Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1877.
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'Index: P', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529, ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1877), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'Index: P', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529. Edited by Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1877), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"Index: P". Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529. Ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1877), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
Paceo (Pace), Richard, king Henry's first secretary, English ambassador to Venice, instructions to, 15, 44, 62, 72–3.
Paceo (Pace), Richard, king Henry's first secretary, services of, extolled by Sanchez, 143, 152.
-, dean of St. Paul's, imprisoned in the tower (26th October 1527), ii. 440–1.
-, -, the books and papers of, seized, ii. 444.
Pacheco, D. Pedro, a Spaniard residing in Portugal, supposed author of a memorandum given to the papal nuncio [bishop of Pistoia] on the subject of the crusade, ii. 920.
Padilla, D. Garcia de, privy councillor to Charles, ii. 996.
Padua, Venetian proveditor sent to, 143.
-, the wife and son of the duke of Urbino detained at, by the Venetians, ii. 430.
-, defences of, to be increased against an attack of Brunswick's Germans, ii. 677.
-, archbishop of, v. Pisani.
Paduano (Rom. Stat.), the pope's infantry defeated by the Colonnese at Rocca di Papa and, ii. 56.
Pagliano, Rom. Stat., usual residence of Vespasiano Colonna, 997, 1007; ii. 67, 626, 674.
-, besieged by the confederates, ii. 694.
-, seized by Sciarra Colonna, ii. 827.
Palamós, on the coast of Catalonia, Turkish galleys in sight of, ii. 289.
Palatine of the Rhine, count, v. Frederic and Philip.
-, of Hungary, v. Louis.
Palance, Palence, v. Palencia, in Spain.
Palencia, a town of Castille, the emperor's court at, ii. 362, 425, 438.
-, pensions paid to Wolsey on the bishoprics of, and Badajoz, 8 ; ii. 316 483.
-, memorandum drawn at, for the inspection of the French ambassadors, 547, 900.
-, letters dated from, ii. 10, 167, 176, 180, 209.
Paleologo, Bonifacio VI., marquis of Montferrato, ii. 901, 937, note.
-, Guglielmo VI., ii. 937.
-, Margaret, marchioness of Montferrato, daughter of Guglielmo VI., ii. 901.
-, -, at Rome, 937.
-, v. Nigro.
Palermo, archbishop of, v. Carondelet.
-, letters dated from (1528), ii. 284, 530.
Palestrina (Prenestæ, Prenestina), in the estates of the Church, claimed by Stefano Colonna, ii. 559.
-, the imperialists under Ferrante Gonzaga and Marramaldo to go to, ii. 560, 592.
Paliano, v. Pagliano.
Palisse, Mons. de la, commands the artillery at the battle of Pavia, 42–3.
Pallares, Mossen, "mastrodato della Caua" at Naples, a son of, killed by a cannon shot, ii. 505.
Pallavicino, Luigi, a captain in the service of France, defeated near Cremona, 49.
-, Orlando, 573.
-, Vicenzio, ii. 851.
Palma, v. Parma.
Palmerio, v. Palmieri.
Palmieri, cardinal Andrea Matheo, a good imperialist, ii. 950.
Palude, Petrus à, manuscript work by, in Paris, ii. 979.
Palvesin, Lodewick, or Lodovico, v. Pallavicino.
Panara, La, valley of, the imperial army under Bourbon to cross, ii. 88.
Panaro, river of Tuscany, ii. 88.
Pandolfo, v. Castil.
Pandone, Arrigo, duca di Boiano e di Venafro, ii. 826.
-, -, tried and executed at Naples, 856, 865.
-, Ferrante, in the imperial service, 799.
Panellini (Giulio), a citizen of Siena, imprisoned, 325; ii. 998.
Papagayo, hall of the, in the papal palace at Rome, consistory held in, 1039, 1047.
Paquilon, gentleman-in-waiting to the emperor's "mayordomo mayor" (lord high steward) Lorenz von Gorrevod, sent by the duke of Sessa with despatches, 520.
Paris, a march on, by the English and imperialists combined, in contemplation, 135.
-, meeting of the theologians at, for the purpose of giving opinion on the divorce case, ii. 829–32.
-, letter dated from, ii. 578.
Parma, the fortifications of, increased by order of the pope, 650, 669, 672, 685.
-, to be given with Piacenza, Modena, and Ostia as security for the truce with the emperor, ii. 10, 211.
