Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1877.
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'Index: Q, R', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529, ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1877), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'Index: Q, R', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529. Edited by Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1877), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"Index: Q, R". Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529. Ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1877), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
Quadra, Dr., ii. 834.
Quarata, a town of Naples, the imperialists fail in their attempt to surprise, ii. 812.
-, marquis de, v. Bury.
Quarta, v. Cuarta.
Quelfort, captain, v. Guilford.
Quesada, captain, at Lodi, 773.
Quiñones, Don Diego Fernandez de, count of Luna, ii. Int. vii.
-, Fr. Francisco Fernandez de, called also Fr. Francisco de Los Angeles, general of the Franciscans at Rome, bishop of Coria, cardinal Santa Croce, well received at Rome, by Clement, 274, 689.
-, -, about to return to Spain byway of Marseilles, ii. 160.
-, -, sent again to Italy on a secret mission of Charles under the pseudonym of Alvaro Perez, 985, 1020.
-, -, negociates with Clement, 1056; ii. 137, 157, 160, 348, 534.
-, -, letters of credence on this occasion, ii. 288.
-, -, goes back to Spain with a message from the pope, ii. 160.
-, -, returns to Italy and lands at Genoa (13th December 1528), ii. 367.
-, -, anxiously expected at Naples, ii. 827.
-, -, and in Rome, ii. 828, 866.
-, -, created cardinal Santa Croce, ii. 827, 849,
-, -, imperial ambassador at Rome, ii. 875.
-, -, letters to the emperor (1525), 188; (1528–9), ii. 625, 635, 658.
-, -, notice of, Int. vii–ix.
Quiot, v. Guiot.
Quirinal (Quirinale), pope's palace in the, ii. 947.
Rabia, Antonio, president "della Badia" at Milan, recommended by Leyva, ii. 371, 421.
Racanate, Recanati, in the Roman states, Lautrec leaves, and marches on Naples, ii. 576, 596.
Rafaele, Raphaele, Miçer, secretary to the bishop of Fano, sent on a mission to Charles, 290.
Rai, v. Roysters.
Ramias (Ramirez?), Pietro, Spanish captain, signs the capitulation of Rome ii. 232.
Ramirez, Lictc. Sebastian, presented for the bishoprics of Santo Domingo and La Concepcion in the West Indies, ii. 470.
-, Burman Diego, Spanish captain, killed before Lodi (1528), Int. ii. xiv, 742.
-, de Guzman, Gonzalo, ii. 335.
-, Martin, ii, 2.
-, Nuño, ii,. 335.
-, Ramiro, ii. 335.
-, v. Nuñez de Guzman. iii. 2.
Raneta, Reneta, v. Rcneé.
Rangone, Antonio, v. Rincon.
-, count Guido, governor of Arezzo, 597.
-, -, tries to seduce the Italian infantry serving under Guasto, 654.
-, -, in command of the pope's army, 728, 769.
-, -, quarrels with Giovannino, 848, 864.
-, -, to guard Modena against an attack from the duke of Ferrara, ii. 90, 249.
-, -, sent on a mission to Bourbon, 159.
-, -, asks the Bolognese a passage through their territory, ii. 255.
-, -, suspected by the imperialists, ii. 696.
-, -, death of, falsely reported; 706.
-, -, sends one of his secretaries to Genoa, 874.
-, -, prisoner at Aversa, ii, 778.
-, -, on a mission from Chalonto the pope, ii. 791.
-, -, about to join the French, though [when prisoner] he gave his word of honour not to serve against the emperor, ii. 928.
-, Hercole, cardinal, ii. 90, 214.
-, -, the archdeaconry of Belchite conferred by Clement on, 416.
-, -, the emperor's thanks to be conveyed to, for his good offices, 664.
-, count Lodovico, brother of the two preceding, delivers Modena to the duke of Ferrara, ii. 249.
Raphaele, Miçer, a servant to the duke of Sessa, sent on a mission to the emperor, 290.
