Index: U-Z

Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1877.

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'Index: U-Z', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529, ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1877), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Index: U-Z', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529. Edited by Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1877), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"Index: U-Z". Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529. Ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1877), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.


Ubauri, v. Wauldry.

Udena, v. Udine.

Udilie, prince, v. Odonyll.


-, -, Oneglia sacked by, 299, 328, 330.

-, -, on a message to Ferrara, ii. 364, 370, 385, 387.

Ulm, in the duchy of Wurtemberg, and other cities of Germany promise their aid to the emperor, ii. 683.

Ulric, duke of Wurtemberg, 89–90; ii. 2, 97, 385, 928.

Urbetanensis, Civitas, v. Orbieto.

Urbina, Juan de, Spanish captain, much loved and respected by his men, 585, 674, 699, 797.

-, -, in Milan under Pescara, 817, 946.

-, -, with the Colonnes at Frosinone, wounded, ii. 71.

-, -, at the sack of Rome, ii. 219, 243, 248.

-, -, mutinies of the Spanish infantry frequently put down through the exertions of, ii. 428.

-, -, his quarrel with captain Salzedo, ii. 646.

-, -, signs petition of the Spanish infantry to the emperor, ii. 697.

-, -, eminent services of, in Naples ii. 396, 704, 776–7.

-, -, at Torre del Greco, ii. 826.

-, -, often mistaken for the duke of Urbino, Int. ii. xx, note.

-, -, letter to the emperor, ii. 538.

Urbino, duke of, v. Rovere, Medici (Lorenzo), and (Francesco Maria della).

-, duchess of, v. Gonzaga.

Urgel, bishop of, 1004.

-, archdeaconry of, 1004.

Urrea, D. Miguel de, count of Aranda, called Gurrea by mistake, ii. 594.

-, -, v. Ximenez de Urrea.

-, -, letter to the emperor, ii. 348.

Urrias, Don Carlos?, secretary at Naples, pension to, ii. 835, 916.

-, or Urries, knight commander, Pedro de, field master of the imperial army, serves under Leyva at Pavia, 164.

-, -, leaves Rome with a message from Clement, 306.

-, -, in command at Cremona, 854.

-, -, at the sack of Rome, ii. 212.

-, -, governor of Cremona, 1012.

-, -, taken prisoner at Salerno, ii. 674.

-, -, letter to the emperor, 480.

-, -, v. Jordan de Urries.

Ursino, v. Orsino.

Utrecht, provost of, v. Naturelli.

-, bishop of, ii. 896.

-, negotiations at Rome respecting the see of, ii. 982.

Uxeter, v. Worcester.


Vadamonte, Valdamonte, v. Vaudemont and Lorraine.

Vaina, (Guido) da Forli, instigates the Venetians to make an attempt on Milan, 536.

-, his name written also Bayno, ibid.

Valchevek, provost of, 416.

Val Ciciliana, or valley of Saint Cecilia, in Sicily, marquis of, v. Alarcon.

Valdemont, v. Vaudemont and Lorraine.

Valdés, Alfonso, Latin secretary to Charles, ii. 254, 771.

-, -, draft of letters by, 65, 409, 921, 923, 937; ii. 134–8.

-, -, letters to Erasmus, 465, 641.

-, -, from Maximilian of Transylvania to, ii. 531–2.

-, -, his quarrel with Lallemand, ii. Int. xxvii.

-, -, notice of, ii. Int. xxii, xxiv, xxv.

-, D. Fernando, archbishop of Seville, ii. 254.

-, Jacobo or Santiago, brother (not cousin) of Alfonso and Juan, 771.

-, Juan de, his dialogue of the sack of Rome, ii. 772.

Valdorba or Vale Dorba, v. Rocca di.

Valença, count of, v. Gattinara.

-, di Pò, Birago at, 865, 854.

Valencia, city of Spain, 651.

-, Lannoy at, 252.

-, ship from, boarded by Andrea Doria, 651.

-, pageant at, for the reception of Charles, ii. 668, 737.

-, the Moors (Moriscos) of, revolt, 968, 978, 992.

-, Lannoy's force employed against them, ibid.

-, sailors from the coasts of, and Andalusia to be enlisted for the fleet at Barcelona, ii. 757.

-, letters dated from (1528), ii. 483.

Valenciennes, in France, the English army to advance as far as, 81.

-, English artillery at, 87.

Valentino, captain, sent to Spain by Leyva, on a mission to the emperor, ii. 754.