-, meeting of cardinals at, for the purpose of electing a lieutenant to the pope, ii. 421, 423,451.
-, Lautrec and an ambassador from England to assist at the conferences of, ibid, 452.
-, letters dated from, 20.
Parmer, master, a merchant of London, takes a message from dean Pace to D. Iñigo, ii. 440.
Parmigiano, count Gaiazzo's estate in the, 777.
-, Lautrec in the, 453.
Pasages, a port of Biscay, ii. 884.
Pasquinades circulated in London against Wolsey and the king (1527), ii. 190.
Passano, v. Gioachino.
Passerino da Cortona, Giovanni Silvio, bishop of Barcelona, and cardinal, 262 1001; ii. 162.
-, -, expelled from Florence, ii. 183.
-, -, applies for a safe conduct to go to Genoa, ii. 258.
-, -, false report of his death, ii. 569.
-, -, negociation entrusted to, ii. 977.
-, -, letter to the emperor, 183.
-, -, dies (7th February 1529) ii 985, 1006.
-, -, Giulio? nephew of Silvio, ii. 986.
Pastorello, Domenico, servant of the papal nuncio (Castiglione?), ii. 782.
Paul, captain, a Grison in command of the Germans in the castle of Milan, deposed by Leyva, ii. 306.
Pavés, the country round Pavia, 685.
Pavia, in Lombardy, 39, 48.
-, false report concerning, 40.
-, besieged by the French, 78, 80, 88.
-, gallantly defended by Leyva, 42,158.
-, battle of (24th February 1525), 50, 56–7.
-, rejoicings in London in consequence of the victory at, 86.
-, list of Spanish and German captains at, 158.
-, taken and sacked by Lautrech (5th October 1527), ii. 414, 417–9,448.
-, retaken by Leyva (May 1528), ii. 684–5, 699, 736.
-, recovered (18th September 1528) by the confederates under St Pol, and no quarter given to Spaniards or Germans, ii. 793, 799, 892.
-, letters dated from, 238; ii. 7,13, 14, 18,19,21,22,23.
-, account of the battle of, 50.
Peasants, insurrection of German, called the "peasants' war," 89.
Pecchio, Hieronymo, governor of Alessandria, 857.
Pedraça, castle of, near Segovia, the sons of the king of France removed to, 842, note.
Pedrarias, captain, commander at Como, 849; ii. 305.
-, -, defeats the French at San Christoforo, ii. 400.
Peloux, Mr. de, gentleman of Bourbon's suite, 89.
-, -, sent by him on a mission to Lannoy (1527), 1013, 1014; ii. 88, 89, 130.
-, -, to Spain, ii. 250.
Pelu and Pelus, Mr. de, v. Peloux.
Penela, count of, Portuguese nobleman, ii. 619.
Penpinelo (Pimpinelli?), a servant of cardinal Colonna, obtains the archbishopric of Rosano, in Sicily, 239, 302.
Pensions, arrears of, to be paid by the emperor in England, 315.
-, to Wolsey, 8, 549, 909; ii. 86,143, 405.
-, to the duke of Suffolk, 549.
-, to the duke of Norfolk, 569.
-, to Mr. de Boleyn, 550.
-, to the grand chamberlain, 550.
-, to Brian Tuke, 8, 550–1; ii. 483.
-, to the marquis of Dorset, 550.
-, to sir Thomas More, 8.
-, to the grand master, 550.
-, to sir Richard Wingfield, 550.
-, to William Compton, 550.
-, to the bishop of London (Tunstall), 550.
-, to Thomas Hennege, 550–1.
-, fresh, offered by Don Iñigo to Wolsey in the emperor's name, ii. 24, 153, 405, 436–7.
-, similar offers made to Brian Tuke and others, 8.
-, one of 10,000 ducats on the see of Toledo to Clement as cardinal Medici, 252 ; ii. 512.
Penthièvre, le sieur de, mentioned in the treaty of Madrid, 165; ii. 998.
Peña, Joan de la, Spanish captain, signs the capitulation of Rome, ii. 233.
Peñalosa, knight commander Ruy or Rodrigo Diez de, nephew of Fr. Francisco de Quiñones, also called Pignalosa, Spinalosa, &c., takes to Spain the news of the battle of Pavia, 56–9, 89, 105.
-, -, sent on a mission to England, 157, 182–5, 275, 284.
-, -, to Naples and Rome (December 1526), 1021, 1032–5; ii. 6, 8, 26.
-, -, letters to the emperor, 111, 113–4.
