Calendar of State Papers, Scotland: Volume 10, 1589-1593. Originally published by His Majesty's General Register House, Edinburgh, 1936.
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'James VI: January 1590', in Calendar of State Papers, Scotland: Volume 10, 1589-1593, ed. William K. Boyd, Henry W. Meikle (Edinburgh, 1936), British History Online [accessed 9 March 2025].
'James VI: January 1590', in Calendar of State Papers, Scotland: Volume 10, 1589-1593. Edited by William K. Boyd, Henry W. Meikle (Edinburgh, 1936), British History Online, accessed March 9, 2025,
"James VI: January 1590". Calendar of State Papers, Scotland: Volume 10, 1589-1593. Ed. William K. Boyd, Henry W. Meikle (Edinburgh, 1936), British History Online. Web. 9 March 2025.
In this section
James VI: January 1590
337. John Copcot to Robert Naunton. 1589-90. [Jan. 1.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 240.
Thanks Naunton for his letter, which he could not answer sooner, being sick at Lambeth. Encloses a letter from Mr. Bancroft, and prays Naunton to answer his desire, and if any thing be published against the said Bancroft to let him know. From Corpus Christi College in Cambridge.
½ p. Holograph. Addressed.
Enclosure with the same.
(Richard Bancroft to Robert Naunton).
Though not acquainted with Naunton, Bancroft is beholden to him for the letter he wrote to Dr. Copcot, which letter his friends have considered. Bancroft had written a letter "to the chief of the great Rabbies" but hearing that a book against his sermon has been written and will be printed he has stayed his letter. It appears by Naunton's letter how greatly Bancroft is bound to Asheby; for which the archbishop of Canterbury and the Lord Chancellor will thank him. Had no intent to offend the ministers there. "We are pressed with examples of other churches to the imbracinge of that most counterfeyt and falsly patched up government which is tearmed the presbitery, a meere humane device devised by shiftinge and sleight, attayned by tiranny and bloud, and mainteyned with untollerable pride"; so he thought good to give warning by the miserable state of the church of Scotland, "least we should fall into the like desolation." Asks for satisfaction on the points enclosed. Is well acquainted with the course held for the erection of that government ever since James V., and has read of the stratagem at Stirling when the King was taken, but Naunton may learn more than is mentioned in the English chronicle of Scotland. Also he conceives that ministers of Scotland— especially Mr. Melvin—have procured letters from Beza and others beyond the seas concerning their ratifying of the church government there established; which letters he would like to see; "for thereby it will appere what very false reportes have been made by them both of the Kinge and of the bishopes there: upon which untrue suggestions the sayd learned men did write otherwise then they wold have done if they had knowen the truth." To accomplish this, Naunton must appear desirous to embrace their devices if he might see the judgements of Beza and other learned men of France, etc. Bancroft would like copies of the ministers' letters to Beza and others, to be sent to him, sealed, under cover to Mr. Ashly of the Privy Council. Lambeth 23 Dec. 1589. Signed: Rich. Bancrofte.
2 pp. Addressed.
Enclosure with the same:—
("Questions to be resolved.")
1. "Consideringe the Kinges edict, 1584, how it came to passe that the bishops were so sone overthrowne agayne, and the presbiteryes so sone reestablished: and of the circumstances of that action."
2. How many presbyteries there be in Scotland; whether one in every parish as of old? How many parishes they have put into one, and whether every parish has a preaching pastor and a catechising doctor?
3. How many elders are in a presbytery, and whether such men as St. Paul requireth a bishop to be qualified: how many deacons, and whether qualified as St. Paul's deacons?
4. If no ministers be allowed but preachers, and that some parishes have therefore none at all; in destitute parishes who christens the children, and what public prayer have they on week-days and Sundays?
5. If many parishes are become one, what is done with the old churches: how far are men constrained to come to their presbytery church, and how often: how are churches kept in reparation?
6. Have the consistories any set jurisdiction: is the King exempt from their censures: "by what authority doe they commaund any man to appere before them?" Are persons accused of adultery or such-like first convicted before the civil magistrate and afterwards returned to ecclesiastical censures?
7. If the person be punished and penitent, do they proceed further by their censures?
8. "If a man suppose himselfe to be injuried by any presbiteriall consistory, whether may he appeale? and whither?"
9. Is any distinction now kept between civil and ecclesiastical causes?
10. Is all the canon law abrogated, and every consistory a law unto itself?
11. Do the consistories proceed in such causes as come before them by number of voices?
12. "What places have the ministers and consistorian elders there in parlayment?" Have they voices in all causes? And what power has the laity?
13. Have they conferences, dioceses, synods?
14. If they have synods, may the ministers and elders also assemble extraordinarily, and by whose command?
15. May the governors of any particular presbytery do what they think expedient for their congregation on their own authority?
16. What authority has the King in meetings of ministers and elders; has he a negative voice; can they proceed against him with ecclesiastical censures?
17. Also concerns the King's authority.
18. "What maintenawnce for livinge have the ministers?" Also enquiries as to livings and tithes.
19. As to the pay of "lay or rulinge elders."
20. What account is made of ministers, elders, and the presbyterial government; "and what great reformation of manners doth thereby appere?"
