163, 165,171, 179, 180, 192, 207, 212, 228, 251, 270, 278, 290–1, 309–10.
Soria, Lope de, letters to the emperor from Genoa, (1526), 345, 366–7, 373, 392, 404, 406, 408, 414, 416, 424, 433, 438, 440, 445, 456, 467, 472, 479, 489–90, 502–3, 505, 519, 625, 529–31, 549, 571, 607, 614; (1527), ii. 76, 100, 119, 121, 167, 174, 185, 197, 228, 240, 253; (1528), 341, 369, 396, 407, 463,485, 512, 519–20, 528, 534, 555, 559, 564, 589, 601; (1529), 612, 673.
-, -, -, to the marquis de Pescara, 138.
-, to chancellor Gattinara, 608; ii 335, 486, 519, 558.
-, to don Ugo de Moncada, it 238.
-, to the abbot of Najera, 243.
-, to Alonso Sanchez, ii. 457.
-, to secretary Lallemand, ii. 282.
-, notice of, Int. xxviii, 40, 41; ii. iv.
Sormano, Il, and Gasparo, French agent, sent by Francis to the Switzers, 766, 817.
-, -, v. Lormano.
Sosa, v. Lopez de Sosa.
Spagna, v. España.
Spain, Charles proposes to hold a congress in. 255.
-, news from the court of (1528), 298.
Spaniards in Rome hold a meeting and send an appeal to the pope, 1048.
-, requested to attend the election of the four deputy cardinals, ii. 39.
-, to give security that in case of Rome being attacked, they will not take up arms against the pope, or allow their servants and retainers to go out of the house, ii. 39–40.
Spanish infantry, three thousand, in guard of the French king, commit depredations in Genoa, 181.
-, ten companies of, from Naples, arrive in Rome (1527), ii. 233–5.
-, services of, commended, ii. 493.
-, merchants in London, complain to the imperial ambassador of one of their ships having been captured by the French in eight of the English coast, 402.
-, merchant vessels captured by a lieutenant of the admiral of Bretagne within English ports, ii. 182, 206.
-, Don Iñigo's protest respecting the seizure of, ii. 187.
-, given back to their owners though without their cargoes, ii. 886–7.
Spatafora, Scipione, field-master of the imperial forces in Calabria, called by the Spaniards Espadafuera, ii. 978.
Spes (Espès), captain Antonio de, in command of Neapolitan infantry, 799, 1052.
Spezzia, Giuliano or Giulino della, secretary to the doge of Genoa, 341.
-, -, sent on a mission to Spain, ii. 341, 349, 354.
-, -, returns with instructions and money, ii. 644, 646,649, 667, 674, 760, 906, 999.
-, -, sent again, 672.
-, -, letters to the emperor, ii. 504.
Spezziano, Giovanni Battista, treasurer of Francesco Sforza, sent on a mission to Don Hugo, 750.
Spice Islands, v. Moluccas.
Spies of the league taken and hung by the imperialists, ii. 225.
Spigno, in Calabria, occupied by the prince of Melfi, ii. 732.
spina, Leonardo, sent by the pope to the queen regent of France, 390, note.
Spinal, v. Espinal.
Spinalosa, v. Peñalosa.
Spinar, v. Espinal.
Spindola, Stefano, v. Spinola.
Spinelli, Gasparo, Venetian secretary in England, 810, 822, 945, 1010.
-, Giovan Battista, Int. xvi.
Spinola, captain Agostino, governor of Genoa, ii. 354, 589, 920.
-, Andrea, 147,151.
-, Stephano, 649.
-, -, pension granted to, by the emperor, 920.
Spinosa, auditor at Rome, death of, ii. 496.
Spira, Espira (Spires), ii. 796.
-, diet held at, ii. 956.
Spoletto (Rom. Stat.), ii. 120.
-, infantry raised at, for the pope, ii. 38.
-, Renzo da Ceri attacks, ii. 770, 808.
-, Fabian da, disputes the abbacy of Rocadamor, ii. 916.
-, the inhabitants of, join the rebellion of L'Amatrice, ii. 959.
Stafileo, bishop of Sebenico, papal nuncio in England, returns to Rome with sir John Russell, ii. 117.
Stampa, conte Massimiliano, Milanese or Sforzesco ambassador in Ferrara (1528), ii. 451, 604.
Standardo, Pietro?, a Neapolitan, goes over to the French and accepts office under Lautrec, ii. 720.
Stansaert, William, advocate at the court of Brabant; letter to Gattinara, ii. 263.
Statiis, Matheus de, signs the agreement between Florence, Venice, the marquis of Saluzzo, and the duke of Milan (1527), ii. 163.
-, -, sent by the archduke on a mission to Rome and Spain, 966.
Statilio, Giovanni, in Venice, ii. 9.
-, -, in Rome, ii. 39, 68.
Stiria, threatened invasion of, by the Turks, 89.
Stradella (Lombardy), St. Pol takes up position between, and Alessandria, ii. 768.
Straëts, Street, Estretes, &c., German bankers, ii. 337, 864.
Strasburgh (Argentina), in Alsace, loan to be contracted at, for the pay of the Germans under Fruntsperg, 934.
Strigonia (Gran.), ii. 581, 626.
-, letters dated from, 333.