Peppoli, count Ugo de', in the pope's service, 476.
-, -, endeavours to detach the duke of Ferrara from the emperor's alliance, ii. 89.
-, -, sent by Lautrec on a message to Clement, ii. 542.
-, -, by the latter to the king of France, ii. 658.
-, -, made prisoner before Naples, ii. 768.
-, -, exchanged for three imperial captains, ii. 769.
Peralta, Spanish captain, slain at Benço in the papal estates, ii. 37.
Perez (Alvaro), pseudonim of Fr. Francisco Quiñones, general of the Franciscans, 964, 998, 1001.
-, -, his arrival at Genoa mentioned, 964, 985.
-, -, Juan, secretary to the duke of Sessa, takes charge of the embassy at Rome, 779, 819.
Perez, Juan, secretary to the duke of Sessa, reads in the presence of "witnesses the emperor's letters to the pope and cardinals (12th December 1526), 1039.
-, -, has a notarial act of the whole transaction drawn, 1046.
-, -, considers his life in danger in consequence, 1047; ii. 78, 93.
-, -, his house sacked by the Germans, who oblige him and other imperialists to pay ransom, ii. 197.
-, -, twice in peril of his life from the lansquenets, ibid, 227.
-, -, quits Rome and follows the imperial army to Naples, ii. 612.
-, -, falsely accused of having sent a Dominican friar to Orvieto for the purpose of assassinating the pope, ii. 690, 695.
-, -, letters to the emperor from Rome (1526), 475, 484, 491, 504, 515, 521, 526, 536, 542, 559, 589, 591, 600, 615, 622, 628, 631, 633–5, 637, 642.
-, -, (1527), ii. 3, 9, 17, 25, 30, 32*, 34, 38, 41, 46–7, 56, 60, 63, 71, 82, 86, 94, 109–10, 141, 145, 155, 157–8, 179–80, 184, 200, 222, 249, 254, 259, 262, 281.
-, -, (1528), 283, 289, 290, 294, 307, 315, 334, 345.
-, -, (1528), from Naples, 366, 377, 390, 394, 413–4, 417, 435–7, 445, 448, 450–1, 458, 464, 475, 491, 523, 529, 533, 535-6, 539–40, 551, 576, 585, 594, 604, 607.
-, -, (1529), ii. 651.
-, de Nueros Jaime, in Genoa with letters from Pescara and Bourbon, 245.
-, de Quiñones, Alvaro and Francisco, v. Quiñones.
-, de la Rosa, Hernan, the "mastrodatia "of Otranto given to, ii. 505.
Peronne, in Picardy, to be attacked by the English, 135.
Perosa, v. Perugia, bishop of, created cardinal, ii. 200.
Perpignan (Perpiñan), capital of the Rousillon; German infantry under Roghendorf quartered at, 267, 274, 775.
-, -, surplus ordnance at, to be sent to Barcelona, ii. 757.
Perpiñan, Mosen, captain of an imperial galley, ii. 636.
Perpiñana, galley so called, from the name of her master, ii. 671.
Perrenot de Granvelle, Nicolas, imperial ambassador in France, 574; ii. 284–5, 377, 424, 438, 636–41, 967–8.
-, -, report by, on the affairs of England, and project of answer to Don Iñigo's despatches, ii. 139–47.
-, -, arrested and confined in the castle of Vincennes, ii. 608, 636.
Perrenot de Granvelle, Nicholas, letters to the emperor, 391.
Perrot du Warty, governor of Clermont, chamberlain to the king of France, on a mission to Margaret of Austria (1525), 201, 208, 220, 465,458; ii. 637, 640–1.
Persia, sophi of, v. Ismail.
Perugia, Rom. Stat., 770, 1034 ; ii. 235.
-, the confederates leave Orvieto for, ii. 249.
-, the body of Orazio Baglione taken to, ii. 694.
-, cardinal of, the pope's chamberlain, ii. 200, 950, v. Armellino.
Perusco, Mario, papal "procuratore fiscale," refuses to deliver Civittà Castellana to the imperialists, ii. 545.
Pesaro, Lautrec said to be at, with the main body of his army, ii. 559, 561.
-, -, report contradicted, ii. 562.
-, -, Hieronymo or Girolamo, Venetian proveditor, sent to Corfu, ii. 595, 665.
-, Piero della Cà, da, proveditor general of Venice, against Cremona, 848, 883, 926–7, 929.
-, -, in Lautrec's camp, ii. 343.