21. "What course hath been held by the presbiteries agaynst the archbishop of St. Andrewes?"
22. "Whether is Buchanan's treatise 'De jure regni apud Scotos' approved there by the consistorians, and the contents therof allowed for good doctrine?"
23. How have the ministers dealth with the Kinge from time to time?"
3 pp.
338. Privy Council of Scotland to Elizabeth. [Jan. 2.] Cott. Calig., D. I., fol. 430.
"We ressavit zour letter of the f . . . (fn. 1) ber be zour servaunt Robert Bowes thesaurare of Beruick . . . his credite deliverit to ws in zour hienes name, perceaving . . . the guid affectioun of zour Majestie towardis zour dearest broth[er] our souverane, and zour greate cair for the preservatioun of thi . . . now in his absence, quhen indeid the frute of trew freindship . . . to be knawen; quhairof we maist humbly thank zour Ma[jestie]. With sum of his counsellouris and servauntis latelie returnit f[rom No]roway we understand the like gude affectioun in him toward . . . with a speciall directioun to caus gude correspondence be ke . . . bordouris, and to learne quhat preparatioun is intendit in Spain . . . the next zeir: as we looke zour Majestie sall heir fro him [self as] the difficultie of the passage and seasoun possibly will per[mit]. [For] our awin pairtis, na vigilancy dewitie and loyaltie sall . . . ws that may further the accomplishment of the King our ma . . . and directioun left ws, and latelie renewit frome Nor[oway, a]greing in effect with zour hienes awin advise. And howso . . . find ony speciall and certane grundis of any suspitious deal[ing of] quhatsoevir subjectis of this realme, tending to the disturb[ing and] indaungering of the King our maisteris estait and making of . . . in his absence, we salbe cairfull to prevent and represse . . . [prac]tizes and attemptis that sall fall out or that we may haif . . . of, louking as neade sall requyre for zour Majesteis guid a . . . quhilk we doubt not the King our maister sall maist thankfully . . . and acquite: and quhill his returning we sall omit na dil . . . promptitude lyand in our habilitie that may supplie his pairt." Edinburgh. Signed: Le[nnox]; Culros; Coldenknois; Parbrothe controller; Ormiston; Dignauall; Barnbarrach; D . . .
¾ p. No flyleaf or address.
339. Concerning debts of François de Civille. [Jan.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 253.
"Abraham Hwme. Johne Edzear (fn. 2) is the man quha suld pay ony det for Monsieur Civill."
Small note.
340. Thomas Murray, James VI.'s furrier, to Walsingham. [Jan. 6.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 247.
"This present is to schaw zour lordschip that I had almost become ane Papist, had not the richt virschipfull Maister Asby, the Quenis majesties ambassadour, preventit the samyn be his courtesie and liberalitie, he knawing that zour lordschip had to fore ane gude vill towartis me, zour lordschip maist humbill servand. And in hoip of zour guide vill and favoure I am bauld to writt thir fewe lynis unto zour lordschip to avoyde ingratyde, or at the leist to schaw the purie guid vill I do beare unto zour lordschip, thanking God Almychty that I had in my lyffe the creditt to be in favour vith ane vich is renommed the most vertuous and visest in Europe; beseking zour lordschip to accept this my puire guide vill, and alsua to vritt unto Maister Bowis, quha remanis presentlie ambassadour, to schaw me the lyk favour that Maister Asby hes done, quhilk vas for the favour he beris unto zour lordschip; nott doubting bot zour lordschip vill be myndfull of me and to schaw the guid vill zour lordschip beris unto [sic], and to vritt unto Maister Bowis for the samyn effect. Uthirvayis me lord schaw the Quenis majestie I vill become ane plane Spanizarde, and that the samyn be allowit as mekill man that is imployit in our countrey, and mak acompt of me as ane of the nobilitie, for I am asured I sall never be forfaltit in parliament to vritt sua familiar unto zour lordschip."
"Vith my humbill commendationis to zour lordschip bedfallow and to zour lordschip dochter."
2 pp. Holograph. Addressed.
341. William Asheby to Burghley and Walsingham. [Jan. 9.]
The evening before I was to enter my journey homewards these letters enclosed were brought to me by one that the Catholics here meant to have employed for their conveyance to their accomplices in London. I acquainted Mr. Bowes therewith, and meant to reserve them till I could give you more information by word of mouth; but being hindered by the badness of the ways, the weather, and my indisposition of body, I have despatched them to you with a disguised alphabet sent me by Mr. Bowes since my departure from Edinburgh, that you may take order to prevent their designs. Morpeth. Signed: W. Asheby.
1 p. Holograph. Addressed.
Draft of the same.
Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 249.
(Three enclosures with the same, the two first being letters in cipher, and the third the key as follows):—
"T.D.R." "Clavis:" "Arma virumque cano."
M. de S. "Clavis:" "Apta magis Veneri quam sunt tua corpora Marti."
"T. B. is Thomas Barkley, Scot; he dwells at the furthest end of the falburgs of Aldgate, as ye goe to the Milend Greene, besides the church at the signe of the 'Bull with the Goulden Hornes.'"