Raset, v. Basset.
Ratcliffe, Robert, 211.
Ratisbon (Regensburg, in Bavaria), diet held in, ii. 665–6, 681, 814.
Ravenna, archbishop of, v. Accolti.
-, and Cervia seized and retained by the Venetians, 221, 538,
-, -, on the excuse that they must be defended from the common enemy ii. 657.
-, -, the garrison, of, reinforced, ii. 665.
Rawdon Brown quoted, 209, 660, 666, 702, 714, 759, 782, 810, 822, 831, 903, 945, 1022, 1026; ii. 5, 9,25, 71, 96, 156, 544, 923, 994, 1003.
Ravestein, Mr. de, councillor of Flanders, 36.
Rebello, castle in the Mantuan, 250.
-, Micer Andrea del Burgo, sheltered at, ii. 702.
Recalde, Francisco, merchant of Bilbao, 36.
Redwitz, Wigand van, bishop of Bamberg, 796–7.
Regensburg. v. Ratisbon.
Regente, meaning of the Spanish word as applied to a councillor, ii. 126; Int., ii. ix.
Regi, v. Alba Regia or Stuhl Weissenburg, in Hungary.
Regia, Corte [della Summaria], at Naples, ii. 902.
Reggio, the imperialists to march towards, ii. 70.
-, Soria and Antoniotto Adorno arrive at (1527), ii. 388.
-, -, Bourbon's army encamped close to, ii. 150.
-, -, letter dated from, ii. 486.
-, and Rubiera, money paid by the duke of Ferrara for, 106–7.
-, claimed by pope Clement as fiefs of the Church, 202.
-, wrested from pope Leo X., 907.
-, -, negociations respecting, 181, 287, 433, 439–40, 620, 741, 907, 923, 941. Reguardo (Bel Riguardo), 364.
-, -, Leyva summons, to surrender, ii. 989.
Relon, Gonzalo, 338.
Renée de France, daughter of Louis XII. And sister-in-law of Francis I., 616.
-, -, proposed marriage between, and her brother-in-law Francis I., 66.
-, -, dispensation to be obtained from Clement, ibid.
-, -, her hand offered to the Infante Dom Luiz of Portugal, ii. 629.
-, -, ultimately married to Hercole d'Este, ii. 755, 837.
Reno, river of the Bolognese, 135.
Renteria, Juan de la, master of a Spanish ship, seizes English merchandize on the coast of Britanny, ii. 379.
Requenate, v. Racanate.
Requesens, D. Berenguer de, Spanish admiral, at Naples, 667, 686.
-, -, letter to the emperor, 565.
-, D. Francisco de, captain of Spanish galleys, to escort Bourbon on his voyage from Barcelona to Genoa, 651, 666–8, 686, 936.
-, -, letter to the emperor, 566.
-, -, Jayme de, with his galley in the port of Genoa, 848.
-, -, letter to the emperor, 565.
-, -, and his brother (D. Berenguer) pawn their silver plate to pay their crews, 936.
Revardisano, papal brief relating to the, 160.
Revel, in the marquisate of Saluzzo, ii. 702, 762.
-, written Rebello, 250.
Rezzano, the imperial army to go to the, by the pope's desire, 105.
Rezzo or Rezo, v. Reggio and Arezzo.
Rheims, in France, the combined forces of England and the Low Countries to march on Paris through St. Quentin and, 135.
Rhodes, taking of, by the Turks alluded to 67.
-, knights of St. John of, to be assisted by the Christian powers, ii. 786.
-, galleys of, to join the French fleet at Villafranca di Niza, 1000.
-, three of them, under Andrea Doria, 713, 720.
-, grand master of, v. Villiers de l'Isle Adam.
Ribadeo, a seaport in Galicia, 206, 209.
Ribadeneyra, Rivadeneyra, knight commander, Spanish captain, sent on various missions, ii. 209, 246, 290,304, 306.
