Calendar of State Papers, Scotland: Volume 10, 1589-1593. Originally published by His Majesty's General Register House, Edinburgh, 1936.
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'James VI: December 1589', in Calendar of State Papers, Scotland: Volume 10, 1589-1593, ed. William K. Boyd, Henry W. Meikle (Edinburgh, 1936), British History Online [accessed 9 March 2025].
'James VI: December 1589', in Calendar of State Papers, Scotland: Volume 10, 1589-1593. Edited by William K. Boyd, Henry W. Meikle (Edinburgh, 1936), British History Online, accessed March 9, 2025,
"James VI: December 1589". Calendar of State Papers, Scotland: Volume 10, 1589-1593. Ed. William K. Boyd, Henry W. Meikle (Edinburgh, 1936), British History Online. Web. 9 March 2025.
In this section
James VI: December 1589
303. Memorandum by Burghley. [Dec. 1.]
"Answer wold be made to hir majestes ambassador to these purposes followyng. He wold be directed to lett the Lord Jhon Hammilton understand that hir majesty will have care to maynteain hym and all parties that shall joyne with hym to suppress the factiouss heades that shall now in the Kinges absence assemble them selves to move troobles at home, ether by receavyng of monny from forreyn partes, or of any forren companyes of men. And theruppon shall require hym to lett it be known to hir majesty who they ar of the noblemen and others that ar lyk to be the heades of this faction, and what he thynketh of ther forces. And it is thought that ther is none in Scotland that is metar to deale herin betwixt the sayd lord Hamiton and the ambassador than Mr. Jhon Colvill whom the Kyng sent hyther for provisions of plate and apparell for his mariadg. The lyk courss wold be taken with the Erle Bothwell, if he be found constant. And in lyk sort the rest of the Counsell that war left ther by the Kyng, specially such as ar known to be sound in religion, wold be animated to apprehend the principall heades of the faction befor they shall assemble any forces, or befor they shall receave any monny from the Low Contries. For doyng wherof they that ar most wise of the Counsell [will advise] how the same may be attempted without daunger, and the ambassador must advise them, consideryng they have good authorite from the Kyng to govern the realm and to suppress the disturbors, that if they do suffer the ennemyes to wyn tyme uppon them, they will fynd the daunger the gretor."
"Lykwise they wold be advised to send for such other noble men as ar soundly affected to come to Edenburgh and ther both to use ther advise and asistance. Great hede wold be had in the west to Dunbarton and in the est to St. Androos: and lykwise Sterlyng, St. Jhonstown, and Dunde wold be garded by sound persons. If Maxwell will be constant ther is no feare for the West Borders, otherwise he may prove daungerouse. And for the comfort of the Kinges party, it war mete that they shold know that hir majesty will cause all the power of the thre Borders to be in redynes to asist the Kinges partye ageynst any rebells uppon the Borders uppon knolledg given to the Wardens."
"Lykwise that the Erle of Huntyngton shall forthwith mak redy a power, both of horssmen and footemen in his rwle, to be redy to come into Scotland to joyne with the Kinges party. And so is it mete that hir majesty shuld presently gyve order both to the Wardens and to the Erle of Huntyngton, who wold be directed to mak redy two or three thousand footemen and five or six hundred horssmen."
2 pp. In Burghley's hand.
Copy of the same.
Cott. Calig., D. I., fol. 171.
304. Alexander Hay to William Asheby. [Dec. 3.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 198.
"My Lord Hamiltoun came to Peibles upon Setterday the xxix of November, and taried there Sunday and Monday. There convenit with him the Lord Maxwell, the Lord Hume, the Larde of Sesfurd, and sum other gentlemen inhabiting the Marches. But the greatest number written for came not, by occasyoun of the vehemency of the storme, and that there is sundry quarrells and feades standing amongst them, which albeit they be assured to certaine dayes, not yet expired, yet hath no will to cum togedder suddenly in any place. They that conveined declared the state of the Borders presentlie to be in gude quietnes, and hath desyred that the Councell may write to the Quene of England or hir Councell, that the delivery for the billis restinge unredressed may stay while the Kingis returninge."
"The Lord Hamiltoun is deliberat to procede in holdinge of justice courtes in Januarie, according to the proclamacions past to that effect, and is returned againe to Hamiltoun, and the remanent that convenit to there howsses, savinge the Lord Maxwell that is cume to Edenburgh to consult toward his causes in law touchinge the right to the erldom of Mortoun, wherin he would have all process to stay, savinge as this occasioun of stay restes at the Borders. And if the same be not graunted, it is to be feared that the quietnes hereafter shall not be so gude as it hath bene in tyme bypast sen the Kingis departure."
"My Lord Hamiltoun hath send Mr. John Colvile to Edenbrowghe to acquaint the Councell her with his proceedingis, and to crave assistence in such thingis as may avaunce his commissioun, and speciallie to have paiment of the wages of twenty five men intertenit by the Lord Maxwell for the quietting of the West Marche, wherin I am incertaine how he salbe satisfiit; and without the same it is to be feared that thingis sall grow to greater lowisncs by reasoun our Councelloris remaines not so well togedder as the Kinge wished by his will left behinde him."
"We thinke your lordship suld do well to incourage my Lord Hamiltoun to procede and not to wery of well doinge althoughe he receave not every way satisfaction here, and that ye move the Quene's majestie or the Councell to write to him for the same effect. For it wilbe better cheape to interteny thingis in order while they are right nor to amend them when they are once gang wrang."
"If you have occasioun to speake the provost of Edenbrowghe or Mr. Robart Bruce, put them in mynde to crave of the Duke and Councell here that they attend diligently upon the Kingis directioun, and not to leaff the King destitute of a resident Councell, and to send for suche of the Councell as are absent: for if there be not sum face of ordinary Councell still resident here it will geve occasyoun of sundrye inconveniencis. And if you hapen to speake with my Lord Bothwell your self persuade him to continew in well doing, sen the honor of the quiet goverment wilbe geven to him if he continew; and be the contrary if thinges fall in disorder, what harme it may worke both to the Kingis estate and to my lord himself."
1 p. Copy. Indorsed by Asheby: "From the Cl. R. the 3 of December."
305. William Asheby to Thomas Fowler. [Dec. 3.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 196.
"Veritas non querit angulos. If you had regard ether to honour or honestie you would not have dealt with me in suche sorte as you have done, having now I se aliud in ore, aliud in pectore."