"Deliver him both the letters. He will know whom to give the other. John Duncan bare letters before to an Irish gardiner dwelling nere to Clerkinwell, then suspecting no such contentes: his name unknowen; a grosseman. A glover, a neighbour of his in Smithfield, red bearded; lately maried an ould woman. A third Scottisman, his nere kinsman, one for whose security he is carefull, as also for his owne. John More, one not unknowen to the rest, strongly suspected by him for accessary, but in conscience he cannot accuse him further then upon presumption."
"That four Irishmen to come out of Irland of purpose, two Frenchmen, and as many Scotts ar to meete and consult in the said Irish gardiners house as upon the 2th of February next, about a treacherous conspiracie against her majestes person, etc."
2/3 p. Indorsed: ""Letters from Dunkan."
342. Thomas Morgan to the bishop of Dumblane. [Jan.]
"Yeasternyght late I receved some letters from [the bishop of Dumblane] (fn. 3) of the 3 of this instant, with some other for his kinsman—who is at Antwerpe as I sayde in my former letters—and annother from [the Duke of Savoy] in favor of him and [Morgan]; for the which I acknoledge my selfe on the behalfe of [Morgan] muche indebted unto the honor and good memorie that [the bishop of Dumblane] ever conservethe of [Morgan], whose lyfe and labors shalbe ever at [the bishop of Dumblane] his comandement. And so I beseeche your good lordship to assure [the bishop of Dumblane], and further to tell him that I thinke he honorethe and trustethe [Morgan] the more, in that it pleased him to conjoyne his kinsman and [Morgan] in the letter of recommendations from [the Duke of Savoy]."
"But all the letters in the world will litle prevayle with suche as deale principallie in the affayres of [Flanders] (fn. 4), which goe not forward as it is to be wished, by reason of the jalousie entred betwene [the King of Spain] and [the Duke of Parma] which hathe continued two yeares, to the prejudice of the common good, and [the King of Spain] his service in particular. But there is some apparance that they be bothe nowe at better tearmes, and [the Duke of Parma] is well for his healthe, thankes be to God."
"I will advertyse [the bishop of Dumblane] his kinsman of his pleasure in all thinges, and comfore [sic] to the same geve him my best advise in all thinges, for I trust and honor all those that apparteyne to [the bishop of Dumblane] as I do those that be most deare to me, and so I take them to be. And when [the bishop of Dumblane] his kinsman comethe hither, we shall conferre how to use [the Duke of Savoy] his letters to do some service; but during his absence I will do nothinge in the matter withowt him."
"We see by experience that the great ones of this tyme, for all ther zeale to do good, are not so forward therin onelesse ther be some cause for ther particular interest to pushe them forwardes. And therfore it was wyselie doone of [the bishop of Dumblane] to bringe [the Duke of Savoy] to apprehend the swetenes of the place and chardge and honor which [the Duke of Parma] howldethe, as in deede a place most dew to [the Duke of Savoy] all thinges considered. And besydes [the King of Spain] cann geve [the Duke of Savoy] no suche honor as the governement of [Flanders]; wherfore lett [the bishop of Dumblane] keepe [the King of Spain] and [the Duke of Savoy] in that humor which I hope will advaunce both the publike and other particulars, and speciallie [the bishop of Cassano] his case, who cann never requite [the bishop of Dumblane] his honor and love towardes [the bishop of Cassano]. It may be well sayd that [the King of Spain] hathe dealt well with [the Duke of Parma] to honor him with the place he hadd so manie yeares in [Flanders], wherby God knowethe what he reapt for him selfe and his. The envye to [the bishop of Cassano] his merites and Godes giftes in him is marvelouse great, and the grownd of the malice that [Cardinal Allen] and his beare to [Morgan] is, for that he is so sownd a frend to [the bishop of Cassano], who is thowght to be one worthie to have a good place, which they cannot abyde at anie hand."
"[Father Holt] playeth filthie playes in [Flanders], and hinderethe [Father Creichton] and others by his persuasions, and devydethe them of [England] into factions. [Morgan] hath alreadie complayned of [Father Holt] to his superiors, whearat he stormethe as one that hadd that opinion of his dexteritie and creditt, and the countenaunce of [Cardinal Allen], as no man durst have spoken agaynst his nawghtie deportementes: but [Morgan] hathe spoken therin, and will say more to others his betters in [Rome]; for the cowrse of proceedinge howlden by [Cardinal Allen] and his is so violent, and ther expectation so great, as all [England] and [Scotland] must obey and serve them, as in all orderlie and Christian proceedinges with indifferencie [Morgan] wowld serve them with the effusion of his blowde."
"It is more then tyme that [the bishop of Cassano], or some other be advanced for the comon good, and to counterpeyse [Cardinal Allen] and his, and to helpe to conserve unitie and conformitie in the handlinge of the affayres, and in preferring and directinge of those over whom they have and shall have chardge."