Valesians threaten to invade Savoy, 586.

-, 2,000 Switzers and, offer to join camp of the league, 807.

-, 7,000 more join the confederates close to Milan, 853, 855, 883.

Valladolid, in New Castille (Spain), the cortes of general estates to be held at, 1024.

-, plague breaks out at, ii. 381, 425.

-, San Pablo of, monastery, 200.

Valladolid, the imperial court at, ii. 47–54, 61–6, 101, 204–6, 219–20, 222–5, 245–6, 255, 279, 295, 297–8, 300–4, 308–9, 311–5, 322, 327–8, 333.

-, letters, instructions, &c., dated from, ii. 15–6, 18, 50–2, 72–4, 79, 81, 88, 95, 98–9, 115, 124, 126–8, 131, 134–38, 141–4, 149, 150, 153–4, 159–60, 162.

Valle, cardinal, his house at Rome sacked by the imperialists, ii. 198.

Vallecerca, Italian condottiere, attacks Genoa, ii. 867, note.

Vallenchiennes. v. Valenciennes.

Valles, Joan, clerk, 1046.

Valmontone, lord of, v. Conti (Giovan Battista).

-, the pope's troops at, ii. 38.

-, the abbot of Farfa leaves part of his forces at, ii. 561.

-, Ferrante Gonzaga to lay siege to, ii. 593.

Valois, Charles de, duke of Alencon, death of (14th April 1525), 150, 293.

-, François de, duke of Bretagne, dauphin of France, 553; ii. 998.

Valori, Bartolomeo, or Bartholomeus, a Valoribus, signs the adhesion of Florence to the league (1527), ii. 163.

-, Francesco, Florentine orator at the court of Ferrara, ii. 556.

Valquarnera (Valgornera?) Antonio de, baron of Goderano, ii. 835.

Valtellina, passes of the, 475, 874.

-, Fruntsperg and his Germans ready to cross the, 848.

Valtkerke, Valtkirk, Valdtkirch, provost of, ii. 383, 572, v. Merklin.

Vandeness, William, bishop of Elna, ii. 967.

Vannes, Peter, Latin secretary to Henry, called Pedro Vano by Soria, on a mission to the pope, ii. 874.

Vara, v. Varennes.

Varaona, Varahona, see Barahona.

Varana, Giovanni or Gian, Maria, duke of Camarino, 835.

-, -, death of (August 1557), ii. 393.

-, -, a son of, in the service of Sforza to be dismissed, 584, 597.

-, -, Ercole, 393, note.

-, -, Giulia, his daughter, ibid.

-, -, Matheo, son of Ercole, ibid.

-, -, Ridolfo, natural son of Gianmaria, ibid.

Varennes (Vara, Varena?) Mr. de, intendent to the duke of Bourbon, 234, 239, 281, 803.

-, -, money paid to, 289.

-, -, under the name of Vara, erroneously supposed to be lord high steward of France, ii. 789.

Vargas, Licentiate Martin de, corregidor of Guipuscoa, ii. 548, 574.

-, letter to the emperor, ii. 318.

-, treasurer to king Ferdinand the Catholic, money borrowed in London by, 98.

-, Rodrigo de, Spanish captain recommended by Leyva, 164.

-, -, in Cremona, 854.

-, general, sent to chastise Antonio da Udine, for the ravages committed in the Genoese, 328.

-, lays siege to Oneglia, bat instead of chastising the delinquents as ordered, wastes the country all round, ibid.

Vasilius, v. Basil.

Vasone, bishop of, v. Girolamo.

Vasto, v. Guasto.

Vaudemont, count of, v. Lorraine.

Vaudemoncio (Vaudemont), v. Lorraine.

Vaultry, v. Waudry.

Vaury, sieur de, v. Rup.

Vaux, lord of, v. Passano.

Vayona, v. Bayonne.

Velas Cayras, meaning of the words, ii. 918.

Velasco, Arnao de, dean of Santiago in Galicia, 642.

-, -, Doña Catalina de, mother of Don Iñigo de Mendoza, imperial ambassador in England, Int. xix.

Velasco, doña Maria de, mother of the admiral of Castille, and lady-in-waiting to queen Katharine (Catalina) of Portugal, ii. 99, 621, 629.

-, -, letter to the emperor, ii. 513.

-, Don Miguel de, ii. 614.

-, (?), captain, signs the capitulation of Rome, ii. 232.

-, v. Fernandez de Velasco.