"I can hardlie be persuaded the message my man bringeth to be true: for is it possible that on of your yeres and experience would come into his frendes house, to whom you were most welcome, and receaved meate and drinke and lodging for yourself and your men gratis, and that with all respect of courtessy that did lie in him to performe; and further within a moneth or tow after your arrivall, being requested by yourself to acquaint the Lord Threasurer of England of your good cariage and readines to do her majestie service, I performed it in such sorte as within few weekes I was willed to give you thankes in her name. Besides, when I did somtimes open to you, as my deare frend, the desire and cause I had to retorne, you alwaies diswaded me from that course, promising me your best advise and counsell in my negociacion as occacion should be offred; which I did most thankefullie accept, and whollie relied upon you, never thinking that you would have dealt thuse trecherouslie with me."
"After this first entrance, and your promisse to me of kindnes and good offices to be looked for at your hands, you opened Roger Aston's letters, and found fault with his uncourtuouse dealing; and you then said that James Hudson did me great wrong to send a copie of the King's letter to Huntley without my privitie; who verie honestlie, I charging him with it, acknowledged his oversight."
"Theise and other circumstances made me to accompte of you as of a wise and faithfull frend, and therefore except you affirme by writing that which you delivered by wourd of mouth to my man, I cannot beleave you will so farr forgett both honour and honestie to charge me with such reportes as are brought to me, and to breath such threatenings against him that haith reported better of you then all your frendes in England haith done."
"To conclude, if this be true that I receaved you into my house with all courtesey, and that I wrought your credit with the best counsellor in England, what maie the wourld judge of this ungratefull and viperous dealing of yours, seking to supplant, as Judas did his master, him whose house you commaunded, and frequented his table, and in the eand departed without bidding him farewell or giving him thankes for the courtesis receaved."
2 pp. Draft in Asheby's hand. Indorsed: "Th. Fow."
306. Walsingham to William Asheby. [Dec. 3.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 194.
Her majesty being made acquainted with Asheby's letters to Burghley and Walsingham "thought fitt to send thither this gentleman Mr. Robert Bowes, in respect of the good opinion that all the well affected of that realme doe hold of him, to contynue there untill order be taken for the seteinge of a quietnes in that state." Is advised to concur with Bowes for his own credit's sake.
Has charged Bowes to mediate a reconciliation between Asheby and Fowler, "for that it is verie unfitt that particuler quarrells should raigne betweene her maiestes subiectes," since all should join in her service. London. Signed: Fra: Walsyngham.
¾ p. Addressed. Indorsed.
307. Instructions for Robert Bowes. [Dec. 3.]
"A memoriall for Robert Bowes, esquire, being presently sent into Scotland."
"Youe shall immediately upon your arryvall at Edingborow, after conference had with our servant Asby of the state of that contry, send some trusty and secret messenger eyther of that nation, as Mr. Jhon Colvile, or some other whom youe shall thinck meete, unto the Lord Jhon Hammilton, and let him understand that, finding by a letter lately written to our servant Asby from him of some alteration lykely to fall owt in that realme, we have made especiall choise of youe to repayr at this present thether, in respect of the good opinion we know he hathe of youe, and therfore may deal more confedently with youe then any other that we could send."
"Youe shall also let him know that we have appointed youe to acquaint him with our instructions, and to use his advise in the cariage of your self towardes the rest of the noble men and cowncellors to whom the King hathe committed the chardg of that realme in his absence bothe in generall and in partyculer."
"Youe shall especially know his opinion how the Erle Bodwell may be drawn to joyn constantly with him and the rest of the well affected lordes there, and accordingly as he shall advyse youe, youe shall deal with him.
"After youe shall have receaved the advyse of the Lord Hammilton, then we thincke it meet youe shall addresse your self to the whole cownsell —not making them privy of that sending to the Lord Hammilton—whom youe shall let understand that, hering of some extraordinary assemblyes at the town of Edingborow, and under a weke pretence of suche as ar noted to be evell affected to religion and the estate, and also of certein bad instrumentes—most Jesuittes—that are sent abrode to forrain princes by those factius heddes to procure forrain support of men and money, wherby it is to be doubted that the intent of the said assembly and the imployment of suche lewd and dangerus instrumentes is to breede some alteration there, we have thought it agreable with the love and good will we professe to beare to the King our good brother their soverain, especially in the tyme of his absence, and for the care that we have alwayes shewed to have for the maintenance of the said realme in peace and tranquillitye, to let them know according to the assurance we gave them in the last letters we sent unto them, that there shall lacke no care in us to maintain them and all the partyes that shall joyn with them to suppres the factius heddes that shall now in the Kinges absence assemble them selves to move trobles at home, eyther by receaving of money from forrayn partes or by any forrain forces."
"Youe shall therfore requyer them to let her majesty with all speed understand who they are of the noble men and others that are lyke to be heddes of this faction, and what they thincke theyr strenghthe and forces may be, and whether the said governors have suffycyent forces of their own to withstand the said evell affected; if not, what they will requyer to be sent from us owt of this our realme."
"And for that it appearethe the factius and evell affected their have sent certeyn instrumentes to the Low Contryes, to Spain, and the Pope, and do looke for some supply bothe of money and forces from thence, youe shall animate the said lord Hamilton and the rest of the well affected there to apprehend the principall heddes of the factius before they shall assemble any forces; having as we are informed good authoryty from the King to govern the realme and to suppresse the disturbers. For that if they shall suffer them to winne tyme upon them they will fynd the danger the greater, espetially in regard of the support they may receave from forrain partes. But before they shall procead to any such apprehension of the heddes of the said factius youe shall advyse them to consyder well how the same may be attempted without danger; wherin great secresy would be used, and suche of the nobylytye and others of that realme as are know [sic] to be well affected would be draun to Edingborow, to the end their advyse and assistance may be requyred for the suppressing of the evell affected. And for that we do here that the lord Maxwell refusethe to be of the party, youe shall advyse the lord Hammilton, who hathe gretest credyte with him in respect of the nearenes of blod betweene them, to seeke by all meanes he may to draw him to contynew his dutifulnes towardis the King in his absence, and to joyn with him and the rest of the cownselors of that realme to suppres the evell affected. They would also be advysed to have an especiall eye unto Dombriton and suche other port townes and castels within the realme as it is lykely may be attemptid by surpris or otherway by the evell affected. And in case upon conference with the lord Hammilton and others of the lords of the cownsell that are best affected there youe shall fynd the party of the evell affected wilbe so great as that without receaving assistance from hence they shall not be able to suppresse them, then youe shall let them know that we have caused all the powar of the Borders to be in a redynes to assiste the Kinges party against any rebells upon the Borders that shall joyn with the evell affected upon knowledg given to the wardens. And that lykwyse there is order given to our cozin, the Erle of Huntington, our lieutenant generall of the northe partes, forthwith to have in a redynes a powar bothe of horsmen and footemen to be sent into Scotland to joyn with the Kinges party if need shall requyer."