"Albeit [the bishop of Dumblane] his kinsman and successor be a worthie man, and well occupied in the chardge he hathe, yeat he is not able there to yeald that frute and service to the publike and his countrie which he cowld do in [Rome] or in [Spain]: and therfore I beseche your lordship to consider that he may be called to some other place to serve the publike cause, his frendes, and countrie owt of the which ther be few or none—[the bishop of Dumblane] excepted—that travayle in the present and cann so do. And [Scotland] hathe neede of some speciall membre to lyve in [Rome] and in [Spain], uppon whose honor and integritie the same may relye. [The bishop of Glasgow] and [the bishop of Ross] be profitable wher the [sic] be, but ther wowld be some one of ther ranke advanced and placed besydes [the Pope] and [the King of Spain]; and I take [the bishop of Dumblane] his successor to be meetest man of his countrie to be advanced and imployed in the comon cause, which he cowld advance if he were in [Rome] or in [Spain], havinge withall the assistance of [the bishop of Dumblane] and [the bishop of Cassano] to concurre with him sowndlie. [The King of Spain] is able to advaunce daylie suche a man as [the bishop of Dumblane] his successor is, wherin my good wyll and advyse shall not want."
"I pray your good lordship to deale to have a good resolution to bestow [the bishop of Dumblane], [the bishop of Cassano], and [the bishop of Dumblane] his successor in some principall places abowt of [the King of Spain] and [the Duke of Savoy], and to settle in [Paris] some speciall personages, and in [Flanders] some others to entertayne with [the bishop of Dumblane, the bishop of Cassano], and [the bishop of Dumblane] his successor good correspondence, and to do in ther severall places all other good offices."
"Ther be manie able membres of [England] and [Scotland] that will concurre with the travayle and honor of the sayd personages, And in deede [Paris] is a speciall place for manie causes to do service. Iff [the bishop of Dumblane] will procure [the Duke of Savoy] to deale with [the King of Spain] and [the Duke of Parma] to geve [Morgan] licence for ther service to lyve in [Paris], and that [the bishop of Dumblane] will procure his most Reverend Generall to chard [sic] his reverend bretheren in [Paris] to lodge [Morgan] by ther discretion amonges them or nyghe them, and to have his diet with them and his pension payed from tyme to tyme in [Paris] as it was heertofore by the handes of [the King of Spain] his principall minister there; heere I offer for the comon good and honor of [the bishop of Dumblane] and all his to returne to [Paris], and from thence uppon this condition I hope to yeald [the bishop of Dumblane] and all his good information of the estate of [France, England] and [Scotland], and to make [the Pope, the King of Spain] and the Duke of Savoy] ther ministers well satysfyed with my labors; and that my frendes shall have honor therby which I desire."
"Wherfore it may please your lordship to conferre of this poynt substanciallie with [the bishop of Dumblane], and desire him before his departure towardes [Spain] or [Rome] to settle this purpose, which is easelie browght to passe by the instance of [the Duke of Savoy] to [the Duke of Parma], and by the labors of [the bishop of Dumblane] to his sayd generall and brethren in [Paris]. And when [the bishop of Dumblane] commethe to [Spain] he may deale with [the King of Spain] to geve ordre to his principall minister in [Paris] to continue [Morgan] his pension ther unto him by the handes of [Don Bernardino Mendoza] or suche as shall have his place and chardge in [France]. By this meanes, and by confirminge the Reverend Religious of [the bishop of Dumblane] his ordre in [Paris] in a sownd amitie and intelligence with me, [the bishop of Dumblane] and [the bishop of Cassano] and all ther dispersed may relye uppon my labours, and by Gode's assistaunce looke for service at my handes."
"[Cardinal Allen] is to come to [Flanders], where as thinges be handled I cann expecte but all hard favour, and so be lesse able to serve my countrie and frendes, which I doo foresee as I owght to do. And this consideration, and especiallie the service I may do to my frendes and countrie, move me to offer my selfe to this condition, which I take in the present to be best to all eventes. Besydes that I graunte unto your lordship I have a particular affection and love to those of [the bishop of Dumblane] his reverend ordre, that I thinke my selfe muche honored and comforted to converse and lyve with theme whose vertuous lyfes and dyet content me excedinglie. And further they participate with the principall of [France], wherby I with them and they with me may be profetable when as we shall lead owre lyves and labors to one end together as we do beinge dispersed."
"And therfore lett [the bishop of Dumblane] setle this matter as shalbe best for us all, and the sooner the better."
"The Duke of Lorayne and his wowld be browght to concurre with [the Duke of Savoy] to honor [the bishop of Dumblane] and [the bishop of Cassano] and ther labors. And your lordship knowethe that the house of Lorrayne standethe well with his majestie Catholique and all his. And [the bishop of Dumblane] his brethren in [Paris] be able to weighe the Duke of Lorayne and all his to do what they please. But the good brethren want a man abowt them to lay before ther eies the opportunitie and meanes to serve and honor ther Generall, [the bishop of Dumblane], and [the bishop of Cassano], and suche others as they tender and desire to advaunce, which I leave to the grave consideration of [the bishop of Dumblane], and herin attend his resolution with speed; and so I pray your lordship to tell him."
"And seeing it hathe pleased [the bishop of Dumblane] to make [Morgan] known to [the Duke of Savoy], and that he hathe writen as he did in favor of [Morgan], I fynd now that [Morgan] is bownd, as well for the dew acquitall of him selfe towardes [the Duke of Savoy], as also for the honor of [the bishop of Dumblane], to seeke by all agreable meanes to make [the Duke of Savoy] to undrestand by effecte that [the bishop of Dumblane] comended unto [the Duke of Savoy] a gentleman that is thankefull and readie to serve [the Duke of Savoy]; to which end I shall deale with [Morgan] to dedicate his labors, for the considerations above sayd, and for the good and honor of [the bishop of Dumblane] and [the bishop of Cassano]."