-, -, at the siege of Naples, ii. 657, 665.
-, -, letters from Francesco Guicciardini to, 555, 558.
-, bishop of, v. Simonetta.
Pescara, marquis of, v. Davalos d' Aquino (Hernando).
-, marchioness of, v. Colonna.
Peschiera, in Lombardy, the confederates remove their camp from, and Marignano, 1000.
-, the Germans march on, ii. 695, 709, 760.
Petervaradin, v. Peterwardein.
Peterwardein, Petro Bernandi (Peterwarden) in Sclavonia gallantly defended by its Bohemian garrison, 895.
-, -, artillery at, removed by Soliman, ii. 363.
Petillano, v. Pitigliano.
Petra (Preda?), Giovanni Antonio di, a servant of the duke of Milan, arrested at Venice, 479, 481, 502, 535.
Petrasancta, in Tuscany, promised by Charles to the Genoese, 993.
Petro, Bernardi, see Petervaradin.
Petrucci, cardinal Alfonso, son of Pandolfo, 917.
-, Borghese or Borghesino, written Borgherino by mistake, ibid.
-, -, Fabio, 917.
-, -, Francesco, ii. 1003.
-, -, Julio, 917.
-, Pandolfo, tyrant of Sienna, alluded, 917, 1003.
-, Raffaele, bishop of Grossetto and cardinal, 917; ii. 1003.
Petrucci, Raffaele, at Rome during the sack ii. 199.
Philip, prince of Spain, son of Charles and Isabella of Portugal, birth and christening of, ii. 204–6, 220.
-, landgrave of Hesse, disturbances caused in Germany by, ii. 796.
-, Le Bon, duke of Savoy, 998.
-, count palatine of the Rhine, succeeds in reconciling the two opposite parties in Germany, ii. 797.
Phillips, Phillipes, v. Felipez.
Phippot, servant of Mr. de Praët, 560.
Piacentines defeat Zuchero and take him prisoner with two more imperial captains (1527), ii. 59, 68, 72.
Piacentino, permission to cross the, granted by pope Clement VII. to the French, 66.
-, imperial army in the, 105.
Piacenza, imperial army quartered in the territory of, 103.
-, French under Saluzzo arrive at, 929.
-, the fortifications of Parma and, to be increased, 650, 669.
-, the papal troops abandon, 1037.
-, the Germans under Fruntsperg on the road to, ii. 15.
-, rent dues, known as porto di, asked for by secretary Perez for his maintenance, ii. 227, 235.
-, Bourbon, by the advice of the duke of Ferrara, desists from attacking, 68, 70.
-, Leyva takes possession of, ii. 249.
-, letters dated from, ii. 612, 674.
Picardy, invasion of, projected and discussed by Wolsey and the imperial ambassadors, 32, 38, 80, 93, 111, 118, 130.
-, said to be too strongly fortified to be attempted with a small force, 118.
Piccolomini, Giovanni, cardinal archbishop of Sienna, ii. 198–9, 203, 949.
-, Ottavio, Austrian general, Int. ii. xxxv.
-, Alfonso, count of Celano, marquis of Capistrano, duke of Amalfi, captain of imperial men-at-arms, and governor of Santelmo, in Naples, Int. ii. xxxv; ii. 138, 155, 160, 162, 232, 561, 593, 673, 691,697,707.
-, -, letter to the emperor, ii. 454.
Pico della Mirandola, Alberto, ii. 916, note.
-, Anna, married to Antoniotto Adorno, doge of Genoa, ibid.
-, Beatrice, ibid.
-, count Gian Francesco, a staunch imperialist, shelters in his estate Antoniotto Adorno, Lope de Soria, and Alonso Sanchez, ii. 393, 584, 793.
-, -, strongly recommended to the emperor, ii. 794–5.
Pico della Mirandola, count Gian Francesco, in fear of the duke of Ferrara, who threatens to invade his estate, ii. 874.
-, -, applies to the imperialists for help, 874.
-, -, one of his three sons (Alberto, Gian Thomasso or Paolo) to be sent as papal nuncio to Hungary, ii. 916.
-, -, letter to Lope de Soria, 393.
-, Gian Thomasso, ii. 916, note.
-, Giulia, daughter of count Gian Francesco, married to Malatesta, lord of Rimini, ii. 651.
-, Paolo, ii. 916, note.
Piede (Pieve) di Santo Stefano, in Tuscany, the imperialists under Bourbon reach, ii. 149.