"Vele quadre," (square sails), a French fleet of, in the port of Villafranca di Niza, 1000.

Velzer, v. Welzer.

Velinçona, v. Belinçona.

Velletri, Viletri, Vilitri (Rom. Stat) the imperial men-at-arms assemble at, ii. 248.

-, -, refuse to march unless their arrears be paid, ii. 536, 541, 546, 568–9.

-, -, four companies of Spanish infantry reach, ii. 562.

Venafri, Venafro, Antonio da, governor of Siena, 406.

-, -, called also Benaffra and Menafra, sent by Sessa to Siena to report upon the state of affairs in that community, 410.

Venafro (Lavoro, Naples), ii. 609.

-, -, the marquis of Saluzzo at, ii. 663.

-, -, conte or duca di, v. Pandone.

Vendome, duke of, v. Bourbon (Charles).

Venetians, money claimed by Charles from the, 105.

-, send troops to Padua, 143.

-, negociate with Caracciolo and San chez respecting the claims of the emperor and of his brother the archduke upon them, 144, 155–7, 181, 239, 265.

-, alarmed at Lannoy's departure for Spain, 224, 257.

-, solicit the pope to enter into a league against the emperor, 257.

-, propose a defensive alliance to Francesco Sforza, 391.

-, in treaty with the Turk, 410.

-, increase their army, and refuse to settle the emperor's claims, 411.

-, said to be again in treaty with the Turk in anticipation of a rupture with the emperor, 444, 450.

-, greatly alarmed at Francis' liberation from captivity, as it will facilitate Charles' visit to Italy, which they dread most, 592.

-, enlist 300 light horse in Turkey, 695.

-, abandon Cassano, and retreat to Bergamo, ibid.

-, their army, under the duke of Urbino, to be increased to the number of 15,000 men for the purpose of laying siege to Milan, ii. 421.

Venice, signory of, delays the fulfilment of its engagements to the emperor, 6, 149, 256, 590–2.

-, the emperor's terms to the, 149.

-, treats secretly with France, 295.

-, negociations with, to be put an end to, one way or another, 592.

-, as there is danger for the emperor in not concluding the agreement with, 595.

-, will not accept the terms offered except by compulsion, 598.

-, joins the Italian or Clementine league, 665.

-, about to send one of its secretaries to the emperor to apologize for its last acts, and throw all the blame on others, 1032.

-, promises money to the pope, ii. 97.

-, invites the Turk to Italy, ii. 56, 221.

-, to arm 50 galleys for the invasion of Naples in conjunction with the French fleet (1527), ii. 238.

-, sends an embassy and presents to Solyman, 945.

-, and another to Lautrec, ii. 297.

-, alarmed at the arrival of the Germans under Brunswick, ii. 656.

-, scarcity of wheat in, ibid 321.

-, imposes a tax on its clergy without previous consent from the pope, ii. 679.

-, which measure brings forth strong monitory letters from him, ibid.

Venice, fleet of, sent to the relief of Trani and Barletta, wrecked on the coast, 875.

-, proveditor of, for the sea, v. Pesaro and Pisani.

-, letters dated from, 218.

-, v. also Caracciolo and Sanchez.

Venier, Domencio, Venetian ambassador in Rome (1527), ii. 937.

-, Marco Antonio, Venetian ambassador in England, 893; ii. 25, note.

-, -, -, taken prisoner by the Grisons, 893, 896, ii. 25.

Venisaló, v. Benisaló.

Venosa, bishop of, 965–6, v. Girolamo.

Ventimiglia, Vintimiglia, Francesco, marquis d'Irache, his services in Calabria commended, ii. 978.

Veoybia, v. (Behorie).

Vercelli, 313, 315.

-, letters dated from, 185, 193, 196–7, 199.

Vere, Verey, Verie, v. Veyre.

Vergara, captain, a Spaniard, recommended by cardinal Colonna, ii. 728.

Vergas, v. Bergues.

Verie, Mons. de, v. Veyre, S.P. vi. 592.

Vermandois, county of, demanded by Charles, 62.

Verme, count Federico del, 573.

Veroli, bishop of, v. Ennio Filonardo.

Verona, defences of, increased by the Venetians, ii. 665, 677.

-, bisbop of, v. Giberti.

Veronese, 141.

-, Fruntsperg and his Germans enter the, 1006.

Verticello, also written Vertillo and Berticelo, a celebrated Neapolitan robber, ii. 701, 1005.