"But to the end that [Morgan] may the better yeald some contentment to [the Duke of Savoy], [the bishop of Dumblane] must deale with him to appoynt some abowte him of the best sort, to whom [Morgan] may write his mynd confidentlie, to be imparted to [the Duke of Savoy] as tyme and place shall require: and the meanes how ther intelligence may be well continued, which cannot be without an alphabet: and therfore lett [the bishop of Dumblane] procure that [the Duke of Savoy] may send me the same, wherby I shall serve him, and by all the meanes I may honor [the bishop of Dumblane] and [the bishop of Cassano] and ther labors. And I am assured that suche as [the Duke of Savoy] is desirethe nothinge more then to be served and honored, which I leave lykwyse to good [bishop of Dumblane] his consyderation, who may also tell [the Duke of Savoy] that [Morgan] is an honest frend to [the bishop of Dumblane] and [the bishop of Cassano]."
"[The Duke of Parma] his soone showld have beene advanced to have beene [cardinal], but it was differred, I perceve, at this last tyme; which [the Duke of Parma] dothe not take in the best part."
"Monsieur Jean Baptista de Tassis, the veedor generall for his majestie Catholique in this countrie, and a good servant to his majestie Catholique and to the publike cause, is at this present uppon his departure towardes Spayne, where he must be honored and respected for his longe good service. He is lyke to passe by the Duke of Savoy, to whom he is well known, besydes that as farre as I remember his brother or his kinsman his wyfe is attendant uppon the Duchesse of Savoy."
"I wishe that your lordship mett with Monsier de Tassis when he comethe to the Duke of Savoy, because he is a personage of honor, and fitt to take the chardge of anie thinge that wilbe sayd to him on the behalfe of the Duke of Savoy to his majestie Catholique, besydes that I wowld your lordship weare acquaynted well with the sayd personage for your owne and your frendes contentment. He is my good frend and knowethe [Cardinal Allen] and [Father Parsons], [Father Creichton], [Father Hay] and the principall of all owrs and youres in banishement; but [the bishop of Cassano] he knowethe not accordinge to his merites otherwyse then that I have sayde my mynd of [the bishop of Cassano]. Sometyme it weare well that the Duke of Savoy and [the bishop of Dumblane] made Monsieur de Tassis to know [the bishop of Cassano] and suche a membre as he is in deede."
"Iff your lordship have cause to see the sayd Monsieur de Tassis, I pray your lordship to lett him know at your handes that your lordship dothe know that I honor him and acknoledge all his favores towardes me and my frendes. As farre as I heare, Monsieur de Tassis shall remayne in Spayne to serve his majestie Catholique in speciall chardge, which he deservethe, beinge a personage of great service and experience. Iff your lordship meete with him, as I wowld you did, happelie I hope that will bringe fourthe some frute."
"The suddayne departure of the Kinge of Scotland out of his countrie is lyke to bring no smale alteration and stirre ther in his absence, but all for the best, I hope, if he hadd grace to see his estate and the treason of the Queen of England and the heritykes of England and Scotland conjoyned in one for his ruyne, thowghe he be of ther syde: but God may geve him grace to alter, which I pray God may ensew. And ther is no question but if this opportunitie weare well observed by suche as have principall interest in the publyk, ther is good to be doone with the sayd Kinge. We heare that she of England laborethe to advaunce my Lord Hamelton to the governement of Scotland, which the ministers of Scotland desire also; and she præparethe men towardes the Borders, I warrant your lordship to no good purpose."
"The legate entred at Paris the 17 of this instant. I wowld be gladd to have meanes to serve him, and the rather for the consideration mentioned in [the bishop of Dumblane] his letters. [The bishop of Cassano] hathe ynowghe to do with his portion, and I wowld not gladlie chardge him, but rather helpe him to the uttermost of my power; yeat for manie causes he must helpe [Morgan] in all he may convenientlie, untill God helpe [Morgan] some other wayes. And so muche I pray your lordship to tell him, that he may leave some ordre to geve [Morgan] some credit in [Flanders] in case requisite. The more forward [the bishop of Cassano] shalbe to helpe [Morgan], the lesse will he take unlesse it be in some causes that importe us all verie muche. And [Morgan] is not owt of hope to recover his awne injurouslie deteyned from him, all which beinge recovered shall ever walke to serve God and suche as deserve well."
"We must suspend owre judgement of [the prior of Carthusians] his sylence all this while, trustinge that he will geve us satisfaction at the laste. As I wrot to [the bishop of Dumblane] it was writen to me that [the prior of Carthusians] was gone to [the bishop of Cassano]. I have borne and do beare not a little for [the prior of Carthusians] his sake, whom [Cardinal Allen] and his so muche mislyke. And unlesse good foresyght be hadd they will remove him from his place, and to that end tendethe the cowrse they have in hand. And ther is great diligence taken to conserve him and his brethren at difference, which is a merveylouse ungodlie manere of procedinge; yeat this I know to be upholden by [Father Holt] his endevoures."