Piedmont, the imperial army quartered in, 267.
-, ravage and exhaust the, 217, 631, 580.
-, orders for the evacuation of, 365.
-, disregarded by the imperial generals, 631,687.
-, Hurtado's negociations with the duke Carlo, 629, 631, 650, 655, 687.
-, the Spanish infantry to be again quartered in, 670.
-, against the duke of Savoy's will, 631.
Piedmontese, safe conducts granted to the, by the governess of the Low Countries, 80.
-, rise in arms against the imperialists, 704.
Pietradante (Pietrabondante?), in the Abruzzo, 719.
Pietra Sancta, in Tuscany, 393.
-, Pieve, v. Piede di Santo Stephano.
Pignatello, Annibale or Hannibale di, recommended by Lannoy and Veyre for the bishopric of Cosenza, ii. 353, 412, 763, 951.
-, Camillo, count of Burrello, his campaigns in Calabria and Puglia, ii. 672, 768, 774, 825, 857.
-, obliges the French to raise the siege of Manfredonia, ii. 768.
-, letters to the emperor (1527), ii. 175, 178–9, 182, 208, 275, 397, 412, 567, 665–6.
-, Giovanni Battista, ii. 763.
-, Hectore or Ettore, duke of Monte Leone, viceroy of Sicily, Int. xxx, 297; ii. 403, 672, 739, 919.
-, -, letters to the emperor, ii. 284, 358, 397.
Pimentel, D. Alonso, fifth count of Benavente, 635.
-, -, one of the sponsors to prince Philip, 220.
-, -, D. Juan, 635, 645.
-, -, his name erroneously written Pimentel, 672.
Pimentel y Velasco, Dona Maria de, daughter of Alonso, count of Benavente (1527), 635; ii. 262, 266.
Pimpinelli, Vincencio, v. Penpinelo.
Pinedo, his history of the order of the Golden Fleece quoted, Int. xii.
Pinelli, Cosmo, banker at Naples, ii. 645.
Pino, Bernardino, ii. 1002.
Pinotetti, Hannibale, recommended by Lannoy for the archbishopric of Cosença, ii. 353,412.
Pio, Alberto, count of Carpi, a partisan of the French (1525–7), 56, 104, 256, 793, 907.
-, -, the estates of, confiscated, 56.
-, -, to be given to Pescara, 104.
-, -, and after his death to the duke of Ferrara, ii. 258.
-, -, shut up with the pope in Santangelo (1528), ii. 259.
-, -, leaves for France with Renzo da Ceri and other Romans, ibid, 288.
-, -, dissatisfied with the French, ii. 839, 852.
-, Girolamo, executed by order of the duke of Ferrara (1528), ii. 851, 870.
-, Marco, ambassador from the duke of Ferrara to the emperor, brother of the preceding, sails for Barcelona, ii. 292.
-, -, memorandum of, to the emperor, ii. 172.
-, -, recalled, ii. 873, 901.
Pioltello, called also Pioltela (Lombardy), the confederates retreat to, 990, 993, 1011, 1013.
Piombino, channel of, one of the imperial galleys arrives at, with troops, ii. 8.
-, Turkish fustes captured in the, 622.
-, French ambassador in Rome returns from, ii. 39.
-, lord of, v. Appiani.
Pisa and Leghorn taken from the Medici, ii. 204, 250.
-, retained by the Florentines, ii. 204, 258.
-, archbishop of, v. Bartolini.
Pisanello, Giovan Angelo, president of the Summaria at Naples, ii. 505.
Pisani, or Pisano, Alvise or Luigi, proveditor of Venice, sent to the camp of the confederates, 831, 929; ii. 79, 163, 174, 210, 225, 650.
-, -, dies of the plague at Naples, ii. 722, 734, 748.
-, Francesco, archbishop of Padua, and cardinal in Porticu, son of the preceding, 831; ii. 79, 210, 225, 711, 951.
Piscol, v. Puzzolo.
Pistoia, bishop of, v. Pucci (Antonio).
Pitigliano, Lodovico Orsino, comte di, offers his services to the emperor, 949, 1004, 1052, 1057.
Pitigliano, Lodovico Orsino, comte di, estate of, claimed by the Sienese, 1004; ii. 93.
Pizzighetone, tower of, on the banks of the Adda; Francis I. confined in, 58, 105.
-, agreement made at, 149.
-, the garrisons of, Lecco, Pavia, and other places in Lombardy not paid for many months, ii. 305.