Verulano el, v. Veroli and Ennio.

Vesta, v. Vieste.

Vettori, Paolo, called also Victorio, in command of the papal galleys (1525), to escort Bourbon to Spain, 311.

-, -, sent by the pope to Bayonne to congratulate Francis upon his liberation, 593, 602.

-, -, dies at Florence, 603, 613.

Veurre, v. Beurren.

Veyre, Philibert de la, dit la Mouche, knight of the Golden Fleece, Int.

-, (Verey, Vere, &c.), Pierre de, sieur de Migliau, baron de Saint Julien, imperial ambassador to Clement VII., credentials and letters to, ii. 135–8.

-, -, on a mission to Clement, ii. 394–6, 407, 422–3, 508, 533, 536, 546.

-, -, brother of, assassinated in the streets of Milan, 322.

-, -, letters to the emperor, ii. 212.

-, -, slain in battle, ii. 670, 764.

Via, v. Billia and Viglia.

Viagrasa (Abbiategrassa or Abbiategrasso), 983.

-, Venetian army at, 996.

-, Lautrec at, ii. 426.

-, taken by Leyva (1528), ii. 695.

Vianoli, Venetian historian, quoted, ii. 657, 1002–3.

Vic, v. Bichi.

Vicaria, Viqueria, the same as Voghera, 386.

Vicario della Provisione at Milan, 670; ii. 311.

Vice-legate, papal, at Pavia, order of the, that no provisions from the lands of the Church be taken to Milan, 685.

Vicenza in the Venetian, 1014.

-, fortified by the duke of Urbino, ii. 665.

-, Venetian proveditor in the Veronese and at, ii. 608.

Vich (Vic, Vique), Guillermo Raymundo, or Guillen Remon de, bishop of Barcelona and cardinal of Sant Marcello, death of, at Casamare (25th July 1525), 262, 269, 274.

-, -, -, his bishopric given by the pope to cardinal Cortona, 262, 415–6.

-, Hieronymo, Spanish ambassador in Rome, brother of the preceding, 257 note, 262; ii. 948.

Vichardino, Il, v. Guicciardino.

Vico, town in Naples, given by Lautrec to Philippino Doria, ii. 700.

Vico Vado (Vicovaro), in the Campagna of Rome, Stefano Colonna at, ii. 559–60.

Victoria, v. Vitoria.

Viella, v. Biella.

-, also written Viela, 181.

Vienna, capital of Austria, ii. 449.

-, the archduke Ferdinand at, 736.

-, threatened by Solyman, ii. 800, 815.

-, letters dated from, ii. 229, 385.

Vieste, in the Capitanata, Naples, taken by the Venetians (1528), ii, 866, 868, 927.

Vigebano, castle of, in the Lomellina, given in fief to Guasto, 623; ii. 307.

-, -, taken by Leyva from the confederates (1528), 546.

Viglia (Billia, Via?), chevalier, governor of Asti, and senator at Milan, deprived of his offices and honours by Bourbon, ii. 307, v. Billia.

Vigisolo (Vighizzolo), in the district of Padua, taken by Barnabó Adorno, 993.

Vigorniensis, v. Ghinucci.

Vilamarin, Villamarin, D. Bernat, commander of a Spanish galley, ii. 751.

Vilante (Villanto ?), town of Lombardy, 10 miles from Pavia, the imperial army to encamp at, 40.

Villafranca [del Vierzo], town of Galicia, in Spain, marquis of, v. Toledo.

-, Micer Gaspar, taken prisoner by Doria, 602, 612.

-, di Niça, count Pedro Navarro with 16 galleys at, 845.

-, the French fleet said to be at, 1001 –2.

-, report of contradicted, 1006.

Villaines d' Humières, seigneur de, v. Brinon.

Villalonga, Pere, of Mallorca, ii. 764.

Villalpando, castle of, in Old Castile, belonging to the constable Velasco, the sons of Francis confined at, ii. 3.

-, -, the bishop of Tarbes' visit to, ii. 30.

Villamarin, D. Bernat de, captain of the imperial galley "Santo Andrea," ii. 751.

Villanova, Mossen de, a native of Savoy, raises two companies of infantry for the Venetians, 776.

-, count, a Portuguese, 369.

Villar de Cañas, ii. 736.

-, letter dated from, 409.

Villa Real, marquis de, a Portuguese nobleman, ii. 619.

Villaturiel, captain, governor of Lecco, ii. 307, 1000.