"L[ord Paget] his healthe muche decayethe to my greife. He and the rest your frendes heere humblie salute your lordship, and be gladd to heare of your lordship his welfare."
"Ther is a gentleman of honor of [England] heere, a frend of owres verie well qualifyed, and heere intertayned by his majestie Catholike, and he is worthie to serve anie kinge or prince that lyvethe; but here is no respecte hadd of the qualities or merites of men, but all confounded together. I thinke this gentleman well worthie, having all languages, and qualifyed, as I have sayd, to be in thee service of [the Duke of Savoy], wherof he showld have honour and contentment by his labors."
"The man I meane is [Mr. Thomas Throgmorton], my good frend and your servant to his power. Iff your lordship cann bestow him well with [the Duke of Savoy] he showld have honor and service therby, and [Throgmorton] wilbe profetable in the place to his frendes: but reserve thus muche to your selfe, and lett me know your pleasure for answere as soone as your lordship may convenientlie."
"Ther is not owt of [England], I dare bouldlie tell your lordship, a fitter man of [Throgmorton] his qualitie to be abowt a good prince then [Throgmorton] is, whose faythe and honor I know of manie yeares: and [the Duke of Savoy] shall do well to retayne abowt him some speciall man of [England]; wherin I pray your lordship to do your best, and I am assured that hearafter you shall have honour therby; and if the matter succede well, then I wowld have it known that the same matter comethe to passe by the care of [the bishop of Dumblane] and [the bishop of Cassano], to the ende that [Throgmorton] in that place may serve and honor them bothe, as he will whether this take effecte or not: but he knowethe not that I say thus muche of him to your lordship; but in truthe I have his honor and merites before myne eies alwayes, and the service of his honorable familie doone to hir majestie of blessed memorie and to his majestie Catholike, for whose service and the publike cause his house and frendes most deare weare overthrown by the comon enimyes."
"To conclud I beseeche your lordship to imparte the contentes heerof to [the bishop of Dumblane] with speed, and desire him for the comon good and honor and consolation of his frendes to answere me with speede to the poyntes fullie, and to labor to dispose the frendes and servantes that he hathe to concurre with him and his, wher they may yeald most frute to Godes service and honor of ther frendes."
"I have undre [the bishop of Dumblane] his correction assygned unto my selfe my place which I desire to have with the good lyking and allowaunce of [the bishop of Dumblane], his brethren and superiors in [Paris], and continuation of my pension of 40 crowns by the monthe which shall walke necessarilie [sic]. [The Duke of Savoy] and [the bishop of Dumblane] be able to bring this to passe, and [the King of Spain] at [the Duke of Savoy] his mediation and [the bishop of Dumblane] his labors will confirme the matter, which I leave to [the bishop of Dumblane] his wisdome. Albeit I shall some way chardge [the bishop of Dumblane] his brethren and ther howse with my selfe and my mann, yeat I hope to geve them and ther superiors good satisfaction, so that they shall not howld me a chardge, but—I hope—a comforte to them."
"Ther is to depart owt of this countrie under the conducte of Counte Egmond 1500 launces into Fraunce for the service of the Holie League, which I beseche owre Lord to prosper. The warres of Fraunce are lyke to be longe, and by that meanes the publike reformation so muche desired is lyke to be hindred not a litle. We do not expecte that [the King of Spain] cann do anie thinge agaynst England the next yeare."
"The Queen of England bendethe all hir force to assist the Kinge of Navarre, and to kepe Christendome in a continuall garboyle."
"I will do what I cann to entretayne all good membres and subjectes in the service of [the King of Spain] and suche as travayle for him, and to addresse the same to the handlinge of [the bishop of Dumblane] and his frendes; and if he weare once nygh to [the King of Spain] and hadd accesse to him we should labor to dedicate some gratefull service to the handes of [the bishop of Dumblane], thowghe the distance of place betweene us and the occasions of service which is presented, which cannot abyde anie long delay, be a great hindrance manie tymes to the advancement of the good we desire to advaunce."
"Iff [the Duke of Savoy] hadd the principall chardge in [Flanders] he myght store upp all his awne portion, which is honorable, and drawe owt of [Flanders] ynowghe for him selfe and all his with honor, and be well heard of the greatest in the world and respected not a litle. Besydes that which is no smale matter: if [the Duke of Savoy] showld happen to lyve after [the King of Spain], as he may by cowrse of nature, [the Duke of Savoy] wowld goe nyght to carie al [Flanders] to him and his, beinge once in possession of the same; thowghe I hope [the Duke of Savoy] wowld not for anie worldlie respecte do anie acte contrarie to the trust to him committed by [the King of Spain]."
"To be short, ther is no place or dignitie that [the Duke of Savoy] can have comparable to this I speake of, thowgh it be no more but to serve [the King of Spain] and his in [Flanders]: and with this persuasion [the Duke of Savoy] is to be nowrished. And me thinke [the King of Spain] showld lyke well to bestow [the Duke of Savoy] in [Flanders]: and the beginninge of this to effecte I leave to [the bishop of Dumblane] his wisdome."