"Lastly, for that it is verry hard in so broken an estate as we fere youe shall fynd there to set down suche partyculer directions as were requysyte, we have therfore thought good, as well in regard of your suffycyency wherof we have made good proofe, as also for the long experyence youe had of that nation, to referre it to your discretion to do all suche thinges as youe shall thincke metest to advance our servyce."
6 pp. Draft.
Copy of the same.
Cott. Calig., D. I., fol. 169.
Copy of the same.
308. [Alexander Hay] to [William Asheby]. [Dec. 4 ?] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 200.
"I hard of this letter of before, bot saw it not quhill now. I can not weill desciphre it, bot as I hard conjecturd it seamyt to be writtin be Mr. William Creichtoun the Jesuite to sum nobleman of the lait faction, disguysed under the name of Mr. Bog. The berair appearis to have bene James Knowys that returnit laitly in the boit from Flanders to Abirdene, quha hes caried the credite; the greate merchant to be the Duke of Parme, and his maister the King of Spane; the breaking up of the trade to be sum new interprise."
"I have layed out my moyen to learne quhat I can of this mater, bot it wilbe the mair difficill to me be raison I have na cunnyng to cover me with a papistes garment, althogh sum of my surname have bene ower bissy that way."
"My Lord Boithuile wer the metaist man to try and informe zow planely in the mater of this letter, for this Mr. William Creychtoun wes hamely with him at his being in Scotland."
¾ p. In Hay's hand. Unsigned. Wafer seal.
309. [William Asheby] to Walsingham. [Dec. 4.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 201.
You shall receive herewith a copy of a letter lately directed by merchant cipher from one John Crawfurd alias William Crichton, Jesuit, to James Bog alias Earl Bothwell, "together with a militarie Enchiridion sent from the same ghostly father to his reputed sonnes here, of intent to inarme them inwardly with this spirituall armour till such time as their corporall service shold be to be used otherwise." Their great merchant and his master are easily deciphered to be the Duke of Parma and his master of Spain. The bearer is not yet discovered, nor the manner of interception, which is kept very secret; whether procured by Bothwell's privity or not I know not; he foretold me three days or ever I got knowledge thereof that the parties from whom I had it were to resort unto me, and to inform me further than he did.
The other enclosed was sent me "from the man your honour knowes by my former." The unseasonable prosecution of debates at law between persons of such rank and faction as between the Master of Gray and Huntly about Dunfermline, the Earls of Athol and Erroll for the escheat detained notwithstanding the King's late remission, Morton and Maxwell for the earldom of Morton, make us fear that unless the whole proceedings be adjourned till the King's return "theis controversies will hardly be decided but by the ordinary provocacion in use here a legibus ad arma."
No word is come of the King. The council and ministry have written to him and to the Chancellor by a merchant lately gone to Denmark, to advertise him of the dangerous state his absence is like to breed here. "It is now muttered in hugger mugger that his end in enterprising this dangerous voyage was not only to bring home his Quene," but to enter into confederation with the princes of Germany, as the Duke of Brunswick, who, it is said, shall marry the King of Denmark's other daughter, and others, to strengthen himself against all occasions. Such a combination were honourable and Christian, for the maintenance of the cause of religion against the common enemies, as was set down in the Earl Marishal's first instructions for Denmark. Yet I cannot see how her majesty, being defender of the faith, could be pretermitted in the striking of such a league, unless some other design be intended. You shall be better informed of this point elsewhere, "being a matter held here in arcanis," and specially concealed from our nation. Yet the silence of the King and his company seems to import some matter of secrecy; "and some suspicion I conceave by this, that at the first appointment of the voyage here were certaine English gentlemen invited by the King in shew to accompany his Chancellour, who after they were provided accordingly, there was found private meanes to crosse all their embarquing, saving only his ould servant Mr. Roger Ashton."
A Frenchman of Calais has continued here three months, a patron of the leaguers, and a special dealer for the transportation of the Spaniards. He purposes to send them shortly in four barks about the Orkneys for Spain, but himself to come with two ships, the Nicholas and the Eagle, along the coast of England, with experimented pilots of this country, probably hired as guides to the Spanish navy now in preparation. One ship of war maintained at Berwick would clear the coasts of all pirates, foreign "espialls," and practisers.
Her majesty's letters to the Council I have delivered, with such instructions as your letter ministered; how thankfully they were received will appear by their answer ere long. Edinburgh.
1 p. Draft. Indorsed by Asheby: "To Mr. Secr. the 4 of December at 5 at night. Riveley."
310. Answer to be delivered by Mr. Robert Bowes to Colonel Stewart's Propositions. [Dec.]
The Queen of England has seen certain articles in writing of the said Colonel Stewart, with overtures propounded by the council of the King of Denmark, with allowance of the King of Scots, for the diverting or the defence of the intended invasions by the King of Spain against England and Scotland, and to prevent the dangers ensuing to other Protestant princes.
Bowes shall inform Colonel Stewart that though the Queen has not heard thereof directly from the King of Scots or the Council of Denmark, yet the probability of the consequences that might have followed if these counsels and overtures had been put in execution before the beginning of this year is so manifest as it ought to have been embraced with good hope of success.
Now, notwithstanding that the time is overpast for this present year, yet considering the King of Spain's mighty preparations and the aid he hath by the Pope and his other confederates far exceeding, by report, actions of his former hostility, the Queen will interpret the overtures, as they be made, to proceed—though late—by God's special order, upon whose providence all depends.