Villaverde, agent at Rome of the archbishop of Saragossa (D. Alonso de Aragon), much trusted by Giberti, the datary, ii. 920.

-, becomes a spy of the imperial ambassador, ibid.

-, reveals to him the contents of letters and despatches from Francis to the pope, 922.

Villena, marquis of, v. Lopez Pacheco.

Villiers de l'lsle Adam, Philippe de, grand master of Rhodes (1525–6), 249, 265, 415, 669.

-, -, in Rome, ii. 56.

-, -, goes to Viterbo to celebrate a chapter of his order (1527), ii. 67.

-, -, at Porto Ercole, ii. 391.

Vimioso, count of, Portuguese nobleman, his title erroneously written Vimiosa, 369.

-, -, of king João's privy council, ii. 619–20.

Vincennes, castle of, Perrenot de Granvelle, the imperial ambassador to Francis, confined at the, ii. 636.

Vincle Juan, a German, appointed to succeed cardinal Sancti Quatuor in his office, 240.

Vintemilla, v. Vintimiglia.

Vintimiglia, the passes of, to be occupied by the imperialists, 137.

-, don Francisco de, son of the marquis d'Irache, ii. 978.

Vio Cajetano or Caetano, Thomas de, cardinal of Minerva; ill treatment of, during the sack of Rome, ii. 198, 202.

Vigorine, Vigorne, Wigorn, &c., v. Worcester

Vincennes, castle of, Granvelle arrested and confined in the, ii. 536.

Vio Gaetano, Thomasso, cardinal of La Minerva, ill-treated by the Germans, ii. 199.

-, -, to form part of an embassy to Spain, ii. 917.

-, -, erroneously called Caetano and Cayetano, ii. 1004.

Vique, v. Bichi and Vich.

Virago, . Birago.

Viscay (Vizcaya), ship anchors to be cast in, or Barcelona, ii. 757, v. Biscay.

Viscayno, Juan, Spanish courier, ii. 228, 271.

Visconti, Bonifazio, 1013.

-, Francesco, deputed by the Milanese, to implore pardon from the imperial generals, after the unsuccessful rising in April 1526, 673.

-, -, Galeazzo, Milanese refugee in France, 561; ii. 937.

-, Maria Blanca, married to Francesco the first of the Sforza, 910.

-, count Pietro Francesco, a Milanese sent on a mission to the emperor, 596.

Viseu, in Portugal, bishop of, v. Silva.

Vismont, Vismonte, v. Desmond.

Vistarino, Lodovico, in command of the Italians at Lodi, 773.

-, -, delivers one of the city gates to the confederates (1526), 763, 860; ii. 1002.

Viste, v. Le Viste.

Vitelli, Alessandro, in the papal service, goes over to the imperialists, ii. 234–236.

-, Chiapino? ii. 654.

-, Vitello, captain of the Florentines, ii. 769.

Vitello (?), baron, ii. 242.

Viterbo, in the Rom. Stat., 43.

-, the confederates encamp at, ii. 214, 235, 238.

-, march to the relief of Rome, 239.

-, the papal court at, ii. 705, 714, 719, 771, 775, 800.

-, letters dated from, ii. 452–3.

Vitoria, a city of Biscay, 613, 690, 740.

-, Fernando de, Katharine's physician, sent by her on a secret mission to the emperor, ii. 125, 146, 345.

-, letter to, from Fr. Ambrosio de Laserna, ii. 578, 581.

Vittor, v. Vettori.

Vivaldo, Antonio, Genoese merchant in London, agreement with, for the transmission of money to Italy, 73.

-, -, called by mistake Messire Anthoine Rinaldi (Vivaldi ?) 98.

-, -, requested by Wolsey to remit money to Venice for the use of the confederates, ii. 533.

Vives, Dr. Juan Luis, a Valencian residing in London, 414–5, note.

-, -, brother of, at Rome, ibid.

Vocher, councillor, at the imperial archives of, Int. iii.

Voghiera, or Voghera, castle of Lombardy, 197.

-, letter dated from, 96.

Volterra, in Etruria, cardinal of (Volaterranus), v. Soderini.

Voragine, in Liguria, Int. i. xxxi.

Vorschoeq, in the county of Guisnes, 206.

Vozmediano, Juan de, Spanish banker, ii. 337.

Vozolo, Federico da, v. Bozzolo.

Vuldry (Vauldry ?) arrives from Spain with messages, ii. 289.