-, -, returns to Milan with money, ii. 529, 531–2.
-, -, with despatches for the emperor, 754–5, 764, 774.
-, -, to the lord of Monaco, ii. 870, 872, 876.
-, -, to Andrea Doria and the Genoese, ii. 879.
-, -, with instructions to Leyva, ii. 903.
-, -, back to Spain with despatches from the prince of Orange, ii. 928.
-, -, letter to the emperor, ii. 613.
Ribera (Gonçalo de), Spanish officer recommended by Guasto, 630.
-, Juan de, Spanish captain at Naples, ii. 697.
Ribeyro, Treio, a Portugese, servant of Don Martin de Portugal, employed by pope Clement on various messages to his master, and to D. Miguel de Silva (1529), ii. 920.
Ricasoli, Simone de', cardinal, retained as hostage after the sack of Rome, ii. 210, 232.
Riccio, Gian Angelo, secretary to the duke of Milan, 487, 514–5, 815, 818.
Richard or Richart Boulengier, imperial courier, ii. 22, 25, 27, 39, 50, 277, 373.
-, Cocque, 343, 345.
-, Florentin, 50, 275, 343.
Richard III., of England, subjects Ireland to his rule with the assistance of the earl of Desmond, ii. 992.
Richmond, the English court at, ii. 432.
-, duke of, v. Fitzroy.
Ridolfi, Lorenzo de', brother of the cardinal, retained as hostage after the taking of Rome, ii. 210, 232.
-, Ridolfo, cardinal, sent by Clement to Florence, 274; ii. 88, 90, 952–8.
Rimini (Rom. Stat.), occupied by Sigismondo Malatesta, ii. 567, 651.
-, Lautrec arrives at, ii. 558, 562, 567.
-, lord of, v. Malatesta.
Rinaldi, Antonio, banker in London, money borrowed by ambassador Mesa from, 98.
-, -, v. Vivaldo.
Rincon, Antonio del, a Spaniard in service of Francis, called Rangone by the Italians, on a mission to the vayvod of Transylvania, ii. 176, 336.
Ripalda (?), Rodrigo de, signs the capitulation of Rome, ii. 232.
-, -, appointed governor of Ostia, ii. 287, 234, 244.
-, -, sent to Naples on a mission from the Spanish infantry, ii. 247.
-, -, to Spain, ii. 779–81, 791.
-, -, brother of, appointed to command at Ostia, 943.
Risco, marquis del, v. Lopez.
Riva, Giuliano della, secretary to the doge of Genoa, 269.
-, -, married to a daughter or niece of Antoniotto Adorno, doge of Venice, i. 269;6 ii. 788.
Rivadeo (Ribadeo), a seaport of Galicia, 209, note.
Rivadeneyra, v. Ribadeneyra.
Rivoli, in Piedmont, 141.
Robadanges, French ambassador in Rome, 18, 172.
Robbio, Giovan Stefano da, servant of Morone, sent on a mission to the queen regent of France, and to Lautrec, 372, 384–5.
-, -, arrested, 393.
Robertet, Florimond de, secretary of France, 145, 1015–6; ii. 284, 514, 638, 640–1, 649, 730.
-, -, a servant of, on a mission to Milan, ii. 318.
Rocamador, abbey of, disputed, ii. 916.
Rocandolfo, Rocandorf, v. Rogendorff.
Rocca d' Anfa, or Anfo, in the Bresciano, the Germans under Fruntsperg, to pass by on their march to Milan, 1014.
-, Guillelma or.Guglielma (Lavoro), 700, 720.
-, di Papa, in the Campagna of Rome; Renzo da Ceri sent to, 1006; ii. 38, 56.
-, -, taken from the Colonnese, 1006–7.
-, -, attacked again by Orazio Baglione, ii. 67.
-, -, offers no accommodation for the lodging of the pope and cardinals, ii. 269.
-, Priora, village in, set on fire by the garrison of Rocca di Papa, ii. 68.