Bowes may require Colonel Stewart to declare to the King his master and to the Council of Denmark, that though the Queen has had throughout her reign proof of God's miraculous goodness for the defence of his religion by giving her victory over all enemies without any aid from neighbouring princes, whereas she has by sea and land aided all her neighbours in the cause of religion, yet these overtures containing great probability of good effect "yf they shall be followed as the weight therof requirith," she minds not to neglect them, but to receive them as proceeding from God's goodness, and most thankfully as from her confederates and good neighbours, depending in the mean season upon God, that hath hitherto held her up without foreign aid. Therefore she wishes that the King of Scots and Council of Denmark, by Colonel Stewart, whose sufficiency she does not doubt, might understand that she conceives by perusing the said articles that they tend to the diversion or defence of the intended invasion of the King of Spain against "the Ile of Britayn" and for the safety of all other Protestant princes and states against the dangers that might ensue to them.
Though this intention be not signified directly from the Council of Denmark, yet the Queen thinks it "proceeded from the honorable princely former mynde and resolucion of the late King decessed,"—who out of goodwill to her and zeal for religion "did enterprise the manner of the purpose now offred" by ambassadors sent to Spain, England, and the Duke of Parma: had he lived he would have followed the course his Council doth renew.
The intention appearing that the King of Scots, and the King of Denmark with his Council, should send ambassadors to the King of Spain to let him understand their misliking of his invasion meant against this isle and the professors of religion here received is to be liked, as proceeding from two absolute monarchs no wise subjected to the King of Spain, although probably his pride, ambition, wealth, and deadly malice to religion will not suffer him to make that account he ought of this signification of their minds. But if he shall give ear to their motions, the said Kings may direct their ambassadors to offer the King of Spain means of honourable peace, with assurance that the Queen will do nothing to prejudice him in his dominions, but that he may enjoy all that he has right unto, so as he permitteth the Queen and her people to enjoy what of right belongs to them, that those countries may live in such amity as they did in his father's time.
The Queen has never enterprised anything against him but in self defence against the practices of his ministers to stir rebellion. Her action in the Low Countries was to deliver the people from tyranny and maintain their ancient liberties, whereunto her progenitors had bound her, and also for that the enterprise began by subduing the Low Countries to make ready the invasion of England.
The ambassadors may boldly affirm to the King of Spain "that if these occasions concerning the Lowe Countryes may be well setled, with assurances against any relaips, the meanes of a peace with the King of Spayne concerning our actions in the Lowe Countryes may be to him assured." And if he forbear any enterprise to change the religion or state of England he shall find peace and concord between Spain and England. If this means shall not prevail, but he continue in his presumption "to be a commaundour of the worlde," then the second course mentioned in the overtures seems most probable to take good effect to abase that King's pride and weaken his power.
The resolution of the King of Scots to declare his interest for the defence against invasion of this island and the defence of the Protestant religion is grounded upon good reasons, considering—besides other arguments— his late discoveries of the Spaniard's conspiracies with divers of his own nobility against his own state, crown, and religion.
In like manner may the intention of the King of Denmark and his Council to join with the King of Scots be maintained with reason, as well for their alliance by marriage as for the withstanding of the King of Spain's greatness "whoo seekith to be a cheefe lord and commaunder over all other Kinges both by sea and by land," and also the determination of the late King left by testament to his son and Council for living in strait amity with England as he did in his lifetime. And as these ambassadors may be directed to deal plainly with the King of Spain, to show their determinations to employ all their power not only to the aid of England but also to hinder his provisions by sea "wherwith he furnishith his strenghthes by sea, evin by the courtesy of the King of Denmark," so if both those kings, by reason of the situation of their countries, and, if need be, by aid of their shipping or men, do that which God has given them means to do, with the concurrency of the aid of the princes of Germany, to whom—at the request of the French King—the Queen has sent for succour unto him, being notably injured by the King of Spain through maintenance of manifest rebellion, "the King of Spayn shall fynde himself deceavid in the proude opinion of his greatnes and welth, and in the end shall yelde himself to reason and conteyne himself within his own limites."
To conclude, except the intention of these two Kings, and specially the hindrance which the King of Denmark may give to the King of Spain by keeping from him his furnitures for his wars by sea, shall be effectually prosecuted if he will not hearken to means of peace, the sending of ambassage shall little prevail, but rather make him the prouder.
Bowes may tell Colonel Stewart that in the latter part of his articles it is very well remembered that this matter may with wisdom, secrecy and promptitude be followed, wherof the Queen will show her liking by a private letter to the King of Scots, referring all the rest to the report of Colonel Stewart for that she has had no letters from that King or from the Council of Denmark, but only heard of the matter through Colonel Stewart's articles and the report of Robert Bowes, so that she can only answer through Colonel Stewart.
Bowes is to assure Colonel Stewart that his name will not be touched therein, whereby his interests in the Low Countries might receive prejudice.
12 pp. Copy. Indorsed: "Copie of a secret instruction to Sir William [sic] Bowes, Treasurer of Barwik, sent to the King of Scotland."
311. Thomas Fowler to Walsingham. [Dec. 7.] Cf. Hatfield, MSS., pt. iii, p. 446.
Thanks Walsingham for answering in his behalf touching Bothwell, who says now that he and his will do Fowler no harm, and has discarded Wigmore. Bothwell and Lennox are gone to christen a child of Lord Fleming's at the Earl of Montrose's house, "where meetes them the Erll of Arroll, and Capteyn James Stewerd, sumtyme cawled Erll of Arran, with divers others; sum sayes Huntley." Some mislike of this, thinking it a party against Lord Hamilton, or worse.
Trouble is brewing between Lord Maxwell and Douglas Earl of Morton for the earldom; the Hamiltons assist Maxwell. This occasion makes wise men wish for an ambassador of England of good credit. "This man" [Asheby] "hathe no power to speke to his betters here but to theyre lykinge, for he is fearefull, neyther hathe he credit nor never wyll, becawse they say he spake and delivered in wrytyng to the Kinge him selffe that yet was never performed. Then he is not beloved of any. He delivered the Quene's majestie's letter a Tewsday last at the Cowncell borde, where syttinge tyll the secretory had red it, he roase presently withowt any word spekinge but a farewell, which the cowncelours thowght strange of, and wished to have had farder conference, as allso that he shold have used sum speche farder apon the contentes of the letter, Maxwell beinge there and on or two more."
They specially desire a better ambassador, because of the daily advertisements of the landing of Spaniards in these parts. Twenty days past Crichton the Jesuit sent letters to the same effect out of the Low Countries, where he is with the Duke of Parma, whom he commends to have a care of this enterprise, and promises performance soon, weather permitting.
