Index: N, O

Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1877.

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'Index: N, O', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529, ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1877), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Index: N, O', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529. Edited by Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1877), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"Index: N, O". Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529. Ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1877), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.


Nacion, meaning of the word, as applied to Italians, Germans, &c., in the service of Spain, 974.

Najara or Najera, abbot of, v. Marin, and Santa Maria.

-, duke of, v. Manrique de Lara.

Namur, in Flanders, 81.

Nancy, in Lorraine, besieged by the German peasants, 206.

Nania, v. Anagua.

Naples, projected invasion of the kingdom of, by the duke of Albany, 25, 28, 65, 71.

-, to be equally divided between the pope and the king of France, 25.

-, bishoprics in, 593.

-, in danger of invasion from the Turks, 605.

-, from the pope and the armies of the Italian league, 663, 779, 793, 995.

-, collateral council of, assembles to consider the best means of assisting Don Hugo and the Colonnese, 798.

-, galleys of, to be sent against Andrea Doria, 803.

-, the duke of Sessa raising money and men for the defence of, 804.

-, suspension of hostilities between Rome and, negociated by Don Hugo, ibid.

-, preparations at, for the invasion of the Roman estates, 799,1006, 1019, 1021 ; ii. 67.

-, papal nuncio in, dismissed, 1048.

-, -, the investiture of the, to be taken away from Charles, and given to whomsoever the pope chooses, 666, 1009; ii. 8.

Naples, investiture of, ultimately granted to Vaudemont (Louis de Lorraine), ii. 75.

-, again threatened by the confederates, ii. 157.

-, in case of attack, most of the provinces of, unprepared for resistance, ii. 166.

-, Spanish infantry from, enter Rome after the sack, ii. 233.

-, the tithes of, sold by the pope to a banker, ii. 251.

-, the pope and his cardinals to be removed to, ii. 311–2.

-, invaded by Lautrec, 450–1, 610.

-, the imperialists shut up in, ii. 611, 625, 741.

-, city of, closely invested by Lautrec, ii. 748.

-, -, exchange of prisoners before, ii. 703.

-, -, bombarded, ii. 706.

-, -, plague at, and in the French camp, ii. 726.

-, -, wine and provisions very scarce, ii. 727, 753.

-, -, the Venetian fleet in sight of, ii. 734.

-, barons of, present Charles 200,000 ducats, ii. 782.

-, disaffected barons of, punished, ii. 792, 826, 856, 865.

-, a deputation from, going to the emperor in Spain to remonstrate against the excesses of the imperial army, ii. 856.

-, which are such that three fourths of the nobles will have to emigrate in order to escape their fury, ii. 894.

-, tribunal or court of the Summaria at, 834–5.

-, lieutenant of, going to Spain, 249, 290.

-, collateral council of, letters to the emperor, 476, 497, 513, 548, 561.

-, described by Salazar as a corrupt body, unfit for the government of the country, ii. 243.

-, census or annual tribute paid by the emperor for the kingdom of, ii. 457.

-, archbishop of, created cardinal, ii. 490, 508.

-, letters from, 487, 584–5, v. also Moncada, Perez, and Chalon.

Narbonne, city of, in Languedoc, preparations made by Charles to lay siege to, 37.

-, -, proposed interview of Francis and Charles at, ii. 927.

Narciso, Charles' physician, 418.

Nardo, city of Naples, in the province of Otranto, besieged by the imperialists, ii. 812.

Narni (Rom. Stat.), 891.

-, and Terni sacked by the Germans, ii. 267,411,425.

Nassao, Nassaot, v. Nassau.

Nassau, Henri comte de, marquis of Cenete, lord of Breda lord high chamberlain to the emperor, in the emperor's privy council, 383; ii. 61, 101, note, 246, 968.

-, -, his lawsuit with Philip, landgrave of Hesse, ii. 816.