-, called Piccleonis and Pizlenois, by some Italian geographers, 384, note.
-, letters dated from, 85, 88.
Placito (Placidi?) Aldelo, a citizen of Sienna, 325; ii. 998.
-, Domenico, nephew of, executed, 325; ii. 998.
Plague breaks out in Genoa, 289, 298, 310–1; ii. 715, 743.
-, -, in Rome, ii. 200, 233,248,262–3, 308,311.
-, -, in Puglia, ii. 714, 716.
-, -, .in Naples, and in Lautrec's camp, ii. 768.
-, -, at Ferrara, and in the Mantuan, ii. 716.
Plantagenet, sir Arthur, viscount Lisle, natural son of Edward IV., admiral of England, (1525), 76.
Plantedia, Cesare di Cosenza, petition of (1528), ii. 705.
Plasenzia, in Extremadura, 257.
-, dean of, on a message from Lope Hurtado to the emperor, 883.
Plazentino, v. Piacenza and Piacentino.
Plebanos, meaning of the word, 673.
Plegamans, Marimon de, lieutenant-governor of Trani, ii. 402.
Pleine, Gerard de, sieur de la Roche, sent by the emperor to Rome, Int. xvi, 33; ii. 244.
Plemua, Plemue, v. Plymouth.
Plus Ultra, imperial herald, ii. 246, 338, 380.
Plymouth, called by Spaniards Plemua, 50, 550.
Pò, river of Lombardy, the Germans under Fruntsperg about to cross the, 1031, 1034.
-, -, Lautrec passes the, and goes to Piacenza, ii. 423.
-, -, Leyva's attempt to cross the, unsuccessful, ii. 768.
Poggio Reale, near Naples, the imperialists retreat to, ii. 664.
-, -, followed thither by Lautrec, who lays siege to Naples, ii. 670.
Poictiers, Jean de, sieur de Saint Valliers, one of Bourbon's adherents, mentioned in the Madrid convention, 165; ii. 998.
-, -, his release, solicited by the emperor, 560, 563, 884.
Pointz or Poyntz, sir Francis, esquire of the body, sent on a mission to Charles, ii. 179, 185, 188, 206, 222, 274, 282.
Poissy, in France, letters dated from, 285.
Pola, bishop of, v. Altobello Averoldi.
Polanco, a Spaniard, sent to the king of Bohemia, ii. 392.
Poland, king of, v. Sigismond.
-, -, Scepperus' mission to, ii. 689.
Pole (Poulle), Richard de la, surnamed Blanche Rose, slam at Pavia, 96, 100 148.
Polesino [di Rovigo), Venetian troops in the 143; ii. 450.
Policastro, count (Caraffa?), president of the collateral council at Naples, 900, note.
Polignano Pulignano (Naples) surrenders to the Venetians, ii. 658, 812.
Poliziano,——, Milanese secretary, the duke of Milan summoned to surrender the person of, 487, 515.
-, to be examined by Caracciolo, 818.
Pomblin, Pomblino, v. Piombino.
Pomeghe, small islands of the Mediterranean, close to Marseilles, the French fleet at the, 1006.
Ponça, island of, Andrea Doria with his galleys at the, 729.
Pomperant, an adherent of Bourbon. 792 ii. 1001.
Ponce de Leon, D. Luis Christoval, duke of Arcos, at Rome, 718.
Pont des Vaux, Pontis Vallis or Vallium, count of, v. Gorrevod.
Ponte Corona, a village in the lands of the Orsini, 50.
Pontecorvo, in the Rom. Stat., the Colonnese encamped at, ii. 11.
Ponte Molle, at Rome, ii. 216.
Ponte Nuro, castle close to Piacenza, ii. 58, 1004.
Pontevico, village in Lombardy, Brunswick at, in great want of money, ii. 707.
Ponthièvre, Pointhièvre, v. Penthièvre.
Pontremoli, marquisate of, in Tuscany, the Italian infantry under Leyva to be quartered at the, 573, 597.
-, Lautrec's infantry quartered at, ii. 457.
Popoli, v. Peppoli.
Populo, Monte di, one of the three divisions of Siena, 69, 405.
Porcacchi, Thomasso, his "Lettere de Principi" quoted, 225, 229, 290, 732; ii. 1001.
Porcara, Madama Francesca, widow of Miçer Laudisio, recommended to the emperor ii. 724.
Porta, Jo. Aleuisio or Aloysio della, 465.