A letter and matins book came to James Bagge alias Bothwell "for every pryncypall man hathe a nickname," but he sent both to Robert Bruce the preacher, to his great credit.
The time is set by the Papists here that in March next the Spaniards will arrive. "It standes hir majeste apon in the Kinges absence to place suche a one here hir ambassadour as may crosse the pretences of the evell." A wise man, well spoken, shall work great effects, especially if a nobleman of account lie at Berwick ready to assist the good party.
Fowler writes not this for dislike of the ambassador, but at the desire of his friends, such as his host the captain, a lover of the amity and religion, Sir Robert Melville, the Chancellor, the prior of Blantyre, the Clerk of the Register, Patrick Galloway, the Chancellor's wife, and others.
It is wished also that her majesty would send some one of account overland eastwards to see what the King is doing in Denmark, "if there he be," and to hasten his return, or at least a new commission to prevent the Spaniards landing before his return as the Papists desire; then they make no doubt to rule all.
The councillors before named consider Lennox "a chyld of age, yet for his yeres wyese and wary, yea wyly." He is guided by Papists, his principal servants and his two sisters so, and he brought up so in France. For his companion they know not what to say, but none of the best sort will trust him without further proof, and he has many Papists about him. Lord Hamilton is sound in religion. More will be known at the return of the young governors. "Mr. Patryk Galloway is sent to the place wheare they ar to behold and observe." Edinburgh Castle. Signed: T. Fowler.
22/3 pp. Holograph. Addressed. Indorsed: "xvijth December [sic] 1589. From Mr. Fowler."
312. William Asheby to Lord Charles Howard. [Dec. [8].] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 204.
I am requested by Earl Bothwell—your honour's ally in office—to crave redress of a notorious abuse proffered him this last year by an English pirate, Captain Coupland, who after sundry prizes taken from his own countrymen, "having upon some distresse intimated himself into service here," combined with accomplices of this country and stole away with a bark of the Earl's ready victualled and appointed, wherein since then he hath practised his former trade, to the annoying of both countries, and of foreigners trafficking into these parts.
The Earl is so much aggrieved by this damage and indignity that he feels he cannot yeild to any favorable course of justice for relief of our countrymen lately distressed in like case by men of war of these coasts unless he receive reasonable satisfaction for such a wrong, or at least see some care shown for procurement of his contentation. He having of late been more neighbourly to our nation than heretofore, and having protested his devotion to her majesty and her realm, I presumed to move your lordship for assistance herein, for the entertaining of such amity between your lordships as may be profitable for both countries.
Captain Coupland ordinarily lies upon the coasts of Essex towards Colchester, Buckelsey and thereabout, where he and his vessel are known. The apprehension of this one man might procure the like favour toward our countrymen spoiled upon these coasts, and also cleanse the seas of such an encumbrance.
Here is a French Catholic, a merchant of Calais, and a special factor for the league negociations. He purposes to come along the coasts of England towards Flanders with a couple of Scottish barks, the Nicholas and the Eagle, to transport divers experimented pilots of this country, supposed to be hired for guides to the Spanish fleet now in preparation. One ship of war maintained in Berwick would clear the coasts.
There is little news, and in a kingdom of this nature, left without a king, no news is best news. His majesty's return is as uncertain as his embarking was sudden. As the heat of his lady's love drew him over the seas, so it and those frozen seas will keep him prisoner till the spring. Meanwhile we are in some fear of the fire of the deadly feuds he left at home. "Theare is no lacke of fier worckers, both Spanishe and Itallian, as well to blow the bellowes to these coles, readie enoughe to kindle otherwise of themselves, as also to cast in wild fier of their owne," which could hardly be quenched without danger to both countries. But such designments are half prevented in that they are discovered. Edinburgh. Signed: W. Asheby.
1½ pp. Indorsed: "To the L. Ch. Howard, L. Amirall of England."
313. [William Asheby] to Captain Car. [Dec. 8.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 207.
[The substance of this letter is the same as that of his letter to Lord Charles Howard of the same date—No. 312.)
1 p. Draft. Indorsed: "Capt. Car."
314. Inventory of Goods in Bothwell's Barque. [Dec. 8.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 206.
This is the just Inventar of the guidis asseartit within the bark by all hir apparaling. "Tua falcones of brass sauld at Zarmouuth." "Tua robinettis of brass sauld at Birlingtoun." "Sex hagbuttis of found of brass." "Saxtene hagbuttis." "Four muscattis." "Thrie roundasches, thrie corslettis, ane hundrith stane wecht leid, sex hundrith pund wecht pouder, ane dosane pikis, sextene tunnis oill, aucht tunnis birskett, tuentie dosane killing." "Four mairtis, tuentie four muttoun boukes, threscoir stane wecht cheis, ten stanes butter, fyve stane candill, four chalderis coalis."
"I repois me upone hir majesteis courtesie, and luikis to find redress heiroff, or utherwayes that yir townnes quhair my peices ar sould salbe anserable for the haill. And gif na remeid may be had I man lat the same pass and mend my selff as I may." Signed: Bothuell.
½ p.
315. [Michael] Throckmorton to William Asheby. [Dec. 8.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 209.
I received yours of the 25th of November the 5th of December, and delivered the enclosed, and dealt as effectually for you as I durst. "I doe finde him better bending to a milder course then I did the last tyme." I told him you would prove more honest than your "counter currant."
He answered me that he regarded your care and diligence; "but, sayes he, for this matter I have taken order with Mr. Bowes to here and understand the truthe of the difference betwene them; and when he hath advertised me, then will I determine accordinge to desartes my oppinion . . . . In the matter of Dumefermmlyng you must nether be dume nor fearefull." Mile End. Signed: M. Throkemorton.
1 p. Holograph. Addressed. Indorsed.
316. Walsingham to William Asheby. [Dec. 10.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 211.
By the enclosed letter from Burghley and himself Asheby will see that the Queen is pleased to revoke him. He is to deliver the enclosed letter to the Master of Gray, written by the Queen's command. London. Signed: Fra: Walsyngham.
Postscript—Encloses advertisements from France.
⅓ p. Holograph. Addressed. Indorsed.