-, supposed to be the same individual called by others Waury, Bauri, Baberi, &c., Int. ii. xxi.

Vyngornia, v. Worcester.


Wallain, count of, v. Berghes.

Walle, knight de', an Irish nobleman, ii. 993.

Wallop, sir John, English ambassador to the Low Countries, ii. 17, note, 202.

-, captain Giles (?), 202, 206.

Waltham, treaty of, 130.

Warham, William, archbishop of Canterbury, supposed to be Wolsey's rival, 191–2.

-, -, the inquiry on the divorce case to be committed to Wolsey and, ii. 669.

-, -, Katharine's counsel in the divorce trial, ii. 842–4.

Warty, M. de, v. Perrot.

Warwick, the earl of Angus at, ii. 821.

Watelet, Belgian messenger, 360.

Waucher (Voysey?), lord, to be made marquis of Exeter, 211.

Wauldry, or Wauldrey, sieur de, v. Rupt?

Waury, also written Babari, Babri, Bauri, v. Rupt.

Welser, called also Berzer, Velser, &c., German bankers, 73.

-, agent of the, prisoner at Rome, 76.

-, Enrique (Henry), ii. 454, 531.

Werdenberg, count Felix de, declines the command of the German reinforcements destined to Lombardy, ii. 683, 1000.

Westminster, the English court at, 84.

-, letters dated from, 37, 127.

Wheat, very scarce in Rome, ii. 12.

-, Clement retails, at the rate of five ducats per ruscio, ii. 31, 38.

-, price of, in Venice, ii. 677.

White Rose, Biancha Rosa, Blanche Rose, &c., surname of Richard de la Pole.

White Steed of Naples, to be annually presented to the pope, ii. 457.

Wigorniensis, episcopus, v. Ghinucci.

Windsor, treaty of, alluded to, 5, 9, 11, 13, 130, 147, 678.

-, -, to be abrogated, as well as that of London, 345.

-, Henry's court at, 169, 209, 752.

Wingfield, sir Richard, 86.

-, -, English ambassador to Spain, 99, 111, 114, 206, 402–3.

-, -, pension paid by the emperor to, 550.

-, sir Robert, lieutenant of the castle of Calais, English ambassador to the Low Countries, 92, 99, 207–8.

Wiston, English captain, prisoner in France, knighted at Burgos, 560.

Wladislas VI., king of Hungary, 611.

-, -, his agreement with emperor Maximilian, 1050; ii. 999.

Wolffhart, Richard, bishop elector of Trèves, ii. 796.

-, -, the emperor's letter to, 624.

Wolsey, Thomas, cardinal of York (Eboracensis), papal legate in England (1525), opinions of Praët respecting, 7.

-, -, all powerful, and enjoying Henry's favour, ibid.

-, -, the non-payment of his pensions in Spain said to be the cause of his enmity to the emperor, 8.

-, -, suspected of being in secret correspondence with Louise de Savoie, 24.

-, -, accused of having spoken slightly of the emperor, the archduke, and the lady Margaret, Int. xviii. 54.

-, -, -, of the pope, and of the Florentines, 64.

-, -, charges Praët with sending injurious reports about his person and dealings, 64–5, 78.

-, -, has his letters to the emperor and Margaret of Austria seized, 62, 63.

-, -, announces his determination to have him punished in England for his misdemeanours, 52, 74–5.

-, -, sends to the English ambassadors abroad a vindication of his conduct, 28, 29, 30.

-, -, complains that false and malicious reports are circulated about his person, 220.

-, -, produces the abstract of a letter from Bèvres and Laurrens to Margaret, wherein he is represented as having used threatening language towards her, 221.

-, -, arrears of pensions due by the emperor to, 549.

-, -, an additional one offered on Milan, ii. 24.

Wolsey, Thomas, cardinal of York, his proposals to Don Iñigo for the settlement of the peace with France, ii. iii.

-, -, sudden change of politics after Francis being conveyed a prisoner to Spain, ii. 148.

-, -, a rumour prevails in London that Henry is about to relieve, from part of his duties, ii. 190.

-, -, absents himself from court on the plea of indisposition, but is nevertheless visited by Henry, ii. 191.

-, -, persuades the king to declare favour of France, and make war the emperor, ii. 192.

-, supported in this scheme by his own enemies anxious to work his ruin, ii. 193.

-, -, prepares to go to France, ii. 193, 207.

-, -, Don Iñigo complains to, of the warlike preparations in England, ii. 271.