"All they of [Spain] and others would favor suche an alteration in favor of [the Duke of Savoy]; and thinges have goone backwardes longe in [the Duke of Parma's] tyme. God graunte it may be otherwyse, but how so ever it be this is a subjecte gratefull to [the Duke of Savoy], and the secondes of the same cannot want assistaunce, which I hope [the bishop of Dumblane] and [the bishop of Cassano] shall fynd in [the bishop of Cassano] his case and in all other matters. I lyke mervelows well that [the Duke of Savoy] will applye [the bishop of Dumblane] towardes [the King of Spain] for the advauncement of [the Duke of Savoy] to [Flanders], which I hope will bringe fowrthe good service everie way if the busines take happie issue as I will pray that it may."
"I am verie gladd to fynd [the bishop of Cassano] his love so well grounded towardes [the bishop of Dumblane] his frendes, as [the bishop of Cassano] dothe chose to be assisted in [Spain] by the labors of [the bishop of Dumblane] his nephew, who is an able gentleman to take anie chardge in hand; and to say the truthe it is pittie that one of his vertuouse education and good partes showld lyve and depende uppon the uncertayne entretaynement of this estate unprofetable heere, consideringe he may be utill [sic] in some other place bothe to the publike and to his frendes in particular."
"And as thinges goe heere the longer a man follow this estate and depende uppon the same, thowghe he be never so able to serve, the lesse accounte they make of him in fyne. And therfore lett [the bishop of Dumblane] do his best to provyde els wher for his frendes; and so I pray your lordship to tell him by penn or els by mowthe."
"I have alreadie writen to [the bishop of Dumblane] his nephew the news I have of his honorable uncle, and advysed him to repayre hither with diligence, and so to præpare him selfe to goe towardes [the bishop of Dumblane]."
"I consider that [the Duke of Savoy] his letters welle writen to his alteze and his secretarie Monsieur Castro Massi will procure me lycence to lyve in Fraunce—as I have sayd—; yeat for the avoyding of all jalowsie—which above al measure reignethe in these dayes in the great and smale ons—I will lay downe heere if I cann some breife memories for [the bishop of Dumblane] for the procuringe of those letters. And that it so be that I be licensed to lyve in Fraunce, as I have sayd, I thinke it shalbe good that [the Duke of Savoy] write his letters in favor of me to him that hathe principall chardge for him in [Paris]. Your lordship or at least [the bishop of Dumblane] knowethe whom I meane."
Note. "Writen in Januarie 1590 by [Morgan] his awne hand, and to have beene sent to [the bishop of Dumblane] selfe, as is playnlie gathered by the tenor; then in Savoya in Chiambrie."
4½ pp. Copy. Indorsed: (1) "Morgan's letter to the bushop of Dumblayne." (2) "By this of Morgan to the bushop of Dumblayne in Scotlande, yow may perceave the implacable division that is betwene Cardinal Alen, Father Parsons, Sir Francis Inglefilde on the one bande, and Morgan, Carls Pagget, Thomas Throgmorton in Flanders, the bushop of Cassana, with his adherentes in Rome, the Duches of Feria, my Lord Hungerforde and theyrs els wheare on the other parte, with the bushops of Glasco, Ros and other Skotyshe busshoppes. The effecte of this letter is that the bushop of Dumblayne beinge with the Duke of Savoye showlde persuade hym to procure the govermente of Flanders and remove the Duke of Parma, and take into his service Thomas Throgmorton, and advaunce the bushop of Cassana, whome the contrary parte to Cardinal Alen make theyre hedde."
(Reference, Vol. 47 No. 6).
343. Thomas Lake to Thomas Phelippes. [Jan. [13].]
"Thes two letters in cypher arrived this morning from Mr. Ashby and were delivered to me by my master to decypher according to the alphabett that goeth with them." It is an old-fashioned cipher, and I have forgotten the rules. I am commanded to send it to you, Mr. Secretary being busy in council in the Lord Treasurer's chamber, and to pray you to do it with speed and return answer. Richmond. Signed: Tho. Lake.
Postscript—"I gesse the hand to be the Master of Grayes."
½ p. Holograph, also address. Indorsed by Phelippes.
344. Walsingham to Sir Julius Caesar and Dr. Aubrey. [Jan. 20.] Lansd. MSS., 158, fol. 339.
The lords of the Council, hearing of the hard measure offered to "one John Darumple a Scottish merchant and his parteners by a sea captaine called Captaine Best," who spoiled them to the value of 300li., as contained in their declaration here enclosed, have thought meet that order should be taken for their relief. The Lord Admiral has delivered to the Council Best's bond for his good behaviour that the Scottish men may benefit by the forfeiture thereof; and on account of the injustice of the fact, the poverty of the complainants, and the solicitations of the Scottish ambassador, they desire Sir Julius Cæsar to call the said captain or his sureties before him, and by virtue of their bond and this letter take some course for the satisfaction of the Scottish men. From the court at Richmond. Signed: Fra: Walsyngham.
¾ p. Addressed. Indorsed by Walsingham.
Enclosure with the same:—
(Declaration of Scottish merchants.)