317. Burghley and Walsingham to William Asheby. [Dec. 10.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 214.
"You shall understand that her majesty having made choyse of Mr. Robert Bowes to be sent into Scotland, in respect of the longue experyence he hathe had of that contry and the good opinion and confydence those that are well affected there to relygion and to the maintenance of the amytye betweene these two realmes, her majesty hathe resolved that he shall resyde there in these troblesom tymes, which her hygnes pleasure is we should sygnyfye unto youe to the end that yowe may acquaint him with suche thinges as may concern her majestes servyce, and leaving him to supply your place, make your retorn hether with convenyent spede." From the Court. Signed: W. Burghley, Fra: Walsyngham.
1 p. Addressed. Indorsed: "Rec. the 16 of De. 89, at Eden. at 9 in the morning."
318. Robert Bowes to William Asheby. [Dec. 10.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 216.
Upon receipt of his letters the Queen made choice of Bowes to execute her pleasure. Purposes to be at Berwick tomorrow, and prays Asheby to procure the necessary safe-conduct for proceeding to Edinburgh, and to send it by this bearer with all speed. Morpeth. Signed: Robert Bowes.
½ p. Addressed. Indorsed: "Rec. the 11 of Dec. at Eden. 89, by Hope."
319. William Asheby to Walsingham. [Dec [11].] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 218.
"The vth of this present the Duke of Lennox, the Earl Bothuel, and Sir Robert Melvile, deputie Chancellour, with others of the principall Councellours resident, they went over the Forth to Kincardin, a house of the Earl Montroses in Angus, to solemnize the christening of a grandchild of his, the Lord Flemins sonne." Their return was expected ere this, having promised to give immediate answer to both her majesty's letters, which is frustrate by the slackness of their return. The south continues in as good terms as they left it. Edinburgh. 11 Dec. [sic] 1589.
½ p. Draft. Indorsed: "To Mr. Secr. 12 of Dec. [sic] 89."
320. [William Asheby] to Robert Bowes. [Dec. [14].] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 221.
Yesterday, immediately upon the Duke and Bothwell's return, I moved them for your safe-conduct, which they granted, and ordered the clerk register to draw it up with speed. This morning I sent to him, "presuming upon their assurance geven not to have failed": in answer whereunto I received this enclosed from him.
"Some surmises be here conceaved of I know not what accident befallen their King, wherupon they ground farther jealousies of her majestes inclinacion to beare some swaie by backing of her faction shee shall interteigne here further then they can well brooke." You know the tumultuous spirits of these people. I could wish you to forbear your approach till we be informed of tomorrow's meeting.
Sir, yesterday, immediately upon the Duke's [Lennox] and the other earls' return I moved them for your safe-conduct, which they presently granted, and gave order to their Clerk Register that it might be drawn with what speed he might. This morning I sent to the Clerk Register, presuming upon their assurance given not to have failed; in answer whereunto I received this enclosed from him. (fn. 1)
½ p. Draft. Indorsed: "To Mr. Bowes."
321. Alexander Hay to William Asheby. [Dec. 14.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 219.
"I can do nothing; bot lett Mr. Bowes cum forewart, sen he is sa far agaitward, and it salbe consultit the morne in counsell how he salbe ressavit, quhairunto all thing is differrit. I can tak na thing zit spokin for conclusionis, quhilk may be alterit upoun better avysement." Edinburgh. Signed: A. Hay.
⅓ p. Holograph, also address. Wafer signet.
322. Alexander Hay to William Asheby. [Dec. 14.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 220.
"There is na delay in me in writing of the saulfconduct for Mr. Bowes, bot the delay is that I find not my lordis zit resolved tharanent; have differrit to the counsell to be convenit the morne befoir noone, quhilk I thocht meit to signifie unto zou, that ze suld not think ony default in my self. Sum seamys to have na greit lyking of Mr. Bowes hithercuming."
"Thair is a rumour that my Lord Hunsdon suld be cuming doun to the bordour with ijM men; that zour lordship suld have gottin sum advertizementis from Dennemark, which yf it be trew I wuld glaidly understand." Signed: A. Hay.
½ p. Holograph, also address. Indorsed. Wafer signet.
323. William Asheby to Burghley and Walsingham. [Dec. [17].] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 222.
Received their letter of the 10th instant the 16th, concerning his revocation, "being not a litle glad of so good an occacion to leave this unweldie nacion," and to return to serve and see his sovereign. Communicated it to Bowes, who seemed dismayed thereat, and moved Asheby to forbear imparting it to the Council till he should understand the Queen's and their honour's final resolution, and be better settled in this place, to the avoidance of such sinister surmises as are too rife here. Agreed to his request, for which he craves pardon in respect of the circumstances, and is ready to depart at any moment.
"How he findeth himselfe accepted of here I refer you to our common letter." Some difficulties have been removed, and has acquainted the Council with his revocation, to their good contentation. At their convention on Monday next their resolute answer is expected. Hopes this delay will not put off his return, but be only for the better induction of Bowes into his place; who—though not more zealous for her majesty's service—is more able than Asheby for the performance of serviceable offices. Edinburgh, 17 Dec. [sic], 1589. Signed: W. Asheby.
Postscript—The effect of Colonel Stewart's message from the King, and his majesty's affairs, is shown by the enclosed, written by a councillor here.
2 pp. Draft. Indorsed: "To the L. Thr. & Mr. Secr. the 20 of December" [sic].
324. Lord John Hamilton to William Asheby. [Dec. 17.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 224.
"Eftir my werie hartlie commendationis: I resawit zour letter thre dayis syne, bot being disesit in sic sort that I was constrenit to keip my beid thir dayis bypassit I could noct guidlie wreit to zour lordship; bot now being sumthing conwalessit I haif wretin thir few lynis to zour lordship, referring farther to the credit of the berar."
"Quhairas zour lordship willit to haif me present in Edinburth with zow at this tyme, I assuir zour lordship be reson of ane fail I gait wpone the ayse I am noct ebil to trawel presenntlie, as I haif willit the berar to schaw zour lordship. Thairfor quhat zour lordship waild haif me to doe, adwerteis me thairof be wreit with this berar and I salbe about to doe it to zour lordships contentment." Hamilton. Signed: J. Hamilton.
1 p. Addressed. Indorsed: "Rec. at Eden. the 18 of December, '89."
325. [William Asheby] to [Michael Throckmorton]. [Dec. 19.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 227.