-, -, answers that no change whatever has taken place in Henry's relations with Spain, ii. 272.

-, -, and that his own affection for the emperor is unabated, ibid.

-, -, various causes assigned for his intended journey to France, ii. 193, 207.

-, -, among others that of regaining his lost popularity by the accession of territory, ii. 208.

-, -, which he owns is his chief aim, ii. 271, 273.

-, -, the archbishopric of Rouen, in France, promised to, 273, note.

-, -, as well as the patriarchate of England and France, ibid.

-, -, sets out on his journey, accompanied by the papal nuncio in England (Umberto di Gambara), ii. 274.

-, -, to hold an interview with Francis at Abbeville, ii. 228, 275, 325.

-, -, his legatine powers to be taken from him at any cost, ibid, 277.

-, -, supposed to be aiming at the pontificate in the event of Clement's death, ii. 896.

-, -, objects to a separate peace with the emperor, unless it be a general one, including France and Italy, ii. 324.

-, -, sends Gambara to the pope to ask for the post of vicar-general of the Church, ii. 437.

-, -, tries to persuade Henry that Charles is fomenting rebellion in England, ii. 441.

-, -, Don Iñigo's attempt to bribe, with promises of new pensions in Spain and Milan, ii. 24, 436, 441, 483.

-, -, and with helping his election to the pontificate in the event of Clement's death, ii. 273.

Wolsey, Thomas, cardinal of York, apparently in favour of the divorce, though secretly opposed to it from fear of Anne Bouleyn, ii. 790.

-, -, supposed to have agreed with Campeggio to keep the matter in suspense, ibid.

-, -, to be challenged as one of Katharine's sworn enemies, ii. 811.

-, -, accused by Henry of not fulfilling his promises respecting the divorce, ii. 877.

-, -, tries to incite the people of England against the emperor, and win the goodwill of the Commons, ii. 878.

-, -, considered by Katharine the chief cause of all her misfortunes, ii. 841.

-, -, no longer received at court as graciously as before, ii. 886, 888.

-, -, proposes a meeting of Francis, Charles, and the pope at Narbonne, ii.927.

-, which project is supposed by Don Iñigo to be only a stratagem to prevent the emperor's journey to Italy, ibid.

-, -, confessor of, v. Allen.

-, -, physician, v. Agostini.

-, -, letters to the emperor (1525), 32, 37, 127, 191.

-, -, negociations with Praet before the battle of Pavia, 1, 28, 39–42, 50–6.

-, with the commissioners from the Low Countries (Bèvres, Laurrens, and Le Sauch), 76–7, 85, 95–7, 108–13, 123–6, 127–37.

-, -, with Le Sauch, 211–22.

-, with Jonglet, 211–22, 343–6, 373–6, 575–6.

-, with the provost of Cassel (Theimseke), ii. 17, 308–9

-, -, with Don Iñigo de Mendoza (1527), ii. 16–37, 74, 79–86, 101–19, 121–5, 127–30, 151–6, 178–85, 186–95, 206–9, 271–4, 432–44; (1528), 844; (1529), 980.

Woodstock, in Oxfordshire, Henry going to, 209.

Wool trade with the Low Countries, negociations respecting the, 147.

Worcester, bishop of, v. Ghinucci.

Worms, diet held at, 487.

Wranspergh, 1027–29, v. Fruntsperg.

Wurtemberg, duke Ulric of, in league with the French, 89.

-, -, helps the Lutherans, 90.

-, -, renounces in favour of his brother the county of Monbelliard, and retires to Venice, ii. 2.

-, -, to take the command of the Suabian league against the Lutherans, ii. 97.

-, -, in treaty with the French, ii. 385.

Wurtemburg, duke Ulric of, to lead 12, 000 Germans in help of the Italian league, ii. 928.

Wurtzburg (Herbipolis), castle of, besieged by the German peasants, 174.

-, bishop of, v. Thungen.


Xabega, meaning of the word, ii. 619.

Xea, in Aragon, v. Exea.

Ximenez de Urrea, count of Aranda, letter to the emperor (1525), i. 348.


Yañez, Hernando, captain of a Portuguese galleon at Genoa, 866.

Ybrea, v. Ibrea.

Ycart and Ycarte, commander Luis de, Spanish admiral, 179, 311, 578, 611, 613, 623, 835, 925.

-, -, lands at Ostia, and wastes the neighbouring country, 949.

-, -, letter to the emperor, 514, 554.