-, -, Chalon intends going to, ii. 267.
-, di Valdorba, or Val Dorba, 465.
Rochfort, viscount, v. Boleyn.
Roche, sieur de la, v. Pleine.
Rochefort, viscount, v. Boleyn.
Rochefoucauld, Francois or Antoine? de la, sieur de Barbesieux, admiral of the French fleet, Int. ii. xxxvi.
Rochelle, La, ii. 689.
Rochester, bishop of, v. Fisher.
Rodo, letters dated from, 393.
Rodomonte, v. Gonzaga (Luigi).
Rodriguez [de Arellano] Juan, attendant of chancellor Gattinara, a canonry to be procured at Rome for, 697.
Rœulx (Reux, du Reux, Rieux, Orrus, &c.), v. Croy.
-, Mdme. de, wife of Adrien de Croy, seigneur de, 94.
Rogendorff (Roghendorf, Rocandolfo), Guillaume de, German captain in the Rousillon, 267, 274; ii. 817.
Roiz, Simon, daughter of, married to Alonso Sanchez, imperial ambassador in Venice, 531.
Rokendelf, v. Rogendorff.
Rollez, viscount de, on a mission from the emperor to England, 168.
Rollincourt or Rollencourt, receiver of Mons. de Lannoy, prisoner at Calais, 94.
-, -, to be released if proved to be a native of Flanders, 151, 166, 206.
Roma, Patre Casimiro di, his Memorie Storicho sulla chiesa d'Ara Cœli, ii. 202.
Romagna, coast of, the French fleet bound for the, 60.
-, -, Giovannino de' Medici in the, 475.
-, -, Lautrec in the, 5.
-, -, the confederates march to the, ii. 249.
-, -, troops raised in, by Clement, ii. 692.
-, -, Clement raises troops in the, and the Marches, ii. 713.
Romain, French captain, killed before Cosenza, ii. 718.
-, v. Romano and Tebaldi.
Rome (1526), surprised by Don Hugo and the Colonnese, 930, 937, 939, 940–3.
-, St. Peter at, sacked, 940.
-, tolling of the great bell at Campidoglio, 974.
-, the inhabitants of, make preparations of defence against all armed forces, whether of the pope or the emperor, ii. 12.
-, various houses at, sacked by the "Bande Nere" in April 1527, ii. 157.
-, taken and sacked by the imperialists under Bourbon, ii. 196, 201, 209, 230.
-, their loss on that occasion, ii. 219.
-, capitulation of, after the sack, ii. 225, 231–3.
-, the pope hearing of the approach of the confederates, refuses to sign it, ii. 225.
-, sensation caused in London by the taking of, ii. 230.
Rome, bread and provisions so scarce at, that thousands will die of hunger, ii. 227, 239.
-, the plague at, 708; ii. 200, 248,262–3, 311.
-, -, making such ravages that the pope and the cardinals think of leaving for Rocca di Papa or Sermoneta, ii. 268–9.
-, most of the imperialists prepare to quit, from fear of an outbreak, ii. 535.
-, Clement's return to, ii. 827.
-, letters from, 23, 25, 34, 35, 42.
-, v. Mai, Hurtado, Moncada, Perez, Sessa, &c., news from, 478; ii. 202, 219, 304.
Ronciglione, Roncillone, town in the Rom. Stat., Leyva helps the duke of Ferrara at, ii. 317.
Ronquillo, Licte. Rodrigo, alcalde or judge of the imperial household, tries and sentences to death bishop Acuña, 614.
-, -, excommunicated in consequence, 1004, 1092.
-, -, letter from the emperor to, 369.
Roos, lord Henry, created earl of Rutland, 211.
Ros, Guillelmo or Guillen, imperial courier, his despatches seized, 719.
Rosa, knight commander Alonso? de la, governor of Gaeta, ii. 553, 753.
-, letters to the emperor (1528), ii. 301, 467, 480.
Rosales, captain of Spanish light horse, 164.