Porta Capuana, in Naples, skirmish close to, unfavourable to the French, ii. 674.
-, Orientale, at Milan, the confederates encamp at, with a view, to relieve the castle besieged by Bourbon (1526), 816.
-, Romana, one of the suburbs of Milan, imperial troops quartered at, 471, 795.
-, Tessinessa, out of Milan, 471.
Porta Tusa, a suburb of Milan, imperial troops quartered at, 471.
-, -, defeat of the confederates at, 795.
Porta Zobia, castle of, at Milan, ii. 795.
Porto Baçan, in Tuscany, 601.
Portalegre, count, a Portuguese nobleman, 369.
Port'ercole, v. Porto Hercole.
Porto Hercole, the French fleet at, 104.
-, the confederated fleet reported at, ii. 430.
-, taken by Andrea Doria, 805, 878–9.
-, Veneris (Portvendre), on the coast of France, 613,
Portocarrero, D. Pedro, Spanish bishopric given to, 1057.
Portofino, in the Genoese, the papal and Venetian galleys at, for the purpose of blockading Genoa (1526), 884.
-, Genoese galleys captured at, ii. 346.
Portugal, the English not likely to make war against, but certain to help the French in Italy, ii. 689.
-, a Jew allowed to preach in, against Christian religion, and in favour of the Mosaic creed, ii. 818.
-, king of, v. Joaõ and Manuel.
-, D. Fadrique de, bishop of Siguença, in Castille, viceroy of Catalonia, 189, 288.
-, letters to the emperor, 229; ii. 516.
-, Dom Martin de, Portuguese ambassador in Rome, signs the capitulation with Don Hugo and the Colonnese in September 1526, 928.
-, -, to Spain on a mission from Clement, 973, 996.
-, -, his good offices to the emperor, 892, 1004, 1047, 1051.
-, -, offers made to Clement by, ii. 6–8.
-, -, his house at Rome plundered by the imperialists, ii. 197.
-, -, proposed again for the embassy of Rome, ii. 618.
Portunda, Genoese galley in the imperial service, magnificently fitted out to convey Francis to Spain, 179–80, 368, 611.
-, -, report of her having been attacked by Doria, 601.
-, -, turns out untrue, 611.
Portundo, Roderigo?, Genoese admiral, takes Francis to Spain on board his galley, 179, 311.
-, -, to be employed against Doria, 667, 686, 694, 720, 803, 819.
Posilippo, Pusilipo (Naples) Hernando de Alarcon at, 856.
Possonia, 956, v. Presburg.
Postmaster-General in England, v. Brian Tuke.
Posterla (written also Pusterla, and Purterla), Il Cavalier di, appointed one of the "conservatori" of Milan, 430.
-, Pietro di', heads one of the Milanese riots, 772.
Potença, count of, v. Guevara.
-, son of, wounded by Guasto, 645.
-, dies, 672.
Potencia (Potença), town in Naples, bishop of, slain at the taking of Rome, ii. 219.
-, count of, v. Guevara.
Poulle, v. Pole.
Poupet de la Chaux, Charles, v. Lachaulx.
Poza, castle of, in Castille, the sons of Francis and the ambassadors of the league detained at, ii. 573, 627, 666.
Praët, Jean de, Int. xii.
-, Louis de Flandre, seigneur de, imperial ambassador in England, conversation with the papal nuncio in London, 2.
-, -, -, with cardinal Wolsey respecting the duchy of Milan, 3.
-, -, -, remonstrates against the reception made to the French ambassador (Jean Jockin) in London, 5.
-, -, -, prevented from seeing the king, 54, 76, 78.
-, -, -, disliked by the cardinal, who had his correspondence seized, 51, 89.
-, -, -, desired not to write home without first showing his letters to the cardinal, 53, 84.
-, -, -, who complains of him to Charles, 74–6.
-, -, -, and insists upon his recall, 78–9, 92–8.
-, -, -, otherwise to be punished in England for his slandering reports, 85.
-, -, -, advises the detention in Spain of Sampson, the ambassador, until he himself be allowed to quit England, 54.
-, -, -, opinion of, respecting the prosecution of the war with France 96.
-, -, -, and the emperor's journey to Italy, 97.
-, -, -, leaves England, 85.
-, -, -, letters to the emperor from London, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 20,38,47.
-, -, -, to Mdme. Marguerite of the Low Countries, 63.
-, -, -, letters and instructions to, 52, 55–6.