As you have shown yourself faithful in the absence of your old friend, as I see by your letter and understand by Mr. Bowes, so I am sure you will continue the same, that Mr. Secretary may still think of me as ready to serve him faithfully. "Sure I am when he shall understand the truth his honour will acknowledg that I am most shamefullie injured."
⅓ p. Draft in Asheby's hand. No indorsement.
326. Arthur Agard to William Asheby. [Dec. 19.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 226.
Has paid certain money to "Mr. Fowles" through his servant "Angouse." "I have thought good to advertyze you that althoughe I paye never so muche to the Scottyshemen, yet they never bestowed one babye or lyarde on me or pynt of wyne, to th'ende that you might be as lyberall theere on them; wysshinge you not to get a good fame on them that after you be once come from thence you are never lyke to see agayne." Cannot get Asheby's bill signed, on account of his revocation. Has applied to Mr. Dogat for money due from him.
"I perceyve Mr. Bowes shall supplye your place, and withall understand of the disagreament of your adversarye and you." Advises Asheby not to be too open-faced with him; doubtless at his home-coming he can show more than he can conveniently write. "Your welwiller contynewethe his good affectyon towardes you."
"I would gladlye knowe whether there be not a letter come to your handes with this in effecte, viz., 'As for the matter of Dumfarlein, I woulde not have you eyther dumb or feareful.' (fn. 2) Yf yt be come yt suffyseth; yf not, than take light of theis wordes and worke as you shall have occacyon." Has received three months' pay, and is writing to Mr. Fowles. Signed: Arthur Agarde.
1 p. Holograph, also address. Indorsed: "Re. at Eden. the 24 of Dece. '89."
327. [Alexander Hay] to [William Asheby]. [Dec. 20.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 228.
"Suirly, my lord, I want na guidwill to satisfie your opinioun conceaved of me, quhilk I fand na wyss to excede the boundis of lawfull dewity, and to the increass of the gude amytie betuix our soveranis, and gude nychtbourheid betuix thair subjectis."
"The substance of Colonellis Stewartis credite deliverit to the Counsell is cheiflie to be cairfull to continew the peax and amytie with England, and quietnes within the cuntrie: quhilk I assure zow on my faith."
"To be cairfull for the preparationis agane the King and Quenis arrivall."
"Sum speciall directionis anent the Kingis awin rent, asweill in propirtie as casualities."
"For the outredding of the werkis in Halyruidhous."
"For the preparing and sending furth of sum shippis for the better convoy hamewart of the King and Quene in the spring tyme."
"For prosequuting of his majesties directioun toward the sure provisioun of the ministeris stipendis and levingis."
"For payment of sum thingis appoyntit for expensis maid in this voyage."
"To deale with the Englishe embassadour, in cais any wer here resident, that gude correspondence myct be kept to the officiaris on the Borders; and to learne quhat preparatioun is maid in Spane agane the nixt zeir."
"Suirly I knaw na further, and all thir thingis ar ressonable and necessar, na jote alterit toward the governament beside his majestes will left."
"Concerning sum dissention amangis thame in Norroway tueching the Chancellair. Assurdly I have ressavit na write thairupoun, albeit I have ressavit very speciall letters. It is very likly and possible that Maister Fowlair may have a very particulair informatioun of the haill circumstance of that quhilk wes, quhairof trewly I have not beene curious particularly to inquire, for the litle delite I have to heir of sic newes. Only that quhilk I have hard unsperit for is this. That thair grew sum questioun betuix my Lord Chancellair and the Erll Marsheall, quha suld occupy the first place: the Erll Marsheall having presentit the Kingis persoun in the mariage solemnized at Denmark, and being ane ancient erll; the Chancellair agane laith to yeld the place dew to his office. In end it wes resolvit that the Erll Merschiellis charge wes endit, in respect of the Kingis personall presence; sa his bigane proceidingis wer allowed of be act of Councell and his commission declarit to haif taken end: and the Chancellair occupiis the place."
"Ane other motion I heir thair wes upoun occasioun of sum sute maid to the King for a part of his tocher to relive the chargeis of my Lord Merschaell and sum others of his name, as the Lord of Dingwell and Sir William Keyct. Bot be the Chancellaris moyen the same wes refused, and a conclusioun taken that quhat suld be ressavit in Denmark suld remane untuechit to thair returne in Scotland; as for my part I wishe it suld."
"Trewly, I knaw na uther thing of Mr .Bowes nor your lordship writtis of him, that he wes baith wyss, ready and panefull, and sumtymes I have hard him very mekle lyked of be his majestes self and all about him. Bot he happening to be heir quhen this present Duke of Lennox fader wes at strait, and being reportit to be a freind and weilwillair to the noblemen and utheris of this land that shortly thairefter wer banissed in England, it appearis to be informit to my Lord Duke and my Lord Boithuile that he is a particulair unfreynd to thame. Bot this apperis not the reddiest way to remeid; for neyther can thay weill refuse hir messingers, nor mak chois of thame. I think gif thay beris a freindly part to hir, she will not offend thame to hald a minister with thame quhom thay think thay have just caus noct to like of, bot will fynd honest pretensis anow to change agane."
"In guid fayct I can anser zour memoir na mair specialie. I have bene diseasit, otherwyss I suld have visitit zow." Symons.
2¾ pp. In Hay's hand. No indorsement.
328. Lord John Hamilton to William Asheby. [Dec. 20.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 230.
"Seing zour lordship thinkis my presens sa necesser at this conventioun, I will God willing be thair on Tyrsday at nicht, for assisting the rest of the nobilitie in ony thing may tend to the benefite of religioun and mantenance of the amitie betuix the two crownis. All particuleris I remite to that tyme, and to the sufficiencie of the berar." Hamilton. Signed: J. Hamilton.
¼ p. Addressed. Indorsed by Asheby: "Re. at Eden. the 22 Dec. 89."
329. Alexander Hay to William Asheby. [Dec. 26.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 232.
"I shall cum to zow how sone possibly I can. This mornyng I thocht to haif bene with zow, bot the tyme servit not. Haif ze spokin zour self for the Counsellis letter in zour recommendatioun. Gif not, it wer meet to remember it to my Lord Duke, Erll Boithuile, or Sir Robert Melvill alssone as myct be, and to lett me haif zour awin opinioun gif thair salbe twa letters or gif ane for bayth purposes sall suffice." Signed: A. Hay.
½ p. Holograph, also address. Indorsed by Asheby: "Re. the 26 December."