"The xvj of December the yere of God 1588 Johne Darumple and Archibald Maxspadene, marchantes of the toune of Ayre in Scotland, being in thair lafull traid of marchandese going to the Rotchell in France, in thair ship called the Nicholas of Ayre, lodenn withe heringes and clothe to the valeue of iijC and xxxv. lib. starling, was taking at the Couckat upone the cost of France be on Captaen Adames a pyrat. The sameine ship and goodes was immediatlie therefter violentlie taken from the forsaid Adames befor anie dispositione wes maide therof by on Richard Best sonne to Edward Best in London, who hes disponed therupon to his owne proper use and commodite. The said Edward and Richart Bestes do stand bound in the court of the admeraltie not to molest nor troble anie of those that be in league with her majestie. Richard Best, notwithstanding of the bound forsaid, hes sould in the Ille of Wycht and in uther places therabout the saids goodes conteaned in the ship forsade, which he knew did apperteane to Scottishmen, as in his letter unto Mr. Docter Cæsar, judg of the admeraltie, at more lenth it doeth appere."
"My Lord Admerall, upone the complaint of the forsaid Johne Darumple and Archibald Maxspadeine of such cruell and hard dealing aganest them, hes delyvered the bound of Edward and Richard Bestes into there handes, that by the forfatur therof thay may ressave restitutione of there greit losses. Edward Best, not willing to mack anie restitutione to the Scottish men spoliated, doeth alledg his bound not to be forfet because his sonne did tack them frome a pyrat, and therfor ansuerable for no more nor come to the handes of his sonne."
"It may pleas yowr lordships in respect of the premissis to have some regard to the petifull complaint of the pour Scottishmen, and that this mater may be putt to on end to appoint such other docteres as your lordships shall think most expedient to be joyned with Mr. Docter Cæsar, judge of the admeraltie, in heiring of this cause."
1 p. In a Scottish hand.
345. [William Asheby] to [Walsingham.] [Jan. 21.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 257.
I send this bearer, my nephew, to acquaint your honour of my arrival in London, praying your honour to command me "time and place" where I may attend you privately, "and impart such intelligences as my desire is your honour shold be first enformed of before my returne hither be further known."
⅓ p. Draft.
346. William Asheby to Alexander Hay. [Jan. 24.] Eg. MSS., 2,598. fol. 258.
Sends occurrences of France, as received from Monsieur Civille, in grateful remembrance of Hay's good offices. Hopes that the diligence of the common enemies in combining may incite Protestant princes to unite against them. "I cold wish Mr. Coronell Stewarts motive made from his majesty for the ferme colleaguing of our two soveraignis with their ally of Denmarke were speedily prosecuted," that so the threefold cord would be in less danger of breaking. Is sure of the Queen's forward inclination thereto, if it were mentioned to her. Lord Willoughby is returned from France with his men, except four or five who chose to abide there, 24 Jan.
1 p. Draft. Indorsed by Asheby: "To the L. Clark Register the 25 of Jan. 89."
347. Mr Archibald Douglas to Walsingham. [Jan. 27.]
"My nephew, Maister Richarde Dowglas, come to me one Satirday verray layte, derected be the Erll Bothewell wyth some matteris to be opinned to hir majeste. I did forbear to crave audience for presenting of him quhill now, partlye be ressone of his weak constitutione of bodye not able to indure long travell, partlye also be ressone the matteris in thaym self appearis to be of greatar moment than I culd upon the sudden geawe him adwise in what maner thay shuld be followed. Zit at this present I am resolwed that all shalbe layde oppin befor hir majeste, to the end hir hyenes may mak chois of that whiche shall be to hir best lyking; for performing whearof I wold it mycht pleiss your honour to move hir majeste to be pleased that I may onderstand when her leasure may best serve."
"I am bolde to trowble your honour vyth this farre be resson I onderstand my Lord Chamberlain is not at courte. To my Lorde Tresoreir, to his lordship, and to your self, he hath speciall letteris derected, which he vill present eftir the seing of hir majeste." Signed: A. Douglas.
¾ p. Holograph. Addressed. Indorsed.
348. Privy Council of Scotland to Elizabeth. [Jan. 31.] Cott. Calig., D. I., fol. 434.
"Pleis it zour majestie, be the letters ressavit be . . . (fn. 5) hienes our soverane lord we had speciall commandm[ent] . . . and amytie betuix the realmes be intertenyit be a . . . could, quhairunto we have showen all the guidwill ly . . . meanys, God willing, to continew. We wer alswa . . . be zour hienes ambassadour heir resident or utherwis . . . wes intendit in Spane agane this zeir now approche . . . occasioun of intelligence is laitlie fallin out be . . . Spanish bark in this realme, quhilk we have deliv[ered] . . . ambassadour heir resident to be communicat to zour majestie . . . quhais sufficiency we will forbeare to mak lang . . . hienes." Edinburgh. Signed: Bothuell, J. Hamilton, Len[nox], J. Mortoun, Anguss, . . .
½ p. Addressed. Indorsed by Walsingham.
349. William Asheby to [Henry Naunton.] [Jan. 31.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 259.
Being at length returned from Scotland, he could not return [Robert Naunton] his nephew, Henry Naunton's son, without commendation. He has carried himself to Asheby's good liking, and the spending of his time abroad has been no way prejudicial to his progress in study. Commends him to his father's care, and hopes he may be a support to his father and the younger children. London. Signed: W. A.
2/3 p. Draft.