-, -, -, appointed ambassador to France (October 1525), 3u2, 844, 998 1015–6.
-, -, -, about to start for Flanders, ii. 60.
-, -, -, on a pilgrimage to Monserrate, ii. 205.
Praët, Louis de Flandre, seigneur de, letters to the emperor from Lyons, 225, 264, 275, 330.
-, -, -, to Rome as ambassador, ii. 548.
Prague, capital of Bohemia, Ferdinand the archduke of Austria crowned at, ii. 44.
-, diet held at, ii. 680, 1058.
-, letters dated from, ii. 423, 425.
Pransuic, v. Brunswick.
Prat, Antoinc du, chancellor of France, cardinal Senoncensis (of Sens), signs the petition of the cardinals assembled at Compiegne (1527), ii. 386.
-, -, grand chancellor of France, ii. 673, 797.
Preda, Juan Antonio de, v. Petra.
Pregadi, Consiglio dei, at Venice, 144, 447, 587,666; ii. 150.
Prenestina, v. Palestrina and Colonna.
Presburg (Possonia), in Hungary, Anna, widow of king Ludwig besieged by the Turks in, 899, 923.
-, citadel of, defended by Bornamisa, ii. 279.
Presinga, v. Presintgher.
Presintgher, German courier, 1028; ii. 1, 2, 59.
Pretiœ (?), Antonius, signs the convention of Florence, ii. 163.
Prisoners of war at Calais, negotiations between England and the Low Countries concerning the, 147, 153, 202, 206.
Priuli, Lorenzo, Venetian ambassador in Spain, 363,482.
Proscida, baron, a Neapolitan, joins the French, ii. 750.
-, -, his estate given to the marquis del Guasto, 782–3.
Provence, bad success of the expedition to, caused by bad management, 12.
-, invasion of, recommended by Soria and other imperialists (1525), 298.
-, M. de Lautrec governor of, and Languedoc, 70, 150.
-, the coast of, to be assailed by Doria, ii. 824, 867, 906.
Pruxita, v. Proscida.
Pucci, Antonio, bishop of Pistoia, sent by Clement on a mission to Civittà Vecchia, ii. 160.
-, -, signs the adhesion of Florence to the league (1527), ii. 163, 183.
-, -, one of the hostages for the capitulation of Rome, ii. 210, 232.
-, -, sent to Spain by the pope, ii. 586.
-, -, forwards to Rome a memorandum written by a Spaniard respecting the manner of preaching the crusade against the Turks, ii. 894.
Pucci or Puccio, Lorenzo, cardinal Santi Quatro, more correctly "Sanctorum Quatuor Coronatorum," his mission to France, 302, 411.
-, -, ill treated by the Germans during the sack of Rome, ii. 219, 234.
-, a prisoner of Mario Orsino, ii. 494 498,520.
-, -, professes to be the emperor's friend, 949.
Pucetain or Puestain, competitor for the crown of Bohemia, 1053.
Puch, Mossen, captain of an imperial galley, ii. 672.
Puçol, v. Puzzolo.
Puebla or La Puebla, Dr., Ferdinand's ambassador in England, 616.
Puerin, a company of Italian light horse slaughtered by the Piedmontese at, 706.
Puglia (Pulia, Pulla, Apulia), Venetian galleys destined to the coast of, 713; ii. 97.
-, Clement offers to assist in the invasion of, ii. 157.
-, invaded and almost conquered by the confederates, ii. 654.
-, Burrello's campaign in, ii. 792, 812.
-, Guasto's expedition to, ii. 856.
-, Dogana di, ii. 663.
-, disaffected Neapolitan barons executed in, 865.
-, threatened by Venice, ii. 944.
Pujadas, v. Pujordes.
Pujordes (Pujades?), master of a Catalonian galley, 368.
Pulla, v. Apuglia and Puglia.
Pusilico, v. Posilippo.
Pusterla, Pietro da, written also Purterla, appointed commander of a force of armed citizens at Milan, 757–8.
Patiis, Antoninus de, v. Pucci.
Puzzuolo, Naples, Doria met at, by Dom Hugo and defeated, ii. 87, 92.
-, Spanish infantry sent to the defence of, and the coast, ii. 505.
-, the Venetian fleet in sight of, ii. 704.
-, the French of Aversa on their arrival at, find the galleys gone, ii. 782.
-, in the Roman states, Don Hugo de Moncada at, 973.
Pynnalose, v. Peñalosa.