Naturelli (Neturelli?), Philibert, provost of Utrecht, also called Dom Prevosl, il. 549, 639.

Navagero or Navagiero, Andrea, Venetian ambassador in Spain, 322, 992 ; ii. 62–3, 482, 896, 943.

-, Bernardo, ii. 58.

Navarra, Francisco, 407.

-, Vicente, ii. 805, note.

Navarre, kingdom of, in Spain, the French threaten to invade, 616, 793 ; ii. 892.

-, king of, v. Albret.

Navarro, Francisco, his commission for the marquisate of Cevà, 407.

-, count Pedro, Spanish condottiere in the pope's service, 654, 940.

-, -, in command of the French fleet, 708, 822, 845, 874, 883.

-, -, invades the country about Alessandria, but is repulsed by Lodrone, ii. 271,280, 288.

-, -, in the vanguard of the French army with four thousand archers, ii. 546, 569.

-, -, struck by the plague, ii. 758.

-, -, prisoner at Aversa, ii. 777.

-, -, removed to Castil Novo of Naples, ii. 778, 791.

Naya?, near Savona, the "Monega," a Genoese carack, obliged to put up at, 290.

Neapolitans, four, hung on suspicion of bringing poison to throw into the wells during the siege of Naples by the French, ii. 674.

Negro (Nigro), Joan or Giovanni, the Greek, his success against the vayvod and the Turks in Hungary, ii. 260, 385, 392.

-, -, supposed to be in secret intelligence with the vayvod of Transylvania, Zapolsky, ii. 260.

Negrone, abbot, a Genoese, sent by Doria on a message to the pope, ii. 791.

Nero, abbot of, v. Doria (Erasmus).

-, Marco del, dies of the plague during the siege of Naples, ii. 722.

Netural (Neturelli?), Piero, a servant of Lannoy,, applies to Lautrec for a safe conduct for his widow, the princess of Sulmona, ii. 448.

Newhall, in Essex, Henry VIIL residing at, ii. 373.

Newstadt, in Austria, 1031.

-, Nigro, agent of the Colonnese in Spain, ii. 493.

Nicolas, French secretary, intercepted letter from, to Lautrec, 703.

Nobili, Monte de', at Siena, 69.

Noblet, secretary to Louise de Savoie, 468.

-, letter to the French ambassadors in England, 269.

Nocera, Nucera, in the kingdom of Naples, occupied by Lautrec, ii. 611, 663.

-, citadepl of, besieged by the imperialists, ii. 772.

Nœufville, sieur de, treasurer of Flanders, 36.

Nogarola or Nogaralo, Leonardo, v. Noguerol.

Noguerol, Mendo de, warder of Simancas, slain by bishop Acuña, 614, 627.

-, count (Leonardo?), the emperor's steward, death of, at Naples in July 1527 recorded, ii. 291, 335.

-, -, son of, ii. 905.

Noia, count of, governor of Tarento, ii 592, 712.

-, -, letters to the emperor, ii. 344, 459.

Nola (Naples), surrenders to Lautrec, ii. 654, 667.

-, the French defeated close to, by Ferrante Gonzaga, ii. 773.

-, recovered by count Sarno or Sangro, ii. 773, 776.

-, count of, v. Orsino.

-, countess of, in Naples, ii. 776.

Norby, Severinus, captain in the imperial service, detained at the court of the duke of Moscovy, ii. 579.

Norcia, Nursia, Rom. Stat., the "fuorusciti" of, to be allowed to return home, ii. 915.

Norfolk, duke of, v. Howard.

Normandy to be invaded by the English, 27, 80, 119, 125.

-, expedition to, disapproved of, by the imperial ambassadors, 81,92–3.

-, who propose instead one to Picardy, 111, 118.

Nottingham, earl of, v. Fitzroy.

Novales, Novalese, Novarese, or the district of Novara, Lautrec sends a division to the, to cut the supplies to Milan, ii. 369.

Novara, city of, 51,105.