330. Lord John Hamilton to William Asheby. [Dec. 23.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 234.
"According to zour desyir I have writtin ane lettir to her majeste, ane uther to Mr. Secretare in zour favouris. And in respect of zour luiffing mynd towardes me, quhairin forder I may do pleasur to zow or ony zouris I will pray zow charge and ze sall find me reddy as zour maist speciall and faithfull freind to do for zow to the uttermost of my power." Hamilton. Signed: "Zour assurit frinde at pouar, J. Hammilton."
⅓ p. Addressed.
331. The Council of Scotland to Elizabeth. [Dec. 31.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 236.
"Understanding be zour servaunt Mr. William Assheby, zour lait resident ambassadoure heir, of zour will and pleasoure signifeit to him twitcheing his returne unto zoure hienes, and that zour servaunt Mr. Robert Bowes, thesaurar of Beruick, suld remane in the like charge and service heir for zour hienes; we have ressavit him according to zour majesties recommendatioun, trusting he sall do thay gude offices that may interteny the continuance of the amytie betuix zour hienes and the King oure soverane, and the present quietnes and gude nychtbourheid betuix zour realmes and subjectis. Quhairunto we will not faill to hald hand be all the meanys lyand in ws. And for this gentleman zour hienes servaunt that now returnis, we can not omit to testefie unto zour majestie that during the tyme of his remanyng and negotiatioun in this realm, alsweill befoir the departing of the King our souerane lord to Noroway as sensyne, he hes behavit him selff very dewtefullie and diligentlie to our knawlege in all respectis." Edinburgh.
¾ p. Copy. Indorsed: "Copy of the Counsellis lettre to the Queen's Majeste of England, 31 Decembris, 1589."
332. William Asheby to James VI. [Dec. 31.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 238.
Being revoked the second time he is forced to depart, though to his grief, for the desire he had to see the King's arrival with his Queen. Yet he rejoices to leave Scotland in amity with England, and settled in peaceable tranquillity.
Had hoped on the King's return to utter his zeal and honour towards him, but that is frustrate. Craves the King's approbation of his carriage here, and that he will vouchsafe a few lines of favour to her majesty; professing his readiness to serve the Scottish King before all princes, saving his own mistress.
1⅓ p. Copy. Indorsed: "Copie of a lettre to the King of Scotland in Norwaie."
333. Articles to be observed by all the Prechers and Office Bearers in the Kirk of Scotland. [Dec.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 246.
"All prechers of the wourd and officers in the kirke, aswell for conscience sake as for there naturall dutie, shall with all humilitie yeld there obedience to the Kinges majestie, and observe and obey all his lawes and commaunde made and to be made, not directlie impugning the written wourd of God."
"Thei nor none of them shall pretend immunitie or priviledge in there allegiance, nor appeale from his majestie to anie other judge or jurisdiccion for the triall, censuring or punishment of whatsoever thing that in whatsoever place thei speake or do that maie concerne his majestie in honor, state, or suertie, and therefore thei nor none of them shall meddle in matters of estate or civill besides there calling. And also thei nor none of them shall publiklie rebuke or in any wise revile his majestie, nor declaime against his majesties person, estate, counsell, or lawes, but shall signifie there greife to his majestie in private, and crave most humblie remedie thereof by ordinarie and lawfull meanes."
"Thei shall in publique doctrine and private speches speak reverentlie of his majesties person, estate, counsell, and lawes, and to there uttermost travell to contein the whole subjectes in there due obedience to his hienes; preach the same at all occacions, and do what in them lyeth to conserve the publique peace, and abstein in all thinges aswell in doctrine as in example that maie publikelie or privatelie, directlie or indirectlie withdrawe the hartes of the people from the due obedience, love, or reverence thei owe to his majesty, or that in anie wise maie disturbe the common quietnes."
"Thei shall abstein from all faccion, privie preaching by the common order in publique or privit places or anie such quiet conventicles thereby to make anie pa[rt of] his majesties subjectes to conceave that anie persecucion is usid or intended against them, nor shall in anie wise move them to mislike of his majesties proceadinges."
"Thei shall not alledg the inspiracion of the Holy Sprite, except so farr as agreeth with the holie scripture, ether when thei are accused upon there factes or speaches, or when thei would do or refuse to doe that wantes expresse warrant of the wourd so to doe or so to refuse; but by the contrarie when thei offend and are attached thereof, not to be ashamed trulie to graunt there offence as men, and humblie to crave pardon as subjectes, nor serve themselves with the coler of conscience to doe or refuse the things that thei want ether good reasons so for to doe or refuse."
"And in token of there consentes the pastours have subscribed to theise articles."
12/3 pp. Copy in Asheby's hand.
334. James Hudson to Walsingham.
(fn. 3) "in 84 or ther abowts the Master of Olyphant, eldest sune to the lord Ollyphant namid Olyphant, with Robert Dowglas, seldest sune and heyr to the lard of Lawghlevin, now Earl of Morttone, with sume gentlemen ther servants—beinge bowin four Franc—ewer in fyght shott under watter and ther ship sunk. But theas gentlemen escapid in the shipboat, and wer takin by a piratt or mane of warr and caryed to the coast of Barbarei and ther sold as slaves."
"And it is credable informid that theas two noble men wer alyke in great servituid in the castell off Allgeris, ther imployd in all baess works as al other slaves ar within the spaece of theas sevin yearis. The ambassadors desyer to your honor is that yow wold be pleasid to procuer favor of theas ambasadors, that he may send a gentleman with theme whome they wil favor with ther meanis and credit, in thoes parts, to searche and inqwyer in al plassis for theas noble men. And that al lawful favor mae be shauid, and that they wil also help and assist to compound and to agrei for reason in ther redempsyon, and that by ther meanis intelygence may be returnid to your honors owin hands from them selves, notwithstanding this gentlemans imployment, for al ther frends better sattisfacsyon, wherby your honor shal nott only oblyg this gentleman to your honor but also many noble men, and doe a great deid of honorable pietei."
1 p. In Hudson's hand. Indorsed.
335. State of Scotland.
A copy of No. 576 vol. ix. Cal. Scot. Papers (S.P. Scotland, Elizabeth, vol. 44, No. 104).
336. Scottish men and women receiving pensions from the King of Spain. Printed in Letters of John Colville, Ban. Club, p. 331.
½ p. Indorsed.