-, -, sails from Genoa to Spain, 736.

Yciz or Ciz, Hernando, servant of the marquis del Guasto; sent to Spain on a mission, 669; ii. 1004.

-, -, v. also Hernando.

Yebra, Mendaña (?), de, Spanish captain at Naples, ii. 697.

Yecla, a town in the province of Alicante (Spain), ii. 600.

Yrache (Giracco?), marquis of, ii. Int. xxxv.

Ysasaga. a town of Guipuscoa, in Spain, letter dated from, 370.

-, Ochoa de, his mission to France, ii. 615–7.

-, -, letter to the emperor, 370.

Yscla, v. Ischia.

Yserne, Mons. d', French gentleman, sent by Francis on a mission to the duke of Ferrara, ii. 928.

Ysola?, v. Yschia and Ischia, 694.

Ytri, v. Atri.

Ysobio, a native of Savoy, ii. 619.

Ysproug, v. Innsbruck.

Ytla, La, ii. 216.

Yeste, knight commander of, v. Leyva.

Ynguinos, corrupted name given by Spaniards to the Angevine or "Anjouini" of Naples, ii. 553.

York, cardinal of, v. Wolsey.

Yrun-Yranzo (Irun), castle of, on the Spanish frontier, 764.

-, letter dated from, 469.

Yxar y Urrea, Doña Cathalina de, countess of Aranda.


Zabra, meaning of the word, ii. 36, 95, 219, 441, 458, 884, note.

Zamora, bishop of, v. Acuña.

-, bishopric of, given in administration to Don Francisco de Mendoza y Cordoba, 456; ii. 161, 255.

-, marschal of, Spanish captain, ii. 868.

Zapata, Pedro, Spanish captain in Cremona, 854.

-, Sancho, takes a message from Don Hugo to the collateral council at Naples, 385, 836.

Zapoly, v. Zapolski.

Zapolski, Zapoli, Sepusius, &c., vayvod or governor of Transylvania, 897; ii. 665.

-, styled Il Re moderno .'Ungheria, 1054.

-, -, pretender to the crown of Hungary, 944.

-, -, prepares to defend his country against the Turks, 968.

-, -, left by Soliman in charge of the kingdom, 1013.

-, -, opposes Ferdinand and has himself proclaimed, 1051.

-, -, sends an embassy to Venice and joins the Clementine league, 945, 1055; ii. 99, 1003.

-, 'Clement about to send a nuncio to on the plea that the archduke has not announced his own election as king of Bohemia, ii. 68.

-, -, forms alliance with the Turks, ii. 101.

-, -, is defeated, ii. 362, 417, 425, 613, 614.

-, -, takes refuge in Danmark, ii. 737.

-, -, the Turk about to arm in favour of, ii. 620.

-, ambassador of, in Constantinople, ii. 613.

Zaragoza, hospital de Nuestra Señora de Gracia at, 357.

-, archbishops of, v. Aragon and Urries.

-, letters dated from, ii. 521, 670–1, 681, 684.

Zealand, ii. 192.

-, the frontiers of, to be placed in a state of defence, ii. 225.

Zenete, marchioness of, v. Cenete.

Zenque, German captain, 164.

Zirletti, his edition of Porccachi's collection of letters, Lettere de' Principi, &c., ii. 58.

Zorzo, captain Giorgio (?), v. Fruntsperg.

Zuchero (Sucharo, Çucaro, &c.), Burgundian captain in the service of the emperor, 560.

-, -, taken prisoner, ii. 59, 72.

Zuñiga, D. Alvaro de, second duke of Bejar and count of Ledesma, his letter of congratulation to the emperor, ii. 100.

-, -, sponsor to prince Philip, 220.

-, -, dies at Naples of the plague, ii. 770.

-, -, third duke of Bejar, letter to the emperor, 565.

-, D. Francesillo de, buffoon of Charles, ii. 336.

-, Juan de, imperial ambassador in Portugal, 205, 369–71.

-, D. Pedro de, second count of Miranda, Int. xix.

-, y Avellaneda, D.Francisco de, third count of Miranda, 205.

-, -, -, appointed chief of the empress' household, ii. 738.

-, -, -, councillor of state, ii. 818, 925.

Zurita, Geronimo, royal historiographer for Aragon, Int. vi.

Zurolo, Gio. Bernardino (?), conte di Montorio, the two sons of, take possession of Aquila, ii. 87, 92, 94.

-, -, and imprison their own father ii. 120.