-, arrest of Morone at, 364, 391.

-, the leaguers defeated by Marramaldo on the road to, 862.

-, the Spanish garrison of Cremona arrive at, and march into Lombardy against the terms of the capitulation, 1001.

-, successfully defended by count Filippo Torniello, ii. 280.

-, recovered by Leyva, ii. 546.

-, letters dated from, 143, 226.

Nove, Monte de', one of the three divisions at Siena, 159, 405.

-, in the Genoese, v. Novi.

Novellara, count Annibale di, takes service under St. Pol, ii. 989.

Novi, small town of the Genoese, to be granted in fief to Leyva, 57.

-, given by the confederates to the duke of Ferrara, ii. 879.

-, to be attacked by the Genoese, ii. 880.

-, by the Venetians, ii. 991, 996.

-, ultimately occupied by the duke of Ferrara, ii. 590.

Noya, v. Noia.

Numali, Fr. Cristoforo, cardinal of Ara Cœli, his hotel at Rome plundered by the imperialists, 202.

Nuncios, legates, &c., papal, in England, v. Langus (Melchiore), Gambara (Umberto di), Campeggio.

-, -, in Ferrara, v. Acciajoli, Cibo.

-, -, in France, v. Acciajoli, Aleandro, Campeggio, Capino, Salviati.

-, -, in Germany, v. Campeggio.

-, -, in Naples, one dismissed by the collateral council, 932, 1048.

-, -, in Switzerland, v. Ennio Filonardo, bishop of Veroli.

-, -, to the vayvod of Transylvania, v. Statilio.

-, -, in Venice, v. Campeggio (Tomasso), Altobello Averoldi.

-, -, in Spain, v. Paolo d' Arezzo, Castiglione, Salviati, Sangro, Schomberg, bishop of Vassone.

Nuñez de Aguilera, Ramiro, knight commander of Calatrava, at Rome, negociating with the pope, 819.

-, -, sent on a mission to Siena, 240–1, 246, 259, 795, 998.

-, -, witnesses at Rome the reading of the emperor's letter to the cardinals, 1039, 1046, 1047.

-, -, death of (18th August 1527), ii. 366, 464.

-, -, letters to the emperor, 139, 366.

-, de Guzman, Gonzalo, high commander of Calatrava, ii. 60.

-, , Martin, 60, note.

-, Ramiro, ii. 2, 60.

Nuremberg, ii. 631, 683.

-, loan to be contracted at, Verona and Strasburg, for the pay of the Germans under Fruntsperg, 934.


Oberayn, prince, an Irishman, ii. 993.

Obregon, v. Brego.

Ochoa, v. Ysasaga.

Occhiobianco, village of Lombardy, 858.

Ocunachuiz, captain, one of Desmond's adherents, ii. 993.

Odall, Richard, a servant of sir Richard Wingfield, 206.

Odet, v. Foix and Lautrec.

Odonyll (O'Donnel?), lord, prince Udilie, ii. 993.

Oglio, river of Lombardy, 792, note.

Ogni Santi, Porta d', at Cremona, the imperialists defeat the confederates near, 877.

Oneglia, in the Genoese, sacked by Antonio da Udine, 299, 328, 333.

-, -, invested by general Vargas, 334.

-, -, complaints of the doge Adorno respecting the ravages committed by the imperialists at, 328.

-, -, the castle of, in charge of Antonietto Adorno, 342.

Onorato (Honoré?), French agent in Portugal, dismissed at the emperor's request, ii. 615, 620, 628–9, 663.

Oñate, counts of, in Spain, descended from the house of Taxis, ii. 251.

Orange, prince of, v. Chalons.

Orbieto, Orvieto (Civitas Urbetanensis), or Orvieto, in Romagna, pope Clement fixes his residence at, ii. 506, 532, 559, 562, 583, 586, 622, 625, 650, 667, 694, 771, 800.