Rosano, in Sicily, archbishopric of, renounced by cardinal Colonna in favour of Pimpinello, one of his servants, 289.
Rosas, seaport in Catalonia, papal galleys detained at, 326.
-, Doria's fleet to meet the emperor at, ii. 856, 899.
Rosenau, in Hungary, 888.
Rosenbois, v. Rosymboz.
Rosmithal, Leo von, competitor for the crown of Bohemia, 1053–8.
Rossel, Roussel, v. Russell.
Rosso, Andrea, Venetian secretary, sent with a mission to France, 646–9, 766.
-, -, reports his interview with Francis, 665–6, 676, 683.
-, -, information sent to the signory by, 943.
Rosymboz, Rosimboz, Pierre de, first maitre d' hotel, and minister of the finances in the Low Countries, sent to London on a mission, 36 ; ii. 333.
-, -, to Spain with a message from Margaret to Charles, ii. 969.
Rouen, capital of Normandy in France, ii. 689.
-, president of the parliament of, v. Brinon.
Rouerte, v. Robertet.
Roussillon, county of, 189.
-, German infantry in the, 267.
-, escort Lannoy, 830, 876.
Rovere, Francesco Maria della, duke of Urbino, 141.
-, -, takes with Guido Rangone the command of the papal forces, 728.
-, -, in the pay of Venice, ii. 736.
-, -, not on good terms with proveditor Pesaro, 831, 864.
-, -, undertakes the siege of Cremona and is repulsed, 877, 891, 900, 903.
-, -, discontented with the pope and the Venetians, ii. 44.
-, -, said, to be marching on Bologna to join the Sforzini, and the Venetians in Lombardy, ii. 562, 570.
-, -, his wife and son detained as hostages in Venice, ii. 567.
-, -, marches on Lombardy, ii. 581.
-, -, goes to Venice, ii. 156, 613.
-, -, the Venetians dissatisfied with ii. 769.
-, -, in treaty with Andrea Doria, ii. 914.
-, Guidobaldo della, son of Francesco Maria, duke of Urbino, detained with his mother at Venice, ii. 322, 567.
Rubico (Rovigo) district of, in the Venetian territory, to be invaded by Bourbon, ii. 168.
Rubiera, see Reggio.
Rubio, Giovan Stefano di, v. Robbio.
Ruffo, Giovanni, bishop of Cadiz in Spain, 456 note.
Ruiz, Simon, Spanish banker, ii. 496.
Ruiz de Alarcon, Pero or Pedro, nephew of Hernando de Alarcon, ii. 545–6, 949, 952.
Rupeso Caldi, Antonio, name given by Sandoval to Antoine de la Rochefoucauld, ii. Int. xxxvi.
Rupifucaldo, Barbesó Antonio, v. Rupeso and Rochefoucauld, Int ii. xxxvi.
Rup, Rupt, A. de, sieur de Vaury or Waury, Bourbon's secretary, signs at Madrid the agreement between Doria and the emperor, ii. 767.
-, -, prisoner at Salerno, ii. 670.
-, -, letter to the emperor, i. 497.
-, -, on a mission to Spain, ii. 859.
-, -, François, brother to the preceding, ii. 765.
Russel (sir John), English ambassador at Rome, sent to the imperial camp at Pavia, 71.
-, -, on a mission to Bourbon, 72.
-, -, accompanies Ferramosca to Rome, ii. 76.
-, -, falls from his horse and breaks his leg on the road to Venice, 11. 87, 91, 96.
-, -, with money to the pope, ii. 117.
Russia, the king of, a heretic, said to possess considerable treasure, 208.
Rute, abbot of, v. Fernandez de Cordoba.
Rutland, v. Roos.
Ruychestre, v. Rochester.
Ruyt, v. Rup.
Rye, Gerard de, sieur de Balançon, sent by the prince of Orange on a mission to the emperor, ii. 670, 707–11, 827, 857, 859, 866, 937.