Strozzi, family of the, at Florence, ii. 88.
-, Filippo, the priory of Santo Tomé de Segovia given by the pope to, 274.
-, -, to be given as hostage for the capitulation of Rome on the 21st of September 1526, 928 ; ii. 1003.
-, -, at Naples, 994.
-, -, attempt to have him released or exchanged, opposed by Don Hugo, 1008,1018.
Stuhl-Weissenburg, called also Alba Regia and Alba Reale, a town of Hungary, 966, 1031; ii. 449.
-, -, erroneously called Sturk, ii. 9.
-, -, bishop of, v. Statilio.
Stuart, John, duke of Albany, 4, 6, 17, 24, 28, 71,88,96; ii. 613.
-, -, -, his enterprise on Naples defeated, 50, 59, 65, 123, 187, 247, 793.
-, -, -, arrival of on the coast of Provence, 101, 104, 145.
-, -, -, his company of men-at- arms entirely cut to pieces before Pavia (1527), ii. 419.
-, -, -, letters intercepted by, 666.
-, Robert, sieur d' Aubigny, captain of the Scottish body guard of Francis, his name corrupted into Dobeni and Dau berrin, Int. ii. xxxvi.
-, -, -, his company cut to pieces by Hernando Gonzaga, ii. 699.
Suabian league, progress of the, against the Lutheran peasants of Germany, 89–90, 174, 204, 296.
-, some of its captains offer their services to Venice, 809, 894.
-, in difficulties, ii. 797.
-, the members of, hold a diet at Augsburg for the purpose of helping king Ferdinand against the Turk, ii. 874.
Suarez de Alarcon, don Antonio, count of Torres Vedras, ii. Int. xxxiii.
-, -, de Figueroa, Don Gomez, knight commander, sent on a mission to Genoa, 41.
Suarez de Figueroa, Don Gomez, sent to the emperor, 144.
-, -, -, his company of men-at-arms defeated at Sanper, in Savoy, 803.
-, -, -, to Spain on a mission from Lannoy, ii. 274, 250, 254, 256, 262, 350.
-, -, -, the ambassadors of the league under the custody of, at Poza, ii. 627.
-, -, -, instructions to, ii. 644.
Subiaco (Rom. Stat), the Colonnese at, waiting for orders, 895, 949, 973.
-, letters dated from, 545, 894.
-, the abbot of Farfa and the Orsini defeated at, by the Colonnese, ii. 748.
-, abbey of, in the Roman states, cardinal Pompeo Colonna at, 643, 851, 973.
Suchero, Burgundian captain in the imperial service, called also Çucaro and Chucharo, in the emperor's service, prisoner of war in France, 223, 560, 946, 1012; ii. 281.
Suffolk, duke of, v. Brandom.
Sulmona, in the Abruzzo Ult., to be attacked by Renzo da Ceri and Orazio Baglione, ii. 87.
-, abandoned by Lautrec, ii. 609.
-, prince of, v. Lannoy.
-, princess of, v. Montbel.
Summa, Scipione di, supposed to have deserted the imperialists and gone over to the French, ii. 763.
Summaria, council and court of La, at Naples, 593; ii. 680.
-, -, president of, v. Mussetola.
-, -, secretary of, 281.
-, -, lieutenant of, v. Francesco.
Surrey, carl of, v. Howard.
Susa, in Sardinia, the artillery of France at Embrun, one day's journey from, ii. 308.
Susanne, sieur de, lieutenant of the master of the French artillery before Pavia, slain, 40.
Suze, v. Susa.
Switzers, desertion of the, at the battle of Pavia, 618.
-, hold a diet to consider whether they will take part with Francis or not, 726, 791–2, 796, 817.
-, in the pay of France for the purpose of invading Flanders, 844, 894.
-, solicited by the pope and Venice to join the league against Charles, 694.
-, descend into Italy, 841, 926.
-, papal army chiefly composed of, 944.
-, persuaded to desert from the camp of the confederates, 959.
-, Francis' debt to them to be paid by the emperor if they forsake the alliance of France, ii. 98.
Switzers, broil at Rome between the, and the pope's guard, ii. 137.
-, under Saluzzo desert and go back to their own country, ii. 177.
-, Francis again in treaty with the ii 282.
-, 15,000, to join the Venetians in an attack upon Milan, ii. 248.
-, in the Romagna under Lautrec (1527} ii. 249.
-, take Castellazzo close to Alessandria, ii. 310.
-, the, and Grisons defeated by Leyva at Carato, ii. 310, 317.
-, 13 companies of, desert Lautrec for want of pay, ii. 421.
-, 15 of their captains visit Rome, 443.
-, and obtain payment of arrears due to them since the days of pope Leo, 459.
-, letter to the captains of the, at Piacenza, 580.
Switzerland, differences in, owing to the spreading of the Lutheran sect, 905.
Sylva, v. Silva.
Sylveira, Luis de, privy councillor to the king of Portugal, Dom Joao, 369 ; ii. 619–20.
Sylvestrino, gentleman-in-waiting to the duke of Milan, sent on a mission to Spain, 396, 471, 473.
Symery, count of, a Calabrese, v. Simery.
Symon, v. Simone Romano.
Syria, one of Soliman's cousins or nephews revolts against him in, 1031.