-, letters dated from, ii. 289, 338,

Order of the garter sent by Henry to Francis, ii. 443.

-, of St. Michael brought to Henry by Montmorency, Brinon, and Du Bellay, ii. 407, 438, 459.

Ordnance available at Malaga, ii. 757.

-, plentiful in the castles of the nobility and in private hands, ibid.

Orense, in Galicia (Spain), the vacant bishopric of, applied for by Andrea Doria for his nephew the cardinal, ii. 918.

-, benefice in the diocese of, to be solicited in favour of a son of secretary Garcia, ii. 254.

Oria, marquis of, v. Caraffa (Roberto Bonifacio).

Oringer, v. Orange.

Orio, Lorenzo, Venetian ambassador in England (1525),172, 893.

Oristano, in Sardinia, see of, Agostino Grimaldo presented to the, by the emperor, 1057.

Orleans, Henri duke of, second son of Francis king of France, kept as hostage in Spain, 574, 583.

-, -, unwell, 707; ii. 629, 998.

-, Charles, third son of Francis, ii. 999.

-, Marguerite d', dowager duchess of Alençon, 145.

-, -, offered in marriage to Mr. de Bourbon, 437.

-, -, married to Henri d' Albret, 616–7.

Omesan, Fr. Bernardino d', baron de Saint Brancard, French vice-admiral, 149, 601, 612.

Oropesa, count of, v. Alvarez de Toledo (Francisco).

Orrus, v. Roeulx.

Orsini, family of the, at Rome, their feud with the Colonna, ii. 827.

-, -, Clement sends for the, to employ them in an invasion of Naples, 732.

-, -, headed by the abbot of Farfa, invade and waste the lands of Vespasiano, Pompeo, and Ascanio Colonna, 1054.

Orsino, Camillo, his estate in the Bresse? confiscated, 57.

-, -, in the service of the Venetians, 831.

-, Franciotto, first deacon of the college of cardinals, proposed as hostage after the first sack of St. Peter by the Colonnese, 950.

-, -, imperial letters read by secretary Perez in the presence of the assembled cardinals presided by, 1039.

-, -, appointed, conjointly with Cesarino, civil governor of Rome, ii. 42.

-, -, meeting of, with Farnese and Cesarino at Campidoglio, ii. 162.

-, Francesco, progenitor of the dukes of Bracciano, ii. 939, note, 94 0.

-, Gian Giordano or Gianiordano, governor of Monopoli for the leaguers, 995; ii. 939.

-, Giovan Giorgio, the emperor's letter to, 999.

-, Lodovico, v. Pitigliano.

-, Mario, lord of Monte Rotondo, letter to be written to, in the emperor's name to (1526), 999.

-, -, wounded at Frosinone, ii. 430.

-, -, suspected of having joined the league, ibid.

-, -, in the Campagna, ii. 524.

-, -, with the imperialists, as captain of a condotta, ii. 527, 537.

-, Napoleone, abbot of Farfa, imprisoned at Rome on suspicion of being in treaty with Lannoy, ii. 67.

-, -, set at liberty, ii. 127.

-, -, in the Campagna after the sack of Rome, ii. 426, 497.

-, -, in treaty with the imperialists, ii. 525, 527, 537.

-, -, invades the duchy of Tagliacozzo, ii. 559–60.

-, -, which he claims as his inheritance, ii. 995.

-, -, at war with the Colonnese, ii. 741, 767.

-, -, defeated by Sciarra Colonna at Subiaco, ii. 748.

Orsino, Napoleone, abbot of Forfa, deprived of all his honours by the pope, ii. 827, 939.

-, -, joins the league, ii. 767.

-, -, attacks again the Colonnese and the imperialists, ii. 939.

-, -, makes incursions to the very gates of Rome, ii. 940.

-, -, Ottavio, raises troops in Rome to reinforce the French army before Naples, ii. 767.

-, Roberto, the emperor's letter to, 999, note.

-, Valerio, count of Nola, in the Abruzzo, ii. 609.

-, -, goes over to the French, ii. 693.

-, -, surrenders to the imperialists, ii. 609, 773–4, 776.

-, Virginio, comte dell' Anguillara, sent by the pope to the relief of Frosinone, ii. 42.

-, -, takes service under Leyva, 234–6, 242.

-, da Ceri, Lorenzo, commonly called Renzo da Ceri, Roman condottiere, in France with the marquis of Saluzzo, 792, 903.

-, -, his expedition to the Abruzzi unsuccessful, 1008.

-, -, at Savona, 1048.

-, -, arrives in Rome in company with a son of cardinal Franciotto Orsino, ii. 7, 10, 78.

-, -, discontented with France, 12.

-, -, inspects the papal troops at Rome (21st January 1527), ii. 38, 40.

-, -, relieves Frusolone besieged by Lannoy, ii. 42.

-, -, one of his sons obtains the command of the "Bande Nere," 41.

-, -, leaves for the Abruzzi, ii. 87, 92.

-, -, returns to Rome, ii. 120.

-, -,not pleased with the armistice signed by the pope, ii. 126.

-, -, weak defence of Rome by, ii. 196, 212.

-, -, tries in vain to raise troops for Lautrec, ii. 770.

-, -, invades Puglia, ii. 835.

-, -, introduces succour into Barletta, 857.

-, -, in the March ready to relieve Trani and Barletta, ii. 827.

Orso, Capo di, in Terra di Lavoro (Naples), ii. Int. xxx.

Ortado, v. Hurtado.

Ortega, Bartolomé, chaplain at Simancas, put to the rack for assisting bishop Acuña in his flight, 627.

-, -, also written Hortega, sent by Leyva to Spain to announce Bourbon's death, ii. 317.

Ortenburg or Hortenburg, count of, ii. 3,148.

Ortona a Mare, sea port in the lower Abruzzo, ii. 91, 720.

Osma, bishop of, v. Loaysa.

-, prior of, v. Perez.

Osorio, Ossorio, v. Alvarez Osorio.

-, D. Antonio [Alvaro ?], bishop of Astorga, ii. 161, 266, 269.

-, Don Francisco de, ii. 262, 267, 312, v. Alvarez Osorio.

-, D. Pedro de, Spanish captain, with two companies of lances in Cremona, 854.

-, D. Lope, Spanish captain at Naples, ii. 697.

Osseguera, Diego de, Spanish man-at-arms, takes Saint Mesmes prisoner at Pavia, 926.

Ossera, Santa Maria de, in Galicia, abbot of, v. Bibiena.

Osterlings, the woollen trade to be transferred to the, ii. 588.


-, and Civitta Vecchia to be given as security for the truce in 1527, 671.

-, fortified by the imperialists, ii. 528.

-, governor of, v. Ripalda.

-, negociations for the restitution of, to the pope, 928, 940.

-, landing of the Neapolitan troops at, 949.

-, Parma, and Piacenza to be given by the pope as securities for the truce with the emperor, ii. 10, 234, 671.

-, to be restored to the pope by the emperor's orders, ii. 893.

-, restitution of, delayed, 928.

-, finally accomplished, ii. 943.

-, (Ostiano?), the Germans cross the river Pò at (27th November 1526), 1037.

-, Andrea del Burgo at, ii. 874.

Othun, v. Autun.

Otranto, Naples, 800.

-, -, the "mastrodatia" of, conferred on the lieutenant of the "Summaria" of Naples, ii. 834.

Ottetburn, sir Adam, of Auldham, Scottish ambassador in England, ii. 4.

Oudestock, v. Woodstock.

Ousestre, v. Worcester.

Oussine, v. Orsino.

Oviedo, bishop of, v. Mendoza.

-, -, the bulls for the bishopric of Zamora and, to be expedited by presentation, ii. 161, 255.